The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 04, 1907, Image 2

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    InWrwt at tha Post-offloa at HLUsaora,
Orsgon, aa Moond-clM Kail aaaUer.
County Official Paper
Subscription : On Dollar par Annum.
John R. Joseph, lata of Lima,
Ohio, haa bought the J. C. Kuratli
tanch of 22 acre, near Phillip,
paying IrJUO lor the propertr. Trie
tale in made through Kuratli
John Hugh, of below Newton,
tu in town thia morning.
Issaed Every Thursday
Harriman raye ha wae asked to
help out lbs Rooaevelt election in
1904, and also aaked to help out
the atate ticket in New York. He
eaya that he gave $50,000 himself
and induced others to raife, with
this sum, 1200,000, and the money
went through Cortelyou'a hands.
Roosevelt says that Harriman is a
liar, and this adds to Teddy's al
ready long list of so-called prevari
cators. unce tnere was a man
whose name is in the Scriptures
who said in his wisdom, "AH men
are liars." Oat west there is
something doing when men are
railed liars, but back in Washing
ton D. C. it seems to be a sort of
parody on senatorial courteey.
Dunne wasbaten in Chicago
and hs simply received what peo
ple get who promise things before
an election and then fail to de
liver the goods.
Circuit court: Joseph Duerst, sued
for alienation of affection of wife
by W. M. Harvey, given until
Ayril 5 to answer. Alio Hitter
j: r l i . .
given uivurvw iroui r reu rwut" ,-j
Court will be here again Monday
Do Too Open Tour Moutis "
TJV vminir hlnl and suln down what
vr food or awdlcliie niay be oftVwd youf
Ur, do you want to Know sonieutinf ui ma
tommvMtton and rharavtw ot thai watch
you taka into your stomach whether as
food ornitHlicitie?
M..t Iniollim'iit and soiiftlbla todm
nnw.t-.Uvt liwwt an knnwlnv vhii thv
employ whether as food or as modlcln.
Dr. nerve believe they nave a perfect
right to insist upon such knowledge. So ha
publlh-ii4is and on each botUe-
w rapper, whauumsadioitres are made or
This mornings market reports,
compiled from Portland quotation,
Valley Wheat, new. 70
Barley-feed, $22(i $22.50 per ton;
brewing, $23; rolled, $23 50! 24.rQ
OaU, White, $2iKa$.U).
Oats, gray, $2S( $2i) tier ton.
Bran, $1S per ton; shorts, $2050
Hay, Valley timothy, $15 00 and
$16.00; grain, $; 00(cif 10 00.
Hay, Clover, $9.
Potatoee, $1 ?5Ci$l.40 per cwt.
Eg, fancy ranch, 1S19j.
Butter, Extra Creamery, 3,"k" 37J
Hops, choice, Still; according
to quality.
Paradoxical as it may appear
it is said that Thaw is frown with
Tbe German Pres. Church of
Bethany held interesting Easter
services Sunday, and a class of
twelve was con6rmed and four
more admitted to the church. Those
who attended say that the class re
cital was one of the finest and moot
accurate ever heard in the church
The confirmation class coneisted of
the following: Fred Heberleio, Al
fred Scbindler, Carl Schultz, Mar
tha Edigar, Ida Dyele, Mary Stucki
Rosa Stucki, Lena Kehrli, Elsie
Groesen and Emma Kuntz. Tbe
new members are: Rose Reinbardt
Arthur Reinbardt, Henry Spies
and Carrie Heberlem. The ex
ercites wens conducted by Rev. A
W. Reinbardt.
For Sale: Fifty acres chared
land in the vicinity of Hillsboro
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line. Fine location
good building , site. Inquire -of
Frank Hovendon, of north of
Reedville, while riding a horse to
the Reedville station after a Sun
day Oregonian, last 8unday, suffer
ed the misfortune to have his sad
die animal fall through a defective
bridge, causing Mr. Hovendon to
lose a large piece of flesh off his
hand and wrist, exposing the ten
dons. It may be necessary yet to
resort to skin grafting- Dr. Link
later attended the injured man as
soon as he could ride to the county
seat. There is a chance that tbe
county will have a bill to pay.
Ladies' knit and muslin under
wear, latest patterns; embroideries
and laces finest line in tbe coun
ty, at H. Wehrpng & Sons.
This paper has been reguested by
' the Deputy District Attorney of
Washington County, to call atten
tion of all mercantile establish
ments to Sec. 19G8 of B AC Code
as amended in 1903. page 167 per
taining to "Sunday closing". This
law applies lo all classes of business
excepting theatres, drug stores, doc'
tor shops, undertakers, livery t table
keepers, butchers and bakers. It
it the purpose of the District At
torney's office to enforce the pro
vision of this law. i
For sale: 10 pounds extra select
Yellow Danver onion seed. J. N.
Miller, Hillsboro, Ore.
The Fireman bad a fairly well
attended meeting last night, and it
was voted to give those who owe
fines another month in which to
pay or be suspended. Tbe fire ladB
were tbe recipients of a surprise in
the nature of a large hamper of
fruit, tendered them ' by Alsom
Souther and wife, in appreciation
of the department's service at the
recent fire at their dwelling.
The Hooeier End Gats Seed
Sower is just tbe thing for grain,
crass seeds, or for sowing land
plaster. At the Nelson Hardware
Company. ' .-
The Hillsboro condenser willsoon
tart work on improvements. Their
warehousecapacity will be enlarged,
and a crew of carpenters will be
employed for about three months.
This looks like ' business. It is
said that they will cover every foot
of ground they have with buildings.
Jacob Trachsel, an industrious
Swiss, of near Cedar Mill, died at
the family home this morning.
Deceased was aged 58 years and 10
months, and was a native of Swit
zerland. Ha leaves a wife and
nine children. A daughter, aged
14, died a week ago Sunday.
KuratH Bros, report a sale of 80
acres, belonging to Mrs. Jabet
Wiikes, to J.-W, Shut, purchased
for its timber. They also report
the tale of two lots in Fulton to B.
Charon, of this city.
Ar jus and Pacific Monthly, $1 50
Administrator's Notice
Xotire in hereby given that the iimier-
sig-tien naa oeen, ot me i ouuiy i-ouri 01
la aahinrtjtn Cnniitv. Oreimn. auittiintiHl
administrator of the estate of Cbarles
Anderson, deceased, and hits only ninth
tied at such. All persons having claim
against said estate are hereby noli tied to
present Uieiu to me, with pruper vouch
ers, at me law onice or v . . tiarrt-tl, al
Hillauoro. Washington County, Oregon.
within six months from the date of this
Dated this April 3, 1907.
Administrator of the Estate of Charles
Anderson, Ieceased.
W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Adminis
trator. -
The Specialists.
I MET a specialist one day.
He would not pass me by.
But aaid in a peculiar way,
"You fiave an eye!"
Too bad, too bad. too bad!
I felt, by Jove, I had:
He took my case in charge.
Now 1 must go around
Three times a week until,
I fear, the trump shall sound.
Another day by chance
I came a person near.
Ha eald. with eagle gltinc.
"You have au ear!"
I clapped my hand to head;
'Twaa there, upon the dt-ai!
He took my cane In charge.
And now at 2 p. m.
On avery other day
I pass an hour with him.
Twaa on a Friday eve
Unlucky day. In sooth
A man remarked, "Believe. ,
You have a tooth!"
. There wasn't e'en a doubt
The secret dark was out!
He took my case in charge.
And when he Isn't busy
He drills for fun on roe
Until I'm fairly tflsxy.
But worst oh, worst, oh, worst!
A widow full of art
I met! Bha said at first. V
; "Tou have a heart!"
Too bad, too bad, too bad!
I found In fact I had!
the took my case In charge, .
And now, unlucky man, '
1 always go around
At often as I can!
Florida Times-Democrat
A Debatable Polat.
The Philosophic One-Yon can only
make money by ard labor."
Tbe Amiable Oue-Well, I duuno; I
done six months once and didn't come
out very rich. Ta tier.'
Protested Proverbs.
"Ton can't Judge by appearances.'
Can't you, though! ilow else can you
judge an actor but by bin appearance?
"Never gay die." Nice, prosperous
undertaker you'd make with that mot
to, wouldn't you? ; .
"Marry In baste and repent at lei
sure." Bosh! Married men don't have
any leisure. -
"Give toe devil fala due." What' the
use of bothering? He's aure to get It
"Seeing la believing." Not always,
Tour wife gees you when you come
home late from "sitting up with a sick
friend," but ahe doesn't believe you.
"Faint heart ne'er won fair lady."
Well, what of It? Ours la a bmnette.
Boaton Transcript.
' Tha Paradoxical Barglar.
"It was too much education that
landed me here, mum," aaid tbe bur
glar to tbe visitor at the penitentiary.
I had an assistant who was born In
Boston. One night we had a good sec
ond atory Job, but he queered the
whole thins at the last minute." .
"How do you mean?" asked the vis
"When I told him to climb un the
down spout to get tbe swag out of tbe
second atory, he said, 'I refuse to do
anything so paradoxical,' and Just then
the copper woke up and collared us."-Judge.
- Hit (lag Him Back.
An elegant young man aei-zeil a thiuf
on the platform of a train, crying, "Are
you not ashamed to follow so disgrace
ful a profession?"
"And are you not ashamed." demand.
ed tbe other, "to go so well dressed
wlthoatm "Oocketbook bont tvon ?" 1 1
m-Cll urttiviu w MJ y IVffTi llfl?
theiiigrMii'nta"'of which his medicines
are made are Miidiyvl snd understood Ilia
re will their superior curative vlrtuef
be aSIiriviiilisL.
For the cure ot womtn'a peculiar weak
nesM. Irregularities and derangement,
giving rise to frequent headaches, back
ache, dragglng-don u pain or distress In
lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom
panied, ofttitne, with a debilitating,
pelvic, catarrhal dralu and kindred symp
toms of weakness. Dr. IMeree's Favorite
tn-urlntlin Is a most efticient remedv.
It is equally effective in curing painful
periods, in giving strength to nursing
mothers and in preparing tha system of
the expectant mother tor baby's coming,
thin reiHierlinr childbirth safe and com
paratively painless. The Kavorlt I're
ac ription Mm most potent, strengthening
tonic to the general system aud to the
organs distinctly feminine In particular.
It is also a soothing and Invigorating
nervine and cures nervous exhaustion,
nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria,
spasms, chorea ur Vitus a dance, and
other distressing nervous symptoms at
tendant i! on functional and organic dl
eases of the distinctly feminine organs.
A host of medical authorities of all the
several schools of practice, recommend
each of the several ingredients ot which
Favorite 'Prescription is mada for tha
cure of the diseases lor wn le ft it iseiaimeu
to be a cure. You may read w hat thev
sav for wmrwlf bv sending a postal card
request for a frr booklet ot extracts
from the leading authorities, to Ir. K. V.
Pierce, Invalids Hotel and Surgical In
stitute, ltulTalo. N. Y., and it will coma to
you by return post.
High Priced Elections.
A century ago elections In England
were costly a (fairs. Iu one case half
a million pounds was spent on one
election alone. This was the great
contest for Yorkshire, In which the can
didates were Viscount Milton, the Hon.
Henry Lascelles aud Mr. Wllberforce,
Wllberforce won at a cost of 58,000.
"with every resource of the moat rigid
economy and great voluntary assist
ance In labor."
Mrs. Fanny Kemble tells us of an
other Yorkshire contest, where the
money seems to have been spent Juat
as freely. Mrs. Weutworth Beaumont
Is the heroine. "She, then a very old
lady, drove In ber traveling carriage to
Downing street and, demanding to see
tbe prime minister, with whom ahe
was well acquainted, accosted btni
thus: 'Well, my lord, are you quite de
termined to make your man stand for
our seat? 'Yea, Mrs. Beaumont, I
thhik quite determined. 'Very well,
replied tbe lady, 'I am on my way
down to Yorkshire with 90,000 In tha
carriage for my man. Try and do bet
ter than that "London Chronicle.
At tha Live 8toek Show.
The Doctor There's the fattest hog
I'Te seen yet What kind do yoo sup
pose he is?
Tbe Professor He is one of those
swollen fortunes you bare been bear
ing about Chicago Tribune.
Fit to Die.
Rector (going bis rounds) Fine ptff
that, Mr. Dibbles, uncommonly One
Contemplative Villager Ah, yea, air, If
we was only all of us as fit to die aa
him, sa-l London Tlt-Blts.
Tha World's First Story.
It Is probable that tbe first atory tn
the world was a ghost story. London
Ripened Romano.
On the occasion of the ninetieth
birthday of Dr. Martlneau, who preach
ed in Liverpool for many years. Sir
Henry Roscoe, the English chemist.
congratulated him on attaining such a
One old age. Tbe distinguished clergy
man aaid that be bad been overwhelm
ed with congratulations and that be
was working through tbe letters he had
"By degrees," he said, "I shall an
ewer them all.
"One of the most remarkable," Dr.
Martlneau continued, "was from a
lady, tbe only person who addressed
me as 'Dear James.' I had not aeen her
since we were boy and girl together In
Norwich. She Is one of the daughters
of Dr. IUgby in that city. My friends
used to joke me as a young man about
Miss Jane Rlgby, and I received their
chaff pleasantly. I believed her long
since dead; and now comes this letter
to remind me of her existence and ber
friendly recollection of me."
Tbe old minister paused an Instant
then added, with a tremulous guile,
"She Is now also In her ninetieth year."
A Stockyard.
A wag who thought to have a toka
at the expense of an Irish provision
dealer said, "Can you supply me with
a yard of pork?"
"John," said the dealer to tola as
sistant, "give this gentleman three
pig's feet. "-Sacred Heart Review.
Brobea Limbs Also.
"He died of a broken heart."
"No; dynamite.'-Pueblo Chieftain,
Still Able to Wlfd It.
Old HunksWhen I was a young
luun I could strike a harder blow with
a sledge hammer than anybody
Old lie wllmis-Well, vou astlll
the record as a knocker. Detroit
is Tiir; cor sty coi-rt ok tiik
tn the Matter of the Applioatiou
UoWrt T. Slioiwon, for Lleense
to sell spirituous, vinott ami 'v
malt liiiora in leas (lnxotitics ;
I han o'ie gallon in HuxUmi
t'reolnrt, a-lunlon County,
Oregon. j
To the Honorable County Court of the
Slala of Oregon, lor Washington
Tha undersigned Petitioners. Icol vo
ter of ttiixlou I'recinet, Washington
County, Oregon, and cousiiiiitiin; a ma
jority of tha legal voter ol said I'revlm-t,
ana being aetual renidettt ol said prcciml,
and having actually resided in mid IUi -ton
Precinct lhirv day immediately
preceding Ihe dale ol' this' Petition, would
respectfully petition your Honorable
iiody and ask toal a License to sell spirit
uous, vinous and malt liquors in less
quantities than one gallon iu Hnvtoii
t reelnol, Washington County, Ohxmii,
he granted and issued to UoUti f. Siiup
son, a resident of said Precinct, for a (wi led
of one year.
lated this an h day of M in-li, IWT.
I McPherson
T B Perkins
Martin Hart
Max Hiirghol. r
John Llppert
Parry Watson
K C Mephens
W X JacotMon
S D Huchauan
Alfred Cuiiiiniiik-s
Chas llines
Herman IUuIhoi
Altwrt Bled.
JainenT Turk
J W Howard
Lewis II IK It
C J Mendenhall
H M Muuger
Kli Mills
O M Arnold
N VI k t
It Smtih
t'lirisly Kleberg J r
.1 II Uinck
Jehu Mori
U K i.'in.-k
CIuim I! Stephens
s s Kulloek
V i ii i-eu r
John W liicisrh
J M lllislsoe
John Koatur
Theodore (initio
W Mevera
W II Ilaker
DuvM O'Ponnell
Vine Ormlull
C Burr
lieu 1'oiM
3 It bailey
J N Hi i
W H Allien, P 1! ,t X Ambrose -s hmidliii
A H Kiuerson linst n-IiiulIIiii
II towtll Adam llelllsii
Thomaw McParlaud (I W llinrs
Frwlerti'k Hart W K Simpson
Koy C Fair T l Mellaigue
Peter Si It a A Simpson
S P Nlm J S Tiganl
Kdward Baker Kcnr-t Coupe
8 Paisley t lias Wolf
M Ulmlfiart K CleuuieniiiK
Carl Coler Win Uuvmntid
J H Fisher U M lia'vinoud
Seigle Holt Frank Bailey
M tienser lliich S Uogcrx
U U Higgle tieo l.iert
('has Iolt Clmil.ippeit
W M Johuetvi 8 U Sh.well
Harry ljtiott J"' lturk'holter
C 8 llram K.lw liuglirs
Henry Toher J smith
W C IliiiSM A M llordal
Geo Ki.itur (no I-ih, r
J Meyers
Notice Is hereby given, that the iimli-r
signed resident of Ituxlou Preeinet,
Washintton County, tiregon, a ill, on
Wednesday, tli 1st" day ol May. :ni7. Ht
teu o'clock A. M. id' saiil day, present tiie
foregoing petition for License to sll spir
ituous, vinous and malt liquors in l ui
ton Precinct, Washington County, tire
gon, in lesa quantities than our gallon, to
the County 'Jourt of Ihe Stale ol Oregon,
for Washington County, al the court
room in Hillshorn, Oregon, and at said
time and pine will ask that a License l
issued lo the undersigned applicant, to
nMi HpirituouN, vinous and malt liquor in
Buxton Precinct, Washington County,
Oregon, iu lew tiiantiticN than one gal
lon, fora period of one vcar from the dale
of Ilia issuance of such Lh-ense.
Dated thia 2th dav of March, I Hi 7.
Bagley Hare, Altorney fur Applicant.
other and further relief as may ba neots
ary and proer,
Thia Nutitmoiia Is served upon you by
publication hy order of Honorable Thoui
as A. MoBriilo, Judge of the above enti
tied Colli I. made and dale,! In on
Court on the aith day of March. IM07,
ahlch tnlr rcouirea you aud each of you
to apHr and answer un or before the
evpnulion of Mi weeks from lb dale ol
the lirst publication of this Hunimoua,
la wit, on or Mors Mst is, imrr.
UAlil.KV ,t HAKK.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Nonce to Contractors
Iscaleil bids will lie received until Satur
day April the ijlo, 1907, al it.oo p. tu.,
by the County Court of Washington
Couuly Oregon, and then opened for th
cousiiuction of a biidge scruas the Tusl
atin River, said bridge to replace the old
structure known at the Scholia bridge at
the l i rouer & liowrll saw mill.
Plans aud sjeciiicalioua may be seen
at the cilice ol the County Cletk on and
alter Monday, April 1st, 1007.
The successful bidder will be rtqaired
tn lurnish a good ami sufficient bond lor
the laithful performance of the work
More entering into contract (or same.
The Court reserves the right to tejecl
any or all bids.
J. W. Cioodio, County Judge.
My order ( lb Court.
Oaaforw aw
Ml kind of Fresh Meats. Trices Rea
sousble. Will meet all CoiupetitioB.
Oliicxcns aud Poultry always on hand
upon order. Pre delivery to all parts
of the town. We buy fat stock.
Second Strt, HUHboro, Or
Edison's Cold Mould
ed Records in StocK
Siioqj Line
Albert A. Mead, Plaintiir, 1
vs. I
Mary A. Shepard aud Lombard
Investment Company, Mar-
tba Frame, Henrietta I
Frame, Harry Frame and
Milton B. Whitney, Charles
S. Kalrcliildi. Harry K.
Mooney, han ford B. Itdd
and Prank llanerman. Ke. 1
ceivers of the l.omlmrd In-
vestment Company, a Corio- I
ration, UefumlanU j
To Mary A. Shepard uml r.uiiibur.1 In
veatinent Company, Martha Frame,
Henrietta Frimie, Harry Framn and
Milton B. Whitney, Imrlcs s, iair
childs, Harrv K. Mnoney, Sanfor l II.
I jid (I and Frank Ilagerman, l!c.:eiv
era of the Ixunhanl InveMtmeiil inn -
any, a Corporation, tbe above, niimud
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required arid
commanded to appear in the nnti
tied Court in the alsive entiile'l caiisn,
and answer tho Complttiiit therein ti I 1
against you, on or before tho expiration
of six weeks from the date of the lirst
publication of this Summons in the Hills
Itoro Argus, the lirst publication thereof
being on the 2Hth day or March, ! 7, to
wit, on or before the pith day of May,
IHG7; and you will pleute take notice, that
If you fall no to appear and answer, 1 ho
PlaintifT will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed lor and demanded in bis
Complaint, to-wil, for a deeree. adjudging
and decreeing the Plaintiff to be the own
er in fee simple of all of the Kast half of
the Northwest Quarter of .Section One,
Township Two North, Karign Four West
of the Will. Mer., In Washington Countv,
Oregon, containing eighty aeresj thai the
claims of tlin DefaiidantM hmiI each id
them of, in and to said premimw are Willi
out right, and that neither of wiiil lie
feiidnuls have any right, title or interest
whatever In aaid premise above describ
ed, or any portion thnreol ; Hint the lie
fandants and each of them he forever
barred and precluded from any claims or
any right, title or Interest 111 or lo said
premises or any part or parcel thereof,
adverse lo the Ptatiilltl: and for such
AMD Uwidn Pacific
Throng h Ptilluisa standard and tourlal
sleeping-cars dally to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to
Kan Has City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping-cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re
clining chair can (seats free) to tht
turn daily.
::. M.
8:l.'ir. u.
St. Paul
C:1.1 r. m.
laud Higt's
I .iical
H:lft a.m.
Mult Ukfl, Ilenver,
Ft. Worth, omaha,
Kansas City, Ht,
limits, Chicago and
Pnlt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
Ixnili, Chicago and
Walla Walla', Uwls
lnn,SHikne, Wallace
Piilliiian, Minneap
olis, Ht. Paul, Ihi
iuth, Milwaukee,
Chicago aud Kast
For all local polnla
belweun Biggs and
7:15 a.M
I 6:00 r.u.
Hiver ImihIs on the lower Columbia and
Willamette daily except Hunday,
To and from all points In the Kasl
Tickets via this route on aala at all depot
oiiices or the Moutiiern raoino co.
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
K'atioriery of all kinda at tbe
Pharmacy latest in Htylish cor
reKpondencH, calling rarda, en
velopeH etc. Call and eee tbe
ARDLAMONT, the full-blooded Clydesdale
Stallion, dark bay, three years old, weighing
1600, built on model lines, a sure foal-getter, and
coming from the best stock ever imported from
Scotland. ,
Will Stand the Season of 1907
in Washington County stud at the farm of T. R.
Davis, 3 miles northwest of Hillsboro.
Ilia sire by Kalantar, be by Millionaire; his lire's dam got by
Prince Llewellyn. Win first dam was by Bendigo, he by Master of
lleautyre. His grand dam was by. Merry Mason, he by Prince Al
fred, bis dam by Prince Ajaue, got by Prince Charlie, taking first
prize at Lancashire; got by Glancer, first prize at Glasgow; be by
Broomfield Champion, got by Glancer Second, his dam Beauty by
Prince of Wales, first at Manchester, Scotland, got by General, his
dsm Darling, got by Sampson, he by Lofty, the Glasgow premium
horse of 1H56. These horses were all registered Clydesdales, some of
tht in being imported from Scotland in Ihe early days by Ihe Chalmers.
Siugle Service, $5.00; To Insure, $10.
For further Infoniialion call 011 or addrctB, .
Phone 314 Farmers' Line, Hillsboro. R. F. D. X
1 s
I ho lldiidsoino
oiuli Stallion
Weight, 141x1; 7 years uhl, k brown,
finely built. Just the horse for m'tn tliat
make the most scrxitvahlo horses for
farm and driving purposes.
Will Strtnil the Season of 1907:
At the Jolly fnrui, luiir and tine litt'.f unli nnrlltwrnl nf
llilislmro, itesr t tic Siotrb .'hutrli, 'I KK MS: Sunjlr
seivice, fZ; Colt lo ststnl and nmk.fio. t'nie In iie
eul, bin not lespinnnble fur si ci.UiiU,
Kami us should see Ibis home In-line brrriliii(.
II has the proportion! thai will plenie.
Address, llillslxxo, K. 1. 1). o. 3,
. it M. 1.:. C f S. : at
' 0 m mm a m w-v a
(On driushl)
The best of all Rccrs.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
At W V Y11 FY'C
I sa n IUUI u
!--.. 6 til a t aT-JI
This Spray is Endorsed
My A. b. C ordley
Of ihe Agriculturnl College
SjieakiuK of ihe I'limnix I.iiue iiml Sulphur
Liquid Spray, Mr. OrdU-y, of the Coivallis Agri
cultural College, writes liiuinetS: Co., ns follows:
"Corrallk, I lie,, Sid, IStil.
David M. tiiinne Co..
Iear Hlr: In reply lo vnr b'U..r..r ll nli tu-t . I in Klnd to U
aide to report that thnrrtuli i,luii.l irmii iln un nf mir I'liuemi
Hpray wer very sallfm-t.iry. Indid. I Irnliil II t.y dlhillni one hi
llitern. The illlulrd sprnys wi.rx spplipil Hi.iroiiKlilv ml fMirli to
trees that were simply Im-mated sud rri'ii s mnilmr uliillnii ha
apparently enniphdi'ly ersdlrateii the (rom .mrd Uvm. I II ml
that xsniinallon madn nluiiil to v wk hrh (aili In iiivul mir IH lli(
wale upon either fruit or lesvtM. (fi(iiml A. II. I'ultlil.llY.
I sell cheaper than other 'dealers. For prices iu
any quantity, f. 0. h., at Iicavettoii, or taken from
my place, write sole ap,fiit,
911.50 per bbl. of 50 Rul , f o.i., Ueavcrton or my farm
D. LEIS, Beaverton, Oregon, R. F. D. 1
mmmmmxmamxM 11 111 1 1 niusMiiiisal
The Kitchen's Queen
knows that fine uld whblty l Iii4i.mtiuIIj u s cuW
liiar, lifi.
are hmrlles wllh llr o.,Unl tiilri tin
Jliliupll.l i,,.,) Mnunf l.i. of ttie wIllakltL
Iwrkrit by Ihnr siliiiul.illly r I he i.r.nlU.iigl nil
dl.hM 111 whlrh r.K I,Lt I. rritiltinl, ml 111 .11 Is
the front rnuk moii Ihe uri-ruiilra ol lilt kltcbra.
1 he Noni.K lirsit.ln. In q.url, mi.l hM tta
foe tml ml mil DftUOWtrt ana! OCAUM?
W.J. VANStM,lVtll 4 (ft, Ik., DIiiuMki, mtfUIW.HH.
Teams with" or without drivers, reasonable. Good
turnouts. We also make n specialty of feeding and
cariup for transient slock.
Main St., between Third aud lotirtli,opp. Uensou Bltlg.
Payne Bros., Hillsboro
Xk..P?rchjron Stallion, Imported From
' France in June, 1905.
Color, black, with star in forehead; weight, 1950; 18
hands high. Foaled April 10, igor. Owned by Cedar
Mill Percherou Co. Is recorded by the I'erclicroii So
ciety of America as No. 44233.
Will Stand Season of 1907 as Followsi
MoildayN, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. 111., at Jos. Conncll's, nnir Cilencne; TllCII
llayg, 10 to 4, at Jas. Unrwlclt's, mile north of Kccilvllle on Iln.iellne rnsd'
Wtfilneadays, 10 to 4, at John Welch's, mile north of Hesverloa, 011 Can'
yon Rosd; Thui-HilttyM, Frliliiyn 11 ml Nat ui itnys, ..t Um Kunt'pUcc,
Bbauy; Nights ami morning of Thursdays. Kri.lnytt nml Sslutdsys, at
tbe botna barn. .
Terms. Insurance, 17.50; to Insure, 15; Season,
12; Single Service, fS.
Gallo Oarteaturtsta. . i,