The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 04, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 3
0 11)
Chas. littin, Sc W-Couvkted,
Takes Trench Leave, Fridny
Waa Sent out to Get Wood mil Took
Leg Hail lostanur
Chas. Patton, the negro who plead
guilty lo Rt ttinR foiiio of Wnt.
Thornburgh'e money when the
Utter lott IKX) al Hanks, took leg
bail from the county ju'llast Fri
day morning, ln-t wren seven and
ight o clock, anil broke for the
woods on Uiu Cumuli ranch due
north of town, making good hia
Mr Kmelie Adler, of 8leven
Point, lVrUge County, Wisconsin,
has givem her ton, Win. 0. Adler,
power of attorney to settle up the
eiate of her eon, Louie Adler. aliae
Fred L llrown, who died el Koreet
Grove the pint Winter. The in
strument was Gted Monday in cir
cuit court, and the paper wu made
cut before the County Judgof the
Wisconsin County. Some time
go the widow made claim to the
estate, retting up that ths deceased
man waa her 100, and sent . on
proof of the relation.
Wru. Sobulmerieb, of Farming
ton, wan in the city Monday, and
elalea that in June there will tw
several Farmers' I net it u teg held in
(hie county. So far Banks and
Foreet Grove have beo agreed up'
on as two of the points, and it i
possible that HilUboro will have a
met'tin aw thi ia one of thsnral
central points in the county.
Farm f.r ea'e: Eight miles
south we t of Hillaboro; 31 acree; 8
to 10 acres) under cultivation: bal-
Sheriff Connell (Jets Verdict
ARalust J. L. Misner
U0KS8 WAS Will
Alt kind of hardware -C. A. WW
Lamkin Co.
J .hn Cemltrville, wae
in town Saturday.
Finn lot of onion eeml In hulk at
the Climax Mill store.
II. Harrington, of Centerville,
waa In town Saturday.
Michael Itahn, of near Bethany,
U'AKKAXTcD was in the city Monday.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Cornelius i Collin Into The
l'ickle Business
jury Clvra tbe Shnitl ul)fuirat For Argue, i 00 per year.
1:500 J,hu W. Jacks n, of Glencoe,
waa (n town HaturJay.
It Isn't often tbat a bore purchase Cha. Meaeha.n, of Mountain
gett Into circuit court, but such wae ueln, wan in the city Hlurday
Ihecaae let Friday and Saturday II Wehrung A carry a full
Un Judire MoIlri.I.t and a iurv I ma of lleUa piekltS and bottled
heard the caw of Sheriff Connell '",Ih
acainat J. 1. Mientr. of Cornelius. J'-rwin Kilter, m inihany, wa in
Expect lo Ksi Sit to tight Teoa to
Ibe Acre
Corneliua ia going into the cucum-
her bueineea on a large scale, and
the Knight Parking Company u
ceseors to the Knui binine in
that city, have fifty acre pledged,
escape. 1'aitnu bad besn pur mil
ted to go out and Ret wuud from anee easily cleared; good pasture:
the rear of the courlhotue, and at living water; srosll fruit; log barn; was a good work horse, but did not
hiaaentence waa not expected to m Wear dairy farm and nyihiug about soundness
I i.. u ... 1 1 a .....a. I 1 1 . 1 f ....... I - "
be very heavy nuder the chcum
stances, it wb not thought that be
would wake a break for liberty.
Sheriff Connell noticed that he
did not couie directly back and
started to k what the trouble
waa'. (Suing outside he hw Mr.
Coon "going some" in the direction
ia on milk route. II .050 and easy
tonus. I nquirs at Argus omcs.
H Itany and eon have juat finiah-
a 5(?0 cord contract of wood cut-
tin H for II. D. Schmel i-r. the
wood draler. Mr. Hany and
family go to Hemi villa lo fend
the suuiiner.
and if all make good there will be
Ths8herifllatFalllwuhtahoree !t,,urJ)'' C"f"''' UU plenty of water and eumbcauie
from Mi.ner, paying 1175 for th.n w,wo"' marketrU by the flret or Septmr.
animal, and the ehrriffolalmaMU. L,ror nor wr, m.; nu.i waa uown irom u.ri.e-
neriaidhe was wund, and a good i ,r T sj '.mVh VvillH ' '".
work boree. MUner swore that be " t ' ' ' ' ' ! . bM Put lo co
reier urorwn, prominent in in tht C. U. huohaoan farm, and be
work fur the hotbauy , h ,oy kinj of (UcceHa,
The jury evidently thought, even
if Mr. M letter dbln t ruaantee
ou nd of. s that he etreti lod it when
he raid be waa A good work lmr-r,
for the evidence phowetl that the
animal liadatllrvirv h'ttir or ao
wheo w rk'd. The iurv cave Mr.
Connell a verdict f r fliO. Con-
to harveet from sis to eight tons
of the woods. Calls for aid brought We have hint received a carload nell is nut about 1-10 f r doctoring
do immediate reeiK)nee and before of Utah Itand I'laaler. Also a full the hor, and tiouh'e. K.
Mutual, waa in the city Saturday.
e at ( sgetna lor lite ceie Mr -.. ti,- ...(.Wmi oeot.U
brated Chatheut fanruill. Prion, L.iIU ik.t Con.eliu. aoil. eM,.til.
- i.... " r.t . . . . r -
com note, voi . pcuuimericu ll. .,,,,, ,, aPHi. . .,iIM . .
, . . - - i - - - - i - . - -----.
l'fO. Iiilaiilnt la rupnmtirr rnlliir anil
II. Wilklne. of near heodville. if this U ihecaoe the little (own
. . .. t t L III t .t ! .
wa in lue city hettmlay, anil i e tuecemeroi an important
made the Argus olhce a pleaaant inuuatry.
h- Schoollwya and girla will find
ami M. It. Hump spLnarcti lor
Mioner. i he jury wan
ICIiriOimi l'rterm,...,....Nnrtli IhlKlKirol
I Jiur Cbtitt-iiitl , ('nlm Cntk
I An.lrtw I(rrlville
cept school
luKiki) at K, h. Mo-
the negro could 1 appr-heiuhd he supply of hlaating powder. If you Tongue waa oonnael for Connell ev,.rytt,itiR in schiwd supplies
was out 01 sigtit in the uHme woods, want sail, remrniber that we have
All day there waa search lor the huM received a carload. Anderson
nigger, out nw was not 10 ie & son, KHtville.
fottnii Vr'iAtv moiiins Kliorilll
pnn.,ii ..... i. ..: II 8. Hatch, of Corneliua. and
twenty dollar, rewird for his ar- 1" "r i?"1 ToT XZZ"Z
reel and deteiilion. lor many years, was down Tues- u Mtwamtrr..; Moi.nuiu
Patton gave Wnt. Thornbtirgb uy rVnK taxes and incuieniaiiy iwn ration..
about flL'O of hie money back ,m"0 u" v
snortly after be was placed under
arreat and so the coon departed
without a penny.
A. A. Phillip'', who bas been In
Portland for sevsral months, bae
I retim ed to take up his residence
in Cornelius, and was down Mon
day, renewing 'auld acquaint."
L... . 1 . I. I ...I I
w n. ri .1 5 . . ii... i-- ! ro Krinininii s, inu.rc miu
:7'. T.. ? ' "mV"Z? childreo'a hoe. you can do no bet-
II. II.TimoI
J. S. Ibiiiua.
Wni. A. nllingrr
,.Vt t Itultc
I'M Itutlr
SutU Ttmlntiii
M.nttv l-mUr..
..North I'otrM t.ruvc
ir. Men-haul..;,. .8 roitut tlrtjve
llocHleuiiyl Canton
The court held the following
Saturday was the fint Soring
day for weeks, at.d the genial
warmth wss welcome to all out
lidi ra.
Our line of spring drees gottls
have commenced to arrive from
New York, Come and see them.-
bcbulmer'n It liros.
Walter Kcnnelt, on the Shorn
burg ranch, near Moumaindale,
wae down to the county seat, last
wife of John II. Humphrey, of this
city, died Match o(), 11U)7, in Port
land, failing lo witbatand a surgi
cal operation at one t the hos
pitals, where she submitted to the
knife for anpeiidiciiis. Mrs.
Humphreys naa born at Ctverna,
Mbsouri, Oct. 7, I HT-i. Hie wa
ths sldest daughter f Mr and Mrs.
T. B Perkins, (f tux ton, and for
merly of HilUbiro. She wait mar
ried to John II, if umnhrey, win
is a son of the l uei 1. I), Hum
phreys, AugUHt 2C, IS1H. Ther
are no children Her hiuband and
her parents, and the olluwinK
brothers and eit-b rt eurvive: Mrs.
L. Berdan, I'Wet (Srove; Dr. T I.
Perkins, dtntint, of I'jrtlitnd; J.
W.. Perkins, i,f PoriUml; 10. L
Perkins, deputy lUcorder for
Washington Ciunty, HilUboro;
Ben and JameM, at home
The funeral Unk place Mondty
Irom the C'hritinn Church and in
terment was in the local cemetery
Mrs IJuinplirpyB was a very
lovable woman, and hud a hoet of
friends in this city, all of whom
extend their condolence to the
bereaved huKbmd
ter than to buy of John Dennis
Wehhve them for everybody, and
at pncee that are values.
L L. Ixng. who has charge of
an extensive barge service on the
Columbia and Uwis rivers, was in
town Sunday, the guest of bis
brother, of the Argus stslf.
11 ni Haines, a veteran of the
Civil War. and who has been laid
up with rheumatism for rome
weeks, ia now able lo get up town
with the attl oi crutches.
Brown leghorn eggs, 15 each
' .1 ml.maI. irr.i.tlii 1,1 lirwltt
day? OoB. Bellingher. Kood aud "
Christian Peteraon All others Watkins' stock and poultry
were dismissed for the term. foods and Walkitis' remedies are
The case of Lincoln
peal from Justice Court
wss d ism meed, as Mr
ed the district attorney that he Grove, Ore., Paoiflo V.tono 25)1.
simply allowed ths slot machine to
Sptaking of diplomats C. B'aaer
ami James II. ha well wie out fish
ing on the Dudley mill ditch. Mon
day, end lhhermrn were thicker
than flies in AiiKUat. One A. J.
Farmer, of Portland, was there.
and him were very infrequent. As
this wa the ce there was Tuticb
grumh'th ij.and Farmer finally said
to lt ttue r, whom re did not know:
"Ibey tell ms that a man by the
name or i:iaser,o( ilulsboro, tfanjts
nut here and catches all the fish
before: the season opens, I would
give $10 to cinch him." Blaser re-
tilnd: "Bo would I be comes out
here on my ranch, bringing a white
dog with bim (just bore Blaser's
coin (lelgor, ap what farmers and dairvmeu should rtog ftttm Up( waggirg his tail, and
Court, Cornelius, use for beet success. Z. M. ha Hue, jttWr gave hint a kick, saying.
Mr. tleiger show- agent, 401 Pacific -4 venue, Forest there's bis dog, now') and be
remain in the building without
US), and without handle, so that
it could not be operated.
At the fgutar wetkly iiiertitif- of the
National L'olveriily I.w School
bating Society lait eveuinu the quraliou
UiKiiMcd allirmea "That ibe t i k o t ol
The Southern Paciflo snt out
hia dog, now') and b
can't be drummed ofT the place. 1
wih you would all an oil the
their engineer too opmt with P-". nJ on that l is April 1,
Knglneer Abry, In . tirvrying a you should si get ofT." At thi
switch for th. mill track, at the 'rer ojwied his Imsket and gave
foot of Third Street. The work nhm lui h,,.7n .half ' ?nC
is today indispensable on the
(Irfiiinir talile fif crnt li-wnman
Centlcnlan. Not only docs a Pompeian
Massacc perfectly cleanse the tkin, but it
removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out
stillness of lie facial muscles, animates the
tissues, and inakes the flesh firm and solid.
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and takes away shaving
soreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation in maintaining a clear
and healthy skin.
Pile SOc and $1.00 pr iar
Ou account of the car shortage send
in your order early for
We have just received two cars? We also have the
ltest asssiortraeut of garden and field seed ever in county
sBoth phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
was completed Saturday
O'iq. telling him that, as he hd
.! niultt I hum on iharlilph h Mrnn'tl 1
npeaxingoi groceries u you J , , ,. Bono afierward
waul the nneet staple am fancy tlj uiher Portland fi.ber.n, n an.l
groceries to bo found iu the market, ,tw.u
aettinir. for f0 cents, also full blood UaU to conttol its t.uhlic clioola u ry jonii I'tinnia. o t stier your Hilbboro ttit li two doxen fine fl"
i Leghorn eggs for hatching Pfmunt to the treaty-making power trade, and once a customer, always lows, and excused the
WlWm..f.,ratlI0grf traeeiog. ThsP-
. Agnesi Oowan, Hllnboro. C, O. Wood, I. I). C. 'I human ami J. II. J. 1). UotiHev, who is no farm- eatd Hlater, gn shrad
,... .t. V I MI .1 Uftil n!ut, " Viim.p It
James Thwaite, raiding on a part
of the old Crocker place, nuur the
Minter Brills, poutheaft of town
was instantly killed Mondny after
noon, about 2:1"), from conctimsion,
"the result of dynsmite explosion,
labile blaetirg stumps, 'fhwaile
owns 40 aureH, and was blowing
outstumpH. He bad several load
ed with Giant powder. There were
two explosions, Uio second shot
presumably having linen set oil by
tbeconcuhnion f the first. Tnwuit"
was found dead with hardly a
rcratch upon his person, death
bavins resulted from cmicuBsion
Not a bone was broken. Dr, Link
later went down and examined the
unfortunate man and states tbat
death was duototho terrible jar
James Thwaite whh born in tor It
shire, Knirland, 88 years aiio, Hie
wife and one child, agedSyesre
survive, Mrs. Jhwa to formerly lo
ing Mrs. Couch Henxiiin, Of the
'immediate family the following
survive: Mrs. Hannah Thwaite',
mother, residing at Yorkehirei,
England; K ll). Thwaite, a drug
gist of Yorkshire; and Sidney
Thwaite, a brother who lives near
the Minter Bridge
John Schaerand Jacob Bohlicbt,
of Mountaindals, were in town
Monday. Mr. Hc.baer thinks that
he will toon go to work at ths saer
mill hutduea sgain.
Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook,
and who knows where the trout
neet, waa in ths city Tuesday,
hunting for the champion fisher
Wanted: Farms and lands of National Capitol.
all kinda for sale and rent. Ad
dress J. H Foreman, L'06 East
Morrison. Portland, Oregon.
Miss Ehtrella Ford, of Portland,
and daughter of ex-sheriff 11. P.
Ford, wej out Hunday, the guest
of Mrs J. VV. Connell.
Golden Polish eggs
setting of 15 for $100.
lette, HillelMiro, Route
States Phone.
Judge W. M. Langley, of Forest
Grove, waa seen on the streets,
Monday, greeting his many county
seat friends
Hants' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in huh, Nathan & Fie
clier Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung Sunn.
0 H. Marrs and Lewis Law
rence, r f Bcholls, were in ths city
Monday, and called at the Argua
Mm. H.
AtidrrMti, and the nenattve hy Menaia
('. 9. Talker, M. I). Kilfrt aud W. It,
buntott. The iu1rei were Meaara.
Meuhall, Uohev and linker, who gave a
declonn in lavor of the allirmalivr, and
awarded ftrat honors to Mr. Thotnaa and
aecond to Mr. Wood. Waahinuton 1 1.
L.J Star,
Mr Thomas U a Hillsboro boy
tie is travelling out c.c Washing
ton, 1). U , (or Collier, and incnleii
tally taking a law course in the
mselves for
all right."
and fih all
Ing at North Yamhill, was down you niah. tanner then invited
Saturday evening, on business the two over to the dam to gt
matters. Mr. Houelev was here to luaxeuite, iuii n:sser thought die
transfer the property recently oretion the bailer part of valor,
bought of bim by the Kniuhts of refrained, because there were
.. .. ' I i . i 1 ...... a a i
Pythias. roruann men at me nam wno
l W 1 i'i 1 a i
,., .... . . . xnew itisser ana pewe ll. maer
Blacksmilh wanted: Chance for i ,in , ,: , k! l-i
,l I . ... . i t i .Nr . . i eiiu ibukuii'k uvwr Mi" ruui a
' lilliljlrntrmTTlC II
iillSiiiilillli ll
I 1
It's Up-Hill Worh
For any housekeeper to be con
atnntly : cbiising around after
Good Food at reasonable prices.
The atuaible woman (jives up all
further searching after one
week's trial of our store. We
deal in first-clasB goods only,
nd sell them at pricea that
can't be beaten. Seek no fur
ther; we can satisfy you.
Day good luck, and if the Portland
man should read this be will either
brand it as a lie or come out and
whip Blaser and Bewell.
outfit and do a nice little business
at railroad oountry station. Will
sell plant or lease; or sell on In
stallment. flood If cat ion. Milder
FOR SALE ' tfc Son, Keedvllle, Ore.
0. W. Morgan, who lives at the
Eighty acres of land, within three upper end of Vint lands, was in the Cornelius had a city election, Mon
miles of Oaston. Twelve acres city Monday. 0. W. aayt that the (i.v. .nii linenun tieWt ao fr
cleand, of which one acre is in line potato men of his vicinity are feel ,8 Ooimcilmen is concerned, wort by
bearing prunes. Forty sores of "g elated over the present good a vole 0f a)oUt 20, M. II Hen
good limber. Will largely pay for prices for their potatoes, but all derson was elected by two votes
Manle elected oouitcilmon: b , VV. bohoen
for sale; place perhaps pay all. Logboue are grieving over the bad roads on ovr nj8 opponent, Chas. B.
J. G. Pel- on place, that one could occupy aooount of delivery. chanan, and the following'
1, Paciflo until be built. Half mile from T.aVrannn I'lmto ami Vina fanU elected cnunollmon: V. V. Si
eonooi. ininy living springs on Camn W- 0i y , Ce(iar Mill, nr., Andrew Benson, W. J. Merrill,
,, r "n,r7 will give a j'dntdanceat the Wood- ammeo. noischer; Kecoriier, vvm
, 12,000. hslf down, balanoe uian Ttau ,ieftr (;e,jar Mill, on Hat- Vickers; Treasurer, 0. C Hancock
T - II. la .a ' I . ' .
on lime.
in t.vaut l. i . . ,1 n .1 f ir. ir I . . .. 1 . . .1
. urany, April il, AOmiHSlon, r. iieuuereon whh weewu
Anyone WlBUIng to loofc this plane ofinilmn t (UV I,ra nf ih bv a maiorilv of two votes. Mr.
over can write a day or so before Lr(er, however, will be sold tickets Henderson lunning on the anti-
coming, and be will be met &t for fifty cen la.
saLSLLiiiia amsiss ln awn us nisi'MMn,
IW (lAMton Or under lue state law lour months
, , . ,
ttuiioui in tun leant tuav oau mo uou-
j ...J I1F 11 ... . . I.
DiiTi cd rnui-i im' uuoieu. w aHuinsiou tjouniy is
I I pcriinun oim oi wo inont uroKrene'
. ! .1 ... ... . . f
ive in mo siaie in iuo matter oi
saloon ticket. . The liaonse
however, wss elected hy
stantial majority, so far
council went.
a sub-
as the
Mr James E. Blltler, of this city, aohonla. but thora nr inmn mnnn
and MISS Marian E. Conklin, Of .!n illnlrlnU whlb hnvn tint been
J. Cumraings and Miss Central City, Iowa, were united in havinu enouuh school.
Ross Jiawfer, oi fortland, were
Hillsboro visitors, Sunday.
William Joos, who is ranching
on the home place beyond Glencoe,
was In the city Saturday.
Are you a smoker? Then call
Bcbiller or PJicellencia
for the
Deceased was an industrious and uWon
reliable young man and whs well Jacob Iteichen, of near Phillips,
thought of hy his neighbor!.
funeral took place 1 ueeday.
Nannies For Sale
Fifty bead of Angora nanniet, bred
to registered buck S, H, Law
rence, Sherwood, Ore., R. 4,
Ranch tiear Hehollu.
'Big Bill" Storey, MuUnomab'e
one time sheriff, was out Monday,
the gueet of T. It. Iunbrie, the two
going out on a fishing expedition.
was in town Monday, ow road buai
ness for hta district.
John Uetbel and wile:mkM.oun
taindale, were in the city Saturday.
John Loft is, of above Olennoe,
was in the county seat Saturday.
John McCallen, of near Cedar
Mill, was in town Saturday.
Harry Hall, of Shady Brook, waa I
In town the last of the week.
Alex Oordon, the Olenooe ranch-
I er, wat in town Balurday,
marriaee at Marion, Iowa, March
SO, r.)Q7, the ceremony having beon
performed in the M. K. Church
lbs groom is conpRcled with an
engineering department of the P.
it. A N. Co., and has held a po
sition as a draughtsman. While
attbe St. Louis Fair Mr, Butler
met Miss Conklin, and their mar
riage is the result of a romance of
three states. At present they will
reside In this city. .
Card of Thanka
We desire to thank those who have
so kindly assisted tin during our
recent bereavement, the illness and
death of Mrs. Flora Humphreys.
'John Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Perkins.
Hillsboro, Ore., April 2, 1J()7.
Argus and Oregonlan, 12.00.
The Washincton County Pomona
Orange will meet with bcholls
Granite No. 338, at the Artisan
Dr. 0. W. Biggera, a pioneer hall, Scholia, Wednesday, April
nhvsiclan of this state, foimerlv 21. 1907. The subjects for after
practicing at Lebanon, died at La noon discussion are: "Orchard
Grande Friday evening Deceased and Fruit;" "Women's Institutes ;"
eaves one Ron. Dr. O. L. Unruers. "State JNormal schools, it is ex
who married Misi Lena Abbott, of peoted tbat a large class will re
this city. The body was brought oeive the "Fifth Degree" which wil
from Eastern Oreeon for interment be conferred in the evening. Al
" i . .... . ..
at Lebanon.
Sneaking of old ooins and the
... . .
coin contest in i'orllanu, J. u
Lamkin hart two U. S. half dollars
which are in a fine slate of pre Bur
vation, the milling and the designs
"Patrons of Husbandry" are in
viled to be present. Carrie B
Schmeltaer, Lecturer.
Chas. Koon'z and family have
moved into the Cornell property
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey (SL Son
The Best of All Beers
t. J. LYONS, froprUtor ,
S I ur a. ...... .. J t
ki j.. . ,i.i .. L.n .u- oo iiaiiiiiuiuii Kiireei, uou
r- fe..ah fro th. mint Or, nf . "0W OnpVing the Schmelt
them is of the vintage of 1810, and zer hou6e on 1 hirw 0tlk' .
this coin Mr. Lamkin picked up & Cattle pasture for Spring and
Joplin, Mo., in 1885. The coin of Summer. Good tame grasses and
1812 he got in this city 31 yetrs plenty of water. Good , fences,
sgo, while working in the hard- Will take stook beginning with
ware store. He aleo has a Spanish Mayl. O. W. Marsh, Cornelius,
quarter, date of 1810. 'Ore,, it. V, V 1. .
&f)e Delta Drug Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.
"v- -