The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 28, 1907, Image 2

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KuWrsd at the Post-ofSt at HUUboro,
Oregon, a Moond-clM mail aaaitav.
County Official Paper
Subscription: One Dollar per Annum.
iHned Every Thursday
This ii an age of graft, ard the
maa who wonders at it is simply
foolish in the head. The last two
campaigns were conducted by
money donated by the big corpora
tions, and so long as the precedent
of purchase was set in that manner
what is the dm to kick over the
purchase of a few city admioiatra
Perhaps Paul Morton could tell
the railroad magnates how to get
on the good side of the adminietra
tion. Friend Paul was one of the
past masters in violation of the
law, and tor some reason or other
the law left him unmolested.
Mayor Lane will run again for
mayor of Portland. If he is nomi
nated he will be elected even if the
gamblers and saloon men all try to
defeat him. Mayor Lane has tried
to follow the law and the people of
the metropolis know it.
Mrs. Anna Elisabeth von Eschen,
of Portland, and a former resident
of near Greenville, died in Port
land, last Friday, aged 86 yeara
She was born in Switzerland, and
made ber Home wun an only eon,
Stephen, who always lived with
his mother. Many Greenville resi
dents will remember the elderly
woman. She was considered the
eldest Swiss resident in the state.
E. F. McNelly, of North Plains,
was in tbe city yesterday.
Isaac Leisy, the Leisyville pio
neer, was in town yesterday.
G. Rebse, tbe Fsrmington dairy
man, was in tbe city yesterday.
Peter Jicobson, of West Union,
was in town Tneeday.
John Schneider, of near Phillips,
was in town lueaday.
J. C. Crocker, of near Mountain
dale, was in town yesterday.
For sale: 10 pounds extra select
i ellow Uanver onion seed. J. N
Miller, Hillsboro, Ore.
Hugh Rogers, who has been up
at Buxton with the P. R. & N. for
a year or so, was in town today.
Ladies' knit and muslin under
wear, latest patterns; embroideries
and laces finest line in the conn
ty, at H. Wehrung & Son.
James Churchill, of Galea Creek,
and who is serving on the circuit
court jury, enrolled himself as
member of tbe Argus family, Tues
Hon. G. W. Patterson, special
agent of the Interior Department,
was out the middle of the week
the guest of his sop, G. A. Patter
for Sale: Fifty acres cleared
land in the vicinity of Hillsboro,
on rural mail and milk route; near
telephone line, fine location
good building site. Inquire of
The Misses Minnie snd Georgia
Wise, Wanda Logan, Catherine
Boswell, and Meesrs, Dr. .Ralph
Dagan and Etbelbert Flack, of
Portland, were guests of the Misses
Imbrie at the J. A. Imbrie home,
Sunday; and Mrs. Ida McNutt,
Mrs. C. M. Young, Miss Catherine
Taggert and Mr Fred Gulick, were
guests at tbe T. R. Imbrie home.
They were attendants at the Opera
Houbb ball, Saturday evening.
v Bishop W. G. Heil, D. D.,of
Chicago, will preach at the United
Evangelical chnrch on Tuesday
evening, April 2. Service will be
gin at 7:30. Bishop Heil will also
deliver an address at 2:30 in the
afternoon. A cordial welcome iB
extended to all to attend these ser
vices. There will be preaching at
the U. E. church, Sunday, both
morning and evening. Morning
subject, "The Miracle of the Ages."
CbaB. Anderson, aged about 62
years, and who has lived a bachelor
life near Tualatin for many years,
was found dead in a yard, tbe
first of the week, by neighbors.
Anderson doubtless had an attack
of heart failure, as tbsre were no
other indications of any kind,
He bad no relatives on the coast,
Anderson was thought penniless,
but it is now known he had two
thousand dollars in a Portland
Senator E. W. Haines, of Forest
Grove, has filed a notice of claim
to a Iwater right up in the hills
above Gaston, on the Tualatin riv
er, and be intends, according to bis
declaration, to build a flume four
and one-half miles in length. - The
flume will be five feet wide and
half of that dimension in depth,
and the pipe is to carry water for
Ewer at his big dam. There wil)
but one reservoir, and as soon
Mtbis flume it built Mr. Halost
ill have a water powr that will
be available and ample the Tear
wieh to announce that I will have
no formal Millinery Opening this
feasoo, but cordially invite the la
dies of Hillsboro and vicinity lo
call at any time. My well selected
ttttck has arrived aud is now rtauy
for your inspection.
My store will be open evenings
during the season.
Mm rooman
Main St., opposite Court Motive.
This morning's market report,
compiled from Portland quotations,
Valley Wheat, new. TOj.
Barley-feed, . 22yf 122.50 per ton;
brewing, $23; rolled, $23 50Lf '24. W
Oats, White, 29(a $3J.
Oats, gray, $2Sci $29 per ton.
Bran, $1S per ton; shorts, $20 50
Hay, Valley timothy, $15 00 and
$16 00; Brain, $9 0010 CO.
Hay, Clover, $9.
Potatoes, $1 250 $1.40 pr cwt
Kgue, fancy ranch, 22J23c.
Butter, Ex tra Creamery, 37 1
Hops, choice, 8$ 11: according
to quality.
I wish to sell my farm containing
152 acres. 110 seres under culti
vation; good house and barn; good
orchard Three and one half miles
south of Hillsboro and one mile
west of Farmiogton. For further
information apply to E. Burk
halter, Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D. 2.
Would Seem a Tight 'Fit.
Benjamin's Wife Who would think,
Benjamin, my dear, that a carriage
like tbat could possibly hjld more than
one person ? Pele Mele.
O Ye Taars!
The presldeut of one of tbe well
known colleges tells this story of one
of bis professors of chemistry:
It seems that tbe professor and bis
wife bad not 'agreed uou some domes
tic question, the professor asserting
that his means would not warrant the
expense Involved. Ills wife had used
all her powers of persuasion without
avail and at last resorted to the final
feminine expedient, a flood of tears.
At this the professor picked op his hat.
but paused to remark:
"You might save yourself the trouble
of that, my dear. Your tears have ab
solutely no effect upon me. Why should
they, being nothing but common water
with a very small percentage of phos
phorous salts and a trace of chloride of
sodium 7" Harper's Weekly.
He Was the Whole Thing.
Tbe overburdening egotism shown ty
Governor Swettenbam of Jamaica tbe
other dsy recalled to the mind of a
naval officer the Htory of the com
mander of a ship whose ego was lar
ger than bis brain.
A seaman bad died. The crew was
lined np on deck, and the chaplain be
gan reading the service for the dead.
"I am tbe resurrection and tbe life,"
be began.
"Back to your quarters," command
ed the captain. "I want you to under
stand that on this ship I am the res
urrection and the life." New York
Still Cheerful.
"Blakesley's the most persistent op
timist I ever knew. He slipped and
fell in a mud puddle yesterday, and
you never saw such a sight as he was
when be got up.
"What did be say?"
"He congratulated himself on the
fact tbat it was so nice and soft where
he had struck and expressed the opin
ion that If it' had been hard be might
have broken a bone or two." Chicago
Surprising Confeiiion.
"Pshaw P remarked Jlgley, looking
op at the clear blue sky. "I'm sorry
took this umbrella now."
"Well, well!" exclaimed Hammer. 1
man t suppose your conscience ever
troubled you that way?' Philadelphia
The 8m lie That Makes Tears.
"What Is meant by 'the smile that Is
close to tears?' "
"The particular drink that plunges a
man Into tbe weeping stage of Intoxi
cation." Judge.
Animated Inanimates.
The Bottle Well, what are you driv
ing at these days?
The Luminous Face Clock Oh, I
have a fine Job as nlghtwatch. Chica
go News.
Tfce Two Wlutnu.
I ask my pa some questions.
Like what makes people arrow
And where the wind has gone to
The times It doesn't blowT
Pa smokes and reads hie paper -And
hums and says, "Er oh!"
And then he makes this answer:
"Well, you're too youns to know."
Pa asks me 'bout the fairies
And where I eaw 'em hid
And how I knew fat ogres
Had little boys inside T
I look at pa in pity
That he should be so slow,
Aad thea I make this aasssari
"Well, yoire too old to lspeorr
-MeLartdrmrsh Wilson In ?uas
What Ails Tout
Do you fl wMtk, ttroJ, dosuondma,
Save fnitiMit ha-atlaolwa, coated Umgua,
bitter or bad tw in morning, 'heart
burn, belohiiw M gat, acid rising in
throat after rating, stomach gnaw or
burn, toul breath, dluy pel la, poor or
variable apilUs nausea at times and
kindred symptoms?
If yoibUv any considerable nnnber of
Ihebovajvartoms you are aufferlng
rraiaS1louMiWpld liver with Indt-
M,vli.-) liu-vvrrv Is. made im of the nw3
valuable med-mat urincluli's kiwn
nvMioal vlenof for P'iYIU,',!'!' '""'
siich coudUlon It la a nuttl
mcient liver invigoratof. stomach tonic,
bowel ns ulator and nerve strengthener.
The "tioldfn Medical Discovery Is not
a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a
full list of Its Ingredients being printed
n Its bottle-wrapper and attested under
oath. A glance at its formula will show
that it contains no alcohol, or harmful
habit-forming drug. It Is a fluid ettract
nude with puns, triple-refined glycerine,
of proper strength, from the twit of the
following native American forest plants,
vlt, tlolden Seal root, Stone root. Black
Cherry hark. Queen' root, Itloodroot, aud
alandrake root.
The Mk.v'M lei medical Snthorltlta,
annua a Itost of otu..r. euot the toivfotne
ris for Uir cure of )ul -! allmrnu (he
lNvjrniit,tmll, le: I'ruf K. Harthoka,
M. 1 . of Jrffenaia Misl. I'olliif. t'tilla.: I'ruf.
11 c W.L M. l .of t'HtT.of Pa: PrufKalwIa
M. lUle. M. a, of Hahm-uumi Niot. follr-,
Uiloico; Prof. John Kin. M. 1 . Author of
Atuurlcaii )isimiatoryi Prof. Juo. M. Scud
dor, M. !.. Auihorof SpecISc Medicines; I'rof.
Laurena-e Johnson. M U.. Md lpL I'ulT.of
N.-Y ; I'rof. Klnley KlllnswaiHl M. IV. Author
of Matrl Manila- and Prof. In Ha uiietl Metll
cei CVHave, t'hicuiv Send ntnua and J
drMHon IVastnl Card lo Or K. V. llen-e, Buf
falo. N. V.. end receive lWle rlln
utr-n from wrttlnirsof ll the ehinre meall
ral authors anal many otherendarsln. In the
strontrest tvlhle term. a,'h and erery In
(roillein of whla-h "tlolak'n Medical Ulscor
er Is riHnpaMHt '
Pr. IVn s IMeaoant Pellets reeiilne ana
lnUnrete stomach. llr and bowel They
mar he ueU In rvnjuticllain with "Oolaleo
Medical Plu-orery " If bowel are much con-
itlMlaMl They're liny anal mrr-tWHL
Quickness of Thought
Saved the Situation
fW US manager of a New York the-
J ater tells of the qulckuess of
thought of a certain actor. Tbe
play being produced was a good, old
fashioned melodrama, with a suow-
storm in the second act Tbe first act
was a drawing room. In this sceue tha
bard hearted parent orders bis daugh
ter from bis bouse, aud, as she re-
Bains. Imploring his forgiveness, be
pulls the belloord for a servant that
she may be removed by force.
All went well until this point was
reached. Unluckily, however, instead
of pulling tbe bellcord he caught tbe
one which opened the snow box, and
Instantly the large white flakes filled
the air and covered the carpet and
"Bah! I have opened tbe skyllghtr
tbe actor said, with well simulated dis
gust, and gave the proper cord an an
gry Jerk, Llppincott'a Magatlne.
Dlaee-aeertlwar to the Jwatate.
It was formerly considered a great
treat to bear a certain Judge Indulge In
his favorite habit of wittily "chaffing"
the lawyers and raw clerks who at
tended bis chamber to procure orders.
One morning in a crowded court
room a small boy was noticed by the
quick eyed Judge passing np papers In
contravention of the court rule which
was intended to preclude all but those
admitted to the bar from applying to
the court for orders.
When the Judge took up the boy's
papers he said to bltn:
"Sonny, are you admitted?"
To the utter amazement of the Judge
as well as of all others gathered In tbe
courtroom the boy unhesitatingly and
confidently answered In bis shrill, pip
ing voice, "Ye, sir."
"Who admitted you?" said the Judge,
and as the boy Innocently responded,
turning toward the door and indicating
the doorkeeper with his finger, "Tbat
gentleman at the door," the assembled
lawyers fairly screamed lo their laugh
ter at the Judge's overthrow, New
York Times.
Ia the Villas; Stare.
Hiram Hardapple The "oldest In
habitant" says be remembers when
snow was four feet deep around bare.
Silas Crawfoot That's nothing. I've
seen snow around here over my head.
Hiram Hardapple Come off! When
was tbat?
Silas Crawfoot When It was on the
roof. Ha, ba, bal-Detrolt Tribune.
Carreat Cookery.
Walter Ytss, sir, we're very bup to
date 'ere. We cook hererytbluk by
CuMtouier Oh, do you? Then Just
give this steak another shock. Punch,
He Wanted to Know.
In a third rate restaurant a customer
struggled manfully with teeth, knife
and fork against an Impenetrable beef
steak, but, being unable to make any
impression on It, be called the waiter.
"Is this mule or horse?" he said.
"Because If It la mule I have nothing
to say. It being a stubborn animal by
nature; but if it is horse I find
rather too tough." Nos Lolslrs.
Tun False.
think the baby baa your
ma'am," said the nurseglrl,
pleasantly at ber mistress
"Gracious!" exclaimed the
glancing uu from ber novel. "Run
to tbe nursery and take It awar from
htm. What will that child do nextr-
Tonkers Statesman.
is tub (xunty oorur or tiik
In the Matter of the Appllcatiam 1
of I
Rolaert T. Slimn, f,,r Llati!ae
to ell KttrUiiotM, vinous au.l
malt liiuont in less aiiiantliivs ;
than nie gallon in Itnxt.m
I'rex-lnrt, ashniKtott t'ounty,
tregn. ' j
Totho lloimrahle Oantnly I'mirl of the
State of Oregam, tor WaMilnutain
The nnalertgneal IVtitljners. lanl a-
ters of huxtain I'l-eaiiot. 'axhtngtoii
'amntr. Orwn. ami a-ansiitiitlntf a imi-
Jortty of the leiral vaiteis of xaul IVts ina t,
and iH'Hm aa'tual reoialeiitsail Mtial piva iut t,
and haying actually resiala-ai in sil llnv -
nm rreeuia-l mirtv alavs iinmealiiiieiy
preceding the date af this IVlitinii, oul,l
respectfttlly Hlition your llonornlile
IkHly aim ask tnat a laa ense t sall spirit-
nous, vinous anal malt liaiuvirs In law
uuitilies than aiuo k'allam tu htixlam
1 rea'tnet, Wsvhliicioii. t'onntv. ttremm.
be gran teal and issiusl t Ktlxr( 'I , Suuia
sun, a rettiaieut of snial I'rectiiei, fair a 'r-
loal ol one year.
ltateat this jmii al:ty ol Mara h, l;iT.
A It Smith
D McPhernon
T B IVrkitm
t'lirity KiclxTg J r
Martin Hart
Max BurKholxa-r
.1 II Itim-k
.lolm Hurt
. ti K tjulck
John l.lppert
ferry v atmn
tulN 11 Steplli'ltM
K f Mephen
W N JaootiHain
P II llllllaa k
( liiveii r
John V lU'i-eli
J S ltlasl-
3 D Buchanan
A Ureal l tiiiuiiintr
Chas Mines
.laami KoMiir
Herman l.eWlitxm
Alhert HMm
Tllfaialoro til'lllill
W XI ey
JameaT Turk
V l liaker
W Httward
1 av i, 1 ( a' I .,i,nr i i
Vina' tirniliill
Lewis II llaalt
C J Menalenhait
t' Burr
H XI Munger
I'.en fame
rat Milts
J It Uniley
( M Arnold
W H Allen, V lJt N
A H Ktnenktu
Anilras Saliniiillin
timat Schuiialhu
AJ.ii.i li. llhli
H Stowell
Thomas McKarlaud
ti W lliue
Krederta-k Hart
Roy V t-'air
' V Siinpn
T P Xlcllargue
Peter Sitta
A impMan
J S TiKatil
S P Nelson
Kdward Haker
Krne-t 1 amol
8 Paisley
'lia Waatf
M tununart
K t'lemaleiiin
t'arl 1'oler
Win iauvmouo
J H H.lier
(I M liavmoaal
Seigle Holt
I'rank llatlev
at uenser
U H Higgle
Chas Iji.oU
Himh H ItognrH
tnH l.lpliert
t'lm-i l.lppert
W XI Joliti(i:i
M It Moaell
Harry La.olt
Ji Hnri.'ImUi'
Kiiw Hughe
C 8 Brani
Henry Tuber
W C Hiiies
J s. n ith
A XI llor.ln
Geo hcitur
tieal Klllt.r
J Meyers
Notice Is herelay given, th ai the tiniler
algned rraidont of Builaan IVavim-t
Waahingtam (.otiiity, tiregon, hiu, i.ii
Wtvinei.iay, tlie 1st day ol May, I'auT. st
ten o'clock A. XI. of Maial al.ay, pra-rnl tin
foregoing petition Kir Utwiiate to hii Mpir
itttous, vinoiia and malt liatnir In I ni
ton Precinct. Wasnington laitinty, tite
gon, In less quantltie titan one g;ilUm, to
lust uuntr vUurtau mas .-ai.'tao ail freun,
for WaMhlngtoti County, at tlie inurl
room in HillslNn, Uregoit, ami at saanl
time and place will ak that a l.iaiiie Imi
uwtiawl to the under-aigned amtlia-Hiit, to
mil ai'inttiiiua, vinotixami null ii., ucr in
Buitajl Precinct, VVailiuigtou t'oiiuty,
Oregon, in leas quantltia's than ol e g:
Ion, for a period of one year t'roiu Ilia- auie
of the issuance of stia-li License,
Dateal this Slth dav of March, Km;.
Bagley at Hare, Attorney fur Applicant.
AllMrt A. Mead, I'iuinliit. ;
Mary A.Bhepanl ami uiiliitnl
Investment Company, Mar- ,
tha ' frame, Henrietta I
Frame, Harry Krnme ami
Miltnn B. Whitney, Charla-s
H. Kairchilds, Hurry K,
Mooney, 8anfiird- B. ! al, I
and Frank Havermaii, Kc
oeiyera of the Lombard In
vestment Company, a Corpo
ration, DefrnilantM.
To Mary A. Shnpanl ami txnlntril in
vestment Company, Xlartha l-'ruine
Henrietta Frame, harry Frame and
Milton B. vVbitnev. Charles S. Fair
nhilils, Harrv K. Xfooney, Sanffirl It.
Ladd and Frank liagrrmaii, it'-ce iv
ers of the Imilmnl Invextment I'uni
pany, a Corporntlon, the above uaiiieil
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby reijiured ami
commanded to appear In the above etui
tied Court in the almve entitle! cause,
and answer the Complaint therein lilcj
against you, uu or before the expiration
of six weeks from the ilittu of the fust
publication of this .Summons in the Hills
lioro Argus, the lirst publication thi'rcof
being on the win nay or March, r7, to
wlt, on or before the l.'lth duy of Muy.
1907; and you will pleae take notice, that
if you fall no to appear ami answer, the
Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed lor ami dnmaniliHl In his
Complaint, to-wit, for a dei'ren aaljiiiltring
and decreeing the I'liiintill to be tlie own
er in fee simple of all of the Kitt half ol
the Northwest Quarter of .Section tine.
Township Two North, Mango Kimr West
of the Will. Mer., In Washington Coimtv,
Oregon, containing eighty acres; thul the
claims of the Defei ilants ami each of
them of, in and to said premises are with
out right, and that neither of said De
fendants have any right, title or intercut
whatever in said iireniiafei above iii-Norile
ed, or any portion thereof; that the De
fendants and each of thorn he mri-vcr
barred and precluded from any claims or
any right, title or iutereat mor to said
premises or any jaart. or pariN-l thereof,
adverse to the I'lainlilT; and for nucIi
other and further relief as may be necta
nary aud proper.
This Summons Is served upon you by
publication by order of Honorable Thom
as A. McRride, Jualge of the abovai unti
tled Court, made aud dated In open
Court on the With day of March, l!s;7,
which Order requires you and each of yon
to appear and answer on or before Hie
expiration of six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this Kiiiiiiiioiik,
to wit, on or before Xlav Vi, V.(7.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Nolice to Contractors
bealed bids will be received until Satur
day April the 13th, 1907, at 2. no p. 111.,
by tbe County Court of Wiuhinj;ton
County Oregon, and then opened for the
construction of a bridge across the Tual
atin River, said bridge to replace the old
structure known as the Schollt bridge at
the Uroner & Howell saw mill.
Plans and specifications may be seen
at the office of the County Clerk on and
after Monday, April lit, 1907.
The successful bidder will be required
to furnish s good and sufficient bond lor
the faithful performance of the work
before entering into contract for sntne.
The Court reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
J, W. Goodin, County Judge.'
By order of the Court.
Stationery of all kinds at the
Pharmacy latest in slyliHh cor
respondence, calling fii'da, en
velopes, etc. Call and seo tbe
Xlnry Scltnavelv, Plain! lit, )
WiIIIniii All. 'ii Sa'hnavelv Drfemlant I
lat William Allen Sahnavely, alnave
In the mtineaif the State of Oreimii, you
are lierel'v retiilreal to pver anal annwer
tne iaiuipialiil llleal agauiMt you In tbe
iihaive emitleal lalill, on aar the laat
alav of the lone preea-rltmal u (lie tinier
tan' the piihlla'atlaan or tlila SUmiuama; Mlat
tunc lacing tail week I rami the tltut
pol'lia lati-ni of this .tttmmons; and II yam
tail o to ii'r anal ansarer. fur asm
lliotraal', the plaintitl' will apply to the
I'aiuit lor lite relief delimitated In the
Minpliiiiit in saial null, lat-a il: Kor a
.H'ow ilnola iua the bonals of matrlinonv
anal lutairiitk'e coutraa't eatstlng lietween
the plmiititl ami VaniMelr, anal allowing
the pliaiutltt to reiaiiiue her niaialeii name.
Xlaiv liollaiial.
I In summons is milililieal lav Onlerof
II. m. J. V, tliHHlin, t'otinty Jualga of said
W .itahingtoii t'oiiuty, Stnte of (Iregain,
lil"li oralcr was duly made and tlle.1 on
the 4Hl alav of Kelarusrv. Itl7. ai,l tlia
alsteol the'liriat Uililiaal'ion hereaaf the
atn nay o tenrnarv, l7.
Attairney for Plaintitl'
Executrix' Notice
Notice I hereby islven Hint the niiilaar.
siajneal hiw hiien apimlnteal em-mru of
I ho licsl ail! ami iiwtameiit of Thomas
Oiahln, aleawaseal, lay an oraler of the
t oiuiiy on 1 1 ot W ahiogtoti t'onntv, tir-
a'K"i, iiniaie ami eulrreil on leaemter VI
i!a, ami all peisanm having nlalms
agiiinsl smal aitiiua are liereliv mitilleal anal
alim lial tai.pri'seul anial claims, together
ttMli tin' piaaiaer voucher Iherefair. to me
:itinv resialiMice, or at the olllca ul' I'haie.
II. laangiie Jr., at Hillsltoirn. Wasliliialoii
I'ouiilv, tiri gain, on or Iwforeaii luouths
traaill alllto llortHlt.
Juielat tillulHtrat, Oregon, this iilili
aiay aa iH'a'eiuiaer, llssi.
Kecutris ol the hoal as III and ela
llltallt aaf rilos. tHa'hill, llaaa-eSCil
Tin 'it. II. Tongue, Attorney,
Notice to Taxpayers
Notice i hereby given that the lairolls
lor WiiMiiiigtaui County, Oregon, will le
a pen lair ca'tluctioti a ml pavtnent of taxmt
on Wealiiti.liy, Ki'Urury ), IHJr, and all
who make full payment of their tax be
fore .March I A, lwiti, will retwive a ra'Utsot
3 per triituiii. Hair payinciils ran Its
innate lay the llml Momlay in April with
out inliTiwi charge, or eiially, and the
remiiinliig half enn te patl at anytime
priair lai tlie tlrst Momhty In Ot'lolH-r, lo?.
Where na aayiuiaiil is innate by tlie first
Xlomluy in April. 1!HI7, the lax bainnioaa
alcliiiitivnt, and the atatute reiiulr, fmm
t hut date, a penalty often per cent, anal
alo an interest clmrge of one per tent
pa r iiuiiiin on saiai tax until it in psiu.
Mieritl ami c.olll,-i,a tai collector of
W axhiiigton Cottniy, Oregon.
HillslHiro, Ore., Jan. it, U7.
Sfioqr Line
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and lourtst
slecpiug cati daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re
clining chair cars (seats free) to Iht
Last daily.
land 8p.acbll
H:li r. m.
St. Paul
r. M,
Port- '
M:t,F) A.M
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, oiimba,
Kansas City, Ht
ljuis, Chicago aud
S:U0 r. u
Kaei I
Halt take, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht,
Imis, Chicago ami
XValla Walla, Iwis-
toii,HHkane, Wallace
Pullman, Minneap
olis, St. Paul, On
lull,, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East
For all liK'al points
between Ultras aud
7:16 a
8.00 1. u
Portland ,
Klver boats on the lower Columbia and
WillaiiietU) daily or.cept Htinday,
To ami fiom all points In the Kait
Tickets via this route on sale at all depot
nlli mm or the Southern raclllo Co,
Onneral Pasflengsr Agent
Portland, Oregon
Oaatora In
All kinds or I'resU Meats. Tricei Rea
sonable, 'Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry .always on bund
upon order, l'ree delivery to all parts
of the town. We buy fat stock.
Both Phonmm
Second Street, Hlllmboro, Of
Edison's Gold Mould
ed Records in StocK
Mrs. Gowan will he at the green
bonne in 8011th Hillsboro every
Thursday until her stock of
shrubbery, hulbs and flowers are
Slid out Come early to get the
best bargains,
1 km 4
Weight, MtKV, 7 years oUi, liluik-luoxvu,
finely built. Just the liorsc lor Kts Unit
nuke the most .serviceable lnises lor
farm ami tlriving purposes.
Will Stand the Sotison of l4)07i
Al the Jolly farm, four anal our hall nelrs northwest of
lllllsbotai, ursr the .Scotch . IiiiiiIi. TLU.MSi-Sltigle
aeivice, Colt to slsml ami uc, fin. Care tai pre
vent, but not responsible lor acciaUtits,
Farmers should see this luirne Mine breeding,
lit has the proportions thai will plrase.
Address, MillslMiro, K. I . t). No. J.
i '.' m m
The best of all
Bottled for
t sr :'
This Spray is Endorsed
by A. b. Cctrillvy
Of the Ariculturul ColU-gfe
St-xralt inj of the l'hoctiix Lime nml Sulphur
Liquid Spray, Mr. Ordley, of the Corvallis Agri
cultural College, writes Ihttnio & Co., us follows:
"turalli. on'.. Nfpi. T,
David M, Dunne Cat,,
Portlaml, Oregon.
Dear Htr? In reply to your li-itnrnf tbe lib int, I am gls.l lo l
able tu reHrt that the rvsult oliiiaaal truio I In. iimi af atur I'IiihuiIi
Hpray were verv iuttlsliu'.lairy. Iiuliwal. I ti-.ta-d u Pv illlniina tine lo
llltevn. The dlluleal sprays wrri- applieal thaiaoililv (ami (avoialilf lo
tree that were almply liu'rimtcil ami to-n a ai-aakrr s,liitii,n h.
appanauliy oomp,,trly ersaln alrat the prl Irona sprnaul Ir- a... I llml
that easuiliialion luaala about two wlii .u'.a u,i. in riat a-nl auv li lug
wale um either fruit or Icavr. (Mgunii A. It. CtiLI'LKY,
I sell clieaH'r than other tieuleis. l:or prices itt
any quantity, f. o. b., at lieavcitoii, or taken from
my place, write sole agent,
ill. 30 par bLI. of SO )., f Drovn Ion or my (arm
B. LEIS, Beaverton, Oregon. R. T. D. 1
whrthcr m
W. J.VaN
Teams with or without drivers, reasonable. Good
turnouts. We also make a specialty of feeding and
caring for trausicrit stock.
Main St., between Third and I'oiu tli.opp. Ik-nson lildg.
Payne Bros., Hillsboro
Xh? ??cheron Stallion, Imported
France in June, 1905.
Color, black, with -star in forehead; weight, 1950; 18
l,?M,dSThiglh Foalwl April 10,1901. Owned by Cedar
Mill Percherou Co. Is recorded by the Pereherou So
ciety of America as No. 44233.
Will Stand Season of 1907 as Followst
Mondays, from 10 a. in. to 4 p. , ftt ,l..s. Council's, near Glencoe; Thph
llayH, 10 to 4. at Jas. Borwick's, mile north of Kecdville on Haselii.e road;
WedliesdayH, 10 to 4, .t John Welch's, mile north of lleavertou, on Can
yon 0.(1; Thursdays, Fridays ami Niil,ml,,yM, at ,' Kob' place,
l ethanyjNlKhUan.l morninR, of Thursday.. FrLlny. aud Saturday., at
the home barn.
Termst-Iusurauce, $17.50; to Insure, $15; Season,
$12; Single Service, $8.
I ho ll.imJsomo
Cutuh Stallion
m i s i
(On duugkt)
Medicinal Use
. : a . m m mm
li'L-i'i Who Labors,
ttihin, litt..f-(i
wtiUkf. It ctrsa-. Ilia I. iniai, .1 aiMialt hm. tla, eoiatflr4,
anal liflatilr,,. l,.r I la. Niaiaj M I'IBIIal SIS
fsvaaritr. aneavwlarir, aa-illi laartl alta work, Iwi-Ma a,f
thnr pi.-..., ul l. ir mi l rsaallrut llvur, Al) anil
CorCvHt s Notti.i'. M-lta.kv.
f or Sal ml all BAHS mntl DCAI.CRM.
a.ltVVt M at 1,1., Iiw , li.l.llrn. Puan.ANii.otir.