The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 28, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 2
Axel Anderson, of I'iokichs,
Meets Teen liar Death
Feci Cautihl In Kik and Lift Him
yuitni1td in Air
Ami Andntaun, who resides near
I'roKrexii, wait foiitiil at the house ol
a man by the nan. e of l evy, on the
Portland mountain, Halurday
morning, with his In-ad suinded
from Itia wagon, hi feet having
caiiRht in the rark planks, and hi
Ixidy lurching ovir the wheel. The
tram, which Anderson had driven
out (rnm I'orlUnd, passed .ion
town early in the evening, Friday,
and he had evidently, after tiara
ing Ziontown, started back to Port
land on another road. It la nip
powd that be wa intmicatad at
'the time. The tam waa found
near th lvy barn, Saturday
mnrning, and hal doubtless re
in aitied them a large part of the
night Atibrftiii wait removed
from bin ril ua position, and wan
vet breathing. He waa iut in the
'barn and covered tip and later
taken to the limine of Hen Pattnn.,
here he wa vicited by lr. K. M.
Itobinmui, who at once said that
the matt waa too far gone to lie re
uacitaUd Kwtoratives wera niven
but too 10 avail, and Anderson
oon panned away.
Anderson was a hardworking
young fellow, but too fond of li
ijuor. He haaavnunif, wife, and
with the family the father resides.
The father waa takn to the asylum
some months ac,o, but waa dis
charged ua cured, The father wa
in the habit of becoming drunk
and when intoxicated would light
the daughter in law, an) it ii Raid
that he struck her the lint of the
week, while the son waa in Port
land. t'uroner K. U. llrown went to
Progress, Monday, nnil held id
It waa at tirt tlmuitht I tint there
might bavt) been Hume foul play,
and for thia reaaon ('owner llrown
waa called. Ho citib-d no jury,
however, aa there wis no evidence
that viol nee had b en done, ex
cepting that on the man's chest
there waa a discoloration thiit look
ed aa though he luiahl have been
struck by soma bhu.t instrument.;
On the other hand he could have
atiHtained the wound by tailing on
the bolster stake, prior to his fall
ing and gettinu in the popition
from which, under bin drunken
condition, Iih wan tumble torxtri
rate hi met If.
Saturday morning ti e futher of
Axel, who in very unruly, and a
terjifio drinker, went in starch of
the ron, as did the wifu. The
father found the team and brought
it home, leaving Axel laying in tho
ham. The wife met him aa he re
turned with the d mil, but lie would
tell her nothing tif Ami's where
a bou la. Many id the neighbor
tlown there think the old man, who
iters at drunk, might havnttsnip
ed Axel when he waa in the barn,
but thia in all mere lainjeulura.
. Eighty acres of land, within three
milea of (Jadon. Twelve acres
cleand, of which one, iicru is in line
bearing prune". Forty nurea of
good timber. Will largely pay for
place pnrbapB pay nil. Log house
1 on place that one could oomipy
until he built. Half mila from
school. Thirty living springs on
property fine for dairy ranch,
farms, $2,0(11), half down, balance
on tune. Reasonable interest
Anyone wishing Id look thia place
, over can write a day or so In fore
coming, and ho will ho met at
i elation and tnkn to place U
Heat, Gaston, Ore,
jN.JI. 8bh'del, of noitb of town,
-via in the, city Saturday,
CorneliiiH llrown, of below Hood's
Bridge, waa in town Saturday
Miss Florence Ilidivoll returned
to McMinnville tlminnsa College,
yesterday, after a week of vacation.
Hteubert Powell, one nl Oregon's
early pioneers, and a brother ol 8.
I), Powell, of thia city, died at
Portland last week, lhe remains
were taken to Albany, his old
home, for interment.
Augustine LfMay, for two years
with II. I). and Frank
Bailey, who lias been doing bridge
work for the P. K &. N , departed
, Friday for l!ay City, Michigan.
.Mr. LeMay in a general favorite
among his acquaintanceei in thia
city, and they regret tu Bee him
Oaring to the unprecedented
Hoods In California there hashten
a potato fa inlii in that Kate, and
Oieimu tultera have sone loarinir.
The trouble of delivery of the Ore
gun product, however, haa been the
lly hi the ointment, aa there can
lie no shipment over the Houtharo
Pacillo into Kan Krancieco, Con-
aequently ehiposrs have been com
pailrd to chip by vessel, and thia
haa not at all been aatiaftctory
Five or aix carloads have bean lent
out of llillahorn the past weak, the
price per stack ranging from II 15
Blacksmith wanted: Chance for
all-round country blacksmith to get
outfit and do nice little bueineaa
at railroad country elation. Will
aell plant or leant; or ell on in
atalhnent. Uood locat ion. Amlnr
ann A Hon. Keedville, Ore.
I). II. Iteaanner baa gone to the
llaliUM1 dam. alxive HcOKgin Valley,
where be will make repairs that are
calculated tu put that power plant
iiitoahape to withstand high water
or storms of all kind. Mr. lira
aonerliaa just I nut I led a four-roll
chopper. Harmon A Nordyke make,
I the Iligley mill, formerly the
Dudley mill and now owned by
(ieo. It. lUgle; and operated by
v in, nagley Jr, The new chopper
haa a capacity of two tout per
hour, and will ha able to take care
of an linmeoae cuh'.oiu.
In Marrh rrp out llie early flowrra,
The lucllr jrrp 'nratli Hpnng bwiiirla,
Ami when you have eome Iclnirc
Jmt rp at Ixiwiu-j 'a chtx-olatrt
At I'khnuli-cr'a CuiifrrtioiHrry,
lit crt mi itnd la he doca kern,
Ciai, nuu. oynlcru come ami Intrv,
II uot tu Imy, just take a Jierp,
Mr. I) W. Dolihine. who pur-
cbaHfil Mr. Gieh'i intereat in the
Hlueataiu Itar latt week, ruovrd bis
family to I"rtcoiton Tueaday from
alia alia, and baa taken uo bta
residence in the Frnder cottage on
PirH atre-t. Mr, Dobbini, ifl a
very nice sort of i man, and do
doubt will make many friends in
rrecott. I'l-fBcott (Waeb.) Spec
We aell more agricultural itn-
plementa than all of our compet
itor d, put together. The reamii
we alup dirwt fmui the factory,
and pay pt caah lor them. Come
and gel pricfB. Hchulmerich Ilroj.
Farmera from out on the hills
Wyoml Uleucoe were bnay the last
week, hauling aeveral carloaila of
Ktalne Into the city for ehipment
by Kdward Scliiilmericb. The
Hpuda will go to Ran Francieco and
Oakland by water, owing to the
fact tht the atormi in the 8acra
inonln valley have made Impawible
fifty milea of railroad.
Next Monday tho trout law per
nutH llehing, and there will be
great doings in Washington coun
ty aa anon as the weather settled.
Salmon egga will he in great de
mand for a while, and the email
hoy will be in bit element. The
mountain etreamiof thia county
atl'ird line Sailing all Summer,
Speaking of groceries if you
want the finest staple and fancy
grooeriea to i found in the market,
try John Dennia. We is after your
trade, and once a cuatomer, always
a ctiHtomer.
LaFranoe Circle and Vine Maple
Camp W. O. W, ol Cedar Mill,
will give a joint dance at the Word
man Hall, near Cedar Mill, on Sat
urday, April 27. Admission,
gentlemen, $100, members of the
order, however, will be aold tickets
for fifty oents.
II. 1). Schrnalher and Wilson
Hradley were Portland visitors,
Friday, goiug down to witnees the
departure of Augustine LeMay, on
his trip east. Frank I'auli Sr.
alao accompanied them.
We have just waived a carload
of Utah Land Planter. Also a full
supply of blaeting powder. If you
want fall, remeraher that we have
juet received a carload. Anderson
iV Hon, Heed vi lie.
T. A. McCourt,of McMinnville,
and who is now ranching a few
iniloi out of that city, was in town
Sunday, the guest of relatives.
The Hillaboro Lumber Company
shipped nut its fl rat consignment
of several carloads of ties, the last
of the week.
A. S. Sholea has two new cot
tftgcB under cover at the foot of
Third Street.
For sale: Horee. welsbs 1400
11 years old, good worker, price
l vso u. somison, Keedvule.
J. 0. Crandall Is now located at
Rancher, Rosebud County, Mon
Themlnre Bernards and John
Peters, of Verboort, were in the
city Monday morning.
Fnnklin 1C vnritt has taken
position with G, A Patterson, the
nouse lurmsner.
K. W. Dant) of Reedville, was in
the city Saturday,
Fine lot of onion seed in bulk at
the Climax Mill store.
District Attorney Hedges
ChangcH Indictment
Vuctio of Intent Entered Into the
John T. McNatnara'a attorneys,
Bagley & Hare, worked turd for
their client, and aa a result the
young man getactr lightly. The
original indictment waa for burg
lary in a dwelling, and the mini
mum sentence waa five years. As
Bagley & Hare had brought eeveral
witneaaea to ewiar that ' Bricktop"
was drunk, and the queation of
inlent entered the case, District
Attorney Hedges agreed to enter a
new indictment, that of "larceny
from a dwelling." To thia Mc
Natuara pleaded guilty on Monday
morning, and J ikIh M B ide at
once sentenced him to a year in
the state penitentiary. Thia will
mean ten or eleven tnoi.tia pro
vided McX ainsra is a model
prianiier and he generally in that.
The clot li; n stolen by McNa
mara, and the wu'ch that heap-
propnaleil were m.t worth over
four or five dollar', if worth that
much, and hU attorneys impreheed
the District Attorney with the tact
that the priooutr had rover stolen
anything un leas he waa tin ier the
influence of ''hi ' when In sud
denly became desirous of helping
McNamara has cn hided that
after he gets out of the state insti
tution he will never spun look on
the glass when it cootaius any
thing that is intoxicating.
The undersigned will aell at public
ale, near Laurel, at ten a m. on
Sorrel hore, 6 years old, Ijoo; bay mare,
l o; 4 jra old, 9 coart, 1 frcah, aeven of
them Irrab nest Fall, live of them being
graded Jerwya, 440 teal, all good mlllt
eia, anil young atoca; 4 hcifets, one
freah aoou; 6 dotea chickena, geese,
Stuilehaker wagon, $Hi top bngpy,
?nnu mower, gooil running order;
new Oilwrue hayrake, hayrack, aorinn-
tooth harrow, jvg harrow, 14-inch plow,
ahovel plow, aet double team harness,
almost new; act double chain harness,
1 5-gallon barrel churn, iciou good cednr
puala, Winchester rille, 31-cal., with re
loading tools, wheat, hay, potatoes,
household furniture and numerous other
rticlea. Lunch at noon.
Terms of sale: 110 and under,
cash; over, 8 months' time, bank
able note, at C per cent.
J. C. Kuralli, Auctioneer.
Sherwood, March 23
To the Editor: Have we a fruit
inspector in Washington County?
If so, it appears that be is not look
ing after the trees down in the
Middletoo and Sherwood sections.
Soma of the psople down here
have set out young trees, and are
trying to take care of them, but
many or the old orchards have not
been sprayed or trimmed for years,
and they are regular crusts of scale,
and will soon ruin the young or
chards. These old orchards should
be looked after. If the fruit in
spector would but make one trip
in here and notify the people what
to expect in case the law was not
followed, it would bs a great help
to ua all. 1 ours lntly,
A Subscriber.
Mrs. J. Petereon, of Cornelius,
wishes to announce that on March
5 she will exhibit her Spring mil
linery, comprising a splendid line
of Btreet hats, trimmed hats and
headwear for children. Come in
and see them before buying else
where Our exhibit can not be
beaten in Washington County.
Notice to Veterans
Notice is hereby given t hat there
will be a meeting of the Washing
ton County Veteran Association at
Cornelius, on Thursday, May 2,
and we desire to call the attention,
and urge the attendance of all the
old soldiers of any wnr, as there
will hs very important business
brought up for consideration.
Stephen Morgan,
Pres. Wash, Co. Vet Ass'n.
Horace Q. Fitch, Secretary. "
Argus and Oregonian, $2.00.
All kinds of hardware. C. A.
Lainkin Co.
Frank Slattery and Tot Wann
were over from Amboy, Wash., the
last of the week.
Sinannds Cron cut saws. C' A,
Laiiikin Co.
II. W. Miller, of Shady Brook,
was in town Tuesday.
Buy your school tablets at Mc
Cormick'a. Web Phillips, of Cornelius, waa
in the city Saturday.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argue, 12.00 per year.
Walter B-ard, of Bunks, was in
the city Friday evening.
Paints and oils.- C. A. Lamkiu
Win Keehn, of thia side of Cedar
Mill, was in the city Saturday.
Mayor Thoe Talbot, rd Corne
lius, was down to the county seat,
II Wehrung & Sens carry a full
line of Heinz' picklts and bottled
Mire Pearl Smith was down
from McMinnville the first of the
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lamkin Co.
Miss Lulu Ileiling, of Greenville,
visited friends in town the first of
the week.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Dr. Burgess, the Banks' drug
store man, was down from the new
town, Tuesday.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
Myron Beard, of above Banks,
and who has sold his place, was in
town the first of the week.
Lincoln Geiger, of Cornelius,
expects to make a trip to the Coos
Bay section in a few weeks. '
A few cravenettes left, both for
lady and gentleman. Will be eold
out at cost. hchulmerich Bros.
Carl Hkow, of Farminglon, was
in lhurfday evening last, and
visited the Argus oflicj.
You can save one htlf your bay
by using a Freeman Feed Cutter.
rorsale by Nelson Hardware Co
Geo. McGreer, the Forest Grove
horseman, was in town the last of
the week.
We are sole agents for the cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, o7 50. Schulmerieh
Jos. Schulmerieh, mayor of
Bdiiks, was down to the city Tues
day, a witness on the State vs.
Beard trial, in circuit court.
(tints' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
cher Sincerity make at II. Weh-
rung iv Nms.
Win. Vinton, one of McMinn
ville s successful attorneys, was in
the city Saturday night, attending
the Pythian District Convention.
Wanted: Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
dress J. R. Foreman, 05 East
Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
Frank Weisenback, of Witch
Hazel, and who is managing the
Kay Hop harm, was in town rn
dy. Schoolboys and girls will find
everything in school supplies (ex
oept school books) at E. L. Mo-
Cormick a.
Ben Brown, of Laurel, and who
in younger days played a great
game of baseball, was in town Sat
Golden Polish epgs for sale;
setting of 15 for 11 00. J. (1 Pel-
lette, Hillsboro, Route 1, Pacific
States Phone.
E. T. Turner, of Banks, was
down to the county seat Saturday.
Mr. Turner is a merchant in the
new railroad town.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
childreii s hose yon can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis,
We hhve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
J. H. Wesoott, of GaBton, was
down Saturday, attending the
district convention which was held
Saturday evening.
For rent: Farm of 145 acres ad
joining Hillsboro; good for grain
ordairv:80 acres of pasture, with
running water, and with but little
brush. Inquire of E. a. tongue
There will he city election" at
Cornelius, next Monday, and there
will be a very pretty tight. 1 he
saloon question will figure as the
prominent issus, as there are many
who wish to have no licensed sa
loon. Farm for sale: Eight miles
southwest of Hillsboro; 34 acres; 8
to 10 acres under cultivation; bal
ance easily cleared; good pasture;
living water; small fruit; log barn;
small house; ideal dairy farm and
is on milk route. 11,050 and easy
terms. Inquire at Argus office.
Very Little Entered the Stom
ach, and She Will Recover
Lives About Six Milea Above Baok,
io Timber
Mrs. Etta Beard, wife of Wm.
Beard, swallowed carbolic acid,
which she bad borrowed from a
neighbor, on the pretext of getting
it for a disinfectant, Monday after
noon, and for some time her life
was despaired of. The woman has
been having some trouble in the
family circle and the rath act is
attributed to thia fact. Dr. Bur
gess, of Bank', says that he thinks
very little entered the stomach,
and that probably the acid con
tracted the throat and caused her
to emit it before it reached the vital
John Lippert, who had seen such
case-1, before, wasoce of the first on
the scene, and lard was adminis
tered Tfoe woman was uncon
scious for a time, but towards mid
night rrcover-d and complained of
her puffrings. The Btards have
two or thrre little children.
Mrs. Bardie resting easy and
there is all probability of her re
covery. t
Tbs undersigned will sell at public
auction at the old Godfrey place, 5
mil8 north wfHt of Forest (5 rove,
on the Gales Creek road, at ten a.
in. on
7 milk cows, II in milk, aotne fresh.
will all be frrah in IuW, 2 twO-vear-olii
heifera, 2 two-year-old steers, 7 yearling
calves, 2 small calves, 1 Shorthorn bull
J years old, bay mare, 7 years old, in
(oal, weight, bay mare, weight
1,150, black mare, 3 years old in May,
white pony, Osborne binder, Champion
mower and hay rake, steel drag narrow,
wood (tame spring tooth barrow, 14 in.
walking plow, Hancock 2-disc plow
hnueate seeder, garden cultivator, hli
spring wagon, top buggy with pole and
shafts, road cart, set light harness,
single buggy harness, Chattam fanning
mill, platform scales, cider mill, barrel
vinegar, 7 barrels cider, 9 milk cans'
hay fork and carrier, with 175 feet rope,
force pump, kitchen range, 3 bedsteads,
with springs; Hazelton Brothers' square
piano, 1 good saddle, Zenith washing
machine, 10 gallon iron kettle, no. 5
Newhouse bear trap, 6 stands of bees,
and numerous other ai tides.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of sale: Under $10, cash;
$10 and over, one year's time,
bankable note, 7 percent; 2 per
cent off for casli on $10 or over
J. Y. Hughes. Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
The West Union District of the
Washington County Sunday School
Association held an institute at the
Tualatin Plains' Pres. Church,
Tuesday, March 26, in the evening.
The meeting was well attended, and
the program wa:
Voluntary Miss Hanley
Vocal duet Mr. and Mrs. M. King
I'rayer Win, Philip
Music The Robb Brothers
Address "The Model Sunday School"
Rev. Chas. A. Phipps, State Sunday
School Missionary for Oregon
Duet, mandolin and guitar
The Misses Harrington
Address "Evangel sm In the Sunday
School" Uev. W. C. Merritt,
International Field Worker
Solo... Rev. Chas. Phipps
Offering. Closing Hymn. Benediction.
For Sale or Lease
Small hopyard 3 miles southwest
of Laurel. Call on or address,
Wilkes Bros., Hillsboro, Ore.
The Knights of the Maccabees and
the Ladies of the Maccabees will
hold their fifth triennial state con
vention in Portland on April 15
The Southern Pacfiic will sell
round trip tickets for one and one
third the regular rates for the oc
casion. Parties of over ten attend
ing baseball games, etc., from one
station can also get the same rate
from the road.
Grand Rally Women of Woodcraft held
at Portland, April 1 and 2, a round trip
rate of one and one-third fare will be
given all who attend, where fare is more
than 50 cents,
For attendants to the Central District
Convention Christian Church at Eugene,
on April 4 and 5: Hound tup for one
and one third fare.
For fifth triennial state convention
Maccabees and Ladies of the Maccabees,
to be held at Portland, April 15, the
Southern Tactile will give a one and one
third fare for the round trip.
I am agent for the Judson Blast
ing Powder. J. W. Vaudervelden,
Roy, Ore. Cuth 'phoms.
is today indispensable on the
dressing table
gentleman. Not
Massage perfectly
removes wrinkles and
stiffness of the facial
tissues, and makes
Men use Pompeian
flexes the muscles
soreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation
and healthy skin.
Price SOc and
On account of the car shortage send
in your order early for
We have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
Vegetable and FishY
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey (aSon
t. J. LYONS. Proprietor
Uf)e Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.
of gentlewoman or
only does a Pompeian
cleanse the akin, but
blackheads, takes out
muscles, animates the
the flesh firm and solid.
Cream after shaving it
and takes away shaving
in maintaining a clear
11.00 per Jar
It's Up-Hill Worh
For any housekeeper to be con
stantly chasing around after
Good Food at reasonable prices.
The sensible woman gives op all
further searching ' after one
week's trial of our store. We
deal in first-class goods only,
and sell them at prices that
can't be beaten. Seek no fur
ther; we can satisfy you. .
The Best of All Beers