The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 21, 1907, Image 2

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    MILL380RO ARGUS. WARCH Si. It 07
tllAtt fill l 11 g
Xulered it the Postniffloe at Hlltaboro,
Omo., M -eond-claee audi aaalfr.
Ll'CICS A. LONG, Editor.
County Official Paper
I Hand
Supt A. B. Smith, in charge of
construction for the P. K A N.,
was down from Buxton yesterday.
He says that everything is running
along smooth up that way, except
that some oi Ue ureeie oojec 10
working in the tunnel since the
xnlnaion which resulted in the
One Dollar per Annum, death of one of their member?, last
week. AS toe explosion
side ths tuonel, and has uothing to
do with the kterior, their otucuon
feeona far-fetched.
The Greeks who sre working
aivwe Buxton at the tunnel gave
Portland continues to build big Atex Aggelln, a countryman ho
t.1v,k md there U no abatement was Mown up, iuneri,
.. ... Itiilnff for a dav or so. ?o oie
in progress, inais wnm - T .v.. i .dion
from getting a little foreign oney , A dealh bul it
into the community. The old uannnoeed that he was thawing
time holders of property have ffint on a stove, and that some t I
been sitting around predicting it caught fire, and that he then
J: r... .mt h such threw it on vne stove, iKum-u
methods have allowed Seattle and -
ETwarJ hor tliat. If you" cafe to tnaU
the Investment. I eliall b luU m"
tog to leave the terms entirely w you
and her."
Naturally she got Win. N wm
awake business utau U going to over
look a chaaoe to gvt am-h a An to
pi of nerve In the fauilly.-UK-Bltt,
i m First Tiff.
Every Tbareday
Tacoma to grow at Portland's ex
Chas. Patton, the cxtn and wno
veaterdav Pleaded amity to re
wivinff stolen money at Banks,
rit on Wednesday, to din a hole
out of the i ail wall, lie had fcen
the freedom of the corrider
and went into the back apartment
and had encceded in prying looee
aeveral bricks. He was dieeovf red
in time to prevent a jailbreak, an
With this issue the Argus start
on its 14th. year and it is a safe
statement to say that no paper
ever published in Washington
County has enjoyed the public
favor as fully and as completely i L0W occupies one of the steel cells
the little reng.ous Railway & Naviga
has earueditbypublishingtne local . Com j8 having the larte
newsnews that is news. formerlr occupied as a cour
n by Judge Bagiey, in the
c.:.i Pvi,n. nnv i ffet-l?Vhnlnoerich Block, fitted up as
A IWWVMW - j I - , , " A.
Annual Spring Opening
All the latest Stles
In Idshiondbie Hats.
cisco grafters in good shape and he
will land them by the doxens in
the penitentiary. It is said that
he has evidence showing that
Mayor Schmiti and Ahe Ruef, the
bosp, divided $280,000, in one deal
The new rooms will be a great .m
movement on the old quarters oc
.nniid bv Mr Abrv. who is Mr.
r- - J -
Davis' assistant
'Argus and Journal, $1 75.
Lincoln Steffens is in Portland,
with the intention of writing up
Oregon for Eastern magaiines.
He will doubtless touch on the On
ann land fraud cases but the
affable gentleman probably isn't
aware that one S. A. D. Puter has
him distanced in this special line
ol work.
Milton W Smith aooointed admin
istrator of the estate of David
Verdict for Dr. Pierce
Ladies' Home Journal.
Senate tnrtk after a He. It Is an old that a He will travel seven
leagues while truth Is getting Its boots
on, and no doubt hundreds of thousands
f wt nennle read the unwarranted and
nallclous attacK upon ur. n. .
and his 'Favorite Prescription' published
in th MOHt number of the Ladies
Bocae Journal, with Its great black dis
play heading, who never saw the hum
vu mwelin? Tetraction. with Its Incon
spicuous heading, published two months
itw&sholdlv chanted In the sland
erous and libelous article that Dr. Pierce's
V.vnrite Prescription, for the cure of
woman's weaknesses and ailmenta, con
tained alcohol and other harumu ingTeur
Young Wife-Why were you ao awk
ward and embarrassed when you r
Dused to me?
Young llusbaud-Oh. I was only try
ing not to look so cooksure of being
accepted as I felt-Ally Bloper.
Speed Versus Capacity.
At a mvnt dluuer glveu to the ncwa
boys of a great city one of the geutle
nien In charge of the feast noticed a
"newsy" stowing away the food at a
rate that boded 111 for the Immediate
future of his digestive apparatus.
Why do you eat so fast, sounyT
he Inquired.
So s I kin get a hull lot down tore
I feel, full," was the choked reply.
Llpptucotfs Magazine.
Once Wee Enough.
"May 1 kiss you?" he a,ked.
"Yes, on the forehead," she answer
"Nothing doing." he rejoined. "The
last time I kissed a girl on the rore-
head I got a bang In the mouth."
Honston Tost.
Above L. M. ItoU's Store, Main St., Hillsboro
(On dougKi)
The best of all Beers. .
Bottled for McJu-inal Use
mm m. .,'
Gats Twisted.
Hewitt Gruet Is always doing Uie
wrong thing.
Jewett Yes; he U the kind of reiiow
Who would buy hay for his automobile
and give gasoline to hla horse. New
York Press.
In the Matter of the Application
of I
Rolwrt T. Klnipeon. f..r Li.-iiw
to sell spirituoua, vimmi ami I,
malt Uiiiura in lw qiiaiititiH
Iban o'ie gallon in Kiul.n I
Prertuct, waHhington i omiiy,
To the. Honorable County "'irt of the
8uie of Oregon, for Washington
The undersigned Petitioner", lecal vo
ters of Mux. on Precinct, W aitliiiigtoii
County, Oregon, and connitiitlng a m tha l.ifni voters of saul Precinct,
and being actual reident of viiil precinct,
ton Pm'tnct tinny iim immn.i
ii,. .11.- m ilus 1'i'iiiUm. wonlt
r:;'" ' . . ... ii., ja
resiieciiuity pennon jnr ."
Body and ask tnal a License to tll srit
uou. vinous and malt liquors in let-
ii. Tmim.l for S3UO.000.00 damages.
Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. ISok, the
editor, maliciously published the article
nniainina such false and defamatory
mattAr wit the intent of Injuring hil
Turthermore, tnai no aiconoi, or
urious. or habit-forming, drugs
ere. contained In his "'
Dtion": that said medicine
m native medicinal roots and
no harmful Ingredients whale
rl that Mr. Bok s malicious state-
were whollv and afeolutely false,
i retraction limiiefl.
Smith, deceased, probable value of tg. Dr. pierce promptly brought suit
enrwi. knnHa al l tha nublLshers of the L.aaies
t'2400; same also appoiated ad
ministrator of estate of Dr. H. C
Smith, deceatsed heir of David
Smith, bonds at $150.
H G Fitch appointed executor of txwim
will of late W H Lunff, of Corne
lius, bonds in sum of $2,000; H H
Henderson. P Phelps and A C
Reynolds, appraisers.
John Papas appointed adminis
trator estate of late Alex Agftelles,
killed by powder explosion at Bux
ton, last week; bonds at $150; Wil
lis Ireland, J W Connell and Geo
H Wilcox, appraisers.
Jost Dnerst estate Bet lor nnai
hearing, April 22.
Guardianship of John N and
Tbos Wetxel closed of record.
Laura Clapebaw appointed
guardian of minor, Laura Verne
Guardianship Christian Jensen,
minor heirs closed of record.
Sale of property of Seidler heirs,
of Cornelius, confirmed.
When Her Shoe Came Untied.
When her shoe came untied what could I
An hut atOQD
And fumble the strings till Id fashioned
a loop . ..
That would serve tor a bow and men
knotted tt tight.
The while ahe was blushing, conruiea at
her plight?
Yet Cupid, the acomp. might bis aaru
h:iv ahot wide
Had I not thus stooped down whan her
ihoe came untied.
For after the knot I'd adjusted. It seamed.
Her eyes with a spirit ot roguiannaaa
And of course, being down on my aneea,
It occurred
I well might art something I long aaa
Bo I said a few words, and she sometalng
That sounded like "T"-whn her shoe
Came untied!
-Roy Farrell Greene in Judge.
....... in, . ihan one en Km in lluxioii
Precinct. Waxhiiucl.m County, Uncoil
begrauted and issued to Kolmri T. Simp
Mm, a resident of aald Precinct, for a er
iod of one year.
Dated tins day of March. !
Mary Schnavelv, l'lalnlill, 1
Willliiui Allen SolinaveU Defendant I
I n H illlaui Allen Sclinavely, almve
In the iiaiue of the State of Orrjon. you
ai-e hereby reiilre,l to appear and answer
Oie ruiiipialnl lilwl BKaiual you in me
almve eiititlwl an it, on or before the last
lay of the tune prescribed In the Orde'
tor the publication of una summons: sam
tune heiiiK six weeks from the lirat
iiililication of tills aiiuimona; and il you
;ail o to appear and answer, for want
thereof, the plaintllf wilt apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
oiniiluint in aald suit, to-wit: For a
decree iiilviiiK the bonds of matrimony
ami iiiarriaxo contract existing between
the plaintiff and yourself, anil allowing
the pluliititl to resume her maiden name,
.Mary lloilainl.
t ins numinous is published by Order of
Hon. J. V. OimhIIii, County JuilKe of said
WasliiUk'tou County. Male of Oregon,
a lil 'h order was ilulv uiwle and tiled on
ilia -till day of February, IMU7, and the
laleof the first publication hereof is the
itli il of February, Ml.
V. k.bTKODK.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
This Spray is Endorsed
By A. B. CorUW
Of the Agricultural Collcfie
Speaking of the Phwuix Lime ami Sull'hur
LiquW pray. Mr. Coidley, of the Corvallis Agri
cultural College, writes Dtiuue & C., follows:
"Corrallla. Oie., Sept. 7, P.MI.
David M. Dunns Co..
Purtlaiid, tlregnn.
Dear Hlr: In reply to your Idler of the llh lnl. I am gU.I to be
able to report that the result obtained from the n of your I hoenix
rtpray were very natUtactntv. Indeed. I tented II I'V dllulllut one to
llltaen. The dilule.1 i.rav were applied thoroughly and favorably l
trees that were etiuplv liu'runted. and een a weaker iHilnllon naa
apparently Completely iradlrateil the peal from aprayed lieea. I linn
that examination made aland two weeks aim fsi1" to reveal an II v in.
scale upon either fruit or leave. (Hlgne.l) A. H. oltl'l.l'.l .
I sell cheaper than other dealers, l'or prices iu
any quantity, f. o. b., at Ikavcttoii, or taken from
my place, write sole ngeut,
$11. SO per bbl. of SO (., t.o.h., eavertin or my farm
B. LE1S. De-vrrton, Orrjjon. R. F. D. 1
Vnum certnie.t Ttia t it iliJ
nem su. ail 01
"Boldface Type."
JBl CCrlinol ma. i ii, , i iiiloiiil.iiu i-
'TCJi.iVai-re ilso oroven in the trial ot I
the action In the Supreme Court. But the
business of Dr. Pierce was greatly Injured by
.. . ....... t .k. in.1, .,. article with
uigj ifufll' atlvll J aire mn .w - , , . l
i.. ... ai.,,1 lirilniN. whl e hundreds of
thousand who read the wickedly defamatory
article never saw the humble groveling re
traction, set In small type and m.rie a Incon
spicuous as possible. The matter was. how
ever brought before a jury in the Supreme
Court of New York State which promptly
1 u. in il,a DtK-tor's favor.
Fhi hto tradoVer, cirni to grief and thetl
fjH UeUluens were remw-
Chas M Scott appointed adminia-1 How a Wily 8uitor Became a Member
Irator estate of John Scott, late
of Forest Grove; bonds fined at
$5600. ,
Estate Robert Imbrie closed of
Louisa Baughfman appointed
executrix last will of I F Baugbf-
. . 1 l a aft fa AAA . Ml
man: estate vaiuea at i,uuu; wm
of a Certain Family.
As the young man entered the old
man looked up and scowled.
' "Well?" aald the old man shortly.
"Tour daughter" began the young
man. but the old man cut him off
"I'm noticed that you've been bang
ing around here a good deal, he said.
-Inland Printer.
Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids will be received until Satur
day April the 13th, 1907, at 2.oo p. m.,
by the county court 01 wasmngion
Count Oreeon. and then opened for the
construction of a bridge across the Tnal
atin River, said bridge to replace the old
D McPherson
T B Perkins
Martin Hart
Max Burgbolxcr
John Upper
Perry Watson
K t' Stephens
W N Jacobwm
8 D Buchanan
Alfred CutumiiiK
Chas Hine
Herman Letatilion
Albert Bledaoe
James T Turk
J W Howard
Lewis H Holt
C J Mendenball
H M Munger
Kli Mills
O M Arnold
W H Allen. P It A N
A H Kmerson
Thomas McKarlatnl
Frederick 41 art
Ko C Fair
Peter Hilla
N P Nelson
Kdward Baker
H Paisley
M llindhart
Carl Coler
J H Fu-tier
Heigle Holt
M iienxer
O H Riggl"
Chas Imo'I
W M Jobifo 1
Harry Lawitt
C 8 Brain
Henry lober
W 0 Hinea
Geo Kcstnr
J Meyera
vi,.. Is brreli eiven. that tb under
alined resident of Huston I'ricimt,
u..-iOnii,ii Couiitv. Oregon, will, m
uj..i..?i ), 1st (lav ol May, 1: ','.', at
ten o'clock A. M. of said day, present the
foregoing petition lor License! y "i"
and mail liutiontin l.nx-
inn Precinct. Washington County, Ore
in lsa niiantities than one gallon
th Ponnt Court of the Mato ol tnegon
... wMhiiortoii County, at the court
.m in Hillalmrn. Oregon, and at saul
time and place will ask that a License be
issued to the undersigned applicant. Ut
Mil spirituoua, Vinous mm in. .,...
A B Hinitb
Christy UielsTg i r
J II Hmck
John Hurt
11 K yutck
Chas I! Htephena
,S H lliilbH'k
Hreen tr
John W llausrh
J S Bledsoe
Joliu Koslur
Theodore Urilli n
W Me vera
W D llaker
Oaviil O'Hounell
Vine Oruiliitl
C Burr
l'en Pope
J It Hailcy
J Hipiun
Ambrose rM'tiiuolttii
Unst Scliniiillin
Ad iin Itcllish
Ii W
W K Kiinpson
T 1) Mclliirgue
A Hlinlison
J 8 Tigard
Krnest Couples
t hus Woir
It Cletndciiiitg
Win Bayuioiid
II M Raymond
Frank Bailey
Hugh S Roger
tiisi l.ippcrl
Chas l.ippert
H II .stonell
Kiiw llitghe"
.) Sinitti
A M Hiiriial
tiisj Fisher
The ftVciuf'i; Queen
kncm ihn Ctu wt.,kr U tmliMnMf u eul-
are fsiswltes with Iheenoktof the fatted lal,
iiiKimslw-it rsHe n
I i.tiiiiit ui ol ti'" whUkua, by Ih'ir sdsiSslslity for the preimstUHl ol all
ti.lws In which ! whi.k Is r.porril. hi tlwm I
lh front rsuli anwaf tii n.-muir of IU fctuaee.
Tlx Nosi a tnsiiilt, in H'irt sh.i im, sr ,
rr ! mi mil DRUGGIST!! svtaf OCMURM.
W.J. StUbtVI (.. 1st. W.riMers, HXttAW. Sltfl,
Executrix' Notice
Notice is hereby gien that the under
siuuisl lias been appointed (seciitril of
the laat will and teetaiiieut of Tlionias
otchiu, tleccaacd, by an order ot the
County Court of Washington County, Or-
rn'ii, msiie ami enirrrwi on iweiuner ii
ami all iiersons Having claims
against nM estate are nereny noimeo ami
iliiecled to present said claims, together
with the pioper vouetiers tneraror. to nit
at my reslilonce, or at the utiles of T boe,
II. Tongue Jr., at llillahoro. Washington
Countr, Oregon, on or before sli months
from date hereof,
Patislat, Oregon, this 21th
day of Ieiiiher, IKS).
Kxeciitrlx of the last will and testa
ment of I ho. Otchin, diN-eaaeil
Tin It. Tongue, Attorney,
Teams with or without
turnouts. We also make
caring for transient stock.
timers, reasonable.
a specialty of fmliiiK auJ
Maiu St., lietween Third and l-itirtl,t.pi. Ik'tisoti Ittdg.
Payne Bros., Hillsboro
gives adopted son, Willie J Baugbf- "I auppose that yon' ve come to tell me structure known as the Scholia bridge at yUIn ire,.,i'n,.t( Waahiiigtoii Coiinty,
man of South Dakota. $25. and that you love her and Want to marry the Groner & Kowell saw mill. Oregon, iu less o,ua.ititie than one gal-
man, oi oouvu iMuia, , uu , Plans and specifications may be seen in, for a period ol one year from tlie dale
rceiuua gucB wj suis.
"No," replied the young man calmly.
"I've come to tell you that she loves
me and wants to marry me."
"What?" roared the old man.
"She says so herself," persisted the
I wish to announce that I will have
no formal Millinery Opening this young man
mn Vint Rnrdiallv invite the la- "I never beard of such au exhibition
j: t u;ilak. .nd nininitv in of egotistical impertinence:" said tie
.1l .t .nv lim. Mw well aelected old mfln-
, . J " , i . . I "Then you mlaunderstaud me," ex
Bloc a naa arrivcu aun uw pIame(J tUe roung mau. .My assertion
lor your lDBpeunuu. dlctated by policy and not by impcr
My store win oe open evening tlnence. you ee, It's just this way.
during the season. I what I want is nothiug to you. Now,
Mrs. Vrooman. u itr .
Main St.. ODDOsite Court House. "Why-er-not exactly."
l mignt wain ai.istu, uut iuui
wouldn't matter to yon, would It?"
"Certainly not."
"You're under no obligation to supply
me with what I want, are you?"
"Then what a foolish proposition It
would be for me to come to you and
aay, 'Mr. Parkinson, I have been very
favorably Impressed with your house
and furniture,' or 'I thluk I'd like your
daughter,' or anything else In that line.
But when your daughter wants any
thing It's different Now, Isn't It?"
"It certainly Is different," admitted
the old man cautiously,
f "Precisely," said the young man.
"She and I figured that all out very
carefully last night. You see, I have
no jpartlcular prospects, and we coulr'
both see that there wasn't one chance
In a hundred that you would give her
to me. Then she suggested that you
had never yet refused anything Unit
she wanted, no matter what the cost
might be, and that perhaps "tt would
felt that
to do
anything for me, but It's different In
Uua aaaaa SB SB T WUrllOel till 1 lQ f )ta
Eg-jrs, fancy ranch, 19 194c
"I'm here merely as her agent to say
Butter, Extra Creamery, jo. gj,e wants me and that she wants
Hops Choice," 9 13; . according me very much and so ask you to please
. iA. gee that ahe gets me. She never has
,W "" 3 ; wanted earthing ao much as ahe wants
(ML and. I ax3tJ0fa o rrr(li sgoeed
at the office of the County Clerk on and
after Monday April ist, 1907.
The successful bidder will be required
to furnish a good and sufficient bond for
the faithful performance of tse work
before entering into contract for same.
The Court reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
J. VV. Goodin, Connty Judge.
By order of the Court.
Notice of Final Settlement.
,.f ih iuMiini-nf such I.ii'eum,
Dated this rth day ?f Mawh. i:ir.
Bagley A Hare, Attorney for Applicant
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice to Taxpayera
Nolli Ik hereby given that the taxrulla
for Washington County, Oregon, will be
own lor uoiiei'llou anu payment 01 lasea
on WeiliiHHila, Kel.rury w, 1WI7, ami ail
whomahe full payment of their tax be
fore Mari li l.'i, 19ml, will reeetve a robalenf
it ner centiitii. It all itayiiients nan ds
niaile bv the first Monday in April with
out Interest charge, or penalty, and the
remaining half can tie nam at any lime
rior to the first Monday In Oetolier, Ilai7.
Vhorn no i.ayinent Is made by the lirst
Monday in 1HU?. the tax beonme
leliniuent, and the atatute requires, from
that iiato, a (M-iiaity or ten per cem, ami
also au Intereal charge of one per rent.
per month on nam tax until It la fain.
Hherilf and ex-nfllrlo tax collector of
WnshiiiKUni County, Oregon,
IlillHlairo, Ore., Jan. 14, IW.
e-v r
kl lit r
I wish to sell my farm containing
152 acres. 110 acres under culti
vation; good house and barn; good
orchard Three and one half miles
south of HillBboro and one mile
west of Farmington. For further
information apply to K. Burk
halter, Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D. 2.
This morning's market reports,
compiled from Portland quotations,
are: '
Valley Wheat, new, 0o.
Barley-feed, 22f 22.60 per ton;
brewing,$23; rolled, 123 60f24.50
Oats, White, $29 $30.
Oats, gray, $28$29 per ton.
Rn ft 17 ner ton: shorts, $20.
Ha Vslley timothy, $14.00 and be a good plan to change the
i ti nrt! eln t9 00(a$10 00. somewhat We sort of fel
$15.00; JP'uu,9iU W- tt wouldn't be right to ask you
Hi. lylUVCl,
PoUtotw, .11.10011.25 per cwt
N'otiee is hereby given that the undersign
ed, administrator of the estate of Bina I..
Lilly, has tiled with the County Court of
the Ktate of Oregon for Washington Coun
ty, bis final amount as such administra
tor, and the Court has fixed Monday,
April 22, 1WW, at the hour of ten o'clock of
aaid day, at the court house to,
Oregon, as the time and plant for hearing
objections to said final account, if any
there be, and for the tinal settlement of
said estate. H. M. PITMAN,
Administrator of the Estatetof Hlna L.
Lilly, deceaned.
II, T. Bagley, attorney for administrator
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed adminiatrator has filed in tlie
County Court of Washington County,
Oregon, his final account a administra
tor of the eatatsi of Jost. Duerst, ileceaxeil ,
and that the same has ln set lor hear
ing and final settlement, betnre sai1
court, on Monday, April tl, l!)7, at 10
Dated at h'illaboro, Oregon, this March I Rast
W. I7- I
- tJKtJI'.Uf. I'l r.n.-ii ,
Administrator of the Batata of Joal.
Duerst, Deceased. .
W.N.Barrett. Attorney for Administrator.
Siioip LINE
and Umon Pacific
Thtotigh Tullman standard and tourlsl
sleeping-cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tonrisl
sleeping-cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, rt-
i dining chair cara (teata free) to the
Administrator's Notice
Koiiep la hereby eiven thai the undersign
ed haa been by the County Court of the
Mtate of Oregon, lor w amiuiKiuii vwumjr,
duly appointed adniinistraUir of the es
tate of Alex Aggeles, deeeaaed, and haa
duly qualified and entered upon the dis
charge of his duties as such. Now, there
fore, all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present
the same to the unuerslgiiexi, at me law
Oflice of Bagley Hare, in Hillslioro, Or
egon, within six months from dale here
ol. Dated this SMth day of March, A. I).
Administrator of the estate of Alex Ag
gelles, deceased,
bagley dt Hare, Attys for Adm'r.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting
Notice ia hereby given that the annual
stockholders' meeting of the Hillslioro
Co-Operative Company will ue held in
Granite Hall, Hillsboro, Oregon, at I p.
in. on Wedneaday, March 27, IM07, for the
purpose of electing a board of direck
for the eriHUlne vear. and for the tran i
tion of such other business as shall legally
come berore aucn meeting.
J. A. Imbrie, Bec'y,
James H. Jewell, President,
Edison's Gold Mould
ed Records in Stoch
t .t
1 ' -
I ,.v-f--rti . r j.
Hi 16 P.M.
Ht. Paul"
6:15 r. a,
land HlgKS
S :lfi a.m.
.Salt Lake, Denver,
Kt. Worth, oiiiaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
Louis, Chicago and
Bait f-ake, Denver,
Kt. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
Ixuin, Chicago and
Walia WalfanwlT
Pullman, Minneap
olis, Ht. Paul, Du
Intl., Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kaat '
Bmmlmrm In
All kinda of Fresh Meats. Prices Rea
sonable. Will meet all competition.
Chickens and Poultry always on hand
upon order. Free delivery to all parts
of the town. We buy fat stock. j
aWftPhswiM j
Bmoond CtteaU HIIMoro, Or
Vnr all local points
between Higgs and
6:00 r. u.
7:15 a. a
8:00 a. at
River boats on the lower Columbia and
Willamette dally except Hunday,
Do you desire good rock road: in your Comity? If so,
cut out this petition, sign it, 1 ne your neighbors sin
it, and send to the Hillsboro Aunis. You must nv.iv
l)t) IT NOW. 1.) VOI R PART, ! IT
Your xiudersigned Petitioners would respectfully rep
resent: That we arc resident taxpayers of the Coituty of
Washington; That we desire the County Court of the
State of Oregou for Washington County, out of any
moneys iu the County Treasury, not otherwise appro
priated, to purchase niachiuery and material necessary
to initiate permanent rock road building in Wash
ington County, and for the construction during the
year 1907, of as much permanent ruck road as pos
sible, and we hereby expressly sanction the expendi
ture of moneys derived from taxation for that purpose
and suggest that iu the building of such roads, the
County Court should employ a competent Kngiuccr or
expert to superintend the construction thereof.
For isle:
and Brown
Wbitn Plymouth Rock
Leghorn cockere 1, (or
r 1 a '.It (... I IT a at
if) BiHi mMti nil uuiiimi iu ciio Mum I v r 1
Tickets via this route on sale at all denot breading purposes, tan fllso PUD
ply eggs lor Betting purposes from
each of these varieties. 1). 1).
ollices of the Southern Pacific Co,
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Qregoo.
Cooley, Hilleboro, It. F. D, 4, lo
cated near Phillips, one mile west.
Thnroiinlilired Brown Leghorn
fig-Re, 75 omita jwr HHitinir. ISfgga
in felting. Incubator lots at re
duced prices, Phone, PaciBo
Htiitos, ,'!8 Hoy Exchange. Mr.
Peter Vanilorzatnlen, Greenville.
Ore., R. P. 1). 3. '
Arptu and Oregonian, $2,
r -