The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 21, 1907, Image 1

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    SIIjIE .
- ME
NO. 1
UNO DUD ON 110 ill
Young (.at den Home ' irl
Dxpircs, r.niiiutc to liicnds
Dfaih Probably Isuart by
' Failure, Say l'li)ltlaa
Km in a Nlclinlmin, a young Udv il
Garden Horn, serosa th lion in
Multnomah County, was found
deed mile or o north ( Beaver
ton, Sunday morning. Tim young
lady had embarked on tbe train al
Hbattuck and wan going to vinii
Miss Guetina Johns rn, who resides
with her parent, Mr. and Mr
Robert JohtiBnn, near Reaverton.
The young lady wm about 18 years
of age, and her death was doubtless
due to heart failure, superinduced
by bar hurry to reach the Johnson
bonis before nightfall, she having
left the train at Beaverton the
latt train out.
Coroner K. C. Browu and Dr.
Taniieeie wtnt to Ilia icon of the
death, and a jury was impanelled
to inquire info the ca. The jury
consiaitd of J. V. Chatteron, Gen.
L. Newman, C C. Jack, W. T.
HLaikltiford, K. J. Thorn. a and II.
M. Summers. The testimony ol
wituriare wn an follows:
II. A, Lee:- Waa ihi M-tualnted with
Kmwi Nicholson, drcraaed. Had never
aeD ber alive, l'list uw her al v:,o
Sunday iiioinlriK, while eoing alter' a
luailul lumber. Was driving by, and
aw glil prontrnte on giound; said:
"Lady, thia ta no pUre lor you." Ke
cttviug no answer, went up ami touched
uerarui, and aaw that the was dead.
Turned hark and nil to house of Mr.
Welch, ami told til in of the ileatb;
Mr. Welch then wrnt to tell Mr.
Kiy, aud wltneu, Mr. Welch aud allsa
Kyin went back to where the corpat lay,
aud iemainet there until others came,
when wiinesa went on alter h! load of
IMtO Nicholson,-Iieceawd wni bia
daughter; ahe wu 7 years of age; waa
living at home, and about 4 uo o'clock
cialmdav eveuiuii, took the train at
hbattuck, to go to Heaverton, from
which place she was K'jing to ilt with
the family of Robert jnhmon, two miles
livilhtif Heaverton, ami reiuain all night;
waa of chreiful liame Of mind, and in
fine humor when the left home; had
never shown morbid dmiioxition, never
waa disappointed iu any way, and never
had neivouaelli or trouble iu any way
with mind or body.
C. It. Fry: -llid not know deceased,
hut aaw her get on train at Shuttu-k,
aad aaw her Irav Mine at Heaverton,
about 6:lf, and whrn the )mrd bit
blare a half mile uoilh of Pravertou,
ilecreiird waa walking rapidly, and go
ing Dorlh, Noticed uothiug unusual,
cicept that abe w.n going vrry fast.
Wile asked liim if he knew her, and he
recognirfd lie r as the girl who boarded
traiu at Shatluck. Said he waa a aperta)
deputy shetitt, and wheu untitled by
John Welch o! Ihedeaih, went to where
body waa, aud identified her an Hit
woman of the evening before. Went to
bouse ol K. N. Tlinnmn tnd telephoned
aiiertn, aim turn irieluiied Iter parents
at Garden Home, the girl by this time
having been Idciilillrd by the Johnsons.
Placed guard over teumins and wailed
lor arrival of the coroner.
J. K. Suuimrra; Waa not acquainted
with liuiina NU'holann, but lirat taw her
at Heaverton, wheu h lelt the train.
Noticed that abe went up railioad track,
going Mem, ami anw no more of her nil
III ht aaw her Ixyliig dead, and thru
lecoguued her hi the ucraon he had
aeen at the atatlnn the niuht before
Noticed nothing tiniisunl about btrai
Heaverton, except that he aeeined lo be
in a liurry.
Thelury'a Vcidirt: "We. the iurora
auniinuiiel by the coroner in the above
entitled caae, oii-hUik of the lollowini;
named ncraima: t'.co. l Newinim, C. 0.
Jack, K. J Tliuums, II. M. Suiuiurra,
W, T. Miackltfcril and J. W. Chatter
ton, Mini that ileceaned came to her
death mine time during the nMit of
March 16, I907, by tome came uukuown
lo the Jury."
i;r. lanitfin, the coronur b
phviioian, funtd no marks of vio
lence uiiim liody of di-waped. On
her throat thtrw were ei'vcral vligbt
aliraoionK, whitih might have boon
uroduci'd in her fall, or by her
clutohing l.Pr throat wbon nhe fell
There was no flnuiguliUion at all
and no bruixeti upnn her head.
Mr. Wlllintn Hmiry Foulkn, of
Douglas, Alufka, and Mihb Jane
U&lbrfalh, ff near Tualatin, were
united in marriage by lion. J. W
Ooodin, in Hillnhoro, Oro,, March
18, The hridn !m a dnugliter of
Mr. and Mib Joseph Gnlbreath,
well ktiown in tho Houtheaetern
part of thetiounty, Th grcom la
mining in tho Alankun country.
All kindH of bnrdwiiro. C. A.
Lamkin Co.
Llnonln Geigtr, of Cornelius, was
in the cily TuenUy.
Golden Polish epgs for tale;
eetting of IB for $1(10. J. G Pa
lette, Hilltboro, U(,u:e 1, Paoifio
States Phone.
'T, W. Thomjisnn, on of the old
timers of Gaston, and who for sev
eral years has been tosiding in
Portland, was out to the county
la tba reading o 11 teat at tba
llarnwa' achool, north of Heaverton,
I nft Friday afternoon Min Mary
Hreiumer won firat lac with 137
linea, Pearl llarhee, aecood, with 71
linea, and lierlba Hanni, third,
with T7 linea. Next Friday tba
monthly mathematical oonteet will
be held, and patrom of the ichool
are invited to come out and ee the
little nnea "make the chalk fly."
Karl Fiaher, Teacher.
John W. Brock, who resided In
Kaat llillaboro several years ago,
and who moved from here to Lenta,
died Haturday and hi reraaina
were buried In the Multnomah
cemetery. Ilia son, Wilbur F.
ltrock, la hla only aurving child.
Deeeaaed waa a member of the G.
A. K. and ( f the Grange, lo early
life ha waa a sohool teacher, and
later conducted a newspaper at
Walla Walla.
Ambrose Schmidlin, of Albion,
above Button, and C. J. Menden
ball, of lluxlon, were in the city
Monday, aud called at IbiaoOice
lor a year of county news. Mr.
Bchuiidltn says the roads above
Huxton are something terrible, and
that next year tbe district will
likely levy a special tax to as to
make the timber land speculators
come through with something for
road betterment.
J. J. Kern, secretary of the
Farmers' Mutual Fire Uelief As
sociation, was in town from Port
land, Friday, and called at tbe Ar
gil ollice. Mr Kern wants a gfxwl,
live agent for Una territory, and
anyone desiring to make good
ages, should write hi in at Port
land. The address is to be found
in the display sdvertuerueut in
another column.
Mia Laura Muir arrived in the
cily Saturday from Portland, Ore.,
and exiM-cta to spend the Summer
here, vtaiting relativea and friends.
She will take up ber residence with
her sister, Mrs. John Arbogast, and
anaial in caring for her mother who
has been ill lor several weeks but
who at prevent is showing improve
meut Review, Farmer City, III
In March perp out the early flowera,
The tudiea prep 'neath Spring bomiela,
And wheu you have aome lemure
Jutt ierp at Uiwucy'a chocolates
At l'aliuatrrr'a Confectionery,
lee cream aud soda he dora keep,
Cigura, nuta, oyitcra come ami tarry,
If not lo buy, juat take a erp.
Mr. Wilcox, of Forest Grove,
lost a barn by fire, Cunday morn
tng, probably of incendiary origin.
M. 1-. Noble, tbe real estate man,
was using the barn and barely
succeeded in gelling hia team, cow
and buggy away from the blaie.
II. K. Prangsr, of I-eisyville, waa
ill town Monday, and called on tbe
Argus, sending a copy of the paper
lo a relative in tha east. This ia
the kind of missionary work that
will do business for Waahington
We sell more agricultural im
plements than all of our compet
itors, put together. Tbe reason
ae ship direct from the factory,
and pay spot cash for them. Come
and get prices.
D. M. Mofnnis, of Farmington,
was In the city Friday, and called
on the Argus ollice. Mo. is getting
to like the "strenuous life of
farming, and no longer wants to
hark back to the cities.
Speaking of groceries 11 . you
want the finest staple and fancy
groceries to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. We ia after your
trade, and onoe a customer, always
a customer.
John Punch and family, relatives
of Andrew Miller, who worka at
the Climax Mill, left last week for
Newton, North Carolina, their for
mer home. -
Schoolboys and girls will find
everything in achool supplies (ex
cent sohool books) at K. L. Mo
Earl Wallace was out from Port
land, Sunday, the guest of his
parents, Mr, and Mra. Frank
John Reichen, ol West Union
was in town Saturday, after sev
eral weeks of rest, occasioned by
the grip.
We are sole agents for the cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, $37 50. Sohulmerioh
Wm. Thornburgh, of above
lUnks, was down Monday, a wit'
uess before the district attorney.
You oan save one half your hay
by uning a freeman Feed Cutter
For Bale by Nelson Hardware Co
Dr. C. B. Brown, wife and aon, of
Portland, were out Sunday, guests
of Mrs. Susan Brown.
A few cravenettes left, both for
lady and gentleman. Will be sol
out at coBt. Sohulmerich Bros.
lMmer Mays, the Ulencoe mer
chant, was in the city Monday.
Geo. Miller and J. A. Kirkwood
Andrew Wann, Meets With
Hear on Lniun Road
ecaliar Adveolure Over en Ltwia
ndrew Wann, better known here
as"Tot" Wanii, while working on
.etais River, over In Waahington,
one day laat wetk, met a bear on a
skid road. The bear would riot
skiddoo" and Wann felt the same
ay. As ha had no weapon save a
otible bitted sx, he cloned, on his
bearabip, who showed fight. They
oed, but the three foot of ax-
andle gave the man the advantage.
nd in a few minute there was four
uodred pounds of bear ready for
kioning. He was chopped so full
of holes, however, that he was a
poor subject for a taxiilarniiat
lua story of Daniel in the Lion s
Den isn't a comparison to that
fight and when Wann e mm over
to Hillnboro on hia vacation there
ill be a regular Belahaizar leant
to celebrate his p-owees.
Tbe undersigned will sell at public
ale, near Laurel, at t-n a ni. on
Sorrel borae, 6 yeara old, Ijoo; bay mare.
300; 4 yra old, 9 cowa. 1 Ireth, aeveu of
them freah next Tall, liveol them being
graded Jemeya, 4:40 teat, all good milk-
era, aud young atock; 4 heiteis, one
freab aoou; 6 dozen rhickena. ueeae.
Studebaker wagoo, ',: top buggy.
I)e-iiiig mower, good running order;
new OaUirne bayrake, baviack, apring
tooth harrow, peg barrow.' U-inch plow.
hovel plow, aet double team harneaa.
almost new; aet double chain harneaa.
( gallon barrel churn, 1000 iiood cedar
poala, Winchester rifle, Ji-cal., with rel
oading tools, wheat, hay, potatoea.
bouaehold furniture and numerous other
rtlclea. Lunch at noon.
Terms of sale: f 10 and under,
cash; over, 8 months' time, bank-
ble uote, at G per rent.
J. C. Kumtli, Auctioneer.
Mrs. J ,1'eterfon, r,f Cornelius,
wiebes to announce that on March
she will exhibit ber Spring mil
nery, comprising a splendid line
of street hats, trimmed hats and
esdwear for children. Come in
nd Bee them before buying else
where Our exhibit can not be
beaten in Washington County.
W. B. Darety.of Glencoc, and C
Mendenhall, of above Huxton,
met iu tbe county seat, Mondav.
nd bad an old time talkfet-t. In
me course 01 their remininrcenres
iney wonaereu wnat necame 01 a
suhoolma'am into whose bed they
. 1 t a I . a
placed a garter snake some twenty
years ago. When told that she
waa married and had a family of
tn children they silently marched
off to a place that buys Uncle Sam's
revenue stamps, securely patted on
bottles and barrels, and then
silently lifted their eyes to the
Farm for sale: Eight miles
southwest of HilUlHiro; Si acree; 8
to Id acres under cultivation; bal
ance easily cleared; good pasture;
living water; Bmall fruit; log barn;
small bouse; ideal dairy farm and
is on milk route. II,0i0 and easy
terms. Inquire at Argus office.
Jud McGahey, working for Tlios.
Counel), of near Glencoe, while
cutting wood, Monday morning,
completely severed the index finger
of his lelt band, and badly cut in
to the adjoining finger. Dr. W. D.
Wood dressed the wounded digit
and Juddy will take a vacation for
few weeks.
J. F. Haynie, a membpr of the
Argus family at Forest Grove, was
down to the capital, Monday, and
remembered the religious weekly
in a substantial manner, iiaytie
was drawn on tne jury but succeed
ed in getting excused.
Dr. W. P. Via and Dr. C. L
Large, ot Forest Grove, were down
to the oounty seat Tuesday after
noon, interested listeners at the
trial of P. U. vs. C. F. Miiler, land
C. W. Allen, an old time Beaver
tonite, waa in the city Monday,
and while here made the Argus a
John Kebrli, of east of town; waB
in the city Monday, and called on
the Argus.
G. L. White, of the Base Line
Lumber Company, was in the city
Mooday afternoon'.
Burn, to Edward Faust aud wife,
of Job Crossing, March lo, lUOi.a
Argus and Oregonian, t'2.00.
Paints and oils. C. A. Lamkin
Perry Watson, r f Buxton, was in
town the first of the week.
Buy your school tablets at Mc
Cormick's. John Fisher, of Centerville, was
in town Tuesday afternoon.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argus, 12 00 per year.
Aleo To hi, of above Forest
Grove, wan in the city Tueeday.
Peter Welly, the Helvetia car
penter and builder, was in the city
II Wehrung A Sons carry a full
line of Heinz' pickles and bottled
Born, lo Homer Smith and wife,
of Kait Hilleboro, Marth 17, 1UJ7,
a daughter.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
G. Schaer, wbone parents live at
Mountaiodale, wai out from Port
land, Tuesday.
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lamkin Co.
Herman Biehup. of the sawmill
beyond Glencoe, was in town Mon
day and Tuesday.
Brown Leghorn egg. 15 each
setting, for 50 cents. Mrs. Agnes
Gowan, Hilleboro.
W. F. Degfinger, for years the
Beaverton marshal, was in the
city the lact of the week.
Are vou a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
J. W. Tigard, of Tigardville, was
up to the county seat Monday, on
a tax paying expedition.
Gents' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
cher Kinuetity make at H. Weh
rung A Sons. j
Chief Engineer Geo. L. Davis, of
the P. R. A N., was in town Tues
day, and rtartfd this week for a
trip to Tillamook.
Wanted: Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
drees J, R Foreman, C05 East
Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
J. W. Cornelius, of Hillside,
where he is ranching fir himself,
was down to the county eat, Tues
day, and while in town called at
the ArgUs ollice.
For gentlemen's, lades' and
children's bose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Deunis.
We httve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
At a special meeting of the Bea
verton council last Friday evening
C. O. DeVere was elected to serve
as city marshal for the current
year a ''new star in the east."
Fotrcnt: Farm of 145 acres ad
joining llilltiboro; goou lor grain
ordairv:S0 acres of pasture, with
running water, and with but little
brush. Inquire of E. B. Tongue.
Born, March 9, 1907, to Mr. and
Mrs T. W. Thornburgh, of Wasco,
Sherman County, a daughter. And
that a tbe reason Grandpa Ambrose
Thornburgh, of Forest Grove, wore
that smile down to the county Beat
this week.
Blacksmith wanted: Chance for
all-round country blacksmith to get
outfit and do a nice little business
at railroad country station. Will
sell plant or lease; or Bell on in
stallment. Good lncati.m. Ander
son & Son, Reedville, Ore,
The Knighta of rvthias have
bought 40 feet from the Housley
property, the consideration 1 being
$2,400. The Corwin & Heide.l
butcher shop and the Ballard
barber parlors occupy the site at
present. It is the intention of the
K. of P. to ultimately build on the
property and have a home of. their
Rev. Luther 1). Mahone, a Con
gregational minister, and who went
from Astoria to torest Grove and
bought booze in order to cet evi
dence against alleged illicit liquor
eelling, a year or so ago, was in
town the first of the week. This is
the minister who testified that he
drank some of the booze aud that
it was whiskey.
Chas. Hickethier, of Ceder Mill
. . . a a- 1 s
was in tne city raonaay. Mr
Hiokethier says that there has been
a great deal of spraying of orchards
down his way this Spring, but
when asked how the. non-residentB
were taking hold of the work de
clined to say. Perhaps it is down
his way the same as it is in this
section non-residents rather care
lens about taking measures to clean
up their trees. If Fruit Inspector
Harris, of Forest Grove, will look
into the matter he will doubtless
find out that it is the. . vim-resident,
who ia renting his place, who is the
most backward about deetroyirg
Will Take IOO Tons of Bridge
Iron to Tillamook
Cargo Will be Landed ia rJaib"' in
April or May
General Manager C. E Lytle, of
tbe Pacific Railway & Navigation
Company, has chartered the vessel
Kilburn to leave San Francisco in
April or May with one hundred
tons of bridge iroo for bridge ccn
struction at Tillamook. The en
tire cargo will be ufed on the first
twenty miles out of Tillarovik,
aud this will bs the first time in
the history of Tillamook that a
railroad company has bent in a
vessel with an individual cargo. -
The iron and steel is furnished
by the PaciSc Hardware Company,
of the quake city. Tbe vessel is
now on the California coast run.
It is not improbable that the P. R.
(t N.
will next yesr have a steamer
running into the Tillamook harbor.
on a echedule, carrying men and
uia'e ial into tbe coast terminal.
Tba undersigned will sell at pnblic
auction at the old Godfrey place, 5
milHS norihwen of Forest Grove,
on the Gales Creek road, at ten a.
m. on
17 milk cowl, 11 in milk, some freah,
will ell be freh in July, 2 two-yer-old
heifers, 2 two-year-old steer, 7 yearling
calves, utuall calvea, 1 Shorthorn bull
a yeara old, bay mare, 7 yeara old, in
foal, weight I,l5o, by mare, weight
1,150, black mare, 3 years old in May,
white pony, Osborne binder. Champion
mower and hay rake, steel drag harrow,
wood frame spring tooth harrow, 14 in.
walking plow, Hancock 3 -disc plow,
Kndgate seeder, garden cultivator, Kit
spring wagon, top buggy with pole and
shafts, road cart, set light harness.
single buggy harness, Chattam fanning
mill, platlorm scales, cider mill, barrel
vinegar, 7 barrels cider, 9 milk cans
bar fork and carrier, with 175 feet rope,
force pump, kitchen range, 3 bedsteads, !
wun springs; riazeuon nrorners square .
piano, 1 good saddle, Zenith waahtng
machine, 10 gallon iron kettle, no. 5 :
Newhouae bear trap, 6 stands of bees, ;
and numerous other articlea. I
Luuch at soon.
Terms of sale: Under $10, cash;
110 and over, nne year's time,;
bankable no'e, t per cent; 2 per
cent off for caBu on $10 or over
J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Boys who are in tbe habit of shoot
ing robins should remember there
is a law against killing of these
bird?, and it is only necessary for
some one to file a complaint before
a justice and a heavy fine would
follow. Parents should call tbe
attention of their boys to this stat
ute. It is said that boys both here
and at Centerville, and in various
other parts of the county are shoot
ing indiscriminately, and some of
them might get into trouble. Here
is the law:
Sec. 3005. Every person who shall,
ithin the State of Oregon, after the
passage of thia act, for any purpose, in
jure, take, kill, or destioy, or nave tn
his posesston, sell or oiler lor sale, any
yellow breasted chat, meadow lark,
robin, song sparrow, Urk finch, varie
gated thrush, wood thrush, hermit
thrush, American goldfinch, bluebird,
snowbird, oriole, lazulifinch, house aud
winter wren, pike linnet, California
linnet, warbler, vireo, swallow, tanager,
grossheak, kinglet or horned lark, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
The penalty ta not less tnan $3 nor
more than f 100, and in default of the
fine, the party may be sent to jail,
serviuu one day for each dollar of fine
Eighty acres of land, within three
miles of Gaston. Iwelve acres
cleared, of which one acre is in fine
beariniz prunes. Forty acres of
good timber. Will largely pay for
place perhaps pay all. Log houee
on place that one could occupy
until he built. Half mile from
school. Thirty living springs on
urooertv fine for dairy ranch
Terms, $2,000, half down, balance
on time.- Reasonable interest
Anyone wishing to look this place
over can write a day or bo before
comine. and he will be met at
station and taken to place K
B?Bt, Gaston, Ore.
Simonds Cross cut saws. C
Lamkin Co.
F. H. Keenin, of above Gleccof,
was in the city Tuesday.
Calip Hall, of Shady Brook
was in the city Tuesday.
Leavitt Birdsell, of Forest Grove,
was down to the county seat, Tuesday.
is today indispensable on the
11 ryir
dressing table of
gentleman. Not only
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles and
stiffness of the facial
tissues, and makes the
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and takes away shaving
soreness. Most women
of this preparation in maintaining a clear
and healthy skin.
Price 50c and
I !
On account of the car shortage "send
in your order early for
We have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables and
call. Market opposite
Street, Hillsboro. We
P. J. Ritchey (& Son
C J. LYONS. rroprUtor
66e Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.
gentlewoman or
does a Pompeian
blackheads, takes out
muscles, animates the
flesh firm and solid.
recognize the value
$ 1 .00- per iar
It's Up-Hill Worh
For any housekeeper to be con
stantly chasing around after
Good Food at reasonable prices.
The sensible woman gives up all
further searching after one
week's trial of our store. We
deal in first-class goods only,
and sell them at prices that
can't be beaten. Seek no fur
ther; we can satisfy you.
Fish in Season. Give us a
Tualatin Hotel, on Main
deliver to all parts of city.
The Best of All Beers
. seat, luettday.
was in tba city Saturday.
the San Jose scale.