I HILLSBORO ARGUS, .MARCH 14, 1907 l 4 v. 'a FIVK THOUSAND FOR BflFIBAFFECTION W. M. Harvey Such Joseph Ducr.st for Alienation PARTIES LIVED NEAR HEAYEKTON Lived Happily, Complaint Say, Until Joseph Appeared W. M. Harvey, of Heaverton, and who divorced Ethel Harvey in Da cenilier, l'.HWJ, )in kuwl Joci'ph lurt, an lieir of tlie lata Jot Duemt, lor K lUmaue (or the alienation of the wiFe'a eUVctioiia. Harvey ami hi wife, had two chil dren, and they lived on a (arm ui'ir the Itiert. TIih Uiiitiil allege! that he captured the wife' love, and that fur her action plain tilT dirnrred her. lie allegei that the frequently went to Dueret'i house ami reiuaiiitd never al days at a lime. He ark the ,UK) dam- gea and the rod and dMnirae. went of the action. K I!. Tongue ia Harvey V attorney, and V. N. ''arrett in all likelihood will appear tt the defendant. Tim luertea tate, which i m w U to final et tlemenl, has had quite a time in court. Whin Joet Dueret died in lUOfi, a widow and con,uuknown to the Origin family, put in a claim from the Kaet. II T. l'Rley waa retained, and he fi.uud that the aatern widow, whn iiuiileu name waa Margaret Wrisinire. had mar ried Duert in 1HT1, and that be had left her a few month later. The next year, and alter Duerat had disappeared, a ion, Leonard, waa horn, luemt came We, ami after many year the widow re lieved him dead and married on Mow Clips Btgley found that Dueriit had procured a divorce at rortland, hut that the instrument waa void, an there waa nut proper ervii-e. Joet liiiert married out lure and rained four children. The witlow and ion laid prior claim to thn eiUte, and aeked the lour helm here for their right. The cafe waa finally compromised, the other day, the eon Killing 11000 and the widow receiving tfiOO. Thla practically gave the on oi.e fifth i ( the IrW, which waa valued at 5uutl, and the wid , ow, one-tenth. PUBLIC SALE The undesigned will ll at puhlic k'elioii at hid residence on Corner of liaeeltue and Seventh Street, HilWhoro, at one p m., on HATl'KDAY, MAUCH J ft Organ, Itciliueni tunc, Rood condition, Ixjok tiw, conk alove No. K, i air li lit beaieri, couch, rwkera, 9 dining chairs, 10 It. extension I utile, t lirtl spring nl maltrraaen, renter table, Mill standi, dreaer, dtahia, tinware, lawn mower, ttovelt, ile, he, rake, le, Mi) It, rulilier hoae, ami numerous whet article. All in excellent COO' diuon. Term of le: Kmlor $.picaHh; over, eix montli' time, with in tereal at 7 per cent. 'I per cent off, caeu over f. M. KDKK. B. P. Curnnliun, Auctioneer A DANCING PARTY The M if fen Hutti am Amu Jack, of Farmington, gave a very delight ful dancing party at the homo of their parent, Saturdny evening, March t). The event wa in honor of Mr. (ieorge HnHPeV hirthilay Luncheon wan veived at midnight All bad a viry enjoyahle time. Those present were: Miaae 1 1111 Unwell, VMn Scliutineikli, Mn Stewart, lliittiu llehling, I'timie and Jessie Mrlniiis, Nettie H0II1111111, Mini, Stella Ituwlliy, Marie NeiUon, Helen Scott, May lleppler, Louise Johnson, Ktliel Higiit, llinlali Nk'oiliimis, llettie anil Ann Jark; Mcaarri. fa-orgc I Inane, William unit Levi Jack, Thninaa Hood, Newt Johnson, Krnest Fount, Fred ami Kamlolph llowlhv, F.ttiamiel ami (ieorge Ingram, l'enl Tuelle, Fred Stevens, Frank Si'liiiliuerich, Louie ami Martin Neilson, Ailrian Johnson, ltnet Han son, Rimer Scott, J tarry Hill, Hick Kel ly, Tony ami Julius (liinmier, Chester Stewart, Arthur Lyons, turge Madison and Walter Kuliinsoii ; Mcanta. and Mcs dame J. Jt. Stewart, thn. JohiiHon, J. Nicodemnn, 11. Toclle, H. KnU-lilfe, J. lark, W.Steveim, V Liverimue ami A. Jack. MILLINERY OPENING You are -cordially invited to be present at our opening Friday and Haturday, March 22 and '23 We will have on display oopien of the new Paritt and Katern hat of great heaulv, a well aa ehowing the tfTorto of our work room. The display will charm you, we are lure, and we would like very much to have you preoent. Handsome initial hat pin given with each liidy'u hat purchased on opening days. Cordially, Mrs. Itnognne Hath, Notice to Veteran Notice is herehy given that there will be a meeting of the Washing ton County Veteran Association at Cornelius, ou Ihuisday, May I and we desire to call the attention, and urge the attendance of all the tld soldiers of any wur, aa there ill be very important business brought up for coneiueratioD. Stephen Morgan, ' Tres. Vah. Co. Vet. Ass'n Horace Q, Jitohy Secretary. Kliler A. A. Reery wilt preach at the Chriitiau church, neat Hunday morning and evening. Morning topic: 'An unfeigned faith." K va iling topic: "A Kh'h Minium take." The evening re r vice ia not "For men only," hut a cial in vitation i extended to all men. Solo, "When I tlet to the Knd of the Way." On Haturday evening, at 7:30, a claai will be formed for a study of the Sunday School leerons. All will he welcome. Igan Urry plants for sale. We well them for f.'iUO per hundred. Per dozen, fifty cent. You can order by mail, but pottage will cost you twenty cenli per doren. Thee are Que plant, and will give satii faction II. 11 Locke, lteaverlon, Route 3. A very luccesiful basket social wai given at the O'Dounell school bouse near Buxton, Saturday eve ning, March .), fur the purpose ol raising money to furnish tbi new school houne just completed. Hugh U'gr proved hii ability a ao auctioneer by i curing 147 for thlr teen baskets. The patrons of the school extend thanks to the boyi (or c tntrihullng so generously. We sell a complete line of stoves and langes, hardware, tinware, crockery, eto. Come and ie them and get prices before purchasing. Schuliiiericb liros. The Pence Company, which is building Ho tub and waterway, part of which ate running into Washington county, ia again in financial trouble, some of their checks having been ent back to this city, marked 'No Funds. ' Pence is a hustler, and will doubt- lets make a raise 10 as to keep tilings going. We carrr the best shoe on the market for the money. W. L Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous oushinn shoes for men. Leading makes for ladies, latest styles and finish II. Wahrung A Sons If if if if if If Hilhboro would clian up hir back alleys; tear down a lew old unsightly fences; tear doana few old ram shackle buildings, and then paint up a little, this would be one of the prettiest towns in the slate. II jfil-jlt that rabbit of rubbish lie caught? For Sale: Fifty acres cleared land in the vicinity of Hillsboro, on rural mail and milk route; near telephone line. Fine location; good building site. Inquire of Argus. Last Thursday the 13 year old son of L C. Brown, of Iowa Hill, wai thrown from a horse and in ternally injured, and from which he is lulTering considerably, lis ia under the care of Dr. F. J. Bailey, who hopes to 100 a have the young patient in good trim. Basket social at the Farmington school house, Saturday evening, March ltt, (or benefit of school library. . Ladles are invited to bring baskets. Dr. A. A. Burris, of Madras, above Priusviile, writes that they had a very severe Winter in bis section, but that the weather is now very delightful, with prospects (or a good year up in the central Oregou country. Stationery of all kinds at the Pharmacy latest In stylish cor respondence, calling cards, en velopes, eto. Call and see the stock. The morning sermon at the Con gregalional church will be on "The Cost of a Revival " The evening topic will he, "The Wise and Fool ish Virgins." Special musio. All are welcome. U. Uilpatriek, min ister. Settings of 15 White Minorca eggs, for 60 rents. Mrs. J. U. Humphreys, Sixth and Base Line, Hillsboro. Ira Hoard, of LeiByville, had the misfortune to cut on of the arteries leading to his hand, with a oross cut taw one day last week. Dr Taiuiesie did the lurgioal work, and he will soon be able to attend to his duties op the dairy ranch. Wanted: Stock hogs weighing from HO pounds upward; also sheep J. U. Haines, Beaverton, Oregou, Independent phone. Gilbert L. Hedges, of Oregon City, proseouting attorney for this judicial district, succeeding Ham son Allen, was in town yesterday, attending to legal allairs. He will be here Monday next when court opens. 1 Ladies' knit and muslin under wear, latest patterns; embroideries and laces noest line in the coun ty, at H. Wehrung & Sons. Mr. and Mrs, O, W. Holmes, of Portland, were guests of P. M. Jackson and wife, yesterday. They have juBt returned from a trip to California. Smokers like the Schiller and the Kxcellencla. These cigars are of the best stook. You can t fool an authority on a good cigar. Miss Winifred Brown, of Forest Qrove, was. in town Sunday, the guest ol her Bister, Miss Vivian Brown. New ityle shirtwaists, spring lice, now in from the KsbI. H Wehrung & Sons. M!sb Susie MoKinney departed the first of the week for rortland, where she will take a course in stenography, . Argus and Journal, $1.76. ALEXIS AGGELLKS BLOflfNTO ATOMS (I reek meets Death on I'. K & N. Railway EXPLOSION OF GIANT POWDER Happened BcjooJ Buiton, at Tuancl, VttrfdT Alexis Aggelles, a Greek, em ployid by the P. K. St N., st the tunnel above Buxton, was blown to a tome yesterday, while working as a "polr monkey." Aggelle went to the powder house to get a box of giant- He entered the shanty, which contained but two boxes o the explosive, when an explosion was heard and the Greek and house together were hurled many feet. There is no way of knowing just exactly hiiw the accident hap pend. Dr. F. J. Bailey, who happened to be near the tunnel. picked up the scattered remants ol the dead man. Coroner Brown went up today to invtstiuale the death. ATTENTION, LADIESI I wish to announce that I will hare no formal Milliii-ry Onening this reson, but cordially invito the l i- dies of HillnlKiro and xloinity to call at any lime. My well selected tock hjfi irrived and is now ready tor your inspection. aly store will be com evenings during the season Mr room an. Main St., nppoeile Cmnt Houte. REAL ESTATE TRAN3FER3 Margaret Kiof;to Andrew I'uhrer to acre kc liturlw iu Clara J Aunauil to Mr S Ziakan lot . 15 ami 16 I.t.M &. Ketii til lleaver- tou I700 John W Baker to Kuinia Auttin tlieir iolereat 111 1'rriy O lUker entale. . I Ueo N Chapman to Haw I.iue l.iini- ' oer LO So a arc It t i n r s w . ivio Herman Ticke to IWae Line Lumbar Co, 160 a rc 1 1 .V U I 1 n r J 1600 FraO Branilt to 1'iank HiKnrtt, .19 a at iifarflvllle.... , 1 Frank Bornrtt to t-rtil Hranilt .txj a ner liennlii:e . 1 Jacob Odiler to David K MotOey tract Hi lot i bli tt rorcul Uiove (to Kva Abbott to Mark Siilwell 160 a C A4t A a r 5 w.. . iodo M R Cheney to John K Lee, 40 a sec 11 llDU f .... .'i5o L V Crtent to J F Crlen 32 a ec Jii 1 1 n r 4 1 L V Caratrni to J F Camma 1 20 a arc 15 t a n r 1 w.s... 400 A C Aleaander to A R Alexander 1011151 ft blk 17 Korea! Urove... 700 Frank K CualiiiiK to 0 C l'olt. Jjo XOo It ire I 1 I n w Tmo Wo Sclunrer to 0(leliy Yountf, tract in i ruunu i.anna bon Anni L Patterson to C K Deichuian jo a J 8 (irillin donation ... .... vloo Mr 11 F. 11ik' to II B Johnson tract In 11 r LatchmK donation.,... 1 Hubert Fonda to S A Seillert 12 a ec l t 2 r 1 w coo C V llarrett to 11 R Uemugtnn 10 c 1 t 3 1 r 1 tos Archie Camplell to I''mir Murdock, tract in ec a.u 2 r 1 w 40 Fred Ilehnke to Sauime llehiike 4 a ec 7 t r 1 w ilioo Cb Wolf to Ja R Tlioiuan, 40 a ec 5 t it n r 4 w ;ooo Aine Wirla to It F Wirlat K X lot 3 oik 24, l'oreal tirove 1 Olive M Scott to Aug l.meurcn, trcl in ec to 1 1 r s w 10 Stephen Ktmtio to Karl Tupper, iraci in K s 1 upper donation t: Mary Rodeanual to Pelagic- Spiea- acliaerl ,ibt a hlkumtli Walker donation ji John bebmidt to K C Mulloy, 41.96 laec 7 t 3 r 3 w i2w John Schmidt to W N llathorn 40 a c 12 1 1 r .1 17.S0 Hertert Graves to Geo A Graves, 30 a aec 34 t 2 r 2 w I Christian Alleubach to KlizaUeth Allenbacb, i mc 19 1 1 n r 1 w 1 Lawrence Mutton to Base Line IMr Co 115.75 a tec 3S t 1 n r 4 w 1000 C F Miller to First National Hank ol F G 50x72 ft in Forest Grove 3150 Jennie Moore to Henry Dujck, 67.20 at Ureenviiie 3S00 Helen Duyck to Albert Spierinu, So a aec o 1 t 11 r t w 950 S J U Young to Geo Frost 1 a Halph W ilcox douatlou 417 A A Mead to Kuene Friday 50 a above lluxton . O St OR R to Tlioa Nelson, 40 a lec j t 1 r 4 w too A S Sholei to Hillsboro Lbr Co, lot 4, S, 6 blk 14 Simmons ad 1 Adolph Gandlitx to Wni Milstnedt, 4 lottapeucer llomestenil 3000 Tbo Smith et als to N Itothman el la, Ho a sec 30 1 3 n r w 425 tulward N Thomas to Hase Line Lbr Va Ha a aec 1H t I n r 4 w 900 T J Wullau to Simon Taylor 43 a uear S.'liolla soco K A tlyde to C W MerU trpc.t ia lot 3 blk H Koret Grove 90 Leonard Duerat et 1 to Geo Duerat et al sec 35 t I n r 1 w i5oo W H Monroe to Aug Lovegren, tim ber in tec 3 t 25 n s w ico W 15 McCourt to J W Smite 160 a sec I4tjnr4w. 1 J V Tamtesie to Hbo Lbr Co, 6 lota In blk J3 Simmons ad 1 J Claude Greear to J P Tamieaie same a above 5" Agne WlrU to J J Wirti & Root Wirtn, 60x200 It in blk 34 & S lot a blk 34, Forest Grove cremiah Hlnkley to John I) Urmly, W blk n, Fairvlew I too Tbo Howe to Samuel Hoover, S163 ft South Coast ad 200 Jacob WirU to Carl C Her, 4 1 a on the Nehaieru,,.. 1 Card of Thank. The uiulersigned desire to thank those wno so atniliy assisieu minntf me nisi illneJNi and funeral obaeimics of the lute wm, n. i.ung. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Lung, Cornelius, March 14, 1907- J. F. Carstens, of Banks, was down to the county seat Monday Stationery, pens, playing carda, ledgers, . journals, eto, at the Pharmacy. August I'.og, of Farmington, was in town yesterday. Juet received a car of dairy Clio) at the Climax Mill. ('has. Krahmpr, of Blooming, was an Argus caller Tuesday. Go to McCorruick'a for school supplies. Ulrich Gerber, of near liithany, was in town 1 uesday. Carload of I'lah land plaster at W. F. Hollenbeck's, Uoy, Oregon. A. C. U'iriz, of Mountaindale, was in the city Tuesday. Go'td dairy butler, .r0 cents per nil, at R. II. Greer's. Martin Vaodehey and srife, of Newton, were in town yesterday. Harrington Hall coffee is the best you can buy. Get it at Greer's. A. B. Flint and wife were up from Kinton Haturday. Dr. J. P. Tamienie reports cases of diphtheria near Roy. Fine lot of onion seed in bulk at the Climax Mill store. Born, to John Jack snd wife, of Farmington, March M, r "7, a son. Miss Klnanor Beamis, of Green ville, was a HillkJioro visitor yes terday. James Butler, draughUtriari for the I'. It & N., was ia town Sun day. Horn, to Paul Ktalder and wife, of Bethany, March 10, 1H07, a daughter. Born, March 5, l'.K)7, to Mr and Mrs John Wunderlicb, of Kant Hillsboro, a son. W'alUr VanDyks, of Verboort, was in yeeterday afternoon, and called on the Argus. J. E. Sullivan, of near Cedar Mill, was up yesterday, greeting his frisnds in the county seat. I am agent for theJudson Blast ing 1'owder. J. W. Vandervelden, Hoy, Ore. Both 'phonts. Mr. Gay Lombard, of Portland, was out this week, the guest of the Tongues. Mrs. Jeunie Winters, of Kast Portland, was in the city Tuesday afternoon. The finest line of tpririg drees goods arriving daily at II. Weh rung fc Sods. C. W. Merlz, of Forest Grove, was down to the city Tuesday afternoon. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxcellencia snd you will try them again and again. Austin Purdin, of Portland, was in the city yesterday, paying taxes on his Banks' ranch. Ladies', gente', and children's shoes, spring styles, arriving daily at II Wehrung A- Sons. A. C. Winney, of above Glencoe, was in town yenterday, and called on the Argus office. Attorney X. Barrett has moved his office to the Huston Brick, south of the court house. Mins Ida Scoggin, of Portland, was out this week, the guest of Dr F. A. Bailey snd family. Buff Leghorn eeg for hatching. Inquire of Mrs. Geo. Ledford, Fir Street, between Second and Third. Wm. Welch, of Gleucoe, was in town yesterday, accompanied by bis brother-in-law, Wm. Heudren, of Portland. Candy for St. Patrick's Day; alfo rabbits and candy eggs for Easter. Den of Swtets. UodCiril I.nnchlin. thn cental host 3 , - - - - n of the Laugblin, at Forest Grove, was down to the county seat Mon day afternoon. Joseph Sax. of near Titrardville. was up to the county seat Tuesday, paying taxes and making his an nual call on the Argus. J. M. Greear. who is in Southern California for his health, writes that even in that sunny clime snow fell the other day. D. B. Keasoner, Hay Reasoner, Ell Craig and Mark Butler, depart next wtek to work for several weeks on the Hainea' power dam on the North Fork of the Tualatin. There will be a dance at the W. 0. W. hall, Glencoe, March 22. Tickets, including supper, $.75 Everybody invited, and Glencoe always gives you a good time. II. D, Schmeltzer wishes to notify the farmerB .that bis Perch- eron Clydesdale stallion, Prince Henry, will make about the same circuit this season, as he did last year. PARMLEY -SHIPLEY A notable event at Banks was the wedding of Mr. Philmore Parmley and Miss Viola Shipley, daughter of Chas. Shipley and wife, March 7, 1907, Rev. Belknap, of HillBboro, officiating. Bride and groom are prominent young people of that section and their popularity was attested by the urge congregation that met in the evening and tender ed them an old-fashioned charivari. After a chart serentde which en tertained not only tha bride and groom, but the inhabitants for some distance, the company was invited in aud given refreshments After a social hour in tongs and congratulations the pleasant eve niug was closed, THREE INSTITUTES Sup:rintcndent;Case Perfects Ai ranneinents GROVE, SHERWOOD, BEAVERTON Program For All Mettiru; Ha Beta Published Superintendent M. C. Case has made arrangements for three coun ty teachers' institutes, and Forest Grove, Sherwood and Beaverton are the places selected. The meet ings are to be held in the school buildings, and the reesions will open at 10:00 in the morning and close at 4;00 in the afternoon. The dates and program follow: Forest Grove, March 1G UlltMNi; "Our Mother Tongue". ...Mi Frnhm .cinoua in leacmng Hiatory" -ur. Hogg? AVTKBKOOM Literature in Grammar Grades" ..... Mia Pirntiam "Some Neglected PoinU in Arithmetic" -Mr. loons "Cause and Kffect in Hiatory" -Dr. Koggea Sherwood, March 23 MOUSING 'Readine" Un ir w ci.- "Percentage and lis Application"' B. W. Barne AFTKRNOO! "N'umbers" Mr. K. E. Sloan "How to Improve the Teaching Pro fession" M. V. Case "Language in the Primary Grades" Mrs. K. F Sloan Beaverton, March 30 MOBNING "Rtading" L. R. Traver "Language".. R. H. Thomas A FTKBNIION "The Recitation"' L. R. Traver "History" R. II. Thomas "Arithmetic". L. R. Traver The presentation of each of the above subjects will be followed by a general discussion. Teachers, school teachers, patrons, and all others iottreated in education, are cordially invited to be present. Every teacher teaching or intending to teach in Washington county, should attend one of these institutes. Fine literary i-rograuis are being pre pared by the schools where these in stitutes are to be hM, and no efforts will be spared to nuke these educational meetings pleasant and profitable. ! A SCOTCH PLAY The welcome announcement is made that the charming story of life among the glens of Scotland, the play for which we have waited so long, "The Bonnie Brier Bush," tsken from the celebrated story of that name, written by Rev. John Watson, who is well known to Cansdian readers, will be produced at the Crescent Theatre, on Fri day, March 15. Orders for seats will be received by E. L McCormick. Prices are as follows; orchestra and loges, $1; dress circle and balcony, 75 cents; gallery, 50 cents. PROBATE A C Wirtz and J J Wirtz appointed exec utors estate of Agnes Wirtn, deceased; John Farlier, Ira Hampton tnd H B Johnson, appraisers. Theodora Auderson appointed admin istratrix estate Martin Anderson, deed, with bonds at fSco; J A Anderson, W II Hunter and N J Nelson, appraisers. J L B.mks appointed administrator es tate J 11 Donaldson, deed; bond, f.co; estate authorized to accept $150 from P R & X, tendered in re death of late J II Donaldson. Real estate sale, John C Hatch, minor, continued. Estate of Martha Colfelt, deal, closed of record. Philip Kalsch appointed administrator estate of late Cecelia Kalsch, of south of Cornelius, bonds at fyce; Clias Snyder, L C Cooper and Jas Mornsey, appraisers. Personal property of lost Duerst estate will be sold at private sale, for cash. 'BONNIE BRIER BUSH" Oning to the very large advance sale of tickets for the "Bonnie Brier Bush," which comes to the Crescent theatre Friday March 15, the spec ial train service to Reedville and Beaverton has been canceled. The train will leave Forest Grove at 7:30 carrying Forest Grove and Cornelius visitors and return im- ruediatsly after the performance. The Bonnie Brier Bush Company is composed of 20 acting people and travel in their own special car. Tbeir own scenery will be used for the entire production, NEW REAL ESTATE OFFICE R. L. Cate, the Portland real estate man, has opened an office in Hills boro, aud has secured the services of W. K. Hanley, of Forest Grove, as. local manager. Mr. Hanley's headquarters will m at Hillsboro, and the territory under his control will be entire Washington County. It is Mr. Cate's intention to send all customers who are interested in his lint of Washington County farms, to HillBboro, where they will be met by Mr. Hanley and shown the various properties. The local manager has lived many years in Washington County, and has many friends here, being the son of C. A. Hanley, of north of town. He is an honest and capable young man and his triends are confident that he will be a valuable assistant to Mr. Cate. The fact that the authorities of Portland have made "discoveries" concerning the manufactories of Limales will naturallv aet the oub- lic to wondering if the baked goods ana candies are made under clean and healthful conditions. I there fore extend a courteous invitation to the public in general, to vUit my aitcneo ai any time and a seer ta 10 for themselves, that all candiea made at the Den of Sweets are manufactured under clean and healthful conditions Jas. Milten berger, proprietor of Den of Sweets. The Pacific Railway & Naviga tion Company recently tendered the sum of $150 to the widow of the late J. H. Donaldson, who waa killed last Fall, by the engine, at tne Billing s crossing. While there was no blame attached to the com pany the offer was made as a matter of courtesy. The sum has been accepted. I am now prepared to show voo the Cbas. Stevens & Bros gamble of the new Spring styles in ladies' silk, cloth and wash shirtwaist suits: also of dress suita and drees skirts, made to your special order, and of year own selection of goods Silk and cloth coats also carried I carry a standard line of corsets and underskirts. I ail be glad to bring my goodB to your hours upon rf quest. Independent Phone. No. 2C4. Mrs. M. E Caudle. Eugene Humphreys, who has been six years up in the Eastern Oregon country, is in town this week, the gue of relatives. He says that there are fine prospect up tnat way lor a good wheat crop this aeaon. He sars that Harvey Humphreys, his nephew, and Sam. bis brother, are on homesteads near Strawberry. The Hillsboro Plant and Flower Gardens now has a fine line of first class nursery stock, bought from the Dalles Nursery, and which they are selling at very low pricee. Plants of all kinds, ornamental shrubbery,' all kinds of roees on sale Call and get acquainted. North of court house. Iodepend ent phone 094. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meseinger, who reside at the bridge south of town, lost a thumb, Sunday, a little brother making the amputation with a dull ax. Dr. A. B. Bailey ent down and united the severed portion of the digit, and there are indications that there will be a good union. All persons who have old fencing or rubbish along county road in Road District li), are hereby re- queated and notified to remove same by April 1, 1907. Also want men and teams at reasonable ages Jacob Reichen, Supervisor, Hillsboro, Ore., R. 4. A. W. Smith, of Tigardville, and who has a real estate office in Portland, was out today, and says that the mill strike in Portland is making business in his line very dull. Mr. Smith says that before tbe strike there were ten in his office to one since the strike. Schulmerich Bros, are headquar ters for wire fence. We have sold eight miles in the last 30 days. Cheaper than lumber. The German Bsntist minister of the Bethany Baptist church wants a good, sound and trusty buggy horse. If you have anything that you can recommend, call on him at his residence at Bethany. The horse should not be lesB than 1100 pounds, and not over 9 years old. II. L. Tabke. who was aeent here some time ago, and who has lately been at McMmnviUe and St. Joe, waa in town this morninar. In a few days he goes to Portland to take a position in the Southern Pacinc city ticket office. Here luck, old man I For eale: Very swell canopy top surrey, nearly new; strong, durable, has lamps, and is thor oughly modern. Goes for ISO. Mrs. Ellerson, 525 Clay Street, Portland, Oregon. Clerk Peter Boscow, of the Hills boro district, reports that the school census, closed February 25, of this year, shows 525 children of school age 259 males and zbb fe males. This is an lecrease of 16 over last vear. Onion peed, Yellow Globe Dan- vere, for sale, from selected stock, and other varieties. Address E. J. Thomas, Beaverton, Ore. SOUTHER HOUSE BURNS The residence of Alsom Souther, situated on First Street, south of Oak, burned Tuesday evening, about 7:30. The family waB away from home when the blaze caught, supposedly originating from a de fective flue. Mr. Souther waa at Banks and Mrs Souther was at a neighbors. The alarm was given and the department reached the place only as the names were bursting from all parte of the building. Effective work wag done by Chief Ed Wann and hie men, but it was impossible to save much although the walls remain intact The contents were almost totally destroyed, either by hre or water. The loss is estimated, building and all at about $1,000. There was $600 insurance $400 on the build ing and $200 on the contents. The N. Y, . Underwriters issued the policy through Frank Sholes, agent, and the adjuster ia now on tbe way. PR0rKS8I09AU F.A. HAILEY.M. D. Physician and Surgeon OIBm R.il.Vf..r.n t.l k Room 12, 13 and 15. Krai.Uiioe-Muuth- nawmnneanu Baxwud Htm la. Both 'Pbonet. WAAtVtVVVVtVW S. T. LINKLATER, II. B. C. If,, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OB opaUir over Tb Delta Druj Blur RMldroc Kaat of Court Houv, In UM COniAP ftf tWm Kl.b MMrVrVVVVVVTVyTVvVt JAMES PHILLIPS TAMIES1I. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8nrgon Southern PacIHe Railroad Co. ConaulUlion in French or EiiglUh. Of fice opauira. ovrr U J. Hojrt Co5, atore, nodij aide of Main St., HilUtoro, Or. F. J. BAILEY. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey. Kaaidenec on corner Second and Oak 8t Oregon Pbon Main 116. HILLSBORO ... OREGON vAMaMMMVVVVvVvVvVyv A. B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9 Bailey-Morgan Block. Both Phone. MJIIcK ret DR. V. E. PITTENGER Dentist Room 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block, atreet. Over Dennis Store. HILLBBORO OKE80X m . uy W. . Mar BAG LEY A HARE ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW Rooms l tad 2 Skate Boilding HILLSBORO, . . OREGON. H. T. BAQLEY , ATTO&N&Y-AT-LAW Office, aptUirs, over the Post Office, HUlaboro, - OtcgMt E. B. TONGUE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Room i, 4, & j, If orgaa Blk Hillsboro. JOHN U. WALL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Cpataiia, Balky Margaa Black Room, iaaf a. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNEY-AT-IAW Office, Up Stairs, Central Block. HILLSBORO OREGON THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upataira, Room j, 4 and 5 Hillsboro, - ; Oregon E. J, LY0N8 B. P. CORNELIUS LYONS & CORNELIUS Do a General Real Estate. Loan and In- suranee Buaineaa. List your farm with tnem and and aaale. Ther will treat yon right. Add your tale to our list. Call in and aee n. Main Street, . Hilhboro, Or. IMHOFF & MINAR DaaIpth ltl f trili un,l rlrAnUm mentsand Tombstones, and all kinds of cemetery and memorial work. Write ua for particulars. Address 335 E. Morriaon, PORTLAND OREGON IT. R. imbriel S Deals in all kinds of Real Estate Wheat Lands, Farm Lands, Stock . Ranches and I Range Lands Reclamation and sale of Desert Lands a speoialty. Pine investments Z for your idle money. Write or call at office. Room u, Chamber of Commerce Portland Oregon NEW ERA PAINT Varnhh mnd firwaAes . . Paint and Decorating FURNITURE REFINISHED In any of the modern styles, by an experienced wood-finisher. Also painting, papering, tinting end all kinds of interior decorating. H. OCSSMER, HIIHboro, Of Dailey Bldg, between Third and Fourth . O.U. HUNTER Oontraotor and Builder Estimates given on all classes of building Shot, flrmf Mf Main W. Ham Mwea, oaof oaaf mi Ouk. of HIIMoro, Oregon