The ' .nllLLSBeRe Kgo VOL. XIII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. MARCH 14, 1907. NO. 52 COUNTY liUYS A NKW RUCK CHUSHEH Trade in nn old one Towards Payment for new Machine KECOKDEKV FEES AKB LARGE Claim Allowed by lite County Cam mlssloncr County Court adjourned Saturday last, after concluding the btisinaea of the March term of court. Sev eral bridges, repaired by ). II. Ueasouer, wera passt-d upon and the claims audited. Tim recorder' fees for March exceeded ;100, ami (he dark' fee for the month were 1151.50. The court traded in an old rock crusher on a new purchase, and the new crusher will 1m da livered in a few days. The follow log claim were allowed: Mr Ktwood Maine, relief Cm Urouncr, mp mlnry (ilaa St I'ruilliuuiuie, ata , iituhong & Co. hi Io W Marah, traihna exam,.,. Mr M (' Sallm, teacher emu. . V no 10 OO 11 OU 6 bo IH 00 l 00 1 as ft 00 IIM 45 (-roller s Kowrll, limit r ohuaon HrtM, lumber rwln Hodaou Co. l J T Young, powder nd fue.... 3t 5" II I- Flint, road iH CK) Heal I & Co, culvert 111m & l'i milium me, l , Hone tt l.andr, roada Butliong & Co, tta F K Ilarlruuipf, plumbing Wheeler (dig To, ceiling Redmond i(t Connell, ti-lirf Croner St kowell, lumUr W O iMitlaun, rclirl. Co! Agency Co, u O & W Sewer Pip Co, road. .... W K llama, fiutt Inspector.,... Wash Co Pub Co, priming A M Collins, junior, J C Creear, jury list , Ilowe, Uavi & Kilbaui. at 73 00 7 00 16 11 15 50 4,1 o A 00 H on 8 4V 7 00 75 "7 5 13 00 3 J 40 ou 7 3 uo Willi Ireland, recorder and dep. 14 85 K I. I'erkin, rulng ami col II) yo "7 55 4 w I jo 00 8 fin a uo 50 00 1 CKl H2 lj Hi bo 57 O" 4- 00 ti'i 00 6H 70, 9 5 " 75 U 15 1 fK l w liath, pnnllnK etc , A V Lullirr, court home A J Hoy, rare of iau)era A A Mmtlll, road K J Uiidman, elk and dep. KK Morrill, road VV M Ji'kn, treaauier J V Cnnnell, board pilaonei.. . W Connell, epeue Ward l)owu, aeMinK and col , ' V U Uracil, ' " . W R llamer, " " " , J W Council, aliD taletc M C Caae, upt l M C Cane travrlliiiK eipiMiar. , , John Nylicrg, tup , ; W Mine, up Tho Murphy , Uriilvr Jacob llalvomen, lebale tax Mr Nancy iitt, roxda John Mcl'lareii, aup mil A KeveriMin, " " 1 56 17 o JO 00 10 00 Henry VanDykr 5 bl J 8 I.ortuiiK clrariliK laud p (. . , i5 011 W J Stilt, Blip Ml 7 50 K I Ktimtli, exteiiiiou tax roll.., ju 110 N Weltiuan, liulli-ciit Inn. I ' jo tx. Win Brogdrn, relnud tn I 94 Ililliboro Co Op.ralit Co , rr n)neom Hinfn.iiirnt i'rn;e hull ijS 56 nateua iionven, rcluml t:ix , Albert II I,ecte, lebiile tax,. L J Halt, road II L Flint, up tulaty i 79 an 4i 145 o 10 00 i t 75 75 10 j!) KK) 50 Jt 5" a;o oH 5 35 a Ho r M Kelmiy," JJ Kreb. Tli Hie Delta, c h & relief Kowell ltro luiiilirr (eo II Wilcox, amriir, . . , J W Sewrll, up ml Croner Si Kowrll, bridea.,, C A l.ainkiii Co, c b Schulmerich Hroa, relirf.... R II (freer, relief Schulmericb, plow acraper... 100 so v a neaioner, cllolll Lawrence and Jnckiop trilm . . , . ,,,, I91 25 Haach & Keller, lumber 31 H7 The Argun, printing 13 50 Iule Heno, relief b 00 J T Young, powder ao 5o City Water & I.ixht ao x W K Squired, roada a tJo R H Tongue, circuit court ao 00 lien Kanaom I'ont, relict 54 B5 J C I.aniltiu, c ti j 50 C K Bar rou, wllnea juslice ct . . , 3 fio r (ntr.iunclier reluud tax lo 00 W J Kutner, com lnry. JH 4" 9 40 10 IX) 1 50 I 5' lo 00 I 5" 10 00 la (V) 35 a 3 no 1 5" 1 SO I 50 t 5o I .V u rf' niiciiaiiaii," F III Robliuoo, Ulm death W1 K Sipiire, " " , C L MiUel, " " K C ltrown, " " Oeo A Haldric, " " Ur I 8 Hiahop, Fred S llrowa d. A 6 Toild, up nalaty W M Lyda, lumber and ronda, , Floyd Dooley, wit juatice ct, , . . Myron Hemd, '" " " ,,, J M Wall, " " ... J H Cornellun, " " ,., John Brat, " " " ... Claud Cook, ... C W Kadtnoud, constable B 5 H T Bacley, justice fee 8 70 ji y men, - " io 30 h S Fairchild, cnnstalile 4 10 J II Wirt, juntUie fee and coat 32 8s Win HroKdrn, refund tax I 94 J W Oooilin, judge'oalary 6750 Johnaoc Bro, lumber 31 i5 UtiRtnva llrotmer, tup salnry . , , , aa jo J H Wencott, refund tux j 8a Anton Cnntena, road. ' 4 00 U C Walkrr, urveyor 52 ao ,R Hopkins, roada 10 00 fJt Fonda, " la 00 ftTJ O Vincent, ' 2 00 John Schmeltzer, road la 00 II Kruger, road , 12 00 T R Davi. " iino U W Mnrh, " 83 40 To, Hop Grower We re prepared to tako orders for hop BupplitB for (he coming aeaoon j Write ua or call tor quotations be fore placing your order. lw 0. B. Buohanan it Co, s , T CornflliuR, Ore. Maadattifs F. Itookiuann and D, K. Wheeler, of below Reedville, were l the city Monday. A new atorr la eoinK the rounda tbeaa daya, that ia pretty good. A rancher came in from below Ti gardville ooe day laat wetk to pay (axaa. Ha was very cold, having ridden through a cold, foggy worn ing. He flrnt went into a aaloon and called for a hot drink and that didn't warm him. Ha then called for a cold drink, ami then complained that he was atill cold. He mentioned tbia to tbe bar tend er, who said. "Well, old man; have done ail I could for you juct go over and pay your taies, and if you are not warm by tbe time you get bark I'll treat." In a abort time the rancher came back and aaked for a piece of ice lo put ou hi forehead, Farm- for aW Kight mi I -a soutbweetof Hillaboro; 31 acre; K to 10 acrea under cultivation; bal ance easily cleared; good pasture; living water; small fruit; log barn; small hnuae; ideal dairy farm and ia on milk route. (1,050 and easy tortus. Inquire at Argus ofltce. M. C. Steeples and wife, of lfoiulam, Wah., sues to have about 27 acres of land in the Htfcilea' etate, eoutheaal of town, partitioned by virtue of a sale and division of the proceeds. Lily Hums, wife of "Bobby Burns," once well known here, and two minors, Kluio aud Leatar Bradford, are interested in tbe place and the plaintiff aska that a guardian ad litem be appointed to look after the iutereala of tbe minora, who are eons of ex-ebentl Bradford, now at the county farm. The hall committee of Vine Maple Camp, Woodmen of the World, Cedar Mill, will give a dance in their hall, one mile west of Cedar Mill on a'urdav evening. March l(t Admisaion, gentlemen, l(X) I. idles dee. Members of camp, CO rent. Julia O'CoimihII, of Portland, and who was married lo Dennis O'Uon-m-ll io 1K).1, apka Judge Mc Bride to sever tbe knot that ties her to her liege lord end master. The plaintiff says that for two years the defendant has taunted and. twitted her, and that he has called her vile names without provoca lion. Hlie a'.mi saya that he did this wilfully, as he ia not a diink- ng oan, We sell more agricultural im plements than all of our compet itors, put together. The reason we ship direct from tbe factory, and pay spot cash for them. Come and get prices, - Oeo. 0. Sloan, of Forest Grove, and a son of the l.vte Mrs. Sloan, who ran a hotel there for years, has sued Paeilio University to quiet title on a pieoa of property. He alienee, that 1', U. claims to have an interest in the laud, and that this claim it unlawful and unjust, and he wants the court to so de cide, and to make I L'.pay tbe costs of the adjudication. Speaking of grooeries if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to tie found in the market, try John Dennis. We ia after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. cut and buck logs, by tbe thou- 1 1 1 f 1 1 ,1,1 . star sanu. 111 pay ou cents per ,m. Also want one skid driver. Will pay $2 and board. Thompson !. . .. t 1 1 uros. Kumuer uo., Mouniainuie. 1'acifio States Phone, Glenooe, No. toil. W. H Smith, of Portland, and whose mother is a daughter of the late Vendel ScherBchel, of Cedar Mill, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Smith has just returned from a trip to San l'edro, Cal., making the trip on the Elder, on which he has a brother who is purser. Blacksmith wanted: Chance for all-round country blacksmith to get outHt and do a nice little business at railroad country station. Will sell plant or lease; or sell on in stallment. Good location. Ander son it Son, Reedville, Ore. II. Mailer and Fred Narup, oi Banks, were down to the county capital, Monday, paying taxes and incidentally making the religious ollice'a visit. Mr. Narup is now domiciled in a new house, and Mr. Mailer says the flshioK will be good up his way this Spring. Sohojlbovs and eirla will find overvthina in school auuolies (ex oept school books) at K. L. Mo- (JurmiGka. K. Best, one of the old time democrats of above Gaston, was in the oity Tuesday, paying laxee. While in the oity Mr. Best called on the Argus. You can save one half your hay by using a Freeman Feed Cutter. For sale by Nelson Hardware Uo. John Stribich, one of Forest Grove's popular meohanios, and Hugh Smith, of the same bailiwick, were down Monday, ueeliug their friends. Argus and Paoific Monthly, $1 50 I I I --axBBWaaj LAKGB OONVKNTiON - i"-c- JU06K T. I Mill t " OK N Y BAN KS h HIS K MFM I1P siL2 Over One Hundred at Table in the City Saturday DELEGATES TO STATE SESSION Stats Meeting Will be Held at Hood Hiver in May TheCounly grange Convention held in this city laal Saturday was one of the most enthusiastic for year and over 100 were at table. Tbe purpose of (be meeting era to ft led three delegates to the state con vention, which meets in Hood River, tbe last week in Msy. The following were elected to represent the county: H.T. Buxton, Foret Grove; John Loftis, Glenooe; and B. K. Danny, of Braver ton. Alttrnaien J. C. Miller, Glen- coe; W. fl. Harris, Forest Grove ar,d Uuby B yd, of Bdaverton, State Detuiy A.N. Cutting, of Kinton, pieid d at the uiet ting, and H-rman Collier, nf Sdiolls, was the secretary of tli Baion. Cher Grange Notes State Ma-dir A T. Buxton, in a recent address before a Grange said: "We have uo dipoilion to retard tbe piOnrtM of tlii tint In all line, aud witli the (-et K'owth nd increased pratperily thrre . naturally conn in- creawd cewt ol running the Hole govern ment, but what Ihelaruirtkolije.'t to and bat tbe I'atiou of Hushnodry will combat i the Increasing of appropria tion williout widening Die muicc of revenue. The late I.rgi.lalitre made larger appropiialinn than ever lefore. aud yet did uut find any other souice of revtinn (ban iia renvoi taxation on the farniet and all oilier owing property. It baa been the tolicy and wti'k of tbe Grange to luUt that corporation abould pay a ut proportion of tixe and brlp auntaiu the exi-eoae of the Mate govern ment. I apprehend that tlx is matter of increasing our itate appropriation with out Dnulug new source of revenue oilier than taxing the farmer a little uioie, ill be one of the important tubiccts that will be considered at the cotnini; session of the State Orange. I regard tt a one of tbe most important tueation coming up for consideration. We hive the relereudum lo be used in tin con nection." AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at public sale at tbe Second Street barn, on Friday, March 15, 11)07, at 2:00 in the afternoon, four cows, two fresh, and one to be fresh soon and one fresh in April, ranging from four lo eight years, one a full-Wood Jersey, two graded Jerseys, and one a Shorthorn. Terms, cixh, or bankable note, bearing h per cent. interest. CHRIS. IULLKR. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. J. W. Tigard, of Tigardville, was up to the county scat Mouday, on a tax paying expedition. FOR SALE Eighty acres of land, within three miles of Gaston. Twelve acres clean d, of which one acre is in tine bearing prune". Forty acres of good timber. Will largely pay for place perhaps pay all. Log house on place that one could occupy until be built. Half mile from school. -Thirty living springs on property hne for dairy ranch. Terms, $2,000, hslf down, balance on . time. Keasonabie iuurest. Anyone wishing to look this place over can write a day or so before coming, and he will be met at station and taken to place 1C Best, Gaston, Ore. The divorce epidemic continuee unabated Sophia Best sues Uarrv Best lor separation, alleging that they were married in Forest Grove, and that soon afterward defendant commenced Btnying. out late nights end that he refused to tell whore he had been, and also alleging that he told various people he did not love her. Rheinbold Leonhardt, of Portland, sins his wife, Mary, for divorce, alleging they were married in Cbicego in 1878, and that two years ago she left him to return to Chicago, and refused longed to live with him. Chester C. Curry, who married Emms Curry in 1000, al leges that the wife left him in" 1902, and wants Judge McBridn to make the desertion perpetual, so he can do aa he wishes with his liberty. MILLINERY OPENING Mrs. J, Peterpon, of Cornelius, wishes to announce that on March 5 she will exhibit her Spring mil linery, comprising a splendid line of street hats, trimmed hats and headwear for children. Come iu and see them before buying else where. Our exhibit can not be beaten in Washington County. V. A. Finney, of Sellwood, was out Tuesday. Buy your school tablets at Mc Cormick'a. W. Reynard, of Laurel, was in tbe city Monday. Saturday Evening Telegram and Argus, 12.00 per year. I). CruiliHliank, t,f Gaston, was in the city Tuesday. Hicnonds Crofscut saws. C' A. Larrikin Co. Dr M. H. Parker, of Greenville, was in the city Tuesday. All kinds of hardware C. A. Lainkin Co. i'eter Peterson, of Foreht Grove, wan in the city Tuexday. Mri. A. J. Lynn and eon, of be yond (ilencoe, were in the city Monday. Smoke the Schiller and Excel- lencia cigara Oregon manufacture. Call for them. J. W. Vandervelden, of Roy, where he is in tbe mercantile bui nees, was in tbe oity Monday. U Wehrung & Sons carry a full line of Heinz' idcklts and bottled goods. F. M. Knighten, of above Forest Grove, was in Monday, and called on the Argus. Miss Ma Stewart, who has been teaching up in the Manning vicini ty, was in town Saturday. J J. Shevlin, of Beaverton, was in town Monday, and called at tbe Argus ollice. Satisfaction guaranteed in the Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A. Lainkin (-0. Chas Blust, of Tualatin, was in town Monday, and called for a year of the Argus. Are you a smoker? Then call for tbe Schiller or Excellencia Orcgou manufacture. Conetabie Baldwin, of Forest Grove, was down Tuesday, greeting ins old urand Army friends. Brown Leghorn eggs. 15 each setting, for 50 cents. Mrs. Agnes uowan, liuisboro. A few cravanettes left, both for lady and geutleman. -Will be sold out at cost. Schulinerich Bros. Hugh Archbild.of Portland, and who has been ill for some weeks, is out home for a while coavaieecicg. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stewart, of South Tualatin, were in town Sat urday. Golden Polish egga for sale: Setting of 15 for $100. J. G. Pel- lette, HilUboro, Route 1, Pacific! btates I'hone. Peter Uiesbers, of Verboort, was in the city Mouday, paying taxes and making his aunual call on the Argus. We are sole agents for the cele brated Chatham fanmill. Price, complete, 137 50. Schulmerich Bros. J. II. Thompson, of the Thomp son Bios. Lumber Co, of Mouu- taindale, was in the city luetday afternoon. Gouts' and boys' clothing, fall line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis cher Sincerity make at II. Weh rung it bona. J. B. Downing, of near Progress, was up Tuesday, paying taxes, aud while in the city called on the Argus. Wanted: Farms and lands of all kinds for sale and rent. Ad drees J. R. Foreman, o05 East Morrison, Portland, Oregon. P. S. Anderson, of Reedville, was in towu Monday. Mr. Anderson Bays there is a hue location for an ail-round country blacksmith down at his station. . For gentlemen's, ladies' and children's hose you can do no bet ter than to buy of John Dennis. We hbve them for everybody, and at prices that are valueB. Antoine Lebard, who has resided near Kiuton for uearly 20 years, was up to the county seat, Monday, paying taxes, and while here pass ed a pleasant fifteen minutes with the Argus. For rent: Farm of 145 acres ad joining HilUboro; good for grain or dairy; 80 acres of pasture, with running water, and with but little brush. Inquire of E. B. longue. Grant Holcomb, who has lived in the Bathany oountry since boy hood, was in town Monday. He left this week for Coos county, where he will look into the limber land situation. In March peep out the early flowers, The ladies peep 'neath Spring bonnets, And wlieu you have some leisure Hours, Just pepp at T.nwncy's chocolates At i'ulniuteer's Confectionery. Ice creniu mid soda he docs keen. Cigars, nuts, oysters couie and tarry, It not to buy, just lake a peep. av. vs aai w j ijii ilj Lf i bm i a mm it rs rms am v jam l - - - am vl n n m ! A Hill Will be Here Next Monday . to Hold Circuit Court MANY DIVORCE CASES FILED 01 her wist the Docket is Sot Very Extcosive Judge T. A. McBride has to-far re covered that be was able to sit on tbe bench at Astoria this week, and he will be here Monday next for the March terra of circuit cour There is a large grist of divorce cases on the docket. The other civil cases are not very numerous. The docket other than criminal which was published last week, follows: Insolvency cases T R Cornelius estate, Wm Porter estate. Kquity Snow & Huston vs Kdith Monroe. Action for Money Marquatn vs Wash ington County; State vs County; W J Miller vs Tualatin Mill Co: I'rosser State Bank vs J O Kindt; A A Ausplund vs L I) Diamond; Mary Hare Admx vs Jennie Hamilton; Iadd & Tilton v Klibabeth (lore; Chas Hockstroh vs Base Line Lbr Co et als. to be settled out of court; I'hoenix Iron Works vs Base Line Lbr Co; Herman Bishtip vs R A Parker; Maw Sam vs So Hong; Rs'ella Bonner vs Sarah Kuirick; 1 W Connell vs J L Mis tier; Itlumauer & Hoch vs Beard & Mis ner; Ulrici vs Jensen. For Possession real estate because of claim that holders violated restrictive clause as to sale of liquor Pacific Uni versity vs M E Austin, CL Larte.Jas Clark. C F Miller, C G Wagner, Mort Hallett, Walter Beard. Divoice Ix)uisa vs Martin Jones, Amelia vs Kdmann Grauer, Selnia vs Herman J Vohs, Mary vs O H Loomis, Oeo vs Anna Turpin,' Christ vs Annie Von Laiiigea, Mary vs Chas Hedge. Marie vs Alliert Williams, Josephine vs Henry Wyou, Dora vs Win Newman, Mary vs W A Schnavely, Iiita vs Arthur Spiesarhaert, Chas vs Annie Frost, Chas vs Saliiia Stream, J P vs Annie (lately, Sophia vs Harry Best, Khinehold vs Mary Leonhardt, Chester vs Emma Curry. Foreclosure mechanic's lien W H Lvdavs Jerome and B II Laughlin and Thos Roe; E M Ward vs E P Cadwell et als; J R Blair vs same; Chas Iiodds vs F lireske et als. Action for damages Cyrus McKav vs David and Melissan Smith, John Stanim vs Jos Weintl; Weibke Krohn vs Clacka mas Co, chantre of venue: W II liaulev Jr vs W F Hollenbeck; Albert Urubbs vs O II Sikes. Foreclose L A McXary vs Golden Williams et als; Jesse Alexander vs Fdith Monroe etals; Isabella Morrow vs Andrew Braccsco et als: I C Bills vs Oeo Schulmerioh, to recover on court sale made to Schulmerich; S T Packwood vs Joshua Mclhoiiels, Louis Lachmund vs John Salrgeber, Partition t M incent vs Euieline Vincent etals; Mary Becker ts Henry rx'CKer. Ejectment Fred Reis vs M E Everttt. Confirmation Vincent Cook vs Rich ard Kuehne. To quiet title II E Noble vs Arthur Watrous; G W Kiger vs S G Hughes; Heury Brink vs H Wehrung & Son; Jno Keas vs Mary Marion et als; Geo Schul rjicrich vs OSCRR; Rose Worlev vs Fred G Buchtel; Margery King vs State. Condemnation Pence Co vs Oosslin &Uamblett; P R & X vs Bridget Hagen rigni 01 way.) Injunction Geo Miller vs J W Shute et als; Gosslin 4t Hamblett vs Pence Co; Kerron vs Spath, to prevent sale (settled.) W W Espey vs Pence Co. Writ of Review Walker vs I Goodin aud Wash Co. To declare a trust J L Schuyleman vs A H Ruedv et as: same vs snm And In vestment Co made joint defendant. For delivery of mining stock A W Anthony vs Hillsboro Gold Mining Co. Replevin MeKinley Mitchell vs Wm Oberst. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auction, at the old Godfrey place, 5 miles northwest of Forest Grove, on the Galea Creek road, at ten a. m. on SATURDAY, MARCH 30 17 milk cows, 11 in milk, some fresh, will all be fresh in luly, a two-yes '-old heifers, a two-year-old steers, 7 yearling calves, a small calves, 1 Shorthorn bull 6 year old, bay mare, 7 years old, in foal, weight l,'i5o, bsy mare, weight 1, 1 So, black mare, 3 years old in May, white pony, Osborne binder, Champion mower and nay rake, steel drag barrow, wood frame spring tooth harrow, 14 in. walkiug plow, Hancock a-disc plow, Endgate seeder, garden cultivator, Eli spring wagon, top buggy with pole and shaft, road cart, set light lmrness. single buggy harness, Chattatn fanning mill, platform scales, cider mill, barrel vinegar, 7 barrels cider, 9 milk canr hay fork and carrier,' with 17s feet rope, force pump, kitchen range, 3 bedsteads, with springs; Hazelton Brothers' square piano, 1 good saddle, Zenith washiug machine, 10 gallon iron kettle, no. 5 Newhouse bear trap, 6 stands of bees, and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: Under $10, cash; $10 and over, one year's time, bankable note, 7 per cent; 2 per cent off for cash on $10 or over. N. MON'NKR. J. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. Argus and Oregonian, $2.00. E. W. Dant, of Reedville was in the city Monday, L. Sagert, of near Tualatin, whb in Innrn Tllaadiav onrl miiild lliA I 1 l. ,U ft I. A MUK-U I.J, HUH .A. W .U V 'Argus office a call, la ! ' i 1 u; , msa r m IM I MASSAGE Ji CRBAPf is today indispensable on the dressing: table of Pentleman. Not onlv dor a Pnmrwian Massaee Dcrfectlv cleanse the Vin hof if removes wrinkles and stiffness of the facial tissues, and makes the Men use Pomoeian Cream after shavino- ir flexes the muscles and soreness. Most women ot this preparation in and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE Price 50c and Hillsboro Pharmacy CI 1MAY FEED AND JJiVW-VVV SEED STORE " On account of the car shortage send in your order early for LAND PLASTER We have just received two cars. We also have the best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office A 1 1 a Vegetable and FisH M ARRET Fresh V egetables and Fish in Season. Give us a 5 call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main 2 Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. 5 P. J. Ritchey (SL Son GAMBRINUS BEER SOLD S6c LION E. J. LYONS. Uf)e Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts. eentlewoman or blackheads, takes out muscles, animates the flesh firm and xntiit takes away shaving recopuze the value maintaining: a clear AT OUR STORE 91.00 pr Jar It's Up-Hill Worh For any housekeeper to be con stantly chasing around after Good Food at reasonable prices. The sensible woman gives up all further searching after one week's trial of our store. We deal in first-class goods only, and sell them at prices that cant be beaten. Seek no fur ther; we can satisfy vou. ' The Best of All Beers BY SALOON Froprl.tor