The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 07, 1907, Image 3

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Thlrty-Onc FrcclinlJcrs Are
Drawn by Clerk and SlietllT
Full I'anrl f lhlrty One Were Select
td, Tuesday
flberiff J. W, Cotuili and Clerk K
J. Hodmen, Tueeday drew th jury
lift furthe March term of circuit
court, which CDiiviim iu HilUliuro.
on Monday, March i8. The full
complement of thirty one juror
wrre drawn, and this It a vet uf
fklcnt for the impanelling of a
grand jury, should the presiding
judge ire 111. It ia not yet known
whether or not Judgt T. A. Mo
Bride will have Millkirntly re
covered from a recent attack of
lagtlppe la oil on the bench. The
list of jnori follow:
It J. Mrr.lmiU......8 r'.'rvkt ('.rove
Leo SihwHinlir.,. Mimntiiin
Alba K .lil'illitry... .Columbia
W, B. Hulim, Miller 8. Korea! C.ruve
Ittilicrt Jnhiinoii Umvrrtiin
,18. HoMiimih Huutti Tualatin
'Charlr Ihrkrtliirr... , lU-nvr nlmii
Amhrua Schmldllti Buxton
Andrew Jwk. Krrtlvillr
A. T, lllMnlctyl (tltDtllll
Win, I-:, hi ay, Merchant Wuahiiigtoii
W. C. Ikirrty Wuliuii(tiiii
Ralph P. Imbric... Ninth Ilillshoro
Pred 1 1. Ailuiiu, Crutrr, N IlilWhoru
lirn Patton Vt-t Hiitte
II. T. CbalUcuiiihr, Mrrt lmiit, I'urnrliut
I. . A Kind Suulh IlilUlmro
Jeuira Chun-hill C.nlra Crctk
t'bria Jetiuii ,. Furckt lirove
Mill f. Martin IHllry
II. 15. Viucrnl, t'lcik...... Ilcavrrtoii
II. B. Tijtnnl Kt Butte
tlrHiit Huron, .......4'orocliu
Win. A. Bellinger, Mousy fonder
North fiircat lirove
A hum !: Mid. Buitou
J. II. Collier H. Tualatin
ChrlMun IVtrmm North Ihlltlxmi
Kdwin W. Karlwit VVt (Vdsr
P. W. SKrr1 Kurt Cedar
f.dward A K nulla ". lytut Butte
J. K. t In viiu- S. I'un-l Grove
Alt ait fariutira except where
The undersized will mil at public
auction at hi residence on Comer
of Baseline and Seventh Htreets,
Hillehoro, at one j in., on
Organ, Bedroom mite, good condition;
hook rue, conk Move No. N, i air tight
beatera, couch, 7 rnktn, 9 tlininv
cbalr. 1 It. rttenston table, j Kced
apring anil timitrt-kac, renter Utile, I
wash elands, il rtAurf, lUihrk, tinware,
lawn mower, shovels, apaile, hue, rake,
ke, juo it. runner now, ana uuiuerou
other articles. All In em el lent con
dition. Term of U: Under ' cm.Ii;
over, aix mintht' tint, with in
tercut at 7 per o-nt. 2 r cent off,
caah over $.1.
B. V, Ccrnelitm, Attulionrcr
A Teacher' local iiiBtilute will he
held at Fnreet (irove, on March 10
An excellent program h leo
prepared ; ami til teHcliera who can
aflurJ to avail ihuielvea of thi
opK)rtunily of Klean;ii i.ew in
pi ration for thr-ir mhool work
ahould not miaa thin inHiilute,
Hupt. fare hae arranttfil to hold
other inetitulea in other piirta ol
toe county, ona at hherwnod on
March 23, and anothrat liAver
ton on March )! TIiih will give
every teacher who it hachiog, or
Intending to teach in thin county
an opportunity to attend
no of
theee educational incKting.
Mr John R. McN'ew, of Uedville,
and Mint Anna .Linky, of eatt of
JIlliHuoro, acre united in marriage
at the homo of the) olliciatina irti iiih-
tor, Rev. 11. liiltrick, of ihi city,
Wednewhiy, March 0, 1!K)7, at
High Noon. Thev will make their
home, at West Union, where the
groom in in the employ of the Ore
gon Nursery Company. The groom
ia a hon of J. It. McNew, of Heed'
villi, "and the bride in dieter 0
Mra. Samuel B oh), of ituxton.
At The Creacent Theatre
Bonult Drier Hush , , Knoll, in Alice
....March lj
.1 , March 3)
Tha King of Trnmpi March 35
Dixie Jubilee Siugera March
VVaruer'e Minstrel April a7
Old Arkaun .Mav 12
Advertised Lsttara
0 Alnsworth Clyde Alnnworlh Kdd
Darker Mrs Nellie llrooki Mr II M
Brook John KrngKer C.cnre Heck
Jennie Biown MIh Ivllth Cnlhoim 1,1
na Orilbn Mn John I'lelda Mr Ha
ver Mia Ruby Hyde H H Hewitt
MlkS Corn Jonee Louisa .lohnaou Mrk
T H King, e-o Mr Zahler Jacob Krie
ger T Lacy , Mr J C Mnntlta Mr I.e
u McKinney Mra Mary li Miller Mra
J L Moller Mra C J MunL-er Jno Phil
ip Perry Reed Mis Julia Richard Mra
Id Kobertkou Geo Spencer Mr M
Walts Mr M C Walt or Watts Mra
Louisa JolinMon (8) route 3.
Argus and Journal, $1.75.
Found: On street in HilUboro,
a piece of money. Cull at Argus
office prove property, and get same
by paying for advertisement.
II. H.Stewart, of Forctt Grove,
and who haa tuoceeded lo the man
agement of the IhllalMirocondeoaer
at a reeult of the purchaai or toe
plant by the Pacific L'mit Con-
ilenaed Milk Co., Wat a caller at
the Argui ofllce, yatetday. Mr.
Stewart withea to t'-ste to the pa
trona of thtcondeneer that the peo
ple of Washington county will be
givtu the tauit liberal treatment in
the future at in the pant. The
company did not buy tha Hillnhoro
lanl to alille ooiu petition, but
ought it hecauke the company wai
away behind in ilt order and it
hal either to buy or to build an
other oondenner aomewbere. At
the Washington county field wat
the beet in the Nnrthweet, they
concluded to buy at llillhboro, and
overture were made and deal
finally effected. He tayt that the
patrons of both oondeneert will re
reive the beat of treatment, a it ia
milk that they are after, and not
monopoly. The HilUbom plant
will be enlarged. Mr. Ktewart
would like to ni-t at many dairy
men aa poaaihle at the county
meetinK which will take plaoe in
Hilltboro, on March 15 Mr.
Stewart eioecte to have Govern
ment Uoad Expert Lanratter pre-
eut at the meeting, and if pom 1 hie
he will he here. The HilUboro
wndeueer, ma Mr. Ktewart, ie
central to a large milk territory,
and the plant la ontitidered a val
uable one because of this. Mr.
Stewart expects to pernonally meet
II the pairons of the local con-
di'naer within a few week.
IOjten hurry plant for tale. We
II them for f.'iOO per hundred
Per dtx-m, fifty oenl You can
order by mail, but linage will coet
you twenty cents per dixin. 1 bee
are One plants, sod will give tali
faction H. It locke, Beaveiton,
Route 3.
Theodore Pointer who settled on
the Portland Mountain, in 1851,
and who baa altnoet continuously
raided there, was in town Tuesday.
Mr. Pointer and bW parents came
iro s the plains to company wnn
Cleve Hilver, well knowu hereto
the pioneer, starting from Mis
souri in 1850, and arriving at Port
land iu January 61 Mr. Pointer
never received a patent for hi
claim until Qrant'a administration
We carry the best shoe on the
market for the money. W. L
Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous
cushion ahoea for men. Leading
make for ladiea. Latest styles
and finish. II. Wehrung & Hons
John II. McNamer, of Forest
drove, is again having trouble
with his toll-road. Judge Burnett,
at Tillamook, the other day, grant
ed a permanent injunction against
the conducting of the road in Tilla
mook County. Thecals is slready
in the Supreme Court, and this
later decieion ia likely to also he
appealed to the same tribunal.
For Sale: Fifty acres cleared
land in the vicinity of HilUboro,
on rural mail and milk route: near
telephone line. rine location;
good building site. Innnire of
John Ivy berg, ol lnalulio, was
up yesterday. He says that yes
terday waa payday for the Oregon
Kleulrio line in Tualatin, and that
money was ss tree as water. The
Oregon Electric ia putting a con
structlon engine on l Tualatin,
the locomotive having been run
into Tualatin over the 8. P. line,
Aaron Hayes, of Mt Vernon,
arrived Tuttday, and is the guest
of his father, C. F. Hayes, of North
liillsboro. They had not met for
some seven years. He expects to
remain hers the Summer.
We tell a complete Hoe of stoves
and ranges, hardware, tinware,
crockery, etc, Come and see them
and get prices before purchasing.
ttahuliuenoh Bros.
Basket social at the Farmington
school house, Saturday evening
March 111, for benefit of school
library. Ladiea are invited to
bring baskets.
The new bank opened at ForeBt
Grove, Monday, with John Thorn
burgh as cashier. The deposits
(or the da; were 125,000. That is
doing some business for a starter.
Stationery of all kinda at the
Pharmaoy latest in stylish cor
respondence, calling cards, on
velopeis. etc Call and see the
John H. Cornelius, who crossed
the plains in 1845, when he was
but three years of age, was down
from Cornelius, 1 uesday.
For sale: Piga sired by a regis
tend Herksbire boar Wm. Schul
mericb, Farmington. Address
Hillsboro, R. F. D. 2.
N. J. Walker, of Forest Grove,
and who is one of the old timers of
that bailiwick, was down to the
city Tuesday.
Settings of 15 White Minorca
eggs, lor ou cents. Mrs. j. u.
Humphreys, Sixth nnd Base Line,
A. R Lsabn, who has been with
John E. Bailey, of Forest Grove,
for many years, was in the city
Tuesday. ,
Wanted: Stock hogs weighing
from 80 pounds upward; also sheep.
J. Q. Haines, Beaverton, Oregon,
Independent 'phone.
John R. Bailey, ol Buxton, was
down to the oounty seat yesterday.
John eaya that good timber ia sell
ing like hot cakea vp his, way. '
Friday, March 1Mb, at 11
O'clock Sharp
Dairy Interest tf VYikbingtoa County
Will be Dikcukktd
Dairymen of Washington county
are lo meet in Hilltboro, March 15,
convening at 11 o'clock In the fore
tjoin, and a large attendance it
predicted. The dairy interests of
this section of the state will be dia
cueted, aod Mr. Lancister, govern
ment road expert, ha been invited
to be in attendance. Hecrcttry H.
V, Woitney, of alwve Greenville,
sends the Argus the following call:
The Washington County Dairy-
men Association win noia tneir
uest meeting st Hillsboro, March
16, on rnday, at 1 1 o clock sharp,
jfiveryliody interested in dairy
work will bear something of im
portance to them if they attnnd
theae meetings. There will he
some giod sound tslk by some of
our beet cow men in the county.
Ho come out Brother Dairymen,
and bring your ladies with you.
I'bilip Kalvh auiMintI Administrator
of tb ratate of I'rcelia, who ilird
South ol Corneliuk, l-'b lb; bond lined
at f 5.000.
Kline Si'turr nmmintril gtmdhn over
eataie of Altiert ttrhaer, minor, bond at
Kate Mkttbrw Brown cloned of rec
ord and rani eitale turned uvrr to beiri,
Myitlr Hullitk ai.d t'.erltude J if own.
Aimunl account I'.litiWlh Freeman,
lacnacd, eMatc, lilrd ai.d approved.
Final aetlleineiit Klt lmbiie poat-
pontd to March 15.
Helm Paget to Lionel 1'ituet, :.M H5
acre quitclaim, t ! 114 2500
Geor( R HaKlry to II II Hamil
ton tract urar I ctiteiville 1
OC M Co to Joliu J Murphy, Ton-
denwd Milk plant IlllUlmo
Id Cltiwhkw to John Loutiifiiont li
arrra at tiaU-k t reek , 030
I U TrulliiiKPr 10 W II Wbeallrv 5
etc Kbbcil douaWon.. n5o
I U Trullinfter lo It W Canahan, 15
acre bltherla donation 1400
Tbo Rrycraft to Robert Nixon, 40
arc 20 i a n r j w , 300
Kditb L Hoonan to W II Mc Kl-
downey tract In Klkanah W alker
donation , ,. 7925
Wm to A A Miller, 6 lot blk
34 W P Height..., 90
C'baa Latott to Harry Laott, 16 on
Dairy Creek 190
W Yanderveldeu to W K Duua
moore, w i lot a & lot 3 blk 4 S
1' ad I'oreat Grove 250
Harvey K Flory toW G Miwre et ala ,
too ec 32 1 1 r j w
Amanda Corueliua to J W Hurtratnpf
lot 3 blk 10 Thoruea aililitioo. ... v0
II A Hattltitie to W V Schultz vSx
100 feet blk 6, Foreat Grove iSjo
Jefl'erkou C'kbler to Waahington
Cabler, 8.615 a kc t t 3 r I w . . . , aoo
JeUeraon Cabler to John Cabler,
4.02s a kec 1 t 3 r 1 w 300
JetTeraod & WaahliiKton Cabler to
Jefl'erkou Cabler, S 625 t kec I t 3 k
r 1 w
O J Palutaleer to Lome J Palmateer
tract on bee Mreel conlectionery
Mikt Scbiamel to Jo Schulmerich,
il l W Ki rort at Ilanka "00
Gilgian Keichen to Giliian Keichen
Jr., 47.74 near Phillip
Michael Boyd to W G Boyd, 20
' near Dilley.. , 750
Wm Kapua to Fred l.esia, 6 acres
Fruitful Landa 300
A J Fan no to Fred Leiia, lot 14 4 a
Ki iu, r riiiuiit Liaui,
Nellie Storney to K I) Tboma 6 lota
blk a, Purdya ad Dilley 37S
Jacob baundera to V. I) Thorn, a a
K S Xupptr donitlou 350
Jaine Smock to Dora K Saltu lot 6
blk 3 Sherwood. 1
Kli Heineck to Leroy lleineck 42
near Laurel 600
W C Rambo to Geo W BriKK 81K
S Tnpper donation Dilley 300
K M Keeuan to Heniy J Keenan 40
a above Glencoe I50
Sam Kuut to Peter Karl, 7 acre II
B Bone donation 775
Wm SI rough to A L Donald, lj a
Geo Richardson donation 10
Investment Co to A Wendland lot
27, Willowlirook Frni 508
Nelson McConnell to Ja & Clyde
McCounell, t'i ner Sberv.-ood.. 1
W I) Wood to W H Connell 99!
feet blk 1, Hillsboro 500
Wm Reidt to John W Johnson 7 lot
blk 34 W P Height 90
Joseph D Hates to I K Bate 62 a R
Homer donation 1887
Klleu S Richardaon to Grace A rats,
Lot 1 & li blk 14 S P td V Grove
K R Buxton to A M Kills 160 sec
25 1 1 n r 0 w 400
C L Large to A M Kills 1 20 sec 35
t 1 n r 3 w .300
Rrwln D Mead to Geo II Jacohsen,
40 a sec 36 t 3 n r 4 w 4o
Krneat Keehn to Magdalena Mor
terund 58 a Duatin donation 4o
A A Mead to K D Mead 40 a sec 1 1
2 n r 4 w,.,. 3o
Geo O Frost to Samuel Gowan tract
in Rnlph Wilcox douation 50
James f Hooper to Dstrolt Trust Co,
too ec 13 to 1 u r 5 w..
Edgar IInnu to M J Kinney, aoo
a ec 36 t a n r 4 w 45
M J Klnuey to F M Heldel 50 a aec
26 t a n r 4 w,
Chas Lane to Angitat Lovegren 8a a
aec 21 tints w 100
F M Lane to August Lovegren 160 a
ten at 1 1 n r 5 " 5
Oscar Schiller to Thos Talbot lot 69
Corneltu Knvirou , aoo
Notice is called to Miss Kirk-
wood's millinery display advertise'
Stephen Bam bo, of above Dilley,
was in town yesterdsy.
Go to MeCormick's for school
F. W. Schoeo fir. was down from
Cornelius yesterday morning.
Just received a car of dairy
chop at the Climax Mill.
Mrs. E. J. Wtsion, of near Cedar
Mill, wat in town Wednesday.
Fine lot of onion seed in bulk at
the Climax Mill store.
Jsck Yungen, of Helvetia, was
in the city yesterday.
Our own make, Mint chews, 4
pouud, 10 cents. Den of Sweets.
J. C. Crocker, of Mountaindale,
was in town yesterday. i
C. E. Kindt, ni Kinton, was a
Hillsboro visitor today.
Carload of Utah land plaster at
W. F. Hollenbeck's, Roy, Oregon.
Julius Wedeking, of near Kinton,
was in tbs city this morning.
A. W. Pike, one of Beiverlon's
pioneers, was op to tbe city today.
The One Minute Washing Ma
chine, sold on 30 days' trial, by
the Nelson Hardware Co.
Kdward Miocecnoyer, of Reed-
vilie, was a county seat visitor,
this morning.
Superior and Standard steel
range. l down and SI per wets,
at the Nelson Hardware Co.
Philip IVzoldt, of near Phillips,
was in the city today, and made
tht Argu office a call.
Wanted: I)reKmaker's appren
tice. R. Davis,
J. I) Housley snd family have
gone to North Yamhill, where Mr.
Housley will farm this Hummer.
For a good smoke try the Schil
ler or hxcellencia end you will
try them again and again.
H. T. Blsir and wife returned to
Salem, today, after a week's visit
with home folks.
Ladies', gents', and children's
shoes, spring styles, arriving daily
at 11 Wehrung Sc Sons.
The finest line of tpring dress
goods arriving daily at II. Weh
rung A Sons.
John Jack, of Farmington, was
in tbe county seat yesterday morn
New style Bhirtwaiste, spring
lire, now in from the East. H.
Wehrung it Sons.
Steve Hollenbeck and Thos,
Murpny, 01 Mountaindale, were
county Beat visitors, yesterday.
Plows, diece, Planet Jr. seeders,
wavons, hacks and buggies. Port
land price on all goods, at tbe
Nelson Hardware Co.
C. W. Barr, of near Cedar Mill,
was in town this morning, and
remembered the Argus for another
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Gxcellencia These cigars are of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
W. O. Hocken, a prominent
Beavertonite, was in the city today,
and made the Argus a pleasant
Don't miss tha dance at the
Hillnboro opera house, Saturday
evening, March 9. The only dance
in March.
W. N , Ben and F. L. Brown,
Geo. Hathnrn and K. C. Mulloy,
were the Laurel contingent that
were into the ounty seat yester
day. For sale: Roan mare, weight
about 1,000 pound. Kight years
old Pri'je, $45, Enquire at Com
mercial Bnk. W. E. Thomas.
J. P Gately, of Portland, sues
Annie (lately for divorce, alleging
that she drinks to excess and
keeps company with objectionable
characters. 1 here are three chil
dren. Ladies' knit and muslin under
wear, latent patterns; embroideries
and laces finest line in the coun
ty, at H. Wehrung itg Sons.
Mr. S. T. Walters snd Miss
Charlotte C. Chatterton, of near
Beaverton, were married in this
city, March G, 1007, Judge H. T
Bagley ouiciating.
There will be regular preaching
services at the United Evangelical
Church next Sunday. 1 he pastor
will preach both morning and eve'
Alfred Guerbsr, of Helvetia, and
who was one of the original stock
holders in the Hillsboro condenser,
was in town yesterday, and called
at tbe Argus otlice.
Through Kuratli Bros. J. E.
Hawkins hits sold hie residency
property at th & in to 1. .
Ttullinger, the Bawmiil man, the
consideration being $950. Mr
Hawkins is thinking of going east.
We have just received a carload
of Utah Land Plaster. Also a full
supply of blasting powder. If you
want salt, remember that we have
just received a carload. Anderson
& Son, Keedvtlle.
G. M. Coffey and wife have been
summoned to appear in a murder
cane, as witnesses, back in Okla
homa, and they expect to leave on
their lengthy trip in a few days.
The trip will cost that state a con
siderable sum and at tbe same
time be of profit to the man and
Theatre Management Will
Hun Trains in Evening
Seathera Pacific Will Hue Train From
Forest Grtvt and Beavtrltn
Tha date of "Bonnie Brier Bush"
has been changed to Friday eve
ning March 15th. Arrangements
have been made for special train
rervice from Bavertoo, Reedville,
Cornelius aod Forest Grove. Bea
verton and Reedville patrons will
purchase round trip tickets at
regular rates gcod on last trip of
Forest Grove local on Friday eve
ning March loin. Immediately
after the performance the traio
will return to Beaverton, and will
carry Cornelius and Forest Grove
passengers borne on return trips
Theatre prices: Orchestra and
loges, $1.00; drees circle and bal
cony, 75c; gallery 50c.
Heat may be ordered of . L.
McCormick, Independent 'phone.
The welcome announcement it
made that tbe charming story of
life among the glens of Scotland,
the play for which we have waited
so long, "The Bonnie Brier Bush,"
lskn from the celeb ated story of
that name, written by Rev. John
Wateon, who i well known to
Canadian read-rs, will be produced
at th Crescent Theatre, on Fri
day, March 15.
Plays dramatized from novels
have become quite the dramatic
fad during tbe past few years, till
now tbey may be said to bold the
chief intereet among the standard
production. '"The Littla Minis
ter," "The Christian," and a dozen
others which can be ntmed, attest
the growth of the idea and the fa
vorable sentiment attaching to it.
J. R. Powell and Miss adie Bal
lard were united in marriage at the
home of tbe bride's psrents, Sev
enth & Fir, Saturday, March 2,
1907, Rev. H. L. Pratt, of Portland,
officiating. Tho?e present were:
Messrs. and Mesdatne J. L. Ballard,
Waite, C. F. Hayes. J. B. Wilkes, Ben
ton Bowman, Rev. H. L. Pratt. Mrs. C.
Rhoades, Mrs. S. K. Hoover, Mr. Clar-
inda Masters. Miss Edna Harper, Ray
Klizabetb Lindsay, Mr. Lindsay, Mrs.
M. K. Ballsrd.
The groom ia the well-known
leader of the Hillsboro Reed & Cor
net Band, and has instructed in
music in this city the pact year.
They commenced housekeeping in
the new home of tbe groom, on N.
First Street.
The beautiful plav, "The Bonnie
Brier Bush," which will appear
here on March 15, at the Crescent
Theatre, will be given with a most
sumptuous scenic equipment, the
entire original Kirke LaShelle pro
duction being used. Tbe oompany
is practically an all-star one, in
cluding among its members such
artists as J. Palmer Collins, for
several seasons Mr. Stoddard's un-
ierstudy in tbe roll of "Lacblan
Campbell;" Chas. E. Bloomer, late
of the Frohman forces, who has
made a name for himself this sea
son in tne part ol "rosty; W.
Leonard Howe, who was brought
to this oountty by Forbes Robert
son; Bino Bulow,a beautiful young
actress, is this season appearing as
"Flora Campbell," Kenneth Mac
kenzie, late of the George Edwarde
Company, and many othera equal
ly prominent.
A male quartette will add to the
Scottish atmosphere, as will also
Robert Ireland, whom everybody
knows ss late Pipe Major of the
4i Ui Highlanders, whose perform
ance on the b ftp pipe cannot fail to
arouse enthusiasm in every heart
Orders for seats will bt received
by E. L. McCormick. Prices are
a follow: orchestra and loges, $1
dress circle aod balcony, 75 cents
gallery, 50 cents.
Mr. Isaac Jefferson Baughfuiau, mention
of whose death was made in last week's
Argus, was born iu Ohio, June it 1850.
He waa wedded to Kdith Kwald, April
24, 1SS7, at Watertowu, outh Dakota
Several years awo they moved to Come
lius, where Mr. Baughfuiau died from an
uttack ot pneumonia, rebruary ia, 1917
Hts wtte survives. Deceased was public
spirited, and progressive, and during his
resilience in this county made a host of
friends who regret his death.
My Millinery opening will be late
on account of a delay in receiving
my large stock of goods. 1 bey are
here aud a nner line never was
brought to this city. I have
milliner who has been copying
pattern hats for the past three
months, and fully capable 0! turn
iug out hats strictly up-to-date.
Mrs. Imogens Bath
Stationery, pens, playing cards,
ledgers, journals, eto, at the
Margery A. King has toed the
State of Oregon, asking the circuit
court to quiet title to 13 acres of
land down on tbe Bircee' road,
tbie tide of Portland. Tbe land in
question once belonged to a Thos.
Duckett, who deeded it away, tbe
scrivener making an error in the
description. Duckett died tan
years ago, without heirs, and mean
time the land had passed to Mar
gery King. Under the law Duck
ett still bad title to tbe place at
death, owing to error, which was
not then known, and the land
would have escheated to tbe State
of Oregon. Margery King now
wants the circuit court to correct
the 'deed, and Attorney General
Crawford rays he will make no
6gbt, but will abide by tbe decis
ion of tbe court which will most
liksly award the land to the plain
tiff, i
The Hillsboro Plant and Flower
Gardens now has a fine line of first
class nursery stock, bought from
tbe Dalles Nursery, and which
they are telling at very low prices.
P!ott of all kinds, ornamental
shrubbery, all kinds of roses on
sale. Call and get acquainted.
North of court house. Iodepend
ent phone CJ4.
Beaverton had a very exciting
city election tbe first of the week
on parts of the ticket being too
close to be comfortable. E. E.
Fisher was re elected mayor by a
vote of 41 againat Dr. F. M. Robin
son, wbo received 35 votes; R.
Hocken and M. B. Hoard, on op
position tickets, were elected to the
council, receiving 45 and 40 votes
respectively; A. Clement, re
corder, 55 votes; . W. Cady.
treasurer, 64 votes.' The marshal
vole was a tie, C. O DeVere and
W. H. Hunter each receiving 36
vutea. This is Mayor Fisher's
second term, and he appears to be
giving a satisfaction to a majority
All peraont wbo have old fencing
or rubbish along county road in
Road District 19, are hereby re
quested and notified to remove
same by Aprit 1, 1907. Also want
meja and teams at reasonable
ages. Jacob Reichen, Supervisor,
Hillsboro, Ore., R. 4.
Chas. Haefliger's house, situated
n the Helvetia neighborhood, ten
miles northest of tbis city, burned
Monday, the cauBe of the fire bsing
defective flue The lo?s was
about $400, and there was in
surance in the sum of $275 in the
Bethany Mutual. Tbe fire was
reported by Peter Groeeen, who it
connected with the company, and
who was in town yesterday.
A good idea clean up and burn
all trash around your premises.
Then you will feed like coming to
tbe bop, at the opera house, March
Circuit court convenes here
March 16. The criminal calendar
s not very extensive. The three
cases attracting tbe most attention,
and which will come before tbe
notice of the district attorney are:
State vs. McN'amara, charged with
arceny from a dwelling; and tbe
cases of State vs. Patton, colored,
and Beard, of Banks, charged with
Onion seed. Yellow Globe Dan-
vere, for sale, from selected stock,
and other varieties. Add rets E. J
Thomas, Beaverton, Ore.
Jesse Crandall, son of Judge
Crandall and wife, started today
for Billings, Montana, where he
will rauch for an uncle. The place
cute three crops of alfalfa eaoh
year, yielding 100 tons, which eel's
readily up there for $20 per ton
Besides, tbe ranch raises stock
His many friends wish him well.
Schulmerich Bros, are headquar
ters for wire fence. We have sold
eight miles in the last 30 days.
Cheaper than lumber.
The county court will adjourn
tomorrow night. The proceedings
will be published in full next week.
The Theodore Pointer fill, on the
Portland mountain, has-been let to
C. Crocker, of Hillsboro, for
120. The next highest bid was
that of A. A. Mead, for $138.
I am agent for tbe Judson Blast
ing rowder. J Y. V andervewen,
Roy, Ore. Both 'phones.
Next Monday, the Tualatin
Plains Presbyterian Church will
celebrate their 34th anniversary.
All the members of the church are
expected to be present. Program
to begin at 10:d0. Lunch will be
served to all. Programs will be
circulated after the service next
Sunday morning.
A. N. Da vies reports that the
Tigardville school has closed
becaute of the prevalence of diph
theria. Two cases are reported.
Dr. Vincent is handling the oases
and hopes to check the spread of
the malady.
C. Peters, formerly a resident of
Cornelius, died suddenly, Wednes
day, at bis borne on the east Bide,
Portland. Mayor Thos. Talbot,
who is a son-in-law, went down to
attend the funeral.
S. Bany was 8 truck by the P. R
& N. engine .Tuesday, through no
fault of the engineer, and sustained
a slight scalp wound. Dr. Link
later attended the patient.
Henry Dyke and wife, who are
on the Taylor Hill place, near
Mountaindale, were in the county
seat today. .
Maple peanut this week special
at the Den of Sweets, 20 cts, per
Pbysielan and Surgeon
Offica Bailey-Morgan block, upstairs.
R001111 12, 1,1 and 15. Kesidiic eHnith
wnsl corner Baoaltne aud Hvcoiul Street.
Both 'Phones.
S. T. LINKLATER, If. B. C. a!.,
Orfle upaUir over Tb Delta Drug Store
Rtaidanot last of Court Hoom,
In to corner of tb block.
8urtnn Southern Pacllle Railroad Co.
ionaltalln in French or English. Of
fiot npaUir. oyer L. M. Hoyt CVs. store,
north side of Main St., Millsloro, Or.
F. J. BAILEY, M. D.,
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
Heaidenot on corner Second and Oak 8ta
Oregon Phone Main 116.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7. 8 and o
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phone. Hillsboro, 'Ore
Rooms 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Block,
street. Over Dennis Store.
Eooma 1 and i Skate Building
Office, apatairt, over the Post Office,
; HilUboro, Orcgoa,
Room i, 4, & S. Margaa Blk, HUlabor o.
Office Cpauira, Balky Margaa Block
Room, i an! a.
Office, Up Stain, Central Block.
Morgan Blk, Upstair, Room 3, 4 and 5
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Do a General Real Eataie, Loan and In
surance Bnsinea. List your farm with
them and find a sale. They will treat
yon right. Add your tale to onr hit.
Call in and see u.
Main Street, , Hillsboro, O.
Dealers in Marble and Granite Monu
ments and Tombstones, and all kinds of
cemetery and memorial work. Write 11
for particulars. Address 335 K. Morrison,
T. R. Imbriei
Deals in all kinds of Real
Estate Wheat Lands, Farm
Lands, Stock Ranches and
Range Lands Reclamation
and sale of Desert Lands a
specialty. Fine investments
for your idle money. Write
or call at office.
Portland - - Oregon
Varnfch mnd Brushes
Paint and Dmoorating
In any of the modern styles, by an
experienced wood-finisher. Also ..
painting, papering, tinting nd all
kinds of interior decorating.
H. OESSNCR, HilUboro, Ora
Dailey Bldg, between Third and Fourth.
Oontraotor and Cuttdar
Estimates given on all claties of baildlng
Mttom, flrat Mf Mat Vw .