TEST JnllLLSB VOLXIII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. MARCH 7. 1907. NO. 51 IR BANK'S Ml mm i " ---.'. 'i nil I HE fo w Tv In. mo was lit I lh ' Uaut'lnil. I M'tl, uttU la In jail on the aiu charge as confront Heard. Ha created some, laughter iu lh court room .when he tuhl of betting 25 ccnlt egaiul the conn' lr, and ho the coon won. Kit also tIJ how he bought ft box of niutilt end lost them abaking dice. There waa eoois "vldeiice for the defense, hut JuJe Bagley decided that I lie ca should go before tha district attorney. 11b Hied Heard1! hail at 1.000, which wai given by the dt fondant, AN ECHO OF THE WAR The following i-oldier, ifiue of whom have passed away, have money at Salem, awaiting their call lor it, or the rail of their helra. Those known here in this county, no far an can he learned, who have money waiting call are: K. A Street, beh.g dead; I.ieut. F.dgar J. Itryan, Dull, or Portland; George Summers, deceased; Suntmera be ing a relative of John Herri, of known here; Kugenw Scully, now iu tha Philippines, where he is married; C. 1. Oliver, whodiid in tha Philippines, anl whose legal heir ia Geo A. Oliver, of Lakeland, Minneiota, if alive. Thin money ia lo charge, of the Hiate Treamrer, and ba can direct applicant!) aa to the necessary procedure to get the ainouota due Tha amounts are not large, rarglrg from $1 W) to $33. There are aim) medal o ming which are unclaimed. AUCTION SALE The undersigned w ill sell at public eale at the Second Street harn, on Friday, March tr, 1U07, at 2.(X) in tba afternoon, four cows, two freth, and one lo he fresh soon and one frrah in April, ranging from four to eight year, one a full-blood Jertey, two graded Jerseys, and one a Shorthorn. Terms, osh, or bankable note, bearing S per cent, interval. CHRIS. HII.I.KU. B. P, Cornelius Auoliuneer. Argun and Pacific Monthly, 1 50 J. 8. Swallev. of Rce.lville, was in tha oily Monday. Thog. FowIch, of Monntaindale, waa in town Monday. Peter Vandeiib irg, of Contarvilla, waa in the city Monday. John J not, ol roruami, waa m f town Monday, returning from a trip to bis ranch at Glencoe. The Pharmacy ban put in a handsome 11 mr of showcase, and the old onea have been shipped to Banks, for the. new diug autre at that place. At It. L. Cate'a ollioe, 220 Stark Street, Portland, can be found the choicest buyaof residence and busi ness property in the city of Port land.' He handle the celebrated Hawthorne Kstat lots. Telephone Exchange 70. John Loflis and N. II. Jones were down from Vinelanda, Mon day, taking out freight for Asa Weatoott, who ban just returned from Nebraska, and who owns the Hellaire place. Mr. Westcott brought out two carloads of freight from Nebraska. The new pension wrvioa bill causes a great deal ol business here these days. All pensioners of the Civil and Mexican wars now get an age pension which is as follows: Veterana (12 yeara of ago get $12 per month; over 70 years, $15 per month; and over 75 years, '&) per mouth Treasurer Jaukson has ths forms, and says that any pension f can get the blanks by sending to jb pension commissioner. No at toroey or claim agent cau got any ree out oi this age penuion. Ray Kiiiiimtt and Ktrl Ringle, who Mi hurt Uit week, have written homa that ihy are at the a-m Bthtof KtlirT. ffltJ: II times, and it ii but little ue tor one orchardisl to clean up if an other in tha vicinity ia allowed (o permit the pi-sU to g) untouched. Having just received a Jaige shipmrnt uf photo g(Kdi Iroiu the Kaet, 1 am prepared to make beUftf grade picturra f r leta money than haa ever l-eo made in Washington county, and will make special in ducement from this date until March lit. Call and see Pope, the photographer. It's a juicy question but mine one can earn a ten dollar gold piece for the information leading to the conviction of the party who squirts a groat mouthful of tobacco juice every few days oo the glaea door of the W likes abstract office. Six times tha chap bit shot hie hroan discbarge against the door and the mauager of the company is now ready to go" after the gentle man on the charge of defacing property. Fred (ireenburg, of Progress, was an Argus caller, Monday, having made a trip up to pay taxes. Fred had his Argus extend ed to Outolter, I'KW. and is now the farthest ahead of any man on the list. We tutll mora agricultural im plements than all of our compet itors, put together. The reasou we ship direct from the factory, and pay spot cash for them. Come and gel prices. Aunt Nancy Johnson, of (Men one, was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Johnson ia one of the early pioneers of Ibis section, and has a host of pioneer friends who re member her. For gentlemen's, ladies' and children's hoae you can do no bet ter than to buy of John lennia. We have them for everybody, and at prices that are values. Frank Balaton, engineer for the Lyda mill, waa in the county seat, Saturday. Mr. lUUton and the Argui man worked together in the Snake Kiver county, twenty years ago. For rent; Fat rn of 1-15 a.-res ad joining llillsboro; good for grain ordairv;8() acres of pasture, with runuing water, and with but little brush. Inquire of K. ii. 'iongue Peter Vsnderaanden, of near Hanks, was in the city Saturday The Vanderianden family appears on the Argua list numerically stronger than any other name in the county. Wanted: Farms and lands of all kinds for sale and rent. Ad dresB J. It. Foreman, cOo hast Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Misa Pearl Smith and Mies Florence Hid well were down from MoMinnville the last of the week and returned Sunday to the Mc- Minnvil'e Business College. OentB' and boya' clothing, fall line now In-Run, Nathan A 1MB oher Sincerity make at II. Weh rung & Sons. Uodolph Bauman, of below Cedar Mill, and who hae been a resident of that section for many yearn, was in the oounty seat Monday. We are sole agents for the ceta brated Chatham fanmill. Price, complete, 137.50. Schulmerich Bros. .Tosenh Allison, who haa been building in Sellwood, is home, oon valesoing from an attaok of pneu omnia. Schoolboys and girls will find everything in school supplies (ex cent school books) at hi. L. Mo Cormick's. James Jackton, of West Union was in town Monday. UllpflUPliO 111) II I vv let Attorney in Brother of Senator Ilednes AVUS C01NTY MAX LANDS Iwcot SuppoMci to be Result of Clackamas' Strength nor Cham Wrlain has appoint Hbert L. Hedges as district ley fur this judicial district, he new appointee hails frora n City, lie is brother of or J K. Hedges, and waa an t supporter of Gov. Chamber he two brothers bing largely lisible for Chamberlain's ma in that county, last June argument that Washington y did better than Chckauias being WHbycombe'a own by losing oat by a majority ly 31 against Chamberlain, f ot seem to cut very much 5 in theVppointmfnt, although tun titcuiive waa , known lo have been very friendly t Mr. Wall The Utter gentleman cmt have the deptyship for this coun'y. if he wja'ies the place. l'irftrict At torney Hedges will take up hit first work in Washington County at the coming aetaion of c turl. Later: Mr. Hedge has appoint ed Mr. Wall as his deputy for Waehinglon County . To Hop Grower We are prepared to tare orders for bop aupplns lor ih coming e ison Write us or call lor quotation be fore placing nr frd"r. C. B. Burba nan .V Co Cornelius, Ore. Tumlav's Oreuonian baa n'clure of the I'niied Railways ginning work on Front Street, and the ofiieere of the company say that work will continue right along. The heaviest rails are he- ng laid, and they are bedded in concrete. The line can carry frieght only in the night, although passenger trains can run in at any time. 1 his is the line that event ually iutenda building in'o Hills boro and we shall see il here when il comer-yea. Farm for sa'e: Fight miles southwest of Hillsboro; 34 acres; S to 10 acres under cultivation; bal ance easily cleared; good pasture; living water; email fruit; log harn; small house; ideal dairy farm and is oo milk route. $1,050 and easy terms. Inquire at Argus office. Small boys are warned to keep away from the sawmill proper when it is working. If they do not, there is likely to bo a vacant chair in some family s circle. Parents will be wise if they advise their little chaps to keep away frora the interior of the mill. The hall committee of Vine Maple Camp, Woodmen of the World, Cedar Mill, will give a dance in their ball, one mile west of Cedsr Mill ou Saturday evening, March 16 Admiasion, gentlemen, 1100. Ladies free. Members of camp, 50 centa. August Wedeking, of Kinton, was up the first of the week, and is now with Herman Kamna lor a few davs. at the ranch north of town. August haB not a very exalted opinion of the late legisla ture. Speaking of grocerieg if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to lie found in the market, try John Dennie. We is after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. John TeterB, was a county seat caller, Monday. He is just re covering frora ft knife wound 10' noted while butchering, a week or two ago. T. A. McCourt, who is now farm ing out a distance from McMinn ville. was here the first of the week, the guest of relatives. August VanLoo, of North Forest Qrove, was in the city Monday, paying taxes, For Side or Leuie Small hopyard 8 miles southwest of Laurel. Call on or address, WilkiB Bros., HillBboro, Ore. MILLINERY OPENING Mrs. J. Peterson, of Cornelius, wishes to announce that on March 5 she will exhibit her Spring mil linery, comprising a splendid line of street hats, trimmed hats and beadwear for children. Come in and see them before buying else where Onr exbibit can not be beaten in Washington County. Argus and Oregonian, 12.00. All kinds of hardware C. A Lamkin Co. F. S Miller, of near Scholia, was in town r riday. Chris. Johnson, of Maple Hill, was in town Saturday. Buy your school tablets at Mc- Cormick's. M. Cantwell, of Monntaindale, was in the city Monday. Paints and oils. C. A. Lamkin Co. John floebel, of above Laurel, was in town Monday. Himonda Crot-e cut saws. C- A. Lam kiu Co. O. Wistcott, of Viuelands, was in the city Monday. Saturday Kvening Telegram and Argue, flOO per year. Myron Beard, of Banks, was in the city Saturday. Matt rimen, of Cedar Mill, was up Friday and called on the Arguj. Chas Scbamburg, of Tigard ville, waa in the city Saturday. Win, Rhor, of above Greenville, waa in the city Saturday. Smoke the Schiller and Excel lencia cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. Mrs. W. A. Finney, of Sellwood, was a llillsboro visitor the first of the week. II Wehrting A Sens carry a full dine of Heinz' pickles and bottled goods. Otto Kraue, of Cornelius, was in the city Saturday, and called at the Argus. Satisfaction guaranteed in the Ocean Wave Washer. Cbas. A Lamkin Co. Jacob Schaer and Emil Oepelt, of Monntaindale, were in the city baturuay. Peter Vandehey, of Verboort, was in the city Monday, enroute to l'ortland. Wm. Thornburgh, of above Banks, was a county seat visitor, the lat-t of toe week. Elmer Mays and wife, of Glen coe, were guests at the B. P. Cor nelius home, Sunday. A few cravanettes left, both for lady and gentleman. Will be sold out at cost. Schulmerich Bros. . C. F. Hesse, of Scholia, was in Saturday, and remembered the Ar gua for another year. Axel Anderson, of Progress, was in town Saturday, paying taxes and his tithing at the Argus. Sam Jooe, of Portland, waa in town Friday. Mr. Joos formerly lived near Bethany. Are you a smoker'' Then call for the Schiller or Kxcellencia Oregon manufacture. John Friday, of above Banks, was in town Saturday, and called at the Argua ollioe. Residence property for sale or for trade. Located south cf Southern PaciGo depot. Wm. Tipton. George Lippert, of the Lyda Mill, and who is head sawyer there, was iu town Saturday. You can save one half your hay by ueing a Freeman Feed Cutter. For sale by Nelson Hardware Co. W. F. Thomas, of below Cedar Mill, was up lo the county- seat Friday, and called oo the Argus. Wanted: Three girls to work in boarding house at 10G North Sev enth Street, Portland, Ore. P. Hiii.. W. II. Lyda, the Bellingher bridge sawmill man, was in the city Saturday, a witness on the State vs. Beard case. John Papo, one of. the old timers of Sherwood, was in the city Mon day, and made the Argus otlice a pleasant call. Mr. Pape was up paying taxes and getting the bene fit of the rebate. N. G. McDonald and wife, ot Kinton, were here the last of the week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of West Baseline, and whom they formerly knew when in Dakota. Thoroughbred Brown leghorn eggs, 75 cents per setting. 15-eggs in settiog. Incubator lots at re duced prices. Phone, Pacific States, 38 Roy Exchange. Mrs Peter Vandensanden, Greenville, Ore., R. F. 1). 3. A. IS. Davis, of Buxton, was down to the city Saturday. Bux ton, he says, ia moving right along C. A. 1'eterson is laying the foundation x( a 12-room house; Hannnn it Hons are putting up a new Btore building, 48x60, and two story; Robert Simpson u putting up a saloon building, 24x70; and the Matod block has been Bold to a Mr. Hubs, of the Nehalem, who will put up a hotel. Buxton is coming to the front rapidly. BUVS OUT 0. C. M. CO. Will Enlarge Plant Keep up Business and DEAL WAS CLOSED LAST WEEK Broker J. J. Murphy, ef Seattle, Broke Ground , J. J. Murphy, ft Seattle broker, last week negotiated the eale of the Oregon Condensed Milk Company's plant in HilltbDro, to the Pacific Coast Condeneed Milk Company, of Kent, with offices in Seattle The Pacific Coast people now own five condensers, their other factories being at Kent, Mt. Vernon, Cheba lis, in the state of Washington, and the factory at Forest Grove. The Hillsboro condenser was the first of its kind to operate in Ore gon and turned out its first cream in the Fall of 1902 Soon after ward it was moved to Hillsboro. Dr. . Tamiesie, J. W. and A. C. Shute, Fred Shomburg and Geo. K Bagley subscribed sufficient stock to install the plant, and it haa ben a money maker from the first. The central location to the milk supply mada the Hillsboro factory one that was very desirous, ami the Pacific Cotet people con cluJed to buy it. Finally a satis factory offr was made and the deal accomplished. Under the terms of the deal the new company will continue to operate, and will enlarge the plant in every way. The new purchasers think that the Hill-b iro p'ant i one of ihe best on the cost', Wing situated iu a fine milk district. THE FOURTH OF JULY llillsboro is going to have the big' pest Fourth of July celebration this year that the county has ever witnessed. Senator Fulton has been secured for the oration pro viding that he is in the West, and lie most likely will be unlets be is detained in Washington, and this will not be likely to happen unless we have war with the Mikado. The grounds in the city park will be cleaned up, a baseball ground will be installed, and Mayor Dennis promises all a good time. The Mayor will announce a call for a mass meeting to take up the cele bration in next week's isue. Ex cursion trains will be run from Buxton, Forest Grove, Cornelius,! Beaverloo and Reedville, and an eudravor will be made to get Jibe people here on a one fare for the round trip. MRS. AGNES WIRTZ Forest Grove, Or., March 4 Mrs. Agnes Wirtz, aged nearly 73 years, a resident of Washington Couoty for 30 years, died here yesterday from debility, due to senility. She was born in Prussia, July, 1834, where she spent her girlhood, and at the age of 13. with her parents, emigrated to Waukesha, Wis., where, iu ISal, she was married to Jobn Jacob Wirix.who died at For est trove on December 22, 1892. In 1S78 she came from Wisconsin to Washington County, where she had resided continuously ever since, the last ten yars she bad lived at this place. She leaves the following children: Alvin C. Wirtz, Mountaindale; Joseph M. Wirtz, Portland; John Henry Wirtz, Forest Grove; William J Wirt., Gresham; A. J. Wirlx, For est Grove; J. Theodore Wirtz, of Letacada; Jobn J , Robert P. and Edward R. Wirtz', Foreet Grove. Dr. Henry Clay Smith, a physl cian of Kent, Wash., and a eon of the late David Smith, of Forsst Grove, died last week, interment being at Chehalis. Dr. Smith had been at Kent for eight years. His mother eurvives, and lives at For est Grove. Mr?, Lizzie Macrum, of Forest Grove, is an adopted sister. A brother, Milton W. Smith, counsel for Pacific Univer sity, resides in Portland. Tn March peep out the early flowers, The ladies peep 'neath spring bonnets, Ami when you have some leisure hours, Just peep at Lowney's chocolates At Falmateer's Confectionery. Ice cream and soda he does keep, Cigars, nuts, oysters come and tarry, lnot to buy, just take a peep. County Clerk Godman was away from the court house ths first of the week, owing to a severe attack of the grip. ,.. Miss Mie Godman took care ef the office during his absencs. Golden Polish eggs for sale; setting of 15 for $1 00. J. G. Pel lntte, Hillsboro, Rou'e lu Pacific States Phone. MA3GAGE CREAM1 is today indispensable on the dressing table of gentleman. Not Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it removes wrinkles and stiffness of the facial tissues, and makes the Men use Pompeian flexes the muscles and soreness. Most women of this preparation in maintaining a clear and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE Pric 50c and Hillsboro Pharmacy PI 1M AY FEED AND LvlJVVA SEED STORE On account of the car shortage send in your order early for LAND PLASTER We have just received two cars. We also have the best asssortment of garden a'nd field seed ever in county Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office BBBBaBftjaaaa avawaBmaaftw Vegetable and FisK M ARRET Fresh Vegetables and call. Market opposite Street, Hillsboro. We P. j: Ritchey (& Son DRINIV GAMBRINUS BEER SOLD BY LION t. J. LYONS. Proprietor 2fe Delta Drug' Store Hillsboro, Oregon j .Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo date, but cannot carry. "Long Time" accounts. res? gentlewoman or only does a Pompe etan blackheads, takes out muscles, animates the flesh firm and solid, Cream after shaving it takes away shaving recognize the value AT OUR STORE ftt.OO pr jar It's Up-Hill Worh For any housekeeper to be con stantly chasing around after Good Food at reasonable prices. The sensible woman gives up all further searching after one week's trial of our store. We deal in first -class goods only, and sell them at prices that can't be beaten." Seek no fur ther; we can satisfy you. Fish in Season.. Give us a Tualatin Hotel, on Main deliver to all parts of city. The Best of All Beers SALOON