HlUSwONO ARGUS, TtB. 58. If 07 stated at tha Pest-offloa at HUUboro, Orafon, sa MOond-lM aaail autttor. LUCIUS A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper Subscription: On Dollar par Annum, ImumI Every Tharaday McKlXNEY The taxpayers of this county will doubtless appreciate . the veto of Governor Chamberlain to killing tho appropriation of two Normal schools. There is reason to believe that the legislature tied np tbeir Normal appropriations as they did in order to prevent a veto. Drain and Monmouth, the latter being the parent Normal of the stale, were cemented together, and the Eastern Oregon and 'Arhland schools tied together, this latter be eause the Governor would hardly kill the one school ia tbe inland empire, and it was hoped that sen timent would keep him from kill ing off Monmouth. The rose did not work, and while this county was the only one which voted a great majority against the general appropriation bill) the state at large did not want four Normals. Those who voted for Chamberlain as a "non partisan and were abused for it, are now chuckling in their Bleevea at the governor's ac tion, and justify their ballot as a good business investment. The veto of tbe state printer fiat salary law was a wise move. Tbe people amended the constitution last June and ws should have had a law to take effect at once. That was the understanding. But the law will ed that the salary should not take effect until two years hence. Tbe governor says that this legislature should not anticipate the action of the next legislature, and let that body provide for legislation subse quent to its next meeting. Three thousand dollars is a mighty good emolument for the office, and there are thousands of good men who could handle it at that figure, and till keep the wolf from the door The legislature nut Gov. Cham berlain "io a hole." As the dough ty governor has a mountain of pub lic sentiment behind him and a good heavy aiegs veto gun in front of him be appears to have a com fortable view of the situation, and the little maa appears to have a good marksmanship. It must be real nice to have people put an ex ecutive in a bole that is lined with opportunities and upholstered with the cushions that bave springs strong enough to throw a man out of the aperture. TIME TABLE A new passenger train schedule is as ioiiows: ' Leave for Portland Forest Grove local 6:56 a. tn. Sheridan Flyer 9:03 a. m. Forect Grove local 142 p. tn. Corvallii overland 431 p. m. Arrives from Portland Corvallii overland .. 842 a. m. Forest Grove local .M7 p. in. Sheridan Flyer 6:26 p. tn. Forest Grove local......-.,... 6:27 p. m. Leaving Portland Corvallii overland 7:30 a. m. Forest Grove local nxn a. m. Sberidtn Flyer 4:10 p. tn. Forest Grove local., . 6:ao p. m. Arrival in Portland " ; Forest Grove local 8:00 a. m. Sheridan Flyer io:ao a. m. Forest Grove local 3:50 p. m. Corvallii overland... 5:50 p. m. The Forest Grove local does not carry baggage. ; Larkin Reynolds, of Phillips, was in this morning, paying taxes. Right goods right prices C. A. Lamkin Co. Wm. Thurston and M. L. Howell, of Beaverton, were ia the city this morning. ; Born, to John Thompson and wife, of Mountaindsle, Feb. 24, a girl. Sam Kuni, the Bethany mer chant, was a county seat visitor yesterday. Loose clover bay for sale at reasonable price. F. la. Heidel, Hillsboro. W. B. Jolly, of Portland, has been out for several days, haulms in hops from his ranch north of : town. . ; Bernard O termann, of Center ville, was in town today. He re port that his brother, Wm , who visited here two years ago, is ill at Lis home at Mendon, Mo. ' I. Baughfman, of Cornelius, and who Jived southwest of that place, died this morning at 3:00, from an Attack of pneumonia. Deceased vat about fifty-fire years of age, ad leave a widow. He came l3re several years ago from Dakota, and was a man of considerable f ro of character. His wife is very UeaJncxRZfi0n. ... , J 7ords of Praise Tor lb several Ingredient of which Dr. Plerot's medicine are composed, as (Iran by laadera In all tha several schools of avadicino, should hava far mora weight than any amount of non-professional tes timonials, fr. Hern's Favorft Proscrip tion has TBI BADQB OF HOKKSTT On Vry bottle-wrapper, tn a full list of all tu in fredients printed tn plain English. If you are an Invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing dlstr! In stomach, periodical pains, diatcre&fwe, catarrhal, pelvic drain, drauln&irdown distress In loner abdomen or pelvis, perhaps dark spots or specks before the eyes, faint spells and isymatomscauscd by female weak- derangement of the feminine can not do better than take Favorite Prescription. lital, surgeon's knife and opera' may be avoided by the timely avorite Prescription tn such . Thereby the obnoxious exsmtn kS tr.-.itm.-nit iy fTrtr atloi physician can beavoUiiHl atiii aAliroiLafi CUiin? ol successful ttvatnii'in carri.M 01, Prescription is couiihwu 01 lue very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite prescription; - it win not perform mira cle : it wiil not disolve or cure tumors. JJo medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health in most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance bv perseverance in Its us tor a reasonaoie lengto 01 time. ton t-sn-t fpr,1 t ....vi.pt . u.Tt M, trum as a suhsuw fr tiiij -'f t""'i?'.i'sm. tuck women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, bv letter,. All correspond ence is guarded as sacredly secret and womanly confidence, are protvted by professional privacy. Address Dr. R. V. Plan. Ruffs V N. V. DrT Pierce s Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of uta ooweis. Thar Invifforato stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative; two or three a ealharuc fcasy to take as candy. Bowser Has a Weekof Libertu Takes Life Easy For Seven Days While His Wife Is Away From Home. SEES TOWN BY NIGHT, Moving Pictures, Vaudeville, Poker Games and Highballs Leave Him a Wreck. Copyright. 1306, by Eugene Parcel!. Tk II US. BOWSER received word It1 the otoer afternoon that her I Y y mother had fallen ttownstalrs and broken several ribs and wanted her daughter for a week, and the news was comuiuulcated to Mr. Bowser on bis arrival home from his office. He was agreed that Mr. Row aer should leave on the train next morning, and leave she did, while be was left to keep house for a week with the assistance of tbe cook. Mr. Bow ser won't admit that he kept a diary daring tbe seven days Mrs. Bowser was absent, but those who know him best are quite sore that he did and that the following la a correct tran script: "Tuesday. Mrs. Bowser left this morning for Blanktown to see her mother. It will be a change from the dreary monotony. If I want to go to elub or poker party I shall have no one to look at me accusingly. I may go to tbe theater. I may stay out rather "H f BUCKLRD AST) POKEU ME IN THB BIBS AMD SAID I WAS A OAT OLD BOX" late 0' nights In the Interest of the next presidential election. I feel a strange elation. If Mrs. Bowser stays a month I shan't kick. 'Wednesday. Was out late last Light to the Rabbit club. When it came 11 o'clock I did not have to grab for my hat and overcoat and rush for borne and wonder what Mrs. Bowser was going to say. 'At midnight several members ex pressed surprise that I bad not depart ed. I gave them to understand that no wife could run me. 'At 1 o'clock several other fellers came around and said they hoped my staying wouldn't lead to a divorce. I told 'em I didn't care how dnrned quick Mrs. Bowser applied for one. - Stars Out Late. 'Home at 2 In the morning. No one leaning over tbe banister an I opened tbe front door. No one to remark the hoar and any that such carryings on at my age were shameful. Didn't have to creep upstairs like a thief. Didn't have to take anything off but my coat to get Into bed. 'Thursday. No sarcastic looks or words at the breakfast table this morn ing over my being out late last night, and I never enjoyed a breakfast bet ter. No one to ask me for money. No one to caution me not to buy a balloon or a diamond mine during the day. Took In vaudeville show. Never knew before that there was so much fun In them. Roars of laughter from start to finish. Sauntered around the town by moonlight after the performance. Mot a cop that I knew, and he chuckled and poked me In the ribs and said I was a gay old boy. Home some time In Jis niornha. Didn't ven &f to" ttflie my coat oft to go to bed. It makes m mad to think of the years I have wast ed In undressing. 'Vook said she was awake at 4 o'clock In the morning and heard some one coming upstairs. I easily convinc ed her that she was mistaken. This la life, this Is. By thnnder, why doe auy man ever marry J . Had at a Tkaaaat at Hob. , Kriday.-Out again last night. I can-1 not tell the reader what a relief It Is J for me to put on my ' '. and coat after , dinner and wats, ""Vhout being' questioned and rv t hurry: right back. f f , . j "Went to a bowling 1 Sut to a elub. Dropped tn to see-; ' nit , pictures. Ilnlu't one slugleW. 1 tf the house. No chills went creey ,"Jl my tack as I thought of Mr. lioyef I meeting me tn the halt and saying the she w as glad we had no aon to follow In his ratlierw footsteps. Thought the cook might have some remark to make nt breakfast; but, on the contrary, she gave me an encouraging smile. When I woke up I found that I was fully drvssed, even to my shoes, but I never slept better In my life. Amerlea hi noted for rapid transit, and yet mil lions and millions of people wltl spend an hour out of the twenty-four dnssa lug timl undressing. "Wasn't cautioned when I Jeft the bouse not to Invest tu cblckeua, pigs, cows, autos or winter toulcs. Went right out with my head up and able to look the world In the race. How I have stood Mrs. Bowser's sarcasm as long as I have Is a mystery to me, "Saturday. Changed my clothes aft er I got home and had dinner and went to a poker party. It was what Is called a "stag" party-that la, you drank as many highball snd gin flues as seemed proper and lost all the money you warned to. "Very pleasant lot of fellows and all airprlsed to see me. Heard some of them hinting that Mrs. Bowser most be dead. Talked politics and played poker, "Talked Cuba and played more poker, "Talked Panama canal and had a flush. "Held threes and straights and big pairs and never once thought of Mrs. Bowser. Free aa air and feeling Ilka a four-year-old. Mea Fo.l. te Marrr. "What asses men make of them selves when they marry! Just let Mrs. Bowser give me one sassy word when she gets back and "I hare an Indistinct recollection of dropping something at poker, but whether tt was a cent or f 10 I shall never know In fact, I don't care. When I set out to bave a good time there's nothing stingy about me. "I remember speaking about go ing home at 2 o'clock In tbe morning, but some one asked what's the use, and I said no more. Don't remember getting home. Don't remember a pollcemau kindly unlocking tbe front door for me and calling me a regular Jim Dandy. Can't remember the cook fludlug me' lying In the front ball when she came down. . Tbe first I knew I was up and dressed and pity ing the man who ties himself to a wife. "Policeman met me at tbe gate as I started for the office and wanted to know If I was going to pay for that window. I didn't even ask him what window he meant, but when he said the damage was $4 I pulled out the money and paid It like a man. Cook brushed feathers off my clothes and picked straws out of niy hair before I sat down to breakfast, but she was discreet-very discreet She said she used to pick op feathers and straws when she went to sacred concerts. "Sunday. Woke up with a recollec tionseveral recollections; also a sore throat and a headache. Breakfast In bed. More recollections and headache than breakfast. Sympathised Ia Hla Lave. "Cook very kind and thoughtful. Dis covered that I had lost my watch and sympathized with me. "Discovered that I had lost my wal let and said It didn't matter aa long as I had had a good time. "I don't think I came home In an ambulance. Neither of my legs are broken, and why should I have done so? I don't think I slept on tbe front steps. When a man baa a house he sleeps inside Instead of outside of It. I sort o' wish Mrs. Bowser waa home. Cook says I have quite a fever. She attributes It to political excitement Mrs. Bowser la one of the best hands In case of fever I ever beard of. I might reach her by telephone, but "Monday. Doctor has been here. Says I bave had a narrow escape. Says a man of my age ought to have a wife to hold him down. Says there's no particular barm In moving pictures, vaudeville shows, sacred concerts, poker games, gin fizzes, hlghlmlls, rab bit clubs and sleeping In the front hall If taken In moderate doses, but that 1 seem to hare overdone the thing. "Cook Is kindness Itself, but she Isn't Mrs. Bowser. "I now begin to understand why men marry and why a man Is an ass who doesn't. There Is something sacred about home. There Is nothing sacred about a sacred concert. "Cook continues her kindness. She has Just hinted that she has nothing to tell Mrs. Bowser, who will arrive early tomorrow morning. I am counting the boiirs. I shall explain to ber that It Is a hard cold, but she will suspect the truth and forgive me. "Dear Mrs. Bowser! Durn highballs and s life of freedom!" M. QUAD. Van B DeLasbmntt. of Witch Hazel, was ia towo todav. and states that tbespeciil borticultonu meeting for SUnrdav. March 2. is called off because tbe speakers desired could not be procured. The Hillsboro "societv. however will meet rn Satardav. March 9. and all members are rrquf sled to i)e in attendance. Chas E. Stream, who was meA. ded in New York in 1881, sues Balina. his absant wife, for Hi vnrna alleging that she deserted him in 1W7, and went to the state of Wasl inzt n. Thsre era thraa children but the comntalnt they are grown and are making ine lr own way in the world, w. H. Hoi I if. of Forest Grove, is tha attorney for the plaintiff. ; " Notice of Fiual Settlement Wj hereby given thai -ne v V , "liUxt In theVut , afnf then lrim for Vna' ,..Vini. ty. Auuiil in v - the estate i n Imbffv .1 ml that said hss ihk M Moiulay. Khruiv t . .1 tu m... ...... ..... room in HlItaKuo. Oregon, l tlie hour of WU OIWIA. Al.OliUlll lIH.V, tll lllllt' and place tor hearing oliiwtioim toaald final account ami for lh mini t.euW'iuciit Of aaht estate. Dated this 12th dav of Jaimnty, A. I)., Mi7. J. A. IMItKIK. Ksecutorof the lust wilt ami loimiieiit of Kohert tinbrie, dcuM. K. B. Toiiiiueaiul Hag ley t lure, At torneys for Kierutor. SUMMONS IN JVSTICK COt'UT Ft) It THK I'ltK CINOT OK WKST OKDAtt. WASH ISOTON fol' STY, M'ATK Or' OKKiiuN J.C. SmcK'k, riaintiii; 1 J. M. Hanson and Klla A. Hanson, I'lUenttiiiita J tn the name of the State of Oretion, the ahtivM natned 1.4Ci,.Imi,im will .l a that th above uaiiieil I'laiutiil has nun. meiieed suit In ihealmve entitli',1 t'ouri by Attachment for the sum of $M7.:ki on aoetmnt and inlarA.1 iK,i,,,ii mi n of 8 percent, per annum from date. Yon arw nereoy retiumi to aear ami ner the complaint lllwl aguinst you In (lie atwwe atitlll.tal Court 1.-11 lit,, u u.,v u r,... the tint publication of tins nut lee to ait w whpib inr .ru uiiy 01 reorusry, IHJT, ami if you full an to answer lor the thuro.,? ,1m tM,fiil' u,,..l., ... tlie Court for jiitlgmeiit fur the sUire anion 111. in uaie 01 me nrni ptinina lion of this notice. Is Juhimry III, hi7. Dated at Sherwood, (Ire., Jniutary 7, IM07. M. K. I'n.k, J list in ul tint I'eme. Executrix' Notice Notice it hereby given that the iimler aigned has been apnoinU'il eeoiitrix of the laxt aiil ami t.l:iiuent of Thoinat tHchln, ileeeaMHl. bv aii order of the County Court of Valiiiigtoti t'ounly, dr egou, mails ami entered on lieecinher li lUlMl all I,u....... against said eatute are hereby not i lie. I ami filrei.tJMl to hrMwnt Mill, I rlMiikiM l.,.,rliHr with the ptoner vouebers tbereiVir. to nir at my resiiieiiu, or at the nilleo of Thu. H. Tongue Jr., at Ilillnlxini, WnHliinxion County, Oregon, on or before Mil inoiiilin from date hereof. IWa.1 t tl ilUh.,.-, fir....... II. i. 'Mil. day of Deeeniber, iwm. 9IAK1 AS. MIUCMIS, Executrix of the Inst Kill nint t.-stn-mentof TIiim. Olchin, ileeeitwil Tboa. fl. Tongue, Attorney, Edison's Gold Mould ed Records in StocK PRICE 35 CENTS 5 rv . L. McCORMICll HILLSBORO ..... OBECON OORW1N & HEIDEL Dmmlmru In All kindi of Fresh Sleats. Prices Rea sonable. Will meet all competition. Chickens and Poultry always ou huii.l upon order. Free delivery to all pHrU of the town. We buy fnt stork. aTarf h Phonm Seoond Street, Hillsboro, Or ..Central Meat Market. EMMOTT BROS., Pro int., rm I O. THbiirjf Keep constantly on hand a fine supply of fresh meats of all kinds. A New Era fit Prloca We are going to sell meats at prices low er than those which have prevailed in the paat, Call ln anil see u. We mean business. ' Phone and 1'ree Delivery Mais Street, opposite Tualatin Hotel, Hillsboro, Oregon. FARM FOR SALE I wish to sell my farm containing lo2 acres. 110 seres un ler culti vation; good hotiRe ami ham; good orchard Three and one half mi lei routb cf Hilltihoro und one mile west of Karmington. For further information apply to 10. Burk balter, Hillsboro, Ore., R. V. J)., 2. Argus and Oregonian, 2Si). Have you tried the Den of Sweet' horenound candy tor your cold? Born, to Rev. A W, Reinhard and wife, of Bethany, Feb. 2fl, 1907, a son. E. F. Kerr re'urrsed from Mid dleton, today, where he went to visit bis mother, who is ul. Mrs. Wm. Macbeth, of Portland, is the guejt of her cousins, the Imbries, this week. Bo far Sheriff Connell has col lected but about fifteen thousand dollars in taxes since tbe rolls opened. After this we'-k it is ex pected that the collections will in crease a great deal. Born, to John Lutthe and wife. of Phillips, a sou. I SUMMONS IN THK HKCPIT OOlT KT 0 THK STATU OK OKKtiON tOH VASH INUTUN COUNTY Mury Sclmavely, I'UinUB, ) vs. I William Allen iMinavely Defeti.iaiu ) to William Allen Nchnavelv, alwvt , tloreiittaiiti In Hi name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby i,,ulrw "aMwar and au.w.r ilie cotmi'aini 11 Mnt von m atsveniiile.l.- .. , ar he for tha La .lay of thanr ln Ur),wr tor the I'll (if ilua aiimiiioiu: said time oeu Vk frnm ll,- I I'Vj'lh V vun mona; and 11 you fail s m and answer, for waul i' .plaintiff will apply to the tn , tlie roller rlrmaiuM In the f I" " wilt, to-wli! rora It -olvilllt llle hon.tl of nalfl....., jaarnaxe contract exlatltiir betwaaii .fUlnlltr and yourself, amt allowlna taw itlrtliuirt l t... ...-.1.... ',' " name, f'WIary Holland. ' i tiis siimnions la puUUhetl by Order of lion. J. . tkMHilu, I'oiinlv Judge ol laid Washington Oounly, Sut of Oregon, thih urdor waa duly snail and tilnl on Hi 41 h ,lay of February, iwrf, and tli ilateot llral publication hereof utile Hi day of retiruai-v, im. V. k. HTItOUB, Atturuey for Plaintiff SUMMONS IN TIIK ClUCl'ir IWKT OK THK 8TATK OK OKKOON, foil THE COl'NTY OK WASHINGTON J. I. tiateley. I'laiiitlrt.) v t Annie tiateley, IVrmlaiil.f To A mil. tiatnley, th bva namail ileleixlaul ; In the nam of the Slat of Oregon yon lire herehy n-o.nlrw.1 to anmtr ami an er to (he oinnlanit lllwl againat you lu ihe" above entliUl .,,it ami ( auiM mi or llor Mareh tut, lurj, an.l If vou fail to i aiMar ami anawr h plalntirf will aiiply lor the relief prayed for in lilaooin plaliit, to-Yilt: r'or a ilwree iliaaolvlng lite bom! of IfiHtrlinotiv luite Miuiiiitf l,iwm ,.. liv naiiieil plaintiff aim ,!.-!rmlant and ior oiucr ruiMtiiie rellr, Thia auiiiimiim la piilillxhaj In pursit. nre of an onler of the Honorable T. A. Mellrnle, JiiiIk of (li abov enttll,! t'onrt mad anil entered on th II day of r'ehruarv, Hweifyng that lhaaiiif lie lllilliihel fur all niiiiMMlva arank. ,.! ordering rehruary 7Ui. l!)7. aa data of llt publication. DAN It. MURPHY, Attorney for p'aluilfr. Nonce to Contractors Nut lee ia hereby KWen that tlie county eommtmliiuersoourt of WaahlnKUi t'oun ly will on VVetlilOMlay, Maro.i H, IWrt. al 3:tW . in., own aealeil hid for the eon atruetinu of a till on th lleaverttMi Kurt I imi road, at the Theodore Hoinler pise hlHllMtilWIIoni IliaV h ali al Alia emtnlu Clerk's oftii'e. Th right ia rrvit to rejeel any or all bide. J. W. Ooodln. Comilv Judge. iit nnier oiiiiniaatonerv t mrt, and ilaieil al llllhboro, Or,, Feb. SN, ItalT. oregom Snoir Line AAA union Pacific S TKAI.NH TO THB KAHT PAIt.T FltOM I'OrtTLANU. Throuh rullnian stanilard sad tourist aleeping-cars daily to Ouiaha, Chicago, Spokane; tctarist sleeping-car dally to Rausas City; through Pullman tourtal sleeping-car (pcraooally conducted) weekly lo Chicago, Kansas City, te clinliig chair cars (stats free) to the I'.ant daily. DKFART roa DAILY C'liieairn riperil 9:.WA.a. via 11 un t- ill(tOII Atlantic Kipreaa Mb r. M. Via Ht. i'atil Kaat Mail 6:16 r. M, via ri)Mkan Vurl lunil IllgHS lii-al H:I.O a.m TIMK HCHKDlitKH rsoH PORTLAND aaaivs raoM DAILT Halt Ike, Denver, Kt. Worth, onialia, Kanaaw City, Ht. Chleago and Kaxt 3;O0 r. M. Hall Tjike, Denver, Kt. Worth, Onialia, Kanaaa City, Ht. Ixiiin, ChtoaKo and Kant Walla Walla, Uwla. ton,HKkane. Wat lane Pullman, Minneap olis, HU I'aul, DU. loth, Milwaukee, 'lili(fo and Kaat For all local point between lllggi and Portland 7:14 . 8:00. 0:00 e. a. RIVEK SCHKDUliK FROM PORTURS Tttvnr Imal on tbe lower Columbia and Willamette dally ezcept Monday. LOW RATK8 To anil from all points In the Bast Ticket via this route on sale at all depot olliefw of the Southern Pacllle Co, WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting NotieetH herehy Klven that the annual itockholderi' meeting of the Hillsboro Co-Operative Company will he held In fining" Hall, HillaWo, Oregon, at 1 p. m. on Wednexday, Mareh 27, IH07, for the imrpoHe of eleeting a lioard of director for the enduing year, and for the transac tion of audi oilier biiaineH as shall legally come before such meeting. J. A, I in brie, Hec'y. James H, He well, President, , THE MARKETS, This morning's market report?, compiled from Portland quotations, are: Valley Wheat, new, 70o. Barley feed, $22.50 per ton; brewing, 2:i; rolled, $23 60$24.I50 Oats, White, $29. Oats, pray, $28.50 per ton. Bran, I7 per ton; shorts, $20. Hay, Valley timothy, $14.00 and $15.00; grain, $00(10 00. , Hay, Clover, $9. Potatoes, ti.00$1.40 per cwt. Kgf?, fancy ranoh, 18l9o. Butter, Extra Creamery, 35. Hopp, choice, 8j10i; acoording to quality. Charter Oak stoves and rancre. C. A, Lamkin Co. P9av:aijX3t i.3i si .r'l- "i m mm. m.mmp WEINHARD'S (On draughi) The best of all Bottled for At This Spray is Endorsed By A. II. Cordley Of the Agricultural College Soeaking of the Phoenix Lime atul Sttlnhur Liquid Spray, Mr. Conllcy, tf the Corvallis Agri cultural College, wiites Dtiuitc o: Co., as follows: "CorvallU, tire,, Sept. T, l!. David M. Dunn Co., Portland, Oregon, Dear Sirt In reply tn vour teller of llotlli lnl I am nld lo he abl to rMrt that Ilia reaull obiaim d from the u.e or ,.nr I'lioenu Hiiray Wer very aatlatai'lory. inileed. I n,i,.t it ,v dllntlne on to title, li, The dilnliHt apraya were .nlnl I li,,riniul.l y and favorably to lioa thai war Imply liierutrd. and even a wenker oliilton haa apariitiy eoniileley era.lli'aieti tint from irav ireea. I It ml that eiamlnalloii inmln almnl two wexli Att fail t reveal anv living acal upon elllier fruit or leave. iSlgnrd) A. It. t'uKlM.V. Y. I sell cheaper than other dealers. I'or prices iu any quantity, f. o. h., at Ucavcttou, or taken from my place, write sole agent, fill.SO par bbl. of SO ;!., f.o.b., liavrton or my farm D. LEIS,, Beaverton, Oregon, R. F. D. 1 fjsltaffsafiu yreVrrWWWWyVWWWSA LIVERY STABLE Teams with or without drivers, reasonable, (lood turnouts. We also make a specialty of feeding ami caring for transient stock. Maiu St., ktweetf Third and l,"otirth,opp. Heuson HUlg. Payne Bros., Hillsboro DO YOU WANT GOOD ROADS? Do you desire good rock road;' in your County? If so, cut out this petition, sign it, 1 uc your neighbors sign it, and send to the Hillsboro A-t-ns. You Mi'sr 11KI.P IN THIS WAY. Do IT NOW. 1 ) Vtil'R TART, Do IT NOW. TO THK HONORAHL1 COUNTY COURT OK THE STATIC Ol 'ORKGON, FOR WASHINGTO COUNTY. Your undersigned retitioners wtuld respectfully rep resent: That we are resident taxpayers of the County of Washington; That we desire the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, out of any moneys in the County Treasury, not othcrw isc appro priated, to purchase machinery and material necessary to initiate i-kkmanknt rock road building in Wash ington County, and for the construction during the year 1907, of as much 1'Krmam;nT rock road as pos sible, and we hereby expressly saiictiou the expendi ture of moneys derived from taxation for that purpose and suggest that iu the building of such roads, the County Court should employ a competent Engineer or expert to superintend the construction thereof. NAMES For sale: White Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn cockerels, for breeding purposes. Can also sup P1 gg 'or eetting purposes (torn each of these 1 varieties. ), , Coolsy, Hillsboro, R. P.' D, 4, lo cated near Phillips,' one mils west. Btcrs. j Medicinal Use W. V. WJLEVS J The Hit chen' a Queen know ttwt nit old whl.kv la IndUta-nwU a a Cwt. Inaijr Ireln. CYRUS riOBLE ar favnrllea with tb rook, of ,h UntiKl !, TU amqaxllnl IkuiuM ul elraMun la.lt ul llww lttokl, barked by tlwlr .l.Mlol-iiily I.. i iim ,reiiiik of all dlhn In whi.Ii wlu.ky la runr.l. a ihem la th tmnl nut n,Mi Hit dkmiIiih of tu kiubea. Th Kon.1 bnada, la qtirla i. l txiita, ar . . raw taeVa ail tMWOISTB ami OCAIXKB, W.AVNMHUTVUIvU.lilNiuaMn, rXWTUMD.MS VVeVSrVVVVVVVVVSWVV- 1'OST OI'1'K'M ADDRKSS FOR SALE Sure llatdh Incubator anil Brooder, KIO effK Pino, uned onenesson. Will Hell both for 1 2 f0 Win. King, one mile west of Cedar Mill, Bea verloo, Route 2, Oregon.