The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 28, 1907, Image 1

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Winter Soon Over and Dirt
" Will Kull Everywhere
Csnati action to bt I'uabtd
Ends of r. K. a N.
Five Are Awarded lirst
Grade Certificates
Gnral Manager C. K. Lytic, ol
the I'. U. A N. it watching the
barometer with t great deal ol In
terest these dityn. Cintractori on
rook and earth work are her Jay
after dajr confwi ring with him rela-
tlvo to contracts, for lh( policy o(
tbe road i to junh contraction on
both the Hillsboro aul Tillamook
sods of tha railroad jut an smin at
there ia decent weather. There is
great deal of tunnel work, and it
U desired to gel thia out ol the way
by pitdsuintner, so that tha line
cao be built into Vernonie by the
iaatof lb yar. Work will be
commenced in eernesLon llieTilla
tnook end jut at toon a the
weather aeiua enough that men
and team can work steadily.
There ia a arna.ll tunnel on the
Tillamook end, but the length I
not great. The work in the tun
neu can be prosecuted tlneiy aa
toon aa they are opened, even if
Iba weather continue had.
A touch of nature waa witnessed
at tha deimt, Saturday niornii
when John Miller, of Dakota, met
with bia brother, Joe Miller, of be
yond Glenone, after 33 yeara
Neither knew the other and the
Argui reporter waa telling tha Wait
ing brother, in Deutsche, where
Joeeph lived when that gentleman
appeared on the scene. The Argua
man promptly Introduced tbe :ongiAS0 K)Ng CEr jgcOSD CBADE
aeparaiad broioers anu mere waa
an afltcting aoene. They em
braced and kifsed, the elder faying
constantly, "Mein lieber brudder."
Their eyea gliitentd with tears of
KrmXihe' hU.V Atth. Teacher.' Kxamination las,
who witnessed tha tenderness of wee were were only .hi applicants
tbe meeting. Tbe visitor, who ia for County Papers. While one
accompanied by hia son-in-law, yror ,g0 jjiere re 42. Wage
will remain soma time and hark Mutf n but n lMChers
1 lines of work. There will be a
Ueo. Armentrroui, woo naa aeen
Receive Third ' Grade.
Applicants fr Slate
J, F. t'lm, for several months tha
!roprietor of the Hotel Oegon at
'orneliua, fell from a wagon near
Beaverton last Thurrday evening,
tbe wheela pasting over bia body,
and causing death in a few hours.
Deceased had started for lireaham,
where ha intended embarking in
the hotel business. Mr. Ulm for
merly resided at Dllley and Forest
Orove. He was abiut siitv years
of sge. He leavtt a widow. The
remains were shipped buck to For
est (J rova fur interment Saturday.
Deceased was a veteran of the
Civel War, and a member of tha 0.
A. It. The funeral took place
under the direction of Bahcock
Pout, at the Grove.
The sale of John Witt, of 3 mile
Southwest of Hillnborn, and set for
Tuesday, March 5, la cancelled,
and the public is hereby no' tiled
that there will be 110 el.
John Witt.
Married: At the residence of . 0
M. Galloway, Forest G rove. Uregon,
February V.0, U07, Kev. Boyd of
ficiating, Mr. George K. Hons and
MUe Letha li. lliohardeon, both of
Foreat Grove.
years of raios and sun, waa
down from Forest Grova, Saturday,
paying taxes, and made the Argus
call. Despite bia age he sun
lakes a shot at a deer, occasionally
only ha aayt it must be 10 f eaeon
now when he shoots and last
Fall brought down a fine buck at
a single shot, after Charles F.
Miller bad fired three timea at tbe
venison. Mr. Armentrout says be
is tha only man of his aga who
has it recorded in tha courta that
ba has killed a deer, and many a
man would pay .100 to have tbat
reputation. It didn't coat George
that much, however, although be
naturally ia proud of his invest
ment. Last week came tha newa that
the C. K Loss Company waa to
begin work, thia week, on the
United Railways. Monday morn
ing came the news that the com
pany was in fioanoial etraita, and
Mr. Loss confirmed tbe rumor, fay
ing that tha company's directors
were to meet at once in an attempt
to untangle the financial tangle
It now looks as though someone
else will have to build that electric
line, and it also looks aa though
some one will get hold of the
valuable franchise held by Lias, to
build through the Frout Street
The demaud for draft horses ia
unabated, and any kind of an ani
mal weighing 1,41)0, if sound, brings
f 200. A few years ago it took a
fine animal to bring 1 1 25, but the
equine la coming iulo bia own these
days. It is noibing to hear of the
sale ol a team for five hundred
dollars, and where a team brings
the beam to 3200 pounds IGOO is
not exorbitant. 8 he riff Connell
aays that 950 or 975 on a horse
isn't much if the animal ia built
for woik and is well formed.
Frank Ioibrie.whohasa position
aa accountant at Tacoma, waa over
the last of the week, and went out
to his farm on the original Imbrie
place, at West Union. Frank says
that Tacoma was isolate i Tor sev
eral weeks this Winter, and that
there waa a fuel famine. People
great demand for competent teach
era for tbe coming year.
Tbe successful applicants at the
last examination were as follows:
Vot Vim Grade Certificates
Name Aldrea
Mr. 1). K Mcintosh Foreat lirovt
Mr. Carrie Srbmeltaer.. Sherwjd, R
Mr. Tbomp Cone Hillaboro. R 2
MlaaUell Youm llillalioro. R
Mr. Kzrs 8. lioi Curueliua, K a
For Serooil Gratia tVrliliraira
Mra. II. B. Luce ForeiU.rove
Mra. Mae H. Mnyter.. Buto
MUs Htuily Young HilUtioro, R 3
Mitt ttlanchc llaxlitt..l'orrat Grove, R
MUa Anna Diir.tuioor Foreat Grove, R
Mim Wellba Cbamra. . . Laurel, R
Mra MrK Kwlnif HilNlxiro, U
Mim Lillian Harrow WowUtock
Mr. Jamea Sprinfer Lafayette
lor Third Grade Cerlilicalea
Mr. Floyd Birrly Besveilun, R 3
Miaa Maude KoWht Forert Grove
Miaa Hettic Krei.ler, Forett Grove
Miaa Martha Hu'mea .... torrst Grove
Miaa AliMe Wilke7l4 R Stark. Portland
Miaa ft H. Witbycombe hnvtnon, R 3
Mra. Kflie IwmhU Iltaveilon, R
Miaa Lillian Nelson Kt-appoote, R
For Filtuatv Crliticale
Mra. J. B. Wilkeraun Forel Grove
Mra. W. 1. Tucker llilltoro
Niue spplicaula wrote for hlate Fitpera.
Buy your school tablets at Mc
Coruick's. , . ..
" Bol Jack, of below Farmlngtott,
was ia tb eity Saturday.-'. ...
Paint and oils.-C. A. Lamkin
Co. .-"-'
M. J Reiling, of north of Corne
lius, was in the city Ksturday.
Kimnnda Cron cut saws. C' A.
amkio Co.
f-aturday Evening Telegram and
Argus, 12.00 per year.
(Joorce W. Moritan, of above
Mountaiudale, was iu the city Sat
Bmoke the Schiller and Excel-
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
C. W. Loudon and wife, of be
yond lilencoe, were in the city rai-
1). B Reasonor is repairing the
Scholls wsgon bridge across the
For Sale: Five good cows, all in
milk.U. 15. Porter, 1 J miles north
east of Foreat Grove, Houte 2.
John Rittcr, of Hoi vein, waa in
tbe oity Katurdsy
Mies Maisie O'Donnell, of Dux
ton, was in the city Saturday.
D. R.' VVbfcler, of Heedville, was
up4o the couuly seat Monday
August Kosei, of Beaverton, was
up to the city the first of the week
Christ Zuercher and family, ol
near Coder Mill, were in the city
Henry David, of beyond Forest
Grove, was in the city Monday
and while here paid taxes and
made the Argus a call.
. Wauled: Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
dress J. R. Foremen, COS East
Morrison, Portlsnd, Oregon.
John Parsons, of near Roy, and
Joe Ilartwig, of Banke, were in the
citv Monday, paying taxes and
while here called on the Argus.
Hon. M. S. Barnes, of near Bea
verton. and who was back to
Minnesota last Summer and Fall
burned up old furniture in order was up to tbe city Monday, mating
to warm their houses, and the bis annual taxpaylng trip
John Dorland was down
Sbsdy Brook, Salurd iy.
F. W. Kchultheias, of Bethany,
was in tha oily Monday.
H. WehrunE St Sons carry a full
line of Ileinit' pickhs and bottled
, goods.
; ; John Jacky and F. W. I.ep
" schatt, of Oleiione, were in the oity
Monday. '
Satisfaction untranteed In the
Ocean Wave Washer.- Chaa. A.
Lamkin Co.
': Henry Caretens, of Uoy, was in
(he oity Monday, and called at the
Argus office.
1 Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excel lencia
- Oregon manufacture.
, J. A Johnson, of below Beaver
ton, waa in the city Monday, on a
tax paying expedition.
Residence property for sale or for
trade. Located south of Southern
Pacific depot. Wm. Tipton.
John Boekor Sr., of Grnenvillle,
was down Hnnday, the guest of . his
son, of North Hillaboro.
You can save cno half your hay
by uting a Freeman Feed Cutter.
For sale by Neleon Hardware Co.
' John Vandnr.anden and Wra.
Kemper, of Verboort, wre in the
city Monday, and called on the
Argus ollice.
, Biggest shipment of corn ever
received in Hillsborn, at the Cli
max Mill store, (let in and order
your land plaster early.
Ira Haynam, of Salinas, Cat.,
and who?e parents remde near
Mountaindale, was in the city the
last of the week.
A. F. Millard, of New Jerusalem,
and Fred A nicker and J. C. Snider,
of Klnton, were oallers at the Ar
bub office. Monday. The gentle
men were up paying taxes, and
telling about the good roads down
that way.
break-up was received with joy
by the population.
W. W. Kpey, of Township 2
North Range 2 West, has sued the
Lafe Pence Company for 91100
damages for passing through his
plsce without bia consent, except
Petty burglars are busy aroun
Forest Grove. Some entered the
house of H. H. Clark, one night
last week, and departed with sev
eral small articles of value.
For rent: Farm of 145 acres ad
joining iiilleboro; good lor grai
that he alleges he allowed them to L. dirv. 8q ,cres of pasture, wilh
go through live acres. He says the runnirK water anj wilh tut little
a 1 1 . I . .
oanai baa rumen me piace as
farm, and he wants tbe oircuit
court to settle the matter for him.
Tbe Pythian Sisters last Friday
evening held a very enthusiastic
brush. Inquire of K. B. longue.
Grant Downing and family have
arrived herefrom Vernonia, where
Mr. Downing reorntly sold out his
store. They ixneot to make their
RY 28, 1907.
NO. 50
W. G. Prescott, of Ashland,
Will Survey Four Townships
Same Mas Who Did Most of Clatsop's
Chas. Ilickelbeir and daughter,
ol Cedar Mill, were in tbe county
seat Friday.
Mrs. L. A. Wbitcorob snd daugh
ter, Miss Meryl, of Portland, are
gueats at tbe h. L. Abbott borne.
A few cravaneltes left, both for
ady and gentleman. Will be sold
out at coet. Scbulmerich Bros.
G. Prescott. of Ashland, ani
one of Oregon' reliable timber
cruisers, was here Saturday and
after conferring with tbe county
board and Assessor Wilcox agreed
to start on tbe four most western
townships, north of the baseline,
some time in March. Mr. Prescott
was tmployed by Scott Cornelius,
of Clatsop County, and comes high
ly recommended by that official
lie will get from $ 0 to $20 per
section for the work, and will
probably bave two crews in the
timber. It will ttke him until
August 1, or after, to complete tbe
work. The county will employ
other cruisers to take up tbe ex
ploring io other townships to tbe
east of Mr. Preicott's work.
Mr. Prescott returned borne Sat
urday afternoon and as soon as he
gets his peach orchard into shape
will commence his labors for Wash
ington County.
Tbe condensed milk factory, the
new sawmill, the greenhoues, the
eecond bank, the Crescent Theatre,
and three new bucks, besides nu
meroue fine residences, have been
added to Hillsboro's list the last
five ear to ear nothing of the
his annual Pacihc Railway & Navipa'ion go 's
line leading out to Tillamook
With mors improvements and an
We are sole sgents for the cele- electric line, Hillsboro promises to
Born, February 22, 1907, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Bigley Jr., of Har
rison, a son, weight, 12 pounds.
G. N.Thomas, one of Beaverton's
pioneers, was in town caturuay,
and cave the Argus
is today indispensable on the
dressing tabic of .ecntlewoman or
eentleman. Not only does a Pompeian
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out
stiffness of the facial muscles, .animates the
tissues, and makes the flesh firm and solid.
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving; it
flexes the muscles and takes away shaving'
soreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation in maintaining a clear
and healthy skin.
Price 50c and S t .00 per jar
session, tne guesi 01 toe evening home nere tor me present, ana nir.
being George Wi Scbulmerich, and Downing has been fixing up bis
lbs occasion being a birthday. Mr place east of town.
Sohulmerich was given a handsome Wm- Kane of Foreat Grove, a
present by the order for his servioee . ef flf Ofegon and ,he con.
of yeara as a member. Light re- Ugctnr wh(J buUt im,Bboro.g flrat
freahments were served. 00Uft houee. and wbo built lhe
George Lennon, of Vinelands, first frame church the West
was in town Saturday, and says Union Baptist Church was in the
that the freeze had but little effect oity Monday, and called at the Ar
on the potato crop up in his tec gus oflioo.
lion. Potatoes are uearwg a gooa
price and the hills above Glencoe
town, the other day. The skunk
Vina anil fairlir nnll. these daVS.
Mrs. Gowan will be at the green- bu, tases 8ome tjme l0 deodorize
house in South Hillsboro every ,ka nn,a -n,i 5r.nidntallv. it took
Thursday until her stock ; of gome time to deodorize Otis after
shrubbery, bulbs ana Mowers are
gold out. Come early to get toe
best bargains.
Eighteen months ago had any
one said that five coaohea loaded
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, $37.50. Schulmerich
Orville Tucker came out f om
Portlsnd the last of the week to do
some millwright work on the new
Wanted: Three girls to work in
boarding houpe at 106 North Sev
enth Street, Portland, Ore. "P.
Sam Sorenson, of Farmington.
was up to tbe county seat, Satur
day, still bearing bis crutches as a
reminder of his accident.
Gents' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
oher Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung & Sons.
Thos Sims, who owns the Rob
erts' farm near Farmineton, was
out from Portland Saturday, and
made the Argus otlice a call.
Frank Ordway, a eon of the late
E. O. Ordway, was in the city Sat
urday. He is at present working
for the Portland Railway company.
We have ordered a car load of
wire fence direct from the factory.
We can Bave you five per cent. 00
same if ordered immediately.
Schulmerich Bros.
John Scbaer, of Mountaindale,
and who has been foreman in one
of the Portland sawmills for several
months, has returned home, aud
waa in the city Saturday. y
For gentlemen's, ladles' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We them for everybody, and
at nrii'Bfl that are values.
I . n . . 11' 0.1 -in 1 1 . t 1, .
otmaior ym. ocnoiumu, ot
Frank Keenan, of Vinelands, sop County, visited with his par
was in the citv Saturday, greeting ents in Cornelius. Monday, and
is ineuus. xiiu buhb nave n uu paBFefl through Monday evening
traoi tor naming ouu m. 01 logs lor for bis home in Astoria.
Bishup Brothers, of beyond Glen
Talk about skunks Pearl Otis
.1 .w. u,, dug nine out ot one wee norm 01
J 1 , 7 .
to be found in tne state.
be the best town on the West Side
in five years more.
Spalding & Son, pension agents
of Washington, D. C , advertise in
the Oregonian for the address of the
heirs of Josiah Linn, who formerly
had a donation land claim in this
county. Linn was in the Oregon
First Cavalry, and there is a small
recovery of pension to be distnbu
ted. His wife died in 1859, and
he has a son somewhere on the
Columbia. Linn died several
years sgo down in the Deep River
Circuit conrt will convene here
on March IS, and it is not known
whether Judge McBride will be
able to hold court, or whether he
will bave a judge sit in his place
for tbe session. The term will be
a severe one, as there is extensive
litigation, besides several criminal
. Pres Worthington, formerly chief
deputy in tbe U. S. Marshal's
office, in Portland, was out Tues
day. Mr. Worthington is one of
Umatilla County's pioreer politi
cians on the Republican side of tbe
fence but he is a prince of a good
fellow, anyway.
Postmaster Cornelius is next in
line to build a residence this Sum
roer. The bouse at present oc
cupied by him will be moved to the
rear and a modern building erect
ed on its site. .
When the sawmill gets to cutting
in good shape several cords of slab-
wood will be run out in the yard
each day. The condenser is having
a large contract delivered to them.
On account of the car shortage send
in your order early for
AVe have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
A 1
i A
We Uphold
the atandar't of Rood living. Everything In the line of choice
Groceries tuay be bought at our store. Our atock is large, freah
and fine
that cant be duplicated. Don't waste time anil money buying
Groceries elsewhere, (or this ia really the only place to do your
marketing and get uniformly satislactory reaulta.
Vaug'ht's Grocery-
he was through with his task
Attorney 8. B. Huston is feeling
very good these days over the pros
pect of the big million dollar union
rlannt in ha Vinilt at First .fe Pins.
with theatre excursionists would Mft HUBton recently bought a piece
pull into the yard limits at the foot o! property from McGuire, of ihe
of Main Street, he would have Paoig0 pal)er Company, and his
been branded a a wsionary. purchase lies in the vicinity of tbe
Wanted: Will pay cash for proposed railroad improvement,
good, young horse, to weigh 1300 j Aungbt, wife and ohildj of
or 1400. Must be good, and sound. Waterloo, Iowa, were here the first
Inquire of W. W. Anderson, one of tne week( gueeU 0 v. ( Hager
mile east of Hillsboro. Paoiflo and famiiy, Aunost and family
States Phone, J05. r Uave been in California for the
Ti,n MnKia. the Cbahalem Winter. They return home this
Mn.miain nmtlr. waa In the oitv week, so as to arrive home about
Mnndav. Davina taxes. He eays the firBt of the month. Mr. Aungst
t,.,h.B .11 hia ampins oo m Dieted, is handling building operations in
., ..othlna nvr hia wav la in I Waterloo, which is one of Iowa's
fiae shape - 'manufaoturirg towne.
We sell more agricultural im
plements than all of our compet
itors, put together. The reason
we ship direct from the faotory,
and pay spot cash for them. Come
and get prices.
The P. R. & N. started laying
track on the mill Bpur Friday after
noon, and logs are now dumped on
their own track instead of taking
them down on the Southern Pa-
cifio track on tbe main line.
M. T. Patton, of the Base Line
Lumber Company, waB in town
Saturday, on business. His com
pany has been buying a lot ot tim
ber land tributary to the Tualatin
and Gales Creek for use at the Cor
nelius mill.
The Missouri Girl played to a
satisfied house at the Crescent
Theatre, Saturday evening There
were two excursion trainB into the
city, three ooaoh loads coming in
from Banks and Buxton, and two
ooaohes full from Forest Grove and
Cornelius. The Theatre was filled
to overflowing, and a number had
to stand up throughout the per
formance. To Fee two specials pull
In on the P. R. & N , all inside of
five minutes, looked like business.
' A Niman sold his house and
one lot, north of the Evangelical
Church, Monday, for $1800. Mr
Niman expects to build again, in
the near future.
Dr. Lowe, whoha9 made Hills
boro for many years as an oculo
optician, was in the city Monday
and Tuesday. He still reeijes at
Pacifio University is rapidly go
ing forward with the building of
the ladies' hall which ia to take the
place of the building burned last
The 12 year old son of W. F.
Dessinger, of Beaverton, recently
won a $5 cash prize from the
Journal for soliciting subscribers
Chas. L. Brown, of above Banks,
and who owns a part of the Man
ning place, was in town Tuesday,
and made the Argus otnee a call.
AiB. Lewi, of Cornelius, and
one of the old enthusiasts of that
plaoe, was in town Saturday, and
called at the Argus oflice.
C. J. Cowaniah, of beyond Glen'
coe,' was in to am Tuesday after
K. Linton, of Jast Plains, was
an Argus caller Tuesday. .
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey CD. Son
The Best of AH Beers
C J. LYONS. PreprUtor
Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable.' We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long .Time" accounts.