Entered at ths Port-offlos at Hlltsboro, Oregon, as second-cla mail auUtr, LUCIUS A. LONG, Editor. County Official Pnper Bubsc.ripUon: On Dollar per Annum. used Every Tharsday -BT- LONG McKINNEY i ' jBg; Governor Chamberlain has ap pointed Oswald West at a meuber Dr. Ptei f .- ::.. . af. I ns ui iua lauwav uuuiuiiceivu, mi . CttM. railway cuwmiseiuu. ""'I tin tall West cleaned up the stables in the state land office, and he ia a man of signal ability. That be ia with out doubt the ablest man ol the three members of the board is not saying too much of the appoint nient Mr. West is a man who is reasonable; who talks but little, but accomplishes things. This is the kind of a man wanted. The "Joe Teal" cry has been for nothing uovaruor Chamberlain bas sgam demonstrated that be is a safe man in the executive chair. Words of Praise Tot the several Ingredient oi which Dr. Ptsrcs't medicines tro composed, as given by leaders In all the several schools ot adjoins, should have far wore weight tcaa any amount ot non-professional tes timonials. I. Hercel Favorite Prescrip tion ku m bapo x or bonstt oo every bottls-wrappvr, in a full list of all its in gredients printed in plain English. If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw ing autri in stomach, periodical paint, catarrhal, pelvic drain. iwn distress In lower abdomen perhaps dark spots or specks before the eyes, taint spells and torn caused by female weak- derangement ot the feminine can not da better than take favorite Proscription. ital, surgeon's knife and opera- may be avoided by the timely avorite iTescriptloa" in such J' aisagreeapc dranlifria or pelvis. dancUrx KiMSMsynii ns,oth organs, wtf 4 St the obnoxious exsm!n- r.M.n.eius..( tTTe family avoided and a thoruiuh StlOnS SluTEX jll ir....-iine.nfi ,.( t pnysician can tie svouieti ana i in tap nriiJ.-yi-tiitf liiuif'. -favorite Frescriuuon i.eiuiuosfdol The verv best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure ot woman's peculiar aliments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite rrecnption;-ii win not perioral mira cle : it will not disolve or cure tumors. Ko medicine wilL It will do as much to establish vigorous health in most weak nesses and ailments ueeuliarlv incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance by perseverance ia its use tor a reesonaoie lengtn of lime. Vnn ritn't T,.r,t a .wt.t . -t n.. tnim as a substitute f.ir V r-.n.iy ffmn.iill.m Sick women are invited to consult Pr. PUma. hv letter, fnrrt. All eiiriYftiiond In another place in this iue one is guard.! as sacredly secret and a. v. will be found a comprehensive letter from County Commissioner C. B. Buchanan, touching upon the road problem. Those interest' ed in the subject of good roads will find the article full of interest, and it ia well worth reading. Mr. Bu chanan baa given the matter of good roads a great deal of thought, and that he touches the vitals of the highway question with the point of hia pen goes without say ing. professional privacy. Address Dr. Pierce. Buffalo. X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant IVllett the best laxative and regulator or the bowels. Thev invhrorat stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative ; two or three cathartic. Easy to take as candy. The Brldeirraom's tJaeloa. Clergyman With all my worldly foods I thee endow. Frospeenve Brtdoftroom say, par son, Isnt this rather early to award alimony? New York Press. Oat ef rjaawer. A PWanthropist IM SMITH used to sit on a flab, kit an PAel out million a day. He'd tell what hd do with hla money et thine waa a-comtn' hfa way. He d ti a fine pars, to th' city an' build u a nn city hall An' dredge out th' crick over yander tUI nobody d know It at all; He'd nit u a lot ot gondola recardlea ot any expense An' make It a regular Venice, where via- ttln ladle an' cent Would com rr'm all over to It, with everythliui free as th air. With lemonade plenty a water an' band that would play everywhere. An' alwus when Jim wa a-talkln' Hump Hawain. th tinner, would say How them as ha money they keep It, an them a haln I lv it awayl Jim never waa much on Carnegie an' said et he had It to Pre Hed buy all th elrvuse avtn an open em free everywhere, H"d Rive every youncttr a pony an' buy every girl a waa doll. An' ten dollar bill would be flyln' aa If they waa nothln' at all! He'd start up a place In each city where Ice cream an cake would be tree An' think nothln' more ot a million than we would think pennies would be. He'd give away farm to hi nelghltor an' show folks auch wonderful IkM They'd think that Jim Smith wa Aladdin right out ot "Arabian Night!" An alwua when Jim waa a-spendln' Hamp Hawktna, th' tinner, would ay How 11. em as ha money they keep It an them aa hatnt give It awayl An' aftr he'd (pent so much money there wasn t a cent left to spend He'd borry a pipe of tobacco tr'm m or some other old friend An' sigh with a heart full of sorrow an' ay with big tears in hla eyes Thet his wife orto hev a new wrapper. but he couldn't borry th' price. An then he'd complain of th' ylm on which' this old earth seemed to run. Where them a won't spend It ha money and them as la llb'ral ha none. An' wish thet he had a few million, an' borry a quarter fr'm ma To pay to th' grocer for aomethln' he had to take home to his teal An' alwua when Jim wa a-dreamln' Hamp Hawkins, th' tinner, would ay How them as has money they keep It. an' them as hain't give It awayl -J. W, Foley In W'oman'a Home Companion. The Oregonian says that1 the men on the railroad commission are comparatively unknown to the people of the state. Funny, isn't it, that the people have not heard of Oswald West, appointed by Gov. Chamberlain, and who has been state land agent, and who has brought order out of chaos in that office?" ' ' ' ' Travel Threasa the Alr- Yes, Bad Saoa. The legislature will adjourn this week. Taken as a whole it has been like, other legislatures. The whole trouble has been that bills have been introduced by the hun dreds, taking up time that should ! a ... - I nave been devoted ton few wise lawa. 11 "Wilt Maa 1 hf : 3 Dusky Visitor (who has never seen lot water bottle before! I done kill dat beast anyway. Sketch. . Fraaa Skate ia Bamaa. It WSB not to be expected that tine hey tor the ring of the crisp, cold areoplune steel And ho for the winds that carry! (Are you surs of that fastening on the! neir By Jove, but this Ice looks scary!) Then It's yo and bo and eke folderol For the motion so near to flying! (This doesn't look good to me at all. But hers goes if I die a-trylng!) Oh. it's nonny nonny and Iddy da turn. As all skater atng so mellow! (Don't shovs me out that way! Now. corns; ' Don't go and desert a fellow!) R. Cheney, of Forest Grove, sine tra-u-im-u and tiadiedv umo waa in town todav. I A I fly to my love, who Is waiting! bump) ro through with 'this sport of skating!) Denver Republican. the bill to .recall public officials to private life in case of malcondnct, would pass the legislature at this session or any other. This must come before the people on the initi ative, and then it will pass, and in a hurry. Argus and Journal, 11.75. M. Mr. Ishmael Brown (ot the Peak dis trict, reading on his way to the statiou) Fifty thousand dollar prize for an Dear me, we shall soon be traveling through space! Sketch. J. A. Messioger, of Laurel, was in tne city yesterday. . K. T. Rnrnatt nf nranrwiTIa mm AB emerlT durny n Georgia was Nels Johnson, of near Bethany, cn' with the theft of some chick waa an Areus visitor this after- eM- "e nal misfortune to noon. , defended by a young and lnexpe rlenced attorney, although it Is doubt Loose clover hay for sale at ful whether any one could bnre secur reasonable price. F. M. Heidel,! his acquittal, the commission of the niileDDro. i otm uarmg peen provea peyona an I doubt a. jvneger, oi v erDoort, was In The prisoner received a pretty severe the city this afternoon and called I sentence. , Thank you, sab," said he 00 the Argue. cneetfsUjr, addressing the Judge wbeu t.,i j i . . . .. the sentence had been announced ' j " " muiiOB ..D,t'g mighty hard, sah, but it ain't uu"; uu,uu uepu'i anu tne siruc- anywhere near what I expected. I ture is to w duui at rust & rme. Ml sard Soatethtac. "This Is the office of the telephone company, isn't it?" said the caller. 'Yes, sir," answered the man behind the railing. "What can I do for you?" "Well, it's this way," rejoined the other. "I'm a subscriber ou a ten party line and my telephone is out of order. 1 want" "I see. .We'll send a uiao out to look at It right away. I hope It hasn't In conveuleuced you greatly." "Oh, I don't mind the Inconvenience. We don't use it more than about once or twice a week, but my wife has got so used to hearing it ring day and night that It makes her nervous when the darned thing gets out of whack." Chicago Tribune. Notice to Taxpayers Notice Is hereby given that the taxrolls hirWinlilnnu.il t ounty, tinfoil, vi ill bo open lor collodion audYwu-tit of lie on Wednesday, t'otatirv , la7, and ail who make lull payment ul their tax be fore Maroh 1, iMwl, will receive a reUteol a per ceiiluni. Hall paviiiems ,kii It made by the llrst Woiul in Apiil uh out intoreet charge, or penaltv, and the remaining half . an be i. at" any time prior to the llrst Mond.iy in (VtoU-r, 7. Where no ,viiiont is muit lv tlio Hii Monday in April. lmT, the tai twim delinquent, and I lie aialuio require, rrum that date, a penalty ol leu per cent, and also an interval charge of one ivr cenl. per month ou said Ui unlil it is id. J. W. I'ONNKl.U Sheriff and et-iilltlo tax colUi-ior vt ashlugUMi t'ountv. (r-goo. HillstM.ro, Ore , Jan, 14, lsC, Notice ol Final Settlement Notice is hereby triven Hist the niidi.r. signed has Died in tlit t'oimtv t'mirt of me Maleol Or. iton for Wiiahiiiirloii t'oun ty, his linai account in the iintilorol the ealats of Robert Iml.rio. lei-a'd and mat said t'ourl hns de.MitimtHl Momlnv rebruary Wh. 1)T. at iii iiiuniv cun room in Htllslhiui. ttregon, at Hie imur ol 10 O OHM'S A. .V.OlMl iI dnv. . 1 If tin.,' and place hr hearing ot.j tlonN to xaid Illial aC4otm and lor I he tinal Mil riiieni ot said e-iat. Iatel this IJtli .lav of Jantiarv. A. 1).. iiaii. J. A. I M It It IK. Kxecutorof the Ut will and oi rtooerl nnl.rio, il.'M, K. loiiKiieaiut Haiflov A lluro. At lorneyafor Kteciilor. SUMMONS l TIIK t'lKriMT CtlfHT nr Til ST.UK !' tKK)ON rOK WAMII. l.t IV.MMUNTV m Marv rk-hnavelv. I'lulnim t I"' va. t IP I WEINHARD'S (Oa driugkl) I'ltlnUlt, I Willtnin Allen S. hmvelr Defendant I Schnavely, alavs W . you W SUMMONS in Jt'sTiCK (ti i: r rMi: tiik ii:k CI SOT OK WKST (KUAIl. WAMI IXOTON Cot'NTY. STATK tl' KKtioM C. Smock. J.M. IMaiulitr.l 1 v. Hanson ami Klla A. Hnnxon, ! lelemiaiit.n J n ths nsme of the Stain of Or.....,n il... above named lS.r ii.lHhU ill takenoiue mat th alHive named riaiuliil ha? ihii niencsd suit in the above entillod t'mirt by Atlai-hiiient for the sum of 7.;i.n account and inteiwt llirmm nt Hie rale of 0 percent, per annum tit. in date. You are hereby required to apprur and nns(.r ths roniplaint llled asaiiiHt you in U.p above enlitletl Court iihiu li weekx from tne nret puldicatlon of this uoti.-e to wit on or be tore the it'lrd day of February. 1SWT, and if you fail autoanswer forllie want thereof the 1'lnitititl' ill ani.lv to ths Court Mir Jtidgmeut for the aN.ve amount. ' Ths ilate of the hntt pulilU-a lion of this uotice ia January 10, lim. inueu at nnerwixHi, tire., January 7. IH07. M. K. Puck, Juatire of the 1'i' uo. Executrix' Notice Notice Is hereby elven that the under signed hsa been aiuwiutcd eim-iitrii of the laat will and ictameiil of Tlnmiat Oti'hiu, deceamHl, by an order of the Louuty Court of a.-liii.L-lnri Ooiuitr, Or egon, made and entered on liereuiber la. law, and all rin having I'liiimn against said eatate air hereby iiotilieil and dlrectl to prewnt said claiion. t.-aotlier with ths Dlotier voiintinrs tlieralor. to mr at my residence, or at I lie ollicn of Tlioe. H. Tongue Jr.. at Hi isboro. WniliiiiL-ion County, Oregon, on or Iwforesis iih.iuih from date hereof. Dated at rlillnboro. Orrjon. 11. i 'Mil. day of December, liK!. MARY ANN SIMPSON, Kiecutril of lbs limt Kill ami l.u- mentofThoa. Otchin, ileceaaed Tbos. H. Tongue, Attorney, Serloa Daaua;. 'I'm glad to see you dldu't laugh at that poor old man when he fell down," said the stranger. That's my gran'pop," the little boy howled. "Ob, boo. boor 'Don't cry, boy. There's nothing i rious" Uh, -wow! He sat down on my train o' cars, an' I'll bet he's busted 'em. ""Catholic Standard and Times. Kuratli Brothers sold ths 8: 6 Morgan property, on Second Street, Ledger. tne nrst or tbe week, to W. E. Ihorne, the consideration being Reuben Treber. formerlv of Phil. lips, and now conducting a barber shop at the Scott Hotel, Portland, was wedded to Hiss M. Laund, of Vancouver, Wah., a few days sgo. Good roads have come again that ia to say, comparatively good, and teamsters are hauling good loads. Here and there they find a osa noie, nut teams are not worn like they ere when it waa a heavy jug irom star. 10 nmsn. thought, gab, dat between mah charac ter and dat speech of mah lawyer dat you'd bang mo shore." Philadelphia Aaiauiiea laaniaiate. Mr. Bottle There comes that clock. He's getting so stuck up that be wears gloves on bis bands. Mr. Vase You see, he's engaged to that heiress Miss Bell. He's already given her the rlag.-Cleveland Pluln Dealer. The Seaator'a Mem. 'Senator, what Is your Idea of this so railed high finance?" "That," replied Senator Badger, "Is a part of the business that I seldom talk about, but I will say confidentially that I think If s all right. We who serve tbe people need the highest finance we can get."-M!lwaukee Sentinel. Oa Hook Clab and lta Borrowers. TIME TABLE 3 A new passenger train schedule is I as follows: , Leaves for Portland f roresi urovc local 0:00a. m, Sheridan Flyer 9:03 a. m. roresiurove local........... lsp.m.l Uorvalll overland 4:31 p. m. Arrives from Portland Corrallls overland...... ...... 8:41 a, m. r ore si orove local.. 12:07 p. m. Sheridan Flyer. 6:16 p. m. Porest Grove local. ,. , 6:37 p. m. Leaving Portland Corvallis overland. .......... 7 :3o a. m Forest urove local....... ,,,.ii:ooa. m. Rberidaa Flyer , ,, 4:10 p. m. O:aop. m. 1 1 UI J I J! I II mi.,"" 1 .tiimi i 1 It's aa 111 Wia4. 'Well, Parker, how do yoo do? bear that your missus bas Joined tbe suffragettes. You have my sincere sympathy." 'Don't mention It, old cbap. It's the best line she ever struck. I never was so happy In my life. loo see, she goes for those parliamentary chaps so strongly that she hasn't any steam to spare for me now." Punch. Vaallr labaowa. Busy uierk-Now, let me see. sir. 'the first gentleman In Europe." I thlnk.-Black and Wliito. Forest Grove local Arrival in Portland Forest Grove local.,... iJsnasB river ., , . ft Merest Grove local..... ! Corvallis overland . . . . . 8:00 a. m. .,.,.io:aoa. m. ..... 9:50 p. m. ..... 6:50 p. m. 71 Forsst Grove local does not Natarallv. "They say that Bradley goes on like mad since he Inherited his vast wealth." "What does be dor' "Oh, be acts like one possessed." Upplucott's Magazine. Have von tried the Dun nf H borebouud candy lor your cold? Bobby How vain yon are, Kftte! Looking at yourself In tbe glass! Effle-Valn? Me valnT Why, I don't think myself half so good looking aa I really ami Woman's Home Compan ion. Edison's Gold Mould ed Records in Stoch PRICE 35 CENTS A -w-vjir 3 . L. McCORMICM M1LLSBORO ..... OREGON To William A Ilea defendant! In the nanienf the Slatsof Oregon, you "WO.V rwire h apiHNir and anwsr ihe tHMiiplalnt lilo.1 again! you In th above eimiUd suit, 011 or twfora ths laat day of the lime presortlmd In the Order or 1 ne pimuoauon or III In i 101m; aaid lime Deing kii week from the tlrst iMiiiucauoii ol llilanuiiimoii; and II you fail o U apMr and aimwer, mr aalit thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the r lor me reuer demanded In Ui oomplaint in aaid auit, ut-wlti For a u.tiw oiMoiving tne nond of malrlmoti ami nmrriatie oioiiraot existing between ne planum ami yourteir, and allowing the pUinlill t rseiim her maiden name, Mary Holland. I his tumiMoii I piibllle.l by Order of M011. J. . litMHliu, t'ountv Judge of aaid '"iuoa touniy, Mai of Oregon, lil 'U older waa duly made and tiled on Ihe till day r r ..binary, IWI7, and th dale of Ihe lint ptil.ll.wtUi hereof 11 the nn "j 01 rroruarv, Iarr. V, k.MTKOliK, Attorney for I'lalntifT SUMMONS is in t iuti'ir t'OITRT OK THR STATU Of OKKtJON, VOH TIIK t'OUNTY OK WAStllNUTON J. V. (iateley, I'lalntlir.i va J. Annie (laleley, ItefeiiiUnt., aiiiiis tlateley, is above naiue.1 .It'll. Ililuill ; III the imiiio of th Slate of Oregon you werlolheiMiuii.lainl M agaiuat uu lu lelore March Slat, Ii7, and If you fail to um.H-nr ami aunwer III plainlill lll i'iy "r me reiiei prayed for iu blaooni pIhhiI, kt-Hit: Kor a decree dissolving ths bon.l of I lomriiiioo.v now eilnllng lietveeti the iMHiy- iiKinni piaiutiD and defendant and lor other .iuul.le relief. llllMtllliimoiii, 1 imhlkliad In em-eof an order of the Homtrable T. A. Mi liride, Judn of the iluva .iin.l Court made and entered on th id day of rel.ruarv, !;, apsciiylna; that th aaui pooimnni mr aii Ku.vmulva k. .,,,1 wieniig ret.ruary 7th, WJ7, aa date of i.r puuiifaiion. WAN K, MURPHY, Attorney for I'lalntlir. I I 1 The best of all Dccrs. Bottled for Medicinal Use At W. V. WILEY'S This Spray is Endorsed By A. ft. Crlley Of the Agricultural College Shaking of tlic riitHMiix Liiuc and Sulphur Liquid Spray, Mr. Conllcy, of the Corvallis Ann cultural College, writes Dunne & Co., as follows: ' ('orIIi. Ore,, pi,..l. T, lud, lvl.l M. Iiiinu Co.. I'urtland, trrp.n, IWr Hlr: In reply to your b llor of the till lnd. I am glad lo I able to report that Ih renli i.Maii. In.iii the ue of your I'lioenls Hi.ray were very naluuclory, lml.v.1, I Ixlrd II l r difolliig one .t tllteen. The diluliHl ipnty rrn nppli,.,! tiu.r.iiiitlily ml t oialtlr to tree that were aln.ply li.. rulr.l nr. I rvim a arakir M.lntloii ha apparently ooinplotrly riadli alini 1I11. from .la.r,l Irimt, I llud llul saamluatlon made alHiul U.i wk uk l.til 10 iovhI ni.f living ral upon either fruil ot loaven. Mgn..l A. It, ''KlH.VY. I sell cheaper than tthrr dialers, l'nr prices iu any quantity, f. o. k, nt lieavcitoii, or takcu from my place, w rite sole avul, 9U 50 per bbl. of SO ul,, f.o.h., Ua verton or my farm B. LEIS. Deoverton. OreBon. R. F. D. 1 SUMMONS IN OORWIN A HEIDEL Oaaaes In All kinds of Fresh Mests. Trices Rea sonable. Will meet all competition. Chickens and Poultry slways on hand upon order. Free delivery to all part of the town. We buy fat stock. Bmlh Phone Smoond Street, Hilhboro, On ..Central Meat Market.. EMMOTT BROS., Prop., Isssssssrs tm O. Tilbury Keep constantly on hand s,fine supply of fresh meats of all kinds. A Mew Erm In Price We are going to sell meals at prices low erthan those which have prevailed in the past. Call in and see us. We mean business. 'Phone and Free Delivery Usis Street, opposite Tualatin Hotel Hillsboro, Oregon: FARM FOR SALE I wish to sell my farm containing 152 seres. 110 acres under cul i- vation; good houne and liarn; good orchard Three and onn half miles At- .1 It'll I . . mum hi nniBOoro ana one mi n west of KarmiriBton. For further information apply to K. Iturk baiter, Hillsboro, Ore , R. F, I). 2 iiik ri m i it t ot? RT OK T1U STATK OK OKKtJON. rtHl WASillNtlToN COUNTY Charles KMat, FialutlfT,! vs 1 Annie l rot, Defandant.i To Annie Front, defendant above namal: In the nam or ths 8Uls of Orveon: ou are hervhv notilied that lha mI.uiik Herein has tiled a niniplainl aalnt you in the atior entitled court and eaus and you are luirnbv reuulred lu aixwerth said eouiplaint or tile soma appearance tuereon on or beror Ihs laat day priwribetl by th order of publication hrw.f, tu-wit: On or before the raul day of Mart'li, IUU7. and if vou fail .. ,. .r and aimwer the eouiplaint or tile torn apprarnnoe herein, the plaintirT will cause jr.. or uoiniiii 10 is entnred and noted and w ill apply to the urt for the relief pray ed for in Mid eouiplaint, lo wili A deere iorrvr lli.miirli.tf tue bond of malii iiiony nw exlatlnir between you and plaliitlll, and for ou. h uther reliel as to llie court mav seeiu proper. The date of the Hint publirallon of this an. Minimi i in ,i ur of l.rii.r 17, and 1 1. In summon ia lo lie tmblinheii on erery I huraday of eaoh week for a Mtrlod of six aiicoMNta w.ika 1.1 wild dates. Tliifi uiiinioii I i.nl.llliil ). ,..!.. .1 th Hon. 1 tinman A. Mcliriile, Juds of I ,..i.,D,ii,iiini f-..or, mails in i.liatu- wrs 111 in 4111 nay of redruary, 17, CHAM, , HCrfSAHiL, AUorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice Notice 1. 1 Imreby given Ibsl lb iindeniKn ed haii hern apiointel by th County Court or WaKliliiKU.il county, Orrgon, by an order dated the StHh day of January, l!J7. Ad 1 1 n intrauir of the KaUU of Jama r Kcniiii, iinvaneii; anil all persona hav iiiKclitiiiiHaKaiiiNt naid eatat ars hereby notillnl to iin-Hcnt th aaius with ths proper voucheri therefor, lo ma ai the ,?. ,"" ' " Tons"", Hllltboro, t nii.niiiiiM 1 tiiiiiijr, ;reKon, lHted tin M day of February, IfloT, ;. AKBISHKK, Admi niatn n. 11. toiiKiie, Attorney. Executor's Nelics Tho listchcn'o Qucon know, that llu ul.l alu.itr U lb.UvNU( a a rat. lllIJf Ixip, CYRUS NOBLE IIVM are heorllH with the nknf II.. Pnile.1 SIMM. The uiwitlrtl l..i ... I i.iru i.n,.l ,hw whtokin, k. l.y n.r,, ! 14),. iii iar 11,. ,r.,t,ii,m ail iii.hM la ahirh o.t M.lr i i,,uif,l. put n.rm la the fmnl nn inu( il( u.iii of la kllcaea. The Nu.i l,i.u.K in un a.,,1 ,Ml ate r 1 ml air ORUCWIMTM mmt OlAUHM. W.J.ysivMi;yH4C0..MK. DutflWlan. sonfuiia.su. JrrWlrWirWVyVVVWVVVy VAVWAWVVrVyVVVVvV LIVERY STABLE Teams with or without drivers, rcasotia iiirnouts. we also make a siH-cinlty of f( earing for transK-nt Htock, Good cctimg and Main St., Iictwecu Third and I'uurth.opp. Ik-usou Hldg. Payne Bros., Hillsboro Intra tor. 1 1 ! i 1 1 I I I t I I I K c a m &e Farmers' Mutual FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION of Portland, Oregon Held its Annual Meeting January t6, 1907, at the Logns Hall. THE ANNUAL STATEMENT Solins i hereby Riven that tbs iimlar. "iuni'd lnw been by the County Coort of the mate of OrK". for the County of naaiiiiiKUm. duly appointed and eon- a. flrine.1. under date of January 26, IMU7. as H e.ecmoroi tne last will snd testament of jmn Anna reiors, oeeeasad, and thait he on niiijr iiiaiiueu an men eiecutor. riow, tlierefore, all itsrsnna hsvlna v aims aealiist tits estaU of the aslil Anna iimria reiera, dei-sawMl, are hereby re- tiiml and reiiestml to present ths same, with proper vuuoher attached, to in at the law dllii of John M. Wall, in Hill. Tlrst, Amount of pioH-rlv at ridt tec. jt tlM, Ami of rir.ka a.l.lr.l (liitiiiK )r yra'r Anit of rii.ks caiirrlli-d iluriny U,r y( 'r Net amount of risks lire, ji, 19.A Ijirgrst amount on any one rik Sscond Amount of fault rrreivrd with Anit of rash received from nm itsiiu-iin. Total iiiiouu',,,,, Third, f.MJ.tM" JJ.,Sji IU ".,VS ,oio mi I,i6 it ".17 47 1 i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i 1 Auit Anil Amount pai.l for lowws tl.iritis the y,r t. ut paid oftirer. tlin-rtors nn.l huvMh ., !. I lit of all olher .ipriisra $ W boro, or to me at my resident In ths prs- cincl of North Forest drove, Oregon THKOIKIKK IIKKNttinu Kseeulorof the Isst will and testament 01 ,11 ana Anna retera, deceased. Iitlii, M U.ll . ... . .. . nil, mwtf liny jur VXfNTUUir. l'Htl at Hillsboro, this Slat day of Jen- THE MARKETS, This morning's market reports. compiled from Portland quotations, are: Valley Wheat, new, C!)c. Barleyfeed, $22.50 per ton: brewing,$23; rolled, $23 f0r24.rO Oats, White, $2!) Oats, gray, $28 50 pr-r ton. Bran, $17 per ton; shorts, $20 Hay. Valley timothy. $14 00 and $15.00; urain, $ OOCallO 00. Hay, Clover, $9. Potatoes, $1.35 $1.50 per cwt Kgiss, fancy ranch, 2222c. Butter, Extra Creamery, 35. Hops, choice. Hi 12: prime. 11 13e. Charter Oak stoves ami C, A. Lamkin Co. ranges SUMMONS Til K CIKCUIT COURT OK THE STATU OK 0RK00W WITUIN AND 1011 WAHIf IN0T0N (!f)UNTY Marie Williams, I'laliilifr.J vs. J. Albnrt Williams, Defendant.) lo Albert Williams, the above named iimomiuni: In the name nf II. Rials nt n.... You are hereby required to apiwer ami aimwer the cnmiilnint llled aram.t I.. tho ahovo-entitled tause, on or befors ths lilth day of March l7, that beln ths ...v .my iirrnnonu 111 tne order of puiill- .mi,,,, in liiik iiiiiiiiiins, ami if you rallao to appear and answer said complaint, the plHintill will apply to th above-Mililled court fir the relief prayed for in Hi ooin. i; nun,, hi-wii: ror a leores.or this oourt diKHolviiig tlie liondsof matrimony here tofore eilmliiK botweeii you and plaiiitlb, and will axk for such other and further relief as she may be entitled to In th prriiiiNes. This mimtiion I miMiBli in ii. trm. boro Arum 'or uli noniuiiila ww. v.. order of the Hon, J. W. Ooodln. Judge of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon, or waMiitiKion t:ounty, made the 80th day of January, I1107. Hrst publication be. ink ine nisi nay or January, 1WI7, and the ItiHt piililicatlou being on the 14th day ioHNHON A VAN ANTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, FOR SALE I i I I I 8 ! 1 Tola ui rxpciiililuri-, j-, rourthi Amoiiittof cash on IihikI Ami of uiipaiil iiremiiuim fill JM Total nsst ts,, Fifth, Liabilities, none. fjoi U RfHKl'lfilllv, J. J- HERN, See relury. : The advantages of this Association in compar ison with others of a similar character ate: t. We Insure not in Tint crrii .i ,.,. ,.rr . . , ffrcteil by large conlbixralioim. ' ' awn 1. We Insure ONl.V Tlllt III-ST IUiivi urn ...,. 1 obi shack, ami house, with sloven 'h"". ''tiie mf' ''V fa,.l;p,Si"',,eM,Bt,,t" " ,,e '"! T v u'mv HtMl not salooV,., Imr: " Sl"r' " f'""-. " thi,t.cT.of,rv,r.ro -""r o H.."iw. iutiim mm.. t'tiNTKoi,, mat it Tl Agents in Washington County arc: t w r ... n V i-kakson, corm liiiH, Ore, U. 1'. 1) . W. J. R, IlKACH, Forest (iruve, ( Ire, No. 2. If you wish to join apply to tlie nearest agent or if there is no local agent in your vicinity, send your name and address to 3 ' J. J. KERN, Secretary, 565 East Yamhill St., Portland, Ore. .mm. mm. mm. m mWWWkm mm M m 'X ft M Wi . I 8 S I i N N I i 1 A i 5 M If M i i .1 1...a t- t Rum llath Tomihafn. anA P I.. . ... "" Vi. rttr'n iu. j 01 10' nr". acres cleared, i) "' runes irom 100-esB siz, uced one season sell both for $1250 Wm. King, one mile west of Cedar Mill, Bea verton, Route 2, Oregon. Argus and Oregonian, 12.00. Portland, thren from Bethany. Will rent fur fuul. Good buildings and stahln fitu.l t.. dairylDg.Grant Holoorab. H,,l. brook. Ore.. It. 1. P.cifin hi.. Ffaone m. For Pule: IK) fl(.rel 11 mi rU,o,IWvilll((fttV,o!ertree Inquire Argus, Hcht-ol oliiHcs tomorrow as Wash itiKtoo's liirth.lay ia a legal Holiday. LaS;:'' h Charles A. i 5