The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 21, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 40
Portland Dally Ahstrnct Hum
Article on Tiojcct
bit i 1'iiprr tt Ncithba(in( City Says
About It
Plain have loen drawn by It. M
Butler, contracting architect, fur
handsome three story brick hotel,
with full concrete basement lor R
L. fate, ol this city, which he will
erect. The ntructor will Iw
thoroughly tnodfirn, and will ct
135,000. Mr. Cut states thai lh
work excavation will tagln in alioul
ten days, and tlmt four mouths
later the hotel will bs ready for oc
cupancy, It will contain 40 rooms.
The outside will Im of chocolat'
colored pretaod hrick. Every bed
ioobi wilt have sunlit-tit, mid build
Idk wilt bt equipped with electric Until,
bested by etram tiil every 400111 sup
plied wilh hut and cold waier, snd an
electric elevator will lie iuMallrd. The
li;liliiii(, lirnlmg mill water plants wi 1
lw owutd unit wciUil by (tie buiil
company, A Iium. Uuuir ni roiitiimdluus
lobby will fill 'I flu on the lirt (liter.
Adjiillili'K will be cale, and a barber
hup, with Iwlli tudiii. A lmv;e ImIIIbiiI
ail pool pallor will be proWUed, 1 be
tlinuiag ami kitchen will be up The second fl.tor, In addition
to III steeping apartment, tlni-le and
eo mile, will le prowded Willi a ladira'
parlor, tttndiMiiurlv liituUlttd On llie
lop iWf llie t-iirml ntilii;rtiidit ll be
Ibtaame a the second ll". eiceptttiK
Ibat In place of a purlof, a tuuiintMlinua
rcceptiou nxiiii lor public meetinge will
be provided. Mr. Cam U pioiuolini;
many Industrial tiiterprlnrssl Itillaliuro,
toil It IslOa Intention to IhkIhII iiiumlxrr
ol manufacturing plniiu in Wlilni(l'n
County's town ol uppotlutnlles."
Portland Pally Almlracl.
Card of Thanks.
The urnlr r.iijf tied desire tn thank
tboea who en kindly assisted during
their remit bereavement, the
death o( the late II. It. i'urtlin, and
we desire tn especially tender our
grateful thank tu the Woodmen of
lb World for their courtesies ana
aid and last marks of respect for
Mr. II B I'tirdin.
Mri. Adalirie i'tirdin and Hone.
Uillaboro.O.e.Feb. 20, 1!K)7.
The Beaveiton Fruit Growers'
Aessocistion, which meets February
(. at 1 ;") in the afternoon, baa
prepared the following program for
the occasion:
. !ii liuwiurta MrcliitK-
lyo Aililrem by It. C. Alwell, prcsi
dent State Society.
2mi Sons', Heavrrtoii School,
a-.l Addreaa by Col. Ibiincs, 1'ureal
j:4o Paper. Mm. Hlie ChrUtUnaln
taxi How to net out, ti int. spray, ami
take rare of oichaida, by A. I. Maauu, of
Hood River.
y.yi 1'aper, Min Hromnhead.
y4b Address by V. R, Harris, Conn
tv fruit lustwcior.
4:10 Taper by Miaa Alice Kbeiheart.
Notice is berehy civen that the dog
license in this oily will be payable
to me at my ollice between March
1 and March 0. DolimiuentH will
after that dale bo placed in the
bands of the niarnhal. By trder
of the Cit v Coum-il.
II T. Baglny, Kecordor.
Hilleboro, Ore., Fibruary 7,
"The -Miefourl dirl," a roarirg
comedy Buocetm, wlilt lively epmdal
ties during the May, will ho the
attraction at the Creecent Theatre,
Saturday ovenii c, February 28.
An excursion train ol three ooaohes
will run from Buxton, letving
there at 0:00 V, M , and return im
mediately after the show.
Excursion rales, round trip:
From Ihntott , 7s cenlt
" Bank 5" "
" Hoy 40 '
" llurriaoti and luterinetli
ate points , a5 '
The Foreet Grove looal baa also
been engaged for a eiieclnl trip.
Train will leave ForeHt Urove at
7:30 P. M.
Kxotirsion rates, round trip:
1'rora Forest Crove 40 ccnti
" jCornelun 30
A larao number of neats will be
reiajved for the excurHioniete.
Theatre priors:
Loirei., 75 cents
Kntire lower floor aud Ilnlcoiiy . ,w '
Adults, in RHllrry .15
Children, ia gallery 25
Seats on sale at E. L, McCor-
mlck's musio store.
When the new depot is built at
the foot of 1 hird Street there will
be a nine view of Third Street it
two or three old barns are taken
Saturday the Picifio Railway A
Navigation Company brought down
ita Aral duiaiuiiiiient f loga from
the loaning apur above Baoka, and
the liiad waa dumped in the mill
yard at the foot ol Third Street
Time carloada were brought In and
from one to three trip will he made
iaily hereafter. The mill tar ted
Monday morning to try the ma
chinery anil get thinga in runniog
orJer. After a week or inch a
mutter everything will ba running
lively, and a big leaton'a cut it aa-
eured. After tbe machinery geta
to working good and a little lumber
ia cut for the mill uae, tbe company
hi atari running on a tie oon-
Mn. (Jowan will he at the green-
botiee in South ihlleboro every
1'hurnday until her a lock of
nhruhlwry, bulbi and nnwera are
a ld out. Couie early to get tbe
brat birgaina.
John Petera. while tiling a butch
er knife tbe other day, lo buU-her
i nil, had the inhfirtune lo badly
cut one of hia baud. The main
arterlea were revrred and hia witV
brotight him to town for autgical
hi. n nen ne arrived ne waa an
wnak frmii )oe of IIkhI that be
oin e 1 ear coll p ing Dr. A. B.
llnl-y aiweil up the arvinucon
diiilH and adniinlr-terfd a aiimu
Util, and the patient relumed
hma to Verboorl to take an en
fiuci'il vacation.
We i'U more ae-icul u al im
ulruiHita than all of our compel
llnia, put tngeiher. The ieaa.,n
e fbip ilireol fruit tie ratiiry,
ind pay ajH t fa h l r the.n Comr
4111I (jut pritl
It averton i prmd of lor m-w
Ifpil, and the aiiMit nmvcii io tbe
linn of the ek. Beevnonrn-
j i)t the pr aid dieilrt linnof lelling
uinie tu kH tlmn any other elation
m the Vt Hidt- lire, raving ai d
xcfp'ii jr. HilidU r i. IMUIki-o
0 ui mliiet, Beaverton arcmd, and
Konat Grave third, in point cd
Wanted: Farma and landa of
all kinda for aale and rent. Ad
drcm J. H. Foreman, CU& Kaat
Morriaon, Portland, Oregon.
A. A. Morrill went to Tlgard
villa, Monday, to aurvey another
farm Into email traota for tbe Io
veitment Company. The new
tract ia cut up by tbe electrio line,
ihis makes the third tract eur
veyrd into email holdinga by Mr.
Diligent ahipment of corn ever
received in ilillaboro, at the Cli
max Mill etore. Uet io and order
your land planter early,
Jamea dimming, one of Bux
ton' auhatenlial citizen", waa in
the city Haiurday, and gave the
Argue ollioe a call. He haa recent
ly 10I1I a piece of timber land at a
good atifl price. lie aaya that the
railroad baa given valuna around
liuxton a atlmulua that ia unpre
cedentrd. Wanted: Several tone ol atock
lieela Addn-aa, quoting price
Mliert N. Htaoton, Ilillaboro, Ore
Reports from several sections in
the county show tbal Winter wheal
is not looking as well as it should,
owing to the hard freeze a few
Wbeka ago. In many places it is
possible that it will have to he re
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Cbas. A.
Lamkin Co.
P McDonald and wile, of Clats
kanie, were here this week, guests
of A. J. Roy and wife and other
relativis of Mrs. McDonald. Mr.
McDonald Is engaged in the hotel
business down on tbe river.
Residence property lor sale or for
trade. Located aoutb 01 Southern
'acifio, Win. Tipton.
R B. Bates, formerly of this
ulaoe. later of Oreenville, has
taken up his residence in Forest
Grove. Mr. Bates was down to the
county scat Saturday, looking over
the improvements of tbe town.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for tbe Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
Judge George Hartman, former
ly of Pendleton, and now of Port
land, was in tbe city Saturday
He is now in tbe real estate husi
ness in the metropolis.
H. Wehrung & Sons carry a full
line of Heinz' pickles and bottled
Andrew Jack aad C. M. John
son, of Farroington, were callers at
the Argus ollioe, Monday.
ruritan oil heaters, Charles A
Lamkin Co.
Commissioner Buchanan, ot Cor
nelius, waa down to the city Mon
Charter Oak stoves and ranges,
C. A. Lamkin Co.
David Wenger, ol Helvetia, was
in town Saturday. ;
Have you tried the Den of Sweets'
horehound candy lor your cold
11 nit
1 i'
Was Working on Trestle for
Itfe Pence Company
Waa a Carpenter. Sua la law ef Mr.
W. K. Barrett
Hugh B. I'tirdin, well knoan in
tbia city, and who baa renit'ed here
for a year or more, foil from a
trestle, which w4 under cntiHtruo
Unn, the entire itruoture giving
away Friday, and died a fw hotira
later from hia wottnda The work
waa being done in Batch canyon,
on the Pence Hume, at 21et and
Savier etreelg. The timbers were
not securely hranid en I I'tirdin
0(1 four other men wete prccipi
lated lo the gulch' bottom, a die
lanoe of -40 feet Two of tbe four
others were seriously injured, per
haps fatally and two were ' not
much hurt.
Purdin left here a week ago Mon
day, and hia family moved tbe
next day to 210 East 35lb, Port
land. Tbe blow was an incon
solable one to the fnmily. Mr
Purdin was highly respected, and
made many friends. He was
quiet and unostentatious, and was
model of sobriety. Ho was a
brother of Lee Purdin, promi
nent in Washington during the
John B Rogers' administration.
He was also a cotinin of Hon Ira
Purdin, formerly of Forest Grove,
now of Portland. He was wedded
to a daughter of Mrs. W. It Btr
relt, of this city.
The remains were brought to
this city Monday morning and the
funeral services were held in tbe
Congregational Church, Rev. Oil-
pattick oflicmting. At the cemntery
tbe Woodmen of the World, of
wbioh order deceased wait a mem
ber and in which he CArrisd life in
surance, perlormetl the Inst rites
before the body was finally con
signed to the grave.
Hngli B. Purdin was son of llie late
as. ti. and Adeline Timlin, and ne was
the eldesl of a fnmilv of nine boys, seven
of whom survive. He was horu nt Boise,
Idaho, January 13, 1865, and at his death
was aged 4 years. When an infant his
parents moved to horeat lrovc, wbeie
they resided two years, going from that
place to Walla Walla, and later to
Yakima. He waaweililed In to
Miss RlUebelh Wool sty, to which union
two children were born, Geo. and Kthel,
both of whom survive. In April, 1901
he was suniu wedded to Mm. Amanda
Bennett, a danvtiter .11 Mrs. u . K liar
rett, of this city. The wife, his mother,
snd the following brothers survive, all ol
them being present at the funeral except
Owen R. Purdin, a cuttle buyer of
Tacoma; Charles .1. Purdin, accountant,
Tacoma; Lloyd W. Purdin, Walter J.
Purdin, Wallace A. Purdin, Kalplt N.
Purdin, farmers of North Yakima, and
R. Lee Purdin, editor of the Kveulng
Localiter, of Kllcnsburglt, Wash.
The undersigned will sell at public
sale, at his late place 6 miles north
east of Ilillsboro and one mile west
of the Helvetia schoolhouse at ten
m., on
Horse, 900 pounds; 5 good milk cows,
teat from 4.40 to 5.60, two fresh soon;
heifar, .1 years; a hues, ido each, 6 dozen
chickens, 4 tous hay; 40 sacks potatoes,
loo fence posts, disc, Cliampiou mower,
harrow, hayrake, plow, cultivator, spring
wagon, farm wagon, slump puller, feed
cutter, hayrack, Simplex cream separa
tor, 300 lbs capacity; a ten-gallon 1111 lie
cans; 800 ft shtplap, 700 ft mixed lum
ber, and numerous other articles. Lunch
will be served at noon.
Terms of sale: $10 and under,
caBh in hand; oyer tflO, one year's
time, bankable note, at ( per oent.
2 per cent, off, cash over ten dol
lars. O. W.BARNES.
J. C, Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Albert Alberteon", of above Glen
ooe, was In the city Saturday.
Fred Zilly, traveling for Irwic
Hodson Company, of Portland, was
out Sunday, n guest at the T. R.
Imbrie home.
I!. I
f.r . 1 " . " " . ..'"
All kinds of hardware.-C. A
Lamkin Co.
J. H. Collier, of Scholia, was in
the city Monday.
It. W. McNutt and wife were
down from Cornelius Saturday.
Buy your school tablets at Mc
Ccrmick'e. Ed. Miller, of near Farmington,
was in tbe city Saturday.
Paints and oils. C. A. Lamkin
J. C. Crocker and wife, of Moun
taindale, were in the city Saturday.
Simonda Croes-cut saws. C A.
Lamkin Co.
Dr. Everest, ol Cornelius, was
down Monday attending the Ptirdio
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argue, $2.00 per year.
J. B. Inilay, the Reedville ware
house man, was in the city Satur
day. Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigar Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Fred Stevens, of Stevens Bros.,
Fsrmingtou, was an Argus taller
For Sale: Five good cows, all in
milk. It. B. Porter, I J miles north
e&Ht 1 1 Forest (J rove, Route 2.
I). II. Wilbrs ol southwest of
tosn. was sn Argus caller the lad
of the w.ek.
Mrs. M. Bnden, of near Farm
inijli n was an Argus cail-r Satur
day. B.-rn. F- b. 10, l'.M7, near Cedar
Mill, to R'V. J C. Schaabenland
',d wife, a daughter.
George Bidwell, of St. J ibns,
wss out Sunday, the guest of his
father ai d family.
A few cravsi:ettes lefi, both for
lady ar.d gentleman. Will be sold
out at cost. Scbulmericb Uros.
C. F. fi rebel, of south of the
Minter Bridge, was in the city
You can save on half your hay
by tieini a Freeman reed Cutter.
For sale by Nelson Hardware Co.
Hon. R. Lee Purdin, editor of the
Localizer, of Ellensburg, was a
Ilillsboro visitor, Monday.
We are sole s gents for the cele
brated Chatham fan mi II. Price,
complete, 37.50. Schulmench
M. L. Howell, of Beavertoo, was
a county feat visitor Saturday, and
called for a year of the Argus.
Mrs. W. A. Wise and Mrs. Ed.
Stewart, of IV rtland, were out the
last of the week, gnesls of Mrs. L.
A. Rood. : .';
Judce L. A. Rood iB out again,
after being confined to his room
several weeks with a bad knee and
the "grip."
Dell Cornell, of Lebanon, Ore-
1 .1 e f .1. - I.
gon, was nere tue nrsi 01 me wee,
attending the funeral of his Bister,
the late Allie Cornell.
Gonts' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kuh, Nathan k Fis
oher Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung ife Sons.
Hon W.N. Barrett, member of
the legislature, came home to at
tend the funeral of his brother-in-law,
the late Hugh Purdin.
Prof. J. W. Marsh, for many
years with Pacific University, was
down to the county seat Saturday,
looking over the records.
Warren W. Williams, of Moun
taindale, was in town Saturday,
and remembered the religious
weekly for another year.
We have ordered a car load ol
wire fence direct from the factory
We can save you live per cent, on
same if ordered immediately.
Schulmench Bros.
Jasper Euochs, of Reedville, was
un Saturday, and remembered the
Argus for a foreign subscription to
his daughter, Miss Lorena anochs
who is sojourning iu Wheatlands
For gentlemen s, and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis,
We huve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
Seen in two minutes on Second
Street: A cayuse kick sixty seo
onds because one of its legs were
over the tongue Two men nearly
come to blows because one was try
ing to make another uncheck
horse that was reined too high.
man cussing the Argus reporter
because the paper mentioned a law
suit that was filed in circuit court
Cal. Jack Jr. showing a valen
tine that he received on the 14.
One man trade a horse for another
and give a jackkuife with a cork
screw, and $1.75 in cash, to boot
The corksorew man lived in the
hills above Forest Grove, and the
man who got the cash lived in the
bills above Beaverton,
Shoots Himself Through the
Aged 75 years and waa Considered a
Wealthy Mao
J. B. Scott, for ten years a resident
of Forest Grove, shot himself
through the chest Monday morn
ing, and died inside of a few min
utes. The dead man went onteide
his bouse and fired tbe shot, after
ward putting the gun against tbe
porch, together with a loaded re
volver. He then fell and was
carried into tbe bou3e. Drs. Bit-h
op and Ilines were called, aod Dr.
Bishop arrived shortly before tbe
ex banker died from an interna)
For many years deceased wss in
the banking business at Fort Dodge,
Iowj, and came lo the Grove about
ten years ago, buving the brick oc
cupied by Jobn E Bailey, in tbe
nienaniilw bioinese. ard n,her city
prowrty. Coroner E. C B.Mn, of
1 his cisv. went 11 1 to the college
city ai d held an investigation, ex-
amiiiiiit! to witnesses. He decided
tbnt ttie filicide, wag caused by tbe
iil health of S n't, and under tbe
ciiCiiiiiUr,c b nn n.quet was
neceegary. A wife, two M.n , t nd a
daughter, eurvive deceased. The
chi'rir-ti reeide in Portland.
C roner Drown ttates that the
dead roan dub lse ti-ed a stick to
pull the tr'pgrir, af er placing tbe
muz'e of toe old Springfield itflie
again-t bis body. The wid w lives
at home.
There are so many plays on the
road that style themselves dramas
tnat it is really refreshing when
one of exceptional merit presents
itself. In "Nettie the Newsgirl,"
is promised a plav that stands in
tbe latter class. It is full of
pathos, comedy and sensation
artistically interwoven. For heart
throbs and smiles there has never
been a play more cleverly written.
The lines are bright, the comedy
parkling and tbe situations ex
citing and novel
Messrs. Gould and Freed have
pared no expense in the presenta-
icn ot ibis play, and bave sur
rounded themselves with a cast of
exceptional strength and mounted
tbe play with special scenery and
accessories . AttheCrescentThea-
re, Wednesday, February 27.
Present prices prevail.
Tbe undersigned will sell at publie
sale at the D. Trenkman place. 1
miles east of Phillips, on the uer-
mantown road, at ten a.-m , on
7 hogs, four with pigs; 3-iuch Mitchell
waiton, spring waon, with top; cultiva
tor; o chickens, ton baled hay, timothy
and clover; span horses, weighing 2S00;
too sacks of potatoes, household furni
ture and numerous other articles .
Terms of sale: Cash in hand.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
The Crescent Theatre Manag6
inert has succeeded in securing
Fred Raymond's famous comedy,
' The Missouri Girl, which has de
lighted theater goers for the past
twelve years. I he cast is said to
he even stronger than before with
Mies Sadie Raymond in her origin
al character of Daisy, ibis is
MisB Raymond's first trip in the
West: her lime heretofore being 10
great demand in the large eastern
cities. The date for this attraction
has been set for Saturday, Febru
ary 23, and will, no doubt pack
the house.
P. A. Dwyer, of Portland, was in
the city, Sunday, the guest of Mr.
Lone, of the Argus.' Mr. Dwyer
was formerly superintendent of
construction for Geo. W. Hunt,
who built 175 miles of railway in
the Walla Walla country a few
years ago. He will take charge of
the Tillamook end ol the P R. &
N., und"r General Manager C. E
Lytle, next month.
John Shaffer, who owns the War
ren Grove tract, while working
wilh a grubbing machine last Sat
urday, was struck by the sweep,
snd Buffered a broken leg, the
fracture being midway between the
knee and hm. Dr. A. B. Bailey
attended the injured man, and he
is eettinir. alona nioely. He ie at
the home of his daughter, Mrs
Howard Baird.
John Overroeder, of Reedville,
waa in the city Monday.
Argus and Pacifio Monthly, $1 50
is today indispensable on the
dressing' table of
gentleman. Not
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out
stiffness of the facial
tissues, and makes the
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and
soreness. Most women
of this preparation in maintaining a clear
and healthy skin.
Price SOe and
On account of the car shortage send
in your order early for
We have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
We Uphold
the standard of good living. Everything in the line of choice
Groceries may be bought at our store. Our stock is large, fresh
and fine -
that cant be duplicated. Don't waste time and money bnying
Groceries elsewhere, for this is really the only place to do your
marketing and get uniformly satislactory results.
Vaug'ht's Grocery
a 0)
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
P. J. Ritchey (& Son
' . J. LYONS. Proprietor
Uf)e Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro. Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot carry "Long Time" accounts.
1 11 V
gentlewoman or
only does a rompei;
muscles, animates the
flesh firm and solid,
takes away shaving
recognize the value
ft. 00 per ir
The Best of All Beers