, rllUSBORO AR0U8, FES. 14, 1BC7 THE SIIKKIFP CALLS KoIIh Will be Opened for Col lection l b. 20 NOTICE EISUUEKB IN PAPEU Three I'cr Ontuui Ktbals If l'sid Be furs March 15 Sheriff Cot.ntll this week gives notice of collection of the annual taxes, and Hie roll will be oene) to rrotive payment on February 2ftuest Wednetday. Those who pay their entire tax rior t t March 15 can get a three -r cent rebate Those who wish to pay but half thtiir tax can have until the first Monday in April ti make that pay maul, and can then have until the Bret Monday In Oclolicr to pay the remaining half. Theme who pay nothing by the first Monday in April wil! I ilnliii'iiiKnt, and, after that date the statute iMiuiree that they ply a nalty of ten per cent urn on their total tax and ju tercel at one per cent, per month. This means a very heavy forfeit (ir those who are delinquent, aud it toon rune ioto money if the tax amount to anything Sheriff Connell will have an ample ollioe foics to take care of all reoeipte between .now and the fifteenth. Ae a rule the fimt week hai been very good ou lax col lection. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will icll at public tale at hi Ute pUoe 0 mi I en north east of HilUtioro and one mile weal of the Helvetia sehoolhoiise at ten ft. m., on SATURDAY, FKIlltl'ARV 2.1 Hot, pouuiU; 6 ool milk cowl, tut Hum 4.4U In j. (hi, two IimIi ku; heifer, i jrcara; j hug, 1A0 ti h, 6 doteu cbicktns, 4 loui It My ; 40 sack potatoes, luo Iter pru, ill.-, Clutnmuii mower, barrow, hayiske, plow .cultivator, spring wagon, farm wagon, mump puller, (era culler, hayrack, .Simplex cream avpara tor, joo lbs co icily, a ten gallon milk cans; Huo tt atuplap, 700 It iniaed lum ler, and numerous other article. Luucb will be served at noon. Teriua of sale: 110 and under, caeh in hand; over 10, one year's time, bankable note, at IS per cent. 2 per cent, off, caeh over ten dol lara, (1. V. llXUNlW. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. BF.AVERTON MEETING The regular tnrlerly meeting of the IleaverUm Fruitgrowers Aso elation will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1(1, I'M):, at 1:00 p. 111., in the Reaverlon hall. A good program with good speakers, All who are intereeted in fiuit growing should come to hear the discuse-iou oo tpisjiug, trimming aud other tbing of general intercut. Also bow sprays can ho boutiht cheaply. N, P. Oakertnati, Secy, "THE MISSOURI GIRL" "The Missouri (iirl," a roaring comedy success, with lively special liea during the play, will be the attraction at the Cresc-enl Theatre, Saturday evening, February 23 An excureion traiu of three coaches will run from Buxton, leaving there at (5:00 I', M , and return im mediately aftt r the hIiow, Excursion rales, round trip: From lluxton ; "5 cents " Hanks 50 " " Koy 40 " " llurrisoti and iiitcrtiinli ate poinu , 2I1 " The Forest Drove local has also been engaged for a special trip. Train will leave Forest tirove at 7:30 P. M. Excureion rates, round trip: From Forest ('.rove .. . 40 cents " Cornelius 30 " A large number of seats will be reserved for the excursionists. Theatre prices: Luges. ...... 75 cents Kntirt lower llonr ami llnlcouy . ,so " Adults, in gallery 35 " Children, iu gallery 25 " Seats on sale st K. L MoCor mick's mutdo, store. ZUERCHER-PIEREN Mr. William Zuercher, of Portland, and Miss Lydia I'ioren.of Helvetia, were united in marriage in Hills boro, Ore., February 14, 1907, at the home of Mr U. O. (lardner, Judge II. T, llafjley oflioiating. Klmer Scott, of Keedville, was beet man and Mix Minnie Soott was brideemaid. The groom formerly resided near Cedar Mill. , They will make their home in Portland. They have a hoot of friends in northeast Washington County who wish them munh happiness. John O'Urien, of near Cedar Mill, was in the city Tuesday. K. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was in the city Tuesday, Win. RoUb.of BohiefTelin's, was in the city luesday. W. 11. Lyda, of tho Bellingher bridge sawmill, was in town this afternoon and says that Frank Ralston was trying to beat the record capacity of the mill, the other day, when he "sniped" tbe nd of his linger in toe big saw. Tbe county court held an ad journed rrsslon yesterday, and transacted the following tiusineee: Itoad petiliou of II. U. Kruger et all, 0. W. Marsh and T. It. Iavis to meet with surveyor and view proposed road; bond of J. V, Con nell as tax collector approved, A. 0 Hbute, A. H. gholet, K. J. Lyons and Ed, tichulmericb, sureties; Eastern Investment Co. allowed a refund of $10 88 on taxes; Ernest II Cohen given quitclaim deed to 2 lota in West Portland Heights; Hbermao Itacon given sheritTe deed on land above Mountaimlale; war rant orderad issued for lax col lection l!K)(i roll. Farm (or sa'e: Eight miles southeast of Ilillaborn; 34 acree; 8 to 10 acres under cultivation; bal ance easily cleared; good pasture; iiflnav am as v at as mail I ftii!t Imm liaa n tlTiatji ivbwi 1 sruiisii 11 uit a'ssajj small house; ideal dairy farm ami ia on milk route. $1,050 and easy terms. Inquire at Argus otllce. The Washington Co. Dairy As sociation will again meet at Forest Grove on Saturday of this week, at leu o'clock to adopt by-laws anjl a constitution. A large attendance ia requested. The association will not meet at Forest tirove for soma time in tbe future, after Ibis meet iog, as it is tbe inUnt to have meetings at various points In tbe county, so as to give all a chance te belong. Progressive dairymen are in hopes that the organization will be of vast benefit to the dairy Inlerists ol the county. At U. I.. Cate's office, 220 Stark Street, Portlaud, can lie found the choicest buys of residence and busi ness properly in the city of Port- ami, lie handles lbs celebrated Hawthorne Estate lots. Telephone h, 1 change U. Having just received a large shipment of photo goods Iroiu the hast, I am prepared to make better grade pictures (or less money than baa ever bren made in Washington county, and will make special in ducements from this (late until March 1st. Call and see Pope, the pbntog'apher. For sale: 40 acres of brush and, easily cleared, near Kalama, Wash. Running water ou place. Three miles from ' county seat (Joes at $10 per acre. A. Paut- meier, Ilillehoro, Ore, It. f. I). I. Frank Ralston, a son of Samuel Rslaton, lost a finger lip while sawing in the Lyda mill, Monday. Mr. Kalstou has been employed by Lyda for three Tears, and bad lieen bis engineer for some time. This is bis Oral accident. Ralston lives at (iaaton, and Is well known in that part of the county. We sell a complete line of stoves and ranges, hardware, tinware, crockery, etc. Come and tee them and get prices before purchasing. Hchulmerich Bros. Thos, Cornelius, for several years a resident of Cornelius, and who has been chief of police at Salem up to last Fall, was in town Mon day and Tuesday, greeting friends and relatives. Speaking of groceries if you want the finest staph) and fancy groceries to be found io tbe market, try John Dennis. Ws is after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. J. A. Vandehey and family, who have a large acquaintance in North Waehington county, are down with the "grip." Stationery of all kinds at the Pharmacy lateet in stylish cor respondence, calling cards, en velopes, etc. Call and see the stock. John Walters, formerly of Cedar Mill, and who has been spending ihe winter in Eastern Washington, was in town this morning. Schulraerioh Bros, are beadquar- tera for wire fence. We have sold eight miles in the last !50 days. Cheaper than lumber Chas. May, of Portland, who has been visiting his father, Jas. May, of beyond Uleocoe, was in town Tuesday, returning home. Smokers like the 8chiller and the Exoellenoia. These oigars are of the best stock. You oan t fool an authority on a good cigar. For sale: Seven foot disc har row, used one year. Price, $25. W. E. Thomas, at Commercial Rank. There will he regular services in the Christian Churoh next Sunday morning and evenings. C. A. Sias, Minister, Dr. W. I). Wood expects to build a brick on his Main street property south of the Tualatin, this season. For sale: Pure Bred Indian Runner duck eggs. Win. Bagley Jr., Dudley mill, Forest Grove, R. 2. Harry Qoff, ol Forest Grove, has been elected secretary of the Oregon retail hardware association. For a good smoke try the Sobil ler or Exoellenoia rnd you will try them again and again. Perry Benefiel, of Buxton, was a county seat visitor, luesday, and called on the Argus. I am agent for the Judson Blast ing Powder. J. W. Vandervelden, Roy, Ore. Both 'phonts. B. C. Hollenbeck and wife, of Mountaindale, were in the city yes terday. S. B. Huston, of Portland, was out yesterday, on legal bualuisa. Argus and Oregonian, $2. 1)1 By BOARD OF TRADE Good Sized Crowd in Court House Monday Evening COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY CHAIK Em) body Uosolmous on (be Needs el tbt Tswa An enthusiastic meeting was held last Monday night at the court bouse, relative to the new hotel prrject for our city. The same was called by the Hillaloro Board of Trade in order to publicly discuss with tbe pro moters their plans and intentions, and to secure public opinion as to the necessity of the hotel. As president of the board, Dr. J. P, Tamiesie opened the dbctiHsion with a few short introductory re marks, giving particular emphasis to the fact that the neceseity for a good hotel io ilillehoro had long been realized and commented upon by residents of tbe community, and particularly by the travelling pub lie. That the lack of same was a great drawback to the inlereats of our city, and that be thoroughly endorsed the construction of a first else hotel. Following Dr. Tamiesie, Mr. L. S. Laugblin spoke in bahslf of the promoters, detailing benHUts to be denied locally by tbe construction of such a building as proposed. He dwelt particularly lit on the adver tising to be obtained by the city, as a renult of having a hotel such as proposed. An outline of the pub licity movement for this section. such as undertaken by Mr. R. L Cate, the Portland real e.ilate man, was pext given, and the necceeity shown for having satisfactory quar ters in which to house and board tbe hundreds of prospective pur cheers rf local properties which will be drawn to thin locality. Mucb further conducive argu ment in favor of the project was submitted, followed by a general description of the hotel buildirg and manner of financing the propo sition. It was staled that tbe slock be secured by popular sub scription; that the promoters would float what they could in Portland, tbe major portion to be subscribed locally. Tbe promoters further Sa-reed as a guarantee of good faith, to bond themselves Io an amount equivalent to the oost of tbe hotel, that an an nual dividend of at least (1 er cent would be paid on all stock sub scribed. This is conclusive evi dence of the faith put in the propo sition by the promoters, who know that the stock will pay much better than fi per cent interest. Besides, the hotel is not the final objective point, as tbis ib desired principally n order to assist in the successful manipulation of real estate, both city proerliea and farm lands. Tbe money expended in construc tion will be circulated, as much as poesible, amoug local firms, that as little cash as possible be taken out of the community. Mayor John Dennis followed Mr. Laughlin with a few sh irt remarks relative to the well known necessi ty of the new hotel. Five minute talks in favor of the proposition were then given by County Clark God man. Attorney Thus. a. Tongue, J. A. Imbrm, Rev. Howard Oilpatrick and F. M. Heidel. ' Mr. R. L Cate next gave a short outline of cost, plans and specifi cations. Mayor John Dennis then made a motion that a committee of six le appointed by the president of the Board of Trade to confer with the promoters and assist iu tbe rale of stock. Motion was seconded by Mr. Heidel and carried by unani mous vote. The entire meeting was enthusi astic snd showed plainly that the views of the people are in full ac cord with the new hotel project. Our cilueos should be unani mous in their efforts to assist this enterprise, and to come forward now for we not only secure the hotel, but at the same time, expert service in the development ot the community which means dollars to all merchants or property holders PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at the John Witt ranch, !! miles south west of Hillsboro, at ten a. in , on TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Two young horses, 3 and 4 years old, weigh it jo each; 6 milk cows, in milk and will calve next August, good milkers; heifer, 18 months, with calf; two beilei calves; act work harness, double open buggy, single harneis, aet bugy bar neas, Mitchell wagon, 3 Inch; Champion hinder, good as new; Osborne mower, Champion rake, cultivator, lau mill, plow, 14 inch; ateeUever harrow, spring tooth tmrrow, hnyrake, cook stove, heater, kitchen table, chaira, household furniture and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of sale: Under $10, cash; $10 and over, one year's time, 6 per cent. Two per cent, off, cash over if 10. JOHN WITT. ! B. P, Cornelius, Auctioneer. For two weekB, beat cabinet pio tures, inoluding folder, for ouly S 3 00 per dozen, rope. , Argus and Journal, 11.75. A. Benson, of Cornelius, was in Ihe city this morning. Go to McCormick's for school supplies. T. I. Patterson, of Hberood. was an Argue cellar this morning. For Hale: Englieh walnut trees, Zma Wood, at farm. M Hturdevant, of Cornelius, was down to tbe city today. Just received a car of dairy chop at the Climax Mill. F. L. Geiger, of Cornelius, was in the city yesterday. Fine lot of onion seed in bulk at tbe Climax Mill store. That bandstand certainly needs painting this npnng. J. 15. McNew, of below Reedville, was in the city Tuesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown, of South Tualatin, on Feb 11, 11)07, a daughter. Mrs. J. II. Orner, of Corvallis, is a guest, of htt aunt, Mr. E. L. Abbott. Twenty sinks of our own make of slick candy, 10 cents. Den of Sweets. Wsnted: DresBiraker's appren tice. Inquire of Mrs. Ii. It. Davis, lhll-ltoro. Fred Jobe, superintendent of the Irvingtou race track, wsb in tbe city today. " For ten cent you can In intro duced to 20 stick of candy our own make. Den of Sweets. This is St. Valentine's Day, and the postoflices are working over time. Mr. Dixon, whose eon drowned south of Corneliua last Fall, was in Ihe city today. Parties having timber land for sale would do well to addrees F. M. Heidel, Hillsboro. J. B. Adams, the Farmington blacksmith, was up to the county seat yesterday, and made the Argus cilice a pleasant call. Wanted, farm hand: Will pay $.'50 per month and found. Steady employment. John Milne, Hills boro. Found: On streel in Hillsboro, a niece of money. Call at Argus office prove property, and get same by paying for advertisement. John Anderson, of Forest Grove, accompanied by Chester Johnson as body guard, was down to the county seat baturday, Now is the time to have your picture taken. Special inducements until March 1. Gallery open from ) a. in. to 4 p. m. For sale: Two young, fresh milk cows, with calves. Inquire of Geo. Krebe, Helvetia, Hillsboro, K. F. I). 1. Road Inspector Lancaster, of the interior department, will be at For e8t Grove, Saturday, and will de liver an address at the dairy meet ing. For sale: Pica eired by a regis tered Berkshire boar. Win. Schul mericb, Farmington. Address, Hillsboro, R. r , V. 2. Benton Bowman, one of the stenographic force at Salem, was home. Sunday, air. Kowman nas charge of several stenographic de- partmenta in tbe senate. Wanted: Stock hoes weighing from SO pounds upward; also sheep. J. G. Huines, Beaverton, Oregon, Independent 'phone. J. T. Fletcher, of Forest Grove, was down to the county seat, yes terday. His son, Chester Fletcher, is now professor of Latin in the college at Pueblo, Col. Young people Bhould remember the dance at the Hillbboro Opera House on Saturday evening, Feb. 10. Walker's orchestra, and a good time. This promises to be the hneBt dance ot tne season. We carry the best shoe on the market for the money. W. L Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous cushion shoes for men. Leading makes for ladies. Latest styles and finish. H. Wehrung & Sons II. T. Latham aud family, for merly of this city, have returned from Sheridan, where Mr. Latham has been conducting a Hour mill, to Clackamas, where they will per manently reside. For sale: White Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn cockerelB, for breeding purposes. Can also sup ply eggs for setting purposes from each of these varieties. D. B. Cooley. Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4, lo cated near Phillips, one mile west. The good weather has stiffened up the roadbeds of the railways, and big trains are now runnina over the Southern, The P. R, & N. has resumed tratlio, and Beveral carloads have been brought in for Portland shipment. Ira E. Purdin, of Portland, pass ed through the first of the week for his ranch north of toreet Grove, rented by N. F. Heesacker, and is arranging ior spraying bis large prune and apple orchard. Latest outl Torch Paris Panel, $8.00 per dozen; to introduce, only $5.00 per dozen until March 1st. Work and prices compared with any. Gallery open 9 a. m. to 4 p m. Sundays, from 1 to 4 p. m, Call and Beo Pope, the photogra pher. Thinks Commissioner IJu clianan's Ideas are Right BE WOULD HAVE ROCK ROADS Wants County to Isaac Beads: Long Tern Ps meat II. Taylor Hill, formerly of Moun taindale, now residing in Portland, and still holding interests in Wash ington County, writes the Argus a letter, touching upon the road queetion. Mr. Hill thinks tbe county should bond and let road construction by contract. To do this it would be necessary, of course, te change the constitution, which permits counties at tbis time to go in debt not to exceed $5,000. Mr. Hill's letter follows: "Editor Argus: I note ia the Arena of the 7th inat. that Commissioner Bu chanan (avors bonding the county lor the purpoac of building one hundred milea of rock road. 1 heartily agree with him, only bedoea not go tar enough. He shoaiii have added, "and let the work be by contract to the loweat bid der." Tbe way the roada have been wotked up to tbia time puts one in mind of tbe improvident farmer who builds a bruh fence because he thinka he ha neither time nor meant to do otherwise, but, when he is done, he find he has no fence only a makeshift. Economy should have told him to borrow money and 'do it right at first. By bonding tbe county as the honorable commisaioner suggests, nj thf n let the work by con tract to the lowest bidder tbe county would get value received. With the present method they do not. Then tax the people ii. pay tbe intercut and let those who come after us, have Ihe use of the good ra.-l and pay oft the principal. Alter tbe main lines are made the later al will quickly follow. Washington it claised with tbe oldest and richest couutiea in tbe state, and also has tbe worst roads. One need not be told tbe line between Multnomah aud Vah me lon. He find a fine rock road until he reaches the line, and then he jump off in mud up to tbe bub, or 00 to one of those detestable croaa-lays. Why not get out of tbe brush fence way of doing DusnieM. wny aiga a coupon lor rock mad unless you kuow that in pending the money the taxpayers wilt tie pro tected, and tbe only way to do this, as experience baa shown, is to let the work by contract. PROBATE Administrator estate of F L Brown authorized to sell personal property on February 23. T H Tongue Jr, appointed guardian ad litem of Leopold J Lates, minor in re sale of real property io which said minor is interested. A Wright, J Holmes and George Baker appointed appraisers estate of James Fitzgerald deceased. Monday, Feb. 18 set foriearing petition praying for sale of real estate in matter of estate of Leopold J Bates, deceased. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Tualatin Mill Co to Oregon Electric Ry, right of way at Tualatin...... f I Geo Good to Andrew Johnson, 47 a sec I i t I s r t w . 7x0 Rose Tigard et als to E J Goduian 40 a sec 25 tun w 1 Wm Reidt to W II Yatc Its 5, 6, 7. S blk 10 W r Heights 6c R II Walker to Thos Reycraft 150.74 a Aoiissri Martin a 1 c -30C0 O C R R to Geo McGowan, con tract, 310 a sec 35 1 1 s r 5 w itco (Same assigned to W A Wright) A M Ptearns to Baseline Lbr Co 100 a sec 2 t 1 n r 5 w : ...... 2cco First Xat't Bank to W O Donelson It 10 blk 5 Thome's addition S50 W P Graham to Investment Co 9.S6 acres in W w Graham donation... i Louis Hohcnleitner to Detroit Trust Coiaoasec9t3nr5 w lo Herman Iisman to J J Nusbaumer 40 acres sec 3 1 1 n r a w acco A S Vaughan to Louis Pulsky 160 a sec a t 3 s r a w Klsie Schaer to Ernest Schaer 15 a Henry Bones donation ...1175 Emma J Ilines to A M Stearns 100 a sec 2 1 1 n r 5 w 700 Fred Belmke to Geo Bcbnke a acres on Taylor Ferry road 1000 S B Huston to Western Tiuilier Co 400 a sec 16 1 3 n r 5 w transfened to Huston by C J Birdsell 1 Thos Mcl'arliind to Western Timler Co 160 a sec 6 1 3 n r 5 w 1 Fred G Wonder to same, 320 a sec $ same tp and range , I Aug Wulf to Wm Bagley, 1 20 acres sec ai t 3 n r 4 w 1300 M B Bump to W W McEldowncy, square 1 t 4 blk 4 Maylor a audi tion to Forest Grove iSo Rolit Simpson to Western Timber Co 320 acres sec 5 t 3 n r 5 w 1 Walter Webster to same 320 same section, 1 Albert Webster to same, same ain't I Sir Edward Fry to P R A N, 160 a sec 35 t 3 n r 5 w in;o Thos Bradley to Investment Co 20 a sec sb 1 1 s r t w : 15SS A N Davies to Caroline Gabbert.i a sec 6 1 a s r 1 w 75 A M Lundsford to Alfred Cum tnings, 80 a sec 29 t 3 n r 4 w 1000 John W Keas to E J Uodman, 40 a sec 25 1 1 s r 1 w 15CO John Carrall to Tearl French, 31 a in Robert Walker donation aico Ludwig Yost to John Losli, ao acres David Lenox nonation 14CO Mary Reeves to W E Wren lot 1 blk I Highland addition 100 John Qualey to Base Line Lumber , Uo 150 a sec 1 1 n 1 5 w asco G W Barnes to John Siegrist, 35 a near Helvetia 3300 W II Milne to C B Campbell, tract in It 3 blk 8 Forest Grove.. . 1000 M B Evf ritt to Jos Hickenbottoin blk 4 Finney's addition.... 1000 Dr. Sturdevant, of Portland, was in the city Tuesday, Hillsboro will be the scene of a district convention of K. of P. some time the latter part of March. Tbe following delegate from the various lodges met in this city to day in conference: Ira Nelson, of McMinnville; Messrs. Dr. Swett and Landlord Snyder, of North Yamhill; John Anderson and Chester Johnson, of Forest Grove; A. Benson and M. Sturdevant, Cor oelius, and H. T. Bagley and Geo Scbulmericb, Hillsboro. There will be work in tbe third rank and afterward a big banquet. These conventions are a great feature in Pythian circles, and the coming event promises to be tbe most suc cessful held for years. At Palmateer's Confectionery They strive to suit tbe rich and poor; And during tbe mouth of February, There'll be some specialties for sure -Tobaccos, Cigars, the very beat; Fruit and Not aud Choice Confection, Fresh Oysters, that are best by teat, AU their good will bear iospcclioo! There was a large attendance at tbe Congregational church last Sunday morning lo listen to tbe discourse on the dangers of tbe factory system. Tbe sermon pre pared tbe way for the meeting in tbe evening, which was conducted by the Ladiee' Missionary Society Tbe subject of tbe evening meeting was ' Child Labor." Next Sunday morning tbe pastor will begin a series of sermons leading op the taster service. Tbe first topic will be "The Greatest Thing in the World," John 111,16. The even ing topic will be The Insanity Plea." In order to introduce onr own make of stick candy we will sell for one week only, beginning Thursday, Feb. 14, 20 sticks for 10 cents. Only ten cents worth to a customer. Den of Sweets. While lifting a can of milk on bii wagon, in tbe outskirts of the town, yeeterday, John Schoonover, a milk hauler, slipped snd fell, cutting a very bad scalp wound, and rendering hjm unconscious for. a period. Dr. F. A. Bailey attend ed tbe wounded man. J F. Reeher, of Tillamook coun ty, was in town this afternoon. looking over the McNamer toll road lease. Mr. Reeher and some of his neighbors have been making it tropical for the toll road in the Til lamook end. John G. Wohlschlegel and Miss Elma E. Womer. prominent young people of near Laurel, were granted licenbe to wed by Clerk Godman, today. L. A Reimann, of Portland, and Misa Sophia Gregory, of Cedar Mill, were married in this city February 12, Judge Good in offici ating. There will be a dance at the W. 0. W. Hall, Glenooe, on Friday night, February 22. Walker's or chestra. Tickets, including oyster supper, $1.00. Samuel Tunstall.of near Phillips, was an Argus caller today, and says that farmers are busy out bis way, sowing winter oats. Fred Olson, carrier on route 4 has moved into town. PARTY AT LAUREL ' BBlSBaWHSBBB i A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Prof. Bonbam, Friday. Feb. 8. Games and dancing were indulged and light refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bonbam, Misses Maud and Myrtle McClarkin, Weltha, Hattie and Edith Chamber, May frost, Marian Crawford and Lydia Heineck; Messrs. Alfred and Johnie Mulloy, Dan, George and Walter Chambers, Willie and John Will, Fred Bower, Clarence Hawkins, Raleigh Marrs, and Mr. Griffith. COMING ATTRACTIONS At Tbe Crescent Theatre February a3 ..The Missouri Girl Feb. 27 Nettie, The Newsgirl March I The Cowboy's Girl March 19 The King of Tramps HOME INDUSTRY Birth and Growth of Local Manufactur ing Plants Vnt mauv vaars aim a manufactured ar ticle needed tbe brand of "Mew York' or that of some well-known section of the Kaaterti atatxs lu order to carry the hall mark of dualit y. In many instances raw material was shipped from the Pact tic slates to the eastern coast, manufactured. and then shipped back to us. the tmyer of wie iiiimuuu piuMiiut iriierauy myiiipj iur freight rates twice across the continent. liesidea leaving the profit of manufacture wnere 11 would not De locally invested. As the West developed, and products for manufacture and canning increaaed, small plants were started here and there, success at 11 rat Deing vieweu wun incre dulity. But the ventures Invariably met protlt, and bo suoceaatul were they that touay some 01 int largest manufacturing plants in the world are located in tbe west, aim a racihc coast article is every where recognized aa standard in quality, The Oreiron Condensed Milk Co.' niant in Hillsboro ia an example started in Glenooe in January, 190S, with capacity of but 20.000 lbs. of milk txr dav. lu own ers goon realized the financial worth of tne Industry, If operated extensively. A larger plant was desired and it was neces sary to remove to more central location on account of transportation as well a a better receiving point. A atock company was formed and all the stock waa taken by local capital. The new plant waa giy en a capacity ol 125.000 lbs. of milk, daily, the machinery being of the modern man ufacture. Notonlv hasthe comnanv re alized its hopes, with the plant yet in its iiuauujr, uuv uu one uwpuie? me vast new etit to the dairy interest of the surround ing country. A starch factory operated here, beuln- ning on a moderate basis, would meet a similar success The local potato product contains a largo percentage of starch, and there ia no reason why we cannot sell to tne nortliwest, instead or mercnanta buy, ina from the east lust aa the Washing-. ton County evaporated cream are taking tne mariei tormeriy neiu nrnuwro ufaoturers. PR0FB88J0MAX F. A. 13AILEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Orllce Bailey-Morgan block, upttair. Room 12, 13 and Vt, Residence Houlh- weat eonier Bate line and tteuoml Htrctla. Botn ' v hones. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. Mrf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OtBo apatairs over Ths Delta Drug Store Rfcsidenee Xaet of Court Hoe mi. In Use corner of the block. JAMES PHILLIPS TAXIESIE, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8urvon Southern Pacirlo Railroad Co, vouauiiation in r-rencn or cngiiku. in- north side of Main St., H Ulaiwro, Or. F. J. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey. Keaidenoe on corner Second and Oak 8l Oregon Fhone Mala 110. HILLSBORO - - - ORECKJH A.B. BAILEY, M. D..D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. OFFiCERooms 7. 8 and o Bailey-Morgan Block. Both Phones. TTnicWn" fW MrVrVrrVrVVWVvVTVVTV DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist . Room 10 and It Morgan-Bailey Block, street. Over Dennis Store, HILLSBORO ORKOOX 0a. A. aTaatfarjr W. 0. Mar DAQLEY A HARE ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW Rooms 1 and S Shite Balldlnr aiLLSBOEO, . . OBEtiO.N. VrVVVVrrVVVrVVVVvVvVvVVVVV H. T. JSAQLET ATTORNSY-AT-LAW Office, apatairs, over the Post Offise, HiUabetv. Osage. E. B. TONGUE ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Room j, 4, . Meigaa Blk, Hillaboro. JOHN U. WALL ATTOSSBY-AT-LAW Office Upstairs, Bailey atargai Block, . BoesBs.iaals. HILLSBORO, - OBBOON. MrVrVVVryyVTVTVVTVI W. N. BARRETT ATTO&N8Y-AT-LAW Office, Up Stairs, Ceatnl Block. HILLSBORO ORSOON W. D. HARE, . Attorney-at-Law Shalt BuiMiag, CpsUin, BilUara, Ortoi THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 aad 3 Hillsboro, - - Oregon S. J, LYONS B. P. CORNIUUS LYONS & CORNELIUS i - Do a General Real Estate. Loan and In. suranee Buainesa. List your farm with them and find a sale. They will treat yon right. Add your aale to onr list. tau in ana see ns. Main Street, ' Hillsboro, Or. IMHOFF & MINAR ' Dealers in Marble and Granite Monti- h.v.. h m.u luiiMnwiun . M 1 1 F. 1 1 1 II, 1(1 cemetery and memorial work. Write um tor particulars. Address Stt K. Momaoii, PORTLAND OREGON I T. R. Imbrie I l Deals in all kinds of Real I J Estate Wheat Lands, Farm e Lands, Stock Ranches and I Range Lands Reclamation and sale of Desert Lands a specially. Fine investments for your idle money. Write " or call at office. 323 ABINCTO! BUII.DING Portland -.- Oregon; FURZITURE REFIMISKEO In any of the modern styles, by an experienced wood-finisher. Also painting, papering, tinting sud alt kinds of interior decorating. H. OCSSMER, HlUmboro, Of Benson Bldg, between Third and Fourth . If yon have not an account with the Hillsboro Commercial Bank open , one now. They pay 4 per cent. r annum on savings account. ' Right roodsright prices C A, Lautiiu Co. . , .