MIlLSIOaO ARGUS. FiB. 14. 1907 KnUrad at the tot-eifflos a HlUabora, , Orgoa, m MOond-elHM, "U LCC1C8 A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper BubseripUoa: Ons Dollar per Annum. laaaed Kvery Thtndt) BY liONQ A McKIHMBT WILL WE CO FORWARD A surprise hi given Miss Y.fie Godmanonber birthday, Feb 14. and she was presented with a China Chocolate set. The evening was pent in. pitying game ami in strumental and vocal biumc, ncd luncheon wis ter?ed. ThoM pree eat were: The Mieees Lulu Pal- mateer, Marie Tumat, Meta Wal lace, Etta Schulmerich, blarche Rice. Jssie Donelon, Keee j Schorjaberp, Meeere John Humph reys, Albert Uartrampr, rred Sevell, Frank Peters, Ch Schoro- berg, Mr. Magge, Fred Ileidel, Ab a matter of btuineet Hilleboro ii now at B critical point. It is a question of whether we shall go .I....) A. In tYia nl.l ehan I Mating ucnu .vuj-. - I Mnnj! nels of conservatism. Hilleboro w 4iIy v.. . ,,. Wnea it nmvided Mlttonot " ' " ' ' ! to everybody bueioees men meet me emergency and start to building. We need a hotel that is admitted by all There is plenty of local capital for its promotion and a pull altogether will effect it. At this time we hare not sufficient hotel accomodations. Ool? the other night there were COMMON SENSE"" telllgcnt people to use only nowa composition. I acre- Pierce's medicine the print every Ingredient i upon the bottle wrap- to correctness undtr oath, Ing la favor. The com Pierce' medicines to open . Pierce beins desirous f K.v.n the .-r.-li Ii-l.t of mvcUiga- Notice la hereby given that the tanrolla fcr Washing-tori County, Oregon, ill be open for collodion aud pavnicnl of taxes on Wednesday, Kehrury , Daw, and nil who mat mil payment ot their tax le for Match 1 li. Mill mvtv a rebate hf J per wnluiiu Hall' payment can he made by the lint Monday lit April with out ilitcrwtl charge, or penalty, and th remaining half can be paid at any tun prior to the tirst Monday in Oclolier, l!7. n ner no payment w mavie y i no urat Monday in Atril. litir, tin tax become deltiHiunt, ami th statute rvtlre, (Vn tnai date, a penalty ol ten r rent, aim also an (literati c hnrtie of on pet cent. per mouth on td tax until it in paid. J. V. I'OSSKI.I.. Sheriff ami ex-ollU-lo tax collector of aahinirlon County, Oregon. tllllaboru, Ore., Jan, W, ll7. Leads most hi rare ii uii w. BUkeMr tcB Havto then Dtl yrr tion turwJ fullv up hi formula. coohdnt. tint the Vln-r the cjmtoj'.v.on f f'-V ni.s!ii-inM i known the more jn their iirit curallvc merit j te.royg- Tcmal principles extracted from na tive forest roots, by exact procsse original with Dr. Plerv. ami without the ma of a drop ot alcohol, tripi-renned and chemically pure glycerine being used In atead In extrmrtina' and nreservina the visitors who (at in chairs all night curative virtues residing in the roots v -4 : employed, these medicine are entirely because H was impossible to secure objection of doing harm beds. A Stood hotel Will help US, by creating an appetite for either al- . vaB lea amjI BSUIIUIIQ U3VVrB(cn VI UaaUl - SAM UUU IUV VWU IB and advertiee wide. little bit ot real estate should in terest himself in this prelect. A drags. Examine the formula on their Everr man who has a neat bottle wrappers the same as sworn to by ' In- iv. a-A .v.., Vl. gj . i iwv. aint jvh niu uih mi Oolden Medical Discovery, the great, blood-pnrtner, stomach tonic and bowel regulator the medicine which, while not - . , .i . v ;ii i I raaTiiaioi wem Strong enori ana tne novel wtu w rtcanmended to cure consumption In Its landed. Other and perhaps better advanced stages(no medicine win do that) , . ... . yat does ere all those catarrhal condt- things will then come HUlsooro UoQ3 o( throat, weak stomach, will be a town of importance if onr torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak . hum and hanisn-coushs. ne- buBiness men and those interested I lected or badly treated lead up to and anally terminate in consumption. lake tne -uouien Aieaic&i Discovery- in real estate holdings will get to- IK-, .Stk nna the deter- ime ?a It U not l.iteiy w disappoint minalion to build up iue ki i ( onlT lve , tA.jrouoh and the town I far triaL' )l)onrt expect miracles. It I muH i)a .niwm.lllHl ihinml ml mnsl and Strive for better conditions, exercise your patience and persevere in its v .i .: , ... dmi t use for a reasonable length of time to get 0W IB the time to move. U tn , u henente. The Ingredients of which and help the hotel project Let u. E0 for ward and not stand Still medical leaden bettor than any amount ... ,. ti v.. of lay, or non-professional, testimonial, and by building a hotel sncb as They are not given away to be expert- projected, other improvements will naturally follow. Give it both fi nancial and moral support. men ted with bnt are sold by all dealers In saedlclnea at reasonable prices. The Dilapidated Vtuts an Ohio Village and TdU How He Came to Take Up Tramping. r icopyni 0' With the advent of good weather the road question rinks into apathy. But, at the same time, this is a matter of vast importance to tax payers. We have had four months of bad roads, and we are more than likely to have another month or two of mud before the weather shall settle. The Argus has been run ning the coupons asking for signers for rock roads in order to get the sentiment of people generally. The matter of bonding the county is the one idea, put into effect, that will ineure good roads. Abb mat ter of fact the county can not) val opened by a woman weighing spend any money on permanent about 200 pounds and having a moth- road work under the law, as it now y " r- JU .... j .k.ll yon -otuethlng right here. ter a protest. . Amend the constitu tion, get a vote of the people to bond, and something csn be ac complisbed not allow a county to greater than $5,000. This has been violated time and agaio, but iu the matter of thousands of dol lars for roads, some one and one would be enough would be sure to make an objection to taxation, and that one would be sufficient to stop work for all time. Some one who has the good of the state at heart should lee to it that the pres ent legislature gives the people a right to amend the constitution so that bands may be untied and per msnent road work be accomplish ed. . ' '1 , 1 .... ; (Copyright. 1908, by P. C. Eastment.J NE evening In the outskirts of an Ohio village began the dilapidated gentleman as be was asked for a rem iniscence of the road, "I knocked at a comfortable looking house" to 88k for a bite to eat and leave to make my bed under the currant bushes. The door Just let me tell If it wasn't for the fat women of America the tramp would soon be an unknown quantity. They are as big hearted as well, aa big bodied. Not once In a The constitution does J hundred time have I appealed to them float a debt lB T,UL n occasion i naau i got mj UiUULU open ueiorv tuo (uvu nuw- an saluted me with: "'You poor fellow! But come right in and get something to eat I don't THE MARKETS, ntD- : . lain luuruiiiga uwravv icpwi compiled from Portland quotations, are: Valley Wheat, new, 69 70c. Barley feed, $2122 per ton; krewing,$23; rolled, $2324iv Oats, White, 2. Oats, gray, $28.60 per ton. Bran, 917 per ton; shorts, $20. Hay, Valley timothy, $14.00 and $15 00; grain, $9 00$10 00. Hay, Clover, $9. Potatoes, $U0$1 .50 per cwt. Eggs, fancy ranch, 2325o. ' Butter, Extra Creamery, 35. i Hops, choice, 11$12; prime, 11 13e. ' Argus and Journal, $1.75. I. H. Maxwell, of Mountaindale. was an Argue caller, this afternoon. Loose clover hay for sale at reasonable price. F. M. Heidel, Hillsboro. - - .X J. E. Reeves, of Cornelius, was down to the county seat this after noon. ' Miss Josephine Baber, of Forest Grove, was a Hillsboro visitor over Sunday. ' : ; , . ' Walter Zuercber, formerly of Helvetia, goes to Salt Lake soon, for a trip of several months. Teachers' quarterly examination is now in progress in this city, and will close the last of the week. Miss Helen Gates entertained her friends at a dancing party in thB.ODSW House, Saturday ve- aCiB. Ten years ago, when t left college, my father wanted me to follow la hla footsteps, or at least to become a law yer. That was also my ambition, and perhaps I should have been on the bench today but for a trifling Incident. One day my mother sent m to the laundry to aay that the towels aettt home were abort by one. "Yea; I've heard bow them city laundries keep back thtugV replied the widow. "At the laundry I could get no aat taftctton about the mlsalng rowel but the girl who was running the mangle Instantly attracted my attention. She was aa handsome and had about such a figure as thta young lady here. Her bearing was proud and aristocratic, as Miss Helen a la. "Thank you. aluipered the old maid as she bitched her chair a foot nearer and began to smile. " That mangle girl captured my ad miration In a moment and my heart witlilu Ave. Twice again during the day 1 rertraed to the lauudry to apeak with her, and within two days I had told her that X could not live without her. I loved as the strong man love. Had oceans rolled between us I would have drunk tueut dry to kneel at her feet.' " "Gracious, but you must have had It hanir exclaimed the widow. " "i have always wanted to be loved that way. added Mlaa Helen as she gave me a tender look. " 'Within week I bad proposed aud been accepted. Then I found that Jeanette was the daughter of a million aire who had put all his money luto a living machine and It had flown awsv from him. She bad sold her clothes and Jewels and gone to work In the lauudry to help him get a new start. We had been eugaged two weeks when my father told me one evening that I must marry a girl named Aramantha Scberuierfaorn. Hla mind had been made up for some time, but he bad taken his time about In forming me. '"And you refused?' queried the old maid. Oh, do not tell me that you Jilted the otherr " 'I refused, of course. For the first time in my life I deHed my father. Arauiautha's papa owned a theater, and had I wed her we could have all had free passes and I could have gone behind the scenes now and then, but no argument could make me give up my Jeanette of the mangle.' " "Good for your said the widow as the slapped the arm of the rocking chair. " There waa true nobility In your ac tion,' added the old maid. "Vheu my father found that be Mnl.l 'mt nrotitl mum me to carry out Gentleman Talks KwJ ealtu v uivv ouwaxug) " said that be would mangle the girl of the mangle before she should bring disgrace upou bis bouse. I paid no attention to hla words, but walked off. Alas, I did not know my own father! The very next night as Jeanette ceased to wangle the collars and cuffs and walked homeward thinking of me some one told her that there was a dog fight around the corner. She hastened her steps to see, and It was her undoing. Some one came up behind ber and hit her. with a crowbar and broke her neck. She called my name aud then expired. Excuse me If I I' "'Poor man sighed the widow aa I turned my face away. "'What a romance! What nobility of character! mused the old maid, " it was never ascertained who kill ed Jeanette,' I continued after a proper Interval, 'but I have every reason to believe my owu father to be the guilty party. In fact, when I charged him with It he simply grinned sardonically. I called him her murderer and cursed him and fled from bis presence. In an other dny I was a wanderer, and I am a wanderer still. " -But why don't you go home some times'' asked the widow aa she wiped her tears of sympathy away. "'Can't you understand, auntie,' re plied the other, that he no longer cares to mingle with life? He has received a great shock. Ills heart has been broken. As be wanders o'er the face of the earth he thinks of bis dead Jeanette. Down tn his heart there Is the hope that seme day some day be may meet up with some young lady some young lady who will remind him of the loved and lost so strongly re mind him that be will cease to sorrow and' "She halted there, and I nodded my head, but the widow bluntly finished: "And marry her and be happy aealu! Well, inebbe he will. I'm sure I hope so. Helen, what are yon blush lng and bitching around so for? "It was mean of me," smiled the dilapidated gentlemen, "but It had be gun to rain, and It was dark as tar out doors. I couldn't help but sigh and wipe my eyes. When I bad finished sighing and wiping I couldn't help but look lovingly at both those women. I couldn't help but see that I bed found a substitute for my lost Jeanette, but which one It waa was wbat puzzled them, I had the parlor bedroom that night aud a staving good breakfast In the morning, and I could have bung around there for a week aud had the best In the land, but I overheard some conversation that made me anxious to strike the road again. "'Why, auntie, you surely don't think of marrying again? I heard the spinster ask. " 'Never you tulnd what I'm thinking of, Helen Bmlthers, was the reply, 'I've heard of women throwing them selves at men's heads, but I never saw It done till last ulgbt.' " M. QUAD. Notice to Taxpayers Notice of Final Settlement Noll,- la henOiv eiven that the inuler- stgned baa tiled In the t'oontv I Vint of toe Mate ol Utegon lor vt aKliiiiKlon i ouu ty, his final account in the matter ol tlio estate of Kobert I inline, ilnva-i'il and that said Court ha ile.-ti!iiati Monday rebruarv iMli. lsaiJ. al the roiintr comt room in IHIImIm.o, Orviin, at the Hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Mid ,Uv. m tli tune and place lor hearing ohjoctlmiH to Haul nnai account ami tor tne Hum aettu-iueiu of aald shim. IVuett this 12th day of January, A. 1, 17. J. A. IMIUUK, Kiecuturof the lust mill and tt'sluineut of Ruliert liulirie. ilccM. K. 11. Tongue and tlngley -v lime, At torneyt for ICxerutor. SUMMONS TIIK CIUOIUT OOt'RT Or THK KTATK OK OKKUON rOR WASH INGTON COUNTY ary Solmairely, I'laliilill, ) y. William Allen Sohnavely Defendant) llilan Allen Mulinavely, altova defendant n the nam of the Stale of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and anawer tne complaint uiet agaiuat you in the above untied aufl, on or before th laal ay of the time pirecrllwd In the tirde' r t lie puwicaiion or una anmmona; aald me being atx weeks from the Ural ulillcatton or this suiiiniona: and II you sit no to apiMr and anawar, for want iinreor. in planum win apply to lb ourt for the relirr demanded In the coutiilaint ill sunt suit, lo-wil; For leeine oimiu Ilia lint bonus or matrimony and inarnaite contract existing trntweau the iilalnliil aud yonnelf. and allowing ne pintmia to reaiim her maiden nam. Mary Holland. 1 ntaaumninn is publiahed it tirtlarer Inn. 1. V. Hood I ii. t until v J u.lm. of laid W.nhiiiftou County, Mai of OreuiMi, hi"h onler naa ilnlv uiatl and tiled on he 41 Ii day of Kehruary, IHU7, ami Ilia aieoi in oral pulilleatloii hereof nlha th Jay ot relirnarv, I7. , K.BTKOIilS, Attorney for I'Uiiilln GUARDIAN SALE OF PROPERTY REAL Notice ia hereby given I lint llie muli-rn ed Uuardlan of the perwn and eitmea of Iui SeUller. Mamie eitlis hmina Sehtler. Kdward t-enllrr ami l.rnr S-i,l ler. by virtue of an onler Hint lieeiine of th County Court of the Stale f Oregon for Wastilnirtun I'onutv. inn.lo. euieri-n and dated on the till day of January, l'7 author mug and eniixering theumler aigned Uuanliait tn dell at irl ale mile all of the real property belonging o aanl minora, the uinlemigneil will, on ami alle M jiniay. Ihe llth day of February, tu; proceed Inwfll al private aa'eallnf the undivided one-aixlh U ii) UienNt of the above named minors of in iiinl to nil i lt OnaitHifainl in HI,Hk One 111 of and in the town of Cornelius Wanhimrtim County. Oregon. The aid mile will be male autnect to oiiiiirmaiion ov in County Court of ihnMatuof Hregoii li Washington County. lhtletl Huh sun day or janimrv. r'',. H K ii VI A N hKll'I.K !. Quanlian of I oui Seldler. Maune Seld ler. Kiniua Keidler. Kilaanl Sebller ami letter Seldler. lUgley A Hare, Altorneyt lor (tinirlliin SUMMONS IN Jt'STICK Cll ltT Ft' K THK PR K CI.NCT OK WKST CK.llAi:. WASH ISUTON lOl STY. 8TATK tF (lUKtiOX J.O. Bniock, IMaiutill,) va. 1 M. Hanson aud Rita A. llnimon, lielenditula I In the name of the Hlate of Oroy in, Uie above named DefendautH will take uolire that the above named I'talntlll liannii mencsd suit in the atuive entitleil l on by Attachment for the aiini of fJ-IT.:al on account and iuterrvt thereon at the rulo of 6 oer cent, tier aiiiimn from date, Hn are hereby required to apH-ar and annaer ma complaint iiteti aganiMt yon in uie above entitled Court v illilu II aeeka fnnn the first oublicallon of tint null, n In w on or before Ihe 'aril, dny of February 1807. and If you fail so to nnnwer for Hi want thereof the I'huntill will aiinly the Court for juilirinenl for the alve amount. The dale or tne lint piiiiin tion of this notice in January 10. 1IHI7, Dated at Hherwood, ore., January V.W. M. I.. HiK'H. Juatiie of the I'eare.. r i Utai t a:-,BT.x.j: .t n x x & i - - WEINHARD'S draught) Tht best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use At v. V. WILEY'S imm.w tm m mm mm SUMMONS IN TIIK C1IICFIT COURT Or TIIK BTATK OK OKKUON, FOR THK COUNTY OF WASIIISUTON J. 1. tialeley, rialutlft.l a V Annie liatelvy, llefendanl.i lo Annie Cateley. IS above named -delemlant: In Ihe name of Ihe Stale of Oregon tou nrv iiereny reqnireti lo an(Kar and alu- er lo ine oiui plaint tiled agalnai tou In lie nuove enlilUal Court and Cauae oil or etoro .March Slat, ImT. and If vou fail to aoaiiar and anawer th plaintiff will appiy tor tne renal prayed lor in hiieom plaint, to-mil: tor a dacree diMolvltig the boiida nf inniriuniny now eitallug netneen tlw nbov named plalutitf and defendant and or outer eiuuiiie relief. i ma ttummoiiH la uublmhed In purau nee of an onler of the Hnnorahl T. A. Mi-lliid, JiiiIk of Ihe above entltlad 1'uiirt luado and entered on Ihe 2l day of reoruarr. nvi, aieiiyiiig mat the sain ne ituiuianeti mr ait auneeeaiv wests and orilertng Klriiary "th, lU7, aa dale of urn puuiittiuon. DAN R. MUKrH V, Attorney for I'lalntllf. This Spray is Endorsed By A. B. Cordley Of the Agricultural College Speaking of the Phoenix Lime ami Sulnhnr Liquid Spray, Mr. Cortllcy, of the CVrvallis Agri cultural College, writes Dunne & Co., us follows: "Corvallla, Oie,,Sepl. 7. ItaJd. lavid M. Dunn Co.. I'orllanil, Orrgon, IWr Hirt !! reply lo vxur teller of I lie lib In!. I am glad lo be ablalo report that the result obtained from Ihe u of your I'lioeiiH . Hpray war very astlalaclory, Imlead. I tested II bv illluUng one lo nlleeii. Th dlliilml aiirava wen-applied thoroughly and favoraldv Id ttse thai ware aliuply Inerudnl, and eeti a aeaKer aolulloii baa apparently emnplelely eradu-almi tin. i-t from aprav eil tree. I ttud that saanilnalioii made alaiul two vteeka nfo faila l reveal any living aal upon either frnll or leave. thigue,l A. II. ColllH.KV. SUMMONS I sell cheaper than other dealers, l'or prices iu any quantity, f. o. k, at Heavcrtou, or taken front my place, write sole agent, II. JO par bbl. of SO gl.. f.b beaverton or my farm B. LE1S, Bcavejrton, Oregon, R. F. D. 1 Tho tCiichen'a Queen knowa Itwt fine old whl.kv ! liutUfnutile aa a eV tuny Ik I p. CYRUS NOBLE Executrix' Notice Notice is hereby given that tho unit signed baa beeii appointed ejotitrii of the laat will and testament of Tlinm Otr.hln, deceased, by an onler of l t onntv Court of Vl ai-hlngtnn i oiiniv on, made ami entered on iiei eiiiner ii 190H. and all ueritoua having "lulu againat laid entate are hereby imtilicl nml dlrecteil to presenl said claima, together wltn the vioper voticnera tnereior, lo me at my residence, or at the ollice of Tho. M. Tongue jr., at iiiiidnoro, v hmuiiikioii County, Orrgou, on or before alz iniiutlia from (fate hereof. Dated at Hillabom. Oregon, Una L'ltli day of December, liMl. M A it I ab.i ni.nrnui, Executrix of the bud will and t' ta- mentofTho. OUdiin, deneaseil Thos.H. Tonglio, Attorney, a IX THE filter IT COURT OF TMtt bTATK OF ORF.UON. IrDR W AsHIXtlTO! COUNTV Charles Front. Flalntlff,! va V Annie Front, Defendant.) To Annie Froat, defendant above named: Iu the name of the Dial of Oregon; You are hereby nntillcd thai the bleiiitllt imreiu naa nied a rampialnt aealnal yon iu the above entitled court and eau and you are hereby required lo appear and anawer Hie aaid oouiplaml or (He aome apiwaraix-e tnereou on or laifor the laat dny preMirlbed by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: On or before the IKud day of March, 1K07. and if you fail ao to appear ami aimner ine ctimpiaini or ill nine apieamiioe herein, the plaintiff will cauae your default to Iw entered and noted and w in apply lo the noun for the relief pray ed for iu aaid complaint, lo-wil: A decree forever iliiMtolving the lainda nf matri mony now minting between you and plalnlill', and for men other reliel a lo the court may aceiu proper. The dale of the It rat publication nf tills Niiinmoua ia the "th day of February, l'JU7, aud thin auminona ia lo be publiahed on every Thursday of each week for a Nriod of six aimaalYe weeks between aald date. I'h is summon Is published by onler of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcltnde, Juilg of I me shove entitled court, made In Cbani- iH'n Uila till day ol rebruary, llr7. CIIAH. J. HCHNAHKL, Attorney fur 1'hinllff, are hmrllMwilh Iheoxtaaf Ih United SUiet, The an.nllrl h.urt and il0iii trtu( Ihaw wlttaalra, harked hy IHrtr adataatilliiy lor Ih privaratka al alt In wlu.h Rtal whuky I ruil, put IheM la the fnml rana ani..nff th net-ravittaa uf lit aUtawa. Th Noata braa.U, Iu qiutrta an, puna, ar Fmr AWa ml mM OmjOOISTB aaaaf OCAUM. W.A VANStSttVI l u to. ha.. UMrlMra, rotUN8.aU. yeVeeWrWyVVWVVVVWeV VeVtvVvVV'w'rrftrerVV LIVERY STABLE Teams with or without drivers, reasonable. Good' turnouts. Wc also make a specialty of feeding aud caring for transient stock. Main St., between Third and Fourth, opp. Benson Hldg. Payne Bros., Hillsboro Administrator's Notice Notice la hereby given that the unilondgn ed baa been ammiuted by the County Court of Washington county, Oregon, by an order dated the Stub day of January. rJ i , AO'iiinlHirauir or the relate or Jamea t Itzeenihl, duceaaeil: aud all oeraona bar lug cbiiuiM againat aald estate are hereby notitied tn present the aam with th iiroper vouehera therefor, to me at the law olllre of K. II. Tongue, Hllhbnro, v a,Hinii;uiu i oiinly, uregon. linted tine 2d day of r ebruary. 1007, C, AKHIH1IKK, Admlnlatralnr, l' It. lungiie, Attorney, Executor's Notice Edison's Gold Mould ed Records in StocK PRICE 35 CENTS I . L. McCORMICIl HILLSBORO OPECON "TBS VOOB WAS OPKNED BY A WOUAK WSTOHIHO ABOUT 200 PyCNW." believe you have had a full meal In a week. Helen, help me to set out the cold victuals.' "Helen was ber niece. She was an old maid. She had a turn up nose and wore glasses, and she looked upon me aa dirt beneath her feet. She awtlsted ber aunt, but very reluctantly, aud I overheard ber talking against me. If It bad been left to her 1 should have got the bounce Instead of a good sup per. I knew that some sort of a story would be expected of me when I had eaten, and It occurred to me to heap coals of fire on the old maid's head In revenge. Sure enough, as I shoved back from the table the fat woman set tled herself In a rocking chair and said: . . "Tou must have had some adven tures while tramping over the coun tryr " "'Yes'm; a few.' " " 'What started you on the tramp? "'Now, auntie, what do we care? put In the old maid. 'He's a tramp, and that's enough. He Is probably anxious to be on his way.' ; " 'And I'm anxious to bear him talk. Why did you take up tramping?' " Tt Is a story that I seldom tell 1 replied, with a choke In my throat, 'but you have been so kind to me that It would be selfish In me to withhold It You may at some time have read or beard of Chief Justice Bathsknller of Washington. Well, he le my father '.' 'Ton don't say!' gasped the widow, while the old maid pricked up her ears and jfrew Interested at once. OORWIN A HEIDEL ' Damlmrm ln All kinds of Fresh Meats. Trices Rea sonable. Will meet all competition. Chickens and Poultry always on bund upon order. Free delivery to all parts of the town. We buy fat stock. Bmlh Phonmm Seoond Street, Hillnboro, Or Notice la hereby given that the nmlsr- aigued Iihh nee. n tiy Uie Itonnty l ot'rt of the Hlate nf Oregon, for the County of waamiiKiun, nuiy appointed ami con firmed, under date of January 26. 1W7. as executor ol the laat will and leatainenl of Maria Anna 1'elcra, deceased, and that he haa duly tiialilled aa aucb executor. Now, therefore, all persons having claim agiiiual the estate of the aaid Anna Maria l'etera, deceased, arc hereby ra il ui red nml requested to prevent the aatne, with proper vouchers attached, to me at tne mw miine oi jonn m. wan, in tun boro, or to ine at my residence In the pre- cimn oi mirui rnreat itrove, wregon. THKODOKE BKRNARDH. KxeciiUir of the laat will and testament of Maria Anna t'elera, deceased. John M. Willi, attorney for executor Dated at llllliboro, this .'II at day of Jan uary, iuui. i i i !! i tavttaB i ii a v mmm. &f)e Farmers' Mutual FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION of Portland, Oregon Held its Annual Meeting January 16, 1907, at the Logus Hall. THE ANNUAL STATEMENT Flrsti Amount of pmpcrty ut rink lH-c. .it, 1115 And of rinks added during the year Anil of risks cancelled during the year ...,. Net amount of rik Ih-c. 31, loon largest amount on any one rlli Sacondi Amount of raah n-ci iml with iippliniiiniia. Aim 01 cn.sii ri'crivcil irotii iissi hiiiii iiIi f.M.VM' H.,bSl K'i.WS 7,JV7 i J,(X Ul I, 31 6.17 47 Greening I thought your doctor rec ommended a change of climate for you? Browning So he did, but as I couldn't arrange my affairs so I could get away I changed doctors. Chicago News. A .Vaewaaa InaldeT Little Tom, who had junt begun to Inquire the "why aud wherefore" of things, amused his father one day by asking If the ear muffs which he saw the policeman wear were held In place by suction. Wpplncott's Magazine, ..Central Meat Market., EMMOTT BROS., Prop., lo O. Tilbury a fine kinds, Keep constantly on hand supply of fresh meats of all A Mew Ere In Prlooa We are going to sell meats at prices low er than those which have prevailed in the past. Call in and see us. We menu business. 'Phone and Free Delivery Mais Street, opposite Tualatin Hotel, Blllsboro, Oregon. SUMMONS IN THK WKCIIIT COURT OF THB STATU OK OKKUON WITHIN AND Mill WASHINGTON COUNTY Marie Williama, Plaintiff,) vs. V Albert Williams, Defendant.) To Albnrl Williams, the above named Jieli'inlHiit: In the name of the Hutu of Onvnui! You are hereby required to appear and aiiHwcr the complaint tiled against vou in the alinve-eutltleil cauae, on or before the win tiay or March. p,K)7, that being the nun nay nreaor nan in the order or nun - cation of tli Im luinmnus. and if you rail ao 10 uppear ami answer aam complaint, ins plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled wnii'l, 1 r the rebel nravsd for in th oorn- plaint, to- wit: For a dmirne of this court dissolving the bud of matrimony here tofore exlHtlog between you and plaintiff, and will aiik for such other and further rellnf iih ahe may be entitled to In th prr.mlaeii. 1 iiin hiiiiiiiioiim is piibiisuea in uie inns boro Argus 'or all ennaecutive weeks by order of the Hon, J, W. (ioodin. Judge of the County court ol me Hlate 01 Oregon, for WaahliiuLnn County, made the With day of January, 11107, lirat publication be ing on tne Kiat uay or January, iwn, ana the laHt publication being on the 14th (Jay of March, lfW7. JOHNHDN & VAN riAIlTn, Attorneys for Plalnlill, Ttdul Income , ,, Thlrdi Amount paid for loiwcn (luting the year Ami puid ofticers, dircctorn mirl ii",ctil..,. Ami of nil oilier expensca i,8Sj S 1 S 1 i 5 1 i M I i 1 9S.1 7S (to Total rxuilltures , f 1,77 J it Tourlhi Amouiit of cshIi on luiml Aint of iiiikiIiI jircmititus Tntiil usw-tM riflhi Liabilities, liotir. HeaJH-clfully, J. J. fill JH y jh fi I 66 FARM FOR SALE Doala- the taetton, , Mrs. Beuham Do you love me as much as you did when you first mar ried me? Btuhuuj You lulk as If I had mar ried you more, than once. Brooklyn Life. I wish to sell my farm oontaininc lo2 acres. 110 seres under cul'.i- vation; good house and barn; Rood orchard Three and one half miles couth if Hillsboro and one mile weet of Farmlngton.' For furtber information apply to 10. liurk- balUr, Hillsboro, Ore., H. F, D. 2 nt-RN, Secretary. i The advantages of this Association iu compar ison with others of a similar character are: 1, We insure not in Tiik citiich, Hud van, therefore, not lie affected by large cotiriHgrutioim. a, 'We insure ON1.V tint iiksT I'akm nitiblUMCfl, und mm by old shacks and houses with etoveplie tliront;h the roof, 3. Ourasaessments can only Ik.'.I'SKIi to pav r.tis.sitH nml not for expenses, 4. We insure no huhinkhh phochrtv, no sUirrs, no fnclorlcs, no saloons, no hop houses or fruit dricin, 5. We hike care not to ovkk-inhi'KK, sticking to the "two thirds" clause of the value. 6. Our meetiugi are held in llic City of Portlitntl, Hie litislncss center of the stale, where member" can K.tsibV A'l'TKN r ami keep Ihe institution pnokr conthoi,, so Unit it kiiau, nkvkh hkcumh a CRAFT of a few. . , Agents in Washington County are: I, H, C, Pkahhon, Cornelius, Ore., It. V, l, No. 2. a. W.J. K. Bkacii, Forest drove, Ore. FOR SALE Rure Hatch Incubator and Brooder, 100-egg ftize, ufed one season. Will oell both for $12 50 Wm. King, one mile went of Cedar Mill, Bea- vtrlou, Ruute 2, Oregon. , . . , Argus and Oregonlau. 12.00. w t If you wish to join apply to the nearest agcut or if there is no local agcut iu your vicinity, send your name and address to J. J. KERN, Secretary, 565 East Yamhill St, Portland, Ore. sail iMiMiiiaiii! rtwrai mm mm mmmfrnwrn iHiinininii To lease for term of years: Farm ol 187 acres, 60 acres cleared, i) miles from Portland, three miles from Bethany. Will rent'for cash. Good buildings and stable fitted for dairying.- Grant . Holoomb, Hoi brook, Ore,, K, 1. Pacific States Phnn .. . For Hale: ;!0 aore, 1J miles south ol Reedville, at f 10 per aoie. Inquire Argus. Iiipt: Brown neck fur. Finder please leave at Arsrtis office and receive reward. Was Inst nn