The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 14, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 4H
Excellent AMretMea are to be
Delivered on Care of Trees
Will Mctl la Cwirt Uoum tt
There wm a meeting of the borli
cultural aoriwly in tbie city laM
Balurday, nd it was decided tbat
rotialng oounty meeting would
bald here Saturday afternoon,
March 2, to open al 1:30. II. C.
Alwell, of Kiirwt drove, and preai
dent of the Htat Horticultural
Hoclely, will be present and deliver
an addree, and he will touch
upon tba care tI fruit tre, how to
prune and apray, etc. Wilbur K.
Nawall will make an addreae, and
Iuapector Uarrla will b present.
Through tba Argua all member
of all other acietie over tba coun
ty are invited to l in attendance,
and all farmers and fruitsrowera
ara acked to ba preaenl. Thia will
coma along in taipaying lima, and
there abmild Jm a good attendance
About March will be a One time
ta set the lr pruned and pay
ed. and a liltle practical advice
will ba helpful.
Mr. Uforse II, Weite and Mra.
Mary Kvereet, both of thia city,
were united in n.arriaee in the
United Evangelical Church, Hilli
boro, on Sunday, Kabitiarj 10,
11)07, Rev. 8 J. Llndnay, pnelor,
oflloiating. The groom formerly
resided in Hpring Valley, Pierce
County, Wisconsin, and the bride
la a daughter or Mra. Mary walker,
one of llillcburo'a repedd pio
neer. Hhe i also a aimr of J. H
Walker. f Beaverton, and Wm
Walker, now of Seattle. They will
take up their residence in South
UilUboro, where the groom owni
residence property.
The undersigned will cell at public the John llrinricb'a place,
2 milea eouth of Keedvillo, on the
Farmington road, al 10 a. m , on
14 milk cow, 8 in milk, ami J coming
Ircili in February; 6 75 lo loo
pounds; 8 doetl chicken, lua'k, buggy,
S milk mm, two uf thrui 6 icalluiia, one
aa tight gallou, ami two tru gallons;
i'tiu atiiaralor, U'dronm act, cook
(love, kitchen treasure, 3 i iom riit ,
til ttK iz y. and numerous olhet
article, Lunch At noon,
Terms of sale; 110 and under
raab; over 10, one year's time, M
per cent, bankable nnie.
J. C, rCuratli, Auctioneer.
Mr. Ira 1, I.alimer and Minn Calla
Young wore united in marriage at
the home of the bride parenta
Mr. and Mr. J, r. loung, in
Hiilaboro, on Hutiday, February 10,
1!K)7, Itev. (liliiatrick.of tba Con
Kreaationhl Church ollioiiitirc The
bride waa attired in Ciopa dn railiua.
Tbe houae waa decorated in white
Vyd green and festooned with Ore
Vln Urapo, The beautiful rin(
ceremony waa a feature of tbe nup
tiali. Tbone pronent wore: Mr
and Mrs. J. T. Young, parent of
the bride; Mr. and Mra. 11. Wag
1 genor and Mine Wiliua Wflggcner
relatives .of the groom; Mr. and
Mra. Clifford Orwigimd, Mra. K.
. Dootb and daughter, of Clatskanie
Mr. Hae, Mian Mary Uea, Mra
Harab Daniels and MIhh Grace
Deiohman, of llilhb.iro. Tbe
happy pair departed on tho evening
train for Astoria, where they take
tbe Elmore for Tillamook, where
the groom has extensive property
, interests, and where they will make
their future home. Saturday eve
nlng tbe Rebekaha called on tbe
bride and presented her with a
.ailver oream laddie.
Charter Oak atovea and ranges
C, A. Lamkin Co.
Have you tried the Don of Sweets'
horehound candy for your cold?
Sam JobiiNnn, of Shady Brook,
was in the city Monday. '
For pale: .'10 acres, miles
south of Heedville, at 910 per acre.
inquire Argus.
Mrs. I, II. Smith, of Forest
Grove, was the guust of Mrs. K, C.
McKiuney, Sunday,
L. Reynolds, of beyond Phillips,
was in the oity Munday, and gave
tbe Argus ollice a pleasant call,
Lost: Brown neck fur. Finder
please leave at Argus oflico and
reoeive reward, Was lost on
.Second Street. .
A special agent of the treasury
wai in the city Monday, looking up
the statue of the marriage relations
of tbe late Merritt Hotobkiee, who
died here a year or ao paat. He
found tbat Ilolcbkisa bad divorced
his first wife in Pendleton, and
tbat tbe divorce was not legal,
owing lo tbe fact tbat be had not
mailed the defendant ft copy of tbe
paper in which tbe summons was
publiahed, although be knew, so
tbe wife claima, what her address
waa. Ilotchkisa later married the
necond wife, who was with him at
bis death, and tbe Brat Mra Hotcb
kisi procured a divorce after his
second marriage. According to
court supreme court declelons,
tbe second marriage would not be
legal, although it ia not known
what the government will do lo a
case of thia kind The investiga
tion waa caused by tbe government
U-uuee the fi'St Mm. Hotchklas,
who la Riiardian of the two minor
children, baa applied for a enilon
for tbe girl, wbo waa only about
fifteen al the death of the father.
If the second marriage ia legal
thai is to say, if tbe government
hnlda that it ia legal on its faoe
the second wife will be entitled to
receive eight dollars per month for
tbe support of tbe girl for ft certain
Ltura Knighton, tba daughter of
Marion Knighlen, aays she en
countered the panther recently
heard at the Also Todd place, ab ive
Forest Grove. Tbe child, wbo is
about 12. waa a-ninc horn in the
evening, when the animal pursued
her. Hbe s s till struck at it
with her umbrella and that it then
jumped llefenoe and disappeared
towards tbe foothills, tear tbe
Alexander place. A poase hunted
alter tne leiine an uay ounuay,
but without result.
Wm. Hoaucbtmp, well known
here, and a son of lbs late Tildeo
Rxatichamp, waa in town tba Orst
of the week. He ia now running a
locomotive on tbe South Bend
branch of the N. P. South Bend
is tbe big lumber metropolis of the
Southwest Washington dialriot,
and bas more princes of good fel
tows to the block than any city it
that section of the Evergreen state
C. U. Bloyd, with the Lafe Pence
mill, below Cedar Mill, was In town
Saturday, and say that Mr. Pence
is soon to build ft flume down to
Holbrook, from the top of the
mountain. This will enable them
to ship lumber out without haul
inn. Tbe flume will be built so
tbnt lumW can be stopped at the
elding or sent on down to the river;
A. G. Stuart, of Astoria, where
he baa charge of maintaining the
electric line tracks, was up to lulls
boro, Saturday and Sunday, attend
iig to private biiMiiess. Mr. Stuart
sees evidence of much improvement
here. He still owns bis residence
here. ;
The Misses Pearl Smith, Florence
Ridwell, Ora and Berlba Johnson
departed Monday morning to at
tend the MoMinnville Businesa
Wanted: Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
drees i. B. Foreman, C05 East
Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
The wheel scrapers were put in
the cut at the depot, Saturday, and
although it was wet hauling it beat
the dump cart proposition a mile
Biggest shipment of corn ever
received in Hillsbnro, at the Cli
max Mill store. Get in and order
your laud plaster early.
Geo. Kirk od, of Forest Grove,
was down to the county seat, Sat
urday, greeting bis many friends
Wanted: Several tons of stock
beets Addrtss, quoting price
Albert N. Stanton, llillsboro, Ore
A L Thomas, (or several yeara
principal of the Gaston school, waa
down to tne county seat, Saturday
Satisfaction guaranteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A
Lamkin Co.
Reuben Foster, of Portland, and
formerly with the P. R. A N , was
out Sunday.
Residence property for sale or for
trade. Located south of Southern
Pacific depot. Wm; Tipton.
Kmmett Quick returned from
Philomath the last of the week and
went on out to Buxton.
Are vou a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellenoia
Oregon manufacture.
Hon. W. N. Barrett was home
Saturday during the legislative ad
H. Wehrung & Sons carry a full
line of Heinz' pickles and bottled
Mrs. S. B. Huston, of Portland
was the guest of Mrs. A. M. Car
lile, Friday.
Puritan oil heaters. Charles A
Lamkin Co.
John Kaoona, of Farmington
waa in the oity Saturday.
110 11
to in mm
And Get Ultimate on Cot of
Valuing Timber Land
Will Try to Gel at Real Vslue Fur
he business of the February term
of countv court follow:
Assessor Wilcox was given power
to correspond with cruieers as to
probable cost of crtiMOg and making
estimates rf values of timber lands
n Washington County.
Petition A. Jck et als, for road
improvement of 2 miles near
Farmington, continued.
Jacob Reichen appointed rosd
. a.. f i tar
supervisor Hist. 1.', vice u. .
Barnes, resigned.
Joe Ego, pauprr, will live with
Loui Reno, and ft! per month al
lowed for keep.
Petition Ferd Groner et als, for
change of road tier Scholia denied.
Petition C. True et als, (or
change of humdary school district
No. 22, granted
Petition P. I. Lilligard, for
cbanice of schoil district No 28
boundary, granted.
Petition Anna M. Crowley, for
quitclaim deed tract of laud, grant
ed upon payment of flu back tax
and penalties. .
Bond of J. W. Connell for
000 as tax collector approved.
hi wood Huinrs allowed fO per
month as relief bf cause of paralysis.
Mrs. L C. Peterson, of near 15a
verion, given rebate on taxes on 80
acres ot land, erroneous payment
Appropriated 1100 for improve
ment of Neukircb road, south of
Corneliua, to be paid when sub
scribers pay their donations.
Recorder a ftes for January,
mi 45, clerk's fees, lt')il 75.
Petition E It Tongue, for rebate
on taxes, ordered allowed upon
payment of f .10.
Sage Land v Imp Co. granted
quitclaim deed on tract of land up
on payment of fa. lb.
Claims allowed:
J J Smith, roaili 10 50
W W Lcarta, drawing jury 3 00
Wm GofilUcniati" ' a 00
D B liifhup. " " 100
CIsm & t'ruitbomme, book type
writer i5 00
II G Pitch, drawing Jury. 7 00
John Olaon, roaila... , l 00
M ChriMeosen, roada la 35
a Jobnaon, drawing jury a uo
W 0 Hayi, " a 00
M H Buck, " " ; 3 00
r LCieitfer, mileage a 10
Cheater Shieldi, witness 560
Baaeltne Lor Co, lbr 24 00
Groner & Howell, lbr 8 70
Buihong & Co, ttatlonery l7 55
John 11 liuuiphrera, asautttng -
eaaor 30 00
Clyde Lincoln, Gales ('reek bridge 70 00
Max Cruudall, ezperting recorda b5 00
T A Mcllride, circuit court ao S3
harl h fisher, exam !oard ' 9 00
Lawrence Dioo" " 9110
tl C Woodbury " " 9 00
Ward Dowua, deputy sheriff...... 5a 00
J W Connell, ti(T, dep exp, etc. . .276 as
Mrs Hutnke, relief 37s
Joaepliloe lane, exam boanl 3 00
U G Uaidner, court bouse 4 00
Geo H Wilcox, auessor 100 00
C C Hancock, relief ia 00
A A Morrill, tueaaing & col..., 8 00
liJUodtuan.clerx &0ep aaS jo
K. HuKlon, relict . 15 00
L C Walker, col. taxes ao 00
L C Walker, roada 6 00
Delta Drug Store, relief. . , 4 75
L C Walker, aurveying 3 50
W M Jackson, treasurer 50 65
Illllaboio Independent, printing. .
K C Brown, jury list 900
Rd S.-hulmerich, jury list a 00
H T Bagley, " " 3 00
A J Roy, poor farm iao 00
A M Col Ins, janitor 41 36
J C Lamkin , relief ... : 1 50
M C Case, exp aupt 33 39
M C Case, salary tupt 63 11
Jno Nybergnip sal f. ia 5o
U W Hlnea, " " 10 00
Henry VauDyke, supervisor 3 ia
J S Lorsung, (jrubhinu at poor far 111175 00
C B Woir, supervisor 13 75
City Light & Water ao jo
Willis Ireland, recorder.. 135 10
N H bhledel, roads aa 00
The Argus, printing etc 14 00
H Tongue, dist attorney 30 10
D B Reaaoner, relief 33 59
R H tlreer, relief 10 bo
Base Line Lbr Co, lbr.. 11 83
J W Connell, expeusea 1! 50
L W House, eugiue & pump poor-
farm 327 35
H T Bagley, justice fees 6 95
Fred Cornelius, witness fees. 1 5o
C W Redmond, constable I
J W Connell, warrant del, tax 38S 44
C R Kindt, jury liat.
.... 300
, . . . a 00
. a 00
.... 3 60
. . . . 3 60
. . . . 3 60
. ... 15 00
. . . . 7 50
.... 1 a bo
.... 19 80
A N Davis,
las Jacquot, jury Hat,..,
Mis Wilson, witness d a.
Geo Wilson, " " ..
R A Thomas, " " ,
Hd Boge, supervisor..,,
V M Kelsay, "
T G Meacnsm, "
W J Butner, com salary
J W Goodio, sal ss judge 67 49
Argus and Journal, $ 1.75.
All kinds of hardware C, A
Lamkin Co.
A Nehalcmite has been in town
the past two weeks, alternating be
tween here and Portland, looking
out after the coal field interests
oyer that way,
Paints and
oila.-C. A. Lamkin D A V WWII Oil ITU f
Ceo. II. Untonf of Leisyville,
was io tbe city Tuesday.
Buy your school tablets at Mc-
F. L Kmerson, of Rt. JohnB, was
Hiilaboro visitor Monday.
Saturday Evening Telegram and
Argus, 12.00 per year.
George Zimmerman Jr., of Heap-
pooe, was in the city Friday.
Mayor K. E. Fiuher, of Braver-
ton, was in tbe city the last of tbe
Jacob Reichen, of near Phillip,
was in Monday and filed his bond
as road supervisor,
Smoke the Hcbiller and Excel-
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
John Halvorseo, of near Farm-
ingUm, wee in tbe city Juesday,
rxompanied by bis wile.
For Hale: Five good cow, all in
... r .. vi . . I !l -.L
milk. it. is. rorter, 1 1 muea norm-
eaHt of Forest drove, Route 2.
MissLillie Pellette, of Portland,
was in tbe city runday, tne guest
of Mihb Fay Commons.
A few cravanettes left, both for
lady and gentleman. Will be sold
out at cost. Scbulmerich liros.
Rob Glendenning, engineer at
the Buxton Lumber Co a sawmill,
was in town Monday evening.
You can save one hilf your bay
by uing a Freeman Feed Cutter.
bur sale by kelson Hardware Co.
Mrs. George Loeb, of Portland,
was in the city over Sunday, the
guext of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Arch bold.
We are sole agnnta for the cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, 137 50. Schulmerich
Miss Edith Blair, who has for
several months been the guest of
ber uncle, R. H. Greer, started for
ber home in Manitoba, Tuesday.
Gonts' and boys' clothing, fall
line now in Kub, Nathan & Fis
cher Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung it Sons.
Louis Peterson, formerly of Glen-
coe, and who for a numbor of years
has been raising wheat in Wasco
county, was io town the first of the
We have ordered a car load of
wire fence direct from tbe factory.
We can save you five per cent. 00
same if ordered immediately.
Scbulmerich Bros.
T. G. Meachain, of above Moun
taimlale, was a county seat visitor
Monday, and took out a four-horse
load of feed and merchandise, Tues
day morning.
For gentlemen's, ladiea' and
children's hose you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We hive them for everybody, and
at prices thatjire values.
Karl W; Harding, son of E. X.
Harding, of Gaston,, has been elect
ed president of tbe Corvallie
Agricultural College student body.
Mr. Harding is one ot Washington
County's bright young teachers.
We sell more agricultural im
plements than all of our compet
itors, put together. The reason
we ship direct from the factory,
and pay spot cash for them. Come
and get prices. ,
Postmaster Cornelius elates that
from Tuesday of this week there
has been no mail sent out on the
early (morning train, nor on the
last train at night, the service an
nulled being solely on the Forest
Grove looal, early and late runs.
To lease for term of years: Farm
of 187 acres, 00 acres cleared,, !)
miles from Portland, three miles
from Bethany. Will rent for cash.
Good buildings and stable fitted for
dairying. Grant lloloomb, Hoi
brook. Ore., II. 1. Paoifio States
Phone SCO.
Peter Boecow, school clerk for the
city and local district, is busy get
ting the census of the children of
school age these days, lie expects
to take those whom he knows to be
permanent, first, aud then the last
week pick op" the transient, and
those who might possibly move
Last year the district drew school
money on 501, and this year it is
expected that this figure will be
materially increased.
Hiilaboro residents are com
mencing to get uneasy about the
oleaning-up proposition, now that
Spring is coming on. 1 ne best way
to start the ball rolling is to get
busy about your own yard and
back alleys, and theu the microbe
will get "to work proper. If the
spirit of painting is as generoue as
last year by the middle of the
Summer the oounty peat will have
a fine appearance. What with the
union depot to be built at the foot
of Second Street, and with other
public improvements, thiugs will
look better here.
Came to Oregon in I80I, Set.
tied in Yamhill
ft'at Father of Milton W. Smith, Prom
inept Attorney
David Smith, an Oregon pioneer of
1H51, died of la grippe, February
S. Mr. Kaiith was born in Marion
County, O, Novemb?r 17, 1827.
He was tbe son of David Smith, if
Virginia, born in 1785. His an
cestors came to the United States
from Ireland previous to tbe Revo
lution and settled in Virginia. Mr. j
Smith's father was a soldier in the
War of 1812 Deceased was the
sixth child. In 1833 be, with his
parents, removed to Indiana, where
he was raised. In 1851, with five
other youog men, he turned his
face westward, and with horses and
mules made the journey to Oregon,
arriving in Oregon City in Sep
tembtT. From there they went to
Vreka, Cal, to the mines, where
they bad only moderate success.'
Mr Smith tbec returned to Marion
County and purchased lind and a
sawmill, where he remained for five
yearn, and then sold out to Dr
Ke 1, who purchased it for a Dutch
colony. The site is now at Aurora.
Mr. Smith then removed to Yam
hill County, purchased a good
farm, and remained there 20 years.
His farm was near St. Joseph, lj
miles west of Lafayette. In 187G
he came to Forett Grove, where be
reeided cotniouoUf ly until his
In 1852 he married Miss Ann M
White, of Ohio, (the daughter of
Thomas and buean White, who
walked across tbe plains to Oreeon
in 1852,)wbo, with two sons, Milton
W. Smith, a Portland attorney
and Henry Clay Smith, a physi
cian at Kent, Wash , and an adopt'
ed daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Macrum,
of Forest Grove, survive him. Mr.
Smith haB been a Republicsn ever
since tbe formation ot tbe party
During tbe time when eecesMon
was rife, he joined the Union
Leacue, and did, all he could to
keep Oregon in line. He was elect
ed Assessor of Yamhill County,
and also County Judge. In both
oftices be showed ability, and in
185G waa elected to the State Legis
lature from Washington County.
In Forest Grove he was elected six
times to oe a member of the Town
Council, was twice elected Mayor
of Forest Grove, and wa six times
elected president of the Board of
Trustees. He had always favored
all city and county improvements,
and had done his part in advancing
the interests of the county.
The Crescent Theatre management
will give a second excursion from
Buxton acd way points to Hillsbo
ro, Saturday evening, February 23,
the attraction being, "Tbe Missouri
Girl." This company carrios a
good cast and the show is above
the average. Excursion rates will
be announced next week and ac
commodations will be provided for
alt who wish to atteud. A large
number of treats in the theatre will
be reserved "lor visitors Tickets
are now on sale at E. L. McCor
mick's music store, and seats may
reserved by Independent 'pbone.
Prices: Entire lower floor and
balcony, 50 cents; loges, 75 ceuts;
adultsja gallery, 35 cents; children
in gallery, 25 cents.
The Beaverton Fruit : Growers'
Asssociation, which meets February
16, at 1:30 in the afternoon, hae
prepared the following program for
the occasion:
i:cx) Business Meeting.
1:30 Address by H. C, Atwell, presi
dent State Society."
2:oo Sons, Beaverton School.
3:15 Address by Col. Haines, Forest
2:40 Paper,' Mrs. Elsie Christiansio
voo How to set out, trim, spray, and
take care of orchards, by A. I. Mason, of
Hood River.
3:30 Paper, Miss Broombead.
3:45 Address by W. R, Harris, Coun
ty Fruit Inspector.
4:10 Paper by Miss Alice Rberheart
Notice is hereby given that the dog
license in this city will be payable
to me at my ofuce between March
1 and March 6. Delinquents will
after that date be placed in the
hands of the marshal. By order
of the City Council.
II T. Bagley. Recorder,
Hilleburo, Ore., February 7,
1907. :
I Mr
is today indispensable on the
dressing table of
gentleman. Not only does a rompe:
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles and
stiffness of the facial
tissues, and makes the flesh firm and solid.
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and
soreness. Most women
of this preparation in maintaining a clear
and healthy skin.
Ptic 50c and
On account of the car shortage send ,
in your order early for
We have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
aawaaawawsaaa axBwaaaavaw
We Uphold
the standard of good living. Everything in tbe
Groceries may be bought at our store. Our stock
and line
1 Prices
that can't be duplicated. Don't waste time and money buying
Wroceriea elsewhere, for this is really the only place to do your
marketing and get uniformly satislactory results. .
Vegetable and
Fresh Vegetables and
call. Market epposite
Street, Hillsboro. We
P. J. Ritchey (BL Son
jJJ The Best of All Beers
.... "; ." . SOLD BY .:" ;, ,
E. J. LYONS, rroprl.tor !
Ghe Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but canuot carry "Long Time" accounts.
gentlewoman or
blackheads, takes out
muscles, animates the
takes away shaving
recognize the value
$1.00 per Jar
line of choice
ia large, fresh
. ... 1
Fish in Season. Give us a
Tualatin Hotel, on Main
deliver to all parts of city.
... . !
. V i