nil Tt2 fertile wsd productive portion of YVashiniton County, tributary to Hillsboro can easily support a town ol live thousand inhabitants. New buildings and manufacturing plants mean more people employed, and arc the most important factors in the development of any community. Intelligent well directed effort, coupled with the co-operation of her citizens, is the basis of growth of every city. The New Hotel Our Watchword IS PROGRESS IS FIRST 01? TIIE LIST ir JL E? This handsome structure, consisting cf three stories and basement, will hz built of chocolate colored pressed brick, with solid concrete foundation. It Vill Contain Forty Dooms and Cost $35,000 Oh ot the mala factors which has retarded ths development of HlUsboro has been the lack ot a first-class popular-priced hotel. Drummers object to remaining over night in Hillsboro because of poor hotel faculties. As a general thing, there Is not a room to be obtained, and even if there is, It is one of the last remaining unoccupied and far from satisfactory. While the manage ment of those small hotels now open la satisfactory, the buildings are en tirely Inadequate. In the near future, Hillsboro and Washington County will receive ex tensive advertising In our state and the Middle West as far east as Chi cago. It Is the Intention to employ a circulation which should reach the prosperous farming class in the sec tion of the United States named, with about five million copies. This will mean that hundreds of prospective purchasers of farm properties, or capi talists Interested in securing good in vestment, will remain Indefinitely In HlUsboro. A man pleased with his board and lodgings is usually in a good humor and wlU remain as long as necessary to transact hie business. Given the opposite conditions, It would be use less to induce people to come, as it Is more than probable that they would not remain to be convinced. This hotel, plans and specifications for which are now complete, wUl be erected at a cost of f 35,000.00. It will be thoroughly modern in every par ticular and handsome enough for any aity. The outside wlU be chocolate colored pressed brick, which Is un doubtedly the most effective of all ex ternal finishes. Its three stories and full-nixed con crete basement wlU make it a most aommodlous and Imposing structure, forming a very satisfactory neucleus to the further projected industrial enterprises which will follow. There wUl be forty rooms In the hotel, all bed rooms to have natural light and to be of comfortable dimen sions. N.' - NEW PEOPLE FOR OREGON. (From the Oregon Dally Journal. The Joint work of the Oregon De velopment League and the Portland Commercial Club Is bringing results entirely beyond any reasonable ex pectation. During the past month, it to ennounoed, the correspondence re eel ved has been immense. Ninety- Every room wUl be electric lighted, and the entire structure heated by a modern and efficient steam plant 'There will be bath rooms and toilets on every floor, and running hot and cold water In each room. The elevator which wiA be Installed is electrically operated and ot the latest approved pattern. The lighting, heating and water plants in use will be owned and op erated by the hotel company. The first floor of the hotel will be comprised, firstly of a handsome and comfortable lobby of sufficient dimen sions to Insure at all times plenty of seating and elbow room. The barber shop and cafe adjoining will also be neatly and artistically finished, as weU as thoroughly com fortable, every detail having been carefully studied in order to make the structure thoroughly modern and a credit to the community. There will be a pubUe bath in connection with the barber shop. A large billiard and pool parlor will be provided and the best quality of tables and appurtenances wUl be in stalled throughout In fact, nothing will be found lacking which could be demanded by the most fastldous guest The kitchen and dining rooms have had special attention in arrangement, as it Is the intention of the builders to make this department as satsfac tory and up-to-date as the best city grill. On the second floor, besides the bed chambers, both single and en suite, wUl be provided a handsome ladles' parlor. This wlU be prettily and com fortably furnished and always at the disposal of the friends and patrons of , the house. The arrangement of the top floor wlU follow the same general outlines as the second, with the exception that in place of the parlor, a commodious reception room for public meetings wlU be provided. If! . Street Scene in Hillsboro five per cent of all letters comes from people asking questions as to the possibilities of farming, fruitgrowing and other agricultural and horticul tural pursuits In the State of Oregon. Inquiries In regard to dairying have been received In large numbers. Par ticulars concerning the irrigated dis tricts are desired. The timber inter ests of the state, of course, attract much attention and are the subject of many eeatmunlcations. But the op The climate of Washington County Is similar to that ot Portland. It Is never very hot nor very cold, averag ing tor the entire year about 6' de grees. Four passenger trains a day to Portland and vice versa furnish un- "ll The milk condenser here shown Is one of the most valuable plants ever established in any community. During the summer months a car load of condensed milk per day is the output, requiring about 60,000 pounds of milk. " ' ' ' ' eX ' ' V J i r Coming West Eastern Farmers Looking for Homes in Oregon Because of the Inval uable work already done by the Oregon De velopment League In breaking ground for specific locality public ity, it Is the Intention ot those Interested in promoting the interests of this community fo utilize very extensive advertising in the same territory as covered generally by the work of the state league. Millions of copies containing information County are to be circu lated among the pros- i '"lsl 'i (V!- I 2 perous farmers of the i Middle West, and this 1 will without doubt re- I suit In bringing hun- 3 dreds of new settlers to this section within J the next few months. portunities for general farming In Oregon are the central feature of this vast correspondence. , It is the desire of the Oregon De velopment League to have each and every one of the sixty-three commer cial bodies throughout the state, which make up the state organization, not only correspond with these in quirers, whose name are made up in lists and sent out from the head office, but to send literature as well. If the different communities could be In 1 , Slrect Scene In Hillsboro Some Hillsboro Items excelled transportation, and there Is also rumor that an electric road will be built between HlUsboro and Fort land within the year. The Tualatin River runs within a short distance ot Hillsboro, and its numerous small creeks or tributaries Condensed MilK Factory Capacity One Carload ol Condensed MilK Per Day This industry furnishes employment for a large number of people, and re quires about two thousand dollars per day during the summer months t j pay all expenses, including wages of employees and milk. The condenser is soon to be double! A duced to undertake individual adver tising, it would be most effective, now that the way has been so thoroughly paved by the Oregon Development League's campaign. For years past the different parts of Oregon have wanted to know to whom they could send their descrip tive matter. Hero Is an opportunity which costs nothing except postage and effort. The most acUve com munity is the one that will receive the greatest benefit. flow in every direction throughout Washington County. The annual rainfall averages a little less than 48 Inches, which, although by no mftius an extreme ot preclptU tlon, assures plenty of moisture to grow crops without irrigation. In capacity, machinery now being en route. This fact is conclusive evi dence of the value of Washington county as a dairying section. This industry la rapidly Increasing and Is eminently successful. The dairy farmer has lest to con- Street Scene in HlUsboro The names are of people who with in a few weeks have personally asked about this state. In taking advantage ot this opportunity it should be re membered that it is during ths winter months that the farmers if the great Middle Western States, like Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Mis souri, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas and Oklahoma do their reading, and, If they are contemplating a change, de cide where they are going to move during the ensuing spring or summer. 1 1P The growth and development of a city depends principally upon Us re sources lu that section ot the country Immediately tributary thereto, or from which it draws Its trade. According to the products ot that tributary territory or that which may be made tributary by steam or s1hv trio transportation connection, th manufacturing or Industrial enter print's are based. We have said that lu order to prop erl negotiate with Investors, we should first have good hotel facilities. This being a fact, we will look a little way into the future and see what Industrial enterprises are thor oughly practical In the town ot Hills boro, and which would not only be a financial success Individually, but 1 'J tend with here than in many commu nities, climatic and other conditions being In favor ot successful stock raising, without the risks which form such a discouraging element In mor.t sections of the country. iifflflifiaw Indicative of the wide interest in this state Is the fact that inquiries have come In a half dosen languages, though the majority are English, Ger man, Swedish and Polish. It will be necessary to have a translator assist in answering some of the letters. Two milUon young men and women are coming of age in the United States every year. Hundreds of thou sands of these are anxiius to move to a now country. They are crowded off the old home place and the cry T , ,S Ba . , .,t M would fumlh employment for hun dreds ot people In our community. That would mttan iucreased popula tion and a demand for more dwelling. This would necessarily result in In creased values ot real estate. The manufacturing plant would require property upon which to build, this, vf course, tending to further Increase said values. At ths present time there are in Hillsboro a tew enterprises which conclusively show that money Invest ed there 1 wisely placed. And there ' are still opportunities which should 5 prove to be as valuable as any now In operation. We will, as an Instance, sumtest 1 plant for the manufacturing of bricks and tile. Within the town limits are extensve deposit of brick clay ot a very fine quality, Ktrs brick could be made here In unlimited quantity and the market for the same would be Portland and vicinity, as well as the many other protlinlnus growing towns. Fuel Is cheap here and the location central, two prime factors In the development of any factory ur similar enterprise. Another excellent suggestion would be a furniture factory, as Washington County abounds In ash, oak and maple ot first quality, and a flrst-olasa saw and planing mill Is In operation on the ground. Not far from HlUsboro there tro unlimited deposits ot Iron ore. There Is any quantity ot available wood in the Immediate section, as well as un developed coal beds, showing veins of over nine feet In thickness. Water power may be had here at a ridiculously small expense, and there Is, in fact, an opportunity for th manufacturing of any Iron products, seldom equalled. An Ice plant would be an excellent financial Investment, The surround Ing towns could be supplied from Hillsboro as a distributing center with little delay or expense. A basket and box factory would here be Ideally situated, and glvon proper condition, the manufacturing of these commodities Is invariably at tended by success. Although the raising of fruit In Washington County Is still In Its in fancy, or may be more properly staled, neglected, however the un qualified success which has attended every effort along this lino Insures a great future for this section of tho state. Different variolic ot fruits have been raised equal to It not supe rior In quality to the products of any other county In Oregon, io It Is ap parent that evaporators and canneries' will be sending forth their products from Hillsboro at no very distant date, A reliable, wide awake commission house would be a valuable adjunct to the community, It would enable the farmer to secure proper protection and right prices for bis crops, and to do business at first band. With tho Increase of population In the country districts tributary to Hillsboro, local merchants would And it Imperative to Increase stock, and drummers coming and going datlv would enable thorn to continually keep same up to date. This would result in retaining local trade, con siderable of which now goes to Port land. . ' ' The extensive advertising proposed, In order to secure more residents for the country districts will find ready attention, and as the farms are re duced to smaller dimensions and the tributary territory thereby containing much greater population In same area, all business, mercantile or otherwise will further Increase the wealth and prosperity of the community. throughout the United States Is toe more land. Land never was so badlf wanted u at present, It lg in demand everywhere. The essence of the pres ent work of the Oregon Development League is the fact that It furnishes an anxloui audlonce-one that wants to llsten-lnformatlon of every charao ter about Oregon, Every community In Oregon It under obligation, to pre sent its own advantage. u tho strong est, most forceful way.