The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 07, 1907, Image 4

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    Htliisofto Aaousi rts, 1, t eo?
Will Cost About $2.00 per
Pair, Ready to Turn Loose
Club is Formed la Psrtlssd Wsj Kst
Out Here?
E. A. Wolf, of Reedville, and who
is an enthusiastic songbird sup-
porter, was io town Monday, and
wat Riven a letter from C. F. Pflu
ger, of Portland, written to J. C
Karatli, in response to a request
for information aa to the probahle
cost of importing German or En
giieh skylarks to Washington
County. Mr. Ptluger is secretary
of the Portland club, and ha stale
that with ezpressaga the birds will
coet about 12 per pair, and that the
lose in shipment is not heavy
between New York and Portland.
Mr. Wolf ears that ha will con
tribute ten dollars toward the pro
tect for the Keedville section.
These birds are the sweetest song'
cters of the featherred kingdom.
and their melody is something
wonderful. It is suggested that a
club be formed for Washington
County, and that when the birds
are received thai they be taken to
the various localities where cod
tribntions are made, tod liberated
on the meadows. In view of this,
the Argus suggests that an organi
tation be formed for this purpoee,
nd that it be done in time to get a
shipment this Spring.
The list has been left at the
Argus office snd aa soon as enough
sign up to effect an organization,
officers will be elected, the birds
purchased, and distributed where
the subscriptions corns from as
nearly as possible Forest Grove,
it is said, has already subscribed
for 25 pair. Farmers who like
song birds which are great insect
destroyers should join and have a
pair of these for their farms or or
chards. The Knights of Pythias will hold
an annual reunion on February 18,
and the word has been sent to the
boys all over , the northwest. It is
peculiar that only two of the boys
are in distant parts of the United
States. R. A. Atkins, the gifted
pulpit orator, is in charge of the M.
. Church at Necedah, Wisconsin,
and J. A. Kremis, formerly a gro
cer here, is in business at ' Albu
quei que, New Mexico. The lodge
expects to have a regular old-fashioned
homecoming, as many of the
boys are in Oregon, Washington
and Idaho,'; ' .. ;
The Hillsboro Commercial Bank
will pay 4 per cent. Compounded
times a year; after Jan. 1,
The groundhog did not come out
last Saturday to see his shadow
that is to say, he didn't see his
shadow if he did come out. This
is supposed to be p'rophetic of an
early Spring, as it is an old saying
that if be sees his shadow on Feb
ruary 2, "Groundhog Day," he win
go in his hole and remain there for
six weeks. While there's nothing
to it yet it is a nice delusion to
bug, and there is a superstitious
hope for an early Spring.
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Excellencia
Oregon manufacture.
Max Crandall left Monday after
noon for Tillamook, making the
trip via Astoria, on the Sue Elmore.
This is the vessel the name of
which got a Tillamook newspaper
man sued for libel. The defendaot
published an article saying his
competitor had drank enough
whiskey to float the Sue Elmore.
A verdict was given the complain
ing newspaper man,' and the
judgment iii of record.'
Loose clover hay for sale at
reasonable price. F. M. Heidel,
The petitions out for rock roads
nnd a start this year as far sb funds
will permit is said to be meeting
with excellent success. If yon are
in favor of this, cat out the coupon
and send it in to this office. Yon
will find it in another place in this
issue, If you wish you can attach
a piece of paper to it and get the
signature of your neighbors. '
The old veterans of this locality,
as a rule, say they are not in par
ticular favor of the proposed bill
that would prohibit . sports on
Decoration Day. They say that as
s rule baseball games and the like
are not scheduled at the hours that
interfere with either the morning
or evening exercises usual by the
veterans on that day.
The rains of last week and first
of this week were very acceptable
to Oregonians. Those complain
ing of the grip were at once nota
bly better, and there was a general
butter tone in health. There's
nothing like Oregon rain for Ore
gonians. Tbouacds of bushels of potatoes
have been frozen in the county as
one of the features of (he recent
cold wave. Potatoes are now re
tailing in places at as high as $1 25
per sack, with the probability of
i.em gong signer,
Supt. Smith, cf P. It. & N. con
struction, report? that the road no
has i?3 men at work above Bux
ton. The portal of the tunnel Is
about cleared away and the open
ing will soon be made.
Geo. Miller and wife, of Hepp
ner, returned this neck after an
extend d visit with relatives be
yond GUnwe. Mr. Miller is at
present working as a saleeman in
one of the Heppner stores.
A PraLCticail
Tti ere could he no doubt ubout it
lira, Raiusford a agitutod. Her
louder white hands, hospitality engag
ed In making tea for Leonard Urey,
trembled. Her guest. Km n In it baric la
hi chair ou tlie opjxisite aid of Hie
fireplace, watched this phruouienon
The little social world in which these
two ngurea moved milixed tliut had It
not been (or Mrs. Ritinsfnrd's daughter.
Ethel, the tall, eleaa cut. ix'rsoiiabl
bachelor, watohlnic bis hostess with
MiTowlug eyes, would long ap have
married the pretty widow, with her
Geuie-llke figure und her Independent
fortune, but what It did out know was
that Grey was chafing muter the long
delay and the frequent postponements
which had marked his putlent wooing.
Bnt. even aa he wondered at the trem-
bliug bands, he knew that the psycho
logical moment for coiniueut had not
yet arrived.
Five niluutes later Mrs. Ralnsford
stirred her tea violently and raised
tear tilled eyes to the friendly fac
across the fireplace.
Leouard, Ethel has Just told me
that she Is engajretl"
Mr. Grey set down his teacup with a
clatter that did not harmonize with
the subdued surroundings and the
waning light lu the library.
"Which one," he demanded, "Harry,
Jack or Teddy?"
"Neither," snapped Mrs. Ralnsford.
Then followed something Tery like a
groan, "it Is her her riding master
one Oscar Tremayne. Now, Isn't thai
name quite enough, withont the re
position the fellow holds r
"Handsome. I presume," mused Grey
onsympathetlcally. "Knows how to
wear English riding clothes, etc! How
did It happenT
Mrs. Ralnsford leaned forward con
fidentially. "I am beginning to believe It was a
plot betweeu this wretched man and
Bettina, and she had seemed to be
such a model governess and compan
ion, so highly recommended. Well, I
shall take Ethel abroad next month.
Perhaps she will forget him."
i "More likely, being a clever youth,
Tremayne was that the name? will
smell a rat and persuade her to elope
meanwhile. No, my dear Elizabeth;
we most think of some better plan
than that"
"What? Do suggest something,
Leonard, quickly. I declare I have
been so unstrung all the afternoon I
have not known what callers said to
me. It seemed as If every one must
know it and be pitying me."
Leonard Grey rose slowly and drew
on his gloves deliberately.
"You and Ethel are to go to the Em
pire with me tonight, you remember,
and I have a table afterward at Sher
ry's. I think I'll step over to tbe
academy and ask this Tremayne to
make tbe fourth. I was going to have
Dick, buf-
"Leonard! At the Empire! And
Sherry's! Oh, really"
Mr. Grey took her band between his
two broad palms.
"My dear little woman, It Is not be
cause I wish to make Mr. Tremayne's
acquaintance, but because I think it Is
best" ' "
: - .
Ethel stole a furtive glance from the
stage to the back of the box. Some
bow she was vaguely relieved that her
mother and not Tremayne was seated
In the front at her side. ' Of course
Tremayne was delightful, but some
how his evening clothes did not fit as
well ia his riding suit. The invitation
had been rather sudden. Terhaps they
had not been properly pressed, bnt
there really was an. unsightly hump
of cloth over his right shoulder blade.
She glanced back at the stage, then
turned to the left Why was Mrs. Tan
Cott leveling ber glasses at their box In
such a direct fashion? Really, women
past belledom could be so odious!
The orchestra broke Into a rollicking
march. The star was about to enter.
Tremayne leaned over her chair.
"Makes you think of a canter
through the park on a frosty morning;
doesn't ltr ...
PtbsJ smiled and forgot the odlow
M'n. Vaa Cott. Kstt memorlss
cluxtttvd about tliiMH- runlet's threturs
the park Ou a fivvj morning.
fine womuu. ur tiivther," whle
pered Tremayne under cover of tin ap
plause which greeted tlie star. "Never
dreamed she'd t.tkti It so nicely, dkl
you r
Ethel glauced at her mother. What
a darling mother she was, lu her black
clitft'oa, with touches of real lace and
frosty pearls, Sl was a thoroughbred,
was that little mother.
KM ween the first and second acta a
steady stream of callers came tuto thelt
box. No one seemed surprised to flud
Tremayu there, and alie wondered It
they knew. "So. "That could not be, for
no on offered congratulations. Be
tween the second and third act Tre
mayne excused. himself. There was a
friend on the other aide of the house he
wanted to see. In truth, he felt urgeut
hvi of a soothing cigarette. Pick Van
h.ti.e s!iped Into the chair behind
. !.
"Nitv little girl, you are, Ethel, to
liii-V ixirelf so pleasant to Grey's
'a ! protege. What la It? The coming
Or a second Whistler? Or
if, a c mimon Socialist?"
K:in'!'s cheeks burned.
"Heally, Dick, It seems tbe correct
thine for you boys to make fun of any
oue who works for hia lirlug."
Dick whistled softly.
"So that's the game! You are not
thinking of moving down to one of the
settlement houses, are you? Rum cook
ing down there, the girls tell me."
Ethel was glad when the curtain rose
on the last act, but there was still Sher
ry's to face, and. In the great gold and
white salon, a stream of well groomed,
clean cut men pawing their table.
Each man seemed bent ou stopping for
a chat! Itut It was Mrs. Ralnsford who
really held court. Ethel was curiously
uncomfortable. The roue shaded lights
on their table did not soften the hump
on Tremayne's shoulder nor tbe sharp
edge of his manner under the trying
ordeal of Innumerable Introductions
and the .Incessant fire of repartee. She
could not umlerataud Kliy tbeae men,
who had seen them riding together, did
not recognize the riding master. 8b
was glad wheu her mother gave the
signal to rise, glad wheu the cool dark
ness of Forty fourth street swallowed
their carriage, glad when Tremayne
told his host that he would like to be
dropped at tbe Circle, glad when aha
was aafe In ber own room, with its
rose cretonne hangings abutting out
her mother's quizsical, half laughing
Leonard Grey's private secretary
held the telephoue receiver aloft,
while her right hand was laid care
fully over the mouthpiece.
"Mrs. Ralnsford?" she announced
"You may go for a few minutes.
Miss Nettle," replied Grey, with an
odd smile, and he reached for his
desk phone.
"(ooU morning."
"Ob, Leonard, la that your rippled
exultantly aloug the Invisible wires.
"It haa Just dawned ou me that you
are the cleverest man. Ethel la de
termined to sail for Europe next week.
Of course I asked no questions Just
promised to get bookings. If possible.
Do you think it could be managed?"
"Certainly; anything can be man
aged if you go at It right"
Grey's smiling Hps were very close
to tbe telephone and his voice waa
soft and caressing. "I feel quite sure
I could get a suit on the Amertka"
"Oh, one large stateroom will do us
anything, so she never see that
odlofis man again. Tbe cure la com
plete." "But what about me.' I tniuk 1
ought to hav something to say about
my own wedding trip."
Over tbe wire floated a gasp.
"Don't argue, Elizabeth," continued
Grey, with a certain ring of deter
mination in his voice. "You'll need
me on the other side to fend off un
desirable counts in Italy and Impos
sible pretty princes In Germany."
"But a honeymoon with a grown
daughter as an accessory" The
voice at the other end of the wire
faltered even aa Grey's gained in
"For the good of the cause I think
we could stand lt-and. Elisabeth,
dear, rather than wait any longer I'd
well it was an awful temptation to
tell Ethel and her riding master to run
off and be happy forever afterward"
."But they would not be happy"
"Exactly, and that Is why I think
I deserve my reward dearest"
"Oh, not over tbe wire. Come up
Grey smiled.
"No; at 5 for tea."
And he hung up tbe receiver.
Dora M. Newman, Plaintiff.)
William Newman, Defendant.!
To William Newman, the above named
Defend'-nt '
In the name of tbe State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled agalast you in the
above en til led suit, on or before tha last
clay of the time perscribed in the order for
the publication of this summons, said
time being six weeks from the first pub
lication of thin ruminons: and if you fail
so to appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
relief demanded in the complaint In said
suit, to-wit:-For a decree aisolvlng the
bonds of matrimony and marriage con
tract existing between the Plain till' and
This summons is pnlllshed by Order
of tbe Hon. J. W. Qoodin, County Judge
of said Washington County, Htate of Ore
gon, which order was duly msdo and tiled
on the 4th day of February, 1W7, and the
date of the first publication hereof is the
7th day of February, 1!J7.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, executor of the 'slate of Charles
W. Rosa, deceased, has filed his final ac
count as said executor, and that the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oiegon, for the
County of Washington, has fixed Mon
day, March 4, 1907, at ten a. m,, In the
county court room, in Hillsboro, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account, If any there be,
and for tbe final settlement of said estate.
Executrix of the Estate of Chas. W.
Rosa, deceased,
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., this 28th day
Of January, 1007.
H. T. Bagleyy Attorney for Executor, -
Notice i hereby given that the t Vittit v
Miper!ttlMiiii ul Washington Cuunly
will hold the reiiular esRUiiiistnm ot Hp
plicants for suite no, I coiintv iwin'raal
the Public School Kulltliiift in llillnlxm.,
as follows:
For Slato Tapers
Commencing Vlnswlay, February lit
at o'clock . in., ami oliittiuiiiig until
Saturday. February lit, at 4 p. in.
Weltietayl,iiniatchl, spcllltn:, his
tory, physical gncgraphv, mailing, piji h
ology. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of leaching, uraiiiinar, bookkeeping,
physic, civil govern utcut.
triday Fhyaiolopy, geography, mental
arithmetic. oiiuihwiIioii, algebra.
Saturday Botanv, plane gcmtielrv, k-en-erat
history, Knglish literature, school
For fount; ranrr
Commencing Wednesday, Ketiruarv :t
at 9 o'clock a. in., and continuing iinlii
r'rlday, February l.'i, at 4 o'clock p. m.
First, Setoud ami' Third tirauV
Ort ideate
VtllPilaT.t,Hhii,K t.kil.i i, t,it......
thovraphy, resiling. '
Thursday Written aiithmelio, theory
of teaching, grammar, phyiologv.
rutin veviKniiiy llieuuu ai II IllllCllC,
school law, civil government.
Primary tViiillcatcs
Wedneday-Penmanship, oitliogrtiphy
arithmetic, reading.
Thursday Art of iuesticuiut, theory
of teaching, physiology.
Yours truly,
County School upeiuitcndei.t.
A isew papteiigtr tiain
as follows:
Leaves for Portland
Forest Grove local
Sberidaa Flyer
Forest Grove local
Corvallia overland
Arrives horn Portland
Corvallia overland
Forest Grove local
Sheridan Flyer
Forest Grove local
Leaving Portlaud
Corvallia oveitand..
Forest Grove local.
Sberidsn Flyer
Forest Grove local
Arrival in Portlsnd
Forest Grove local . ,
Sheridan Flyer
Forest Grove local ,
Corvallia overland
The Forest Grove lot
carry baggage.
M-htiltile is
. . 6:Va. in.
, , v:ojs a. m.
, , 1 4 J p. in.
.. 4:31 p. m.
... S:.j a.
. . u:o" p.
,. .1:20 p
.. 6:1; p.
, . 7:30 a. m.
. 1 1 : a. m
. . 4:10 p. 111.
.. fi:jo p. in
... S.thj a. m.
. ,io:jo a. 111
... 1:50 p. ui.
... .i:jo p. 111,
al dot s not
I wish to sell my farm contairirg
152 acres. 1 10 acres tin ier ctil i
vatioo; guo hotisaand Imni; good
orchard Three am) one half tulles
fouth of Hillshorn and one mile
west of Farmington. For further
information apply to K. I'.urk
halter. Hillsboro, Ore., U F 1). 2.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has 1 1 led j 1 the county court of the
State of Oregon for Washington Couniy,
his final acco'unt in the mutter of tbe Es
tate of Martha C0I1VH, drcrused, ami I list
said Court has lixed Monday, tha L'lM
day of January, PJ7. at IU o'clock A. M.
of laid day at the Court Room in Hillsho
rn, Oregon, an the tune ami place lor hear
ing objections to said tiual account and
lor the final settlement of said eatutn.
Dated this loth dnv of December, PKK1,
JULIl'S COI.FKLT, Administrator.
Geo It. Bagley, Attorney lor Adminis
In the Matter of the Application of)
Wallace MrX'sniant for the Regis.
tratinn of the title to the following t
descried real property situate in
the County of Washington and
State of Oregon, ti-wit: The
southeast quarter, tha west half of
the northeastquarter, theeat half
of the northwest quarter and the
northwest quarter of the north-
weat quarter or section ,H in
Township 2 south, of Kauge 1
west of the Willamette Meridian;
also, the north half of the north-1
east quarter of Section in 'Inwn- i
ship 3 south, of Range I west ul
the Willamette Meridian, except-
ing therefrom the right of way of I
the Oregon Electric Railway Com I
panv. I
To E. U Cole and all others whom it may
Tak notice that on the 4th day of Jan
uary, 1!7, an application was llled by
said Wallace McCarnaut in the lircuil
Court of Washingtoit County, for Initial
regintration of the title to the lail alaive
Now unless yon appear on or before the
10th day of February, A. I), 1!7, and
show cause why such application shall
not lie granted, tbe same will be taken as
confessed and a decree will be entered
according to the prayer of the application
and you will lie forever barred from dis
puting the same.
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Mule of
Oregon, for Washington County.
Notice of Guardian Sals for Real
Notice s hereby given that in pursuance
of order of sale of real prorty mails and
entered by the County Court of Washing
ton County. Htate of Oreeon. on the sMth
day of December, lfi, 111 the. matter of
me guaraianslilp eslaleol .mini o. llalcii,
Mable Bretherton, formerly Mable Hatch.
Charleton F. Hatch, Kred M. Hatch, and
Edwin H. Hatch, minors, the uiidirsign
ed, duly apiMiiuted, qualliiod and acting
guardian of (he persons and estates of
said minors, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, suhftir-t to confirma
tion by said Court, the following Icm
crilied real property, situate in Washing
ton County, Oregon, and uelng more par
ticularly described as follows, towit:
The f jist 68 feet of Lot 2 In Block 20 In
the town of Forest Grove. Oregon. 'Phut
said sale will be made on the lsth day of
February, I'M, at 10 o'clock in the fore-
noon 01 said day at inn Mouth door or the
Court House In Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon.
Terms to be cash in hand, and the con
veyance at the expense of the purchaser.
Guard Ian.
F. F. Freeman and K, B. Tongue, At
torneys lor Ouarcllan,
Executrix' Notice
Notice is hereby given that I, the under
signed, have been, by the county court of
the Htate of Oregon, for Washington
county, duly appointed executrix of the
estate of Charles Ielch, deceased, and
have duly qualified as such. All persons
having claims against said estate am
hereby notified to present t he same to me,
with proper vouchers, at the Law Oil ice
of W, N. Barrett, In Hillsboro, Oregon,
within six (0) months from tbe date here
of. -
Baud this December 20th 1900.
Executrix of the estate of Charles Leioh,
1 W, N. Barrett, Attorney for Estate,
Admlitlsiratrla' Notk't
N'"licv Is heTt by given, that I. Hie uinlcr
signed, have len by the tVuntv Court uf
the Slate of Oregon, for Washington
t 'iiiinty, duly apMiin!ed Administrator of
the of Nsinuel Kverllt, decaaaevl,
Ullh the willuf said deceased minimi,
and have duly qualMled as such. Nun
therefore, all parsons having claims
against said vslata ar hereby untitled 10
pieseut the same to in with proper
voucheisat lh law orttceofW. N. Itsr
rett. in Hillshoro, Oregon, within six
mouths from the data hsreof.
Dated this 17th dav of January, piQ7.
Administrator v.llb the will auuaxrd of
Samuel Kverllt, deceased.
W. N. Harrett, Attorney Por Kslate,
Oeorge Kchulniertch and A. 8.
-"uoies, PlainlilU,
Oregon ,t Caltlornla It. R. Com.
pany, a Corporation, ami M.
I Paxou, miandauta.
To M. 1., Paxon, oue of the alsiya iiautad
In tha name of the Stated Oregon, vou
ue hereby commanded and rrqulrvd lo
be and apfiear lu tha above entitled Court
.mil ansr the coiuplaint llled against
you in tha above entitled causa un or be.
for the expiration of six (U) weeks from
the data of the first publication l thla
iimiiioiis. lu the Hillsboro Argua, th
llrst publication thereof, being on th
JHh day of ie., lnw, to-wlt: On or be
lore tbe 31st day Jaiiuai y, 1107, and you
will please uk no! u that if you Isii ao
to apis-araml answer said cninplalnt the
I'lamtiits will take a decree, Mainat you,
adjudging and decreeing that lliev are
the owuerx in fe stmpleof all of the'West
I of th Northeast ipiartarnf Seitloii W,
t'.S N li. 8W ..or the Will. Mar., eon.
tainlng eltthly SU) acres, (re from ny
" all claim, right, liila ml Interaal
maile by vou, and that yon lie forsver
barred and precluded from cUiiuIuk any
riKlit, title or Interest theraln or thereto,
ami for such other and fnrthar decree aa
may he mswuiary and pmis-r.
This summon la served upon vou by
publication, by order or Honors bla J. W.
Oisvdiu, County Judge of Waahiugtoii
t'tiuiity, Oieiton, msile and daled nu th
I -th day of IWnnlw, pajii,
liAOl.KY .t HARK.
Attorneys for Plslntills
Christ F. K. von Udlges, PlalnlllT, 1
' t
Annie Alfrleda rou Udlgea, IWendanU
To Annie Alfriwlavon Ladlgea, defend
anl nlsivn named,
lu the name of the Stale of Oregon, vou
are hereby notitied thst the Planilill h'sra
iu haa filed a complaint against you in
tliealsiveenlltlml Court and caua, and
you are hereby required In apiiear and
answer the said complaint or file sum
appearance thereto on or Iwfor the laal
day prescrllwd by th order of pnlllc
tion hereof, to-lt: On or lafor the II r
tnenlh day or March, I1SJ7, ami II vou (all
so Ui apMar and answer th complaint or
II In some appearance herein, the Plaint Iff
w ill cause your default to h entered and
noted and w ill apply lo the court for the
relief prayed for In said Complaint, to.
wit: A decree forever dissolving In
bonds of matrimony now lstlug I
tween you and the PlalntlfT and for such
other relief as to th Court may aem
I lie date of the llrst publication of tbli
siiinmons Is the 24th day of January,
I',i7 and this suiiiinoni is u be published
on every Thursday of each weak for a
IH-riod of six successive weeks between
said dates.
This summons Is published by order of
the Hon. Thomas A. McHrule, Judge ol
the above entitled Court, mad In Cham
trs this '.Mm I day of January, 1IU7.
Chas. J. Hchushl,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that th under
signed, executrix, has tiled in the County
Court of the Hlat of Oregon, for Wash
ington County, har final account In lb
matlernf th last Will and testament of
liavid Purser, deceased, and aaid Court
has fixed Monday, March 4. 1H07, at ten a.
tn and the court room In Hillsliom, Or,
iron, as the time and idA, tn hMn
jectlnns Ul said llnai account, If any lliare
ue, hii tor inn unai aeiuemnni ol aalil
estate. HANNAH Ft KSKIt.
Kxectitrix of tha last will and testament
uf Daviil Purser, lieceasert.
Diited al Hlllslsiro, this 2ftth day of
January, IWI7.
It. T. Hagley, attnrnry for the rxaciitiia
Snoqj LINE
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping-cnrs daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping-car dally to
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping-cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, let-lining
chair cars (seats free) to the
F.ast daily.
Kx press
St. Paul
' Fast
6:16 P. v.
" Port
land IHggs
rl:l.r A.M
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, ouiaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
IiOiiis, Chicago and
0:00 !. M,
Halt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth. Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht,
Ijouis, Chicago ami
Walla Walla, Lewis-
ton.Hpoksn, Wallace
Pullman, Mlniieap
oils, St. Paul, iu
Inth, Milwaukee,
JChicago and Kast
For all local points
between lllggs and
7:15 a. a
8:00 s.m
0:00 r.u,
Klvnr boats on the lower Columbia and
Willamette daily except Sunday,
to and from all points in the Kast
Tickets via this ronte on sale at all depot
otliee of the Houthern Pacific Co,
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Millinery Sale
,1 put my goods on sale for the first
time tins season. Now is tlie time
to buy. I will have out A lot of
New and Fashionable Hats
at sale, prices. This oiler holds
Root! until the loth of Novetulicr.
Above L. M.
Sacontl Strt. Oppualla
When You Buy Shoes
Buy Good Shoes
A Fine Iiue of Fancy Slippers for Men.
The Wst shoe in llu- uiaikit is the Till
Kinney shoe for nu n. Also a line line
for boys, also school shoes. The In-sit
heavy work shoes for men. RubUrs for
men and boys, at
Do yon desire good roek roads in your County? If so,
cut out tin's petition, sign it, have your lieighliors sigti
it, and send to the Hillsboro A rtis. u must help
Your undersigned Petitioners would respectfully rep
resent: That we arc resident taxpayers of the County of
Washington; That we desire the Comity Court of the
State of - Oregon for Washington County, out of any
moneys in the County Treasury, not otherwise appro
priated, to purchase machinery and material necessary
to initiate permanent rock road building in Wash
iugton County, and for the construction dtiriug the
year 1907, of as much permanent rock roah as pos
sible, audwc hereby expressly sanction the expend!,
ture of moneys derived from taxation for that purpose
and suggest that in the building of such roads, the
County Court should employ u competent Kugineer or
expert to superintend the construction thereof.
Found, at depot. Wsttih fob
with locket on bottom, containing
photo of young man. Owner will
plsase call, provs property and pay
for advertisement, and get same,
Hoyt's Store
Courlltouav, tllllnboro
For rent,: Farm of 1-15 acres ad
joining inilHborn; good for grain
or dairy; 80 acres of pasture, with'
running WfifPP) ,! with but Uttla
bruBli.-Inquiro of K. B. Tongue,