HIltSBORO ARQUS. FtB, 7. 190? Intered at the Poct-office at Hll-boro, I Oregon, m second-el naU Mttar. LUCIUS A. LONG. Editor. County Official Paper Subscription: Cm Dollar pr Annum. I A Preconcerted Accident By JEANETTE V AID EN Copyrtsrht, 1M, by May McKeoa lBd Every, Thrday leONG McKlNMKT J "It's Rood to see you once more, Ar- thnrr Xaovua Uk rau aons tue room, holding out twin hand to the etroug. dark young wan who came for ward to meet her. Her delicate face was alight with real Joy. Ttoodr be echoed, taklug her ex- tended hands and drawing her to him. had passed Into V quiet country rowd. he spoke atralu. "Can t you tell lue more about UT "Ob, I forgot Dldu't you knowt" "Well, I should ay not" "Fred Mr. Hstupton-U my fiance. rucK'a golug back to India again, and. you know, I can't tlve In that climate, and he didn't want to leave m atone. ami KO ami o preparation are being hastened for for" 'For your wedding," Boyd finished. Then he stopped the machine, fussed over the feed tauk for a few minute and started on again. They hnd gone only a few rods when said carelessly, "and then run throngs the pantomime, lf a pity that they cannot get the hall upstair, where they can get the scenery up. There's a wedding or something going on up there," "It was awfully good of you to bring me." he said impulsively. "If good for you to come." he la null ed. "A glimpse of a dres rehearsal Is there was an explosive sound, and the After all, it ia t this time a ward to meet her. tier uvu.aie maMn stopped short. Boyd got out. ..,l-n,i;j .volition nf affair that ,lnt wltn looked under It and tinkered at It here . .,,,..,. ;. "Ooodr he echoed, taklug her ex- ,ud i t desultory fashion. our Benne oaca in muiukiuu i , h4,u .j drawln her to hint. nlu -.! nu-k " he remarked a composed of elderly people, else our I AJ , ni9 fSC to meet bera she j be watched Xaoma'a face keeuly. He ham. t .cli war shrank back, flushing naiufully. Then (teemed satisfied with what he saw again! both Japan and the ptwi- dent au unseemly- proportion. After all, considering the timid- tv nf onr nreeident in fearing the j c Japanese, it appears that Mr. Roosevelt baa loot his strangle hold oo that big stick of his. a smile Bicserea across ur uw, aim she disengaged her bauds, uiotioulng him to a seat For a moment he studied her. ' or- sive me " he said Ironically. "You kiss ed me good by. you remember V "1 was rouuir five years ago," sue I laughed as she sat dowu, He threw himself Into a chair oppo site and drew his hand across his fore head. "Perhaps we ought to be Introduced, Ronatnr rtaurne eare Paul Redet a sucgested cheerfully. saa .u i r .;m.r. At this ber tangh rang nulne. lor lua kouu K"1"' J system. There's nothing liks back ins tip the proper thing in econ omica even in a disinterested way. and there ia no question that Jon athan robbed anyone"to pay Paul.' sue com- "Tell me about yourself. mauded. He shook hi bead. "Nothing-same old story. But tell me about yourself. There Is something. I know. I went to seek my fortune. You already bad your In your face." She could not meet his eyes. "Same old story." She ouly attempted to laugh this time. "There's nothiug to tell.' he If Paul Rader did use that loOO who shall dispute hia right to per- There was a tremor In her voice. s. ..:tt m.,n. tr. h mod He studied ner iaee again. u. '""m " rve t 4 msclline uut here. by the Anti-baioon i-eague. i Ml(1 rls,ug come for a ride. She sprang; up with impulsive acqnl- It is quite evident that the sage I escenee. Then her gray eyes clouded of Rabbitville never got 1500 dur- ounl be asserted. tng the last campaign. Ine upu-i -ypg, t waut to, oh, so much, but I mist should induce Paul Rader to have an appointment' . , .-: v,,.- i , "it oeen a loug uiue since jou ixwe take a position as business mana- ger nd yet, faui mignt not turn otner fellow wait. in the funds collected to fiaht the "The other fellow', You kuow.thenr j !.. ' I 1 aom snow anymiug, oe grvwieu. uo'" W: nu hat I tit. MAKK.H la, 1 As thev went down the broad walk ! en thA drlvA n v?it wllit CAf chuir Thia mornintfa market reports, compiled from Portland quotations,! are: Valley Wheat, new, 66(5 67c. Barley feed, 2122 per ton; brewing,t23; rolled, $2323. Oata, White, $29. Oata. cray. $28.50 per ton. Bran. $2oi per ton: aborts, 120. Hay, Valley timothy, $14.00 and $15.00; grain, $7 UUa fS IW. Hay, Clover, $9. PoUtoea, $1.00 $1.25 per cwt. Eggs, fancy ranch, 353ic. Butter, Extra Creamery, 35. Hops, choice, 13K"-15; prime, 11 13o. , . " 'Bad Symptoms. TO woman who baa periodical aeaaV aches, backache, mum imaginary dark Dot or speck floating or dancing before bar eyes, naygnawing owiresa or no j fall feeling iftitomach. faint apelU, drag- gdnc-aownAllDC In lower abdominal or pelvic regfon, easily hhun or eicium, IrreguUtfor palnf nl periods, with or wlth oal ptlvlc catsrrh, is suffering from HhnJitfi andfleraniemenu tnattnonui have ety a Mention. Not all of above aymptoaw anf likely to be present la any imiL or badlv treated ana tack run Into maladies which de le surgeon's knife if taer de net U1IJ JDS2J, there. "Shall we explore this mossy dell while we're waltlug for a tow!" By all means." She was on the ground almost before he could help her. Isn't this glorious?" she cried after thev had walked a short distance aud ate placed her hand ou Boyd's shoulder as she juuied uon a low, flat rock. Her eves were JuRt ou a level with hi. As they looked at each other a shadow came over the happlueea of her ex presslon. I'm afraid l ve got you Into trou ble." he suggested. Oh. no." she reified wearily. "We'll make It up. We fall out periodically. Has there ever been a mau lu the case before?" He tried to make the question seem careless. XoS" A new lutelllgeuc came Into her eyes. She dropped her hand from his shoulder. I)o you want to make it up?" He put the question calmly, quietly, but something lu his face made her heal tate. made the bright color come Into her delicate cheeks. "Ye"- She couldn't say It "Nor Suddenly he swung her o(f the stone. For an iustaut she rested lu bis arms. and her face met bis without shrinking. As thev went back to the road she looked up at him half reproachfully. Why did yon stay away so long?" "Because I couldn't have you.' "Couldn't have me?" "I couldn't ask you to marry a beg gar." She smiled Indulgently. "But how to it different now?" Ob, I've turned out about a million aud a half on that Arlxona land deal and a few other Irons I've had In the Are for the last year or two." They had reached the disabled auto by the roadside. All at once Naoma laughed gleefully. "It's the first time I ever saw a ma chiue run itself out of the road before it broke down." Boyd's eyes had a mischievous twin kle. "Didn't you realize that we'd turned out? I guess the thing' rested up now, and we can go back," be con tinned as he helped her In. When they bad started, Naoma was thoughtful. "I shouldn't think you'd want a wife that would turn a man down at the slightest excuse," abe mused. , "1 shouldn't want her to do It more than once," be laughed. 11 J SUMMONS IN TIIK CIRCUIT COl'BT OF TIIK M'A IK OK OKKOON H)R WASH INOTON COUNTY MarySrhnavaly, NaliiM?,) vs. Willlsiu Allen Schiiavelv Defendant ) To William Allea Mohnavely, lov defendant! In tli name of the State, of Oiegon, you are hereby required to appear and answer die complaint tiled against you in the Above entitled suit, on or befure the laxl lay of th time prescribed In the Order for the publication of this summon; aald tutu belli six ka from the Aral publication of thia aummoiM; and II yon tail Ui appar and answer, for want tliem.f, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tli relief demand! lu the ctunplaiiit In said auit, to-wlu For a dtvrwedisaolvlttg the bond of matrimony and inarrutice contract existing between theplaliitltl and voiirwlf, aad allowing the pltiinlttt to re-ini hvr maiden nam, Mary ilellaiid. I ln summons la publislied hrtlrderof llxii, i. W. Umnliii, Count v Judge of said WiuliliiKbrn County, Stale of Onwon, bl-'h order was dulv niadv and tiled on lb 41 h day ot February, 1MU7, and the .Intei. I' tlie first publication liereuf ti the Till ilny of February, 1HH7. V. k.hTUOHk. A Homey ftr Plain! iff. WEINHARD'S i (On dnughi) i i The bst of all Dccrs. Bottled for Medicinal Use A W. V. WILEY'S mwmm.m..M m m v mm. SUMMONS nr. y iT medicine xtan: Sje mr. kuuwn very T3TT igreditot vntSmedical science for the cure of woman I peculiar ailments enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug is to be found In the list of it ingredient printed on each bottle-wrapper aud attested under oath. In any condition of the female system. Sr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good never barm, lu w hole effect la to strengthen. Invigorate and regulate U whole iemai system ana especially the nelvie orcana. Wben these are de ranged in function or affected by disease, the stomach and other omani of dlitestlon become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant, symptom follew. Too much muut not ha eiuuctsd of this Fa- I vorlte Prescription." It will not perform i aairacles: will not cure tumors no med- I lelne will. It will often. prevent them, If ' taken In time, and thus the ODeratlnc : table and the surgeon' knife may be avoiaea. Women suffering from diseases of kmc I standing, are invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter.ree. All correspondence f H neia so siriciiy private sna sacreaiy j, confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, tsuuaio. j. i. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (lOOOnarert la aent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps for paj ioc ciotn-uoui -covered, or 31 stamiia copy. Address as above, i - Bis Ome Rceaest, ... - 1 "Have you any request to maker asked the sheriff of tbe erstwhile so ciety man who. was to be hanged on tbe morrow. - 'fi "Tee, one," replied tba condemned Isaac. "Let me tie tbe noose myself. ' I never yet wore a ready made tie." ,"Jew Orleans Times Democrat ;r . WkltewalilBS Jlmatr. y "Jimmy' got a great scheme to get tot o' school on these-nice days." j "How does be work It?" f "He goes out an' washes his face, a' the teacher thinks he' 111 an' sends i tin home." Philadelphia Inquirer. ' W. of Diu. t. Amlnant ktorney trying now? i Barley The patience of tbe judge.- Uorlda Times-Union. i Mr Heart. Isent him my heart 'Twas a risky thing, But what, pray tell, can a man d tune la swiftly taking wing And h-ha cannot come to yon f ant my heart 'Twas broken qHts, And his the only power I knew i mend the breach and set aright (That alas oenld hapless maiden 4oT p4t It yas, and 'twas returned: . It rsata Just new within my riser, ind waa It thus so rudely spurneaT' roa auesUoa, and I answer true.. was bat a golden heart, dear friend, -f"uj4 with a bit of blue, .. tor repairs I had tl sna,' lul it raturnaa aa cood a new. Urama W. SaelaWa in Msv York Tbaea "I'M ir&AID I'VB OOT TOD INTO TBOCBtE," HB BCUOKtiTSD. ged np behind the tuachiue that was waiting for Arthur Boyd. Tbe occu pant Jumped to the ground before bis chauffeur bad time to bring tbe cur to a stop aud came to meet Boyd and Naoma. He was well proportion ed, blond and dressed with absolute correctness. Arthur Boyd looked at Naoma. ller face was changing 'color. "Is this your appointment?" The blond man, with a faiut, insinu ating smile, was slowly, suavely liftiug bis bat He raised It just high enough to expose a slight baldness, then settled It carefully upon bis head again. "Mr. Hampton, Mr. Boyd." Nao ma's self control was iwrfti't now. Arthur Boyd received an expression less handshake. Ton are ready In good time," Hamp ton spoke to Naoma In a voice that was as genteel aa bis dress. "I Just left tbe decorator at the house." These words sent a chill over Boyd. He drew back a little. "But I can't go Just now." Naotua's voice was firm. "Something quite urg mt has turned up unexpectedly. "You will etcuse me for a little while V" Hue smiled up at Hampton. "I'd excuse her forty times a day to get that tnlle," thought Arthur Boyd as be advanced ngalu to her side. But Hampton drew himself up, and his face grew pink.. He flashed a sav age look at Boyd. "It will be Jupossl ble for the decorator to wait. I'm very sorry," he said to Naoma In the ssnie genteel voice. Then he took ber arm with the air that all was settled. But Naoma drew back and surveyed him In frank astonishment. "The decorator can wait better than than this sew appointment I must ask you to excuse me." The pink In Hampton's face changed to crimson, aud he breathed hard "Naoma, what Is this that's Important enough to Interfere with a plan that waa made weeks ago? I demand an explanation." The girt was angry. "Come," she said to Boyd, and be felt that things were evened up by the look she gave tbe recent recipient of her Intimate smile. Bne was trembling a little at Boyd's side when they chugged away, drown ing the noise of tbe big white cur that was flying In the opposite direction. "Why did you do It?" he questioned after tbey had gone a half mile In silence. "I wanted 'to," she replied. "Wanted to quarrel with him?" "Ob, no!" with widening eyes. "Wanted to ride with me," he as serted. "I I hadn't thought about It." She glanced up at bim, and he met ber puz- aled expression with an Illuminating look. "Tea," she said simply; "I did. was a long silence. When tbey Aatrrlraaa' Odd Crsae, Some Americans have an odd craze for. believing that tbe rightful belr of British peerages are American "kept out of their own." One of these queer people asks me whether Jemima, tbe heiress of the Macdougal line of Earla of Tobermory, was not really a daugh ter of Queeti Mary? Was not James VI. a son of fat old Lady Here, not of Queen Mary? Tbe present Duke of Tobermory is descended from tbe fifth sou of the eurl of 1715. But whit be came of the fourth son? The peerages say that be died young without off spring. But did he not "escape to America." and 1s he not the Thomas Robertson who married a fair colonist lu 17: in, and is "not a certain Hubert Thompson tbe son of this Thomas Rob ertson, aud are not his descendants earls of Tobermory and klnga of Scot- laud? Will I not get at the family pa pers, now kept In Melrose abbey, and clear I lie matter tip Tbe names 1 here alter, but all this tissue of nonsense Is solemnly laid liefore my reluctant eyes In the hope that some possible J. P. Koliertson is Duke of Tobermory. Andrew Lang In Illustrated News. 3 Beth s Hero By COLIN S, COLLINS Copyright M. by Homer SpragtM Beth looked curiously about the halt, Behind the scenes bad always been a domain of fairyland to her. The thought that she was to witness a re hearsal, and a dress rehearsal at that, overpowered her. It was not at all as she hud pictured It. The long, low celllnged ball was very unlike the stage, and tbe mas of properties and scenery thrown about In apparent chaos bewildered ber. A huge bowlder lay aralnst an Italian fountain, and flower beds, stacked one above the other, looked very unlike tbe flower beds sbe knew. Over lu one comer a group of men were pulling and Hauling at a girl dressed as an Indian. lu tbe center of the hall half a dozen meu were struggling through some unfamiliar music:, and not far away a heavily built man was deliberately slitting a new leather coat Into shreds and rub bing It on the dirty floor to take off Its aspect of newness. Other girls were going through danc ing steps at the behest of a stocky lit tle man,' who beat time with a thick pole he carried when he was not using the stick to threaten some unruly girl. And over all presided a thin, nervous looking man, who seemed to have the faculty of being In three place at once. . Tom Beaton detached himself from tbe group about a cage lu one corner and came toward her. "It doesn't seem much when you see It close to, does It?" he laughed. "It Is a little disappointing," sbe sd roitted, "but I find It very Interesting." ,'rhey are going ioeassogn," he TOM HEADED THK HH,rTR HIS CMIS Jl'ST AA HKHUIM RI HIIKD IN. the beet cure for the stug fever that 1 know of. It was lucky that Hermes was In a good humor lust ulglit w lieu I asked him if 1 might bring you over. "la that HeruiesV she asked, point-1 lag to a tall, handsome fellow who posed In one corner. - That the mau wuo made tue cos tumes," he laughed, "llerme Is Unit little fellow who I all over the place. He and St Klmo, the luillct master that little fellow with the stick-are do ing about half the work." Beth glanced with uew Interest at the flying figure. She had seen uliu ou the stage dressed in mystic roues aud with all of the advantages of scenic en vironment. He looked vastly different aa he flew about the place lu tin old pair of trousers aud a tattered II a unci shirt Even when the players who bad slip ped out of tlie room Ik-kuu to come back In gaudy costumes, the Illusion waa not restored, for the nervous little ballet master kept Jumping Into tbe space outlined by chairs to represeut the stage aud, roughly throwing some one aside, took her place to show what be wauted done. Not until tbey came to the trick to which the pautomlme worked up did Beth regain her Interest. The Iwaullful white girl was supposed to bo tlirowu Into a lion's deu, but an Indian mai den, by virtue of a tallKtuttu, took the place of the Infuriated lieitst. Tbe others crowded about the cage to see the trick worked, and Tom drug ged Beth over, with a whispered. "You mustn't tell tbe trick to any one. Sbe nodded assent with a delightful feeling of mystery and watched wllh Interest the elaborate working of a trick that seemed simple enough from the audience. Half a doxeu times the trick was tried before Hermes straightened up with an "All right! Dres for the next act," and tbe crowd of fantastically dressed players rushed off to the ante room. Tom led Beth back to the tiny plat form that formed ber seat of vantage. "Disillusioned?" be said, with a smile. "Entirely so," she shuddered. "Of course I knew It was nil play, but 1 never dreamed it was such hard work." "Tou should have been to fls of fh early rehearsals," he laugher "There was one afternoon when Hf. f,lmo got so excited at the way one of the stupid girls bvbaved that 1 hnd to Jump In aud catch his arm fo keep blm from striking her. He's a genius, but his temper Is something awful. It's no worse, though, than wllh sume of tlie big companies." "I don't think 1 shall want any of It," she shuddered. "It lw cured me com pletely of my desire to go on the stage." . "Do you tli I nk you could settle down to being Just Mrs. Tom Sentou?" he pleaded. "I want you so, dear." "Don't, please," she lieggi-d. "You know how I feel." He turned away. He knew all too well how she felt. That same roman ticism that urged her to the stage act ed against him. He was Just Tom Sea ton, big, good iiatiited mill n faithful friend, but entirely too uiiroinniitlc to appeal to ber heart. He hud destroyed the glamour of the stage for ber by bringing her to rehearsal. Only u mir acle could work the other change. . He had slipped his coat off when he had come In, following tlie cxa tuple of tbe rest, and now he ttirniil lo n cigar for solace. He was carefully selecting one from his cose when a cry from Beth caused bim to turn. There Just below the platform stood King, tbe Hon used In the trick. In the excitement some one had neglected to fasten the door of the cage, and while tbey bad been talking lie hud slipped out and sturted on a tour ot Investigation. All of the players had gone tj change their costumes, and the property man had taken advantage of Hermes' ab sence to slip out to the corner for a glass of beer. They were it lone. Just below him on the edge of the platform were a couple of revolvers louded with blank charges. With a bound bo caught one of these up and discharged It Into King's face. With nn angry snarl the brute turned and charged to ward tbe other end of the room. Tom caught up the other revolver and slipped It Into his pocket. Then be seized St. Elmo's wand and followed the retreating form. Buck and forth they went, up and down the hull, until at last with a quick turn Tom hcuded the brute Into his cage Just as Hermes rushed In. It was he who latched the dour of the cage, for now that the danger was over Beth was clinging to Tom, mur muring praises that sounded sweet to his ears. Hermes came forward, but Tom, dis engaging himself from Itcth's clasp, went toward him and whispered lu his ear. Hermes smiled knowingly and darted out Preseatly he was back IN TIIK CIKlTir t'OliRT OK THK STATU OK ORKUON. KOR THK tWNTY OK WANH1SUTON J. 1". lialeley, I'laititin.) . va V Annie tialeley, Defendant.) To Annie tialeley, the abov named tleleiulaiil: In the name nf the State nf Oregon you I re uereoy reipnrwi to appear ami ana- wvr lo the complaint Died aaainut yon hi I tlie above entitle,! tVitrt and I'auae on or liefore Match Slat. IW, and If you fall to sonmtear ami aimwer in planum win aiipiy mr tne reuei prayen lor in ulaooiu lilaillt, to-ttlt: r'r a decree dissolving the bonds of I matrimony now eiistiiic helwiwn the I !hiv nsiiiml plaliuin and dvlendaul and .or oilier titiitaliie retlvr. Tins ".minions la pulillNhad In imrau- Kiio of an order of th Honorable T. A.I Mcltridc. Jmlire of the abov nlUladl t'otirt mad nd entered on th Id day of I ret.rnurv, iiui, ociiyiiig mat III sain lw pulilisliiHl fur six iiccMtv weak aud entering February 7th, l)7, as date of urs luiniicatioti. DAN K. MURPHY, Attorney for IMalnllrr. 4 per cent, 4 per cent. 4 per cent. COMPOUND! U I NKt I IIMIS I AC II IAK Make Your Money Cam You Money We furnish you every Nanking Facility that you cau get anywhere. Give ns your iU-jmimi, subjeet to check. We sell exchange t every place of importance in the commercial worhl. We will sell you drafts cheaper than you can buy money orders. The Hillsboro Commercial Hank This Spray is Endorsed By A. . Ci.dU Of the Agricultural College SUMMONS IX THE CIltCl'IT COURT OK THK STATR OK OKKOON. rXUt WASIUSUTOX COUNTY eiiarlcn Krost. 1'lalntlfT.I vs Annie Front, liefemlanM " To Annie Front, defendant aliov named: In lb nam of th State uf Orvaon: You are lierrliy noli lied that the plalnlllt hrrein has tiled a compmiiit aeainit you in th almvt entitled court and cauw ami von arft hirtliv reotilrMt l,i biiumit answer the anid complaint or 111 mine aimarauce tlieraoil ou or I lor lit last lay prescribed by the order of publication hereof, to-wit: On or before the Ifiud day of March, 17. and if you fall ao lo appear and aimwrr the complaint or 111 oni appearance herein, the plaintiff will raus your untaiiii to ih nieru anu nmwi and win amuy to inn court for tue reltel imv- ed for in said complaint, to-win A drcree forever iliKHolviuir the uonde of matri mony now eiiatiilK between yon ami pliitntili, and for auch other rellsl a to I lie court may areiu oroiwr. The date of the tirst publication of tills 4iiiiininn ia lh "th day of February. UiO. and this aumuioni la to be published on every Thursday of each week for period of si stiocmstv week between iid dates. This sntnmoii Is puliliidietl by order of I tba Hon. Thomas A. Mollride, Jnilte of die aiMiv entitleii conn, mail in ;iiaai ber this -lib day of February, llT. til Art. J. HCHNAKEI,, Attorney for Plaintiff. Soealuug of the Phoenix Iiine and Sulphur Liquid Spray, Mr. Cordlcy, of the Crvallis Agri cultural College, writes Dunne & Co., aa follows: "Coryallls, Ore., Sept, ?, llnrt. liavid M. Piniiie Co., I'ortland, On-iton. ter Sin In reply Ui your letter of the Mt lint, I am glud 10 I able lo report llml Hie riill obtained iroui tlie ne of Vour I l.oanU Moray wure very nlMm lory, indeed, ln,i,-,l a illinium one lo tlllxen. The dltlllml ipiiiv were, applied IIh.1i.uk ply ami f ontl.lv lo tree that r nl in ply Inerunleil. un, I , 1 1 a weaker xihiliou lia apparently con. .leti-v tru.lknli'. I tlie et iron, uprm e.l Ireen. I llml - that examination made alxiut ton week ,nm t.nU to icel any llvlun M-aletit.il ruber fruit ur leave. iMifm-.l) A. It. i'lli.r V. I sell cheaper than other dealers. 1W prices in any quantity, f. o. !., at Hcavcrum, or taken front my place, write sole agent, D. LUIS, Deaverton. Oreron, R. F. D. 1 GUARDIAN SALE OF PROPERTY Admimatrator's Nolle Notice Is hereby given that th oitdenixn- ed has been appointed by th County Court of WanliliiKUin county, Oregon, by an order dated tb 2ntli day of January, IM)7, Ail'iiiuistratorof the Kntate of Jamea i'lty.gerulil, dexvaHed; and all persons hav iiK claim atralnst said eatate are hereby notitird to preaent tb same with tbe proper vouchers therefor, to ma at th ! olll.e of K. K. Ton(ue, Hillsboro, W,diiuirtnu County, Oregon, listed this 2d day of February, IflU". C. AKBIS1IKK. Administrator. K. n. TniiKiia, Attorney. s REAL ' IHth day of M.ir. h. PiT. Iloil twin- th j lal ilnr prescribed In Hie older of puldt -i . nib. n ol tin iituuiotin, anil if you fail mi j to appeal ami nnaaer aabl complaint, tbe jplainlill will apply to tbe utie enlilled Notice I hereby jlven that Hie iiimVrit;ii Uuui l f r be rebel prayed for In lb coin ed Guardian of The person aud estsiea of! plana, lo-aH: K,.r a .I'.viee of lb la court tiOtil Heldlar, Mamie rtelillr, Kninia rlhatiU inv tbe lud of timtriutoiiy bnre. Hel.ller, Kdward Heldler ami lalr Nepl- p,loie .-m-iIlk U.meen von mill plaintiff. Ir, by virtu of an order and llcenae of , an. I m .k for .iicli oilier and furllier the County Court of Hie Stale of Oregon, j relief a a he limy bo enlllle.1 to In th for VYuhlligton County, made, entered j premium. and dated ou th 4lh day of January, Iw7, I lna aiiuiuiona a publlalied liilb Hill. authorizing and empowarlng the uinler-, !.ro Areu 'ur si coiiMcullve week by igned (luartlian to sell at private sale all I or. let ol llie II. .11. J. W. Hoodlii. Judge of cm me real T'leru iieioii.iiiK i' eni'i tli l onlilv I'olirl 01 tbe Mule ol (ireiion. Executor's Nolle Notice is hereby given that the uii.Ur niKiied baa been by the County Coi'rt of tbe Slate of Oregon, for the County of WasliliiKton, duly appointed and con tinued, uinler date of January 2l, IW7, a executor of tb lust will and testament of Mnria Anna Peters, deceased, and that he lias duly qualitied as such eiecutor. Now, thvrnfore, all wron having claluiH agalnat the estate of the aald Anna Maria Peters, deceased, re hereby re quired nod requested to preaent tb same, with proper voucher attached , to m at the luw ollii-e of John M. Wall, In Hill, boro, or to me at my rMldenca In th pre cinct of North Forest Orove, Oregon Til KODOKK 11KRN AtlDH, Kiocutorof th last will and testament of Maria Anna Cetera, deceased John M. Wall, attorney for eiecutor. Dated af Hillaboro, this Slat day of Jn- uury, 11107. minora, lb undersigned will, on ami alter Monday, tbe I Uh day or February, I'i7. proi'eaul IujmII l private sain all of the undivided ona-iiitb (l b) Interval of the hov named minors of 111 ami to all of Lot On 1 1) of and In llhwk One(l)nl and in the low 11 of Cornelius, WaxhlitKtoii County, Oregon. Th ald sale will ta made ubtoet to nuillruiallon by 'be Ooiinty Court of tba Htate of (iregoti for Waahingttm County, Oated IblaiHIi day of Jaiiuury. I'i7. H KKM AN HKIHLKIt, Guardian of t.ouia Heidler. Mamie Held ler, Kin ina Heldler, Kdward Mr n ller and I -eater Saldter. Hagley Hare, Attorneys tor Onnrdlnn. for Wasbinctoii t'oiintv. inmln the MHH ilny nt Jiiiiiniijf, l!7. Ilrtt publirailoii be. ing on tlie iiiitt day of January, lt'7. and Hie lnt pnl.li. iilli.n iH'ing'ou Ilia 14th day ol Miireh, l'7. JtillNMiN A VAN ANTK, Atlortiry (or I'laliiUfl, Notice of Final Settlement SUMMONS IN Jt'NTICK COl'KT FOR TIIK fit K CINCT OF WKHT CF.HAIl, WAII 1NUT0N fDl'NTY, 8TATK OF OKKOON 0, ttmock, M. I'lainllir, trgam. . "Thorn Is a carriage at the door," he said. "I am sorry that Miss Albright should have bud so unpleasant an ex perience while my guest," "All's well that ends well," luughed Tom. "Good night, Hermes, and many thanks for your courtesy, I'll see yoo tomorrow." In the carriage Beth clung to Tom as though the dunger were not yet over. "And to think," sbe sobbed .peulteutly, "that I did not realize what A brav ninn-you werel I do love you,. Tom, but somehow" "I know," he said gently as she fal tered.3' You wanted a hero, and I was so dreadfully commonplace." "You're not!" she cried Indignantly. "Only I veil, 1 never realized before how big nnd brave you were." "All's well that ends well," he chuckled. "Tomorrow morning you will be wearing the biggest solitaire that an engaged girl ever had." "I don't deserve It," she said meekly, "You're awfully good, Tom." Home hours later Heaton sat In his little den absorbing a brandy and sods In absolute content. He looked Up st Both'" picture on the mantel. "I guess you've bad a lot of Ideals smnsbed tonight, little girl," be mused, "but it was good for you, and If any one ever tells you that that poor old brute whs a darned sight more scared then you ever could be I'll knock bis blamed bead off." . Hamuli and Klla A, Hiiuson, HeleiiitautN In tbe name of the Htalu of Orexnii, the above tiaiuad Hefemlauu will take notice that th above named I'lalntlll has com- mencad ault in the alaive entitled Court by Attachment for the siiiu of JI7.:ki 011 account and Interest thereon at the rule of 6 per rant, per aiiuiim friim date. You ar hereby required Pi appi-nr aud anxwer Hie complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court wllbln tl weeks from th Urst publication of this notice, to wit on or before the V:ird day of Kelirtisry, 1M07, and If you fall so to answer lor the want thereof tbe I'lsintltt' will apply to lb Court for Judgment for the iiU.vh amount. Tb dale of the tirst pnotlca lion ef this notice Is January 10, Imi7, Dated at Hlierwood, Ore,. .Iiinumy 7, mn.' M. K. Huck, Jostle ol tlie 1'enr.e. N'oib-n U bin-l.v given that the iindor aiguitil biiM nlod in the I'ouuly Court uf 1 be suite i.l iiii-k-nn lor Waabluglou Coun ty, bis 'innl 11 r, . , 11 1 1 1 In Ibu u , tiler o th eatiitr? of ItoU'it luil.i'ic, ileivaed and that Saul Court Iibh detieiialed Moinlay, ruliiuitiy 'i.ib, l!i7, at Inn county court room in Hlllab.iio, Oregon, at Hie boor of ID o'clock A. M. of alii day, aa Ilia ttiua an. I pln.-e l..r hearing olilet llulia 1 1 aaid llual hi i-.. mil ami for the 11 mil aettlemeni of mhI.I etlale, HuUnl Him I'.'lh diij-'of Jaumiiy, A, 1)., l!)7. 3. A. IMltKIK, Km-utor of the lust will and testament if Itoberl llllhrle, ilel 'il. K, II. 'I'oiiKiie and liagltty J) llarn, At torneys lor Kiei-iili.r. Executrix' Notice Edison's Gold Mould ed Records in StocK PRICE CtNTS ffyi,m rK r f -slt'jkH Loose clover hay for reasonable price. F. ty. Hillfcboro, sle at Heidel, Notice la hereby given that the under signed has been appointed eseeulris of the last ' will and testament of Tbomaii Otcliln, deceased, by an order of the County Court of Washington County, Or egon, ind ml entered on December VI, IWIMI, and all persons buying cIiiIiiih against said estate are hereby nolilieil iiml directed to present snld nlulniH, together with the mopr voimliers therefor, to mr at my realdenue, or at the olllre of Tbo. H. Tongue Jr., si IIIIIHtiorn, WhhIiIiikIou County, Oregon, on or liefore lx iiidiiIIih from date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Hill iillh day of Deisunber, 1H00, ma iix ahn riiarmiiN, Exenutrlx of the lust will and tesln- mentof Tbos, Otcliln, deensaed Tho. II, Tongue, Attorney, SUMMONS w'tHB OIRCHIT COUItT OK THK STATE OK ORKUON WITHIN ANI) KOK WABH1N0TON COUNTY Maria Williams, ' I'lalntlll,) v. Alliert Williams, Defendant.) To ' Alliert Williams, the above niunwl Defendant; - In the name of the Htstn nf Oregon: You ar hereby required to appear hiii! answer th complaint filed agsinat. ynn hi tho above-entitled cause, on or before the E. L. McCORMlCll Mil IMlOHl) OREGON CORWIN A HEW EL Dmalarm In- All Mmlanf I'resh Meals, prices Rea onnhle. Will meet all compitltlon. Chickens and I'oullry always on bund upon order, l'ree delivery to all pari of the town. We buy fat stock. flofh Phonmu Second Street, HllUboro, Of ..Central Meat Market.. CMMOTT BROS., Prop:, . Suooaaaora lo O. Tilbury Keep constantly on band a fine supply of fresh meats of all kind. A New Era In Prloea We nre Kolng to sell meats at price low er than those which have prevailed In the past, Call in and see us. We mean business, 'phone and Pre Delivery Main Street, opposite Tnalatlji Hotel, H uhlifa llnana.