The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 07, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 47 -
Hough! by Companies for
i Speculation
County Unit Vt ill he Akrd lit Tske up
i CruUlnit
The county court of Washington
County will soon tin nuked to get
the values mi thn standing timber
held liy tlm big lumber companies
in Washington County, so that in
etliUlll BHI'HlliHllt ( ill I lll(l'
Within thn at ten years great
ltnldingM have I'ftMM-tl (roni lite
unny lnmiohtfiuli t into tlm hands
of tan or twelve companies. These
lauds have m bought for ill the
way from 1500 to $H,000 for each
1H0 acres, and tlm Investment will
nay four ond Ave time the amount
involved ant (lien leave the nwimra
the naked Mud, much of which
ran m converted into fine dairy
and fruit lamlx. Over fifty thou
sand acre are held by these hig
companies, taking lliti tract
which arc uVnUI and which art
tinder contract. Thn Houthwru
Peoifio Mill holds anvural iIdii
sand acres under ita grant, and the
tiiir iMtnpaiiira have rimin of this
tinder contract of sale. So Ur aa
can ha learned tlm title-holdings
and thn companies o ninK. together
With the acreage, in an follow:
J. L. WhiIiImiid ,,, (i,,joo
lilodlCtll Co lt'd j,oo,i
Western TOulrr Co j.ihmi
Sage I, ml St I in Co 4,5ml
ohe Sichroeder Co 4.?oo
1'tit Aalorta Co, . , 1,4110
I'.Juiiiml , i (v
htt I n find ,. i.ioii
A' ft ht lllcMlurlt Co uf
lieirmr Truat Co Too
Jolia Schroeder Co 4,700
W, It. Sllimoti ,,, ,V7"
Ilanimiiud & Wintou j,.(A
Total acreage 44,740
The undersigned will sell at public
sale, at the John lUinrich'i place,
2 mile south of Jterdville, on the
Farmington ro.i I, i ID a. in , on
14 milk row. Kin milk, and 5 comiiij;
Irmli In he hruary; 0 Uik: 75 lo tt
pound; 8 do -II i lm kcn. hack, buggy,
,5 milk can, two of thrm ft gallium, our
no eight gallon, mul two loll gallon;
rreaui aeparator, tx-trriHitn eel, rook
love, kllcliru demure, 5 i'Kiu cut mi,
baby buggy, unit niimriouii ollirr
rtlclr. I.un' li at 1101111.
Taruia if cale: I0 nnil under,
caah; ovur fill, una year'n lime, S
ier cent, lunkahU mile.
J. C. Knratli, Aiioliunear.
A. P. HtirrhiiH, who wbh horn In
Duuhi'BH ('minty, N, Y. died at hia
home in S011H1 IlilMmro, Thura
day, Jamoiry 31, 1!K7. Dureaeed
moved to llarino, Wii'ooniin, early
in life, and late in yearn went to
Dakota, He wiih formerly a brother-in-law
of J , (',t, t hp hi fnrm
im)lement manurac.turer. About
1!H yeata ago ho wkh wmIiIim) to bin
urviviu)( wifn. lie cn me to Oregon
in JHSI7. 1I wan a Hlepluthar of
Frank Walltuir, a prominent farmer
of Karmington. Tha huiial tmik
piano Friday, in tha local cinetory
llfi'HHHdl had been a mill'urer from
aithnia for nmnv yeaia nnd bin
death bad bnen I inked for a long
time. IIh win a well informed man
and an inveterate render.
Tha undnrHigned will nil I at public
auction at hia farm 5 miles Booth
went of IlillHboro, and j mile weat
of the JohtiBon aawniill, at ten a.
in., on
Large grey home, weight aliont 17M1;
Mven kooiI milk cowh, fiom three to
evn year old, live of them In milk
anil other two will he drill soon; ft pure
breit While Wyandotte chicken: liiue
liver laced Wynmlottea; J ten niillon
milk can: aouie wlieiU (or chicken feed,
ami mitnerout other artlcleii.
Tarma of caln: (l and under,
oaah; over $10, 8 mimlhb' time
bankable note, I! per cent;
B. P. CorneliuB, Auctioneer.
Argua and OroKoninn, $2.
T. P. Gondin, the West Union
contractor and builder, wna in town
Reaidenoa property for sale or for
trade. Lnnnted smith of Southern
PaciOc dep:tt. Win, Tipton.
P. J. Uitchey it Hon have open
ed a vegetable atore where Correiri
formerly had b'u stand, on Main
Street, opponito the Hotel Tualatin,
They formerly resided near Oreen
ville, this county.
The Creaceut Theatra mated CM
people Friday night, the play heiiig
tbe MiUniKht Flyer. All tba Heal
ing capacity of the playbooae had
old out before u o'cliak, and
Ituxlon and ltanka had made
reaervea for about l.rH anal. The
play waa not of the heel and ai ill
it weathered a week at the Kmpire,
in Portland, and gave aatiafanlion
there Tha root) waa the bit of the
the line. The crowd waa gmtd
natural and aeeined to think they
had their money a worth.
For Rent: Farm of (ip acres in
plow land, and 80 acre i.aaitire
Two and one-half miles north ol
(Slnncoa. Ooml huildinga. Fine
place for dairy ; plenty of running
water, ror terms apply to 1;.
Ilickenholtoin, llillaboro, Ore, ror
tier Second and Oak
Tha Portland Corvallia paaenKrr
winch pin-ed through here Friday
morning bad a wem k thin eid el
McCoy, r five coachea haviiiy
been derailed. The engine remain.
d on the track, however. lti'j.
Scholfleld, who wan going to Mini
mouth to attend a meeting of the
iMiard of regenle, of which heUa
meinlwr, waa a nu tinier in the
wreck, hut be ia gelling aiound all
right again.
To lease for term of years: Farm
of 1S7 acre. CO acres cleared, it
nilea from Portland, three mile
from llitthany. Will reut forraeh.
Oood buildings and atable fitted for
dairying. (Irani llolonmh, Hol-
broik, Ore., It. 1. Pacific B.ates
Phone ,'llill.
Jti'ga (ioodin recently boiicht in
.'i.'i pieca of real eetate for the
county at the delinquent tax aale,
the amount of the taxes being l-IHH
M. The clerk will draw warraol
for the amount and it will be tum
id to the aheriir and thence lo the
county treaaurer, who will receipt
for the amount, thus making the
aale ngiilur, aa er etatute. This
II not give land owners a loop
hole to crawl nut of payment later
For Sale: Fine driving horse, 3
jeara old, weighs about 1100 and
will grow; well broke and good sin
gle goer; aired by !ovelaoe, and is
a fine traveller. Inquire of Argus
Frank Hhnlea, of this) rily, and
son of A. 8. Sholea, ia at present
acting aa cashier of the Cornelius
State bank, vice J. A. Tbornhurgb,
who ia getting ibe Hairs ol the
Pnrettt drove National Hank into
shape to liegiu liUHineeain the not
diHliint future.
For gentlemen's, ladles' and
children's hose you can do no tal
ler than to buy of John Hciinis
We hkve them for every lody, and
at prices that are valuee.
Attorney (io. R. Bagley, Dr J.
P, Tan.inste and Fred Schomhing
returned Saturday from an extend
eJ slay in San Krancieoo. principals
in a suit brought against a can
company by (be Oregon Condensed
Milk Compsny.
Wanted: Good, gentle, trim work
horse, 1 100 or I '.'00. Will pay
oaah, but must be bargain. Daniel
S toller. Hillshoro, U. F. D. 1,
Kmmett Quick came down from
ltnxtnn Monday night and went on
to Philomath, Tueeday, to vii-it his
father, D. 0. Quick, well known
here, and who is now 77 yearn ol
Wa have ordered a car load ol
wire fence direct from the faotory.
We can nave you five per cent, on
same if ordered immediately.
Schulmerioh Bros.
Friday and Saturday there waa
about six inches of enow, and it
remained until Monday night,
when a Chinook from the south
denned it all up before morning.
We sell more agricultural im
plements than all of our compet
itors, put together, The reason
we ship direct from the fuctoty,
and pay spot cash for thorn, Come
and get prices.
0. W. Kelley, of Yinelanda, was
in Monday, and aaye the snow up
in the bills was not aa deep the
first of the week, aa it waa down in
the valley.
We have a few nulls left, for
children and men that we are
closing" out at cost to make room
for Spring arrivals. Shulmericb
1). C. Ilollenbeck, of Maintain
dale, waa in town Tuesday, return
ing home from a visit in Clackamas
Our line of Spring dress goods
have commenced to arrive from
New York. Come and see them.
Scbultneriuh Bros.
C. F. Smith, the onntraotnr and
builder of Minler Bridge, waa in
town Tuesday evening.
II. C. Pearson, of South Tuala
tin, waa an Argue caller, Tuesday.
Win, Meierjorgen.of West Union,
waa in town Tuesday,
Argus and Paolllo Monthly, H 60
IVcHidcnl Svi",crt, Oreynn
- Electric, Writes Utter
Hloinitri t Uiiulilc l'ro)"riy Value
President C. F. Seigrrt, of the
Oregon Klertric Company, the or-
gsnizntioir that is building between
Salem and Portland, vi:t Tualatin,
wrlttH a letter to the Aijjiu, wh'ch
ia alf explanatory. His letter
l'Mltof Argue) In yiHir Iwnie of
14, you piihlitlie.l an artii'lc uintcr Hit
caplioii, "OreKou l.leitric tlc lt
leel," ami 111 1 be Unly of (lie .nrtn-lr
made tl;e follnwlii ronimeiit: ' Mill in
tile line tliat ruin (roni Salem to I'oil
leml and It ia eturrtrd llmt eventually it
ill atari at Tualan uod hnild up the
river to IIiIIiImjki aud Ihenre to foreat
I'riiult me to count you a to the
route whlrli thia couiaiiy mill take
aboulil It decide to build to vonr illy.
lur nalein line, at the sum 111 it et of
Bertha, la wilhlu twelve niilra of llillit-
tioro ami only a almrt distance aoiith ol
the direct hue.
Should w decide In Ixtil.l tliroiii;li
Waabinvtoa County we can do so over
the. arorleat line ever iiivevel letrru
1'Ortlaud and IlllliUoto, and on I'ladm
and curves little, if any, heavier than
tlx we ol I he transcontinental hnct. We
are alao liuilillnx aa electric road thai
will lie second to none in toe I ruled
Stale and in etery way mi rior to auv
ihiiiK.that liaa ever heen projected iu
tbi alate.
We are ready and willing to build to
HllUboro, but we have ouly one way o(
Uuildinit railway, and that is with the
money of our alnt-klioldi-r ami with
aleel, copper and other uiKleilnlt of like
nature. We have do enpetiem-e iu
newspaper road'1 and no knowlriU-eul
that clat of railway coiKtru -lion, nor
are we tkilled In Hie way of promoter,
lil whenever Hie jieopte ol WatliitiKtcm
County have had enough 01 "hot air"
railway Kheme ami lo do tminra
with people who do sot depend upon
tree ailvertiauiu ami announcement Hint
lhe have "now floated their bond'' .
and have money by the train load, hut
ho, oil the other liana vn down into
their pocket and put up their own
money, we are ready to Imtcu to any
rtaaoiiahle propoaition to make IlilUbo
ro (uliurh, within lottv live minute of
the center of I'orthind, with a fieoiieat
train aetvlce of the hi;liet type mid to
double the value of all property iu the
viclullv ol the road.
Supt, Cae gives the Ariitia the re
mit of the recent Nth grade exam
inations held in the county :
Total uuinberof applicants 5S
Number earuiiiK iliiilutnaa n
Numtier who paed roiulilionally . . . .
The naiuea and addree of tbnewho
earned cerlilicate are follow
William C. Will llilUtmro, Orecon
JobuT. Couwell ...liilley, Oieou
Ben Mill 11.1 . , ., ,. . "
Cecil! upper ' "
Anna Thompson, .lortiellu. t'ren- . 3.
hather hmtnel, . . .ilillsbnro, Oirii- K. J.
lieorce Ilurkhalter " " R. a.
I rank Schiilmericli " ' I!. a.
Name of thoe who panned condition
ally are a follow
John Mulloy Laurel, Oregon
llettie Chamtier "
Marion C. Crawford " "
Mayl'rot " "
Walter Lr.on ' "
Kdward Smitli Cornelius, Orej;. I!. I.
Ronald C. Vaiibt,.. . Ilillalmro, Oregon
Lillie Amacher "
Victor II. Kindt ' "
Karl Luther " "
Theodate llolib " "
Khialieth Atkinson,.., "
Marguerite (oodin,.,, " "
Belle Jolinion ..Dilley, Dregon
Walter Wolf
tiordon Knight,.. ..... ,. " " .'
May Kune. Cornelius, Dreg K. 2.
Klhel Itierly,..,. .Beaverton Ore, R. 3.
Royllierly " " R. 3.
Ayne Auderson,. . . " U. 3.
Ralph Cole Mierwood, Orccon. R, s
Albert Saxton,..Hillsboro, Uregnti, R. a.
Mat tin ileruarda, l-oiel Ciove, Dr. R. a.
Argua and Journal, $1.75.
All kinds of hardware. C. A
I.amkin Co. . ,
Ren Rrown was in the city from
f.auril, Monday. .
K. B. Tongue and Cal .Tack Jr.,
visited Sunday in Portland.
Peter Gotleih, of North Hillsho
ro, was an Argua caller, Monday.
Buy your school tablets at Mo
Conn ick's.
Frank Francis, of WeHt Raseliiip,
wns in town Monday.
Paints and oils. C. A. Lainkin
Co. '
K. J. Crabb, of Duxton, was in
town Monday.
Born, to County Judge J. W.
Goodin and wife, February .'!, 1907,
a sou. '"''
We ' lead in groceries the best
brands prices always tha. lowest,
and 16 ounces to the pound. II.
Wehrung ife Sons.
Perry Abbott and Min8 Helm
Ordeman, of Portland, we.e IlillH
boro visitors, Sunday. , '
Schoolboys and girls will find
everything in school supplies (ex
cept school books) at K. L. Alo
Corniiok'a. , , ,
Huturday Kvening Tulegram and
Argus, f 2.00 per year.
Charter Oak stoves and ranges.
C. A. Lamkin Co.
MihS Ona Foord visited in Port
land and Heaverlon, Sunday.
Simonds Cross cut saws. C" A.
Lamkiu Co.
A. Reveruian, the Centerville
roadmasler, waj in town Friday.
A. A. Mead, of I'.uxlon, was
down the first of the week.
II. Wehrung V Smi carry a full
lint of lleirz' picklis and bottled
Judije'Jlollis wai down from
Foinet Grove the firntof the week
Puritan oil hea'ers Charles A.
I.umkiri Co,
For sale; ."O acres, 1 miiea
south ol Reedville, at 110 per aire.
Inquire Argus.
George Kofitur, of Timber, vu in
loan Tu sday, and left out for the
hills in the afternoon.
Satisfaction tuaratiteed in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lam kin Co.
Milk hauler haveWn having a
very tedious lime for several days
04ing lo the snow and mud.
Fine line of Mohair for waintiogs,
all shades aud colors, at II. Weh
rung & Sons.
F. M, J. Murphy, the carpenter
and builder, was in the city bat-
unlsy, from Hcaverton.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel-
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
John Welch, of Beaverton, was
up to the county sent ou probate
business, Saturday,
Our fall lino of drea. goods, wash
goods, llanuclleite, etc., is complete.
II. ehrung v bons.
C. W. Rollins, of this city, and
wh Is traveling for a St. Louis
bat botutt was home this week.
For sal'.-: Open, rubber tire
bi'Vgy, practically new, at a bar-
gian Inquire at Argus oflice.
Peter Nelson, the Went Union
hopgrower, was an Argus caller
Wanted: Several tons of stock
beets. ' Addrs, unoting price
Albert N. Stanton, llillsboro, Ore
Kdward Bogc, of Farmington,
was a county seat visitor Tuesday,
and called on the Argus. j
Fifty acres cleared land for sale;
or will he divided in two 2-1-acre
tracts; 1J miles of Hillshoro. In
quire of Argus.
Thos. Thornburgh, who lias lieen j
up in the Wasco country f ir a year,!
was in the city Friday and Satur
day, i
Wanted: Farms and lands of
all kinds foj sale ami rent. Ad
drees J. R. Foreman, "05 East
Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
J. A. Zimmerman, of. Uoseland
Farm, near the Harris Bridge, was
iu the city, Tuesday, and called on
tbe Argus otlice. j
Biggest shipment of co'rn ever
received in liiljshoro, at the Cli
max Mill store. Get in and order
your land plaster early.
Frank Harborg, of Beaverton,
was in to vn Tuesday. Mr. Har
berg has been in the butcher busi
nefs for a number of years.
Lost: Shepherd pup, short tail,
white ring arouud nock and
bieast. Reward. Win. Taylor,
Hillshoro, Ore., Baseline &. First,
next to Tillamook railway.
M. S. Shrock, field editor of the
Pacitic Homestead, of Salem, was
in the city Saturday, iu the inter
ests of his publication.
A few cravstiettes left, both for
lady and gentleman. Will he sold
out at cost. Schulmerioh Bros.
The sink, hole at the gap, above
Wapalo, is again giving some
trouble and trains run under the
slow hell past that point.
We are sole agents for tha cele
brated Chatham fanmill. Price,
complete, $;17 50. Scbulmerich
W, McQuillan, one of the best
known etockmen of hia section, was
up from below Newton Tuesday.
You can save one half your hay
by ut-ing a Frennan Feed Cutter.
For sale by Nelson Hardware Co.
The Beaverton Fruit Growers
Association will have a meeting at
Bsaverton, in the Grange hall, on
Saturday, February 16, at 1:00 in
the afiernoon. A large attendance
is requested. '
Gents' and boys' clothing, fall
line now iu Kuh, Nathan & Fis
oher Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung & Sons.
X. A. Gapsner, president of the
Beaverton Fruit Growers' Associa
tion, was in the city, Tuesday, and
called at the Argus oflice. lie re
ports much pruning and spraying
down in that section.
Tin? lyiMMiu 11 1 liii 1 ur a it
4 K V 1 I li 1 1 .11 11 1 V
1058 hekeagainII -
iriTfAiT 1 nun 11 1 m
J. J. VanKleek Asks for In
ner Side of Plan
Wants Rock Koadt, bat ake fur aa
The following letter anejit the rock
road question, containing some in
teresting comment on the same, is
pub! iehed because it reveals a de
sire for permanent road work and
at the sime time poinU out the ob
jections prevailing iu ruiny parte
of the county.
P-everton, Oregon, Route 3, Feb. 4.
Kdilor Ar,;u: I notice you have a cou
pon in the paper, aud I have bad quite
a ood chance lo talk to aome ol tbe
neighbors cloae here, and they nearly all
think that the rock and new machinery,
if purcliaed, will be used from llillsbo
ro to fortland via iieaverton, and ai tbe
people along the railway have that ou
which to depend to do their shipping lo
a certain ? xtent, and a we have no rail
road and on the contrary have from 12
to mile to haul over, we do not feel
we would be justified in signing lo
levy ta and not vet to ue the machin
ery or rock iu tin part o! the county
but if the money t to I put back in tbe
same road diktrict in which it is levied.
I think that all the people here would
sign. Hoping the matter can be ex
plained o that every taxpayer can ee
fit to sin for rock road, I remain,
Your Truly,
J J. VanKleek.
Mr. VanKleek clearly shows
that the people in his secion are
unanimous for rock roads. It is
juM a qution of w here, and when.
This hold a true all over the county
as to rock road sentiment It is
not a question of immediate rock
roads all 'over thn com ty. That
can 1 ot le dune with an 'uimediate
expenditure of several hundred
thousand dollars. The idea at
present, eo far as the Argus can
learn, is to make a start on per
manent rock road work. By ex
pending from fifty to seventy-five
thousand a year we could make a
fine start All cannot have rock
roads at once. The idea, as the
A turn understands it, is to first
rock tbe main thoroughfare through
the county from East to West
that is, from tbe Portland moun
tain to Forest Grove. That would
give us a rock road, then, from
Portland clear to upper Gales
Crnk, a distance of practically
f rty miles. Then build the lat
eral roads, connecting the Farm
ing'on, Scbolls, Laurel, Sherwood,
Kinton and Tiuardville; and the
Gleiwoe, Greenville, Mountaindale
and Gaston sections by lateral
roads to the main center road. By
an expenditure of $250,000 or
$300,000, this could be done, and
in five or six year? we could have
roads second to none. Two years
ago we fpeot fifty thousand dollars
with no permanent results. Six
years at $50,000 per year, or three
years at $100,COO per year, would
mean good rock thoroughfares all
over the county, eo far as main
roads are concerned. That is the
idea, clearly presented. It is not a
Hillshoro deal, at all, for rock!
roads would mean more trade in
Portland and less trade, doubtless
in Hillshoro. This is going to be a
great dairy county contingent, of
course, upon good roads. Each!
year we spend twenty live thousand
dollars or so on the roads with no
practical results. Ten years of
this, with rock work, and it would
mean $250,000 in rock roada, dou
ble, or treble this, and we could
have rock thoroughfares, all over
the county, eo far as main roads
are concerned and then we would
have something for our tax and
results that would be lasting, aud
profitable, as well. This is tbe sit
uation, as the Argus understands
Home style' lunches at all hours,
from 10 cents up. Regular meals
at regular meal hours during the
week. Sunday, breakfast from 7
to 8:30. Noon meal, 12 to 1:30.
Evening meal, 5:30 to 7 o'clock.
Iu the BeiiBon Bldg., Main Strset,
near Third. D. E. Pizer.
Mrs. M. K. Young, of near Lau
rel, was an Argus caller Tuesday.
Have yon tried the Den of Sweets'
horehouud candy for your cold?
W. L. Batchelder, of east of
Glencoe, was in the city Tuesday.
For Sale: 'Five good cows, all in
milk. R. B. Porter, 1 J miles north
east of Forest Grove, Route 2.
Born, to Andrew Philip and
wife, of Harrison, Febtuary 1, 1907,
a son.
Herman Bishup, of tbe Bishup
Brothers sawmill, on Shady Brook,
was in town the first of tbe week.
He says that bis mill has plenty of
orders ahead for the season's run.
today indispensable on the
dressing table
gentleman. Not
Massage perfectly
removes wrinkles and
stiffness of the facial
tissues, and makes
Men use Pompeian
flexes the muscles
soreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation
and healthy skin.
Price 50c end $1.00 per Jar
On account of the car shortage send
in your order early for
We have just received two cars. We also have the
best asssortment of garden and field seed ever in county
Both phones. Store opposite P. S. Telephone Office
We Uphold
the standard of good living. Everything In tbe line o choice
Groceries may be bought at our store. Our stock la large, fresh
and fine ,
. Prices
that can't be duplicated. Don't waste lime and money buying
Groceries elsewhere, for this ia really the only place to do your
marketing and get uniformly aatiatactory remit.
Vaug'ht's Grocery
Fresh Vegetables aud
call. Market opposite
Street, Hillsboro. We
P. J. Ritchey L Son
DRINK ' ' .'. y v '
E. J. LYONS. PeoprUior . : ':
Uf)e Delta Drug' Store
Hillsboro, Oregon
Prompt, Accurate, Reliable. We try to accommo
date, but cannot . carry "Long Time" accounts.
of gentlewoman or
only does a Pompeian
cleanse the skin, but it
blackheads, takes out
muscles, animates the
the flesh firm and solid.
Cream after shavineit
and takes away shaving:
in maintaining: a clear
and Fish :
Fish in Season. Give us a
Tualatin Hotel, on Main
deliver td all parts of city.
The Best of All Besrs