The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 31, 1907, Image 3

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    HILLSBORO ARQUS, JAN. 31, 1917
Representative llairctt In
Induces Hill in House
law Nuw Givra Hat dlliclal t;uu per
Representative Uarrett baa inlro
diuiftl a Mil In the lower bouse aek
iiiK that thecuiluty judge of Waah
ingtonlon County I given n atatu
tury salary of one hum! rod dollar
r mnnlb. The p'eernt salary ia
seven hiimlreil dollar per year
The fees front lb probate and
rotinly court, earned by the judga'a
ollloe and lhat of the clerk In the
ounneolion aa scrivener and r
cording, for tlia aet year aniounl
to about TtKX Thia include
naturalisation paprs, aa wall
A aide from thea duties the county
judge baa some circuit court duties
to perform, nii'h aa atlidaviu of
publication, etc, IN muat alao try
cases In the county court, ait aa
magistrate in some rases, and ail
aa a court in the matter of sending
boya and girls to the Aid Moeiety
la h Iditi in tliH court sits from two
to live da a aa county judge in
eoniuileaionera' court, each month,
besides the extra duties of drlvine
here and there on bridge and road
work. The ami tint of dutin in
volved are really worth more than
lie eelary now paid, and there bax
been talk of raining the salary for
tome yeara.
D. U. Reaaiuier baa reci ivej word
tfcat bia Uthir, Bumuel lleasmer,
died at Reasouer, Iowa, January
lil, I'.'OT. at the age of N." jeara.
Deoeawd waa horn in Mifkingum
County, Ohio, July 12H, ISM. He
waa a graduate of Hanover College,
and in the eistiea moved to Jaeper
County, Iowa Ilia aged wife alill
, liven, and the following children
survive; llti.ry, now in
Califjrnis; Win Reasmier, Colo
rado Kprini'a; Robert Ueaaoner,
Kanaaa; I. H llearoner, 1 1 il Inb: ro.
Ore j Mm. Fannv Uraflis, Portland ;
Mra. Kmma U inner, California,
nod Mtat Nettie llrowu, of I .org
lieacb, Cat.
Farm of aiaty acres in cultivation;
37 acres of thia ia in meadow; 0
acres in Winter rale; email tract
in tarea, leaving l ot 15 iicrea to
put in next Spring. Will sell,
along with the leans, 3 horses, 12
uowa, and 2"i ton hay in barn,
nine chop, on in and wheat, and
machinery an I tool ncrrHnary to
run place. I'lare on milk route
and rural mail delivery, a good
bargain. Krank Wallace, llilla
boro, Ore., U l . 2, .TJ mile
southeaat of IlilUhoro and one
Utile south from Minter Bridge.
Martha June tiiu June K, iSj; km
married to Win. Mnnsey, March , iMO,
anil died .lanuary i, 1911",
Mra. Mauiey wa horn in Klfiuing
County, Ky., this hting the native coun
ty uf lirr tnikliatiil. Mr. iMauey left
Kentucky ami carnr to Oregon in 1843,
taking up a ilonitioa claim near West
Union, tliia county, tie innirii'it Mtn.
Kleanor Kvim in 1N47, the wile riving in
1861. In lS6ie relumed to Kentucky
and wetldeit Mia Juno. 1'lirv tetiitneil
to Ore(u at once nud resided nn the
donation until Mr. Mantey'a ilratti.
After hit death, Mia. Maue'y went In
Missouri ami resided with a hrother,
Dr. Wm. Jouea, with whom she waa
living when ilniih came. Hot li the late
Mr. ami Mra. Matirv weie uii inliera of
the llillatioro Online.
Mra, Ellen Crnwtlieti, wife of Wm,
Crowthera, died at her homo on
Galea Creek, January 2'., HH)7,
after a u extended illnees from pa
ralypia, IhwHMod waa horn in
Tazewell County, III, in April,
855, and came to Oregon with her
parents in 1870, nettling about two
miles north of Forent Grove, She
Wit married to Mr. Crowtbera in
1874. kShe-leaven a hni-hand and
nine children, IWiiHed wna a
daughter of Lvi Smith, of Forcal
Qrove. Of her immediate family
tbree brothers And three nidtera
kurvive. lutermunt waa in the
Buxton cemetery, ThurHilay,
At Tliu Crenctnt Theatre
February 1 The Midulght Flyer
February aj The Missouri Olrl
(Subject to clmujt')
March 1 Nellie, The Ncwsglrl
March 19 The King of Trampa
To Hop Grower
VVare prepared to talri order for
hop tuppliei for (ho coming aeaaon
Write us mveall for quntatious be
fore placing your order.
C. U, lltmhananibCn.
- . Cornelitie, Ore.
Right gooda right price C A
Lamkin Co.
Max Buigholznr came out from
Portland yeaterday, morning and
Veut ou up to Uuxiou.
Uev. Father J. D. Murphy, chap-1
lain of the Ht. Mary' Home, Bea
verton, died at the Home, Tuewlav,
Jaoutry 2'J, l'cK)7, after an llloena
uf aeveral wetka. )ecead waa
hlnhly reu peeled and Moved by all
with whom be worked, lie was a
native of Washington, and waa a
graduate of Mt. Angel. For some
time be waa vice president of Co
lumbia University. After being
ordained he was parish priest at
Jacksonville. lie was noted ss a
classical student and this made
hiiu a valuable member of the
laculty at Columbia. Ilia death
cauaes a genuine regret in Catholic
circle in Oregon. .
If you want to tile your place,
get figure from the U rimer v
Kowell Company, of Hcholls. V
are the largest manufacturer of
drain tile in the county, and have
old our product far and wide. If
you are going to build in the Spring,
get our figures of brick, building
blocks etc. We also furnish lum
ber, rough and dressed, of all
kinds, and deliver if required, in
sullicieut quantities. Addreaa lie
it Hillaboro. It. F, D. No. 2.
Apple orchards on tbe mountain
between bere and Portland, and
over on Cooper Mountain, ami in
aome of tbe other high altitudes in
the county, suffered from the ice
storm of (he 6 rat of the week. Be
low Itiaverton, on the mountain
he tips of trees were broken off
Kfleldent of I'orllaud seem to
think it impossible that out here
there wss no storm like that in
We are now busy building up
the "lock so recently depleted by
the Holiday rush, snd are making
ulcer and newer goods, all pure and
wholesome The most exacting
persons, looking for ihs beet, purest
candies for thetneelvesor little ones
can II nd just what they want in
the only store whi rs candies are
made. The Den of Sweets.
C. K. Beck with, formerly station
agent for the H. P. at this place, i
now sectetary and treasurer ot the
Stanton Company, commission
men, and dealers in fuel -and furl
aupplie, at Spokane, Waah. Here's
to you li ck you can't keep a good
man down.
At It. L. Cain's office, 220 Stark
Street, Portland, can he found the
choioest buys of residence and busi
ness properly in the city of Port
land, tie haudlea tbe celebrated
Hawthorne Katetelots. Telephone
Kxchsnge 70.
Mis. John Lyons, of Valder.,
Alaaka, and her two little datigh
lets, are gueeta of Mrs F. A.
Bailey. Mrs. Lyons was f irmerly
Mrs. Harriet Hoover, and her
buaband I 1'. S Commiaaiouer at
For sale: -10 acres of brush
land, eaaily cleared, near Kalama,
Waah. Running water ou place.
Thrie miles from county seal
One at t0 per acre. A. Paul
meier, Hillsboro, Ore , R. F. 1). 2.
K'uratli Ilrothera report having
aold the W. J. It'nson properly, ou
Main, to M. 11. Giles, late of Tuala
tin. The two store buildings were
sold for 2,O0O. Tbree lots in
Northeart Hillaboro, belonging to
Dr. Wood, were Bold to . Walter
Zuercher. ; i,
For sale: While Plymouth Rock
and Brown Leghorn cockerels, for
breeding purposes, Can also sup
ply eggs for Hotting purposes from
each of Iheee varieties. 1). II.
Cooley; Hillaboro, It. F. D. 4, lo
cated near Phillips, one mile weal.
State Master of Ilia Oregou
Grange, A. T. Buxton, of Forest
drove, went to Milwaukee, today,
to deliver au address at the laying
of a corner atone for the new
tirauge building.
We carry the lieat shoe on the
market for the money . W. L
Douglas and Dr. Reed 'a famous
cushion ehoea for men. Leading
makes for ladies. Idlest style
and llniBh. H. Wehrung A. Son
The divorce cass Mrs. Hedge
against C. K Hedge, of Beaverton,
will be withdrawn from circuit
oourt, the husband, and wife having
decided to again take up life in
double hsroeee, '
Is it not pleasing to know that
you can buy pure, fresh home'
made candies aa made at the Den
of Sweets, for the same price that
you have to pay for inferior goods
as made in the factories?
, Mrs. Sadie Dillon, who has been
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. F.
Carelen, of above Bank, was in
tbe city yesterday, en route for her
home in Seattle.
Suva your money by depositing
with the Hillaboro Commercial
Bank. They pay 4 per cent, per
annum on deposit in their saying
Fireman Arohie Turnhull, of
Portland, and who dlapoted of
stamps for the Sellwood and St.
Johns poet oftlcee, has been released
on bail funished by his sister, Mrs.
8, 0. Hughes, of Forest Grove.
Clearance sale of women's skirts
and cravenettes, children's suits,
gentlemen's suits, and if you want
a bargain in these lines, call and
.tee us, Sohulmerioh Bros.
Born, to J. 4W Jaudervelden
and wife, January 24. 1907, a
daughter this being the first girl
born in the new town of Roy.
Wm Eva Hayes, of MoMinnville,
was the gueet of Miss Pearl Smithy
the first of the week.
Iloilcrit Placed and Smoke
stacks arc Higiicd
Crtw Put la Cribbing lo Krsch tbe
The Hillaboro Lumber Company'
new sawmill at the foot of Third
Street is now ready to cut lumber
as soon ss the log track is laid and
a load of logs can be hauled down
from above Bank. Tbe engine
are in place and Tuesday the crew
put up the smokeatacks. Just a
soon as a train load of logs can be
landed the whiatle will be blown
and Hillaboro will bear it that saw
ripping through a lir log. General
Manager Lylle.TueaJay, put screw
to work cribbing up the unfinished
(HI just weal of tbe Second Street
sidewalk, ami dump cars will be
uaed to take out the cut Ixtwcen
that point and the mill. It will
take but a few days to get the earth
into tho fill and then the track will
be laid on down to the mill pit.
Tbe new mill i electric lighted
throughout, and tho orders no io
will doubtless catiHe two abifta to be
put on, night and day, f.r a ehorl
Mr. Frank Reynolds, of Wilson
Creek. Waab., nod Mies Ellin IC.
Powell were united in marriage at
Spokane, Waib., January IS, l'.K)7
Tbe groom is rngatd iu wheat
raising in the Big Bnnd country,
and the bride is a daugh'er of Mr.
and Mrs, S. 1). Powell, of this city.
lit-rtha WeMewitarh to Kmma J I'at-
ton, bit 1 hlti )H Cornelius im
Lola Stokes to (Use Line l.unoVrCo,
160 a sec 10 t 1 11 r 4 1500
Mimm Taylor to Millie I.utca, tocor
rect iIitiI 7.J a IhiiiI Howell
ilonntiun , ,,. 775
Clara U Hipc lo Isaac Balilwiti, 0.19
a K Walker iloimlioii 9511
Kiiotia I'ntton lo Auk t.ovt'Krvn, 140
a ace Jo ami 29 t I a r 4 Mo
Joa Biitea lo Aug Lovrnrcn, im a arc
6 t 1 r s w iixi
Isaac Itablw in lo Clara JrSipe, ,vx
loo fret lut 4 1.1 k. 4 Wulltcr's ml
Foreal tiruve Sy
John llcisltr to Henry Johausim,
J.l.iva 1 1 n r 5 w .'. mo
J K Schoch to L I. lanulcy, jS a t
I anil j a r j w 75.10
August Tews to (' P Wuiulrrlicli, 3
a M Wren donation , ....'.1500
A A Mia.l to Jos Fair, 40 a sec jfi t
J n r 4 '.. .. 6110
Win Aiton to II I.iclxmow, 45.85 a
arc 3 t I r 3 w .". 1146
JoaSux lo It 1. IMml(l,6o wc 13 t
Jin w 10
Win Reiilt toThiiB Ilmttt-r, lots
14, blk 33 W P Heights 25
Nancy Banks to W K Beard, lot 4
blk Hunks (mi
Anil Koaruri to V M lleiilel, 8u a si'c
13 1 3 n r j w..... 1
Allicrt Kurtteii lo O S Reynolds, tr
iu Oiua llrowu donation 775
J A Mm liti to Hume Line Lumber Co,
i8Sxt6 a arc i6 t 1 11 r 5 w 151m
Harriil Wells to Itase Line LbrCo,
, no s sec 17 t I 11 r 4 w 1500
Wui C Freeman to Culliciiuc Miner,
Uacl iu blk iy, Forest tiruve i6.o
W C Frvetuiin to lMwin Waxncr, 53
a L Jane Homer donation itx
Kd win Wagner to Wui C Krevnian,
tract lot 3 blk 7 Finest ('.rove 16.10
Kvu K Johnson to V II Milne, lot 4
bill 7 S P Add Forest llrovc ijoo
Clemens Muller to Iwis Moutcoiu-
ery, 160 a sec 36 t 3 11 r 5 1
W T Bailey to W C Freeman, 50 a
c 3Jt 1 a r 4 w , ,.,....1150
W It Oraham to J M Wall, 10 a sec
aot 2 11 (3 w mo
Auua llewey to Jus P.rydeii, 80 acres
sec 10 1 3 11 r 4 w !
Henry Hi ink to F A ltailcy ct uls, 34
a acc 33 1 1 a r 3 . ." 500
J J Conaway to W It Buoy, 30 a sec
J3 t 1 a r 1 w. .t 6000
Anna Rurnliulzer Schmidt to Iletroit
Trust Co, 160 a sec 15 t 3 11 r 5 w... to
Mary Brown to Myrtle ltullock, jox
185 feet ill Foresl ('.rove 1
Ix'Stcr Moobcrry to Hniiua l'utlou,
lota 1, 3, 3, blk 17 Cornelius ;oo
1 1) O K to Sibyl sityiler et als, lot
for burial place Carey l Snyder... 4
F.llen Hatch to Aug Iwegren, 40 sec
36 t 1 a r 5 w 10
C E lkicbumn to Western Tiinlicr
Co, 340 a sec 16 t 3 11 r 5 w 10
Willmnette R K Co to J B Merrill, 7
lota iu blk 43 Cornelius 200
Wm Scott to C It IX'wey, ao a sec I
t 3 a r 2 w 460
J A Martin to Base Line Co, tint
law on 160 a sec 33 1 H r 5 w 405
J U Kindt to ,1 tl Shields, 40 a sec r
tiara w , 1500
J I) Kindt to Warren Wilson, 40 a
sec'r t a a r a w 151x1
Geo Ik-drick to Elizabeth Freeman,
53 a Jane Hornet donation 1
Virginia Harris to Fred A North nip,
Ho a sec 18 t 11 r a w fooo
C F Knapp to Hammond Co,
320 acres sec 36 t l a r 6 w t
Advertised Lettera
Rev J C Austin, Margaret Anderson,
Marie and Audrey Ashton, Mrs H S
Alexander, John Hi y men, Mra T H Bing
ham, Frank Boose, Charley llurglaud,
Sam Krickaon, J P Fiwie, K K Hewitt,
Z I) Home a, Alice 1 lager a, .1 T Jobn
on, Tos S Murray 4, Gamer Miner, R K
Redhcld, Annie ItipperKer, J 0 Miller,
Geo N White and Mra W II Wheeler.
B. P. Cornelius, P. M.
Complete line of black cotton
hosiery just arrived. The beat hos
iery, on the market, Schulmerioh
Bros, v ,
Puritan oil heaters. Charles A.
Lamkin Co.
P. J. Krieger, of Centerville, was
in town today.
M. (J. Reeve was in the city
from Cedar Mill, today.
Dr. Parker, of (ireenviile, was in
town yesterday morning. .
1 ' I rich Haas and wife were Port
laud visitors this week.
Alfred (Juerber, of Helvetia, was
in the city yesterday.
John Urignen, of Mountaindale,
was in town yesterday.
John fSiitfert, of Centerville, was
in the city this morning.
Jos. Caw m, the North Plains
farmer, was in the city today.
Alec (lor Jon, if Glencoe, was a
County seat visitor yesterday,
Mra. Kva Pi'lebury and family
aie moving to Portland this week.
Bam Kuoz, the Uethany mer
chant, was in the city yeaterday.
John Vanderwal, of north of Hea
vertou, waa in town yeatcrday.
Have you tried the Den of Sweets'
liOffhciifid candy for your cold?
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Kxcelleucia
Oregon manufacture.
W. A. Finney and W. J. l!naon,
now redding at Ht llwood, wore out
this wetk.
For Hale: Five good cr.w, all in
milk. It. !. Porter, 1 miles north
east (f KoreH drove, lloute 2.
Kl. Hthtilinerich end A. 8.
Slioles weie Portland visitors yes
terday. You can save one half your bay
by ui-ing a Freeman Feed Cutter.
For sale by Neleon Hardware Co.
B.mi. to Krwin Hitter and wife,
of Puthany, January 27, MOT, a
For sale: Pure Ilred Indian
Runner duck eggs. -Wm. llagley
Jr., Dudley mill, Foreet Grove, li. 2.
George Campbell, of near Lau
rel, was a Cwutily seat visitor y ea
ter day morning.
Tbe Hillaboro Commercial Dank
will pay 4 per cent. Compounded
three limes a year; after Jan. 1,
W. F. Krull. auditor of the
Kilem' Piano liotiee, was in the
city Friday last, enroute to Forest
Wanted, farm band: Will pay
30 per month and found. Steady
employment. John Milne, Hilla
boro. GenU' and boys' clothing, fail
line now in Kuh, Nathan & Fis
cher Sincerity make at II. Weh
rung t Sons.
J. W. Whitney, of Portland, waB
a guest today at the T. It. Imbrie
Wanted: Stock hogs weighing
from .SO pounds upward; also sheep
J. (1. Haines, Beaverton, Oregon,
Independent 'phone.
Judge L. A, Rood is confined to
hie room thia week, suffering from
a swelling of one of his knee.
Schulmerich liros. arebeadnuar
ters for wire fence. We have sold
eight miles iu the latt 'M days.
Cheaper than lumber.
J. II. Porland, of Shady P.rook,
was in town this afternoon, and re
porta a great deal of sickness out
his way.
The Ladies of tbe Coffee Club
will meet with Mra. L. K. Wilkes
on Saturday afternoon, at 2:;il)
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcellencia Thofe cigars are ol
the best atock. You cun't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Judge McUride, of Oregon City,
and who holds court here three
limea annually, is fullering from a
severe atliick of the "grip."
Stationery of all kinds at the
Pharmacy latent in stylish cor
respondence, calling tarda, en
velope, etc. Call and see the
James Thomas, aged 92 years,
died at North Yamhill, Sunday
night. He had lived at that place
40 ytaiM A daughter, Mra. ilan
nah Laughlin, resides at Forest
Speaking of groceries if you
want the tinest staple and fancy
grocories to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. . We is sfter your
trade, and once a customer, always
a customer.
Father Unohoher,' of St. Mat
thews' church, went to lieaverton
today to olliciate at the funeral of
the late Father Murphy, chaplaiu
of the St. Mary's institution.
We sell a complete line of stoves
and ranees, hardware, tinware,
crockery, eto. Come and tee them
and get prices before purchasing.
Schulmerich Bros. "
It is but a question of time until
the county court will have to pro
vide more vault rcom at the clerk's
ollice. Another year or so and
every possible space in the tile
room will be taken.
Farm for sale: Kight miles
southeast of Hillsboro; 31 acres; 8
to 10 acres under callivation; bal
ance easily cleared; good . pasture;
living water; small fruit; log barn;
small house; ideal dairy farm and
is on milk route. $1,050 and easy
terms.. Inquire at Argus ollice. ;
Agitation ia Doing Fruit In
dustry a Great Ikneilt
Along Line ef Southern Pacific Cutting
la Profuae
Along tbe line of the Southern Pa
cific Railway in this county there
U .great butchery of apple trees,
and this is especially the care with
old orchards. In many cases old
orchards have been trimmed down
to ths trunks and a few limbs.
This is in answer to the popular
agitation for getting rid of tbe San
Jose scale. In tbe valleys the
scale is very plentiful, and unless
Mirnethicg is done it will put the
apples and pears out of business.
Farmers are therefore pruning and
spraying as never before.
On the bill lands, notably above
Foreat Grove, Galea Creek, and tip
in the Mountaindale highlands and
the Vinelsnds section, there is very
little scale. This is because the
farmers up there have generally
Bet more store by their fruit trees
thsn they have in the valley and
for the further reason that the
orchards are younger.
The Kuratlis state that they ex
pea to lw through with the tax
roll, and have it ready to turn over
to the sherilT for collection, within
teu days from today, if nothing un
forteen recurs.
SherifT Connell says if be can
get tl e books by that time he will
start tax collection by at laat tbe
20th rf February. He will first
write op thereceips m thoee taking
advantage of tho rebate can be
set veil at jyice. The exact date
when texts cm be piid will be
published in next week's iaaue.
Af praieimnt ectate John II Mills,
deoehtitd, cud and approved at
IKX if).
Bond of Geo E Misner, as guard
ian cf Martha Misner, incompetent,
filed and approved.
Biker county property of late
Samuel Kveritt, deceased, appraised
at $10.
Theodore Bernards appointed ex
ecutor last will of Mrs Maria Peters,
deceaeed; W A Hermens, Antone
Hermens and August Van Loo, ap
praisers. Final account David Purser es
tate set for March 4
Final account Chaa W Rosa es
tate set for March 4.
E T Hatch files bond in sum of
f 1800, as guardian John C Hatch,
et ah, minors.
C Aehisher appointed adminis
trator estate of James Fitzgerald,
deceased; bind fixed at 1400.
Fred Gritzmacher appointed ad
ministrator estate of Elizabeth
Griixmacher, deceased.
Order to pay money to Nellie
Nye money out of fuuds N P Nye
estate.; v .
Estate Fred L Brown, deceased;
M L Vincent, administrator; bond
at 15U0; appraieers, J W Kyle, W
J Williams and D B Wiltrout.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
and heartfelt thanks to all our
neighbors and friends who so kind
ly assisted us during our recent
bereavement, tbe death and burial
of the late Edith Hall.
A L. Hall.
Mrs. N. A. Johnson.
Glencoe, Oregon.
Shooting Match and Dance
There will be a shooting match at
the Center U!e Hall, on the P. R.
it N ., on Saturday, February !),
commencing at 10 a. 111. and last
ing until li p. m. Dancing all day
until (i p. m.
Please bring lunch.
Herman Oatorman, Prop.
Rheinhald Schwanke, of Center
ville, was in town today.
J. J. Krebs, of Farmington, and
who is trying farming after years
of merchandising, is in the city
this afternoon.
The Crescent Theatre is having
a great sale on the Midnight Flyer,
which is billed here for tomorrow
evening. The tickets for the ex
cursion to Buxton and BankB have
gone like wildfire, and ths theatre
people expect the biggest house
fines the theatre was built. If the
affair pans out as big as it promises
the excursion feature will be con
tinued from time to time.
II. V Gates has been up in tbe
North Yakims, Wash., country,
where be attended as an expert
witness in a big railroad case. Mr
Gates worked on the Union Pacific
years ago as chief engineer, and did
considerable railroad work in the
west before embarking in the water
and light line. Mr. Gates muet
return again in a few days, and he
ia makina the court service a sort
cf vaoation at $J0p per day.
Dina Peters Ppieeachaert, of For
est Grove, sues her husband, Ar
thur, for divorce, alleging that be
has repeatedly called her vile
names, and threatened to "break
bar head." The last quarrel, tbe
complaint recites, took place when
they were returning from a funeral
on January 23, and the husband
toid ber, after calling ber a vicious
name, lhat be would "settle with
her tomorrow." Tbe husband is in
the butcher b lsinees at tbe Grove,
and she asks '.hat he be restrained
from selling his buainesi, and also
from selling her cow. She asks for
150, coets of suit, tbe custody of a
child, and 110 a month alimony.
In January, cold wind blow;
The thoHghuof aome oft make na shrink
Ami when we're out we like to know
Home place to (ret a Soft Hot Iriuk.
There ia no better place to call.
No matter how your tastet may Tary,
For bouillon, Anparox. Vigoral,
Like I'almateer's Confectionery.
A Portland physician tells the
public tbat tbe kissing habit
spreads tbe "lagrippe." This is
deplorable and several Hillaboro
engagements have been broken off
as a consequence. Just why young
people should object to a little kiss
iog continence under tbe circum
stances is hard to understand
What woman wants to kiss a man
who is running from bis noe like
a horse with "pinkeye," and what
man wants to kiss a woman who
has tbe usoifllej," anyway? Just
as well cut it out until tbe apple
blossoms come.
"Get tbe habit." Go and see Ed
Anderson's big scenic production,
"Tbe Midnight Flyer," at the Cres
cent Theatre, Friday, Feb. 1, the
most go-genus production since the
' Christian." See display ad. for
Those old pioneers who last Fall
told us that we were going to have
a hard Winter because the squir
rels were laying in a good supply
of nuts; because tbe bark on young
trees were thick on tbe north and
east; and for several other reasons,
now have tbe laugh on the skep
tics. Of course this is no compari
son with Winters in the east, but
it is severe enough for Oregon.
For a good smoke try tbe Schil
ler or Excellencia end you will
try tbem again and again.
Representative Purdy, of Gaston,
hat, introduced a bill iu tbe bouse
to prohibit tbe bunting of China
pheasants, natives, quail, and all
upland birds, with dogs. Hunters
claim that many times a bird is
wounded and with the aid of a
dog it can be recovered. Otherwise
many will be shot and lay in the
brueh and grain. The bill pro
vides a penalty of $200 or a jail
sentence of 100 days.
Money to loan on real estate or
personal security, on easy terms.
Hillsboro Commercial Bank.
Lester S. Laughlin, of Portland,
special writer and promoter, is in
the city with R. L. Cate. Mr.
Laughlin will make an extended
descriptive article ou Washington
County and Hillaboro, touching
upon its present and future and
the work will be given wide distri
bution. R. L Cate, who is with
Mr. Laughlin, reports tbat the ho
tel project for this city is progress
ing nicely.
Wanted: Dressmaker's appren
tice. Inquire of Mrs. II R. Davis,
About sixty members of tbe Ger
man Presbyterian church eurprieed
Mr. snd Mrs. Cbas. Reimer, at
Phillips, Sunday, January 27, tbe
occasion being their silver wedding
anniversary. Rev. Rhinehart, pas
tor, was present, and delivered an
appropriate address. Messrs. E. I.
and J. C Kuratli and families, of
Hillsboro, weie present.
For Sale: English walnut trees,
Zina Wood, at farm.
The Ladies' Missionary Society
of the Congregational Church is
preparing a concert program for
Sunday evening, Feb. 10, to con
sist of recitations and songs The
general topic will be.' Child Labor."
At the Cong. Church, Sunday
niornirg, the subject will be "The
Comfort of Memories." Evening,
lecture on "Longfellow and his
Poetry." '
Chas. Fitzgerald, a lad in his
teens, was struck by a baseball at
school, one day last week, as a a re
sult is Buffering from a concussion
of the brain. He is improving
under the care of Dr. Linklater,
and he is expected to recover unless
there is an aftermath of bome kind,
which frequently is the case in
blows of thia kind.
Vert's Hall and the lot on which
it stands has been Bold at Forest
Grove. J, W. Fuqua and others
are the purchasers, and the new
bank will doubtless be located on
the site. The Sloan hotel property
has also been sold and a brick will
be erected on its site.
The Sheridan traiu and the Cor
vallis passenger do not stop at
Fifth Street any more, this feature
being left to the Forest Grove local.
Tbe same order applies, as well, to
Olson station, below Beaverton.
Walter Zuercher, formerly of
Helvetia, was in town this week,
and while here bought some prop
erty in North Hillsboro.
For sale: Pigs sired by a regis
tered Berkshire boar Wm. Schul
merich, Farmington. Address,
Hillsboro, R F. D. 2.
Oo to McOormick's for, sol. ol
supplies. .
tr. A. BAILEY, M. d7
Physician and Surgeon
OtTlc Bniley-Mnriran blork, ulirs.
K.xmn 12, u ami 15. Kmiilentw -Mouth-wwu
romer Bajel'.ne and banimt Hlnvta.
Both 'i'honea,
Offloa upautra over Tha Delta rrnf 8Uu
fUaicUao Baat of Court Hon,
In tha comer of the block.
Surjreon Southern Paclfio Railroad Co.
Cotiaultalion in French or EiirIIrIi. Of.
fu-m npntalra. over L. M. Hoy Co'a. more,
north Nlite of Main St., Hiilloro, Or.
F. J. BAILEY, M. D.,
Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey.
KeaiiJem on comer Second and Oak Hit
Oregon Phone Main US.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phone.. Hillsboro, Ore.
RooniM 10 and II Morgan-Railejr Block,
atrret. Over Dennis Store.
Saw. H. Caavajr MT. 0. Hmrm
Kooms 1 and i Skate Building
Office, apataira, over the Poet Office,
Hillaooro, Otegoa,
Rooms i, 4, k s, Ugrgaa Blk, HUlaboro.
Office Cpatalxa, Baiky Mergaa Blck.
Roams, i an a.
Office, Up Suira, Ccatral Block. -j
Shalt Building, Cpstiirs, Billion, Oregos
Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Roonia 3, 4 earl 3
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
m m m
Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In
auranee Business. Liat your farm with
them and find a aale. They will treat
you right Add your aale to our list.
Call in and aee us.
Main Street, . Hillsboro, 0.
Dealers In Marble and Granite Monu
ments and Tombstones, and all kinds of
conietery and memorial work. Write u
for particulars. Address 335 K. Morrison,
: T. R. Imbrie j
S Deals in all kinds of Real J
Eatate Wheat Lands, Farm
Lands, Stock Ranches and
Range Lands Ileclamaiion J
and sale of Desert Lands a
specialty. Pine investments I
for your idle money. Write I
or call at office.. ;
Portland - - Oregon
In any of the modern atyles, by an
experienced wood-finisher. Also
painting, papering, tinting end all
kinds of interior decorating.
H. OtSSMCR, Hlttnboro, Ora
Benson Bldg, between Third and Fourth ,.
If you have not an account with
the Hillsboro Commercial Rank
open one now. They pay 4 pet
cent, per annum on savings account.1
T. R Pavia, of the N"Hh Plates,
was in UmqUj today.