HILLSBORO ARQUS. JAN. 31. 1J07 Entered at th Post-ofllc at Hillsboro, Oragoa, w econd-cUn null niatir. LDCIl'B A. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper Bulisorlption: Ous Dollar per Annum. leased Every Thareday BY IONQ McKINNET His Hour of j Triumph j By SIDNEY AYRES Copyright, WM. fey C. H. Suloliffa Washington County's rote id veto of the ,eoerat appropriation lull i the truest index of what our county people wish their reprs- mnUtives at Salem to do when it comes to voting against the Normal school. While it mieht be the moat economical thing to dieperi with the Normals entirely, the Argue thinks that is tbe eentiment of Washington County that the state can support two Normals one at Monmouth, and one at Weston. Again, although thf y are generally cormorants and always want aid, two Normals would be about self-eopportiTe. Again, the state could make them paddle their own canoes to a certain extent. It the Washington County delegation shall vote to ease op the taxpayers on the Normal question they will vote as the people want them to vote and that will be something gratifying. The proof of the senti ment in this editorial is the fact that Washington County voted nearly two to one against the gen " eral appropriation bill and the Normal graft was the chief bone of contention. It wat au luteratate contest aud 13, 00 spectator had a&seuibled to wit ness tbe foot race, tbe kxig jump, the high Jump, Ute throwing of the ham mer and other feats of nullity and strength. Anions them were Edith Ijtwson and Isabel Daws, w ho had ar rived upon the Ktunud escorted by Edith's brother lik. but lie had left theui to Hik tw one of the athletea and had dis.ipterel. This Ineideut bad put the usually smiling ud amia ble Edith nut of temper, auil long be fore tbe first trial ou the programme had Ixvn called she was iu a captious mood ami wishing she had not come. Miss liatvs. on the coutrary, was all enthusiasm ami anticipation, aud her exclamations Busily brought forth the remark from Kdiih: What a stupid thine to waste our time over. Then so called athletes Thofe are bad advisors who are endeavoring to get the legislature to "pat the governor in a hole That was tried two vears ago, bat the governor has a happy faculty of getting out of such predicaments The good of the whole state is at stake, and the executive knows right from wrong, and has the con fidence of the people. The legisla ture, if wise, will work in harmony with the executive and pay no at tention to those politicians add newspapers that have a little polit ical "bile" on their stomachs. A good deal is being said about the people knowing their own busi nees all this in support of an elective railroad commission. looks as though they do, and the figures for tbe last vote for governor proves it. So far as the legislature making the selection of a com mission is concerned, it all depends. If the politicians have their way the legislature would simply ratify a selection made by the harpies of Oregon politics and wouldn't that be a great way for the "people'' to name the commission ? THE MARKETS, This morning's market reports. compiled from Portland quotations, are: Valley Wheat, new. 66(a 67c. Barley feed, $21 22 per ton brewing, 22($23; rolled, $23I24 Oats, White, f 28. Oats, gray, $27.00 per ton. Bran, $16 per ton; shorts, liS. Hay, Valley timothy, $13.00 and $14.00; grain, $7 OOWfS 00. Hay, Clover, $7 and $7 60. Potatoes, $1.10$1.40 per cwt Eggs, fancy ranch, 34 35c. Butter, Extra Creamery, 35. Hope, choice, 13s( 15; prime, 11 C13o. & Host Valuable Agent The glycerine employed in Dr. Pierce's medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties v, hlch it extracts from native Biadlclnsl roots and holds In solution much better than alcohol would. It alfo possesses medicinal properties of its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antiforment. It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherry- bark, Uloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stone root and Queens root, contained "Golden Medical Discovery " in subduing chrome, or lingering coughs, bronchial. throat and lung affections, for all of which these agents are recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In all cases where there Is a wasting away ot nen, io$s oi appetite, with weak tomsA, as in the early stages of con SumnWn, there can be no doubt that gly cerineacts as a valuable nutritive and aids Mi Golden Sell root. Stone root. QjaehJ rofct and Black Cherrybark In promoting Aigestion and building up the flesh ainrTstreuglh. controlling the cough and brlnitiK about a healthy condition of the wfc.le system. Of course, it must not be eroded to work miracles. It not cure Consumption except In its earlier stages, it win ciixfl avsVi . harie-trn. chrot' roughs . h I lTT 'II trophies. cirrinC rw if " rTLXJif-arsencss, In acute cough! It iouTso euective.- iris In tbe lingering bang-on coughs, or those of long standing, aven when accomDanled bv bleedlna from luDga, that It has performed Its most marvelous cures. Prof, ihiiey Elllngwood, M. D.,of Ben nett MM. vouege, imcago, says oi giy cenne: In drspepslalt serves an excellent purpose. Bidding a fixed quantity ot the peroxide of hfdroyeo In solution. It Is one of the best siaaulscturao proa nets or me praaani ume is lis action upon enfeebled, disordered stom acbst specially If there Is ulceration or ca- tiunisi fastnua kswhh inusunuuon ..inu'iri. It la a most altaclent DreDsrstii f..mrtna -will vmIImvs mnffiw rif tivrosls lu-nburu) id excessive gastric (stomach) "ofuen Medko Disco very" enriches and arises the bhnrlnt- blotches, pimples, ruDilous, ecrorulok. ,w.iliiiga and old sores, ur uirs. , , n. x. asUve "VrodwDr.B.V.of Buff.to.N. frw tres booklet ttlloJksbout the Be IDIS asdic lual routs w'KidIs wuodeifnl IOOK TBI DISTrKBKR BY TUB KICK AND DBAUOSO HIM INTO THE HMulLUi. ought to be put to sawing wood and made to earn an holiest living. Look st that one swelling arouud as It be hai saved a doien human lives! Why, that's Tommy Ilniie." was Isabel's reply. -If I only dared, I'd call Ulia over here and Introduce my self. He's Just one of the nh-est fel" "If he Isn't a bully then I never aw one!" interrupted Edith. "See him swagger as be walks. If be was In troduced to me. I'd Huub hi in good and well." 'Why, Edith Law son! Tommy Hope Is th ehnmnlon hlirh IninrxT and mil ner, and they gay that he is tbe fwst boxer In colleife this year, nis folks are among the mot" Bespectable of saloon ket-pers. probably" sneered the pretty girl. "So he's a prize fighter with all the rest Nice company we are In." Miss Daws was about to protest aud argue further when the high Jumpers were called. There was a field of eight, and eseh and every one of theui was cheered as he took bis place. "Eight of them," observed Miss Dawa after eountinu. "but none of them will staud a show against Tout my Hope. You will see uitu sail over the highest bar like a bird." "Bat any well trained bursa could do the same thing," was Edith s re ply. '"He'd better be sailing Into some honest work, but he'll never do that as long as the people will crowd to these shows. If I had brother Dick here I'd box his ears." "Get ready to clap your bauds, Edith. There he goes!" "I won't even look." Tommy Hope took tbe run and the jump and cleared the bur that bad brought others to grief. In return the crowd raised a mighty cheer. The ap plause lasted five minutes, but Edith Lawson didn't join In. During tbe next half hour she criti cised the crowd and berated her broth er, and her friend realized that she was la a pet, so diplomatically left her alone. Then tbe running race was called, and Miss Daws' suppressed en thusiasm burst forth aguiu. It will be Tommy our Tommy again T' she exclaimed Iu her excite ment "Oh, Edith, how sorry I am that you can't appreciate athletics as the rest of us do. Vou see, men are made strong, agile aud muscular by this training. Suppose that our Tom my bad to run for his life?" ''He would if offered a Job at a dol lar a day," replied Edith. "What a girl you ore! But there goes the bell, aow tbey are taxing their places. Xow the signal Is to be given. Now Go It, Tommy, go It Oh, Edith. Tommy is gaining he Is ereeplng up he Is leading! O-o-o-h, such sprinting! Tommy will win! He has won!" "And I am going home." Some folks are built that way, even some youug ladies, aud the only way Is to let them bug their theories until circumstances arise to change their opinion. One could not have safely predicted that such circumstances would ever arise In tbe life of Edith Lawson, but fate Is more powerful than man. Within a month she was speeding westward In reply to an Invitation from an aunt whose favorite she and, more than thnf, she was traveling alone. Though uuchnperoned, she was not a lone passenger In the drawing room car that whirled her across tbe prairies. Opposite her sat a young man whose appearance pleased bfr at first sight. That he was a gentleman he Immediately decided. II u made no opportunity to speak to her. There were six or eight other passengers, all more or less sociable, aud, la one way and another, all but the young man came to make the acquulutuwe of tiles Lawson before tbe first day of the journey ended. Aina tU vuy &ht tUt (it tU r - youug man the girl was poiilod. She felt sore site had hlra before, and she cudgeled her brain Iu vain to re tueuitier wbr aud when. This Itu prclou itrvw stronger whenever she stole a glance at him, aud by aud by she was much vexed at herself for her failure to recall uliu. If the truth wits kuunn. she. was a bit vexed with hi in as well. It he wanted au Intro duction, lie could have bad It easy enough, and that he didn't rush to se cure It rather piqued her. Next morning after breakfast a tough looking fellow, who was riding In style for the first time In hla life, entered the ear aud a few minute Inter was oellug Mlsa Lawson aud mak ing himself obnoxious. The youug mau opposite politely requested the -flashy youth to desist aud was prompt ly couttiitucd to a climate that Is bolter than this. He dldu't go. He simply took tbe dlsturtier by the ueck and dracccd him iuto the smoking car and flume him Into a seat with a bang. That was the last of the disturber. He didn't like the atmosphere of a drawiiii; ruoiu oar. Mis Ijiws.ui would have thanked the straiiRer, but he gave her no opportunity. He simply return ed to his seat and resumed hla reeding a If nothing had happened. That evening s the iiasseugera left the eating house where ttiey had had "twenty minutes for diuuer" a cow boy with a couple of guns belted about him and too much liquor within him freshty halted Miss I.awoii and pre tended to reoogulie her as a Miss Thowivson, It was a lameutable fail ure. He was picket! up some way. somehow, aud dropped off the platform, and tbe youug man who did It uever even looked back to see If there waa to be any shooting. He might have been thanked again If he hadn't been so busy with his own affairs. Things were comlug to a head, how ever. At mutniEUt tnai uignt tue tram was held up at a water tauk. There were five In the party of ruffians, and three of them euiered tbe sleeers sod commanded passengers to "shell out." The command was promptly obeyed In the first two cars, but the man who started to work the trick Iu the Idaho ran up asralnst a snag. The reserved young man brought out a gun and did some shooting. He weut outside and did some more. In fact d by him. the passengers rallied and killed two robber and drove the others Into the woods. Miss Edith Lawson wss one of the many passengers who offered her hand in congratulation, and thus It came about that the two finally intro duced themselves. When tbe stranger said that bis name was Benny Hope, but that the public Insisted on calling him Tommy, the girl Hushed up and exclaimed: "Why why, there was a Tommy Hope at the Interstate meet of athletes six weeks ago!" "Yes. I wss there." "And yon J-Jumped?" "I Jumped, Miss Lawson "Aud you you sprinted?" "I sprinted. Did you happen to be there In person V T yes. snd I told my churn, Isabel Daws, that I hated athletes. I-I said that an old horse could beat yon all at running or jumping and that yow you"- "That I ought to be sawing wood, perhapsr he laughed. "Well, I shan't bold It against you." And he didn't If he had, how could they be engaged at tbe present time. as announced In tbe society columns? It is more than likely also that Miss Edith bas changed her opinions and is s warm champlou of the "cause." HaiKor la Dlmanoala. Some of the medical fledgelings st s New Tork , hospital manage to find amusement even In the Ills of tbe peo ple who flock to tbe lustltutlon for treatment An old negro woman eu tered the reception room one morning last week aud said she felt "mighty sick Indeedy." When the doctor who was summoned examined ber be could find nothing the matter with her. 'What seems to be tbe trouble t" he ssked. "I's sure I has gastritis, doctor, be cause I s got an awful pain in ma stoma i k," replied the woman. "Do you live near a gas house?" he Inquired. "Yes, I live right across tbe street from one, snd dat'a wliat makes me think I's got gastritis," answered the old woman. 'Well, take this bottle of medicine home with you," said tbe doctor, "and If that gastrttia Isn't gone In a week come back here sgaln and I'll ampu tate your stomach." Tbe old woman thanked bint pro fusely and took the medicine aksag with ber. New Tork Press. 'The Midnight Fljer,wwhich will be the attraction at tbe Crescent Theatre, on Friday, February 1st, is one of those breezy, effervescent and mirth provoking plays that has made a record second to none in the melodramatic field. When there is not a thrilling scene oi wondf-rful mechanical effect, there h a lively specialty or some rol licking; comedy, all served with a dash snd g i that makes the piece one of tbe beat shows tbat wilt be S'en here this season. Dividend in life iimurancr should be -paid annually, (let thr annual dividend bahit. None l,l t r than the Massachusetts Mutual Life's annual dividend rystem James Stilt, District Agent. Executor's Notice STABILITY STRENGTH 4 per c eat. interest. Interest, 4 per cent. J. W. SHUTE, Banher Oldost. Financially Strong,!, Safest snd Mast Con servative BonKing Institution In Washington County. Did you ever investigate to ascertain the respective lia bility of a Corporation and its Stockholders? If you did, you found that Stockholders of a Corporation, how ever rich personally, are not liable for Corporate indebt edness (deposits) except to the extent of their uupaid subscriptions to the Capital Stock, (except Natioual Bauks.) If their subscriptions are fully paid, their lia bility for the debts aud contracts of the Corporation ceases therefore, do not credit the eorporattou with the individual wealth of its stockholders, nor coufouud the property of the individuals with the corporate prop erty, iu judging the wealth and'YCspousibility of the Corporation. Duly the property of the Corporation is liable for its debts aud contracts. We are not like Hankiug Corporations in which Stockholders incur no liability, except to the atnonut of unpaid subscriptions to the Corporate stock. We ate not like a Hanking Corporation which ap pears to have, but has not, the individual backing of the wealth of its Stockholders, but ownsouly the utouey paid in for its stock, or it equivalent, the major part - of which is usually portable property, aud its deposits. out for the safety aud protection of our deposits aud our depositors, everything we possess, iuclnding real estate, is an asset. Wheu you deposit your money with us, you are protected by the lest of Oregon non portable, tangible real property to the value of $150,000, in addition to all of our other hankiug assets. We pay you 4 per cent, on Savings Depos its, compounded or paid every six mouths. Have you ever figured the difference between com pounding 111 four and six months? Figuring for tme year: Here are the figures on $100.00: In four mouths In six mouths $104.0.) 1104.04 Difference on $100.00 4 mills For one years " ' $1,000.00 4 cents ( 44 14 $10,000.00. 40 cents Dear in mind, the paid up stockholder of a Banking Corporation is not individually liable for its deposits. We give you the lest of protection and banking facilities; help you to save aud accumulate for the rainy day, and guarautcc courteous treatment to all. List of Correspondents on which we draw direct: El iotXat ional Ban k i Rust on National lirlc lljink .New Yolk Commercial National Bunk Chicai National Bank of Commmv -St. l-oun ' First National Bank... Omaha Merchants National Bank St. I'aul First National Bank IVovrr McCormiik & Co Salt Lake City Wells Paro Nevada National Bank Sn Krm-i-o Olil National Dank Spokane Scandinavian Anirricau ll.mk ., Seattle Fidelity Trust Company Tacomn United' Stales Natioiial Hank Portlatid Hank of California Portland Udd & Tillon, Bankers Portland Foreign drafts sold on all principal cities in the world. . Thanking our patrons and friends for their confi dence and business, we wish for all a happy aud pros perous New Year. Jau. 1, 1907. J. W. SIIUTK, A. C.SHUTK, I5aukcr. Cashier. rm mm mm ar m m s t r. ar m m WElNHARDS (On ilriughl) I 1 ft II ft I i A W. Y. WILEY'S J S m m Mvmjmmmm The txst of ll Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use 4 per cent. 4 per cent. 4 per cent. (Ompoim)iu i mm iimis i aiii wkh Make Your Money ram You Money We furnish you every you can get auywhere. subject to check. Hanking Facility that (live tis your deposit, sell exchange to even .ry a t at place ol importance in the commercial woiut. We will sell you drafts cheaper than you can buy money orders. The Hillsboro Commercial Hank This Spray is Endorsed By A. IV CorUUy Of the Agricultural College 'II Spakiug of the Phoenix Utile and Sulphur Liquid Spray, Mr. Coidley, of the Corvallis Agri cultural College, writes Dunne & Co., as follows: ' IVmallls, Ore... .l. :. l!J, I in v id M. limine Co., I'urtlsinl, OrKm, lat Mln In !'ly lo vutir 1 It.-r of tl.f UN int, I am glnd to Is alilelo r)urt that the- rrsnll itblsinrd tnm tl turn of vonr I'hoeiiii Hi.ray i-r vitv -atlril.ioliiry, lml.w.1, I ii-ti.t it I v thlnUiis una lo lillwii. Till-illlulc't ly rr-.hi'.l lh !.. ul.lv nuil fsvorsldr lo Ireps that vt.ra simply Ini'riiHtnl. ami . u a wruto-r solution has ariitiy foliifli'lt'ly rrsilli tro llio xt (nun k.ral lirra. I llnil I list anamination mad ulmiit two u wk .! Iil I" iruml n li liitf arsis tixin riihi-r trull ir li'si. tSlcmili A. II. ColU'l.KY. I sell cheaper than other dealers. For prices iu auy quantity, f. o. b., at licavertuti, or taken from my place, write sole agent, B. LUIS, Beuverton. Oregon, K. F, D. 1 GUARDIAN SALE OF PROPERTY Nolle is hsrany given that tlio iindtrlitit ad Unardlan of inn iwrwin and rilali's of plaint, lo sil: Louis Holdlor. Manila hotillxr. Kn inn Hat.llar, Kdward Haldloratnl lrKlr Mil lar, ny vimia or an nnier ami iirenw m the Count jr Court uf lha Slate of On'Kiin, for Wasliliia'toii Cntnity. nisdn.' viilorrd and dated on the sill day of January, l'7, authorising aim nisiwariisT Die iiihot aljinml llusPillan to snll at r!vnti' salr nil of tli. tral iHiurl.y IwIhiiuIiil' lo wild minors, III. undrnilitiinl will, oil sml sIUt Mdiiday, tlio lltli ilsy of rtilirusry, !');, prorasit toacll at invsi unliiullnf Hi.- KEAL I'HIi dv of M.ir. li. I'7, that Wins Ids ! laul duy irvsrnlrd I" lhrnrdrnf 1111KII i i iilnin of tins iiimiiii ii,. and if yon fall hi lo ni"ur nml miiskki wml ixniipliillil. Ilia IhIiiIiII will iy In Ilia iiMiva siilllli-il uni t t r iIh' n ii-f piuywl lor In Ilia roin- Knr iliormi of this i-ourl a. .... s a FRIDAY NIGHT. FEBRUARY 1 : Notice Is hereby liven that tbs ninlsr- siKio-d has been liy the County I'orrt of the Mini of Oregon, for the County of WuHtiliiKton. duly siioointwl ami con Armed, iimlcr date of January 'St, Wffl, as xxenutorot the last will and ttwtaiuent of Maria Anna felers, deceaaed, and tbat he bas duly maliliil as siivn executor. now. tncrerore. an iiersona iiavine elsiniH HKainst the estate of the said Anna Maria l'eters, deceased, ars hereby re quired and requested to present the same, K ith proper vouchers attached, to m. al the law o(li of John M. Wall, In Hills boro, or to me at my residence In the pre cinct of North Forest drove. Oregon THKODORJC BERNiRDH, Kxpculor or the last will and testament of Maria Anna Peters, deceased. John M. Wall, attorney for executor. Dated at Hillsboro, this 31st day of Jau uary, 1907. FRIDAY NIGHT. FEBRUARY 1 Th Most Gorgeous Attraction. Sine "TUm Christian" Ed. Anderson's Masnive Scenic Production ..THE.. MIDNIGHT FLYER Q Q O. The Season's Big Surprise In Tour Acta and Sia Scsnst SEE New Yorh at NlkKl I ho Mammoth Ship Scan Th Slurm at Smm Tha Hnnlistic !hlp Wrsch The AdircinclaiiK Mountains The Tlirilling Kailroad St-mn This Company calls for a clear stage aud carries its own scenery 5 Big' Specialty Acts 5 PRICESt Orchestra and Logea, 73 cls.i Dress Circle and Balcony, 30 cts.t Gallery, 135 cts.t Children, 25 cts. EXCURSION From Buxton and BanKs for Occasion A special train lius Ix-en cliartt-ml ly the Ilillslwro Amusement Association fur mii Kxcursiou from Iluxtou and Hanks to Hillsbo ro and return, l'riday evening, Kelinmry ist, U give the resi dents of these cities an oppirliiuity to witness this splendid play, "The MiilniKiit l'lyer." EXCURSION RATES Buxton to Hillsboro and Return, 75 cts. BanKs " " " " 50 " linlv Imf ilif I .. 'in ! ..r malrliiiony here- toforp rtl-ithn; lH(riti you ami plaintiff, ami Kill iik fniKiiih oi hit and fiirtlirr ri'lief as she tony In. vnlitttil to In Iha prrMtltftCU. I 'his miiiiiniiiiH U piihlisliad In I he llilla Iwiro Aikus 'or Six i i'Iiti lili e wei'ks by .inli f i (he llmi, .1, U , Uhh1Iii, Juda of the Ciniiily I i. ml 'l the Hial of Hrtioii, fur U nihiiiKlun I'l.iiniy, mailn the .KU day nf I in m i y . I'i7. Iiril puliiiaiou be. Hilt mi Hie .T I -1 ilay f Jsiiiiurv, 1HI7. anil of Mari-h, !!?. JollNMiS A VAN ZANTK. Ailoiueys for I'laiiilirf, Notice ol Mual Settlement undivided one s! yh (! iulore,! of the j tu t,n ,t I. ,n.in wiiiU mi the 1 41 It day bih,t siuini oiiiiur.ui 111 aim iu so in UtOn.ll) of and in Hluck On. ( Ii ol ami In the town of CurueliiiH, WanhliiKtou ('ounty.Ofjigoii. The said sale ulll be litatta subjiiot to isiullruiatlnii by llir Coniily Court of lh Stale of uri-Knn lor waniiifion t ouniy. Itataii tins mn uay or juunary, r ,. HKKMAN hKIi,l;ll, ,fliiMru,i, ip, . "ml ii. ,,e, , ninntif I'f'i.i' ler, Kiiiuia Heldlrr, Kdward Nrldlcr and letter Held ler. Battley & Hare, Altorui ys lor (iiiiirdlnii. SUMMONS IN JUNTICK f'OI!llT r'Olt Til K VUK CI.NOT OK WKflT CKIIAK. WAII INOTON tl.'NTY. NTATK OP OltKliON J. C. Bniw'k, I'lalntiir, vs. J. M, Hanson and Kiln A. Htiiimiti iiI(iiIhiii In th. ns ui- of ihti Hlaln of Oregon, Ihc above usinl OufHiiilsiilM will Iskii nnlli that th alKivn nauixd I'lalutlll has coin. meiicad suit In th.alsivv entitled Court : hy Aliai hiusiit for lh mini of on j account and uUtmt tliurvou at His rnln of 0 (Mr cut. par annum from dslc, Vou , ars hereby rwiulml in appi'iir aud atn ir i lbs roiiiilalnt II led walnut yu iu the ' above eiililled Court within ll socks from i th. II mt nuldicatlnii of thia notice lo vtit . on or iM-furn Hi. 2'lrd day of Kcl.rnnry, lfJ7, and If you fail so to nnswer lor lha want thereof th. I'lalntllT will apply to th. I'ourt for Judgment for (lis iilmva amount. Th. date of thn lirst nuhllcit tlon of this notice Is January III, I'i7, listed t HhiTWiinil, tire., .iHiiuuiy 7, urn. M. K. Hiick, ' Justic. ol Urn I'eace. Nolicii in In ill kIvihi that the iihilor-lt(iii-il Iiiih llli'd in Ihv t'liiiiily t'uutt of I lin Niiitxnf Ori'i'iin fur U'uhIiIIi Imi Court ly, his Mini Hi i .iiiiit In the matlor ol thn sliile of l.'iil'i ii 1 1 1 1 1 r I , doceaMd and thai said I mil t lum iltmiKiiiltiil Mtillilay, I' ..I ii 1 1 .i i y '.iih, limr, at llie loiinly pourt room in II llUliuiii, ihtciiii, til the liiiur of 10 o'clock A. M.iifnli day, a Ilia llin. ami place lor hcarliiK olijiutloua Iu said liiuil n( ton 1 1 1 and (in thn lluiil sellleniniil of saiil eilrtle, Haled this Viilt duy nf January, A. U,, l!i7. J. A. IMHRIK. K.i ulnr nf I In' IiimI will uiu leslHiuslit l.r liiilii'rt I nil. lin. ili r'il, K. II. Tiinuuo ami lUiijley t. Hare, At -lorm ys I'nr t'.int'iilnr. Argrifl nnH OrHgonian, ??.00, - Argus tnH Jnarosl, f 1.76. Bxecutiix' Notice Notice Is hereby given that the iiuilcr Igiisil has boon appolnti'd eicculrlx nl' the last wilt and testament of Thoinns Otchln, ilsixiaaed. hy an order nf the County Court of Washington ('nuiily, Or egon, tnsdsand auterod on Jiecemhei- IU, I won, and all usrsous luiviiiK' ''Inline against said mitat. are herohy notilled and dirantad to present said claims, together with the piopar vouohers theralur, to hir st my renliliuice, unit ths otllce of 'I'hos. II. Tongas Jr., at Hillsboro, WaahliiKtnn County, Oregon, on or liefoio sl inoiillis from data hereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Llili Ulth day of Ueceuibcr, iwxi, MARY ANN HIM ('HON, Executrix of the last will aud Icelu. ment of Thoa. Otchln, diicftasuil Thos. II. Tongue, Attorney, Edison's Gold Mould ed Records in StocK fKICK lit CENTS "v.: ;. .f ; ; , ' -" - '.2,'.i v- r' "V' ' f,7L.rtvVl, E. L. McCORMlCH III! 1 Sht)Ht) - - . . . OPKUON ; SUMMONS IN THR CIRCUIT COUKT OF THtt STATE OK OREGON WITHIN A Nil (OH WABHINQTON COUNTY Marl. Williams, I'lalntlfl', vs. Albert Williams, Defendant. To Albert Williams, the ' almve niiiiii'd Defendant; In tbe name of the btato of Oregotii You ars hereby required lo appear ami answer the complaint tiled against you in the above-entitled cause, on or btkio lUo C0RW1N & HEIDEL Doalmrm In All Idiidn of I-'ichIi Meals, l'licti Rea sonable. Will meet all competition. Chli'lrnis nmt Poultry always on bund upon order. I'ree delivery to all parts of the town, We buy fat stock. Bolh fhonaa Sooond Slvool, Hlllmboro, Or ..Central Meat Market.. CMMOTT BROS., Prop., fuoeasaora fo 0. TMburf Keep constantly on hand a fins supply of fresh meats of all kinds. A Now Cra In Prloem We are going to sell incuts st prices low er than those which have prevailed in the pant. Call in and see us. We mean business. 'I'hoiie and Free Delivery Main Street, opposite Tualatin Bote!, Blllstoro, Oitgoa.