The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 31, 1907, Image 1

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    ... The
NO. 40
Says Hi Company Has Or
dercJ Consignment of Hails
Will Bul'J Cllr Liar and Tbta Build
out Htr
C. K. Lois, (he railroad promoter,
who arrived in Portland Thursday
morning, sayi tbut lbs foiled
Hallways baa placed orderi fur
I30.CKH) worth of steel rails, part
of which ar now in transit. H
txpfcti lha first Ciinsignmeot of th
rail any day and declares that
upon in arriral a largo furca of
man will be aet to work.
"Hdclog i b-dieviiip, and all 1
ask on behalf of the United Hail
way Company l that the people
of Portland U patient." aaid Mr.
Loaa yesterday. "Wa have ordered
tba raila, they are en wula and
ought tu Ixi In re now, and ran
not do anything until our material
'When w di Lwgiti actual work
wa chiill ktp it up until wa have
tba lines completed. The project
baa l en financed arid now i a
question of material with ut If
w can sreure lha material aa rap
idly aa wa need it and if plenty of
labor in to m had, lb line of the
United Railway Company wilt Iw
completed within one? vrar from
"The city lima alone will cut u
8o0,000or I,(MKi,IXX, and we in
land to lay the interurban track to
HllMmro and Forest Urova, Ma
terlal la advancirg so rapilly that
ll would be bard to etimata bow
much lha work will coat. Ho far
only the city syttern and the line
(0 Hillaboro and Foreet Grove have
been financed, hut later we inav
make extensions.
"t'eitoiially 1 would rattier tlie news
papers would not mention our cmpanv
until w arc enabled to da somtltiinK to
entwine people that we intend to build
tba road. 1 believe Dial I lie pahlic already u in a Irlrndty spirit and that
wbtn we have trituu to lav the raila
we will receive hf.iriy upiMiri
"W have had a hard, uphill light, hut
wa have advanced in aplte f the oppu
tllon. When I amutiieil citntrol ol the
company ita liatiililire iiioiiuted to That Hutin AuKuat. Now the
company iliiea not owe more than f,ioo
or f4ou, which reprrient current
penaea. Kaila have heen ordered and
wa are ready to begin work and will do
ao within a tew -daya. I think we have
done well conaidrrlriK the oppooiiion we
have had and the la't money I
"I have no complaint to iimke concern
ing the people ol Portland. Tut com
munity, like manv othera, will not be
lieve that a roiroacl it to be built uutil
tba railt have hern laiil. 1 have con
traded certain road where the proplt
in the comintinitiea atU-i lr.l would not
believe thrtn a Irxittuiiile pMpoiition
until we began to opriatt. 'We want to
aee the locomotives cum over the track,'
they would aay. The people of Portland
are not ao ikcptlcnl, I knew, and anoou
aa we bettiii tavirm ntilanml keep on lay
tug them, public confidence will lie given
at, I believe."
Mr. Loaa laid llmt the lint railt would
be laid at the comer of front aud Co
lumbia atieela, the truck to be laid down
Front atreet to terminal yard. The city
line will be finikin d belore work will
tart on the line to Forcat Grove Mr.
Loaa ti here for an Indefinite alay Ore
The undesigned will Bell at public
sale, at the John Ileinrich'a place,
3 inline aouth of Reedville, on the
rarruiiiRton ronl, at 10 a. m , on
14 milk cowa, 8 lu milk, and scouting
fresh In February; e kon, yj to loo
pouudt; 8 dnten chli'kens, buck, buggy,
S milk caul, two of them It aallom, one
an eight gallon, and two ten gallona;
ertam nepumtor, tn'clmom act, cook
atove, kilchen tteiimne, ,1 i rons cut taws,
baby miKgy, and numerous other
arttclea. Lunch at noon.
? Terms of sale.: , iflO and under,
rash; over $10, one year's time, 8
per cent, bankable note.
J, C, Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Shooting Match and Dance
There will bn a shooting match at
tbe Centerville Hull, on the l R
& N., on Saturday,- February I),
commencing ut 10 a. tn. anil laut
log until G p. in. Dancing all day
until (1 p. m.
Please bring lunoh.
Herman Ostonnan, Prop. -
School boys and girla will lind
everything in school supplies (ex
oepl aahool bonks) at K. L. Mo
0. E, Quick, who itt working for
tbe P. K. & N. at Buxton, was
down Saturday, grouting his boy
hood friends in the city.
For (ale: Horne, heavy bin pie
harness and Hliicle wagon, In
quire of G. M. Hunter, Oak Street,
etther phone.
The Argua haa talked with
great many Weehington County
taipayera, and it Coda them prao
tically unaoimi ua for the bill in
troduood be Senator Smith, of
Umatilla, asking that the Normal
choole lw cut down by the legisla
ture from four to two, tbe two to be
elected by thacoromieeiorj for thai
purpoee. Two achoola are enough,
and four are loo many. - Two good
acboota will be tnuoh better tban
four, illy eupported, and the two to
remain would be much mora urar
ly self aupportive. Thia would
mean leaa taiation, and be better
all around. One school at Mon
mouth and one at YVealnn would
be geographically sane, h ia to lie
hoped that tbe entire Washington
County delegation will aland for
the bill and give it their unanimous
support. Ilia lime that tbe tax
payers were given their own.
Kveryday life will be ably de
picted Friday night, Feb. I, when
"Tbe Midnight Flyer" comea to the
Crescent Theatre to Gil an engage
ment. Amid the thrilling inci
dents ia blended a pretty love story
aod plenty of comedy, which go to
make a well balanced play. Sev
eral high clasa specialties are intro
ilmed that lend touch intereat to
the play. ICioelient eceoery edda
to ihs btgh standard of the produo
Mr. Vat Znte, a Porthnd at
torney, Saturday leal filed two
divorce caaea in circuit court.
Marie Williams, married io Port
land in 1102, asks separation from
Albert Williams, on grounds of
desertion. There are no children
and no property rights. Josephine
Wynii, who was wtdded to Henry
Wyno, at Reno, Nevada, in 11K3I,
wants a divorce because her bus
band threatened her life. There is
neither children nor proterty, and
all she aska ia a dec re and her
maiden name of lllandin.
To lease for term of years: Farm
of 187 acres, 00 acres cleared, 9
miles from Portland, three miles
from Bethany. Will rent for cash.
Uood buildings and stable fitted for
dairying. (Irani Holoomh, Hoi-
brook, Ore., U. 1. Pacific Siatee
Phone JUKI. . .
Political wieeacrra allege that
Dr. Jaa. Wiihyoomb will be tbe
next Governor. He will be enter
ed in the primary lists, aa bis
friend desire him to make lha run
again. It ia figured that Mr.
Witbyeombe will not have so for
midable a candidate next time as
he encountered in Qovernor
Chamberlain Of course, there will
he plenty of democrats to make
i lie i ace, but it will Iske a good
one to beat Ibe Republican nomi
For Rent: Farm of C5 acres in
plow land, aod 80 acrea pasture.
Two and one-half miles north of
Utenrne. Good buildings. Fine
place for dairy; plenty of ruuning
water. For terms apply to C.
Hickeuloitom, Hillaboro, Ore, cor
ner Second and Oak
Miles Burston, of Meadows,
Idaho, was here the last of the
week on a hurried visit. He left
Monday for a trip to Washington,
to visit with Chas. Wren, formerly
of Centerville. Mr. liurston ia a
son of the late Jimmook Burston,
who settled at Leisyville in the
early day.
For Sale: Fire driving horse, 3
years old, weighs about 1100 and
will grow; well broke and good sin
gle goer; aired by Lovelace, and is
a fine traveller. Inquire of Argus
Lute Lludsey, the veteran horse
traiuer, aud who thia last season
drove Lord Lovelace, E. B
Tongue's bay gelding, to winner ot
over soOUU in purse money, was
out Friday and took back to Van
oouver with bun, K, J. Lyons'
Kovelace gelding, Aldaoe.
Wanted: Good, gentle, true work
linrwe, 111HI or TAX). Will pay
cash, but must be bargain.- Daniel
Stollar, Hillaboro, R. F. 1). 1,
.Wm. Imbrie, of North Yakima,
Wash., was here the last of the
wtek, the guest of relatives. Mr.
Imbrie spent his boyhood days on
tbe North Plains, near Columbia
Aoademy, and . ia a cousin of the
Imbrie Brothers, of Una oity.
Henry Hogrefe, on the Dr,
Withycombe place, and Herman
Hunteman, with John Kamna, of
Farmington, were in the oity lues
We lead in groceries the beat
brands prices always the lowest,
and 10 ounces to the pound. H
Wehrung & Sons.
W. C. Darety and Wm. Joos, df
Glencoe, and Jacob Milne, of Cen
terville, were in Monday-evening,
attending a rousing meeting of the
K. of P.
Peter J. Brown, of Cedar Mill,
was up to t'leoity Tuesday. He
expects to move up to the Trout
dale seotion soon. '
Argus and Journal, 11.76.
Sacramento Man I. fit in the
Shade by UUI.shoioitc
Tribute Paid ta Councilman Sthul
Ed Schulmericb, HillslKtrn bimine's
man, and councilman, returned the
last of the week from a trip to Cali
fornia ami while there look the
time to extol Oregon and what the
state can produce. While in Cali
fornia Mr. Schulmericb "met up"
with one of the California boomers,
a bile dinii g . in a Sncr.traetito
rent a ii rant. The bjomer ia known
all over the state fur luting loyal to
California and aa soon aa he noticed
Suhulmerich'e mil cane, lain lied
"Oregon," he 0ened 6 re. The
atory ia beet t-I1 in an extract from
a 8acrainnto daily, urn I is as fol
lows :
Sacrameulo'a boomer uiet the wrong
oiao lu a reataurant the other day.
Noting a ti it case cloa to the wall ad
mttatag tba (act that a dintr at one of
Iht tablea n from Oregon, (he local
boomer, who hai reputation for over
poering atrangert, literally mothering
viallora with I'alifornia'a prowest,
started ia on Ibe new nibiect. 1 le rollnl
out hie dock in trade aud ti true to
Iht fliwery atate-but be didn't get far.
The viaitor turned half round in hia
chair, squared awny, and turned loc
ami, ny me way, Uregon ahoultl en
courage few more of hia kind. He aaid:
Talk about California why, uiao, do
yon know you are eating Oreifou pota
toes right now? liow do I knowr Because
I shipped them myaelf: do you know
that thoae onions la your conaume come
from Oregon Io you know that over
half the lurnilure in thia dining room ia
manufactured up ia Oregon? And, by
the way, I act you arc wearing auil
mailt from Oregon wool. Do yon want
mineral then come to Oregon; do you
ant Ibe beat hard wheat raited iu the
world then come to Oregon; do you
want to aee limber that your redwooi
can'l touch for all round commercial
purpoert- then come to Orecon: if vou
are looking for the beat dairy alate in
trie union mat's Oregon; If you want a
atate where theonl) tanbipiakr we know
ta electing a democratic governor in a
troog republican atate, write it Oregon
anil it you want atate that can aliow
you the finest orchard productanf the
world outaide of -a few citru fruita
just look up Oregon. Come and aee us
oma nine my menu, anil I II mow you
a atate where Adam and Kve first uiet
in Iht garden of Kdeo, and where the
Geneaia of production was lirat started
rolling." The local boomer was para
lyzed. It was the lirat time that be had
been completely anowed under, aud t he
Oregon man nodded him a polite good-
oyt auu started out to aell Oregon potn-
lots and onionaby the carload to tbe
rtaldeata of a atate that claim their home
ttht greatest in tbt V'nion and yet
buy evt-u thtir vegetablea from Oregon.
The undersigned will sell at public
auction at hia farm 5 miles aouth-
went of Hillnhoro, and 1 miln went
of the Johnson oawmill, at ten a
ro';, on
Large grey liorae, weight about i;-o;
even good milk cowa, from three to
even years old, live of them in milk
and other two will be (reab aoon; 5 pure
bred White Wyandotte chickens; nine
ilver laced Wyandottes; a ten gallon
milk cant; tome wheal for chicken feed,
and numerous other articles.
Terms of sale: fit) and under,
oash; over $10, 8 months' time
bankable nolo, G per cent.
; B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
"The Midnight Flyer," which' will
be tbe attraction at the Crescent
Theatre, on Friday, February 1st,
it one of those brent y, ell'ervescent
and mirth provokiug plays that
has made a record second to none
in tbe melodraaiatic field. When
there is not a thrilling scene or
wonderful mechanical efleot, there
is a lively specialty or some rol
licking comedy, all served witii a
dash and go that makes the piece
one of the best shows that will be
seen here this season.
Home style lunches at all hours,
from 10 cenU up Regular meals
at regular meal houra during the
weak.. Sunday, break fast from 7
to 8:30." Noon meal, 12 to 1:80,
Evening meal, 5:110 to 7 o'clock.
Io the Benoon llldg., Main Slrtet,
near Third. D. K. Piaer,
Chief Engineer Geo. L Davis, of
the P. R A N ,came in Tuesday,
having just returned from the Til
lamook end of the line. Mr. Davie
ia very busy these daytt Hotting bis
crews into the Wilson River coun
try for the branch line which
reaches from Tillamook up to near
the McNamer oamp.
C E, Shorey, ol above Mountain
dale, wai a county seat caller,
Argus and Pacific Monthly, 11 fioj
Daniel Stoller, of JUlv-tia, was
an Argus caller, Saturday,
Sirnonde Croi-a cut eawa
-C- A.
Lam kin Co.
L'ltiia Herrnens, of Yerboort, was
an Argus caller, Saturday.
Charter Oak stoves and ranges.
-C. A. i.amkin Co.
Robt. Simpmin, of Buxton, was
down to the county seat Friday.
Ail kindu of hardware C. A
Ltmkin Co.
Herman Cdlier and wifa, of
Scbolls, were in tbe cily Saturday.
PaintN and oils. C. A. I.amkin
Van DrLaHhmiilt, of Witch
Hael, was in the city Saturday.
Buy your fchool tahlets at Mc-
Krvine rnirkhaller. of South
Tualatin, wh in the city Friday.
Frank Wei.-eubck and wife, of
Rfpdvil!e, were Argus callers, Sat
II Wehrung & Hens carry a full
line of Heir. ;s' picklts aud botllod
Wm. Cbalmeri", of tbe ITtover &
Connell place, was in the city Sat
urday. For ale: 00 acre. 11 miles
south ot Reedville, at $10 ier acre.
Inquire Argus.
Fred Cornelius spent Sunday at
Glecc, tbe guest of Klmer Mays
and wife.
Schulmerieh Bros, are secnta for
the beBt known wagon on the coast
tbe Bain.
Mrs. John Fuegy, of Portland,
was out Sunday, the guest of Henry
tiee and family.
Satisfaction guaranteed in tbe
Ocean Wave Washer. Chan. A.
Lamkiu Co.
H. II. Hall, of Shady Brook,
was in the city Saturday, accom
panied by his son, Alliert.
Fine line of Mohair for wailing?,
all snadt s ami colors, at H. Weh
rung A Son.
John Vanante, a Portland at
torney, was in the city Saturday,
filing two divorce cas.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregou manufacture.
Call for them.
Miss Kathryn BobwcII, of Colfax,
Wash , was the guett of Mis Madge
Imbrie, lat week.
Our fall lino of drees goods, wash
good, fUntielltiitf , etc., is complete.
H. Wehrung it Sons.
The cold snap broke for keeps,
the list cf the week, and Sumlay
night followed with a very hravy
rain. Roads are in bad condition.
For sale: Open, rubber tire
bticgy, practically new, at a bar
gian Inquire at Argus office.
Wm. Sehnlmrrich, of Farming
ton, left Tuesday for an extended
trip, lecturing ai farmers! institutes
with Dr. Jas. Withycombe.
Fifty acres cleared laud for sale;
or will be divided in two 25-acre
tracts; li miles of Ilillsboro. In
quire of Argus.
Chas. Heiie, who is working in
Portland, was out the first ot the
week, nursing an attack of the
Wanted: rarms a
Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
drees J. R, Foreman, COo Kast
Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
Wm. Aiton, of near Cornelius,
was in the city Mouday, and called
atthe ArgiH ofl'n'e. Ha advertises
a public sale for the 14 of February.
Biggest shipment of corn ever
received iu Jlilltboro, at the Cli
max Mill etore. Get in and order
your land plaster early.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose you cau do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis
We hhve them for everybody, and
at pricos that are values.
B. Leis, of Biiaverton, was an
Argus caller Monday. Mr, Leis
has an adverlieemeut for a spray
for the Sau Jose scale, iu another
column. -
.There is only one way to appre
ciate Ed Andereou's big production
of "The Midnight Flyer," and that
is to see it at the Crescent Theatre
on Fiiday night, February 1st.
1C. W. Dant, of Ileedville, was
up to the city, Monday. He says
that tbe Order of Washington will
give u niHt-k ball some time during
the month of February.
Headquarters for all kinds of
agricultural . implements, wagons
and buggies, shipped direct from
the factory, and sold below Port
land prices. Schulmerich Bros.
J. J. Meacham, of Mountahnlale,
was down to the county seat Mon
day, and says there are good roads
up that way if you cau only lind
the bnttoto. '
I fjl IjoV I H 4 IJ I
U. Is luLl A Jlnll A
One Witness on
Stand Tuesday
Victor Kindt
Sacars That be Lost the
John T. McNamara, arrested last
Wednesday night, was charged,!
Friday morning, with larceny from j
a dwelling, and on Tuesday be was;
taken before Justice II. T. Bagley j
for a preliminary examination. Tbe
defendant was in court attended by j
bin atlorr.ey, W. G. Hare. Deputy j
District Attorney K B. Tongue put I
Victor Kindt, who lives at the I
Tualatin, on the stand, and the
biy swore that he Lad noticed tbe
prioner around the hotel and that
be had euddrnly missed him.
Later he heard someone coming
down stairs, and it wis the defend
ant. Kindt swore he then wtnt to
bis room and siw that he bad lost
aome clothing He then told Fred
Cor oeli us about tbe circumctance,
and thai he had noticed that Mc
Namara had Mmtliing nnder bis
coat. Fred Cornelius then met the
prisoner and pulled from nnder
neath bis coat a sweater that be
lor ge l to the witne s, and which
whitens swore wa in the room
when be lefi it etrly in the evening.
Tbii was tlw only witne-s exam
ined ami there was no defense.
Judge Bagley thereupon continued
the-bsil, which he laet week had
fixed, at fsoi.i.
; A letter has Wen written to the
sheriff of Tillamook county, in
hope that oflicial would go on Mc
Namara's bond, 'as the defendant
was lece ntlv that ctTicer's deputy
over in tbe Biy City- In default
of the bail the prisoner was re
manded back to jail.
Frank Brown, the hermit of near
Gales Peak, and who was over six
ty years of age, was brought to For
est Grove from his cabin, th? other
day, and died Monday. Deceased
was reported ill to Dre. Via and
Large, who went up to give the old
man medical attention, last week,
lie was removed to town but medi
cal skill was of no avail. The old
man has been in that section for
some years, and formerly worked
around the Grove. He has no
known relatives on the dbast, but
is thought to have folks in Wis
consin and North Dakota. He had
bsen a sufferer from rheumatism
for years, and has been nearly
destitute for months.
A very pretty weJdiug was cele
brated Wednesday evening, Jan.
23, 1907, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Finigan, of near Lau
rel, when Mr. Louis Hulitand Miss
Lena Woblschlegel were united in
marriage, Rev. J. Soper, of Scholia,
officiating. The room was taste
fully decorated with chrysanthe-
mmnfl and (Irsonn nram Prnmnl.
'V1 ? oc,oc me weuoing marcn
was piayeu ny airs. Ueo. Kobinson,
the ceremony being performed un
der the wedding bell. The bride
was charming in a gown of cream
silk, beautifully trimmed with rose
applique and embroidered chiffon.
The bridal veil was caught with a
wreath of orange blossoms, and a
corsage of white carnations com
pleted a most exquisite costume.
Mips Alma Womsr was bridesmaid
and wore a gown of pink taffeta,
carrying a bouquet of pink carna
tions. John Wohlschlegel, brother
of the bride, acted as beet man.
The bride and groom are honor
ed members of the New berg Baptist
Immediately after the ceremony
a sumptuous dinner was served.
The presents were numerous and
Those present were:
Rev. and Mrs. J. Soper, Mr. ami Mrs.
C. 11. Brooks, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Hor
ace aud Miirgaret Robinson, Missel IHnl
and Alma Wotner, Ola AS' omer, Wilbur
Jones, Joe, Klra and Arthur Mi-Cormvk,
l'red, John and Harvey Ilaynts, Mrs.
Wohlsculegel, John, Will, Ed, Krnest,
Fred and Grayiton Wohlsclilegel, Mr.
and Mrs. John llulit, Kva, Willie aud
Rnby llulit, Archie Newman, Mr. and
Mrs. Lou l'iuigan, Clara Hell aud Wini
fred Finigan.
The happy couple'departel Jan
2't, lor their home in Trouldale
amid a shower of rice and good
Lost: Shepherd pup, short tail,
white rinu around neck and
breast. " Reward. Wiu Taylor,
Ilillsboro, Ore , Baseline & First,
next to Tillamook railway.
J. J. Whitten was in from near
Phillips, rueauay;
r. frjmtin
is today indispensable on the
dressing' table of
eentleman. Not
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles anil
stiffness of the facial
tissues, ami makes the:
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving- it
flexes the muscle and takes away shaving-
soreness. Most women recoemze the va ne
or tins preparation
and healthy skin.
Price 50c and
CLIM AX tll cc
Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed,
Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement.
Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, '
vetch, cheat, etc.
New Brick - - - Second Street
A i i i a
Happy New Year to You All
To Our Friends and Patrons
We Extend a Happy New Year's Greeting
May the new year have lots of good things in store
for you. May you continue to give us your pat
ronage, which we will try to merit. If you are not
our customermake a new year's resolution to be one.
We promise your money's worth or your money
back. Our groceries are all standard qualities.
l s 0
taaeaeeeaaaeeeeaee seee)e eeeeeataaeaeeeeaaeeeeea
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables aud Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
E. J. LYONS, Proprietor
' TTTTnniiiiinmiii innmiit'
centlewoman or
onlv dues a Pnmnctan
blarLhparU talrea ruif
muscles, animates the
flesh firm
in maintaining- a clear
$1.00 per Jar
The Best of AH Beers
knows that fine old whlnky ia indlapeuablt f a cul-
inary help. ' ...
re favorites with the cook of the United State, Ths '
unequalled boqoct and plemliijr laste of Ihene whatWrt
backed by their adapUM lit for the preparaliojor sll
dishes la which Rood whisk la required. Pl J
the Irani rank among tli eeeaelttea of lhasosa,
The Noels brands, in quarts and piota, are X
r u mi mm pm&msTS -tteavtxra,
a, NRTLANa.fCf,