The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 24, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 45
Duck ShH)lin Law Proposed
by Ililltihoro Lcgiitlutor
till Will tort Likely Wlibuul
Hon. W. N. Barrett has Intiodured
a till in tbe legislature, aakiog
(bat February l ao open month
(or duck shooting in War-hlugton
County. Hunters in this section
oliint that February Ik the best
month of t h Winter reason for
ducks, because they do not leave
the Columbia River and coma oul
inlo ' tht inurlor uoiil some lime
in January. They visit the leke
here in tbe latter part of January
tnd February, and then nut lattr
in tbe year. The hunters here g"i
no sport with the law a it now it
unless tbv K to the Columbia,
and 10 they ak that an emergency
clause 1m attached to tl e bill.
Mr. Tbiuta !!', of Kant Hille
boro, died ai the family home, Fri
day, January 18, UK)", after a
abort illnea lt'rad'a maiden
name a a Km ma Kawllns, and the
wait horn at Marabnod, Dorset
ahire, England, 0?thr 22. 1833.
She was wedded to Tlioinaa Howe,
April a, ISO:!, and they moved to
Canada in 17(. Ttn yeara later
they came In Oregon, tiling first
in Salem, where thee resided three
ear, and from there they went to
It. An(te), where I hey lived lft
year. In I'M they moved lo
. I'ortland, and after a yi-er of real
dence there, moved to Hilleboto in
1'KIR. Tbe huthand, Tboa Howe,
and the following children survive:
Frank Howe, Portland; Mr. Alice
McCall, Portland, and Mint Emma
Howe, at home.
Tbe funeral took place from the
Congregational church, Sunday, at
1:!H)' in the afternoon, Ilev Oil pat
rick ofliointing at the obitiies,
and Interment was in the Odd Fel
Iowa' cemetery.
J Marion Wili-oi, a m'ive of
Washington County, and who waa
horn here in 1 854, died at Ilia Good
Samaritan llnepital, Tuwday, Jan
uary 22, 1907 Deoaaaed bad lived
in Portland for a great many yeara,
and for thirteen yeara was clerk of
tbe Old Clarendon Hotel, in it
palmy daya. Fori! years he haa
been aerretar; of tba Tnited Car
riage Company. For a year or ao
ha bat been fluttering from a liver
ailment. His wife and two chit
dren survive. Deceanrd waa a aon
of Mri. Loui Minn'nc, of ihi city,
and who w with him when he
passed away,
Home style lunches at all hours,
from 10 cents up Regular meala
at raolilar maul twinri ilurinu the
....... n
weak. Sunday, breakfast from 7
to 8:30. Noon meal, 12 to 1:30.
Evening meal, 5;. 10 to 7 o'clock,
lo the Benson llldg., Main Street,
near Third D. K. Puer.
All kinds of hardware C. A
Larakln Co.
Lewis Powers, of Leisyville, waa
an Argue caller, Friday.
Bam Johnson was down from
.Shady Brook, Haturday,
K. F. MoNelly, of Nnrth Plains,
Wat in tbe city Saturdny..
. J. W. Bernards, of Verboort, wae
an Argua otaller Naturday.
Albert and Clyde Lincoln were
in from Glenooe, Saturday.
Joseph liihhup, of Helvetia, waa
an Argua caller Haturday,
- r. l. ituigard and wile, ot near
Laurel, were in the oity Haturday
Postmaster Cornelius was a suf
ferer from the ' lagrippe" for sev
eral daya the past week,
II. C. Carslens, of Roy, and J. F
Carstens, of Bunks, were in town
Saturday, on probate business.
Schoolboys and girls will find
everything in sohool supplies (ex
oept school books) at K, I, Mo
; W, M. Ssxton, of Goldendale
Wash , was hern the firm of the
week, tho guest, of his brother, Geo.
oaxtori and family.
There is only one way to annre
elate Ed Anderson's bin production
of "The Midnight Flyer," and that
ii to tee it at the Crescent Theatre
on Friday night, February 1st.
The boya up at the Hainea'
power dam ran nut of tobacco last
week, and they telephoned in to
Mr Haines that uo'ee be proceed-j
ed to get aoma smoking and chew
ing up there a general strike would
ensue. Tbe Senator immediately
ant in the neceaaary wherewith,
tbe tueaaenger service alone coaling
hlui about a V. Aa a ooneequeno
there la harmony up on tbe head
waters of the Tualatin, and 1) B
ileaaoner and Loo Higler are in tbe
beet of humor.
Everyday life will be ably de
pict-d Friday night, Feb. 1, when
"Tbe Midnight Flyer" coiws to the
Crescent Theatre to All an tngage
ment. Amid tbe thrilling inci
dents ia Mended a pretty love story
and plenty of comedy, whioh go to
make a well balanced play. He
eral high olase apecialtiea are Intro,
duced that lend much iuterest to
the play. Kioelleut acenery adds
to the high standard of the proJuo
J. O Kindt, who baa been farm
lug up in the Alberta section, above
tbe Winnipeg territory, with head
quarters at Nanton, N. W. Terri
tory, ia down for a vie it with bie
mother, Mm Phoebe Kindt, of
Kinlon. He ia located In tbe great
wheal bell, and beaays the country
ia rapidly developing.
J. W. Copeland, of below New
ton, waa in town Monday, and call
ed at the Argua office, lie recent
ly relurmd from a visit with home
folks in the east and brought back
with him about two bushels of fine
hickory nuta-joat like they used
to raise back in old "Miasoury."
To lease for term of years: Farm
o 1H7 acres, CO acres cleared, V
mtltt from i'ortland, three miles
from Bethany. Will rent for rash.
Oood buildings and stable fitted for
dairying. Grant lloloomb, Hol
brook, Ore., It. 1. Pacific States
Phor e aO'l.
J. K MoNamara, who ia engaged
in the job printing bueioeas at Tbe
Dalles, waa dowu tbe first of the
week, visiting borne folks and
friends. He returned Tuesday and
from here went to Oregon City, on
legal business.
Mr. and Mra. Hoi Jack, of Farm
ing, lost their infant child, aged
two mootba and 12 days, Sunday,
January 20. Tbe little one was a
eutfrrrr from a complication ot
troublea, one of whieh wai a atom
ach a miction.
C. F. Harris, a former llillsboro
ite, waa in tbe oity Monday, repre
SMnting the American Type
rounder Co., of Portland. Mr
Harria ia a son ef Xrs. C. T
Uowen, who formerly lived on tbe
Humphreys place.
Hon. W H, VVehrung went to
Portland Tuesday to bear Bryan
lecture at tbe White Temple. The
eats were all sold by six o'clock,
Monday evening. Mr. Bryan is
making toward California.
Adam Richard, of Cornelius,
gd 51 years, died at the family
home, January 20, 1907, and in
torment was In the Cornelius cetn
etery on Jan. 21. Deceased leaves
a wife to mourn his loss.
For Sale: Fine driving bonne, 3
years old, weigba about 1100 and
will grow: well broke and good sin
gle goer; sired by Lovelace, and is
a fine traveller. Inquire of Argus
General Manager C. K. Lytle
and Sunt. A. B. Smith went to
Portland Saturday to see about
maobinery (or working in' the tun.
nels above Buxton.
Clyde Lincoln went up to Oales
Creek, Tuesday, to put in the
bridgo at Cheemore Falls. This
was the only bridge that washed
out during the recent freshet.
Lost: Shepherd pup, short tail,
white ring around neck and
breast. Reward. Wm. Taylor,
Hillsboro, Ore , Baseline &. First,
ntxt to Tillamook railway.
Wilbur K. Newell is one of those
who sends in bia petition asking
the oounty court to begin per
manent road work this season.
We lead in groceries the beet
brands prices always tbe lowest,
and lu ounces to the pound. II.
Wehrung it Bona.
John Powell and family, who
have been here siuoe the Holiday,
have returned to the state of
For sale: Home, heavy eiucle
harness and single wagon. In
quire of Q. M. Hunter, Oak Street;
either phone.
Mrs. J. D. Merryman waa out
from Portland, Tuesday, tbe guest
of her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Bailey.
Thirty Five Deed and Five
Releases Recorded
Suppoacd Tbsl lbs Lies will
lit Tnelaiia
raa up
Tha Oregon Electric Railway Com
pany baa filid 85 deed and 5 re
leasee for in right of-wsy down in
iha Tualatin eeclion, and Recorder
Ireland and Depnty Perkins have
been buar in gutting tbe inatru
ruenla written. This U the line
that runs from Hatem to Portland,
audit ia expected that eventually
it will start at TuiUtin and buiid
up the river to Hiileboro, nrd
thence on to Foreet (Jrove. The
company ia tearing up earth pretty
lively down that way, and Tuala
tin will aoon be conaiderable of a
railway center.
'The Midniitbl Flyer," which will
bathe attiaction at the Creerent
Thratre, on Friday, February let.
is one ol those breezy, effervescent
and mirth provoking plays that
baa made a record secord to none
in the melodramatic field When
there ia not a thrilling scene or
wonderful mechanical effect, there
is a lively specialty or some rol
licking comedy, all served with a
dash and go that makea tbe piece
one of the beat shows that will be
seen here this season.
Shooting Match and Dance
There will be a shooting uiaU h at
lbs Centerville Hall, on the 1. R.
AN., on Saturday, February U,
commencing at 10 a. m. and last
ing until 0 p. m. i he day will be
cloeed by a dance in the hall.
rleaae bring luocn.
Herman Osterman, Prop.
Chas. Wesoott, of Gaston, and
Miss Cynthia Soott, were united in
marriage in Portland, last week.
0, Q. Barlow and wife, of Port
land, were out tbe first of the
week, visiting relatives.
Ervine Burkbalter was over from
South Tualatin Tuesday.
V. Drseinger, of
up to the county
Thoe. Connell, of fllencoe, was
in tbe city Monday.
Paints and oila C. A. Lamkin
J. T. Fletcher, of Foreet Grove,
was down to the oounty seat, Tuns
Mrs. Kva Pillahury ban sold her
busir.ees on Main Street to Mrs
Commissioner Buchanan, of Cor
nelius, was down to the city yes
terday. -
Born, to Theodore Orndutf and
wife, of Buxton, Jan. 1", J 9C7, a
Born, to Chas. Meier and wife,
of below Newton, on Jan. 22, UK)
a daughter.
Julius Asbahr, of Smth Ttiala
tin, aud John Kamna, of Karmit g
ton, were in town Tuesday.
Miea Josie pcnulmencn 1ms so
oeptfd a pof ition aa book keeper
and etenographor, in Portland.
Reuben Foster, of Portland, and
formerly with tbe 1. It. v M , was
out Sunday, the guest of friends.
Rlohard Baldra aud wife return
ed the first of the week from ao
extended visit with relatives
Leavitt Birdsell, of Forest Qrove,
was down Monday, visiting with
the Dennis and McCormiok
Many lost their potatoes in the
late freeze, and this waa universal
all over the state of Oregon This
misfortune should send up the
price of tubers. .
Geo. R. Bagley and Fred Sohom-
burg will be at San Francisco for
several days, attending a lawsuit
in which the 0 C. M. Co. is in
terested. They expect to re tu ru
by the first of February.
Workmen tried to open tbe pit
on the grade this side of the Climax
Mill, last week, but they found tbe
frost altogether too thick for them.'
Ab a oonsequenoe it will still be
some time before the grade will be
finished down lo the mill.
After ten days of skating the ice
broke the last of the week and all
the snort came to a standstill. The
lake lowered and the top of the ice
became ao rotten that it waa no
longer safe. Again, tbe snow of
Thursday . night made it uncom
fortable. For Rent: Farm of C5 acres in
plow land, and 80 acres pasture.
Two and one-half miles north of
Glenooe. Good buildingB. . Fine
plaoe for dairy; plenty of running
water. For terma apply to C.
Hloken bottom, Hillsboro, Ore , enr
ner Seoond and Oak.
Argus and Pacific Monthly, I 50
Sioion Is Cton cut saws. C' A.
.amkin Co.
F. L (eiiier, of Cornelius, was in
the city Monday.
Go to McCormick's for school
Ed. Wann waa a Portland i-it
or the first of tbe week.
Charter Oak stoves and ranges.
C. A. Lamkin Co.
A. B'ndler, of North Plains, was
a county seat csller Mordty.
Janiea Rohb, f.f Centerville, was
a c iQnty teat caller, Monday.
II Webrtmg Ir H-ns carry a full
line of Heir.z' pickbs and bottled
J. J. Krebt ani wife, of near
Farmingtoi), was in the city Moo-
For sale: ItO acres, H miles
south ot Reedville, at KIO per acre.
nquire Argus.
II. 0. Fi'ch, of Cornelius, was a
county seat visitor Monday after
Scbulrnerich Bros, are agnts for
the best known wagon on the coast
the Bam.
Marshal W.
Beaverton, "waa
seat Monday.
Satisfaction guaranteed in
Ocean Wave Washer. Chaa.
.amkin Co.
A Vandehey and Wm. Smith, of
Glencne, on the Uoodin place, were
n town Monday.
Fine line of Mohair for waietinge,
all ehadea and colors, at H. Web
rung A Sons.
Attorney S. B. Huston was out
from I'ortland, Monday, iu the in
terest of a client.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
encia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Nick Kemmer, the Cooper Moun
tain hop grower, was a county seat
Visitor Monday.
Our fall lii.e of dress goods, wash
gord4, flannellette, etc., is complete.
II. Wehrune & Sons.
N. J. Wslker, one of Foreet
Grove's earlv pioneers, was in the
county seat the first of the week
For sale: Open, rubher tire
hupgy, practically new, at a bar-
gian Inquire at Argus office.
S. B. Lawrence, of balow Farm
ington, waa in the city Monday,
and called at the Argus ollice.
Carl Larsen went to Portland
Monday and purchased a new dray
for bis teaming work in the city
Sam Moon, one of the first to
enter the dairy business in the
county, was in the city Monday.
Fifty acres cleared land for sale;
or will be divided in two 25-aore
tracts; 1) miles of Hillaboro In
quire of Argus.
Kb Hyde, a Foreet Grove capi
talis), was down to the city, Mon
day, a looker-on at the delinquent
tax sale.
Louis F. Peterson and wife, of
Morrow Countv, have baen visitors
at the Jas. McClnran home, on
Gales Creek.
Biggeet shipment of corn ever
received in Hillbbnro, at the Cli
max Mill store. Get in and order
your land plaster early.
G. A. Plieth, of below Kinton,
was in the oity Monday, coming up
to see about the delinquent sale
held by Sherill Connell.
Wanted: Farms and lands of
all kinds for sale and rent. Ad
dress J. R. Foreman, 05 East
Morrison, Portlaud, Oregon.
Mrs R, A. Lincoln left last week
for an extended visit at Miltonvale,
Kansas. Her mother is very ill,
and she may remain several
Wm Walker, who has been over
at Seattle for many months, is
home for a visit with his mother,
Mrs. Mary Walker, and his sister,
Mrs. Kverent.
Bernard Leis, of below Beaver
ton. and who takes an active inter
est in the move to spray orchards,
was in the city, Monday, and call
ed at the Argus ollice.
Dan Emrick, of Scholia, Andrew
Jaok, of Farmington, and J. B.
Stewart, of South lualatin, were
over Monday, sampling Bome of
Hillsburo a good weather.
Headquarters for all kinds of
agricultural implements, wagons
and buggies, shipped direct from
the- factory, and sold below Port
land prices. Sohulmerich Bros.
Wm. Reidt, who at one time
owned considerable Hillsboro town
property, was out from Portland,
Monday; attending the delinquent
tax sale. Mr. Reidt has sold about
all of Hillsboro holdings, but thinks
be made a mistake, as nearly all of
it has advanced a hundred per
cent since he deeded it away
M L Cafe Interesting Him.
self in 4 Story Structure
Pfomi'f i tom Buljdiag If People
Will Help
R. L. Cate, who baa managed the
big Hawthorne estate at Portland,
and also in Washington County,
for a Dumber of years, was in town
the first of the week, interesting
himself in the hotel preposition
Cate brought with bim plans and
specifications of a big prrsed brick
hotel, containing 41 rooms, with all
the modern equipments, like steam
heat, electric lights, elevator, bath?,
and a glance at the plans show tha
design to ba equal to the arrange
menta of any htel in the metropol
itan citv it Portland. The esti-
ma'ed cnet of the building is about
.'5,(J(X), and Mr. Cate esy leis
hereto eee that the town has the
hotel if local capital will do its
part. Already several well to-do-people
in the city and surrounding
vicinity havedecided to help in Ihe
matter of taking atock, and their
holdings will run up in o tbe thou
sands. Hil'eboro hagron and it
now needs a modern hostelry Mr
Cate proposes that the tri-cl shall
have capacity to take care of the
business that must eventually come.
The building is to be 72x112. and
three stori-e in height. It is to
be etam heated, have its own
electrio light ar.d pumping plant;
have a bar; bailirortrif; sample
rooms; letturant, aud all the
necessary accouiremeotH of a first
class hotel. All the rooms are to
have natural light through the
medium of shafts, and it will have
an elevator, and two big reception
rooms tor political gatherings, as
well.' as tbe usual parlors. The
projectors as vet have selected no
site, but they have options on two
or three places, and have decided
that it must be built in the busi
ness centre of the town. Mr. Cate,
in diecussiog the matter said: j
"Your town is growing; you are build- j
ing into the Tillamook country through
the P. K. & N., and it ia only question
of time until your population will be
doable and three timet iti preteut census. I
You need a hotel, and 1 am willing to do j
my part. If local capital will take hold
and I propoae that they will you will (
see Hillaboro rated as one of the towns
with first-class accomodations. A good j
hotel will help your town. You will
eventually get a hospital, for yonr city
will be the natural outlet of North Co
lumbia and all of Tillamook counties
All you need here ia a little confidence,
and a little enterprise. I think I aee it
here, anil all it wants is a little shaking
up. I think you can promise Hillsboro
that hotel within the next six or seven
months. Will I succeed? Well, I think
so. When I started in to ret a bonus of
twenty -thousand for the Dornbecker
factory lor Portland, people laughed. I
got it, and the factory was built. Tnis
hotel is a business proposition want
no bonus, and there is the stoik to be
taken. It will pay six per cent., and
possibly more. What better do you
is today indispensable on the
dressing table of trentlewoman or
gentleman. Not only does a Pompeian
Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it
removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out
stillness of the facial muscles, animates the
tiasues, and makes the flesh firm and solid.
Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it
flexes the muscles and takes away shaving
aoreness. Most women recognize the value
of this preparation in maintaining: a clear
and healthy skin.
Price SOc and $ t .00 par tar
Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed,
Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement.
Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, .
vetch, cheat, etc.
New Brick - - - Second Street
Happy New Year to You All
To Our Friends and Patrons
We Extend a Happy New Year's Greeting
May the new year have lots of good things in store
for you. May you continue to give us your pat
ronage, which we will try to merit. If you are not
our custonieynake a new year's resolution to be one.
We promise your money's worth or your money
back. Our groceries are all standard qualities.
Tbe undersigned will sell at public
auction, on the m. Schmidt
place, .J mile northeast of Bethany
store, commencing at 1 o clock p
m. on
Cow iu milk, fresh in May;buKKV, single
harness, hog, 31 chickens, ton hay, 7 sks
wheat, 7 sks oats, 3 sks snorts, about 20
sks potatoes, 3 log augers. 1 crosscut
saws, 1211 cnain, scales, rope, lot small
tools iu vocnX order; kitchen cuptoaril
utensils, dishes, 6 chairs, rocker, 3 tables,
bedsteads, lounije, urn Its, blankets.
clock, lamps, stone jars, ao '4 gal and 3
doz '4 gal jars of canned fruit; aud other
articles too numerous to mention.
.Terms of sale: Cash in hand
John Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Card of Thanks
The undersigned desire to thank
those who so kindly assisted during
the illness and funeral obsequies
of the late Mrs. hmma Howe, and
we desire to expressly thank our
friends for the beautiful floral of
Thos. Howe and Family.
Hillsboro, Jan. 22, 1907.
The water along the river has
cone down to its usual heigBt, and
the bottoms are now free of water,
the ice being on the ground
Skating is a thine of the past, and
we had sleighing but one day-
last Friday.
The Hall committee of Vine
Maple Camp, W. 0. W Cedar
Mill, will give a dance on their new
floor at their hall, one mile west of
Cedar Mill, on Saturday evening,
January 26. Admission, $1 for
gentlemen. Ladies, free. Members
of the camp, $050
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give usa
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
The Best of All Beers
E. J. LYONS. FroprUtor
Tho llitchsn'o Queen
knows that fin old whhky is Indispensable as a enV
- iruuy help.
re favorites with the cooks of the United States. The
unequalled boquet and pleadns taste of these whbtkies,
backed by their adaptability for the preparation of all
dishes in which good whiaky is required, put them in
the front rank among the necessities of the kitchen.
The Noblb brands, in quarts and pint, are
1 Sale at mM OM1QQIMTM aaaf OCA1SMM.
- " " "
W. J. VsM SCail rVES 4 CO, lac, MstrlaeNrs, tWUHO.tttt,'