The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1907, Image 4

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    MIU.3B0R0 ARGUS. JAN. 17. 1907
Loui Manning, of north of town,
waa an Argui caller Saturday.
Al Waddle, with the Van Schuy
ver Company, wu in the city Sat
urday. Bert Meemnper, of Laurel, waa
in the city Friday, and called on
Hvnry Becker, of Gaston, and
with the Tanner mill, was iu town
Mr. and Mre. T. C. Vadworth,
of Arleta, were out Sunday, gueets
of the Adkine. '
Barn, January 12, 1!"07, to Mr.
and Mr. Howard Baird, of Eaet
Hilletcro, a daughter.
Born, January 12, 1007, to Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Jeremiah, of the
Hotel Hillsboro, a son,
J. B. McNew, of Reedville, and
H. L. Burchell, of Farmington,
were in the city Saturday.
Born, January 13, 1!X)7, to Mr.
and Mrs. Councilman Homer Em
inott, of Hillsboro. a daughter.
Hon. W. X. Barrett departed
Saturday for Salem, to attend the
meeting of the legislature.
There will be a meeting at the
Mountain Club Hall, Helvetia,
next Sunday, at 3:00 p. ru , at
which all are cordially invited.
J. A Thornburgh, cashier of the
Cornelius State Bank, has been
elected cashier of the Forest Grove
National Bank. The stockholder
met last Saturday and elected W.
B Haines, president; J. . Bailey,
vice president, and Mr. Thorn
burgh, cashier. The bank will
eoon erect a building, and will oc
cupy temporary quarters until the
new ones are ready to enter. Mr
Thornburgh has a large acquaint
ance over the county, and this will
materially aid the new institution
Mr. Ralph R Metde, of Portland,
and Miee Nellie Nuttmao,. of East
Washington Count, were married
January 14, 1007, lion J. W. Good
in officiating. . ; .
Mr. Max Bromberger, of Portland,
and Miee Led a Nolan, of East
Washington County, were married
Jan. 14, 1907r Hon. J. W. Go-xlin
Mr. Lawrence Bullock and Miss
Gertrude A. Brown, both ot Forest
Grove, were united in marriage at
that city, January 12, 1907, Justice
Wirta officiating.
Card el Thanks
The undersigned desire to thank
those who so kindly aided us during
our bereavement, the death and
funeral obstquie of the hnsband
and father, the late Geo. T. Rea.
Mrs. Geo. T. Rea and family.
Hillsboro, Ore., Jan. 12, 1907.
1 wish to sell my farm containing
152 acrea. 1 10 acres under culti
vation: good house and barn; good
orchard. Three and one half miles
south of Hillsboro and one mile
west of Farmington. .For further
information apply to K. Burk
halter, flillsboro. Ore., R. F. D. 2
Mrs. A. L. Hall, of Glencoe, aged
2 years, died at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Nancy Johnson, Fri
day, January 11, 1907, a victim of
tuberculosis. Deceased was i
daughter of the late William John
son. She was married to Albert L.
Hall, January 27, 1902. She leaves
a husband and two children to
mourn hr loss. The funeral took
place Sunday.,
Farm of sixty acres in cultivation
37 acres of this is in meadow: 61
acres in Winter oats; small tract
in tares, leaving but 15 acres to
put in next Spring. Will' tell,
-along with - the lease, 3 bones, 12
cows, and , 25 , tons hay in barn,
some chop, oats and wheat, and
machinery and tools necessary to
ran place. Place on milk "route
and rural mail delivery, a good
bargain. Frank Wallace. Hills-,
boro, Ore., R. F. D. 2, 31 miles
southeast of Hillsboro and one
mile south from Minter Bridge.
At the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. Frank
Taylor at Newberg at higb noon Jan. 9,
1907, a pretty home wedding took place
when the latter' aitr, Mia RJla B.
Green, became the wife of John T. Rice,
of HUUboro. Rev. Herbert T. Cash
perlormed the ceremony in tb presence
of immediate relatives: ' After congratu
lations all were invited to th dining
room where they partook of a delicious
wedding dinner.
The bride wa well known la this city,
h"iiir made her home with her sUter,
Mr. Win. Gunning, who recently moved
to Davenport, Wash. She i a graduate
of the Monmoath Normal school and
b taught in tnta county for several
ear. Th groom formerly clerked in
LhU city for C. F. Mill aad at the
Orange store, and made many friend
during hi Uy in thi plce.
' Mr nd Mr. Rice departed on the
veniag train for Hlllaboro where they
will make their future home, The good
wishes of their many friend go with
tom. McJtiBBville Telephopt Rr'
Delinquent Tain, !&.
By virtu of a warrant !susi by tha
County Clerk, and ex-oltUvo Clork of tl.a
County Court of tl State of Orvmin. for
County of Washington, coninanliu(
me to MHt tha sevrral tracta or puiwia ol
rtsU property embraced m the it!lititiuoiit
Ui lift for the year IS. In the nwniw
and form a upon sale of real pioiwrty
db execution.
Now, therefore, hy virtue and In pursu.
inn of aid warrant. dal-d th Tth da)
of December. ISwi. I will on Monday, llic
Slst day of January, Wv7, comment lug at
tht hour of W o'clock A. M. o( said day.
in the Sheriff's of lie in the Couithouse
at Utllebor. Washington County. Oregon,
sell at public auction l. the iu l
a III pay the latf. casta and acciinng
penalties thereon, and take a cerlirhato
at the lowest rate of interest therefor, the
lollowing described real ntuperty. as nji
pearlne on the aid delinquent taa roll I"l
lite aaTd year 19U6, to-wit: ,
Alexander, II. A. Lota 7 and S. thick
14, llvavat toa. Oregon ..' t S J3
Allen A. W. and 0. B . hein of-SW.
V, of section M, t. I N.. K. 5 V.... I.S9
Anderson. Mary U-lH li, bio. 12.
Ityda ilurk
Anderson, Nlls-J acre in Sri U of
SK. of aectloa Si. T. 1 V. 11. i
W aa described iu book Si. pase
447, Records arid lieeda tor Wash
ington County. Oregou.. I I
Apiilehagen, Kate NW. ol SH H
of N. of sectiou W. 1'. I X, K.
t W
Armstrong, Jennie, and Kiiiabeth
SW. Vt of SV. , of section Is, T. 1
S., R. 4 W.: also SK. S of Sri. W
of sect cn St. T. 1 S.. H. t SI
Askina. H. M.-R -S of lot , biock
Id, Cornelius, Oregon
Wagley. H. T. An undivided I t Inter
est in 16 acres in A. VV, IUH IK 1
C. No. t, T. 1 S , R. I W.. a de
scribed in book 47, page WJ. Kec
orda ot iieedn for Washington
County. Oregon
Hallev. Iwrence W. J-5 of lot .
Mock 14, Cornelius. Oregou 11-
Baker, Z., heirs of-3. of NW. i
of section 3. T. I S.. K. 3 W T it
Baker. H. B heirs of-XW. of.
Nti V N. , of SIV. (. secliou li
T. 1 N.. R. i W U
Baley. C. O -tots 1 and S. bUx-k 1
South Fark Addtion to Forest
Hank First National, of Hillsboro.
tM-eion its 7. & and . block .
Simmons Addition to HUlaboro, Ore-
.. 17
Bickner, Joset acres In N. H of
SVY. of seitiou li, T. a si.. K, 3
. aa desi-nbed in book 4U. putea
5 and li Records of Leed for
Washington Osumy. Oregon l.iB
Flam. Tbomaa-aJ'art of lota 4 and &.
block . Gaston. Oregon, as de
scribed in book i. paj:e 444. records
of deeds for Washington County,
po-er. AHla L-XW. ii ol li
ol sec in, r. i. j. k. w j.ju
Breiibbrath, Helen Lots 11. a p and
J4, block i. et roriiana rieignis.. .,j
Brugger, Jacob, heirs of SH acres
in t H of NV. and pari of
i of SIV, k of secuou M. T.
1 N H. 1 W., less 17S acres sold
to Barbara. Welgand. former tract
described in book 50. paae I'.t. Rec
ords of Deeds for Wasuiugiuu
County, Oreoo ? ST
Buckley. D. J -Lots. S. and 10,
block IK Cornelius iwvirons -'
Hums. Jawes B of SV. !. and
N.. K. a W 112
r.urke. ifary A. Lots i to IT. Inclu
sive: also lots a to as inclusive;
al.w lots JT to 34 inclusive, all in
block Is. Weet i'orUand HeiKbts,
Washington County, Oregou 2.S
bank. First National, of Hillsborn.
Oregon Se-li of an acre In 11.
Moore D. I. C. So. 41. T. 1 S.. K.
1 VV., aa deaeribed in book 4fc. lasi
&v. Records of Deeds for Wastiing
loii County, Oregon 3 uS
Barnes, Isaac 7 acres In elU. of
Mi section 1. T. 1 S., K. 1 H ,
us described in book D, page m.
Kecords ot Deeds for Waahiaf
lon County, Oregon, lesa 1 acred
-onryd to Thomas Dkuu and C.
K. Sinitbe. as desenbed in book 56.
jage 3i. Kecords of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon 'i tv
Itose Line Lumber Company- acres
in Sol unerica D. . no. , l.
I 8., K. 3 W.. as described in book
b&, page M. Records iit Deeds fur
Washington County, oregou Si.SS
Batcheldor, W. U-K. is of lot No.
4. section s. 1. i rt. n t a
lharrel, Bliia-18 acres In 3V.
of 1W. hk. section , t. i ., n.
3 W'., as described in book V, page
311, Records of Deeds for Wash
ington County, Oregon 11.12
Bellrood, W. F. and A. K.-l acres
in secoons SO and 31, T. 1 N, K.
1 W'., as described in book M, pace
U. Kecords of Deeds for W ashing
ton County, Oregou I B
Herrlle, Anna-NH of NEi 14 of
section ti, T. I N., K, t W i .
lieshara, alary B.-ll acres In NE. V.
of Stl of section 1.. i. z ., n. i
as described in book 67. page
Z. Kecords of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon "
Cane, Patrick NB. 4 of NB. Vi of
r.. of section ii, i. t o.. n.
1 W.
Campbell, R. a.-Lou 20 and X, block
12, nest i-ortiana jieigma
Carllsla. 8. B. Ut 4, block 7, aiier-
fwji, Oregon
Carey, L. C LoU 19 and 20. block
23, West Portland Heights S3
Catlin, Krancis SB. of section 16,
T, I fi., . 4 also . yt ai
Stt VI of NB. Vt of aeotlon s,
'(. i N K. 4 W W.IJ
Cflestine Pietro Lots 1, I. 3, 19. ),
a, Ti, 23, U and IB, block 1, west
Portland Heights 1ST
Chambers. John P.-iO acres In B.
Of w. ft ot section s, i. a o., n.
2 A'., as described In book 06, page
, Kecords of Deeds for Waahin-
ton County, Oregon o-99
Clnpshaw, W. A.-TD-KXI acres in K.
IValker 1). L. C Ku. bu. T. 1 N..
K. 2 W. II
Cleveland. M. D. Commencing at
the NE. corner of lot No. I. thence
W. GO feet, thence 8. 100 feet, thence
E. W feet, thence N. 100 feet to the
ular nf beirinnina-. nart of lot No.
3 block 25, Forest Grove Oregon... .!
Cottle David Lot 13, 14. 16, 16 and
17 block No. L West Portland
Meighu 112
Cox. Charles R. acres In William
Stokes- I. U C. No. 61, T. 1 N.,
K. 3 W., aa described in book d,
uaea 10 Kecords of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon 13.64
Craven. Charles E.-NW. Vi of SW.
, NB. of BW. , ot aection 1.
T. 1 N S. W.: also lota 1. 2. I.
section 7. T. 2 N., K. i W 13.4S
Craig J. and Sugar 1. A .10 acres in
SB. hi of SB. of section 3 T.
i 1,, B 1 W aa described in book
44. saee Wi. Records of Deeds for
Washington County. Oregon 43.32
CrowtberSt Samuel 30 acres In SB.
A of SW. 14, section 34. X. 2 8., R.
1 W. as described in book 61, page
312. Records of Deeds for Wash
ington County, Oregon t,4i
Crone. Clara-NE. li of NE. 14 of
section 17. T. 3 N., R. 3 W 2.88
Davis. M. C W. 1 of NE. la. sec
tion 20, T. S N., R. t W 7.T3
Davidson, Samuel, heirs of NW. 14
of section 16, T. 2 N., K. 4 W 11.30
Dean Thomas, Sr. 1 acre In SW. (4
of NE. 14 of section Lt.l S., R. I
W. as described in book P, page
121, Kecords of Deeds for Washing
tun County, Oregon IM
Dfkum, Otto Lot 8, block 14, Hyde
Park .6S
Delano, George, and Willamette Real
Bstate Co. Lois 4 and . block 10.
Cornelius. Oregon
DeLanhmult, Van B. NE. 14 of 8E.
14 of section 13. T. 2 N., R. 4 W....
Dcnnlston, S. M. Lot 1, block 7,
Hyde Park
Dickerson, & P. Iitg 1 to 10, Inclu
sive, Cornelius; also lot 42 Corne
lius environs '.
nillaboy, M. B.-20 acres In SW. 14
of NW. 14 of section 25, T. 1 8.,
R. 2 W., as described In hook 67,
page 83, Records of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon...,...,
Donahue, Martin L. An undivided
Interest In S. hi of SW. Vi and S. V,
of 8E. 14 of section 2. T. 2 N., R. t
Downs, Margaret, et al. 29 acres In
W. W. Graham D. L. C, No. 52 T.
1 8., R. 1 W., a described In book
48. page HI. and book 49 page 116,
Records of Deeds for Washington
6 99
County, Oregon., 11.86
Durham, Oeorge H 60 acres In J.
, Hlcklin D. L. C, No. 43, T. 2 B.,
R. 1 W.. aa described in book 62,
. pagt Ut, Record sf Deeds for
Washington County, Oregxa; alta
K. 1 of SW. of section U, T.
I S.. K. I W .tt
iMirham, S. A. J acre In J. Hleklln
1. U C.. No, tlT.U.K.1 W. aa
described In book S pair &, Rec
ords of Devds tor Waahina-ton
t ounty. Orecon; also an undivided
imereat in W acrea In 8K. V
of SIV, aud SW. It of 8K a, of
section 11 T. I 8 . R. 1 W.: also aa
tltwribetl In book 44. paae St Rec
ids of leeda for Washington
tMinty, Oregttn W. j of 8K, V of
avtivn 13. T. 2 8,. R. 1 W M M
Fast K. ll.-St acres in A. J. Mas
tei-H1 1. U C. No. 4. T. 1 8., K.
J W., as dex-rlbed In book S, liana
t.S, and book 3T page Records
n( leds for W ashingtoa County,
Oreaon ..., t.
Kddy. F, W. and Anderaon J. A t
acre In A. T. Smith l. tk C. No.
. T. I 8. R. 1 W . as riesi-rlbed In
!k t. m KKorda of 1
for W .iKhmgton ttinty, t'h-egon... 1.1
KilaAnls, K. tl. 4 acres In NK. V of
SW. t, of section If. T. St. R. V
aa dvtfcrlbnl In Nwk 6S. twse !?1
Ri-cords of I Veda for Washington
County, trei(m ,
Klltott, Adelma-Lot I, block t Oak
llravc Addition to llillsbi William. Rryden J.. Miller.
J. C. and Stewart John 8. 1 of
NK. of section 1, T. 3 N., H.
4 V ;
Fenner. Juseoh Lots 1 ami 1J. block
14. WVxt Portland Height
Finn, Krtwanl Lota Jrt, JL S3 a and
S4 bio. k t. W eat 1-ortland 1'laoe
Fink. ISalihasar S acres In N ha W of
NW. i. of action 1 T. 1 S,. R. 1
W as described In Nwk 41, paae
Ml. Records of Deeds for Washing
ton County. Oregon
Fisher 1. X . heirs of ai-h acres
In W. F. Hall l. U C. No. 44.
T. 1 R. 1 W.. as described In
lHkk Kt. i'e 71. R-orda of led
f.r WaKhington County. Oregon....
Ftxher. J. N., heirs of An undlvlde,!
U interest In jft-lo acrea in W. F.
H ill 1). U C. No, 44. T. 1 S.. R. 1
W . as described in bo.ik '. ae
Sn3, KiH-onls of Deeds for Waili
IhkIoii County. Oregon
Fisher J. X., helra ofl.ot T, , and
T. block F. Steel's Addition to Rea
verton ,
Fisher William tat 1 and 1 sec
tion 4. T. N.. R. 4 W
t S3
S 59
Fisk. Sarah R.-K. H of SW. u and
W. S of Sl-L 1 of section li.. T. t
N.. R. W... J1.T4
Fltiaerald. illnnie-SR. u of SW. U
of section 7, T. IS,, R. I w II ts
Fl.vk. r. A.-SK. V. of sec. too 24.
T. 1 X.. R. i W U
Follett. Kinerson NW. 4 of section
S2, T. 1 N.. R. 4 W U S
Fortune. Charles Ils 7 and 1, block
IT, West Portland Heights 13
Freeman. Walter P. i acrea in N.
4 of NK. V and part of SW. 4 of
NE. 14 of section 14, T. 1 N., R. 1
W.. as dmtcrllied In book 44. page
74. Records of Deeds for Washing.
ton County, Oregon
Frost. Jennie M 60 acres In X. Vs
of NW. of section S. T. 1 8 , R.
1 W. as decicribpd in book . page
lie. Records of Deeds f.r Waahlng
t.'n County. Oregon
Oalloway. David 9. NE. u of sec
tion 4, T. 1 S.. R. 4 W
Garrison Mary B. X. I of lot 4,
block 1. Savior's Addition to For
est Grove, Oregon
SelKr. W. W -Commencing n.SJ
chains S. of NK. corner of W. 14
of William Geiger D. U C No,
4T. T. 1 It.. R. i W. I hence W. 66.44
chains to W. line of said claim,
thence 8. 5W chains, thence K 66.44
chains, to H. line of W. H of claim,
thence N. 63 chalna to plao of
beginning, containing 10 acrea 21.IT
Gre. Oeorge A. and E. 11 acres In
SB. of SW". i. and part of W.
4 of SB. i. section 22, T. 1 8.. R.
t W . aa described In book 7 page
. Records of Deeds for Washing
ton County, Oregon t.ft
Oourl.y. Jnmea X. U of NW. 14 of
section 30. T. 1 N., R. 1 W... S.M
floiirley, Akxan.ler-NK U of sec
tion . T. 3 N.. R. 2 W 10 41
oourlev. Peter S. ti of NW 14 of
section 20, T. 1 N., R. 2 W
tlriebler Ann of an acre In 8W.
H of SW. 14. and part of SW. 14 of
E. ( of aection 36. T. 1 a. ft. 4
W . as describe,) In book 50. page
31! Records of Deeds for Washing
tori County, Oregon ,
tlrissrnld. J. F., Mrs.-Lot 1, block
11. Walker's Addition to Forest
C.rove, Oregon 17.14
Hughes. John-Lots 11 and 11. block
4. Thorns'. Addition lo Hillsboro.. I.M
Ilunsaker. William Lot ti, block 17,
eai i-uruanu nsignis
Hunter Ruannah Lots 3, 4 1 and 4,
block 25. Beaverton '.
J. T. and W. H.-Lols 1
block 25, Beaverton
and 2,
J. F.-Lots 7 and I block 26.
2 44
Her. John C 10 acres In BW. i of
SB. H. section 12. T. 2 8 , R. 1 W.,
as described in book 46. page SIS.
nnd book 44 page 302 Records of
Deeds for Washington County,
Ingram. I.oyd, and T. O. Meehan
'' acres m A. Landess' D. L. C.
No 54. T. 1 8 . a 2 W. aa de
scribed In book IS. page 20. Rec
ords of Deeds for Washington
county; Oregon 13.75
fall, J. F.-10 acrea In. NE. 14 of 8E.
H of aection 13. T. 1 S.. R. t W.. aa
described In book 64. page 1M, Rec
ords of Deeds for Washington
county. Oregon 1.74
Hammond. A. B. NW. 14 of aection
to. T. J N,, R. W M.47
Haralsen, Matthias E. of 8W. 14,
section 24, T. 1 N K. 1 W .7.
Hauk Sarah N. H acres In NW. 14,
I !5
m 01 auction 11, 1. 1 n. h,
1 W.. aa described In book 43, page
4. Records of Deeeds for Wash
ington County, Oregon
Hawks. Earl B. 100x130 feet In lot
Henderson. R. M. Lot 22, "block "i,
oiix-a ao, rorest tirove.
'"e i.i. ..,...,,,,,,
Hjn'lrlx. I. C.-NE. 14 of 8W. 14,
VV. 14 of BE. 14. section 14, T. 1
W., K. 3 W....... ,.,
Hermann. W. O. NE. 14 of BW 14
of section 25 T. 1 N. R. 6 W...'..
Htekethler. K-60 acres In N. 14 of
SW. 14, section 6, T. 18., R I W,
as descrllied In book 43, page 193.
Kecords of Deeds for Washington
tounty, Oregon nft
Higglns. A. O.-Lots I and 7, block 4,
Henry's Addition to Cornelius
Hill. Jamn W. N. of SW. 14 of
section 13, T. 2 S., and N. & of
ti , T c,lon T. 2 S.. R. 1 W. 67.11
. .. j'Hueig, neira 01 i.ot I, block
1. corneiius 1 75
Jarkson, Mary A. N. 14 Of NW. K.
8E. 14 of NW U nl
ui 01 section
1. I B., K. 6 w ; 1. 1
Jackson, J. Q.-lOOxlOO feet, part of
mi z, Diocg a, forest Grove 23.04
Jensen, Andreas B.-N. U of SW 14
N. of SB. of section 11, . 3
KhJer,, Mlchael-N. y, of NW. V,
1 ti H 4 w' 14 nt wc"on W-
Keefe. Frank N.
14 of NW. 14, aee-
tiun 17. 8. i of
HW. 14, aeotlon I,
T. IN.. K. 4 W
Kemmer. Nlrk-30 acres In th E.
of 813. of aection 25, T. 1 8.,
R. 2 W n.i descrllied in bork .Hi,
page 372, Records of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon
Kern. Albert E.-Lols 38, 34. 36 and
l. block 25 West Portland Heights
Knlghten, K. G. 2814 acrea In W.
UeaKle'K D. L. C. No. 38, T. 1 8.,
R. 4 W. as described In book l,
)ge 152, Kecords of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon 12,12
KoKhland, Freik-rlfk-4414 acres In
NW. y, of NK. 14, and part of NE.
of NW. 14, s.'ctlon 17, T. IB. R. I
W., us described In book 40, page
201. Records of Deeds for Washing,
ton County, Oregon: also ) acres
In the W. H. Williams' D. T C
No. 52. T. 1 8.. It. 1 W.. as del
scribed In book 40. pnge 201, Rec
ords of Deeds for Washington
county, Oregon 33,14
Krul Henry-NW, 14 of section 12,
T. 2 N., R. 4 W I 12.49
Kreldcr, E. Commencing at the BK.
corner of lot 1, thence E. 1W) feet,
1 lu-nce N. 50 feet, thence W. 100
feet, then 8. 50 feet to the Dlace. nf
beginning, part of lot 1 block SO.
Kornst drove
I-ambert. R, H. Lots I, 4 16 It 17.
IS. block 6, Purdy'i Addition to
Diney ,
Laurence F. If. and G. L. 20 acrea
in the NW, 14 of section 4 T 2 8.,
R. 2 W., aa descrllied In book
page 337, Records of Deeds for
W ashington County, Oregon ( It
Legard, Thomas A. NW. of sec
tion 26, T. 1 N., R. 6 W 10.41
Lemon, W.-NW. 14 of NW. 14 of
bw. of section 4, T. I 8., R. 1 W. 1.41
ucuiiaru, . a.. acres in tne si, Vf
et th 8K. t. part of W. V t SK.
. and part of SW. W or NK. V
aection . T. 2 8 K. 2 W , aa de
aoribed In book ti, ag l.S, and
book , nag 7S. Rec.irvla f lVed
fir W'aahlngton County. Oregon.,, 24
IJIly. Myrtle-A snip containing: V,
acre on the N. aide of the NW'. V.
of aection . T. 1 N , It. 4 V ; also
acrea In section 11. T. 1 N K.
6 W., aa described In tniok 63. tae
91. Records ot fr W aahinK
tn County, Oregon: also NW. i of
NK. S of aection U, T. 1 N., K. 5
W .; SW. la or SW V I'wniaiiiliig bi
acres In section IS. T. 1 N., K. 4
W'.; 4il acrea In aeclbmn 13 au.t 14.
T. 1 N., R. I W.. as .Icscnlxtl In
book 43. page 14. Records of
fur Washington County, Oregon,,., III
Lilly. J.-NK. 1 of section . T. 1 X ,
R. I W jus
Lilly. Mare 8 - 41 v. acrea In section
I. T. INK. W . aa d.scrib,M
In bvik Ji. nag SA. of
le,lK for W ashliigl.iu I'oinilv.
tlivg.m , 10
l.liM'k.iwaskl, D. K -It SS, block 22.
n ea
eat Portland lieighta...
tvrllbmt. Eva-An undlvide.1 In
terest In the NK. V of ikviIoh 32.
T. 1 8 . H. 6 W 1.12
I.ouaignnt Harrlet-i;t, acres In
aecilona S and SS. T. ! N, H. 4 W
aa described in book iC! page IKi.
Records of lw,ts for Washington
County, Oretton 4 Ml
Louslgnont, W. R.-NW. of NW.
W. aeition SS. T. 1 N., R. 4 W, 4 M
I.evaas. afary-Liita 13, 14 blin-k 12
Hyde Park ST
Irfiraman Jhn-NK V, of SW. V,
K. Is of W. , of SW. v.: N H nf
BK. of a.vtl.m i T. 1 8.. R.
1 W tt.K
Malllg. Theo.lore F - K s of SW.
4, aecti.m , T. 2 N R. 1 W 1 IS
Marlay. P. II.- 8K. i of section SS.
T. 1 8.. R. 6 W $.
Marlay. P, II.- K. of SW. . see
tlon 2, T. 3 N., R. 3 W 5 4
Marlay. P. 11-NK. Vi of SW.
section 3. T. 2 N.. It. 3 W S .
Marlay P. II -10 aciea in SW. Vi of
NW. ht. section 34. T. 1 N.. K 1 W .
as descrllied in bviok 47, uag S7!l.
Itectvnls of leds for Washington
County, Oregon. I 74
Marlay, P. 1I.-8W. V4 of NK. i; N.
ot an, . n , u of si-;, v.
aection SO, T. 1 X.. R. J W 12 74
Marlay, J. K. TI acrea In D I),
inistin D. I. C. No. SO T. I
N., R. 1 W.. as described In book
4T. Htg lk, Records of IVe.U for
Washington County, Oregon .
Mnrsh, Henry-W acres In 8K. V, of
UK. V, of section 1, T. 2 8., R. I
W aa described in book 4t. pnge
316, Records of Deevla for Washing
ton County, Oregon 11 SS
Marsh. Henry-It acrea In NW. Vi of
.NK. V section SO. T. 2 S., R I W..
m described In book 4H. twige 1.
Rewrda of Iveds for Washington
County. Oregon
1 is
Marshall. Sarah R - Lot 2 block 11
and lot IS, hl.K-k T. Hvde Park....
Martin. W. R.-H S of NW V,. and
Iota 1 and 2. section 1 T, 3 N ,
R. 4 W ',
Mayer. John-24t acres In W. F.
Hull l. 1.. C No. 43. T. I 8.. R.
1 W . aa described In tiook 6M, luige
28. Records of Heeds for Washing
ton County, Oregou n S3
Maaxie V.-I.t 1, bhick F, Stel a
Addition to Hciiverton us
McAllister. I.lnie-l.ot 1. blo-k II.
Steele's AddltlouMo Beaverton 1 02
McCloud. C. 8. I - SS-.H acrea In C.
Ilrldgefarmer 1. L. C, No. 60, T
L8, R. 6 W . aa described In bo.,k
pae 4. Re-ords of lce.l fur
WaahingtoM Cuunty, Oregon I 7
MoCrny. John-SK. H of NK. 4,
aection 31. T. 1 N.. K. 4 W 5 l
McOoon. L J. -Lot and part of
lot &. block 3. tlaston tiregun, as
described in book 57 patte St. Roc
orda of Ieeds fur Washlngtun
County. Oregon u
MrLeod. Fred 8.-8. U of NW. V.
and N. of SW. !, aection Si.
T. 1 4., R. 6 W 10 li
McLeod. Dan and J. M N. S of
NK. V.. section SS. T. 1 N It 3 W 7 L1
Mechan J. M.-4teV acres In W. 'k
of NW. (4 uf section 3S. T. 1 ..
R, 1 W 11
Meniles, Wtlllam-NK of NW. li
or SW. 14 of section 4, T. 2 S., R. I.
2 74
Meyer. Jullus-8. K of SB. Vj. sec-
iiwi ..-., n.
6 W..
6 W
Mills, Hannah, Mra-Iu 1, 2, 1, 4,
wiwk 10, vorneiius
Mills John H.. helra of W. li of
NW. !. section 1. T. 2 N. It. 4
W.I also BK. Vi of 8B. Vi of sec-
lion h; also w. v of SW.
V. of
aection 34. T. 1 N R. 4 VV
Miller. H. A.rl acres in R. Wllcua
D. I.. C. No. , T. I N . R. 1 W.,
as descrltie.l In book 49. page 117,
and book , page 441. Records or
Deeds for Washington County,
Oregon ,
6 V,
Miller. Josiah and M E.-Ida 3. 4,
a, a. OlocK 2, tlecuvllle
1! 49
Monogua Nellie B.-SE. of s!c-
uon Z4, t. 3 N., It. 1 w
Morgin.on, William-Iits 34, 36. It'.,
Dlock 19 West Hon Ami llulhi
Mow. Adam V.-NW. i4 of aection
11, T. 1 X., R. 4 W
Murphy, A. J. -An undivided In-
lerest ln 8. of BW., Vi and 8. 14
o. nr.. 01 section i
r. 1 w ;
T. 1 8.,
6 76
Nellaen. John and 8 62H acres In
section 00, anu in rt. Jormson D.
L. C. No. 66. T. 1 8.. R. 2 W as
described In bKik 67. page 34, Re'
orda of liee.1, ()r Washington
County, Oregon 1
Xeilson. (lustave l.ols 19, 20, 21 and
22, block a. West Portland Heights
Newman. D. C.-8W. li of section
2. T. 1 N.. R. 6 W
I 59
Newton, O. P.-13VS acres In section
14. T. 1 8 , R. 4 W, us descrllied
in book SH pages 64 and S6, Kec
ords of Deeds for Washington
County, Oregon
Noble Flora J.-W. of lots 13 and
is, conarta subdivision, and lots
15. 16, 17, lit, !, Uohart'a Sub
division Noland Nathan-Part of lot 68, Cor
nelius environs, aa described In
book 63, page In. Kecords of Deeds
for Washington Cuunty, Oregon...
Oregon at California R. H. Co.-I,ot
1, section 1, T. 1 S., H. 3 W
Parsons, E. L. 2 acres In W. O, Oib-
"', k: C - No' M 1 8., R I
W. and No 44. T. 1 fl R. 4 W, as
descrllied In book P. page 273, Rec
ords of I lewis f0r Washington
County, Oregon
PTrinj!f ERIWK' 14 ""c,lon K
Parsons, E, L. Ho acres In a 8.
Tupper D. L. C. No. 54. T. 1 H.,
R. 4 W as descrlbetl In book 62,
page 324, Records of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon and
lot No. 2, containing 10 acres in
section 7, T. 1 B.. R. 4 W 1,1.23
parsons, C. A.-214 cres In R. B.
Tupper D. L. C, No. 42. T. 1 8 ,
R. 4 W.. as described In book 611,
page 232, Records of Deeds for
wasningion county, Oregon 3,31
patton W. H.-Lot, U. 15, 16, 17,
ration r. J. heirs of-S5V4 acres In
f J' 4 Z- ""f1 No- T' 1 8., It.
rJr-V ""XT'owl In book D, page
57. Records of Deeds for Wash
ington t;ounty, Oregon u w
r"?";, and W. S. Lyons
Nfc. A of aection 15. T, J N J,
I 50
Patterson, R. A. NK. of NW. 14
section 16, T. 1 8., R. 4 W..
Pettersoii, Ioulse C.-80 acres In
Thomas H. Denny D. L. C, No
47, T. 18., R. 1 w as described In
;?k. P8." 71 ""d '2, Records
fiegSn0 Washington County,
Pointer Theodore-10 acres In Will
la mPonter D. L C, No. 02, T. 1
1 Jfn- M uft"rlbecl In book
M, page 447, Records of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon....
West Portland Place ........
PUrA. Myrtle-tt-iija of an acre 'in
Jh B. Walker D. I C. No. ft), T
'N7 R; W and No. 42, T. I N .
R. 4 W., as described In book 60,
P.". ,Uii 1I"'"',1 of Deeds for
Washington County, Oregon
Qulgley, M, and Wrn. Cass-Sii acres
L" 8i ,f.,NH section 10, T. 2
8., R, 1 W as described In book
H, page 494, Records nf Deeda for
Washington County, Oregon
"f.1"11' I ? r.NE' H ' SB- Vt, sec
Hon 33, T. 3 N., R. 2 W
Raymond, C. A. LoU 3. 4, 6, , block
IT, Beaverton ,., ,
nycraft. Thorns s-4-10 acre In NW.
14 of SB. as described n book 66,
page 248, Records of Deeda for
Washington County, Oregon; also
one sere in BB. 14 of SB, 14, aa d
crltwd in book 66, page W. Record
I 50
2 SO
of ree,U ff Washington Ounly,
Oregon; also HK W of NK, U of
vcilon 24. T. 1 N.. R. I W I 49
Keahl. Philip. Jr.-1 acrea la th Sol
Ktcltanls. it D. U C. N 44. T. I
S. R I W., aa described .11 book
oi, av Jii. Records ot lXeda for
Washington t'ouniy, tiregon ,,, W ilti.iiu- Uts 21 and S4, bl.vk
4. West Portland Helghla ,., W IIU.11U-Ij.h 4 and 14, bl.s k
a West IVrtland Heights W'IKiim--I ai J, block 7. West
Portland Heights , Wllllnm-Let 9. block S, West
I'.Hllwn.l Heights ,,. W llliunv- Una 31. tX, to and 24,
Mock S West lMltUll.1 Heights williain-l..ila and 14, block
5. West Portland Heights
R.vdt, W.lllsm - l.u , block , West
Portland Heights
- .6
.13 W tlllam lsls I and 2, hU k U
esi iiuiiaiid iieigiita
It, l. II, Wlllhiiii . Lola , J, 4. 6, 4. 7,
hi II and li
I.Ksk it. West
1'oltl.llld llelKllts
li W illiam- lot R block It, West
Mtlaiid Heights l.ol M and II, block
IS. West Portland lleiglila ,
licit. W llllam- IsH 14. Nock IS. Weat
Poitliilid Helghla ,,,, ,, W lillnm-ls'ls 17 and !. bhs-k
IS. West is.rtlun.l lleiglila, William Lola SS, and 50,
I'l.Hk IS, West Portland Heights.,.. Willisiii-U.i ,tl and 14, bl.xk
is. West Portland Helghla W llllntit- l ol 14. W.vk 17. Weat
I . l 11 1 lt.l Heights, Wllllan-Ivt 6, block 1. West
Poi' Heights William- Isms ST M T. 3. II.
.:.' tin. I is. Is, West Portland
Heights Wllinm luita 4. 6. 1 II and
IS. bl.h k SO. West Portland Heights
Iteldt. W llliuni Isils 6 and 4, bl.vk II,
West Portland Heights WIIIIhiii -I.on , lit II, 13 and
l.l, block 31. Weat Portland Helghl
ltei.11 Willi. mi-Uits II. K and 14,
bl.Kk 31. West r.irlland Height.. ..
It-, It, William -Isits 1.111 and 6,
lil.K-k SS. West I'.nllnnd Heights. , W lllli.iu -Lou 11. 13, u and 14.
t'Uvk S3. West Portland Meighu.,..
Heidi Wllllnm ,. iu 17 and Is, block
SS, West Portland Jlelghla
U., W llllnni. Ial 27, block S3, Weal
P.ii-tiiuid Heights
It. l.ll Wlltlain lla S3, 34, IS and 3a.
bl.vk SN, Wrsi Portland llwalits....
.suiiin, K l.-MW. S of NK, V4.
V4. sec
lion is, 1. 1 k a w .,
I So
S.iii.lsione. I. V - NU Vi of NW. of
SW. V section 4, T. t 8 R. 1 W....
!aKe, Matvelliia- tsv, acres In W,
01 .-l' h 01 section is, 1 . a B-, it.
:i w.. us .It s.rii.. m book iage
li. Itec. of lt,-e,ls for Washing.
ton County. Oregon,.,,,,,., ,,,
Saaycr, Present I- 8W, V. of 8H 14 of
NW. V,. sect. Hi. T. 1 8.. R. 4 W. I t
Scholwr, Wm-NW, U of NW. t aud
lot 4. section X. T. 1 8.. R. 6 W 4.44
Mchockley. Albert -I'n.llvl.bHl t J In-
iciest in , ..r .nw. v. and HW,
' of NW. i, of section S. T. 2 N.,
It. 5 W ; als.1 an undivided H in
leresi 111 NH v, of NM. V, of aection
IT. T 1 N . It. 6 W ... W tl
.JIilfT.r lots., 1111.I Turpln, M -l-.t
1. t.inetlits Hinrons In)
-Niln.ller. tj. -Uita I. 1. S. 4. 4. 4, 7 and
bksk I, West Purtlniid Heights.. 1.61
Slnviii. John- Lois I, 9, 24 and 26, Mil
iar. I A Van Schuyver Tract I f
Smith. Kttrali K.-Part of Tract K.
Fnuview A.ldilion to llilbib.iro, as
les. rlltr.l III Isa.k a5. tstge Sit He,,
or.i. of iveds for Washington
County Oregon , 1 40
Smith, Stella- lsla 19 and 20, bl.vk
17. West Portland Heights C
S.mIi-i l.ind, X.-XW, of NW. V, and
lot No. I. section J. T. I 8.. R. 4 W . 6 94
flunks. K S and II. W Commenc
ing nt the NU corner of lot J, block
9 Forest Urove: theme W. 60 feel,
thence S I feel; thetica E. 60 feel;
thence N. I.M feet l.i place of begin
ning 6 07
Miark. Amelia C. - W. V, of 8W. Vi of
NK V anil SU It of NW. V, uf
section S3. T. 2 8 . K 2 W 7.17
tfarkwcutlier. J. P. -Commencing at
the M! toiiter of lot 1, thence 8.
W feci, tlteine K. u feet; thence 8.
52 feet; thence W. feel; tlienca IS
hi f.Htt. thence W. 25 feet, then.
N. I'i feel; then. K. 60 feet to
ll.i.'e of lieglnnliig, Part ut bits t
unit 3, block s, Fureal Mrova,
Oregon , 5 44
Sienrus, A. Vernon 8W Vi of HW.
V.. W. It nf Shi V, Sl-l Vi of H1
a... lion s, T. IX, It. 6 W UJ4
Still, I'ullieilne- lot S3, and also lots
4. 1. V 9. I". II, 13. 13 and 14. block
It. Steels A ,1.1 1 1 loii lo Beaverton;
also lota 4. 6. 4 and 7. block '.
Ileavnilon , 1.24), I. uhiing-4 acres In section H
T IS. It. 3 W.. aa desortbed In
1 1.10k l page Sat. Records of Deeds .
for Wiishlngton County, Oregon..,. 1.49
sioi.ii.nlsi. li. Willi- NW. li of section
:i. 1. 1 H.. it. a w w w
Hiroim, Geo. K. Itols 1 and 2. block
, Sliei wood. Oregon; also 10 acrea
In HW. 1 or NW. Vi uf a'tlon 11,
T. 2 S , It. I W aa described In
b.sik num. 417. Records ol Deeds
for Washington t.Viunly. Oregon.,., 7.46
trillion. Sniiiue -HW. Vi of HE. 14 uf
M-cttoil 9, T. 2 ,N., It. 4 W Si. 44
tnrilevaiit Florence- ffM W nf sac.
Hon. SO. T. I 8., II. 6 W I.M
Swift. J. N.. and Parsons, t?. A.-lVi
ucres 111 It. S. Topper li, L. C. No.
42, T I S.. It. 4 W. as ilesirlbed In
htttik im t.tiue li. Records of lieeda
for Wiishliiglnii County, Oregon..,, IK
Tullntan T. D. -Lot 3. block I. Fin
ney a Ailillllon to Hillsboro 4.50
Tnnmii k. uulnlon HH Vi of section
4, 1. & it. vv " n
Tltuvir, Kmllle M
H k of NE. 14,
NW. of SHI. V, of section 4, and
,nrt of NK Vi of SB. 14, of aection
4. T. 2 H.. R. 3 W. aa described In
book r'i. page 310. Records or Deeds
fur Washlngtun Cuunty, Oregon..,,
The John Si hroeder Lumber ).- NT
W ut NW. ii of section 20. T. I 8..
it, 6 W
Thomas, William J.-W. 14 of NU. 14,
iiml MM 1, of xh li or e?iion l,
T. 3 N., K. 6 W
Tli.Miii.son, F. S. W., and Swan, V,
A l.ols IK anil 19, block U, ilyd
Pm k
Tongue Thus, L, heirs ofliots I,
l A 4 It Z-A 1A. SI. TBB IRQ St.
Mortemlule 11(4
T.,iil..ii. Thus. II. heirs of Lot 21.
1. M. M, 32. Morlenilale 13 29
Tongue, Thus. H., heirs of-It I, 7,
s v (11 II 12 l.l. 14. 16. 16 17. la.
19. 2u and 21. Mortendala 4S.17
TuuKue. Thomas II,, hell of-8B. 14
t.r JVC I.. MW I, of UU li aection
II. T. '2 S.. K. 3 W
Troae Willis L.-SW. of section
15, T'. 3 N.. 11. 6 W
Tin ker. M. J -1 acres In NB. 4 of
NK. ot section 31, I. s n. 1 vv.
descrllied In book 46. page 491,
Record of Iieeds for
County, Oregon.,......,
Tupper, Jminle 14 acre In SW. 14 of
HK. '4 of section , T. 1 H., R. 4 W.,
us described In Isiok 44, page 144,
Kecnrri of Deeds for Waahincton
Comity. Oregon ,
Tanner li. H.-SB. Vi of BW. 14 of
section I, T. 1 8., R. 6 W
Venen Ailclla M -E. 150 feet of lot
2, block Ho, Forest Grove, Oregon...
Voss. Lucy-HK, 14 uf section 1, T.
1 N.. H. 3 W
W'uKiier. Cnrullnn U.-MI acres In sec
tlon 25. T. 2 N.. R. 3 W 7.1
Wagner, Frank (1 Commencing 1144
feet W. of the HE, corner of lot
No. 1, thence N. 1W feet, thence W.
60 feet, thence H. 160 feet, thence M.
tin fuel to place uf beginning, (wit
uf hit No I. block 10. Forest Grove.
Oregon , ,
W.i I lure. Mav O.- Lot No I. block
4, Gaston. Oregon
Wallace Mrs. R-Lo( 9 and 10,
block 2, Henry's Addition to Cor
nelius.,., ,
Wedeklng AiiKUHt IOt No. 4. section
24, T. I li.. H. 2 W,, 16 acres
Welamundul P.-SW. 14 of NB. 14,
it ml lots Nos. 1, 2 and I, section
2, T. 2 N.. R. I W. containing 144
W'ellman, B Iyits I and 4, block
South Park Addition to Forest
Grove. Oregon , ,
W'iIIm Charles 8.-121 acrea In A.
Smith D. L. O;. No. 64, T, 1 N R.
2 W., nnd 3S f . 2 N R. 2 W, a
described In book 45, page 201, Rao
ord of Deeda for Washington Coun
ty, Oregon 1
Wliltacker, John C Iota 16 and 6,
block I, Curtis' Addition to Forest
Grove, Or
Wlcchrnnn, C, D.-40 acre In NW. 14
of section 16, T. 2 8., Riff, as
descrlbd in book 62, page 272, Reo
ords of Deeds for Washington
County, Oregon.. , ......t,
Wiggins, Mary E.-Lot 1, 2. and I,
Millinery Sale
I put my gottJs on sale lor I lie first
time this season. Now is the time
to liny. I will luvc out rt lot of
New and Fashionable Hats
at salt; prices. This olVvr holJs
KkhI until the loth of NovctnlHri.
Above L. M.
Sconl Str, Opposilw Cpurlliouaa, ItitUtioro
When You Buy Shoes
Buy Good Shoes
v '
A l'iue Line of Taucy Slippers for Meu.
The best shoe in the market is the Till
Kiuuey shoe for men. Also a fine liue
for hoys, also schtKil sjiocs. The liest
heavy work sIhk-s for men. Kublivrs tor
meu aud boys, at
block 1 Wsst I'ortlaDtl ll,.luhl
Willaiwtta Rat tointa Cnnipany-
t.uia t ana n, uiutK n, curnoiiua...
Wltiltrs, John W.- l ai-rna In K. V.
at K. Q. stlon 31 T, I H, H. 1
W , as dWribrd In binik 61, paga
IU, Record of Dwda for Washing
ton County, Oregon
Wolf. William and I.nul-44 arrrs In
Wllljlns' D. I., C, No. 49, T, 1 N
R. 2 W. as rtf'rllKi In book W,
(inga 111, Riword of Dmida for
, Washington County, Oregon
Womr, Daniel J.-V. 14 of NW. ,
of NK. 14 of section lit, i in, 11
Woolard. Mary J
ootani Mary J -Coinmenolng al
he HW. rorner of lot No 4 ilinn,
K. 114) feet, theni-e N. 100 feet
thence W. IB0 feet, thence H. 109 feet
lo plarw ot beginning, part of lot
4, block 14, Forest Urove. Oregon..,
Woodward H. I,.-gw. '4 of 8W. Vi,
sectlun 12, T. 1 8., R, 0 W ..,
Woodward. Melodn J.-SW. Vi of
NW. secllon 14. T. 1 B It. 1 w.
Maid sale will be mn.l aiiLint
dempllon a per atnluie.
Sheriff and g Officio Tag Collector
Washington County. Oregon.
Dated at lllllsbnri), Oregon, Mils ISth
of leceiiibir, r.nsl.
Gmirna ochiilinerli h and A. 8. )
Hhol, I'lal tit ill's, j
va. i
Oregon A California K, H. Com- f
pany, Corporatluu. ami M. I
It. Paion, JintentUiitM. j
To M, li. Pamn, one of tli hIhivh naintnl
In tli name of the Hlntaol OrnKon, you
r hereby poiniiiandoil ami reiitilrtnf to
b ana ppr In tb above entltleU C'niirt
and gnawer th oomplgint fJlod agnlnnt
you in th above entltlnl eausa on or lie
for the exiilration of six (rt) ek rrnni
thdUof the first pnhlinallim of thm
summons, In th Hlllshorn ArniiN, ihf
flrat piihllcatlon llinrwofr 11 ok on the
aotb ifay of Deo., l!Km, to wln tjii or he
fore the Slat day of January. Ii7 an,l
will pleaae take notice that If you fail
to appear and answer said tioiii)ilaliit
Hlailltlfll will take a denrea l...i
adJudRliiK and doorooliiK that tliey grti
the owner In fhe simple of all of the Went
4 of tli Northeaet qiiarler tif Hentlon
T. ., K. 8 W.. of the Will. Mar..
? therein or
wining niguiy inn acres, rren Irnm eiio U.
barrd lni i K'l ,1 "l-
ttvuv, huu luriunr iienreo as
may he necessary and proper.
Tblaaummnna In terved upon you l,y
publiCHtlon, by order of Honors M'o J. W
fi .11.: . ." .. ... . vi
Oo,,n 0 m. e .d da.ed " 1 'ST 1 HU P'Wa l".lte "H""0 '''' f you (wfl ao
HAMLRY t II A ' '7"M11 'V "PP1? lo the Ooiii t ftr the
Attorn?- f..r .l,.iirr r'llpf Vnn U ,"r ," oomIltnt. to-wlti ,
AttnrtieyN for 1 IttltitirTa. Kora tlw.rif t l.e- ,iarrla nm.
Dlvldenda in life iunurarnse
bould ha paid annually. (Jet the
annual dividend babit. None bet
tr than the MaBauhufltta Mutual
Life'a annual dividend Kystera
JamM Stitt, District Agent.
For Sale: Engliub walnut trees.
Zfna Wood, at farm, ,
Moyt's Store
; A in ioi-4!iigfr train H-hiiiuU )
ftii (i!l')i:
J li l.cavt In I'ottUilil
1 1 utint l',tiiv local
I Slierutnn Flyer . ,',,,.
I Korel C.rove locnl ,
17 4; . l'Uiv!lis ivttliiil
j Anivt-n (mm I'ottlana
4 ; Cutvalti4 onilnntl
1'nrrst t;tove IiksI.
J Shi rldnii I yt-r
! FoimI Otove Itaval. . . y
, 6 fib a. m,
. o ot a. ui.
. t 4 p. 111.
4:t V- at.
. M:4J a. ui.
. u;i7 p. tn.
. .Vab p. tu,
, t:7 p. m,
I.tavlll,. I'iillllllirl -
Cofv lin ovci!iiil
7HS 1
7 jo a. in.
1 1:110 a. tu.
4 10 p. ni,
fi u p. tu,
2 .74 1 1'i'tcat Otnvc local
Sltttulnn Fiver
I SS i VlWtM ,;rovtl lotal-, ,
.... . ....
I A friviil III rurtliUil
1 1'ortil C.tovelofal.,,
h iti a. ru.
10:10 a. m.
):w p. tn.
Slietiilftii r'lycr
Potent Urove lmnl
Corvallii ovcrlaud...,..
&:5i p. W.
TIih KiiifHt Orovfl liioal dot not
Notice of Final Settlement
Nollre li htiroljy Klvoit thai the untlar
lititnl, gilininiktrnior nf tlie rstale nf Cln
Ilia A. IlitrrU, ilocimnwl, lias filed Ills llnat
Recount hn mich ailiiiinUtrnlnr, ami that
Ihe Coutity Court has fixed Monday, Jan
uary nt thn hour of ten o'olnok e.
ni.,oralil tiny, at lit court room In Uilla
boro. Orefton, aa th time gild plane for
hiring iilijitiiloiis to suld llnal acootutt
mid fur the llnal miltleineiit of salt saute.
. , , , K. KVAN.
AiitiitnUtralur of llm eatateurCliittia A,
Uurria, llnnpnid, t
II. T. lluKluy, Hltoruey lur the ndnilnlt-tratnr.
in thk cmnnr court op thk
the 1 u''ur''e Turjiln, rialiillll',1
VS. ' V
Anna Kimkin Turpln, Defo'iidaut.)
To Anna Knnkiit Turpln, the almv
imiiiftU IieiondHiit:
in me iiuine 01 tni! tiu of Oretton, Jfou
and renitir
rea to
lUled Court anil
intjilrHtltiu of lx
C CTuTS T th. iKnSll
nrirun; inn nrsi. piiDUoation thereof being
Deceinher 11, limn M-witt , 0rl r before
Jiuiiiiiry 17th, l!i(i7, mid bum wit the coin-
l-i 1 in tin rem nieu amlitNt you) and you
irant existliiK ljotwooii the plBlntiir nnd
ilcfHtiilaiit, upon Iho iiitninrt of tinsel tlon
uik! lor other i qiiltnbla rellefi
riiiaumiiious Is wrvntl upon you hy
pulilloation by ordor of Hon. T, A. Mo.
HrWe. .ludye of tliu nbov mitltletl Court,
J' "(WO ai,tl!d 111 P''n "nrt' Uwelnber
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Buy your tcbool tabletB at Mo