The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 17, 1907, Image 2

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Xntarvd si tha Post-office at Hillsboro,
Oregon, M second-class mail sassier.
lil'CIl'B A. LONG. Editor.
County Official Paper
fJubwriptlon: On Dollar pr Annum,
L.aed Every Tharsday
J -
Through lnoee legislation for year,
Oregon finds iteelt in m peculiar
position regarding laws a fleeting
th turaishiog ol equipment for
shippers. It is dow determined to
pan a reciprocal demurrage law
and the situation, is alarmine to
private capital which ii engaged in
building branch lines to connect
with the Harriman systems, under
the law passed two Tears ago. A
a matter of fact a reciprocal de
murrage law would go more to
deter capital from building these
branch lines than any other condi'
tion, that could possibly arise
For instance reciprocal demur
rage would force the P, R. & X.,
aod other small lines now under
construction by private parties in
the Northwest, to actually operate
at a lose. This being the case
where are the financiers who will
put their money in such under
takings. Take the local road, en
route to Tillamook, for instance.
If the law passes it must pay an
immense demurrage every day in
the year. Mills will not be encour
aged, and the north of this county;
the west of Columbia; part of ClaV
sop and all of Tillamook, will suffer
from lack of development, because
the road can not encourage build
ing of mills aod factories, simply
because it can not take care of the
traffic from day to day. The rea
son of this is the fact that oafs can
not be purchased in the open mar
ket, and builders will not book or
ders for delivery short of from fif
teen to eighteen months. The
Hillsboro-Tillamook line has re
ceived word that it can not get its
order for forty box cars short of
May, 190S. If the law shall pass,
it will mean that the road can not
operate until euch time as it can
get cars.
This will militate against Oregon
development, because Mr. Harri
man does not build until he ii
forced by competition. It is all
very well to get at Uarriman, but
ktt ftrinnt 111 flAvfitAnmanl nf irta
Is there not some way wherein
the law can protect roads under
actual construction, between termi
nal points, opening undeveloped
territory rather than put them
out of business.
This is a matter of serious im
port, not only to the four counties
mentioned, but to other parts of
the slate seeking railroads through
capital other than that furnished
by the Harriman systems. It is
up to the Washington County del
egation to take this into serious
Governor Chamberlain's message is
to the point, and if his suggestions
are followed the state will have
gained. - He suggests that the state
buy the locks at Oregon City pro
vided Congress shall fail to act:
Recommends a railroad commission
with regulations that will be of
benefit; asks for a reciprocal de
murrage law; a private bank ex
aminer and a state accountant to
audit state and county books; asks
that unused state funds be loaned
at a fair rate of interest; wants
state printer placed on a salary;
an increase in the inheritance tax
and the paesage of an income tax.
Another important suggestion is
that the legislature lop off two of
the Normal schools. One at Mon
mouth and one at Weston, appears
to be the Governor' idea of the
Normal questions. He asks that
there be but one board of regents
for the Normals, ,
Annual Convention of the American
Livestock Association
The annual convention of the
American Livestock Association
v and Livestock show will convene
at Denver on January 21, and last
until the 20th. Parties wishing to
so from Washington County can
make the trip via Portland for
$52.80; and if they wish to go one
way through California the round
trip will eost foo.w).
Clwurv. out sale in millinery on
Cor"r Third A Main, in front of
tie Cj, I-aweie residence,.
Cupid-Advertising I
I Agent
f Copyri-kt, IM. ls K. C. Paeerlls
"What do you thluk of It?" the man
asked the girl as site utixxl before the
Slowly, coruftilly. the girl surveyed
the bouse ami lawu. ouoe beautiful, but
bow disfigured with larjw signboards
proclaiming the virtues of Chee Kitp
Breakfast food.
"I think. said she forcefully, '"that It
la simply shameful"
"tth. wiitf nowT wild the man.
Don't you think it father enliven the
uelghtiorhoodl This aristocratic section
of the towu had seeuied rather dull to
me lately. By the way, how did you
enjoy your trip!"
Boli." said she severely, "dou't try
to change the subject. Aa soon as they
told me what you hud done while I
was away I came riht over here to
persuade you to take th.'tn all down."
"Impossibler he cried. "I've got a
contract You wouldn't want me to
break contract, would you!"
No, the wouldn't want hi in to do that.
One of the nicest thiugs about Rob
via his trusiworthlues. Moreover, she
didn't know whether the law would al
low hlui to break It.
"Oh, Bob," she cried iu sorrow, "what
made you put up these unsightly
things? Can't you see how they spoil
the looks of the whole street? From
our verauda we look directly at that
big yellow one: 'Why tie blue? Eat
Che-Rup Breakfast Food and be hap-
There were tears lu her eyes.
"Oh," abe continued, "I was thinking
how happy I'd be to see the dear old
home again, and then you must spoil
it all! Oh. Bobr
Bob felt decidedly uncotufortahle. yet
happier than he bad for several
months. She had been homesick, not,
of conrse. for hiui-that was Impossible
-but for the town a a whole, and he
IT JM SlHt-LI hHAMfcja'L."
was a part of it. But to show hit Joy
might spoil the plan, and It was too
early In the game to risk anything.
"So," he said, carefully controlling
bis voice to the tones of polite Interest
"so you did miss us!"
Mis t hew! She thought how intense
ly she had missed them and him. Yea.
Bob! During the three mouths of her
absence she bad come to long for the
sound of bia voice, the nierry laugh In
bli eyes. How happy abe had felt
when abe saw blm at the station the
night before! Not that she meant to
bow ber change of feeling toward
him. She had refused him too emphat
ically before sailing to willingly ac
knowledge that she hud made a mis
take. For a time she would not ac
knowledge It even to herself,
But abe had never thought that Bob
would so destroy the beauty of bli
home, the home she hud learned to
"Bob," said she again, Ignoring Ml
last question, "why did you do It?"
"I'm leaving here soon," he said, out
wardly calm.
"Leaving here?" she gasped.
"Yea," he answered nonchalantly.
"I'm going to the city to be nearer my
business, and as 1 don't care to sell
this place or rent It I thought I ought
to think up some way of making It pay
the taxes at least,"
"Oh, Bob!" she cried tearfully, am
biguously. "How could you?" Then
he ran precipitately to her own home.
Bob gazed after her dubiously. Per
haps her father was right, but he
doubted It Of course ehe hud always
loved Bob' place, and her Ideals of
beauty were both seneltlve and mili
tant The house and yard certainly did
took a sight too. The plan was worth
trying. Bob felt that' anything yiat
might make her reconsider her answer
to the great question which he had
propounded to her was worth trying,
nd the Income derived from the ads.
was not inconsiderable. The papers
had devoted a great deal of space to
the discussion of the signboards being
Installed ou such beautiful private
property, and consequently the Cbee
Bup food bad received a great quan
tity of free advertising.
That night at dinner the girl In
formed her family that Bob was pan
ning to move to town.
"Ah," said her father, "I heard be
sad a young; womun ou the string down
there. He la rery utteutive to her, they
say. Of course I wouldn't tell you If
I thought that there waa any possibili
ty of your reconsidering the answer
yon gave Bob In the spring. You can't
blame the boy for seeking consolation,
and they eay that she is very wealthy."
The girl forced herself to eat ber
alad calmly. Bo that was the reason
be had taken ber homecoming so easi
ly: Another woman bad captured his
fancy. Well, the would keep her se
cret. The next day Bob came over to the
housjjfgta conference with her father.
Meeting htm In the TiaTlw ay, she ques
tioned him as to the day of hie de
parture, nlthougli she hated herself for
dolug It.
till, lu niwmt a mouth!" said Bob tn
diuVreuil.v and hurriedly.
llw different from the way be weed
to speak to her, she thought.
Purlng that month Boll made many
trips to the city, and each tuoroluf the
girl wke up to gate from ber window
at the sign with a deep accentuation
of the hatred with which she bad re
garded them on the (trot day of ber re
turn. To her they began to seem the
pcrsoiittication of the woman that bad
taken Bob from her-the cold, calculat
ing lnwtiiesa spirit. How she hated
those signs! it teemed to ber as If
she would do auythiug to get rid of
them. Mini she live within their sight
all her life, constantly reminding ber
of the love she had loot? The thought
whs unendurable, and ehe appealed to
her fntber.
1 can't do anything." said he. "Bob
ha a eoutm.-t with the Cbee-Kup eom
lmy, and he mint live up to It, If
uulv you had been klud to blm this
wouldn't have liappcued. To my mind
It only shows what good sense Bob
hit. Thit place has no more attrac
tions, for him. so why not make It yield
au income?"
The eveulng liefore the day set by
Bob for his dcitarture he called. The
girl was seated on her veranda a far
as possible from the sight of the sign
boards. Her parents had gone out for
the evening, and she received Bob with
a si ran ere, sinking feellug. This might
be the Inst time he would come to tee
1UU," saM she when be had seated
himself at a safe distance "Bob, now
that you are going away, probably for
ever, can't you do something about
those awful signboards?"
He regarded her quixotically.
"I wish I could." said he, "but you
see the Chee-Rttp company's contract
runs for ten years, and the advertise
ment has proved to be so good that
they would not release me nuleae 1
paid a sum of money that would abso
lutely break me."
Ten years! A life time!
"Bob," she cried Impulsively, "I would
be willing to-do anytbtug to get rid of
those dreadful algus!"
Bob looked at ber quickly. This was
his hour. Her father and mother nad
even encouraged him to hope, but be
hettltated at wagerlug bla bapplneae oa
a abort sentence. Nevertheless he must
make the plunge some time, and the
preecut moment seemed aa propitious
at any.
"So yon would really like to get rid
of themr he asked. "Well. I believe
we eould arrange that with the com
pany satisfactorily if you could recwu-
sider your decision of some months
Hhe looked at him unsteadily.
"Why, Bob," she said, "I believe that
yon are asking me to marry you
again r
"That's just what I am doing," be
aald excitedly. "What's your answer?"
"But that other woman!" she cried.
He gazed at ber In well simulated
"What other woman?" be asked.
"That wealthy one In the city that
business woman whom my father said
yon had on the string."
Bob smiled broadly.
"Ton evidently misunderstood In what
connection I had her ou the string. We
are going to sell her the business."
The girl looked at him happily.
"If thafa the case," aald the. "I sup
pose I might change my answer to that
qnestlon If you are sure about taking
down those signs. Tou mustn't sacri
fice a lot of money to those people.
Bob. Wo'll need some."
"No, I'll not," said he as be folded
her In Ms anus. "You see, your father
and I happen to be the Chee-Rup
Breakfast Food company, although w
are on the jioliit of selling the business
to that woman In the city, and so, I
guess, there will be no trouble about
having that contract annulled."
Administratrix' Notice
Notice is hereby eiven. that I. the under
signed, have been by the County Court of
the Stale of Oregon, for Washington
County, duly appointed Administrator of
me estate or Hainnel Kverltt. deceased.
with the will of said deaned annexed,
and have duly qualified as aunb. Now
therefore, all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notllied to
present the same to me with proper
Touchers at the law ntllee of W. N. Har
iri!, in Hillsboro, Oregon, within ail
monl hs from the date hereof.
Dated this 17th day of January, 1H07.
Administrator frith the will annexed of
baimiel bveritt, deceased.
W. X. Barrett, Attorney for Estate,
The Badge of Honesty
Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery because a full
lint of the Ingredients composing it Is
printed there in plain Engllnh. Forty
years of experience has proven its superior
worth as a Mood purifier and Invigorat
ing tonic fur the cure of stomach disorders
and all liver Ills. It builds up the run
down system as no other tonic esn In
which alcohol is used. The active medic
inal principles of native roots sncb as
tiolden heal and Uueen root, btone and
Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black
Cherrybark are extracted and preserved
by the use of chemically pure, triple
relinod glycerine. Send to Dr. E. V. Pierce
at Buffalo, '. Y., for free booklet which
Quotes extracts from well-recosnlzed med
ical authorities tuuh a Drs. Barthnlow,
King, Scuddcif, Coe, Elllngwood and a
snowing that these roots
nded upon for their curative
weak states of the stomach,
y Indigestion or dyspepsia,
bilious or nver complaints
lXwasting diseases " where there
flesh and gradual running down
trength and system.
Golden Medical piacroverv''maV'
eh, burn blood and so Invigorates and
regulates the stomach, Hver and bowels.
and. thrnui?ir thi-m. the whole.
Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples
and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel
lings and old open running sores or ulcers
are cured and healed. In treating old
running sores, or ulcers, It U well to In
sure their healing to apply to them Dr.
Pierce's All-Healing Halve. If your drug
gist don't happen to have this Salve In
stock, send fifty -four cents In postage
stamp!) to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y., and
a large box of the 'All-Healing Salve"
will reach you by return post.
You can t afford to accept l secret nos-
u uiu MKsuuguiuw lor bins uon-aiconoiic.
medicine ok known composition, not
even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to talcs
host of other
can be Anfrt
action lb all
as well fa In611
nd in !
f tlgVS
j The"
4 per teat, interest. Interest, 4 per cent.
J. W. SHUTE. Banher
Oldest. rinoncUUy Strouaesl. Safest mnd Most Con
nrvllv Banking Institution In Washington County,
Did you ever iuvestigate to ascertain the respective lia
bility of a Corporation and its Stockholders? If you
did, you found that Stockholders of a Corporatiou, how
ever rich personally, are not liable for corporate iudebt
cducss (deposits) except to the exteut of their unpaid
subscriptions to the Capital Stock, (except Natioual
Hauks.) If their subscriptions arc fully paid, their lia
bility for the debts and contracts of the Corporatiou
ceases therefore, do uot credit the corporatiou with
the individual wealth of its stockholders, uor cou found
the property of the individuals with the corporate prop
erty, in judging the wealth and responsibility of the
Corporatiou. Only the property of the Corporation is
liable for its debts aud contracts.
We are uot like Banking Corporations in which
Stockholders incur no liability, except to the amount
of unpaid suKscriptious to the Corporate stocky
We are not like a Baukitig Corporatiou which ap
pears to have, but has uot, the individual backing of
the wealth of its Stockholders, but ownsouly the money
paid in lor its stock, or its equivalent, the major part
of which is usually portable property, and its deposits.
But for the safety and protection of our deposits and
our depositors, everything we possess, iuclnding real
estate, is au asset. Wheu you deposit your money
with us, you are protected by the best of Oregon non
portable, tangible real property to the value of
$130,000. in addition to all of our other baukiug
We pay you 4 per cent, ou Saving's Depos
its, compounded or paid every six mouths.
Have you ever figured the dirTerence betwecu com
pounding in four aud six months? Figuriug for oue
Here are the figures ou $100.00:
In four mouths Iu six mouths
$104.0.14 $104.04
(Difference on $100.00 4 mills
For one year " 11 $1,000.00 4 cents
( " . "$10,000.00. 40ceuts
Bear in mind, the paid up stockholder of a Banking
Corporation is uot individually liable for its deposits.
We give you the best of protection aud banking
facilities; help you to save aud accumulate for the
raiuy day, and guarantee courteous treatment to all.
List of CorresjoiKleuts ou which we draw direct:
KliotNationol Bank limtoii
National 1'ark Bank .New Votk
tVnnmercial National Batik Chicago
National Bank of Commerce .St, Uui
First National Bunk . Omaha
Merchants National Bank St. Paul
First National Bank lenver
McCormick X Co . Salt Lake City
Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank .1 -San Francisco
Old National Bank Spokane
Scandinavian American Bank Seattle
Fidelity Trust Company Tacoma
I'nited States National Bank Portland
Bank of California Portland
1-aihl & Tilton, Bankers .furtland
' Foreign drafts sold on all principal cities in - the
Thanking our patrons aud frieuds for their confi
dence and business, we wish for all a happy aud pros
perous New Year.
Jan. i, 1907.
Banker. Cashier. .
Do you desire good rock roads in your Couuty? If so,
cut out this petition, sign it, have your neighbors sign
it, and send to the Hillsboro Argus. You MUST HELP
Your undersigned Petitioners would respectfully rep
resent: That we are resident taxpayers of the Couuty of
Washington; That we desire the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Washington County, out of any
moneys in the County Treasury, not otherwise appro
priated, to purchase machinery and material necessary
to initiate permanent rock road building in Wash
ington County, and for the construction during the
year 1907, of as much permanent rock road as pos
sible, and we hereby expressly sanction the expeudL
ture of moneys derived from taxation for that purpose
and suggest that in the building of such roads, the
County Court should employ a competent Engineer or
expert to superintend the construction thereof.
Argos and Oregonian, $2.
post or pick address
Argue and Jonrntl, f 1,76.
: W9B
The best of all
Bottled for
4 per cent. 4 per tent. 4 per cent.
Make Your Money tarn You Money
We furnish you every Banking Facility that
" you can get auywhere. Give ns your deposit,
subject to check. We sell exchange to every
place of importance in the commercial world,
We will sell you drafts cheaper than you can
buy money orders.
The Hillsboro Commercial (lank
Eitcutrlx' Notice
Notice Is linrehv (1vii that 1. tli uiiiW
signed, have bn, by Ilia viinly ioutt of
Hie Plata of Ore(oii, for VYahtniriii
county, duly appointed .mnitiii of tin
MUle ol t'harlM llcb, iloif d, and
have duly iiialllled a such. All nersoni
Imvlna claim agaiut said rui at a
hereby notllied to rMntim Mine ni.
with proper voucher, at Hi. !, oiflcs
ol W, N. Barrett, In IlllUboro. Ori;uu,
within sit (il) imintlin rmni Hi. ilati hr
of. listed tlila liecvuibsr Kli IK''..
KUeeulm of the eotateof t'harle t.etrli,
W. N. Barrett, A Horn.)' fr hlolate,
Notice i hereby given tint tlm iunliigii.
d Uuantlan a( the ermti ami rnair of
Louis rlrWIrr, Mamie h.l..r. fcn tin ' Ooa.ra Ut
.tabller, K.Uanl Heldleraml Lriier Nrlil
ter, by virtue of an order ami llrenwef AU Vin-tiot lth Meal.
Ill tounty Court or Ilia Stair of Oregon.
for Waahlngton County, liil. m..rl
and datml ou the 4th day of January, ll"o .
authorizing and emuoft.rlna IU no.i-r
signed (Juardtan to soil at prlvatr anln all ,
nt III. raJ property heltmuliig to audi
minora, the unileralgtiad will, ou and sttr !
Ujiiilay, the llth day or Pebrtiary, 'j7,
prwesd toaall at private aaleallof tl
undivided onuuili (1 i) iuixreal of tlw
above nani.l minors of in ami to all of
Lot On. (1) of and In iilock On (h of and '
In the towu of I'orneliiia, WiwhloKt'.n
County, Oregon, The aald le wtli it '
mads subject In coiillrnmllon by the
County Court of Mia Mate of Oregon lor ;
Washington Count v. !
lleisd till !Hh day or January. lC.
HKK.WAN bkllif.KIt, i
Uuardlan of t outs Hvldler, Mamie 5ctJ !
let, Kiiinis Heldler, Kdward Mdler ami '
laterNltller. '
rUgley A Hare, Attorneys lor tinardlau.
J.O. Bmwk, I'lalntlfl,
vs. !
J. M. Hanson and K.lla A. Hniiwiii. f
Delniidaiila J
In the name of Ilia Stale of Oregon, the
above named Derrmlsnta will tnlu imtica
that th alKive named I'lalnlllt Um com-
nieiiead suit In tb shove entitled Court
by Altachment for Hie sum of J17,3t) on
account and Intarwt thereon at the rate
of 11 per cant. wr annum from ilate. You,
sr. hereby re.iilreil to apH'r ami aiier
His ooniplaiiil II 1ml agalnat yon iu the'
above entitled Court within t) a wka fro in :
the firat uulillratlnii of tlim mitlca to it '
on or before I lie V:inl day of Kvlirunrv, I
lH07,and If you fail so to answer for l lie
want thereof the I'lalntltf will apply to '
the Court for Judgment for the above i
amount. The date of the tirst public i
turn of Mils tuition la January lu, lim",
I)atl at NlierwiHid, Ore., January 7.
I'J07. ' !
M. K. MiKk,
Jualu:. of Mie Peace, t
Executria' Notice
Notice la hereby given that tlm under
signed Ii as been appointed eiecutrl of
en ai)Milnte. eieeutrlaof
and of Thonma
me laal win an
Otchln, il.ivaaed
County Court
egon. made and entered on liecemtier VJt.
Ifajti, and all persona having claims
against said aetata are hereby notllied and
directed to preannt. aald claims, logutber
with the ptoper votiubers therefor, to me
at my residence, or at the office of Thus.
II. Tongue Jr., at Illllsixno, WiuliliiKton
County, Oregon, on or Ixforeslx luonttis
from date hereof.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 2tili
day of lleceuiber, 1901,
Kieetitrll ol the lust will and tenia
ment of Tlios, Otchln, deceased
T bos. H. Tongue, Attorney,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Not es s heie bv slveu that the undor.
signed has liled in the county court of the
o'c oc t A.M
mi In Hillm
of said day at the Court Room I
ro, Oregon, aa the lime ami i
Ing objections to aald final account ami
for the final settlement or said estate.
Dated this I6lh day ot December, ltsifl,
JULIUS COLFKLT, Administrator.
Geo It. Ungley, Attorney for dinlnis
trator. ,
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that tho mulor
slgned has tiled in the County Court of
the (State of Oregon fur Waliliiglou Coun
ty, his filial account In the matter n the
estate of Robert Inibrle, deceased and
that said Court lias designated Monday,
February iifith, 1H07. at the county court
room in Hlllsliuto, Oregon, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time
and place for hearing objections to auld
final account and for the final settlement
of said eatate.
Dated this 12th day of January, A. D.,
Executor of the last will and testament
of Robert Imbrle, dee'd,
K. B. Tongue and Bagley & hare, At
torneys for Executor. -
Miateororegon lor wsHhingtou County. ! .'' ,,';,; . " 1 . V" '""I er
his final swouiit In the matter of the Ks- i 'l.1,'.Ku''f'l'"hl enteof John ti. Hsto.i,
tale of Martha Coifelt, deceased, and that, 1 n ' Jui, .'t''BVinVsru7"B,M'" "tc,'j
said Court has lled Monday, the 21it ; ti, 't ii , 1' ',U',1 ralv, "''""-'"l
uay or January, iw. at io
1 11111' " :
(On ditughi)
MeJiciml Use
Mii'i it .mMtmMMw
Edison's Gold Mould
ed He-cords in Stoch
Purrs Km.
1B,,,. u ,,. ,.,
""''! wiH mtet
i Ctiickcu. an J IVultry
all com I it Ion.
always on band
tipoo order, l ire delivery loall palls
of the towu. We buy fat stink.
Soooml Stroot, Hillmboro, Or
-"" 1 1 " ,i 1 ii i
..Central Meat Market..
luoHlMrl ( O. rMMtr
kt-, cnuitantl) ou hsud a fins
uiil) ol hrah meaUof kinds.
A Now ti-m It Prhtmm
We nrc K'i"X lu uieat. si fitlce. low
er llta'i tbme which have prrrailsd la
the ( nil in ami we ua. We uicau
buttncM. 'I'lume and Pree Iellv.ry
Main Stint, unpotlu lailatls Held,
II ilUboi o, Orrgea,
S'l-'i.i-.j..11! .. ", u
In tbe Vntlit of tli. A nnllralton (
Wallace M ( 'auomt for the Krgi
tralloii of lim title to following
ilewrllii d resd i.r .iiiirtv altuato lu
the County of Washington and
ftwte ol Oregon. to-wTt: lbs
aouthraat quarter, the weal half of
tbe nnrttu-a.t quarter, tbo.ait half
of the nortlniMit quarti'r smith.
iioitnnrn quurtnr of tli. north-
wuai noannr oi auction 34 lu
lOWIIMltll i Holltll
of Itauiri
Weal ol the Willamette Mertolaiii
also, tli north half of Inn north
wiai quarter of Scotion 3, In Town
! aiiip:i smith, or Hsuve I west of
the Wlllumuttn Meridian, except
1 lug tliHretrom the right of way of
! 1,18 Oregon Kleelrlc Hallway Com.
I tmnv.
To K. L. Cole unit all oilmri whom It may
! Tuke not,. that on the lib day of Jan
1 uury, Iij7, mi iiniiHcatioii waa It led h
.ujj Walhicn Mcl'atuant In Hie Circuit
, t (lllrt of Wellington C, .ntitv lor I ml".
Now uni'a von iiunearon or heliira Ll
KM It day of Pnhruurv, A. Il, ltfu7, and
bow iaiin why such application shall
not be grunted, the num. will bo taken as
cniifn-aed and iiroree will he entered
according to tlm pr.iynr of the application
and yuu will bo torever barred from dis
puting th. mini",
,,,,, K J. GOOMAN,
-let k of Ibof'ircqlt Court of the Hlals of
Oregon, lor Wellington County.
Notice of
tiuirtiian Sal
Ni)tl ! In hereby given that in purattanr
ofonl'TOI uiiIh ni rftnl nronerlv ,i,.lu ...
1 '7 "".V court, or Washing-
I V " .."W' !..,'.r,'tOMt 0,1
: V , , iiniMin. uooiraiKU-
S l' "''I'"!"'-"), quiilllled and anting
suid mltiorn, will soil at nubllfl auction to
the hlghiwit. Iiiddur, iibj;a to conllrma
tion by aiiid Court, tho following des
cribed real property, situate iu Washing
ton County, Oregon, and inning more par
tlculunv rleaeribod as follows, iowlt;
T im Emuis font or l ot 2 In Block 20 In
Mm town of KoriiNt Grove, Oregon That
Httid Biilu will ho tnnde on the ISth day of
Kehruury, 1007, at 10 o'clock In the lore,
noon ol said day at 1 ho South door of the
Court Iloue in Hillsboro, Washington
County, Oregon. ,
Term to bu cash in hand, and the con
veyance at the expense of the purchaser
, , U. T. HATCH
i.' in i , , (,u'lan.
If. r. Iteemen and K. 11. Tongue. At -tornnys
lor (Juiiriliun,
For ia!e: Yip sired by n rogis
tered Bi'rlifiliiro bntr H'm, Sobul
raeriuh, Frmitifton. Addms.
Hillsboro, R, V. D. 2.
T.J, Wallan, of Forest Grave.
was ia town this evening.