Pllsbr HILLSBORO, OKEGON. JANUARY 17. 1907. NO. 44 VOL. XIII. J , , , , ,.,. - Will County Court Select! Tax puyer to Serve In HM)7 SELECTIONS r'KOM EACH I'KF.CISCT Slur Two Will It (Uta fur Ttiiut ( Circuit Couit Two JuitbefoN adjournment theoouo If court tuUcUid name represent ing lbs circuit court jury 1U lor lh year of 1J07. There ar over two buniirtl uames, tint every rrwloot In represented. From Ibi lilt 31 will be chosen tor the March terra of court tnd 31 for tbe Novtuiber term. Tbe hl In fol lowi: Bdvftdani Frrf lUmcl, D C Burton, John Croat, Andrew Ktrrfliuau, Micbarl Pllaiuuic.ti, Ctu ltickluir, frtd Haw r, D 11 Reeves. Beavettoo Tbomat Allen, tt O Mix li ft, Robert JoUntoB, IWrntrd l.ela, K ebtllr, II S Vinct-ul. rred Uuriij. Buituo-t'crtv L tk-ueutl, 1-erulnaod Ortnr, Cat) Cdbuer, Juo Llppert, C J . Mendenhtll, Anto K Mead, Jol.a 1' ' jobu'ou, Arobmte Schaiidlln. Cornrliut W H Anon, C.reut litcou, J li Cbiiuiii. (' Krhmcr, limttt Krautr, Geo II Meyer, Louia lleiinent. Frank Itrh. Tonl t4m. Soil Wolf, II T Chellacouib, Anton Mermen. Columbia C S Aydtlult, A llendler. J C Couy, II W, J I Norlhrup, A K McCuuiary, V V I'aiun, Jn Rotki, Jno Stlfert, Harry I'ndethill Dairy Cbaury Iknilirl.J F Cartient. L 1. Crawford, John Caldwell. John Donley, John It ri. C i Jews, I L Knit. Phlluiou rMrmiev, He my Vtndenandrti. Dlllty Humphrey lloyd, Alfred Delh Itfl, Daniel l-'eour, Wtu, Chat Hubbeit, J V Maitin. Ktal Butte-H A Uill, Jno'Carde, W K Jarvit, li A KuulU, Pierre Morln. Jno f Michel, Jno VV Ri.;hidu, I red Sturm, II B Tigttd. Katt Cedur Adoinh Clmlno, I W Kldrtdue, II B tUU. O V, Clan a liters, li II Hobbies. L I' .Spencer, V V Stictrt. John H. Gale Creek Kdmuod J Avert, Win Butae, Joe Camhell, laiitee Churchill, Wot l)eu, T K Jolniun, J S Lilly. W K t'eikin, Chat I Naley, nu i unified. Gaston Jot 1' Atkinton, Jacob Bit cbele, J llufK-a, A T lloodetipvl, Rodell Mattetou, Geo K Muner, li Miller, hrutlta Sholwell, Jno Timtiier. Mountain--W F liuMvubeck, I'etel llolluian, T G Mearliam, Si hwaod r, I. A Woodbury North HIIHhtuo I'red Adams, K Hea ulih. Geo II I'oUiihly, I li Henley, Ralpn Iuilnie, C L Jlni'on. I.oien I' Jackaon, John Ktmiiti, ( liunliaii I'tlcr too, Thoa Tucker, V J illiaiu. I'erry Stream, N l'oret Grove W A Hidliue-er, I- A Bennett, Wm DnvU, T li lijiulelt. O M Galloway. C H )ackon. Ilciiry NaulT.. A Reuler, 8 C Srure, llriuy Vanllyke, Cbria Jrnn, F 15 Waituer. Reedvlllt-J liorwlck. A llrwe, J H Kllerji, Audit Jck. hylveittrr Reed er, Frank Taylor, John W Voik, F B Clark ,TIhm M-elian. South Hillelioro-O U lnlin, T.eo V Douulity, Fmn Frmicit, K God, t'liat Grabel, Henry H'rete, J A Uotiha l.uclui A I.onK, Galiriel l.orkinan, I. A Rood, AHen S Stanton, South Foreet lituve Mar lot S Allen, Mayue Abbott, R N Vanity. I'nrtii Blrdtell, A B l'.let, II J Goll, Waller Hoge, W B Hiiinea, R K Latuunl, J F Haynie, Kdaard Haek, K M Dooley. South Tuatalln 1 II C-illifr, Then S Farmer, A I Hill, I'G I.andra. Grant Maun, l.ouit Mrycra, W II McCormick, jot P Robinton, Wm Reynard, Frauk Wallace. Wathinulon Geo Hunt, W II Catu, W C Dtrety, I'eier Onnaen, Vm Jotte, J W lachion. Albert Lincoln. W K Maya, lid NortUrup, Jucob Reichru, A C Win ney, John K .luimeriuan. Wet Halle A V Denny. .l Down tnir. 11. C. Gutiln. A U I'llnt. Andrew johnton, G 1. Laudeu, OW OUun, Iten Vatton. Weat Cedar Geo T Uiiikell, Jnmet llrun, Geo h Baker, C A Cavell, K W Karhart, Chat V Hall, Cltrit UoUnaKcl, Iltnt .lergennon, Joa li Molirbuck, John V Yonng. AGED PIONEER DItiS Cleve Short Silver, ad U2 yearg and a piontiiy (it 1850, and a rem (tent of W iiBliiiiRUm (Joimtv in pioneer daye, died nt bin home in Portland, Sunday uion tut!. D oeanud waH born in Ohio, Nov 1814, and ruovrd to Indiana in 183N, and won weddid lue mime vear. In 18.r0 bo mme-i'd tbe plains to Oregon. Ho first ant tied in I'orunnd, and Inter took up a claim on (Jbmialeni Mountain in 1854. He wan I he committing maaiiitrate v.hfn J. II. McMillan who killed tbe lain Manure, f,ithr of John Manure, of thin city, wan held to appear before the circuit court. Cleve Silver wan a tuan ol excellent parts, and bud a hoot of Iriende in tuia Ktotion ot tne Mate It was hU ambition to live to be 100 yeare of ant', and he refuted to believe that be was Koins to die even when dienolution waa coiuinp on. All ol hi children paBrd away th'torn him. A mw years , ago he vituttd lltliHboro and had ureal time mating biB frienun. Monday wat a bad day for duck. Home tame one wer in the) lake toutbof tha Jackaon Hollow bridge, and when they Ml tbe water and went on tbe ice, takiog a liltU real, their wing fro is to I he ice and they had to b liberated before they could return home. One wild frllow bad joined bit domestic brethren, and he too, like the reel, was made a prisoner. Thie is a true story, lieoaua it was told the reporter by a church uimbere and, bMides, he bad the wild durk with hi in as proof. Manager Brown, of the ltuxton Lumbar Company, wa in town Monday, on huaine.s. He ia think ing of eNtahliahlpg a lumler yard in Portland, this e-acon, if tbe car thnrlsge to the eaat keep up. He Ubinks he ran sell all bit output on tbe local market. His company ha the Ornduir mill, and It ha been newly overhauled and equip ped. Iljrn. lo J, A. Moore Jr. and ile, of Knat HilUboio. ou Janu ary 13. ll07, a son Tbi makes the third hoy for this couple, with "nary" a girl. Mrs. Moore will continue to do tbe housework for tbe f ur tuisruliii adjunct of tbe family, tinlee slie succeed in adopting a girl from some quarter Kup-rintendent Kingle and force have bean busy all week making repairs to hursted pipes and thaw ins out trotm fauiets an I their oonne timis. Minieierssre expect el lo renew their rflort tbe next few week to make op for the extra -inning in the form of profanity, To lease for term of year: Farm of 1ST acres, (M) aore cleared, 11 miles from Portland, three miles from Itntbany. ill rant for cash. Good buildings and stable fitted for dairying.-Urant Holoomb, Hoi brook, Ore., It. 1. i'aclllo Slates I'boi.e am. Wet TO LtCfcNSK S LOON AH tK VtAKS Aftnr a deaperate light, in which very vote was caavarHeu, anu very rflorl made on rnh aide. Forest (irnve has voted lo lie Mine a uloou, and no revenal cn h Diaile inside of a year fr wn the date of the election, which was hel i Monday. Tbe fight wa a stronuius one as shown by the fact that the majority on the licruee; vote was but 7 license, yes, Ml); no, Ai Tli wet ticket lost their recorder and treasurer. Tbe vote wm ss lollnws. Llceiiae For Mayor , It Latighlin, ios Council L llinman, I'vs A Walker, tfo W Fuqua, 147 Recorder N II oil man, l5 Treatnrer W M Langley, i Martini I! l lUnnt, 151 J.W.Price was in from' north oftown, Tuesday. Mrs. L W. IIoue returned Mon day from a trip buck Kant, where the visited home folks. The cold weather, being uuuBual at this tiue of year, was a tiurpike to her. Tbi Hall committee of Vine Maule Camp. W. O. U. Cedar Mill, will give a danoeon their new lloor at their hall, ooe mile weat of Oder Mill, on Saturday evening January 20. Admission. 91 tor Reollemen, Ldie, free. Meniliers of the camp, 0 M) IC K. I.ytle ha announced that be will build up Wilson River from Tillamook, and go up as far a the MoNaruer ramp, thus 0011 atrucling HO miles more of railway This line will tap a fine timber belt, and develop a fine seclioo, Vrthur Cummingt, a eon of J C'ummings, formerly of Hills bom, was an Argus caller, Satur iiiiy. He is now residing at Moots ills, and is in the employ of- tbe employ of the Wells Fargo Ki press ninpany. Headiiuarters for all kinds of agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, shipped direct from the faotory, and aold below Fort land prices. ncbulmench Bros Fred Sohombnrg went to Ban Krsucieco ths laat ol tha week, to look after some litigation in the in tereeta of the Oregon Condensed Milk Company. W, K. Doucsein was down from Mountaindal the flrcl nf the week He saya there is six inches of enow at his ranch in the hills. Wanted: Farms and lands nf all kinda for sale and reut. Ad Irene J. R. Foreman, l'0o Kast Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Cbaa. J. Rlechinger and Mis Dora one, ol (ireenvtlle, were marriel January 7, 1907, Rev Hirsm Gould oftlaiatiog. Gottleib Zueroher, of the Bell rood place, and Chris Schlndler, ol near Cedar Mill, were callers at the Argus oltioe, Monday, We lead in groceries the best brands prioes always the lowest and 1G ounces to tbe pound. H. Wubrung dr. Sons. W. J. Benson was out .from Sell wood, Monday and Tuesday, and attended the Pythian public instal lation. St. f Schoolboys aud girls will find everything in school supplies (ex cept school books) at K. L. Mo' Cormick a. ' John Ivereen, of the Harris Bridge, was in the oity Tuesday, and called at the Argus office. Loose clover hay for sale at reasonable price. F. M. Heidel, Hillebiro. Fred B. Clark, of below Farming ton, was in the county Beat Tues day. ....... W, H. Iteiling, of Greenville, was an Argus caller, Saturday. Marshal Baker was over from near Laurel, Tuesday afternoon. Sherman Bnoon, of Foreet Grove was an Argus caller, Monday. R Teoahnz, of Helvetia, w,as in the oity Tuesday. Ferd Groner, of Scholia, was in town Tuetday. Paints and oils.-C, A. Latukin Co. ill Measure Winn out Seven Majoilty hy tt Carried Mayer and Couadliuce Solid'f IHe For ftlayor 1 1 1 M. I'eterton. Council A G Hotlinaii, 116 G G I'atlerton, 117 U Baldwin, Recorder Welter ling'. M" Treatnrer I, J Corl. 1)1 Mai thai A L Sexton, 117 Thua ends, for one year's armis tice, 4 tight Ibat Ins ben ctrned f ir years. It ia said Ibat the busi ness men of the city, with ve'y few exceptions, voted lor the license ticket. GERMAN MUTUAL ELECTS The Bethany German Mutual In surance organization met in this city Monday, and elected olHoers fur the ensuing; vrar, as follow Fred Berger, Bethany, president; Cbria Schindlcr, Cedar Mill, cash ier: Peter Groeeen, Helvetia, eecre lary; Geo Krebs, lhlvelis, and Samuel Graf, Bethany, aeseKsors for two years: Kurelli, Huh born, auditor. Tbe next annual meeting will beheld in Hillchoro, on the second Monday in January, next year. No aseeement aa lentil, as the Mutual has sufficient money to conduct il business another year One member, a Mr Thompson, came clear from Linn county to at tend the leseton. Different now to the Deacon Tbe cold np Hint had lust week, Alt' made the akaun araud. Took uie clear buck to liny-two. When all the western limd Seemed fnweu tu a grip to tiht, An ice was on the atreann, While Sue an' 1 put 011 our skates, An glided jes like (Ireauis Like dreamt llmt come but once in life, To make the heart urow fond, An' lighted that old akntin' urooml, In summer culled a pond, 1 never shall forget tfie hours, We skated 011 the ice, An' how we allot ftw-uug away, When circlin' once or twice, An' akaUd 'till wc reached the cove, Down where the big firs ((rew, An' found the place where tiiV 1 h:l The nerve to talk to Sue An' tell her how I loved licr. so; How in the stirinif, we'd wed The while she blushed an' turned away, An' hung her lovely head. But skatin' duys is done with ns We like the'ftrt'place warm, An' atay in when the ice is thick, An' etisl wiuda rajje hi storui. Argus and Pacific Monthly, 1 60 Kitunnds Cros cut saws. C" A. Lamkiu Co. Geo. Hathorn, of Laurel, was in town Monday. Go to McCoroiick's for school supplies. V. C. Daiety, of Gleneoa, was in town Monday. All kinds of hardware C. A I.ainkin Co. Alfred fJiierlxir, of llelvt-tia, was in town Mondsy. Charter 0k stoves and ranges. C. A. lmkin Co. Wm. Bugler Jr. was in from Ihe Dudley mill Friday. .1 P. Gardner, nf Weel I'nion, wat in the city Friday. Sam Kunz, the Bethany store keeper, was in town Tuenday. li Wehrung & Sons carry a full line of Heir. z' picklts aad bottled goods J H. Heusley sud Jai. Bfgas, cf West I nion, were in towo Sl- urday. For sale: .'() acr, I) milt sculh ol Reedville, at HID per acre. Inquire Argus. Geo. Bid well, of St. Johns, was out the first of tha week, visiting with bis family. Schtilrnerich Bros, are ap-nW f ir the best known wagon ou tbe coast the Bain Brt Kinda. of Scholls, and Geo. Haase, of Gaston, were in town the last oi tbe week. Satisfaction puarsnteed in the Ocean Wave Washer Cbaa. A. Lsmkin Co. Geriiardt Gee' . was in Monday Irom Iowa Hill, to attend ihe in surance mteting. Fine line of Mohair for waielings, all shades and colors, at H. Weh rung & Sons. Fi or six inches of ice whew! Wouldu't that make voti think of back in 'injianna?" Smoke the Schiller and Kxcel lencia cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. Kugene Delphlancbe, of Center ville, wa in town Monday, And called at the Argus olllce. t)ur fall line of dres goode, wash goi d., flannellctte, etc., is complete. H. Wehrung & Sons. W. F. Hollcnbeck, of Mountain dale, and who has a warehouse at Roy, was in town Friday. For sale: Open, rubber tire "I'Wi practically new, at a bar gian luquire at Argus olTice. John aud Fred Berger, nf nptr Bethany, were in town Monday, attemliut! the mutual insurance election. Fifty acres cleared land for sale; or will be divided in two 2"-aere tracts;! J mites of Hillsboro In quire of Argus. James Wrdverton, formerly ol Mountaindale, and who later lived at llillfclxtro, is now located at Pomona, Calif imia. Krwiu Hitter, who has asneesed the Northeaet portion of tbe coun ty for many years, was in the city, Monday, from ttctbany, and gave this office a call. Blasting powder constantlyNon band st Herman Ostercoann s store, Cauterville. He also carries complete line of general mer k3 nn W. W. Ikardsley, Kunning Grocery in Portland AKE ROBBED BY DARING BUKGLAKS Enter House ia Sight and Get Eighty Five Cellars MAOCAGC CRBAM' PUBLIC SALE W. W. Bardsley and wife, two elderly t.ei ile who resided ' at Schoils two or three years sgo, and , whoweiit from there to Portland,! were robbed Friday rf eighty-five' dollars by three masked burglars, who entered their house in CenUr Addition, Portland, and tied their agd victims with rope. They ran-) sacked the bouse from top to hot- torn, secured the eigbty-five dollars and Mrs. Beaidsler, in her terror, fainted. One of the highwaymen went to tbe kitchen faucet, drew a glass of watr r, and calmly resuscita ted tie swooning woman, Tbe robb-ry look piace at 3:00 o'clock in tht morning, and the husband and domestic, Miss Lucy Carriug ton, v.ere bound. They entered by nr-ans of a laibter, placed to an upier story window Tbe Oregon ian, in reporting the ane-d, stt s: The tleardsh ys conduct a small gro cery store at t'lareinont aii'J r.ast Han- tiers sirveis, ami oexupy living rooms on the ground tlotir in the rear. Ineir hoiiae is a two storv frame structure, and Miss Carrington has aiiartiiieiits upstairs. It was into her nrui that the trio of masked and armed burglars first came. TIm v gained entrance bv means of a lad der, up w hich they climbed to the w in dow, lliev broke out llie pane and entered. .Mis Carrington was nwakened and sen rimed, but warned to keep quiet. The tmrglsrs thrust revolvers up to her face, and ordered her to get out of bed ami go downstairs. The noise had awakened Mr. Iteardsley, who lighted a lamp and was making an investigation, when he encountered the masted uicu, inarching along, .Miss Carrington, attired in her nightgown, ill the lead. The burglars forced Mr. and Mrs. Be.irdslev and Miss Carrington to remain ,' -. . f .1. . n .1 1 quiet, wniic two 01 me rooms seurvueo the house. The third atood guard with his revolver, frequently warning the trembling victims to remain quiet. The searchers were Ixild and determined. Thev removed $40 from Beardsley's trousers pocket, ransacked the rooms thoroughly and finally broke open with a cleaver the inner box of the safe. There, was no money in the safe, but when they turned their attention to the cash drawer, the burglars were rewarded ... l;..., a t..f .l r.f CSe fnr j iiv 1111.11115 f43t . .vu.i v. IIIVU 1111.31 ,1111.11 Oil" VVt .lv.l..t, ' sntional exploit. Having completeil the rolitiery, one proiiuced a ro- and two of them set alioul to bind the victims to the lied. Miss Carrington was bound first, Mr. lieards'.ev next and Mrs.- Beardslev last. Mie was "overcome from the shock, anil, being ill i addition, fainted. The tnaskeil man who had lieen standing over her with his levolvcr threateningly drawn, hurried to the kitchen, got a glassful of water and returning, applied it to the victim's face and forehead, suc ceeding in reviving her. is today indispensable on the dressing table of gentlewoman or gentleman. Not only does a Pompeian Massage perfectly cleanse the skin, but it removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out stiffness of the facial muscles, animates the tissues, and makes the flesh firm and solid. Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it flexes the muscles and takes away shaving soreness. Most women recognize tne value of this preparation in maintaining a clear and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE AT OUR STORE Price 50c and S 1.00 per jar Hillsboro Pharmacy f PI 1MAY FEED AND VJwlJ VVA SEED STORE Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed, Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement. SEED GRAIN Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, vetch, cheat, etc. New Brick - - - - Second Street A , . . ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Daily News.) Hartford City. Ind., Jau. 5. The stork visited the editor's home last evening and left au u-pound boy. Thia was "according to order." Happy New Year to You All To Our Friends and Patrons We Extend a Happy New Year's Greeting May the new year have lots of good things in store for you. May you continue to give us your pat rouage, which we will try to merit. If you are not our custouicrjinake a new year's resolution to be one. We promise 3'our money's worth or your money back. Our groceries are all standard qualities. i The editor is K. E. Cox, aud his wife was formerly Miss Nellie TV ier, of this city. They spend their summers in Oregon. Mrs. Cox is a native of Hillsboro. The undersigned will stll at public auction at his lartu ' miles enutn west of Tualatin, at 10 o'clock a. tn. on . SATURDAY, JANUARY 2G Sorrel horae, weight 1100,9 years, 8ood to drive or work on fatm, perfectly sound: Bain wagon, 34. low wheel; Bain wagon, 3J4. ri'K" wheels, both In xt repair; open ouggy, goon re rev harnett. Oliver chilled plo cowa, all in milk, Shorthorns, all young and good milkers; 15 tous nay 111 nam clover, clover and timothy, Hiid oats laa buahela oata in bin: so bushels wheat: n5 purebred young Brown Leg horn thickens, nayraxe, cultivator, some household furniture, and numerous other articles. ' Terms of Sale: $10 and under, cash: Over $10, one yenr'B time, approved note, interest at 8 per oent. Two per oent, olV, cash over 10. I J. K. HKDGKS. Vm. Moore, Auctioneer. I COMING ATTRACTIONS ? At The Cretcent Theatre Februaiy 1 The Midnight Flyer Febtuury aj The Missouri Girl March t Nettie, The Newsglrl March 19 .The King of Tramps Argus and Journal, $1.75. chaudise Hon. B. F. Purdy, of Gaetou, was in town Saturday morning, and went on to Portland that eve ning, to join tbe legislators for their invasion of Salem. , . A. Spreilzer, formerly of Hills boro, and who ltft here for Port land many years ago, remembers the Argus for another yeuf. Mr. Spreiuer has taken tbe Argue ever since it was established. Superintendent Ringle had the time of his life, Monday, getting water pipes, which had. broken during the night, repaired. Scores of people were without water for half a day. Those pipes which weraexwised to the outer walls of buildings Buffered the most. Where the water was turned on at the street valve, there was no trouble, Douald MoPherson, who former ly was in tbe mercantile business at Glencoe, Mountaindale and Bux ton, was here Mouday, and went on out to Mountaindale. Mr. Mo Pherson was born in the Oregon country, t Fort Caldwell, in 1845 aud has seen over sixty years ol pioneer life. His father waa with the Hudson Bay Company aa a fur trader, and was a close friend of the late Thoa. Olenitis. He will visit up here for a week or so and then return to Oak Point, where at nreeent he in residing. Mr. Mc- Pherson well rememterB the year of 1862, when the Winter was the coldest of record in the Oregon country. TWO DEMOCRATS AGREE Last week's Argus editorial said: "The coming session of the legislature should cut down the number of Normal schools from four to two, leaving one at Monmouth, and one at Weston. .It will not only save the expense of two schools, which constantly want aid from the state, but the remaining schools would be practically sclf-snp- poting, and .mother saving would be effected." The Governor's m stage to tbe legislature has the followina, which in its way is remarkable, Bhowing that at last two Oregon denmcaats cm meet on common ground and agree: ' "There are too many Normal schools in the suite supported by money exacted from, the taxpayers. One in Kastem and one in Western Oregon might with maintained, attording every Mcility to those desiring to lit themselves as teachers." Vegetable and Fish MARKET Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. CORRIERI BROTHERS ; LUNCH AND COFFEE HOUSE ' """" Home style lunches at all hourB, from 10 cents up Regular meale at regular metil hours during the wewk. Sunday, breakfast trom i to 8:150.. Noou meal, lid to !:;. Evtn'mg meal, 5:30 to 7 o'clock. Io the Benson Bldg., Main Street, near Third I). K. Piaer. 1 Leo 1 Schwander' and wife, of above Mountaindale, were diwo Monday, trying to gel the car of the' Portland weather clerk, to get a chauce of program, lbey report the roads good and hard up their way. MsXISa DRINK : GAMBRINUS BEER The Best of All Beers SOLD BY 67e LION SALOON ! C. J. LYONS. Proprietor . "' tee MM jT Ho Good For Duslnas. When you have made a night of H oa any whltky, bat VP GYRUS HODLE tn m ) AJx? V Out I 0 y J00 reel in the morning. Your drinking Xj, VL' h" Interfered with your buaineM. If you want to r . v "i ' ho you feel after a night of It on the Noui bra mil, VtwiS tee our next dvertltement. Our whUklct are trie brat lor convivial and medlclnaf met. Call for then. MmH OUMM, BAM mini DCALOU. W.1 AMaWVVU CO, let. MatrftaSira. POCaAW.fCS