( 1 '- ..-SL- if 1 r JnlILLSBK VOL. XIII. HILLSBORO, ORLGON. JANUARY 10. 1907. NO. 43 The K5s0a II If .1 I'xcetds I.ust Yem'sUvy y That Amount TEN THOUSAND USS THAN 10.15 Court levies tco Mill on H Valuation of f u.il.7$ The county court last Fi'iday levied lb I'.'OC Ik K.iiHiiit)iit t ton mill on a tulal valuation of f 12, 043.725, givin total las of trills over 1 1 -.20.000 The l"vy is about ten tlniUMii.il iiidip than Iai year, notwithstanding tin referm dum and htll i ik 11 1' "I K(ttl money, and aain, it i tf i thou sand dollars Um ! In. u the year preceding lliat. Tim levies and tt e various amounts raised fallow: State, nillU t'i'S bV" I uunly i jo " School 3 07 " ,, KmI 75 " . Library ,"5 " , Indigent, 11.1 " .. Total l I.mi y a. 'a levy Fund Miil. Hut In 1 ki Count) 1-7.1 Couiuj School J 4 J Kuail J a School hhiaiy . . Intl. ohllers . . , iv . (tiny ilJVi ,. f 1U0.4 i7.vr Att bllloWe! AiiioiiiiI . $14, 4iJ.o( ... lH.4j1.j1l 4 41 TuUl wills . I0.4H f : lu.JW'N ;fi lb toad tm levy this maeon Is Uiut-'b lower tliau usual, tint as lbs board in thinking of permanent road improvement I hey have made lb county Ivy largrr, and are in a position In uin p'-rbap 1H,0U) id it In r.iad work that will bt evtr latlirt. VOK KENT Fat 111 of vlil v acre 37 acres of this it in meadow: (' acres in V iutt-r ; small tract ill tare, leaving I lit 1 . oere o put in next Spring. Will sell, along with llif leaie, 3 burr-en, I cows, and 2"i l"ii bay in barn, nine chop, nattt and wheal, ai.d machinery an I tool necessary to run place Pla-o i n milk route and rural mail dull very, a good bargain. Frank Wallace. Hill lairo, Ore., K K. I. 2, .'U mile southeast of Hillahoro and out mile south from M inter Bridge. I!i JOHN W. COKEY DKAD Jubn W, Corey, aged about year, died at Salem, January .ri, 11107, and bin p'tnaiim were brought tn Washington County for burial, the funeral taking pine yesterday, at (Jleticne, interment being in the Jackson privatn bminl ground lBOPantil waa a unlive of thia coun ty, and Iravia a IimUIht and hinter, J. C. Corty, of Muuntnindiilt), anil Mra. J. W. Hayna, of went of Ililln , born, rriding 1 11 It iai'lina. Corey wua in iiuxincaa nt (iim n villa and at 1'i rni'liun for nnvt-ral yeara, and Iu I'.HK! nan (vimmillfd to the 8lal llotpitul, having lout bit mind. FARM hOH SALK 1 wiab to f II my farm cotiUiuirg 152 acrt-s. 1 10 acrua un.lHr cul i vution; good Ikiuhh and batn; good oiuhard Thrptt and oiih half milea touth it llillnl'iiro and one mil" weat of Krniin;.ton, For lurtlitr lofurunatlun apply to K. Hurk balUr, Hillaboro, Or., 11. V. 1. 2. THE AMERICAN MAC.AZINE HAS CHANCED HANDS Myron V. Kellt, agd C.1 yeara, and who gradimtrd out of I'acific 1'nivitraitv in IHGli. dirl iixtr Heat- 1 I tlr. U'aali . January 4. Deceai-f'd lltU M ('ongrrgational clergyman and waa the ton 01 one 01 the pio neer tiiianionatiea who made Waab ington County bis Willamette Valley htadquartera iu pioneer daya. The dead innii waa very proficient in all the Indian lan guages! the Northwest, and was in the arhiuil whan an Indian iniiiitiu ai lirt il nillnlainrii jl I Ball r-'orest drove, years ago. lis waa at one lime one of the trmleea of I'aoifk Univereily. Ilia father. lUv Cuubing Kelts. aa a great friend of the late J. 8. (iriflin, pio neer ol 1S3U. To leaae for term of years: Farm ol 1H7 arree, IU) antes cleared, 1) miles from Portland, three milea from llstbany. Will rent for cash. (Juod buildings and stable fitted for dairying Grant lioloomh, Mot broik, Ors., It. I. 1'acilifl 8: a tee I'hm e :!!). 1'iiatiuaster H. I' Cornelius re ports that ihe receipt for stamped paper and poalala for Decern her, llMki, were t'tlH an incieafe of ah. nit one hundred dollars ovtr )itoemher of the previous year. The miiiiy order buaineaa in cnaaed aavrral thi tiiand dollars in tba aggregate ol princ'.pil, and Ir.iugbt in fret several hundred dollars more than tba preceding year. The rrc-ipts fur the month were nearly double that of IS'.l t Blaming iiowder, No. II, Her culaa, fue and caps, at Portland prices (1 Hager, t ear Phillips, I) milts northeaat, and 1 milei Irom Hillaboio. Addrees, K K. U. 4 , Pox .V The cold wave attuck old Waab- ington Cotiniy lant Haturdav night, and an paat wind accompanied the (reen. aler pi pea were careful ly watched and there waa but little damage by bursting. Tbnse places a here the feed pipe ran up the ouleide walla were the ouea moat liktdy to burnt and many took ... .. I!..,. l. I, ..-l.,.. I- .n,l lnu in cu 1 1 1 va 1 ion J 1 i,.. T-.,rv m . ... m meir water cu eacn ingnv. ice (ornied on still water to the thick- neia of from one to two inchea, but the wind caused it to form too rough lor good skating. The Uillstmro Grange will have Installation of officers at the Change Hall, Hillaboro, on Saturday, Jan nary 12, l'.H)7. at 10 o'clock a. in State Maaler Buxton and wife, of Forest Grove, will lie present and oftlciate. All grang- rs are invited. - Philip Olaeu. The II ret filing in accord with the Torrmis land law waa made laet Friday by Attorney (ieo. 11. Ilagley, who acted as attorney for Wallace McCamant. on a piece ol land down in the southeast part of the county. The syatem involve some work until your decree is given you by the title examiner, and then you have an abstract that is gojcl tor ail lime. 1 lie pub lication of the petition to uuiel the title appears iu another column. VI, K. Colestock, who waa par- toned from the penitentiary some mnntha ago, baa completely diop- ed out ol eight. V hether bs has located in some little Oregon town or gone back to Missouri where bis oiks live, no one Been. a to know. Headquarters for all kinds ol agricultural implements, wagons anil buggies, shipped direct from the taotory, and sold below Port land prices. Schulmerieh Bros. GUT OUT AND All) HUE IIOTINT Iloys Want New Outfit the Firemen for IVEKV BUSINESS MAN TO HELP tv be Gives la Opera Huuw Sat urday Mgtit The Hillaboro Fire Department, which ia a volunteer an( elation, formed to fight fire and 1110'ecl property with no payment demand eil, will give a hem lit hall at I he Optra Holme Satunljy night, Jan uary 12, and every hii-intM man abnuld get in and help out With their dol'ar of Code Sam'a coin age. Hie lioya give et-ven yenre each of their lime before they lm conie exempt, and their ifforts should be worthy of a good, a bole- some eupport. The lad want come new out lite, and Ihi i the way to show your appreciation. It wi 1 Cot hut one dollar for a hike', and you'll never mis the dollar ami it will he that much in their culler. Think of thet-ecnld windy nights, when the fire bnya may bave to get out and defend prop-r ty from Haines and jut buy a ticket. They will have ihfi bt of music, and all the department will Ih out in uniform, (live them a lift. Don't overlook it. The' hui k" ia up to you. PUBLIC SALE For 30 Years Leslies Popular Monthly Iila M. Tallied, wlio wrote Lincoln hiiiI the famous ' 'Story ol Rrckeleller: William Allen White, the well known Kansas editor; I''. H. IHiune, crentor of "Mr. Donley;" liny Bliinnnrd linker author of "KuilromlH 011 '1'iiul," ami Lincoln Stelleus, of "The Shttuie of the Cities" fume, are uinler the U-alerkhip of John S, t'hillips, now eiliting 1 he Ainer loan Mayazlne. Never before IihhsucIi a hriliiant grmir been itathereil InKtlher, ami they are not only contributing tliciusielven, but are tilling the iiiiigH.lne with tne vety best novels anil short siorli-s ami great timely articles by other famous writers 11 ml beautiful pictures by Brent nrtixts. The regular price for Hie twelve numbers of The American lUnuine is li. ao little eiioiiirli as it is, hut for a limited time you can get the November and December, lunb, numbers, witn full year's subscription for 1007, for a dollar, or Think or ill Think ol the quality of reading you gel for fi.cn. Think of the quantity at lenst two grcnt novels, yH snort stories, M tinemv 70 timely nut cles, 800 beautiful pictures, 11 ml all for 11.00, Cut this oiler Out, write your tisme and address on a slip of paper and mail it. wlin 11. co eml It now loony- ne- fore the specixl 14 months' otlVr is with drawn, Semi it by check, postal money oroer or a dollar tun, nt tlie puimnuer rlsh, to The American Magazine, 141 Finn Avenue, New York City. The underigned will sell at public auction at bis larui 2 mil south went of Tualatin, at 10 o'clock a. 111. on SATI KDAV, JANUARY 2 Sorrel horse, weight ll, 9 yrnri, good In drive or work on mint, ixrtectlv sound; Ham wagon, S, low wheel. Ilain wagon, Inli wheels, both in good reitalr, owu buggy, good rrmir. buggy tiarueaa, llliver cbilled plow, cows, all iu milk, Mioitbornt, ail young sod good milkers; it tuns nay in baru clover, clover and timothy, ami oals. loo bushels oats in tun; v bunbels wheat; tin purebred young llrowii Leg horn t hickens, hayrake, culti vulor, some household furniture, and numerous oilier articles. Teimsof Sale; till and under, cash: Over $10, one year's lime. epprovetl note, internal at s per cent. Tao er cent, ell", caeh over fill. J. K. HKDC.KS. Win. Monro, Auctioneer. INCREASE FIFTEEN FOLD Kx-State Senator G. W. Patter son, now a special agent ol the U. 8. Interior Department, and who recently returned from Kamiah, Idaho, was in town the tlrat of the week. Sixty or seventy Angora goats, high grade, billies and nanniea, for sale. H. H. I.awreuca, Boholla, Ore., address, Bherwood, It. V. D 4. ' llugbie Wasliingtou, while nonf iling at schnol. Tuesday, fractured an arm adjacent to an old fracture and Dr. Linklater aras called to attend the little chap. He is aged about 11 years. RlaHting powdrr constantly ou band at Herman Osteruoanu'a store, Confer ville. He also cariies a complete line ol general mer ohandiae. Wra. McUill, of above Banks, who crushed bis elbow some week ago, was down Monday to see Dr Linklater, the attending physician He ia getting along nioely. Just arrived Ladies' and gents craveneltes. Latest Irom the east, Come early and get your choice. Schulmerieh Bros. Wm. Graf, of Bethany, was in the city Monday, and called at the A igus office. He will soon move from that section, as he has dis posed of his interests there. J. P. Shirley, of North Plains, waa in town Saturday. Julius Aabahr, of South Toultp tin, was la the city Saturday. According to a complaint filed in tlm circuit court thin week the Hillehoro Gold Mining Company which has a mine in Baker (-utiiv tv. has a little Imnanxa, for the plaintiff, A. W. Anthony, allegn that stock worth oua tboueaud dol tare in l'.H):! ia now worth $l,r,()(ll) Mr Anthony alleges that in Ftd ruary, rJU.t. J. v. isnute, A. v Shuts. W. D. Hare and J C. lla-e and himtolf were interested in mining corporation, iieiguaieii a above; that ha was lo take 1.0(H) harea at $1 per share; that to pay this be sold the company an option ou a mine for $'200, and that bis services as an expert mining man were worth the other S(X). The company, however, couni not, or did not, see that his eervioes were worth that much and refused 10 audit his claim in that mini, and relused to allow Mr. Anthony to act at the meeting of ihn stock holders. 11a asks that the court give him bib stock and dividends, it any have been declared, and if the court shall decline he asks for hi -t l.tKX) of option and servicer?. It is stated, although this waa not verified, that the company gave Anthony his choice of stock or money for his services, and that be chose the latter as the mine did not at that time look very favor able, The company paid him what he RBked, so it is said, and there was no further talk about the affair, until the company de veloped the property and finally made a cale for about $110,000, pot ting ten thousand ddlars down. The new purchaser has expended twenty five or thirty thousand on the prospect and nt-xt October he is to pay the balance. A. King Wilson "is tba attorney for the plaintiff and Ik g ley it Hare will most likely defend the cae. The defendant company laughs at the idtaof Anthony getting a verdict. Argus aud Journal, $1.75. Simonds CrohS cut saws. C' A. La ink in Co. Henry Smith, r.f Cmterville, waa an Argun caller, Tuemlay. Dr. W. F. Adkina and wife were 'oitland visitors Monday. Paint and oils. C. A. Lamkin Co. HhirilT Coni.ell was a Portland v i-i tor Monday afternoon. All kind of hardware C. A Lamkin Co. J.C. ilon wan in town from Bethany, Saturday. (lo to McCormick' fur school supplies. Arthur B. Flint aid wife aere up from near ScholD, Saturday. Charter O.ik etnve au l ranges ('. A. Lamkin Co. Fred Ilamel. ot West Union, Was in the c ty SaiuuLiy. II Wehrimg A' S .iiti carry a full in of lleii,.' pickltH and bottled good. Mr. M. Ilysn. of Helvetia, viur in tba city Monday, and called at the Argu cilice. Schulmerieh Bro. are ag'tits for the best known wagon on the coast the Bain. Julius Weieeuhack, of lteedville, was in the city Saturday, and call ed on the Argu. Satiitfaclion guaranteed in the Ocean Wave Washer. t'ba. A. Lamkin Co. The little daughter of Mr. and Mr. Howard I'.iir.l died Monday morning. Fine line of Mohair for waistings, all shades and colors, at H. Well rung it Sons. John II Uailey, of above Bux ton, wa down the lust of the week, for medical attendance. Smoke the Schiller and Kxcel- lencia cignrs Oregon manufacture. Call for them. A'fied Heyaood, nf Baseline, was in town p rniay, and called on the Argu. For sale: Open, rubber tire btijgy, practically new, at a bur gin n Inquire at Argu office. Gabriel Keener, nf Mountaiiulale, was doan Saturday, the guest ol bis sifter, Mrs. J. W. Cnnnell. Loose clover hay for Bile at reasonable price. F. M. Htidel, Hillebiro. J. W. Hayes, ol WBt Baseline, was in town Tuesday, to interview the wealLer man. Our fall line of drets goods, wash goods, Hmtiellette, etc., is complete. H. Wehrung & Sons. J. T. Fletcher, one of the pioneer school teachers of the county, was down from the Grove Tuesday. G. lleichen, of near Phillips, was in town Tuesday, and called at the Aigus ollice. Fifly acres cleared laud for sale; or will he divided in two 2"-acre tracts; ll miles of Hillaboro. In- iiiire of Argus. Henry Dick, of near Hainan v, was in town Monday, and secured another year of reading from the Argus. Wanted: Farms and lands of all kinds for sale and rent. Ad dress J. R. Foreman, "05 KaBt Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Walter MsHfee, of Hood River, wjh bore the last of the week. Mr Mascee weighed bopa for Zina Wood for the past, two years. Wanted, for light housework: girl, or elderly lady; latter pre ferred. G. M. Hunter, both phones, llillshoro. David Reghitto, of Reaverton, and his daughter, Miss Rosa, of near Tualatin, were county seat visitors, Monday, and while here called on the Argus We lead in groceries the best brands prices always the lowest, and lG ounces to the pound. 11, Wehrung ov Sons. John Boeker baa bought 20 acres from the Crow trao', north of town, and he will set out willows ou the lowland as soon as he can get some of it cleared up. Schoolboys and girls will find everything in school supplies (ex oept school books) at E. L. Mc Corunck a. HE WAS ROBBED wH Tells I'ortlandersThat Three Laurel Men Followed SWATTED AD KQBRED HIM Jioiakan Claims be Was Touched Eleven Dol'ar for A colored gentleman by the name of Swackhanner, who preached at Buxton, where be hd trouble; and who preached in the Christian Church here, where hi addree w riot very enthusiastically r ceived; and who wi-nt from here to Laurel, "blew" into Portland, Sat urday night, broke, and to'.d the foundation of the following story, which appiared in the Sundat Oregonian: I .1. II. A.' Z. Swackhaoner epe rienced Ihe novelty of preaching a se -mon on missions to a packed house in the puijlic school building at Lsurel Friday uiijlit. and then being robbed of fn, his portion of Ihe receipt of the lectare, hs he was walki g toward Port land last night along the road, between the County Hospital and a brickyard. lo ui ike matters worse, he says he sus pects the three men who robbed biru weie among those who listened lo bis disruuMe. U. J. II. A. Z. Swackhanner is a brwht vouiij; fellow Irom the Vst Indies, who is li ving io aur mc rsi oy uiiineiiv pnwer of speech. After his experience on the lonely road last night he said he believed tne misMousry board ol the grest denominations were making tin mistake of their lives by dispatching timber to the foreign fields while the rosds in Multiiomaii County bristle with highwsruien. l. 1. 11. A. .. fcwscklianner is nrm in the belief that it is unprofitable, from a monetary standpoint, to deliver lectures to people and then have I mm turn and lorcio y collect their admission lees at Ihe point of a revolver on a lonely road. I). J. 11. A. '- Swackhanner drsgged himself into Portland at 8 o'clock last night, after the harrowing experience of the esr'.y evening, and, being penniless, hunted up police headquarters, lie poured out his tale of woe to Detective Sergeaut Katy, who was sympathetic, but who referred the victim to bheriri Stevens. The latter could not be found by Swackhanner, aud therefore Swack hanner gave up trying to have the three bandits run dowu. He hurried to the V M. C. A., where he expected to secure a ld for the night. Smackbanner more than likely did not have eleven cents. He was given no gate receipts at Laurel, j and hi crowded house consisted of! a very few, among whom wire some ; who "guyed him. lie went to I Sheriff Connell after returning! here from Buxtcn, and lodged a verbal complaint agaiiHt a Buxton boy. When here Swackhanner wore a very dirty shirt, but when he went to Laurel be had the pleasure of wearing a clean one It appears that Swackhanner has a penchant for hitting police oflices, as this ia about the only way he can get any advertising. LUNCH AND COFFEE HOUSE MASSAGE CREAM" is today indispensable on the dressing- table of gentlewoman or gentleman. Not only does a Pompeian Massage perfectly cleanse the akin, but it removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out stiffness of the facial muscles, animates the tissues, and makes the flesh firm and solid. Men use Pompeian Cream after shaving it flexes the muscles and takes away shaving soreness. Most women recognize the value of this preparation in maintaining a clear and healthy skin. A SAMPLE FREE AT OUR STORE Price 50c and 1 .00 per iar Hillsboro Pharmacy T T PI 1MAY FEED AND lUYJj SEED STORE Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed, Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement. SEED GRAIN Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, vetch, cheat, etc. New Brick - - - Second 'Street asasajsassj aMsajsjsajWa Home style lunclieB at all hours, from 10 cents up Regular meals at tegular meal hour during the week. Sunday, breakfast from i to 8:30. Noon meal, 12 to l:o(). Evening meal, 5:30 to 7 o'clock. In the Benson Rldg., Main Street, near Third D. E. Pizer. Happy New Year to You All To Our Friends and Patrons We Extend a Happy New Year's Greeting May the new year have lots of good things in store for you. May you continue to give us your pat ronage, which we will try to merit. If you are not our customer make a new year's resolution to be one. We promise your money's worth or your money back. Our groceries are all standard qualities. COMING ATTRACTIONS At The Crescent Theatre February l.. February i$. March I,... March ly ... The Midnight Flyer The Missouri Girl ....Nettie, The Newsgirl . . . .The King of Tramps j, II. Collier, ol Scholia, seen on the streets, Saturday. was Mr. and Mrs P. Flandemyer, of Portland, were out Sunday, gu-sts of Dr. V. F. Adkina and wife Mr. Flatulent ver is foreman of the pressroom for Irwin-Hodson. Burt Wilkes, a son of T. S. Wilkes, killed a line buck elk in Montana, a couple of months ago aud he had the head and antlers mounted, the taxidermist charging him but twenty dollars for the work. The mount arrived Satur day and is at the Wilkes Bros. abstract olUce on Secoud Street. "Ioc" Hiatt, who made himsell famous, or rather, had fame thrust upou him some yearB ago through the celebrated haOrack cases in the justice court, was here from Salem, Saturday. .Ihe "Doc' looks well, and says he is again on bis feet. He 18 now wearing Ins hair like a Commannhe Indian. It will be re membered that Hiatt and his wife had trouble over a hatrack which the husband had adorned with polished horns. - the rack was carted from Forest Grove to Hills- -boro, then to Vancouver, then back as tar as Portland, and thence to the East Side. After years of lit ligation. Doc. got his rack and then some one swiped it, and it was never found.- It was a racking time for lawyers -and justices ot the peace and Hiatt now laughs about the episode. E. A. Wolf, of near Reedville, was in tns city Moiutay. ftir. Wolf is an enthusiast in the matter of sma birds for Oregon woods and save that he will contribute, along with others, for the imports tion into Washington County, of some of the best sorg birds. There is no reason why we should not have myriads of soog birds, here, Mr. Wolf says, as our climate is much better than it is in the East, where they abound. Chaney Bsr.efiel, of above Bunk?, was in the city Moml iy and wishes the Argus to tell people down (his way that the water in Dairy is very cold this time of yetr, and if any ona doubts it, that E P. Cor nelins or T. B. Perkins cau virify the statement. ' Argua and Pacific Monthly, $1 50 Vegetable and Fish M ARRET Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season, Give us a call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. CORR1ERI BROTHERS DRINIt GAMBRINUS BEER The Best of All Beers SOLD BY Sfie LION SALOON t. J. LYONS. Proprietor No Good For Business. When you have made a night of It on any whisky, but GYRUS tlODLE liT;?! this Is the way you feel In the moraine. Your drinking hai interfered with your business. If you want to see how you feel sfter a night of it on the Nobls brands, see our next advertisement. Our whiskies are the best for convivial and medicinal uses. Call for them. Al off OLUBS, MM awaf OCALBU, W.J. VAN ICatUKVM t CO hu MstraMsrs, NITUNB.Mt