A .y JnlILLSBR HILLSBOKO, OkgON."jANUARY 3. 1907. NO. 42 VOL. XIII. Me F MllllKMVM IW1II 1U ILK IIIUUMIMJ UULLAU LI 1 VI mm case Hi Win Baulcy Jr. Sues V. F llollcnhcck TROUBLE OVEK CHOITEO FEED Suit Filed iu Ciicuit Court by Bailer Hare Attorney Bigley A Hare have filed a damage suit for ten thou sand dollar, ihe plaintiff boing Wm. Bugley Jr. and the defendant being W. K. Hollenbrck, the Hoy warehouse nun. The basis of the suit is n tilled statement made by Mr. HillenWck in the tore of J..W. Vaiulervt Men, at Hoy, about December 1 The complaint charge Uo'.len beck with saying: "1 tent grain lo the luilly mill la be chopped not! when it came back I ea 416 jxmn.U ihort. I wrinhr.1 it out end weiKheJ it in ami I e.i pound hoit." , Thu nlaim it in conducting a chopper tear Cei.terville, and the proper v i anetl ny deo. u. ig ley, the Hi M.ru attorney. The plaintiff a that the statement has duiKd hia reputation, and vlitu.lly charges him with larceny, and he aska rdrHe. NOTICE TO FRUIT GROWERS Louis I.achmuud St Co. of Salem, have sued John SaJ.iir.fber, of the big hopfarm 00 tlieHawthorn place, tor H.WU lor uioHjey ad vanced for tiickint purposes fbnit season list olosni. l.acnmunu ai WAS BACK TO KANSAS CITY ON SNYDER CASI the The Fruit Inspector of Washington county has f,und that almost all trees are infected with fruit jieete and the lew rio,ftri the owner or persons having possesion theieof to deetroy or eradicate such or chards or l'eete. You ere the;e fore notified that unless stub or chards or pet8 are deetroyed or tradicali d before the first day of April, 1007, I will priced under the 'aw to either cut down or dee troy euch orchard or have the trees sprayed at the owners ex ptnue.W. U. Harris, Inpeclor, lege, that he "; Sheriff ComteH Visited thomand poud of hops to m ue livered at Kdville, at 'JO cent per I nst in liccciHhcr pound. , X ay mat ne gave . Salehr the advance money, for JACKET tus UST IEKEH OUT which ke took a note, and that when the hops were dried and baled ' the grower refused to deliver the ' 1. Week on (iflicAal hops or allow bun to simple them Investigation The company asks for 1 4,(HH) ami interest since e ember; . a . u . turney e mi, mu imvuw iiujio nr - sold to satisfy the sum asked for u " M K"'" M"- ""'J T..I t. M n iKa atlnriiKVi fir In DtU-Mlnbxr. ami lint lit) Welti the plaintiff, and it is understood buck on the Snyder rai. The that Haglev it Hare will defend flj lXiyluut ftN t - It 1a .tale, I Ittai J bedUcovered luck there in con s 1 liruiiwii mill iiib n,i'. jiin iirii 10 lease lor lerui 01 years: rami , , , .... , , ... of IS? acre, fit) acre cleared. a. u,, .......... ..,;!.. fr.,.n i..rii.n.i iK,.. n,il.a at I-oreet (.rove, as well ns tt.e from Hethany. Will rent for cash, murder of Carey l. Snyder, the UihkI buildings and staUle Ulteu lor I two crimes Uinii coiwm ti d dairylng.-Grant Holoomb, HcM Whmi sherilf Coimell went awav (. . . . . . 1 .1. . . 1. i p. (() I wis reporimi 111a. un up ... . . ... the Malheur tlielnct, ami so ciro Arthur lli.asnii nf r irxl drove I . . pr 1 .. . rnl Dm iidu-Mr IIirI nit min wis r eieciru a a uirwiur, u. , . , ,. , , , , . - ..... .. mum uione.l that ho win mnklm.' a mr .our years, o, .ne ur go. , a- - toricai society, ai roniana, iml ." . .. . . , , ,. other day. Hon. Geo. II William, " , 1 1h,lir.dlbalMreea.andlouchin ' ..... '. , , ItaKiintm I tv .11 witiiPH 111a on aen og 011 (. ouoty s eariy ni' .., , ,7 . ' , , r .. lory, and gave a. di.t-lct clerk In . ro.uti1 ,l , (,,, "rry' . '. r. . . . . . I a. stil niitilittltti.I that at t a I Mtiiani I HilUbiro, between 1H53 and JiSCU. 1 " the name of Win lleuer Jr,. TZT. ',.' . j m-i i..n I 11... i n II... mum run sum ltU.il.,n ...1.. V '1 Ifar culee, fuee and cape, at Portland I wieh to sell my farm containing . nt 'iii I 1 i 1 tn .... 1... prirft U. IxAgPr, tw I nuupv, ios cni. 4 ij bciph uujit run- I 1 ni nnrthi mil V inllM tttl nn fftMMl IiUllH a 111 hiiriil OtMMl j ...... w .... " -1 I --" ' A (I dree. K r . V. orcnaru I nre ami one nan nines south if IlilIelMiro ami one mil west of Karmington. For furtbf r Information annly to K. Unrk- halter. Ilillebnro, Ore., H. F. I. 2 Sluiond Crura cut saws. C" A. I.a m kin Co. Jo. trantlenlMry,of Vet I'nion, ws in the city Sturday. 1'alnt and oil. C. A. I.amkin Co. K. Y. Knight, of Koreet Grove, w in the city Friday. All kind of hardware U. A I.amkiu Co. J.C. Smith, of near Greenville, a an Argu en Her Saturday w.ek II Webrnng tt Si n carry a full n of lli iot' piiklte mid bottled gOOll. W. W. William, of Mountain dale. wa a counly eent visitor Saltirday. Suhulinerb b llroe. are nii'-tiU for the lieet known wgou on liie coast -Ibe Haiti. hi friend " " decinon of Judge Mc- Slifc.io Pura.eed in the ..... V'...U U'.tl.... IU... 1 WUr.H nil l' Mir. , vT.i, v. v.trnn i.n.u iinpii.-i. v...-. ... it... ...... I , i - , lry a (lieesneti iov 01 iiewi nnu ..ni.ii.iii 't I . . . . 1 .k . .....ni j WnrTH I TIB wn. iiiru iu I lord. Mia. l.'t'A II. I'll nf l. M i Ml. VI 1 1h I l. .. 1 .. . .1... f.A... ...Mtur ll.u 4m.. .'. ..... ...j-i - " "i I . Ilf 1!1I"".'UM Hum .yi .i .iwo w Ihe guest oi Mi I eari Miiiin, ,jown Judu McHri.le decided the U-t of t'.ie wick. ih.t M.n inroeolor Imd the riuht Fine line of Mohair for waieling. under the law to proceed lo deHroy .11 klu.,I.M urnl color, at II. Well- the orchard U tne owner mu.eu to Jat. Hoover, of North Heaverton, was in the city Monday. Charter Oak etove and range C. A. I.amkin Co. John Siefert, of Centerville, w Id the city Monday afternoon. R. M. Kyle, one of Cedar Mill's piineere, a in the city Monday. Loose clover hay lor sile at rraionable price. F. M, ll.idel, HilUb.ro. Fred liirfer, of below 11 tbanv, was a coun'.y sent vieitor the lnt of the week. N. Wotmr, one of l-ivurel' prom inent ciliz'-ne, was in the city Mon day, and calied at this oflice. Good, vounir. and well matched driving team, 1000 lb eaib, hark and barren, lit sal. F. M. Heidel, Hillhlmro. This Kmrick utai ted for Tilla mook, Friday, accompanied by Frank Hill, the I'. It. A N. time keeper. They went over the Wil son River road, horrelmek. Mrs. F. M, Heidel has a lemon tree of which she i very proud. I.ast year the tree bore but one that ripened, but this year it in creaeed to four. When the weather wis cold the tree was taken Inside. The lemons are Urge med, and have a nice bouquet. M S Hnnver and wife, of Scott's Bra, Cal., were in the cily the lart of the week, and went on oui 10 Mountaindale lo vi.il with Jacob Kaffety and family. Mr, Hoover of the late Jack Hoover, who lived out at Shady Brook years ago. He loft lor Cuiiiurnia, Mon day. Th'w i Ibe Winning of a New Year, and Hillsboro promises to improve more this year in the way ol manufactured output than ever. The Argu ha increaned Its buei ness wonderfully the past year, ami thanks all it patron for their support, and wibes.all a Happy New Year. Allen, who has formed a partnership with Chas. Carey, of forlianu, amvv ... oui. i u. ton ever coneUered him as a pos .iki .n,lidne for U. 8. District Attorney, Mr. Allen pays he has resigned theditriot attorneyahip fne the FiftJ Judicial District be- cause be vAnts to get out of poli tics. enu. T,.i Tallman houfe. owned ; by P. MHeidel, and rented by a Mr- CoiV. caught fire about 2:15 Mondaf,ernoonv "d tne lr9 ' partmnt responded, arriving in time xtinguish the blaze which bsdwn checked. The damage wasabout $200. The building Ws7on the Bite of the Mrs Reeves' uX. aihlch burned three or four yktt gi. Much of the bedding y clothing of the family was tliined. from llillhoro 4 , Hox 05. Tha Scholia Tolenhou Comnanv ha called a meeting for January 1. at the Artisan Hall. Soholl. at ten a. m., at which lime and place the mmuber will elect officers and attend to other buine, such a taking up the matter of renting nhnnoi.! adontinB a flat rate instead of a switch rale, and several olher I'eUu.ry i... propositions. Wantml: Hon Farm, on shares. for reliable and experienced party. Alao farms to sell or rent. Apoiv to or address J. R. foreman, 30 K. Morrisoo, Cortland, Oregon. COMING ATTRACTION At The Crttcent Tlicalre ..Hie Midnight l iver Fclnuary J3 ,..,,The Miwouii t.irl March l Nellie, Tbe Nrw.i;lrl March 19 The Klnijot Tramp. PUBLIC SALE Mrs. Arvilla MoGuire. who died The nnderslgno.1 will sell at public .... ' . I Aimlli.i. m I hi laattt J itiiUlJ aiiitltll. at Seattle last Friday, was a reel- - . . I Bui ..f In aliilin a I 111 MJ.Iill-lf M 1 a f II. .. .-...-.Su mm afln IfVCPktU a UHlwH III W " ' v ...x M n IIHIIL III Llim 1711(111 a V VDB1IB1 BBBCU. I ..n I., ik. Tn.Ulin urliim Hha m- 0,1 ...o,.n,nik.,r if n M,.f.ntr SATURDAY. JANUARY 21 v ssaj w u v uiuiuvi v. a ' v" - who was drowned in the Umpqua Sorrtl horae, wcIkIu ih. 9 y". Kd i.i 1 tail " i : in it si nr tsviii t tn fit nil. tirr frrtl v wnue newasrisn commissioner. V ,, , . ound; Haiti wKon, JS. lw wlicrl; Headquarters for all kinds of luin watiou, jtf . IiIku wheela, uotii In ...rinnln.r.l lmr,lmnt. auntm ool repair; open l.KKy. K"1 repair; ..,,.....-. ....,..-........, . bamtaa, Ollvrr clillleJ plow. 3 and buggies, shipped direct from co;;;,, , nillki tii,ol,b..,.,.. all vunK the factory, and Sold below I orl- tD( KOO1 milker.; is tuna hay in lam. I. n.l i.riiwa Hi.hu I marii'h Itrna. clnvrr. rlovcr and tl.iiolliv. nml oata. ., .too Imilirta oala 1.1 Ion; Jt Imiiliela Bom, to Wm. Wolf and Wife, Cl w,eat; lilS purebred toK brown l.eK Ibie side of Cedar Mill, Oil Deo. 17, born ihicken., bayrake. cultivator, ao.ne a son. Wm. was in town Satur dav and imnarted the information . ' . . . . . . that 1 he young chap weignca iu pounds when ushered in 10 mis vale of tears. FRUIT CRIIIBS HOT ANDORGAMZED Inspector HarriH AddrcsncH iMc 111 hers InCxiurt House GOOD CROWD IN ATTENDANCE Olliccr Were Elected and Coinmitlec. MASSAGE CREAM day, at the court houae, afl'tn orgauitlioii was effected, known s the Hillsboro Horticultural Society Inepoctor W. R. Harris was pres ent, and delivered an address, touching upon the condition of or chard, and reviewing the legisla tion. When questioned a lo the right of plllcer to dwslroy infected orchurd be referred them to the la todav indispensable on the ilrrs.ini' table of rrntlewoman or t'lMitlrin.-in Nrtt rmlv 1iKa a I'ornneian Kt.iiatrr ivrfrrttv rlranLr llir akin, but it removes wrinkles and blackheads, takes out stiffness of the facial muscles, animates the fimic and makra thr flr-sh firm and Solid. Men use 1'omocian Cream after shavim? it k , immmU juul takei away shaving- r ' i miat the value and tirinni mm, A SAMPLE FREE AT OUR tT& Price 50c and $1.00 par Jar rung A Son John Trai hsitl. of north of lea vertou. wa an Amu caller. Sat urday. Smoke the Schiller and Kxcel' lencia cigar Oregon manufacture. Call for them. J. T McN'amer. the Wilxon River tollrovl man, wa iu Hie cily Friday. For sain; Open, rubber tire lnuirv. iirectically new. at a bar gian Inquire at Argu ollu-e. Flmer Lindeey, son of I.itileton Lindeey, 1 don from lleppner. 011 a vieil with relative. W It. Mcl.in. wtll known here a a hoy, was out from eatd of Port land, Monday. Fred McNrllv. of North Plains wai out the Unt o( the week, taking hi vacation from Portland tctiool. W. II. Smith, ono of the clerks in the O. R. A N., at I'orllaiid, wa out Saturday, on lepil Limine. care l..r the I'eea Tbe following oflicer were elect sd: rfraiite.it Van R. iH ljuhtmitl Kt Vice .(leu. II. WiIcok V. II. Conntll Sfi rclmv C. K. Pelcliinan Trra.urrr jonn Keuiy l-.r.niiv Ciimmiltee (.. KUoadra, Van Drl.atliiiiuU, A. I'.. Kice, Join. Unllv. I', it. llrichuian. A rofsil'iilinn am ov-la were adcplrd and ll'e u.i-uilrrliip (re wat hard nl hUv crtiU. All a.e llivueil lo join the aciriy. The (ollowinu weie lrrinl lo atlrod the meeting of the State Horticultural Society, which will mrrl in Portland, .lanuary N. 9 aud m: Van trl.abtmitt, John liedly, tleo. V. Doughty, C. Rhoadet. VV. 11. t'onuell, V. K, Tborne. ami !. M Heidel. Th fnllowini cotntniltee waa elected to Inepect aprayinKoutlita and ninlerial.: ('...in Mann. n. 11. v.onneu, 1 Ulmmlra. C.po. 11. Wilcoa and Geo, V Doughty. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE HAS CHANCED HANDS Hillsboro Pharmacy a v aA mi -n v avi mi 1 1 r n IMAY FEED AND VIIJVVA SEED STORE Complete Hue of Seeds, Mill Feed, Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement. SEED GRAIN Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, vetch, cheat, etc. New Brick - - - Second Street J L For 30 Years Lealics Popular Monthly hiitv or seventy Armors soats. high grade, billies and nannies, f r aaiM. S. H. Lawrence. Hcholle, Ore., address, Sherwood, R. F. D. 4. Mr. Louie Mueller and children led Friday for Ventura, Cal , to join Mr. Mueller. They will con duct a hotel and boarding bouee at that place. houaehuld lurnilure, nd numerous n.ttrr artirlra. Terms of Sale; if 10 and under, cash; Over I0, one year's time, snnroved note, interest at S per cent. Two per cent, oil, cash over 10. J. 10. HKIKIKS Win. Moore, Auctioneer Carl Huston. son of S. U. Huston, was in town the laet ol the week Ida M. Tailicll, who wrote Lincoln aud the (atuoua "hloiy of Kickeleller; William Allen White, Hie well knowu Kanua editor; V. V. Dunne, creator of Mr. Doorv:" ltnv Slannaru liaaer iiiluir nf "Kailroada on Trial." and 1, ,1 . ,. Lincoln Mrucn., o. 1 ur ouaiuc 01 .in ( rant Mann, or Nnitll lualalin. ,.1.1.... . wnn tin Argun Ciller Hiurntiy, anu John S. rhilhp( now catling i ue Aiuer ...l I. ..... .ii.,. ll.u fnil itmaal . 1 i n Mai'ittnt nilim iifio nitrii'ii .o sim t , - ti rsevcr nciore uhrhuvii n uuiimiit Kruuji uuihrrril tiK-tihi-r. mill tbev are not We KaJ in Krocerio-tbe boft , r -","nu" "5 '"'V r . "T . . Milling inc uiaKHtiiic nun 111c ri j ' br:llld price always the lowest, 0,i, .i,UIl .loricaaud ureal limelv and Id ounce to the DOUIld. II. ariiclra tiv olher fatuous writers and u'.. v.. ...... .(. liranliful olclun-i Ijv treat nrliata. lfVUIUIIK . ,-,un. - -" ' r .1 . 1 - 0 1 Tl. ...,.1.. ...(,.. f.,r III. Itv.lv. .lie "'.v Mi l.etha KichardHon. of For- numbcra of Tbe American Macaque ia eHt drove, was the guest of her fi.ao-liitle euouKb aa it ia, nut lor a r.d..r.v Mra W. It. larrott. t 10 unuien u.e K. laet of the week. Kchnolbov and airla will find everything in school supplies (ex cent school books) at K. 1 Mo 1 Cormii'k'. mg. Frmlorick JohnHon and son. On car, were up from Karmington Mon day. . t 1 i. . r ! ...... 1M . , t n , . K. J. HOIIS, 01 IilOdlllllig, who iu Have a new stock or No. 3 Giant lh(J city Monday, and callul on the lasting Powder. Full stock ol o Wanted, for girl, or elderly light lady; Rlaalinor shoes and rubbers. Come and Bee us. P. S. Anderson A Son, Reed- ville, Ore, Miss Jennie Woodward, aged 45 vear. aod who was once a teacher in this county, died at Koresi Grove, last Saturday. She bad been an invalid for eight or ten years. Lest'ir Rradford, who bus been over on the Sound for a year, was a Hillriboro vieitor laet week. John Vanderwal, the riiHtling in surance man, was in the city tne first of the week. John Kamns. the owner of the big Edward' farm, near Farming- Fifty acres cleared land for sale; ton, was in town Monday. Miaa Marv Ktnnev. of St. Johns, was In the citv Sunday, the uueel of Miss Florence Hid well. Daniel Baker, of Koiest Grove, was down Monday, arriving in time to witness the (Ire in North or will lie divided in two 25-aore tracts: H miles of Hillsboro 10 quire of Argus. .labez Wilkes sold a four rear old filly the other day lor $300, and Wm. McQuillan aleo sold a - . '. H"l" ' " six yesr old for tbe same amount, mjioro For sale: 20 aorae land, 4 mile Max uUgD0lzor, norm 01 town; aores oeavemmu on n ace. (Joes lor vi.uuu. jo quire at this oflice Clerk Qodman is aeain issuing huntimi lioenses, as all hunters who assessed ihn northwest uortlon of the coun ts' last season, was down Irom Buxton Saturday. 11 Tanhahnld. of Helvotill. Was in the city Monday, and renewed uuu.iug "v.i cny moiHiuy, nnu renn must renew or let tbe ducks roosl jor lne Argus and Oregonian an a ilia Aetstav . It-Kiiw Ariina I Ull VUO DUUB US VllVSt BUSSQ othor year. Ol.nllnM nn.rl.a Jltn.t A nl 1 1f Itll . , . f 11 7 I ' 1 uibduuk pmim UUIH..I..IV.J ijHcar Miner, ton 01 n. . mu- hand st Herman Osteruiann's le o 8Dady Brook, loft the hoepi- uiSv..,,.,iv, .ai. at 1 ortisuu, mo mni o. mc a complete line of general mer- mb .nii .r.iV(,.i home Friday. chandise. Mirb Haatr ce Tunstall and Lo a Cooley, of Phillips, and who are attending high school at Salem, were home Holiday week. Our fall line of dress goods, wash goods, Hannellette, etc, is complete a . a r a. wenrung eons. Tlnrman Rirnards. of North For est Grove, and who ia farming tbe Hubert Bernards' place, was an Argus caller Monday. Hinnn Sentember 1. Or' eon has bad exoees of rainfall to the extent This is going some, nl ') 'U inches II rinhl. fnnuiilorini tllAt for two . .r,..-i - - o .... T H. Maxwell, of Mounts ndale. or three year we have nan a snort was in the city Baturuay. i age. ami rri-tiilT. iuo6. numbcra. with A full yeiir'i ulcriplion (or 1907, for 1 V . .I.ill.ir or noiiHoworK. ; , :t( .t ...... f 1 it 1 I""- Ullim ui mc ..tan 1 7 vi IUVH'1 IMV- ! 00 111 I ft Lf AI Tlla lerred. (1. M. Hunter, both phones, nuanlily at least two reat novelets I .1 1..I...MA I .linn .iiiririi. miriii. u Liiiicir 1,1 iiiiiBu.ir.1. ., : ' .. ti Ciea, noo oeauiuu. piciurca, nun an 101 M rH. Win. Newton, of beyond Iti .00. Vancouver. Wash., ws in tbe cily Cut this offer out, write your name ihelaetof the week, , the gust of nD Kl". Jasper (Jrabel and wife, ol South ((ire ,he ipecia) ,., m,,t1t1ta' oiler ia witb- IlillHliorn. drawn. Send it liv check, oostal nionev . . . order or a dollar lull, at the publisher a The town IB promised more siroei .;... , The American Marine, ui .1 ..A U.......,i. aa l.ltt .:.!. A vt... ',.l. I -J . IIIHIiaiUK O. " IUIIIIIH I I'll. II nVCIUIC, iCW 1UIVH. highways to the depot are almost - - imnniiMili hi. a we 11 a imniiHSttlile. ru ntwi in the winter months. I'm.l Schmidt, the Bcaverton " ot .ftcr!m . io ouUivaUon; . . 7 ... ; .. . li iv iicr.'H ol i n is 111 meaiiow 01 1 ackHiiiith, was in iiib ony mviur . , .11.'.,, ,' I, .,' ,,, acres n Winter oats small tract day. He ha sold some Beavertoi. - orm.Hrlv. but will continue to ".', " .' . ,,,, ,, r ' !... unit in next r irina. win sen, bsinmur iron mr me 0.....u.Uu..jr. . . . VjUII iU J'lnilUI, iMiMiinw.i, vunn, iva mt-r "1 --"J ' and who is mayor of that bailiwick, some chop, oats and wheat, and wub in the city Friday. Mr machinery an I tool necespary to Wiahne 1 onn of Washinffton run nlace. Place on milk route county's popular teachers. and rural mail delivery, a good . . . . nartrain. rrana Yvaimce. nine- Tbn funeral of the lata Samuel ,.z ..... 1 11 I . HUIU, VflO j 1 1' t a'. i "J sasiaa't- Evoritt t.wik place last Friday. It ouii,ea8. 0f Hillsboro and one was luipossihle for his son, M. - milo south from Minter Bridge. n,virii.T- eti nmrfcii iiautu vu iinti through in time for tne obsequies. . . g , ... the IT a iTnnna. of Forest Grove. Kxoellencia. These clears are of 11.1 ilnwn In the county peat. Sat- the beet stock. You ran t fool an nr.liiw. He states that II. 11 John- authority on a Rood cigar. , -j - .... - son is about to go out of the hyery Honrv Trftjlor ftn(j eiBter MieB business and rent his lug "iricK to M . i.orli..n(i were out laet Goff Brothers, who are in the hard- Kricl.v. guests of their sister, Mrs. ware oueiiiBrB, .1. (:. k 11 rati! . The city oounoil will fit up the nnn u; Rpminv. nr Portland. - , , , vivr. J I - ' Iioubo at Shute l'arK ami give us j :, Ba0Binan for the 00. rontal to a man who will see that r ., n0,ril)Rnv. was here New hoboes are kept oil' the pramises, Y n formerly handled life and also do other snrmll jobs, tut ill8,iran0 out 0f HilUboro.- I'll, .k- .. n 1 mtnmt J PF I It II I I I1K 01 Vylir Blllino irorn ui. luo ,, . , , , h 1 a f.,.J n.tiMK nr Cornelius, with the place win biho on sioppBu. . uur ";, - , , , will lM put on in the Spring and flrst of tbe year, follow, d orders for !ii I.. .....i.l...,.l,.l rnilnnlion of OOKt oflice bOX tBllT. 1116 grOUrillS Will IIO Uliun.inuounu, - - r ; r fobs to have dear walking in all Those boxes which rented at i5 parts of the various groves. Hills- cents per quarter now rent for 4.) borowill have a big celebration at cents and those lieretnfi ra rented ths nark next Fourth of July. I'"1 " l'0UlB. " V"""D Happy New Year to You All To Our Friends and Patrons We Extend a Happy New Year's Greeting May the new year have lots of good things in store for you. May you continue to give us your pat ronage, which we will try to merit. If you are not our customer make a new year's resolution to be one. We promise your money's worth or your money back. Our groceries are all standard qualities. Pure Komi Laws Will Not A fleet Us. Vegetable and Fish MARKET Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city. CORRIERI BROTHERS DRINK GAMBRINUS BEER The Best of All Beers SOLD BY &he LION SALOON tr 1 1 -vrKi p.. .t... u. - Whe ther You Drink Bourbon or Rye doea not matter (he brand if there u.t the aame 111 ,IR gyrus coble :sr.?i whliklea. If your preference la for rye, you ahould know that rye whlnky reachea itaper rectlou In the Nobl output, ahould Bourbon beyour choice, know ye that there la no finer Bourbon In alt thy world than the Cvaoa Noblb. A.k the man behind the bar. f fee mlm arf mil Barm, Ohtbm mml thud. W. J. VAN SCHUYVES. t CO., lab, Dtolrttaleri, POKTUND, MB.