The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 20, 1906, Image 1

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JnlILLSBR6 imw
NO. 40
V H St N I iKiu iiM on (4111
I nut to Vci iionia
tunlratl i lo Finish hy Dccrmlitr i,
Tim 1'. U. V N, Ikh hwn figuring
for oiii limn on clearing about 13
milt o( right of way, Ulareii the
miuiiuit mnl Vern 'hi, and the
undertaking is not it numll otir.
The timber nnml l rut and nil the
tuui removed, it ml it will take
gcvffjl lluiiiMiinl dollar lo tin the
work. lltTf will l h go il clmni'ti
fur ruim imp to turn h in at trick
tntl 'ii II out h g mil ptiiuinrr't
work for iiiiiiiii-r of nun. It i
estimated that the work mill rout
II the way Iroin M h ) to f 1,000
lr itiUrt. Tup o ni'ii')' i under
routiitnt lo build into Wrnniiia lv
DeoMnUr III, THIS, mul (iioiiral
Mansgrr l ytic will gi-t if
money and iiicn i'4o git IIih work
(HHpll'ti ll.
There ii it good ilml of limlwr on
tha linn mul luili'li piwdi r will m
rntllied lo move iIihiiioi4 Mnny
tawing rmi Iih rut, lull whether
lliete nill lit 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 . I or roll-'d to
dim tide mul nhi " 'l in n it It iiown
fti yl.
Mr. Kvxrill I), II i'l mil Mia
(lladyt Hpaiildiug, til' KorKMi drove,
Ore., were united in ti.arriaga al
the home ol the i llii-inting pastor,
Kev. K. I.. limine, in Portland,
December l.r, I'.HMS.
Mr. Israel rVott Wolf ami Mini
Harah Alu Mrrrili, ol Oorneliua,
wereutiitid In iiiarriagi at ('orne.
litis, Dnt. Hi, lUUii, Key. J. W.
Kaon ollioiating Tim i-eieinotiy
waa performed at the home of J. It.
There will he a eliootinu material
(JorntliiM on DiTritiher 21. Hlmot
ing nill Im lor lieef, turkey, Rewe,
ilurki and rliiekiMiH,
Argun anil Ori'Koninn, $2.00.
Hiuiondri ('rum-cut aw. 0' A.
I.amkii) Co.
(Irani Zumwall in home for a
few day vii-ii with liuiuii fnlkM.
V. K Wella, of tia!H Creek, waa
ft county neat visitor the Inxt ul the
Right Roods rif'tit iinoes V A.
Lamkin I'd.
K J. l.yoiiH haa bought the Mri.
Winlera' tdaie, tio iHiuiiiiJ hy
Hunt. Cawi ami family.
Uncle Henry Wtilirunir, one of
tha early pioneer, i iiidiuHrd at
bis home on aimitigton Htrcet
All kind, of Cliriatmaa goods for
the little folk ami the grnwnnH
at Mrt. rillHhnry .
Fred Hooil, the llr itlue hop
grower, waa in town Ttu'riday. Mr.
Hood aold to finuiiH eirly in the.
aeaaon, hut has not t delivered
Hulioolboya and girla will lind
everything in twlmnl h 1 1 j j . 1 1 i h (ex
oept enhool honkx) at K. L. Mu
. Coruiick'a,
0 There will he n gukr preaching
trvioea at the ('iiriHiiiiu Churvb
utxt Sunday, morning and evening,
by the regular pitHtor, A. nia
Mr. Jacob K toller and MiM Km
lua Wyman, of nt'ur Hellmny, were
united in warriags at the home ol
Mr. and Mm. U. Uerlr, Deo. (i,
15)00, Rev. Win Uraf olliciiUing
BlaHting iiowdir coiiHtantly on
hand at Herman OHiermannV
atore, Cantervi.le. He aleo carries
ft complete line of general mr
Tha condition of the county
roada at precont i ubnnt an bad as
they geneially got thin time of
year. Milk haulers are having a
hard time of it and are carrying as
light loads as ponib'.fl
Thurston Master, who wan bore
from the Bifckiyoue hint week, left
the lasjurf the week for Uoldendale
where .. ,will visit his family. Mr
Masters waa raised near Ueedville
and is well known to all the early
The opposition toHenator Uainos
of Forest drove, claims that he has
not strength enough to land the
presidency of the Henate, but that
V doughty worker iihukb lie lias the
kThina oiuched. Mullnoman will
be bis undoing if be shall be de
Home enterprising get-rich-quick
artist entered the home of Max
Craudail, Saturday night, after the
family had retired ami were sound
sleep, ami went through ft pair of
trousers belonging to the hoet. He
took lb pants outside to the front
porch and there turned theiu wrong
aide out but found no Hiuolenne.
Ilia silver waa in another pair that
be had worn that day, Mrs. Cran
dall having cleam-d and preened lbs
pair that the burglar went through.
This will probably cause ft run on
cleaning of tiouters by the good
ItJimewivts of this section.
Chi litmus! You all know what that
liir want, of cotirne, will alwava vary,
Hut If yuii want f-wrrli, ami It mm
Try I'ttluwli-cr'a Coiifri'tiiinrry,
SiriiaU in all Lownry'a catuHr,
r.ittta Kiiuii xMla in all Una Inn
Ti'lnrriM, i it'irt tliat arr dumlira.
(lyMria ami nulla ami all lliniKt tiitr.
A Mr, R'lgera, of I'ebble Creek,
and who rcenlly loel an arm on
the Columbia City loging railway,
waa at Hie Tualatin, over Sunday.
enroute home after I eing discharged
froiu the hospital. The lites of his
arm is a great tninfortune for him, I
aa he is homaeteader in the
hills ml la considertbly brokeo in
health. He went out Monday on
tha I'. U. N , and walked eight
miles lieyonii Iluxton to bis cabiu
iu the bills.
Itlaating iMiwder, No. ."t, Her-
cuUs, fuae and caps, at Portland
prices ti. liager, near I'hillips,
I ) miles northeast, and i miles
from HillsUxo Address, U K. D.
, II ix 05.
The KrorS receipts of the Congre
gational sale at (he Orange Hall
lat Saturday afternoon and eve
ning was well attended, and finan
cially it was great sucvees. They
report a gross income of f 14 1 Ui.
The suptM-r was one long to be re
membered, and the program that
waa renderrd after the sale was
very appreciative.
The Walker candy store was
''touched" a few days ago, one eve
iiiup, by some light-fingered artist,
and several dollars in silver found
their way out of the draw. With
the mousy were some notes, and
these, too, were taken away. Next
morning a youug fellow brought io
some notes, r ayiug that lie had seen
a fellow throw them away ;ear the
ehrung corner.
Talk about shinning but the
freight bouse Is full al the depot
and shipment are scattered all
over the platforms, there being not
eullicient cover. It is iuit ft ques
tion of time until there must lie
more room somewhere, llillaboro
baa gained in freight receipts at
least :UHI ier cent, iu the last two
Foreitt drove is again steaming
up on the licence question. There
are two factious, one asking for
open license, and the other want
ing no license. As it is a very
lose race the struggle is exciting.
The University naturally wants no
liienae, as it advertises the town a
a temperance locality.
Wanted: Hop Farm, on shares,
for reliable and experienced parly
Also farms to eell or rent Apply
to or address J. R. Foreman, 305
10 Morrison, Portland, Oregon.
The HilUboro Oreenhouse, man
aged by Mr. Morton, haa installed
a new boiler for heating purposes
and things are being put into
For sale: Poland China hoar;
brood sow: and pigs. Call on or
telephone Willard Topper, on Dr.
A. H llailey farm, 2 miles north
east of Hillsboro.
The Second Street restaurant
man has leased the North part of
theOreear brick and will put his
restaurant iu and use the present
dining room as an oliice.
L. K. Wilkes and family return
ed Monday from Dallas, where they
visited with Mrs, Wilkes brother,
Lloyd Soehren, and wife.
Sixty or seventy Angora goats,
high grade, billies and nannies, for
sale. H. U. Lawrence, rJoholle,
Ore., address, Sherwood, R. K. D
Herman Pape, formerly of near
Middleton, and now ranching on a
large scale near Klondike, sherman
County, was in the oily Monday.
Louis Carstens aud wife came
down from Manning, Sunday and
were guesta of Mrs. H. C. McKin
Sohulmerioh Bros, are agents for
the best known wagon on the coast
the Ham.
Born. December 17, 100ft, lo D,
P. Corrieri und wile, of near Minter
Bridge, a son.
For sale: Onen. rubber tire
bufigy, practically new, at a bar-
gian Inquire at Argus omoe
Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Moiuuy.
J. C. Crocker and wife were in
from Mountaindale the last of the
llighuajinaii Followed lUr
From Hunk to Lodninus
Biikuw had Banked Order
wai-blniitoo Funds
Mrs. Lucy Boscow, well known in
Hillsboro, and now a n-Hideut of
Portland, was attacked by a high
wayman lsst Saturday ninlit, and
alruck over the bind, containing a
broken collar hone. Mrs. Boscow
waa rtmlerrd unconscious, but (be
fellow received no money, as she
made a depoeit lief re leaving for
home. Mrs. Risen is tressurer
of (he Order of Washington, and
the robber followed her from the
hank to her room, thinking she
had drawn money, it lieirg Satur
day night. Mrs. Boecow was for
merly a Miss Morgan, and was
married lo Arthur Rwcow.
I. Yu will I iluliiv vour r.irrii-r a
great fuvor if ymi will Mump nil your
mail before piiUinK Mini' in Imx, either
ly putting on llir ntiiuiM, or Ix-tlt-ru-l,
ll tin- Kovrrnmriit Mumpril riivi'Ui-H
with your mum- wriltru tiixm iipix-r h it
liaiul cor in-r. Thia wilt uiiaraiiU-t- de
livery or ii-tuiii u( the h-tu-r.
a. In case you kIioiiM not uiinix-n to
have either Mump or tumn-il enveliin-a,
w rnii the iiciTs-ui ry iimouut up in .iin:t
ami fallen to letter in iwiiiie gmiit ni.inm r.
J, Iu aiulrriwing vour leitt-ra iu not
rite alxive the luulitle of the enveluix.-,
Iircuuia- the letter haa to 1 plainly post-
uiarkeil ami the aihlresa ni.iv lie itly
lilurrttl hy hciiigHtmck hy the poMmaik
ing atamp.
a. toil will bimi help tilt- liamlliiiK ol
the mail hy alwuva ptitlinif the sl.iiiip up
on the upier right fianil corner.
5. in your aililre wung letter to a
viaitur ur Dome one w ho is not n regular
(kitrou of a rural route ur puMtoifax-, yuu
w ilt be helping the aervicv by murking
on the envelo)je, in w hoe can- the letter
or package nhouM go.
b. If you have visitors who are ex
pecting mail, kilully give the currier
their uuines hy putting a slip ill the hox,
notify ing him of mime. ,
7. In reganl to boxes, Help vour car
rier hy having a gootl one in n good.raxy
place to drive up to, ami oil the hinges
n Mail lKxe are protecteil liv the
govemieut. Any tHiiiiering with tlu-ui
by alivoue not inn-resteil shoulil lie re
ported at once to your jKwtiimstiT, whost-
lutv It is to rviHirt tlie matter nl mux- to
the Ilepartment.
Q. Anvthilig ileHKileil in boxes is
couuU-il "mail uiutu-r" mul is mihject to
ordinary pontage rales.
lo. All luu kiiiji-s klioulil lie well
wruppeil anil securely tied, anil valuable
letteisaud packages should lie registered.
II. The P. U. IHlNiitliieut rciiillix'R
the carrier to keep regular time on his
route or schedule time, you ran help linn
in this, if yuu have your mail prupcrly
fixetl up In-fore he coint-4 to your Ixix.
Keitiruilier that ll he only loses one min
ute at each 1hx, at the end of his route
it w ill mi1 in one ami one half hours Lite.
I i. It is very iimioituul, that vou buy
your stamped cnvcioiies, stamps, cards,
etc., uf your earner, also your money
ordera. Kemetulier, that n report of all
business done every mouth goes into the
l". ll la-parluietit, ami oil that ileiienils
the continuation of the si-rvice uf your
route, and on you depends the continua
tion if lilierally patiouizcd.
It. The I". ll. Department is contin
ually striving to make the K. h. i. a
success and its aim is to improve it as
fast as experience teaches it to do so,-but
it takes two to make a bargain mid con
sequently your assistance is necesary to
carry It out ami yuu only ure tne gain
er in this bargain. Will yon do it?
U. Rural carries are not uermitleil to
solicit business or receive orders of any
kind for anv firm, person, or corimratioii.
IC. Uliral rarru-is ftre Hot IK-rillllU'll
to furnish the names and addresses of
the patrons on their routes, for pay, or
luvur. to anv business estahiisiiuit-iu
These two provisions therefore prohibit
a rural carrier troni In any manner so
liciting subscriptions to newspapers,
either directly or indirectly.
I wish to sell mv arm containing
152 acres. 110 aares under culti
vation, good house and barn; good
orchard Three and one half miles
south tf Hillsboro and one mile
west of Farmington. For further
information aniilv to' K. Burk-
halter, Hillsboro, Ore , R. F. I). 2
Charier Oak stoves and ranges
O. A, Lamkin Co. ''f
Alex B. Todd, of above Forest
Grove, was in town Saturday after
noon. , ',
We lead in groceries the best
brands prices always the lowest,
and 10 ounces to the pound. II .
Wehrung & Sons.
W. H. McEldowney, snpertn
teudent of 'the big Ladd it Beed
farm, above Amity, was in town
Bergen cut glass, just the thing
for a fine Christmas prosent, al
the Pharmacy. Call and eos it
and gt nn early selection.
Fred Hamel.of West Union, was
in town Monday morning. Fred
brought out the boi'er for the court
house heating system last wees, oy
team, from Portland.
Argus and Journal, 1 .75.
Paints and oiln. C. A. Lamkin
Han Iisy, of South Tualatin,
was in the city Saturday.
(lo to It. II. Greer for Olympic
K. C Mutiny, of Laurel, was a
county seat visitor Hnlurday.
All kinds of hardware C. A
Lamkin Co.
Dan Bailey and Win. Mohlcr, of
Blooming, were in the city Satur
day. H. Wehrung A Sens carry a full
line of lleiiiii' picklts and bottled
Sheriff Conncll returned Satur
day evening from a trip eaat of the
Mountains. -
Fine line of Mohair for wainting,
all sbadts and colors, at 11. Weh
rtmg oV Sons.
Jos. llobinson came up from
Karmingloii, Saturday, to attend
the fruit growers' meeting.
Satisfaction guarantied in the
Ocean Wave Washer. Chas. A.
Lttmkin Co.
John Powell and family, of Ariel,
Wanh , are litre for a Holiday viit
with Mrs. Slattery and family.
Smoke the Schiller and Excel
lencia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Kogle A Parker, old time news
paper men, have bought out the
Forest drove Times, and Kditc-r
Hoge will lake a re 4.
Fifty acres cleared land for sale;
or will be divided iu two 2"-nrie
tracts; l miles of Hillsboro In
quire of Argus.
Fruit Inspector W. R. Harris, of
Forest Grove, was in ton Satur
day, for the purpose of organizing
a horticultural society.
For sale: 20 acres land, mile
north of town; 4 acres bea verdant
on place. Goes for $1,000. In
quire at this oliice.
Mdward Benson, a recent arrival
from the Kant, has boueht the Mrs
Jane Henderson ranch, near the
Scotch church, and has taken pos
seathn. Have a new stock of No. 3 Giant
Blasting Powder. Full stock of
shoes and rubbers. Come and see
us I o. Amlerson it ton, Keed-
villo, Ore.
Henry Reasoner, who left hrre
last year for Iowa, has returned as
far- west as Los Angeles. When
Spring arrives be will doubtless b?
making back for Oregon.
Handfome toilet cases,, Christ
mas stationery, hand embroidered
handkerchiefs and other dainty
things, including burnt leather
souvenirs at Mrs Pillshury'a.
The Portland street car stiike
has bud its effect en local travel
the situation deterring many who I
occasionally vit-iton the Fast Side,
and who think a few miles or walk
ing is uncalled for during the wet
weather. '
' There will be a basket social at
Raffety school, Dih't No. 41, on the
evening of December 21. A good
program is being prepared, and a
gcod time is expected. All are
cordially invited to attend. Pro
ceeds will go for school furnishings.
Children, remember that Mrs.
Pillsbiiry is in correspondence with
the Jolly old Saint and will be
supplied with toys of everv des
cription from now till Ninas:
Don't fail to see those parlor target
jjanies, and mechanical toys.
Tony Simiy, of Blooming, was
in Monday, and brought in a Bur
bank potato that weighs seven
pounds, one of the largest yet noted
this season. This is nearly half as
large as that famous turnip the
Journal told about some weeks
The P. R. & N. laid their track
acmes FirBt Street last week, and
put in a good plank crossing and
relaid the sidewalk. They also
finished their elevated sidewalk
across the grade at South Second
Street, placing steps on the eouth
There will be regular preaching
services at the United hvangelical
Church next Sunday, by the
Pastor. Morning services at 11:00;
Kvening, Evangelistic, at :o0
Tha pastor, Rev. S. J. Lindsay,
will preach at the Gaston ft van
gelical Church the last Sunday in
the month, at 11 in the morning,
P. B. Reasoner and a crew of
men left Monday morning for
Haines' dam, on the upper Tuala
tin, whore they will put in what is
knowu as a "penstock," for the
purpose of putting water on the
wheels. The big freshet washed
out a pottion of the dam and the
whoels do not now get enough
water to make eullicient power for
lighting purposes. W. E. Smith
hauled the outfit in with a four
horee team.
'Fakes Notice of Swigert's
Visit to The Qiunty
"X LVe lo Give Away Thousands sf
Dullan," he Says
"Give no b-irtus to a railway" is
the advice of C. K. Loss, owner of
the I'oited Railways, to the people
of Washington County, who bave
been called upon to give a bonus to
the projected line of the Oregon
Electric Company to Forest Grove,
a distance of 22 miles from Bertha,
in Multnomah County.
"It's not bus'mefs for a railway
to auk for a bonus these days," de
clared Mr. Liss lt Thurgday,
'and ii'a not business for the peo
ple to give it."
''T'i Uni'i'd Riilff'iy't h poing
to b :ild to F.ip-H Grove witht ut a
boni s. I wouldn't ark f ir a nib
sidy, nv. rdi.l and nver will."
Mr. L s mid that the Origon
Electric Compa'ty is now g-iing in
to Waidii-iK'o'i County i'h a 1 ne
to si nt out lb" I'mtiil Riilways.
"P.u1 ho won't chut tm out," be ag-serif-1
'"We'll lijht 'em and par
allel ih-ir tracke, even if they do
get a 3ti)fKKIbuiu', which would
be a $!().-( 0 fift fi r eveiy miie of
track Wt.ea! They n ti t want
the people of Washington' Ci-unty
to build ti.eir roml."
Mr. Lfe promises to have roon
thee pit il mpiired for his road.
He lavs he will deuionetral' t the
people of IVriland ihnuh docu
men ary evidence of stock uib
scriptions and through the reputa
tion of his stock subscribers that
the road is to be built. The short
six months remaining for comple
tion of the city lines does not worry
him, for he says that long before
that time the proofs of his enter
prise will be before the people of
Portland, and if he shall ned two
or three months' extension of time
he feels confident be can get it.
"Because," aays he, "Portland wants
not so much the forfeiture of the fioo,
Kjo bond aa the buildiui; of the lines."
Mr. Loss doea not take seriously the
debt claims presented against hia com
pany by creditors and stockholders of the
Oregon Traction Company, whose project-id
Hillsboro line has been merged
with the United Railway.
Hut L. Y. Keady, who is suing for sat
isfaction of the stockholders' claims,
thinks they are quite serious, and that
Loss will find ttiem so before be gets
done "trying to keep our creditors and
stockholders out of their rightful
money. ' Air. Keady says:
We have the best of wishes for Lois'
success, not alone for bis own benefit,
but, what is more important to ns, for
payment of our claims. We are not try
ing to em!arraa Mr. Loss, but to get
rash due us. Maybe Mr Loss thinks
that when his company agreed to pay
the stockholders of the Oregon Tiaction
Company between $40,000 and $50,000
and the creditors $36,000, tney nave no
kick coming when they don't get their
money. Mr. Loss would like to keep on
paying us w ith promises, as he hasdoue
tor six mouths past, and his predecessors
lor six months before that. It's getting
close to Christmas now, and we need the
nesules these claims, Mr. alccusker
aud 1 have a legitimate claim for per
sonal services covering several months
of hard work, night aud day, for which
we have nut received a dollar, yet which
helped Mr. Loss secure the property he
considers so valuable. 1 think well of
Mr. Loss ami know lie ia not entirely
responsible for the present condition of
allairsof the United Railways, but aa he
is now the sole owner, we naturally look
to hi 111 to make good tbe agreements of
his company.
"hvery claim wlncu I nave hied is
valid and somebody will bave to pay
them with real money if not Mr. Loss,
then the original financiers of the United
Railways. 1 hey ve got to be cleaned up
quick or a new seuatiou in the way of
claims will be sprung next January.
Never mind what it is; it will hit some
body sure euough."
Mrs. Ibleta Halvorsen. aged Go
years, died at the family home near
Farmington, December 17, 1906.
after an illness of several weeks,
Deceased was a native of Norway,
and was married to Jacob Halvor
sen, who survives ner, in isn.
They lived for a time in New
Zealand, and from that place came
to America in 18815. She leaves
no children.
Go to McCormick's for sohool
supplies. -
Edgar Hartnan, the Buxton nier
chant, was ia the city Saturday.
Neatly boxed perfumes a dainty
ChriotniaB gift at the Pharmacy.
John ' tJebel, of Motin taindale
was in the city Monday morning
Our fall line of dress goods, wash
goods, (iannellotte, etc., is complete
II. Welming & Sons.
F. J1. Cnnover, who is managing
the 3hri3f Connell ranch, was in
towj3rlay. ; . ,
jRight In It For a Good Time
Good Drugs will mate Christmas enjoyment pos
sible without fear of pain to follow. It is advisa
ble to have drugs on hand to guard the health.
We furnish the drugs that cure your pains. The
purest, freshest and best is our boast.
citt rtBruMEs
fnleaa you are a sticker for tbe
finest only, yon will be interested
in what we have to offer. We nave
many odor and handsomely dress
ed packages, especially designed
for gift purposes, at sc, y. $i.oo
and f 1.2").
We hve a snperb line'of cnt'glasa,
consisting of nappies. cream pitch
ers, case, olive dishes, berry
dishes, salt and pepper shakers,
etc. Just the thing for a nice
Christina present.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
R. L. GBEEAR. f rop.
Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed,
Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement. "
Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley,
vetch, cheat, etc.
New Brick - - - Second Street
Groceries, Groceries, Groceries, Groceries
Nothing but Groceries. Justf"'
there is any canned goods beti
you'll have to "show me."
pack. "Pure White" flour,
i J ...i i i.:j ii..ii
iiitiu wuciu uic Kiuu iuai s always rtgui. vvc vc uccu
looking for something better in Coffee than the M. j.
B. and Equity, but we can't find it.
that our
is grocer
ies when
iu need of
in our line.
Both 'phones.
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables and
call. Market opposite
Street, Hillsboro. We
The best of all
Bottled for
If yon want your friend to appre
ciate your present, aelact a bos of
refined stationery, such a we are
prepared to ahow you. In onr pur
chase of Uti-jnery, the value is in
the paper and not the bos:. Neat
ness io the latter ia not overlooked,
however. Price range from 25c
to 75c. Also tablet with envelopes.
We cater lo the want of our cus
tomers. All standard brand, from
the mall box of 12 cigar to tbe
Urge box of 100.
made from North Dakota I
1 :t.i nr- 1 II
Second Street, Hillsboro.
Fish in Season. Give us a
Tualatin Hotel, on Main
deliver to all parts of city.
(On draught)
Beers. I
Medicinal Use
An Eyo-Opzszr
In the moraine Insures in elastic step, buoyant splriU
and success throughout the day.
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