The Hillsbr Tmm VOL. XIII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. NOVEMBER 20. 190(5. NO. 37 p . ,k SAViS i.rr:,:rrn;:'r si: iiii La? " -kiii mm mm iiiiiiiiiii ii ijiii iiiiiivnii . I - . . i . . . - . . i mm r (Jius Itljtus, of ShtfrwtMKl, (ids l our Years at Salem ALLOWED TO U) ON I'AKOLE Must Fvicvrr Ahuain Kr out latuiksnU or Serve Time Chi. I'lut", of SlitTwno I, who wtion ilriikiiK in n (Unriflnoii)o ritu-n, but who wlicu njlr in an iinluxlrioiii), rclirtl.U Hurt i f follow, waa lnili(ilril 'I'lir-ndny, i liitgftil with t'UtiiiiK Joliii Ki IktIn njili h knife Holwrld' life ra iI'8huimI of for urn il) B, lull h finally wover hI. TIi t utting wh the rmult ol a drinking t nit lu-tWHi n the two I'iftK l-ll Ritilly to the charge. Him attorney, li. T HagVy, axked the court to rntiixe mill )ariU Uiulcr the ciri'iiiuHlaiicpo, km lm m lieviul that lUw wniild rfform if Itivfii a rliHiiif; that lie had an in taut cliilil anil t tin Imnily neiilul hi Mit't'O't. I'i't'iit Aitmiiay Allen ariiuiexi'i'il unri Uib li of an ntfrfcni'iil tliat IUm furevi-r alataiii Ir in inn xii'HiilH that ha t'f rUiri-il to nerve hia time pmviileii In litulK thm term of the jiarnle Jmli Mt Hriila (iav the tlilemUnl a feve e lecture; sdiiinn Uhrd la i id that hn muHt lake leni eney with a h tr ohaervanue; Bid that mould I e!rik I lie tmiua of the parole Krautrtl he wiiuUt he brought Mora the court ami at tinea ami to Salem, lie exacted the iditlce, which litruM willingly yave, and then eeiiteucrd him to four year in the penitentiary. HiKKH 1'' et oi-ce for hi home Id Mirrwo iit to eat Tlmnkf Hiving dinner wiih hi family, and he a ueara remlved t.i follow the letter uf the parolo conditioni). Ar(iia and Onnnian, $2. Vou will find a nice new lot of Winter ehirtwaixte at Mia. 1'illn hury'a. Ducka are not overly plentiful t hia aitaeon, yet Home of the local huntern have haf gtl aa liinh aa 2" in a day. With the advent of Spring it in to le hoped that the (,-minly court will lake away the fence xurroiind lug the court yard. A. A Phillip rdturiinl to I'ort land Tueiday, after having helped get the new hoilerit iu the con denser, tliiiehing the work Tuemlay morning. II. A. Hint-haw, Traveling Freight Agent Tor the H. IV, line in Oregon, n in town Tueaday afternoon, and war on li e elreele, greeting hia frimida. The intereeling c intret in which the member of Kev. (iilpatrick'n Hunday Hohol cln'H have heen en gaged drew to a clone on Monday evening, when the deflated ride en tertained the winner royally. The boyi Bay they particularly enjoyed eeeing aome other hoy in the tail oo the donkey. Nothing more ha hi en heard of the propocod electric line by the Lota Company, hut thu head of that organi.itiou fyn he will he gin work intheHp'ing. The old company, J. Whyte Kvana, presi dent, haa leen Hiitd and given a chanoe to pay a judgment of over 2,(XKI to an attorney whu worked for them last Summer. 1). W, March, who Iihm heen over in the Sandwich Inland, where he baa heen iriterected in ncwepaper work for nix yearn, arrived home at Foreet Grove thu laet of the week, and in time lo eat Thnnkegiving dinner with the Orcgoniane. Mr. Mtrsh aaya that J. V. MarHh, for mer puhlifher of the Timee, will leave the lnlande and at rive here within a month or no. The Iteavertnn etory that two men itnpping there were drinkers of Foreat drove whinkey atamp lo piecei the theory that limy had anything to do with the Forest drove hnnk rubbery, unlets they used it to aoco'erate their got a away. It ia xaid by miiny that it will make a man milhVienlly frisky that he can climb a tree or a telephone pole without "cliiubera" on. On January HO 10 the Slate Horticultural Socio y will meet in Portland, and WaHhinulon'a coun ty proximity should (five it a good attendance. By all nieana become a member of this rudely if you have an orchard There will be exhibit of fruila of all kind and if you wleh to compete you must be a member of the uHHOointion To become a member eeud 10 H. Lake, Secretary, Oorvallif, $1 and - be will tiand you a cerlillcute of membership. We have now fi mulled our run of large tile drain, and after filling our order we have a few thouiurid in etock. I'artiee wanting then niie ahoiild order while the etock U full. We have a good etock of amaller aUea; alio brick and build illl blocks. We have the bent all. round yard Hock of lumber in the county, ami can nil ordinary bills on abort notice. Kitr fine stock of drv ahiblan. Anvnna wantinv stock delivered should order early, while the roads are good, aa it costs about twice as much to haul in the mud. Groner St Unwell Ooinptny, Hobolls, P. O. addreas, MiiiHixiro, uouie Inilependent Telephone, Fred Hchomhurg, owing to hi health, which has been very much broken for lome mouths, has re signed his position as superintend ent of the Oregon Condensed Milk Company. Mr. Mchomburg Mill retains hia stock in the indiiHtry. Ilia eon Chai. succeed him as manater at the condenser. Thronvh the elder Schomburg's management he baa Sben the business built to spjendid proportion, lie U but now convaleecent from a nome atlack ol inflammatory rheuma tism. Kreli oytrr or a choice nx-ktttil, I.. J. 1'itliiuitrrr liu lur Mir: brut i oiifrcliom in the city l.ownry 'n lir liuikr. - iulty . SninWrn, rlirwrrs, ran lw mi.linl With kowU an kikmI a. any tried. Krrh jruiU, ni, lint liulliiili, Vijjurttl tliillK to fraul Umiii. Ho w hen in timn, (t'vr him a call, You'll k,-I Mre deal, one ami all; Of plitcrt yon will not Im.l any Like I'alinalrri'a Con fret lonrry. K. A. Kddy, of Tualatin, waa up Monday, and say that the Oreirnu Klerlrio railway has paid for much right of way down in thai section. and I bat camps are litiR establish ed down there for construction. He Hiatea that he believes they will eventually run from Tualatin up to itiiioimro and boreal Grove. Tbia nutation of an electric line to llillehoro- and the Grove ia very delicate oue, K. A., and you mtietii t give us too much of a ' josh" along that line. The P. It. Si N has fillid over the sidewalk on the east aide of Third Street, near (he underground walk, and an elevated sidewalk, wuh banmstera. and eteua on the outh approach only will be built. I'mvided the Southern Pacific does not fill in the space between the P. It l- N. and their own track, in the Snrintf. Mr. I.vtle will then nut in an underground paaeage, the same aa that tinlr the n. P. track. Wanted: Hod Kanu. on shares. for reliable and experienced party. Also farms tu sell or rent Apply lo or address J. K. horeman, :0.r K. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Hrn, to Mr. and Mra. T. C. Wadaworth, of Arlela, a daughter, on Nov. lit, PHW. Dr. J. K Ad- kina ia very: proud - of hia first granddaughter. Siationery of all kind at the rharmacy latest in stylish cor respondence, calling cards, en velopes, etc Call and see the stock. - Mra. John Muir, of Pendleton, wai bore the Grat 6f the week, a guest of ber sister-in-law, Miei Laura Muir, Olaelins nowder conatantlv on hand at Ilalman Oatermann'a store, Csnterville. . He also caniea a complete line of general mer ohabdiae. For'eale: A number of aboala. sevOrai bows, and aome young pige. Bow I by Brothers, 2J miles south west of Hillsboro. Address, Cor nelius, Ore., It. F. I). 2. , G. A. Snath, on the Kerrotu farm, near Bethanv. waa in the city Monday and .advertises that he ia soon to have a public sale. For eale: 20 acres land. mile north of town:-4 acres beaverdam on place. Goes for $1,000. Jn- pure at tuts ollioe. J. J. Martin, the Forest Grove horseman, was in the nitv Monday. and made the Argus a pleasant can. Our fall line of dreaa anode, wash goods, flannel lette. etc. is complete. H. Wehrung A. Sona. ij ' ' M. J. Reilins and Job. Hurt- weiger, of Greenville, were in Ihe city the first of the week. 5t '" Judge C. K, Kindt was a coun ty seat visitor the first of the week. If. W. Miller, of Shady Brook, waa in the city the first of the week. Charter Oak stoves and range?. C. A. Lamkiu Co. Dr. J. li. Adkins and Mrs. Kd. Adkins visited at Arletah Sunday. AH kinds of hardware '-C. A Lamkin Co. N. Wingren, of Reedville, was an Atgus caller, Monday afternoon. D. B. Emeriok.of Scholia, was up to the city the first of the week. ( ... I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. uvuuuw Viliuiyiiiill U1U UlJlUlJ flUlI I J II Contribute to Tlianksnivinn Delicacies and Ship OffcrinK GIVE TO HOW AXU CIKLV AID Public School Seed Donation to He Lnfoitunale Following the maxim that it is belter to give than to receive the pupils of the Hilh-horo public school have sent a large list of of fering to the Boys' A GirlV Aid Society, at Portland, the shipment being foraardrd the first of the week, by freight. One hundred quarts of canned fruit was the largest donative, and will more than last over Thanksgiving W. T. Gardner, the Superintendent, has written his thanks to the school and greatly appreciates the epirit in which it was cllVred. the shipment was aa follow": Due dozen vlaaae icllv, loo ouarta canned Iruit, 4 aacki potaliws, 511 poumla ilfirtl prtiuea, I ilorn qunita canned ve(etallea, I iloitn cilliat;ca, H large iii in k Ilia, tack fiicorn, aack carrota aud lierla, aack oniona, 10 pounda twain, tiancll applra, box am.ic. crackrra, aii(ar, oatmeal, honey, aon, ctnld't coat aud o cent In niouey. PUBLIC SALE The undersiKiied will sell at public sale at Ihe Kerrou rami, one mile from Bethany, on the Portland road Iwtween l.ethany and Cedar Mill, at 10 (H) a. 1.1. 011 WKDNESDAY, 12 Black team of limiea, 6 yra, weight l.W'aO'l inoo; sound roan horae, K yra. 1150; roan borae, 6 yra, U45; aorrel liorte, H yra. 10511; bluck home, 14 yearn, 1 loo; n good milk cowa, Shorthorn ami Durham, 3 to d ye lira old, all coming Ireali auon; 4 Shorthorn anil leraey com, J to 5 yra, aome coming in noon; Short born heifer, Jl months; '.'u ahoatt, 4 itiontha: Ho to 40 tack a teed potatoea, baled clover hay, net work harneaa, Dearly new, Jarti old work harneaa, net dri'iuK harneaa, new, nearly new top Why with pole and ahalla, farm wagon, t'i, K00J lictat wnijon, Uaboroe hinder good repair, lieerinp mower, (ood shape . ateel hayrake, diac barrow, drag harrow. 14 Inch ateel plow, 11 Inch chilleil plow, hand cultivator, a hayracka, one a 16 foot, 4 horae wavou rod with alrelchera, 4 nearly new 10 gal. milk cam, 170(1 rope luch aud three foiirthn, beaut acalea, JV ll., Dnineitic aewiiiK ma chine nearly new, tt gm vint-gar in larr-ll, 3 yra old; turnip in ground, larin tooli, anovela, lorka, and numer- 0111 other articlea. I.unch at neon. Termaof eale; I'nderllO, cash; 110 and ovtr, one year's time, bankable note, at S per cent. ' In teres! 2 per cent, off cash over 10. (1 A.SrATII. B P. Cornelius, Anctioner. John Vaoderwal, Clerk. FURS WANTED Remember that I will pay cash for furs. 1 Rave yen Ihe trouble pf shipping. Try me, I reside just north of the west end or the long bridge, one mile west of llillslnro, Or., you can leave your furs at the Corwia A Heidel butcher shop, Chas. Kamea, Hillsboro, Ore. Argus and Journal, $1 75. Attorney Powell, of St. Helens', was attending circuit court Mon day. Lotus I.angley, practicing law in Portland, was out attending circuit court the first of the week. Miss Tbereeia Stribich, of Forest Grove, was a guest of Miss Pearl Smith, Saturday laet. Judge Hollis and J. N. HolTman, of the Forest Grove bar, were down attending court the first of the week. Lincoln Hill, of Gas ton, and who is a son of the pioneer, Almoran Hill, was down to the county spat, Tuesday. Speaking of groceries if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to be found in the market, try John Dennis. e ia eftcr your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. If anyone thinks that Judge Goodin is not a sprinter he should have seen htm run to the Boscow fire Tuesday morning. Judicial dignity was thrown to the winds and be made a record second only to that of Dim Patch but he dis covered that his wind is not as good as it was some years ago. A defective Hue was the cause of a small blaze in the W. W.. Boscow home, on east Matu, early Tuesday forenoon. The lire department responded and soon had the blaze extinguished. Two rooms in the upper story were considerably damaged. A strong north wind was blowing and had the blaze had a little more time it might have burned the building. F. W, Wismer, of below Bethany, waa a coutity seat visitor Monday Klmer Smith waa a gueet at the J. A. Imbrte home the first of the week. II. Wehrung A Sons carry a full line of Heirs' picklts and bottled goods. L. W. Hotie has installed the pump and tngine for the poor farm. For etampfd linens, and art embroidery materials, go to Mrs. PillebnryV. Henry Carstene, of liny, was in the city Monday, enroute to Port land. Smoke the Schiller and Excel lencia cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. Dave Keghitto and daughter, Rose, were up from Iteavertoo, Monday. Fchtilmericli Bros, are agents for the best known wagon on the coast the Bain. David Lelieau, of below Scholia, was in the county seat the first of the week. The boys are wailing patiently for a fall of sniw so a-t to go out and get the coons. Mis;) Minnie Abbott vii-ited with her sister, Mrs. L. A. Wbitcomb, of Portland, Sunday. W. C. Adams and wife have taken up their residence in their new Third Street cottsge. Dr. Linklater will put in another building on the lot formerly cc cupied by the Pope gallery. F. Geisler is fixing up another little cottage on his lot across the street from the M. K. church. Mrs. Pillsbury can show you a handsome new line of golf gloves and mittens for ladies aud chil- Iren. Hon. Ira K. Purdin, of Foreet Grove, was an Argus caller Mon day. He will make his home in Portland this Winter. Fifty acres cleared land for eale; or will be divided iu two 25-acre tracts; lj miles of Hillsboro In quire of Argus. 'Jos. Holder, who is indicted for selling whiskey without a license, ;it Gaston, last 'Spring, was in town the 6rst of the week, attending court as defendant. We lead in groceries the best brands prices always the lowest, and 1C ounces to" the pound. H. ehrung iv Sons. For sale: Poland China boar: brood sow; and pigs. Call on or telephone tllard 'I upper, on Dr. A. 11 Biiley farm, 21 miles north east of Hillsboro. J J. Martin, now at Forest Grove, is prepared to break, handle and educate all kinds of unruly borfi's. Alto hrenks and educates colts to harness and makes them perlectly tractable. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. H, Thompson, of Thompson Bros." Luuiher Co., was in town Monday and says bis company has over iffi.fKiO worth of lumber laying at the railroad truck and which he can not move at any price owing to the car shortage. 1 his car shortage seems to he hitting the millmen as well as the farmers. The P. H A. N. is sendine out another loralios mrlv. tbia time to Vernonia. Veruonia people have been fearful for some time ' that they would tret no railway, but this latest move' Kan sent their spirits soaring. , The Argus predicts that Vernonia will .he the largest town in Columbia County wthin two years after a railway reaches it. W. N. Ferrio, president of Pacific University, was down to circuit court, Monday; appearing in the famous reversion cases instituted because of the alleged sale of li quors, contrary to the restrictive clause in the deeds of Forest Grove city property. Judge McBride set the cases, but it is not likely that they will be tried. Milton Smith, the attorney for the . I niyersity, is abroad somewhere and for this rea son a continuance of .the cases was asked. , . ; . Clerk Godman is this week ad vertising for proposals for the Wil son River toll road, unori petition of John lleisler and John McClar an. The matter will be concluded at the January si-esion of the coun ty court. It is understood, of course, that John McNamer will be the most intircHed, if not the only bidder, as he has considera ble money tied up in the road be tween Gales Creek and Tillamook. The road will no doubt be valuable only for another year, as the rail read between here and '1 illamook will do much to put a quietus on travel over the mountain. -- . 4 SliXTON, SUNDAY Two Japs Killed and Several Weie Injured TWO TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL Thirty Orientals in cut wbto Slide Occurred A big slide in a P. U. A X grading cut near the Cumiuings' place, altfive Buxton, last Sunday fore noon caused the loes of two Japan ese and the injury of several more Thirty Japs, under a white man, were working in the cut, which was supposed to be in Folid rock. Suddenly the entire mountain gave way aud came down in an avalanche. K ght or nine Japs were scratched up, one was buried and killed outright, and one died from his injuries the same evening. Ma-tr Mechanic McLtughlan aent up with the tMin and brought the two dead men in, as well as two in jured, the latter tw i ng taktn to Portland the earr,e Light and pi iced in the hospital. The man caught in the slide was an ex-so!dicr, and he had just crossed to America after the war. Hh had several tn duU, from his goveriiin nt, f ir bravery in battle, PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at public auctii n at his farm, 1 . miles north east of Phillip!-, and .1 miles scu'h west cf Lir,t n, at 10 o'clock a. m. SATURDAY, DECKMBKR 1 Two work horsea and harneaa, 3 cows giving milk, 2-year heifer, 3 dozen Fly mouth Rock hens, Champion binder, Champion mower, farm wagen, covered hack, disc plow, hayrake, harrow, feed cutter, 10 tons baled bay, lot oats, plows, cultivators, tools and numerous other articles. Terms of sale: Under if 10, cash; 1 10 and over, bankable note, 5 per cent, interest, one year's time. Alexander Mathys. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE I wish to sell mv farm conlainirg I,i2 aeris. 1 10 acres under culti vation; good bouse and barn; good orchard Three and one-half miles i-outh (f Hillsboro and one mile west of Farmington. For further information apply to K. Burk halter, Hillsboro, Ore, R. F. I). 2. Annual Convention of the American Livestock Association The annual convention of the American Livestock Association and Livestock show wi'l convene at Denver on January 21, and last until the 2ith. Parties wishing to go from Washington County can make the trip via Portlaod for $52.30; and if they wish to go oue way through California the round trip will cost if (55 80. The Fifth District convention of the Washington County Sunday School Association met at the Christian Church in Hillsboro on Nov. 22, at 2:00 in the afternoon and perfected an organization by electing tbe following officers: President, B. W. Barnes; Secretary and treafttrerr, Miss Gertrude Ray; Executive committee: R. H. Greer, MrB. Keene, Mrs. Masters The State Sunday Sahool worker, Mrs. Phipps, gave a short talk in the afternoon and evening. Xmas pale of Xmas gifts by the Ladies of Congregational Church, at the Grange Hall, Saturday after noon and evening, December 15. Chicken pie supper will be served. Have a new stock of No. 3 Giant Blasting Powder. Full stock of shoes and rubbers. Come and see us P S.Anderson A Son, Reed ville, Ore. W. II . Galvani, of Portland, and formerly a resident of this county, was out the last of the week and went on out to Buxton on business Morel x Schmidt, one of the pio neers of the Helvetia section, was in the county seat Saturday. Miss Edna I in brie was out from Portland Sunday, a guest at the Hare Groer wedding. Carl Christener and wife, rf Mountaindale, were iu the city Saturday. J. R. Fisher, who is on the Fred Hanley place, was iu the city Fri day. 1) B Lusby, of Mountaindale, was in town Saturday. Henry Hannan.of Buxton, wa in town tbe last of the week. Argus and Journal, $1.75. Good Drugs will make Christmas enjoyrnent'pos sible without fear of pain to follow. It is'advisa ble to have drugs on hand to guardthe "health. We furnish the drugs that cure your pains. The purest, freshest and best is our boast. cirr PERruMts t nleat yew are a sticker for the finest only, yon will be interested in what we have to offer. We have many odors and handsomely dress ed packages, especially designed for gift purpose, at 25c, 50c, ti.00 and ft. 25. BERGEN CUT CLASS We have a superb line of cut'glaas, conaisting of nappies, cream pitch ers, vases, olive dishes, berry dishes, salt and pepper shakers, etc. Juit the thing for a nice Christmas present. The Hillsboro Pharmacy R. U. GREEAR. Frop. 1 n 1MAY FEED AND VlwlJVVA SEED STORE Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed, Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement. SEED GRAIN Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley, vetch, cheat, etc. New Brick - - - Second Street J THANKSGIVING Is Past And we are prepared to supply your needs in our line with goods that are good. Buy of us aud you will at least have one thing to be thankful for. Let Us Add Your Name To our growing list of satisfied customers. We cau please you. Have no old stale goods to offer you. Everything new and clean. Both 'phones. R. C. Yaught Grocery Company Vegetable and Fish MARKET Fresh Vegetables and call. Market opposite Street, Hillsboro. We : CORRIEFJ a ' gjp .m m. mm m mmmmmmm wnmmmmmmmmmmm . WEINHARD'S (On draught) M i y si ;i The best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use ; .. i J 4 W. V. WILEY'S g IbiiriKKxin W. J. VAN In It For a Good Time BOX STATIONERY If you want yonr friend to appre ciate your present, select a box of refined stationery, such aa we arc prepared to show yon. In our pur chases of atatkmery, tbe value ia iu the paper and not the box. Neat ness in tbe latter ia not overlooked, however. I'ricea range from 25c to 75c. Also tablets with envelopes. CIGARS We cater to' the wants of our cus tomers. Alljstandard brands, from the small box of 12 cigars to the large box of 100. r L and Gone Yours to Command, Fish in Season. Give us a Tualatin Hotel, on Main deliver to all parts of city. BROTHERS ' Don't Quit Your Business It's not neceaaary to follow the advice of the wag who aaid, "If your drinking interferes with your tnul- neaa, quit your buatneaa," GYRUS NOBLE BOIfXXOH AK9 IYE are Sne old whiskies of quality, that art indorsed alike by inveterate and occasional drinkers. Theae whiskies leave the head aa clear as s bell the next da v fit (or business. Always call for them In reply to the grcal American inquiry, "What'lt it be?" Ml mil 0aafca, ataw awaf Ommltwm. SCMIYVEt 4 CO., lac, atslrlkalsrs. POKTUNt, 0M.