MILLS80R0 ARGUS, NOV. 22, 1906 NEK III,' whim Ul lift in r People Tiiriicd Awuy I'.vcry Week in Search Tor I lumen COILU NOW KEi f FIFTY HOUSES Seveial liircl In UuiU Collage Nut SlIlllllliT Real estate nun nnl agent for properly say tlmt nl IhmhI lifiy people wauling tn rent house fur the Winter have gone to other town through the inability to supply people thiri Fall. For v ral month - in fuel ever since the advent ol thn I.ytle road there hi len a big (li'inni fur lnHiMt'H, and the supply Iihn been inade tlal tO tllH lIlMIIDIIll. Next season there will he Hev ml lionmn put up for rental mr ioe. Kvery old shack in lhe town lit occupied ami it appear that t ll'lHt lift V Inure humeri could Iih rented if thn tiiwii hail I he in. MAINS MQNWOE A ery pretty Hi-ddicg wa rile hrated at the hium of Mr. and Mm. J.T Heard, of Karinii glim, Nov. '.'I. I'.MK!, at 'Jill) in the nflrr iiiinu, the contracting partita huiiiu Mr. John W, IIiiiiih and Minn Nellie V Monroe, both id 1'nrtland, Hev. J. S hiihoinb !rnuiihir of the (tone city ttliriating Tim brnl wan charmii'g in wl.iu-ilk mull. After the rereuuniy thn wedding parly w sen ltd In a drlighiful dinner. Thnee prcHiil were: lr J Wnituuuih Itrmigher and wif, Mis Margaret Kredeen, 1'uritand; Mr. and Mm. J. T. llesrd and chililrili, and Mr. and Mr. J. A. .imiiivroiHii, of Kuseluud Fitrui. The groom i ns-uciated with Mr. Heard in a farm at Farming tuu, hut i l present fun in in tor the North I'acilic Lumber tym pany, uf I'ortland A fti-r a short wedding trip the happy ciupU will lie at hmue to t ln-ir friend at .No fitt." Noilh Twenty Sixth, Portland l-KEEMAN MUKLLFK Mr. KiUard Freeman, of North Yamhill, and Mix Minnie Mueller, uf thta city, were untied ;u marriage at the home uf the bride sister Mm. Henry Mclntire, in HilUlmro lire., Nov. 20, l'.MlC, Hev. I.. F. knap, of the M. K. Church, clli elating. The wedding touk place at 2 : Kl o clock III the aflernoml in the preeeuce of relative and a few invited friend. Mr. and Mr Freeman will lenide at the home uf the groom near North Yamhill SCHNEIDER DELSMAN Mr, Phillip Hchneiilxr and Minn France DulMinan were united in marriage at St. Matthew' Catholic Church, HilUlmro, Oregon, Nov 20, lUOtl, Kev. Father .1. L. Huch olsur solemnizing the nuptial The briila U a dauhUr of Mr. C DeUman, of southeast of thi city and the gnom i a well known Washington county young man. LEPSCHAT- GARHIGUS Mr H. K. I-i p-i hut and Miss Mary Garriitu were united in marriage at the home ol F. W. I.epschal North I'laiDH, November II. r.HH Hev. I,. F. ll lknup. of the IIiIIh boro M. K, Clurcl', ollinating The Broom in a hoii of Mr and Mrs. F. V. Lepmhiil and thn brid 1 a daughter of .I pthii (iarri;u of near llnnk. MARTY -TKACHSF L Mr. John Murlv, of nuir R-thany and Mi" Knhio Truchnel, of near Jleaverton, worn maud in iuarringii at the home of the bride' ft hr, Jacob Ti'ttchnel, November Hi, I'.KMi, Kev, J. (' Mchwnheiiliind ollicia tiog. PUBLIC SALE The uni)ornijiioil will Hill ut public auction at hU Inrm, I J milim north eat of Phillip, and II milim Hoiitli wel of I.inlon, at 10 o'clock a. m HATDUDAY, DHL'UMIIKR 1 Two work. tiomrH nnl liunu'im, , cowt giving milk, 2 your heifer, . iloeu I'lyuioutli Kock..lieiia, ('Iiriiiiioii lilmlcr, Cbatupion mower, futin wukoii, Covered hack, ilito plow, linyriike, Imrrow, feeit cutter, o ton billed liny, lot out, plowi, cullivntom, tools mill miiiieroun other article. Terumuf Bale: Under iflO, ciiHh; 10 and over, ImnkabUi mile, T) per cent, interent, one year' time. Alexander Muthya. J, C. Ktiratli, Auctioneer. Exces ol Rainfall The weather bureau reports that the rainfall fiincii September 1 in 4.13 in exocKB of nonnal. That' going Home, mire, lor the rainfall baa been short every year for the past three BeiiHoiiH, Argus and Orogonian, $2.00. Chas MatthfB, of ,iurel, was a county eeat vinltor lliin morning, T. V. Haiti, of Snoggin Valley, was in town last evening. A retired locomotive engineer who ha been topping at Heaver ton for pome time recently eut the ollicer at thi place a message for them tocoiue to Heave rin, aa he had important Information to give them relative to the Foreet Grove nk robbery, Raying that he knew woman who had told him that die thought the robber were slay ing at her house last December when the hank wa robbed, and that they never left their room by lay, going out only at night. lie said the described them to him ao accurately that he cm.ceived the idea they were the men who robbed the bank. He alio naid the woman told him the two men gave her a nun of money a day or ao after the rohltery and auddenly disappeared, and that she believed they were the guilty partie. The officer made a thorough inyettigation and ay there U abtolutely uothiug to the utory, it tieing rather evident that the man Kueign wa augrrwi at the woman iu ome way and wiehsd In uniiny her. Kniigo tnon afterward left Heaverton and it now at Can by. 1'reebyterian notice: Thank- itivmg eervicet at the luaiatin I'laiii TreNhylerian church, 10 o'clock a. m. Everybody InviUd At the (Irrman Tree Church at Hethany, on Nov. 27. Kev. A V Ueinhard is to te iutalled. Kev eral minUter will be preeenl from irtland to perlorm the inftalla tiou aervice, Hev. L. M. Hix iir to reHide; IU v. II II. i'ralt to charge the nan tor; Rev. A. Robinson, Hill uro, to charge the people; and Kev. A. W. Reinhard to deliver the ermuii. There will he a elmrt rhankegiving aerviceat Reedville on Thanksgiving Day, at 12 o'clock, utter which there i!l be a public weilding. Reedville Service neit Habbalh. Nov. 2'. at 3:1. Wel come to all. I'ratt Vickf-r, a Corneliua Ixiy, ami who na been at pi. Joe mr mime time, a agent and operalor for the Southern racitic, arrived VYedneaday uuirniug to act aa oper tor and aHumtant aaeot at tin nlare. Mr. Yicker ha nlway given univeraal aalifaction and aa he will I e among old friend here hi ly at tlii iMiint ehould be very pleanaut. 1 H. Naugle, who ha been here for never al month, left yeeterday for Weal Fork, lietow (iranta l'aa, where he will have the night operator ahift at an in reaee of (alary. Mr. Naugle made many friend while here and leave with the high regard of all who met hi in. Smoker like the Schiller and the Kioulleni'i. These ciaar are of the beet Block. You can't fool an authority on a good cigar. Mr. Kdythe Toiier Weatherred formerly of thia city, ia now editor ml publiHher of "Western Tour,' an M) page magazine public bed in lierkely, Cel. The publication i neatly iilutrated and well written lii'iim a credit to weetern ell'ort in every way. 1 lie uuject ol me journal i to induce Americana of the Kant to vinil the coael mint iiiMtead of oroeiug the Atlantic where they ee ecenery econd to the rugged eye-line of the eet particularly the racitic coast tectum. Mr. Ague Campbell (lowan will lie at the (IreenhnUBe Wednesday and Saturday of each week, here after, to cell out the remainder of the ehruhbery, plant, etc. Patron a ill pleaae take notice. Kvery thing going at a eacriflce. Here i the chance to get thruhbery for lit lie or nothing. The Corvallia Agricultural Col lege ha United a bulletin telling of the ehorl Farmer' Course to he held at the College January 8 'o 18 incluHive. lhe college will have tine eorp of inBtrnolor and Dr VVithycombe will instruct through out the Heemon. IJuite a numb iiKuallv attends from thia county a theie i a special couree in dairvinit The exnenaes will be very light, as board and lodging hut $3 or $4 per week up tbera. Kurulli HrotherB report the follwoing realty Bales through their ollioe: A. Nimmo sells 20 acres near Reedville to Wni. Uensley '2.(HK); A. H (larrison and eon 11 illsbiiro residence, C. F. Ketnpin 10.r.O; C. K. Bradley, 40 acren near Ranks, to a Mr. Spielings, $2400 Hon. W. H. Webrung leaves to morrow for Seattle, where he will assist in picking out the site for the Oregon building at the Alaska Seattle Fair. Mr. Wehrung gets his appointment from Gov. Cham herlain. For sale: Pigs just weaned weigh from 30 to 40 pounds. Thoa' Connell, Hillbboro, R. F. 1) 3, ranch near Glencoe. A large number of the friends of Mine Jennie (Jreer honored her wiln a delightful shower party at the home of her nareuta, on First Street, last Monday evening. John Peters, who recently went from North Foreet drove to North Yakima, lost his wife some time ago, and Iibh left that part of the state. Rom, Nov, 12, 11)00, to Mr. aud Mrs. Herman Koeber, of Soholls, a daughter. Itirn, to Chas, Matthes and wife, of Laurel, Nov. 20, l'JOU, a daughter. 8 A. D. Meek, of near Mouu taindale, was a county Beat visitor today. J ri a i Hcst Returns liver in the Histoiy of the System I'LAXT IS I5i C00I) CONDIflON Kner Jet's Krport Published In lbi Vt cfk Uue Recorder II. T. Ragley thi week puhliwhes the report of the condi tion of the city for the year juet ended. It shows the annual re ceipts from the water and light plant to le l'.l,(i.V2.4l, the largevt in the history of the public ownnridiip nl the lyHtem, or since the plant wa intalbl. The system ha re- eived sufficient to pay iuterent on lbs water and light bonde, oper ating expenee, light and water ex- lenmonH, new triitoriiiern; ami a arge portion of the cost of the new main on Main elreit, and ahive all thi wool. I have netted over fllO had it not been for the installation of the meter system, which diet over T'.hni. 1 lie) timieM were a ueceteily and although they have rut down the reieipu aUml 125 iter month the light service ha growu to proportion that make the total income an increase over the receipt before the meter were purchuied. They mean a savirg of fuel, a well, which will count on the coming year's showing. The plant I in better condition than since the city owned it in fact the plant i well worth th money it represent. The receipt for November will overreach the 700 mark for water and light alone, according to Recorder lUg ley. At the lime of lite purchnH4 of the plant by the city. HilUhoro's etit wa about f IH.ihhi, with no aeiet. loday the city lialiihties are scroti, witli n plant Hilly worth lhe amount of debt. Hefore purchasing the city ( aid I12li0 per year for light and tire protection The taxpayer now pay I!,2(NI annually and have double, or over the street hirlit service. For the 11 year the city has crawled out of debt tl.tHJO, and the service has been excellent. Next year's report will be more Mattering because extenion will not be so expensive as those of Ibis and last year. MASS MEETING Notice to the Legal Voter of H llsboro There will beheld in the City Ol MilUboro. at the t:ity Hill, on Tuesday, November 21, HKHi, be ginning at MH) P. M , a mass meet Dig of thn legal voters of the City of HilUboro for the purpose nominating a city ticket coneisling of a Mayor for term of una year three councilmen for term of two years; city recorder and city treas urer for terms of one year and for the transaction of any other hnsi ness that may properly come before such meeting. Hy order of the City Council. Dated at HilUboro, Ore., Nov. 21, 1!MK!. It. P. Cornelius, Mayor. HILLSBORO FRUIT MEETING The farmers of this vicinity will meet here on Decenilwr S, at 111:110 m, to orgnnizH a horticultural board for the purpose ol tsking up the matter of proper care of or- :hards. Inspector Harris will be present and all who are in favor of helping out fiuit culture and put ting it on a sanitary and pro ductive, as well as a prolilable basis, are requested to he present. Tbe meeting will hold either in tbe court house or the city hall. PROBATE C C I 'spies, trustee of estate of C. II Hn lier, ilt'ceaseil, tilra rt port of estnte and Mine ii approved. CuatiHstislilp of Constnntiue Miller filet appraisement at fiti.. Monday, Dec n set for hearing pcti tiou to show cause wliy real estitte, e,uar dinnsliip .lolin C Hatch et all, slisll not tie sold. I'inal settlement estate John Streseset for December 34. (iuardinuship Geote Warreu, minor, tiaviiiK naid ssid (leorire Wnrren lull share of flS.oH, suid Kimnliiuiship is re leaaed a to liability to him, Inventory of T M 1 lines eilste up proved at f 49 1. bo. J K Halley, Forest (irove, appointed administrator estnte Nathaniel I' Nye, deceased, bond at f 1500; C O Uoe, A R l.euho ami S li Ilugliea, appraiser. Grant Manu was over from South Tualatin yesterday. L, C. Brown was over from Iowa Hill Tuesday. Thursday, Nov. 2il, ia Thanks giving Day. A. Kriecer. of North Forest Grove, was an ArgiiH caller today Adrian Merryman, now of Tort land, was out Sunday, the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleming Wilson of Portland, were guests of Dr. V J. Bailey and wife, Sunday. Mr. Fleming is an author of repute and is now editor of the Pacific Monthly. Puritan oil beaters Chas. A. I.amkin Co. A. A. McCurdy, of Cornelius, wa in the city Tuesday. Ja. Slitt, of Sylvan, was in the ity the last of the week. Noah Scheidel, of North Plain, was in the city yesterday. F. YV. Irroler, of Cornelius, wa an Argu caller yesterday. Geo. Cypher and wife were down from near Mountaindale yesterday. Dolls undressed, half dressed, and wholly dressed at Mrs. Pills burr's. J. C. Hare, interested in the new sawmill, was in the county seal yesterday. R. U. Porter, the Forest Grove hop grower, was in the city Tues day evening. Japanese paper napkins in choice signs, crepe paper, etc., at Mrv. Pillsliury's. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Ieonard MorVy, of Forest drove, Nov. 20, l'JUtl, a son. Mrs. Olive Frewing, of Tigard- ville, wa a guest of the MesdamrB Kurulli. Sunday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy F Via, of Foreet Grove, Nov. 10, l'.'tlli, a daughter. For a good smoke try the Schil ir or Kxcelltmcia end you will try them again and again. Hon, Ira K. Purdin, of Forest Grove, wa in the city yesterday, a guest of Mrs. . R. Rarretl. J. II. Dorland, supervisor in the Shady lirook section, was in the city the last of the week. D. IS. Kmrickand J. II. Collier were up Irom scholia last Satur day, taking in the county set. Closing out sale in millinery on Corner Third it Main, in front of the Dr. Tamiesie residence. R. II. Roger and wife, of near Scholls, were county seat visitor) yesterday, and called on the Argus. Complete line of black cotton hosiery just arrived. The best hos iery on the market. Schulmerich Bros. John McDonald, one of Port land's ruHtlint! insuraure men, was in the ciiy yesterday, writing pol'cies. j Thoroughbred Shropshire ram, registered, for sale. Ferd Grouer, Hillelmro, R. F. 1). 2. Farm near Set oils. Rev. S J. Lindsay will preach at the Gaston United Evangelical church next Sunday morning and at Ilillehoro in the evening. Just arrived Ladies' and gents' cravenettes. Latest from the east. Come early and get your choice. Schulmerich Bros. Morning theme st the Christian Church next Sunday "The Su preme Christian Law." Evening "The Temperance Issue." C. A. Sias, Minister. Mrs. Pillsbury is showing a nice line of ladies' high grade leather hand bat; at tempting prices. Just the thing for a nice Christmas gift. Waller Meier, son of John Meier, of near Bethany, died November 15, l'HKl, sod the funeral took place Saturday. Deceased was a nephew of Mm. li. I. Kuratli. . Drop in and look over the Holi- lay goods now lieing received al- mosl daily by Mrs. Pillsbury. Do your Christmas shopping early, w fore the goods are picked over. Ralph Kay, aged 20. of Dilley, ami mibi .leasts rarsons were granted license to wed at Portland, yesterday ; also W. L. Tolson, Se- ghers, and Miss Dora . Kay. Get ready to celebrate Thanks giving by attending the dance at the Hillsboro Opera House, Wed nesday night, Nov. 2$ Five piece orchestra antt a tine time guaran tor!. Shooting match at the V. Wai hel place, Helvetia, 4 miles east of Glencoe, on Sunday, November , l'JIlt), commencing at 10:IK) a.m. Beef, geese, ducks and chickens All are invited. Capt. Collins has had the leaves raked up and hauled off the court yard, and the refuse made many wagon loads, lhe Captain has also repaired the walk leading due south from the courthouse to Main. For sale: 40 acres of brush laud, easily cleared, near Kalaraa, Wash. Running water on place. Three miles from county seat. Goes at $10 per acre. A. Paut meier, Hillsboro, Ore., II. F. I). 2. X. A. Gassner, of below Reed ville, was in the city yesterday, and made the Argus a pleasant call. Mr. Gassner is very much interested , in organizing a fruit growers' association in his vicinity J. P. Young, L. S. McConnell and Ferd Langer have incorporated as the Sherwood Mutual Telephone Company, wilh a capitalisation of $ 1,000. Their object ia to put in a telephone system in Sherwood and vicinity. To lease for terra of years: Farm of 187 acres, 60 acres cleared, D miles from Portland, three miles from Bethany. Will rent for cash Good buildings and stablt fitted for dairying. Grant Holcomb, Holbrook, Ore., R. 1. Pacific States.Phone 3G9. NOW IS THE TIME in (let Heady to Improve Wash ington County Orchards DO NOT WAIT L T 1 L SPUING OPENS Farmers are Admonished 1 bat Xtiw ia Tbe Accepted Time Washington County can raise as fine apples as can be produced in any part of tbe world if care is given orchards. Year after year however, orchard have gone to tbe bad for lack of spraying. This season a few have raised good apples, which were the result of careful attendance to trees. It is foo'ish to say that there is no use to care for trees to long as your neighbors will not move. Down around Farminglon there are fine apple raided hy eeveral farmers while their neighbors' trees are regular pest breeders. A promi nent orchardist sid to the Argus reporter, yesterday: "Now is the time for orchardiets to organize for effective neighborhood work. Get together and organize and see that neighbors, as well as members of the organization, get in and clean up their orchards. We are cloite to Portland and can sell every apple that is marketable. Now is the time and then you wi l bs ready for the Spring campaign. A few dollars on an orchard will biing a return tenfold. Stir them up Let us make Washington County an apple county we can beat Hood River out if we half try." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Chas K Henry to Jisie McDevitt Fair sere tract. Hillsboro f 14000 John Verboort to Geo V inderzau den, So. jo KCjit Jiirjw... Henry Huber to J II Turk, 2 acres sec 2 t 3 n r 5 w Lsvina Walt to Agnette M Slaehr. lots 15. 16. blk 10 S P Add For est drove Sarab Peterson to Agnette Staebr, 5.T5 a near I'orest (irove 3'o IS 1500 1250 Annette Staebr to Sarah Peterson, 501 no feet in forest Grove ... Edward Nimmo to W'ui lleuiley. :o a Geo libberts donation ... . Jos Starkweather to I Y I'ritcliaril 1 JO a sec v t iimw 7000 A llenz to Wm T l!ush, a near Heaverton Rebecca lluber to Henry Huber, quitclaim tbu a sec i t 3 n r 5 w 400 T 11 Littlebales to Ktlw D Rounds, 43.74 a in Gibson & Cuatheld A 1 c I968 1400 1600 W A Pulley to Herman Bremer, 10 acres near Sherwood .... John W l'.urrus to Frank Sell, 40 acre sec 13 t 2 n r 4 w Hammond Llir Co to A & C R K, Tiuhts of way across lands 1 200 I050 600 V 1 Smith to R K Uailey, 100 ft squurein Forest Grove John Lousignont to Henry Huber, 169 a sec 2 t 3 n r 5 w F W Phillips to Henrietta Peter son, 7 lets in I ornelms May Counolly to Harold Jensen, 4 lots in Dilley 175 Thos Lox to John C Rounds, lot 9 blk 10 S P add Forest Grove .... 800 Frank Bernards to Dure ohnson, tract in blk 33 Forest Grove . . . 300 Dora Elliott to Phoebe Kiudt, 6 a at Kinton Phoebe Kindt to Dora Elliott, 74 acres at Kinton Mary Watrous to FMna Jensen, 50- x2oo feet in blk S F Grove Same to the same, I a Buxton do nation and other lands V H McKldowney to W R Harris, 100x150 feet, blk 33 F Grove.... 500 1100 Geo Taplin to Mary Tennis, 100- xKo leet blk 33 Forest Grove. .. Andrew Paulsen to V G Gossliu et al, joo a a:c 3' t 3 n r 2 w 10 2Soo John Mayer to Wni Bagley, rbo a sec 33 t 3 n r 4 w Catherine Reynolds to Kuratli llros, tract in lot 7 blk 22 Hbo. . 1 600 800 647 Lark in Reynolds to Gotleib Falb, 10 a near 1 hallos H K Dailev to W I) Smith, tract in lot 7 blk 22 Hillsboro John Hill to Western Timber Co, 047 a sec 4 t j n r 5 w W A Scott to M J Kinney, 160 a sec jj t 3 n r 5 w , looo M V Halm to A V Walker, 2.36 a north Hillsboro 257 Geo Susbaner to Paul Wiegand, lot I blk 27 Cornelius 500 Thos Brinton to A V Hammond Co, ido a sec 4 t 1 a r 6 w I800 W O Hocken to K T Fitpatrick, lots it), 17, Fruitful Lands 900 NEW TIME TABLE A new passenger train schedule goes into eflect today and the ser vice will be as follows: Leaves for Portland Forest Grove local Sheridan Fiver ... 6:47 a. ni. 9:07 a. m. Forest Oro-e local , 1 .42 p. ui 4:31 P. ui Corvullis overland Arrives from I'ortland Corvullis overland 8:14 a. m. Forest Grove local Sheriilhii Flyer 12:07 p. ni. 5:26 ! 7:27 P- " . . . . . 7:00 a. 111. 11:00 a. m. ,, , , . 4:10 p. ui. 6:2o p. m 7-55 i" Forest Grove local Leaving Portland Corvallis overland Forest Grove local Sheridan Flyer. Forest Grove local Arrival in Portland F'orest Grove local Sheriilan Flyer F'orest Gtove local Corvallis overland 10:20 a. ui. 2:50 p. m, B:so p. ui The Forest Grove local dieB not carry baggage. FARM FOR SALE I wish to sell my firm containing 152 acres. 110 acres under culti vation; goad house and baru: good orchard. Three and one-half miles south of Hillsboro and one mile west of Farmington. For further information apply to E Burkhalter, Hillsboro, Ore . R.F D. 2. Argus and Journal, $1.75. The following criminal cases, some of which have been hanging fire for some time, will come upon the docket for the coming term of circuit court next week are: State versus Geo. Tarpio, Scholls, asrault with dangerous weapon; State versus Wm. Wilson, assault and battery, appeal from justice court; State versus J. A. Fitz gerald, larceny by bailee; State versus Chas. At water, information; State versus Hiram Naylor, Gales Creek, threat to kill; and State versus Claude Bowman, assault with intent to commit rape tbia latter being the case against a young lad of Forest Grove, defend ant being out nnder bond; Azair Wharton will answer the charge ol larceny by bailee. Twenty-nine farmers and fruit growers of Beaverton and vicinity have signed a paper agreeing to meet at that place, Nov. 30, for the of organizing a fruit growers association, ibis is a move in tbe right direction, and ehould be encouraged. The meet ing will be held at 7:30 in the eve ning and all parties interested are requested to turn out and help pre parations for a campaign of pro gress, commencing at once. In spector Harris has notified the growers there that he will be at Beaverton on that day and show them how to prune and spray, and has assured them that he will re main at the evening session. The Portland man by the name of Hulin who bilked several Hills- boro parties out of fifty cents each has come to grief and is now in the clutch of the law. Hulin ad vert it ed to tell one how to make money if )0 cents were sent Several from here and Forest Grove bit, and bis rfply was to send out an advertise ment like he did and they would rake in the fifty cent pieces. The oflicials of the Federal conrt found several letters from the two towns above named, besides letters from all over the Northwest. The Portland Journal recently tells (it a prize turnip raised by a Washington County man, the vege table weighing 15 pounds. Tbe farmer rf sides in East Washington, and it is a good showing, but np this way we think nothing of tur nips that beat this one away to the bad. J. C. Miller, of beyond Glen coe, raises them weighing 331 pounds, while Jonn Loltis, of the same section, raised one a few sea' sons ago that lipped the beam at fifty pounds. The old sink hole np at the W ana to gap on the Southern Pa cific, is again giving the railway people some trouble but the clear cold weather of tbe past day or bo will doubtless reduce the annoy ance to a minimum. Henry Gureke and Miss Rose Helmond, of near Blooming, have been granted license to wed. Also John W. Hains, Portland, and Nettie V. Monroe, Hillsboro; il Albert Schlechla and Gertrude C. Ochs. We carry the best shoe on the market for the money." W. L Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous cushion shoes for men. Leading makes for ladies. Latest styles and finish. H. Wehrung & Sons. E. C. Muiloy was over from Lau rel yesterday, and reports that J. A. Messinger and Sam Ornduff have sold their hops. There are Btill a half dozen small lots un sold in that territory. For sale: Forty acres land, all timber, two miles north of Hillsboro- Price, $50 per acre. For further pariculars see or address L. Manning, Hillbboro, Ure , K t. u. 4. Fred Pnetsch, driving the con denser wagon in from the Shady Brook section, states that the roads are very bad just now, and that the heavy freeze ot last night made learning very hard on the horses. Public dance at W. O. W. Hall, Glencoe, Friday night, Nov. 30. Walkers orchestra, tickets, in cluding supper, fl. Everybody invited alwavs a good time at Glencoe. Strayed: From our farm near Shute school house, Nov. 11, 10 goats. Mark: End of right horn sawed oft. Notify D. W. Wood and receive reward. The late train will have a new schedule out of Portland, com raencine next Wednesday. So far as can be learned this is the only train effected, and it will start from Portland considerably earner than at present. Dividends in life luFurance should be paid annually Get the annual dividend habit. None better than the Massachusetts Mu tual Life's annual dividend system James Stitt, District Agent. To fully enjoy that turkey on Thanksgiving youog people should attend the big dance at tbe Upera House Wednesday evening, Nov. 28. Fine orchestra and a nice crowd. Wanted: Stock hogs weighing from 80 pounds upward; alsoBheep. J. G. Haines, Beaverton, Oregon, Independent 'phone. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, of be yond Glencoe, have returned from a visit with their son, George, at Heppner. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Excelleucia Oregon manufacture. PRornsioHAU F. A. BAILEY, H. D. Pbslelu, mm4 wegaw Office sforvas-Baiky Usck stalfa. Room aad I R td e a wtat corner Basalt a4 2ad street. Bota'PfcoB. S. T. LINKLATBR, M. B. C. U., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OIBo npetalr over The Delta Drag Store tUaidM Cast of Co art Uonae. in taw oorner of the block. r JAMES FHILLIPE TAMISS1S, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeoa Soothers Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or Bngltab. Of 6ce opetairt In Corwin-Wooater Block. Noi h rate of Main Street. ArW F. J. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey. Resident on corner Second and Oak (its. Oregon Pbon Main 116. - HILLSBORO ... OREGON ASA A.B. BAILEY, M. D..D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Bailey-Morgan Block. TT'11 rf-V Both Phones. tllllSDOrO, Ure. i DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooms W and It Morgan-Bailey Block, Main Street. Over Dennis Store HILLSBORO OREGON WW' Dm . aaur Mr. 0. Mara BAGLEY at HARE ATTOK.NKYS-AT-LAW Koonu 1 and i Shate Building HILLSBORO, . . OKEtiON. H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORSIHY-AT-LAW Office, apstaira, over the Post Office, HUlabora, - Ortgoa E. B. TONGUE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms ,,&, Ifofgaa Blk, HUlabor . A JOHN IL WALL, ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Office CpaUiia, Baiky afergaa Block Rooms, laal a. HILLSBORO, - .. . ORXOON. W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Office, Up Stairs, Ccatnl Block. HILLSBORO OREGON. WMVMV W. D. HARE, Attorney-at-Law Building, Cpstiira, Hillsboro, Oregoi Shate THOS. H. TONGUE, JR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 and 5 Hillsboro, - - Oregon DR. A. A. BURRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH Hillsboro, Ore. Diseases cured without drugs or aurgery. by Magnetic Uateopatny, tne new science of Drueleas Healing. Chronic cases a specialty. Consultation free. Office over the City Bakery. K. J, LYONS B. P. CORNELIUS LYONS & CORNELIUS Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In surance Business. List your farm with them and find a sale. They will treat yon right. Add your sale to onr Hat. Call in and ace us. Main Street, Hillsboro, O' IMHOFF & MINAR Dealers in Marble and Granite Monu ments and Tombstones, and all kinds of cemetery aud memorial work. Write us for particulars. Address 335 . Morrison PORTLAND OREGON I T.RJmbrie Deals in all kinds oi Real Estate. Wheat Lands, Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, and Range Lands. Reclamation and sale of Desert Lands a specialty. Fine investments for your idle money. Write or call at office. ' 323 ABINGTON BUILDING Portland - Oregon a. m. Hvarcn Ootttf motor maul AnMm Estimates given on all classes of bulldin g Mat, flea Maf Malay W Ummoa, aaaf Mf ml Oak. Hllkmoro, - Gregon i