HILLSBORO ARGUS, NOV. 12. 1906 l'utrad at tha Port-offle at HUUboro, Oregon, m Moond-claM nail matter, LUCIUS A. LiONO, Editor. County Official Paper Subscription: On Dollar par Annum, laaaed Rery Tharaday -BY- LONQ MoKINNBT If Millard Lownsdale tunes hit voice for the Willamette Valley apple as melodiously ae it ia in "eooc and etory." Hood River may as well get off the top of Ml Hood, for Hood River will be proven a 'four-flusher." For a trust-buster Mr. Hughe ie starting out finely. It is on file at Albany, N. Y., that the trust men like J. P. Morgan only put up a little over two hundred thousand dollars for Mr. Hughe' campaign. Hughes spent only IGOO but he didn't need to put up, at the trust did it for him. A fin trust bus ter P Millard Lownsdale, a LaFayette apple grower, has called Hood River' bluff and now asks for an exhibit and test between Willam ette Valley and Hood River apples. Millard is one Willamette Valley orchardist who baa called the turn. As he raises thousands of boxes of apples every year he know a thing or two about the business. As a matter of fact the Willamette Valley non-irrigated apple is a better keeper any time than the irrigated product. Brer Hoge, of the Times, grieves because the Salem Journal doe not clip from the Argua along with other religion publications. For the benefit of Brer Hoge the Argus will say that it considers Hofer too apostate for an exchange and therefore Washington County's leading religious weekly dfTJ enter the eanct" T' Da"- " "111 " -- . .. - cooc: y, i Argus goes only to the Port v"Iand Oregonian and the Christian Advocate bo far as religious ex changee go. Frank Baker, who for many years has had a graft on the state of Oregon netting him thousands of dollars every year, through the agency of an old broken down printing plant at the capitol, now says he will give the state his pla This is a piousij"I""v " " w With r-- . - '-. through a J" . .a U graft at the expense of .V-"the ax pftver for yearg yeari Baker was the chap who saved the state from "dishonor" so many times as state chairman of the dominant party. Baker always bucks everything that is not a part of the machine, and the ma chine has always backed him up while "Frankie" yelled "patriots, stand by your party." It is to be hoped the state will invite Frank to take his old junk out of the grounds that it is so tainted that it etnells to decency. Low Rate From East During Summer season of 1907 reduced round trip excursion rate will be in effect from the Eat to Pacific Coast, Montana, British Columbia and Arizona points. Rate from Chicago via direct Hoe to North Pacific Coast points will be $73.00 and from Missouri Kiver Common point (Council Bluff to Kansas City inclusive), also St Paul and Minneapolis, rate will be $60.00, St Louis $69.00 and Denver, Colorado Spring and Pueblo $50.00. Rates to Spokane and point effected will be $5.00 lea than to the Coast. Rate one way via California will be $13-5 higher than those above mention ed. Tickets will be on tale daily, June wt to Sept. 15th, 1907 with final return limit of October 3it, 1907. Account of Twenty-third International Christian Endeavor Convention, Seattle, Wash., July lotb to 15th, 1907; Conven tion of Baptist Young People' Union, Spokane, Wah., July 4th to 701,1907; Grand Lodge Independent Order of Good Templar, Seattle, Wash., July 16 to 22nd, 1907, rate of one lowest nor mal first class limited fare for round trip for direct routing with $12.60 additional one way through California has been named to North Pacific Coast points and Spokane from Chicago, St Louis, Missouri River and Colorado point. Sale date east of Colorado point, Jnne 20th to July 12, 1907, west, June 21st to July 13th, 1907. Account Mystic Shrine Convention, Lo Angeles May 5th to nth, 1907, and Conference of German Baptist Brethren, Lo Angeles or Long Beach, Calif., May loth to 23rd, 1907, and National Eclectic Medical Association, Long Beach, Calif., June 1 8th to 2 1st, 1907, one lowed first ' class fare for the round trip has been authorized to Lo Angeles aud San Francisco with $12.50 additional for ticket routed one way via Portland. , bale date Mystic Shrine and German Baptists April 25th to My 19th, I907, . final return Unit July 31st, 1907, and for M. E. M. Aas'n. sale date June 8th to 15th, with final return limit August jist, '907. Transcontinental Passenger Associa tion circular giving full information re garding aide trips, stopover privileges and other detail connected with these reduce' rate will be sent to you from time to time at they are issued. The above rate arc issued by the O. R. & N. and the Southern Pacific. Wm. McMurrav, Gen. Pa. Agent. Portland, Ore. ANNUAL REPORT To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of 'Hillsboro, Oregon I herewith submit my report as Re corder of the City of Hillslxiro, Oregon, for the year rouimencins; November ai, 1905, and ending Sovemlwr n, ty. STRKKT FVXl) KKCKlrTS Cash on hand last report S ,19 Rec'd ftm Co Treas 1X41 311 Received from poll tax. 89 00 Total receipts.., Warrants iauietl Cash on hand. ........ Jt !) GENERAL KVNU KKCK1PTS Liquor licenses. f45 110 Dog license 39 ix Show license 39 iu Pound fees J7 00 Peddlers license 5 50 Wool-saw license. 10 50 Fines 17 50 General tax, Co Treas. J517 71 Sidewalks.. 61 .vj Street assessments. 35S M Transferred from street fund in payment of amount advanced for street planking. 995 00 Total receipts. fvui jo Cash on hand last rep't 65 76 warrants redeemed Int paid on warrants... 540" 44 Cash on hand $5606 96 $5006 96 Due from street as'm't fis S6 lue from sidewalks 41 40 ToUl $57 16 GENERAL FUND DISBl'RSKMS.Nrs CLASSIFIKP Marshal salary f.So 00 Pnnting and stationery 11 00 Expenses j 05 Board of prisoners 12 70 Miscellaneous (pound rent Us) . 8 Drayage 6 35 Recorder fees i6j 10 City attorney fees. 120 00 Water & Light. 1100 00 Treasurer salary 50 00 ails So 97 Labor on streets 317 12 Labor on sidewalks.... 18 75 Lumber for streets. 1399 77 Election, (judges and clerks) 7 50 Fire department m 16 salary health officer, Kool on city hall... Total warrant Warrant f j , " . IXT frM) "5 t3 ..'IT -f: ,.,,, i in HOM WATER LIGHT November $621 63 December 635 02 1906 January 672 5S February 660 65 March 659 96 April 664 26 May...... 655 15 June 642 02 July 679 43 August 664 65 September 623 50 October 669 57 Total $7849 42 , Increase over last reo't ' MyS 34 W V I 187 81 469 05 108 42 42 67 70 50 138 27 l3 39 84 69 90 13 'February., March... .. April , May June July August September 104 83 October 202 08 Total $1802 99 WATER & LIGHT FI ND DISBURSEMENTS CLASSIFIED Salaries of supt. and assistant $1470 00 Printing, publishing and stat'y. 79 35 Repairs to plant 203 38 supplies for plant (including ex tension) 1641 42 Telephone. 2 95 Recoider salary (collections).... 180 00 Extra labor 609 80 Interest on bonds 1225 00 Express 45 90 freight 13 70 Drayage 15 50 Fuel 2672 40 Plant improvement, (poles, trans formers, etc., not including extension, except part of new main, Main street) 476 44 Meters 932 90 Kpense 245 33 Refunded and remitted.... 163 39 Total warrants drawn $9977 46 RECEIPTS FROM OTHER SOl'RCKS Collected in advance, November $14 05 December 4 75 Delinquent incidentals collected since last report 22 90 Delinquent water and light col lected since last report 20 07 Cash, sale of old engine 2o 00 Total $262 67 RECAPITULATION Total earnings, water a HKht t78iO A2 Sale of incidentals 1802 gq mner sources Cash paid treasurer..... 262 67 $9868 19 Delinquent incidentals Delinquent water a Igt Advance payments, last report 22 85 18 11 S 95 $9915 08 $9915 10 Cash on hand last rept $102 71 Cash received since 9868 19 Warrants redeemed $919! u Interest on warrants... 753 61 Cash on hand 26 17 . ' , 19970 90 $9970 90 Warrants outstanding $15,023 98 TOTAL IXDKBTKDNKH8 Bonds outstanding $24,500 00 Warrants.gen fund 293 80 " W A L " Due W & L fund.. Due W & L fund, del. last report... Cash. W & L fund del. last report... Due, general fund Cash " " To balance I5.M3 98 $40 96 64 20 26 17 57 26 75 23 39.553 96 $39,8i7 78 $39,817 78 Respectfully Submitted, H. T. BAGLEY. fiecorder. Breaking a Compact By BELLE MANIATES Tom Ilaltou aced th blu gravel road tu frout of the alatial hotel waiting for lVtrothy. Waitiug tor Dor othy had Iwu bla uoruial coudltiou this summer. He was a mau w hose w ell tuada shoul ders aloiut marked him aa man of ac tion. This uew rola of hi was not consistent with hi prluclplea and hab it. He cousulted hi watch frequently and Hid thlmr uuder hi breath, but the Instant he caught sight of the fair young form In the doorway ha forgot bis iniatleuce. Wlit'ii ltorothy's Ingeuuoua, daullug eyes looked luto hi he draw a yulck breatli aud told himself sit wa well worth the waitlug. however prolonged. Tiuii was made for slaves, not for Dorothy. It did uot eveu occur to her to ask tilui If she were late or If b BAVa FROsUSM t I." " f- L. , 2tt v.-'5..fc;a. 8 wa th r T ltir iim naa oeeu uDjected so no rule or regulation. Her father, William Lloyd, had been perceptibly troubled when approached by Toiu ou the subject of hi love and desire for liorotliy. "I don't know of a fellow anywber I think as iiiut-b of as I do of you Tom. and there I no one els whom I would like to have for a sou-ln-law, but you haveu't said anything to her yet." "No. Still, of course, she must know I love her." Lloyd smiled. "Very likely. But I don't want yon to say anything to ber uutll you havt known her longer uutll you are en tlrely sure you care enough." Tom stared. "Do you think any oue could know ber at all aud uot love her?" "I must admit," replied Lloyd, "thai we have doue all we could to spoil Dorothy, and yet she Is not (polled to us. She has always bad ber own way, but It ha been such a witching, sweet way we were glad to give It to ber. II I our deareot wish and hope that b may always continue In ber prluc role. "She has many little characteristic that we can laugh at, but to a con ventional, practical, systematic natur like yours I fear will prove detracting Her oblivion to the flight of time, bi Irresponsibility and utter disregard of anything approaching a system will b wearisome to you, I fear, after tb glamour of courtship aud honeymoon Is over. You must take her a sh Is, with no thought of alteration." - Tom protected that he loved Dorothy as she was aud that In naught would he have ber cbauged, but Lloyd bad seen bis looks of Impatience aud their udden vanishing this morning. "There'll come a time when bla Im patience will linger after Dorothy's ar rival ou the scene," be reflected, with s sigh. Meanwhile Tom wa mildly remark ing to Dorothy that be feared they would be late for the starting of the re gatta. Dorothy gayly rejoined that sbs bad never seen the starting of any thing. "I am dreadfully unpuuctual," b added, with a little slgb. "If Incon venient for my friend, but I can't help It. I get up late In the morning and everything has begun. I've never seen the flint uct of a matluee yet." "Don't you breakfast with your fa ther and mother?" he asked gravely. "Breakfast!" she echoed, wltb a little) shriek. "I've never seen a breakfast table. I was brought up that way. I was a delicate child, and they never awoke me, and now, oh, there' some thing deadly In the early morning sun shine! It seems so lonesome at tb starting of day. Do you think It such a crime a your face Indicate?" I really think you ought to break fast with your parents, Dorothy," was the seriously spoken rejoinder. Do you, Tom?" she asked deject edly. He doesn't know-he can't Imagine what n difficult tiling It would be for me," she thought. "It would be al strange to me as It would to him." An Inspiration came to her. Tom," she asked, "If I turn ovr a new leaf and get up to breakfast, will you do something for me?" Ill face glowed wltb enthusiasm and something else. "There' nothing In the world I wouldn't do for you, Dorothy." "Well, I'll get up to breakfait and make an effort to be on time If you will part your hair In the middle." "What?" "Yes; It's the only flaw I've discov ered In you, Tom. I can't bear hair parted on the side. It's so old fash ioned." "But I'd look perfectly Idiotic wltb myhalr parted In the rnlddl," h pro tested, appalled at lln primpivt. "Now yon ran mv," sho erlo I In ti l uuiph, with dam-tug eye, "how sti-imco It would seem to me to get up lu the morulngr Tom w that this mis his hour, and he met It uutllucliiiiKly. "It's a ciniMi-t, 1 frothy. I'll part my hair In the middle or anywhere ir you will set up In the morning and oc casionally consult N tlmeplei." That aame evening Dorothy revolved the first piece- of advice ever bestowed HHl her by ber adoring father. "Vou are quite grow 11 up, lHrothy," he suggested gently, "and don't you thluk you shi.nl, I 1 a little moiv sy tematlc or punctiint In your mode of life?" "Et tu. Unite!" she thought, saying aloud: "Say 110 more, papa, I have promised Tom to get up to l.reukfust every morning and that 1 would try and be on time gvnorully." "You have?" be exclaimed In surprise and with the thought that she surely must love Tom. "Yea, for a ooiisldorntl.iii. Ho la to part hla hair In the inld.lle." "Tom Daltoii part his hair In the mid die! I'd as so.ni think of Ahnihiiui Lincoln dressed us l.illle Lord l-'nmitle my." This cotnp irlsoti huiiimnI larit Ny, and she be an to wonder how Tom would look. "I've Invited hlin to breakfast with us tomorrow, so we will have tin op portunity to see bow- his hair become him." lKwotuy did not face the next morn ing In a spirit of buoyancy. She came Into the dlului riiii listlessly and with a feeling that life was a desolate waste. Her father aud mother were already at the table, aud Tom mm entered, looklug sheepish and conscious. An unwilling smile of amusement was forced back by iMrcihy as she looked at hi hair aud expression. It was In cougruous, hut alio was not going to admit It. Her words were few, her voice sail, ber luauuer martyred tliroui:hout the meal. When later Tom came to take her for a drive she was patiently ami dejectedly waiting for liiui. lu the evening she was again on schedule time. Three days of methodical life drug ged 011. and then Tom felt that he could no longer endure the new life ami the surprised glances ut his hen. I. "Dorjlliy." he said Impetuously, "you seem unhappy. Will you tell me why? Is It coming to l.reukfust?" "Xo, Tom." she replied, with a little laugh that was more lUu a sob. "I think It's your hair. 1 cau't U-ur to i ;oa cis l ut Mv NwrnffK a Coufeiwiou. 1 have learned that your most delightful trait was your blissful disregard of time. To come in from the city where man. woman aud child were on a mad rush for trains and see your -delicious oMivlou to the twelve figures on a timepiece was most rtful." "Theu shall we go back to our old lifer she cried Joyfully. "Yesor will you begin a new life with me, Dorothy?" "Without breakfast'" she asked en- treatiugly. "Wltbout breakfast!" he replied sol emnly. Utirrors or Close shaves. A New York barU-r has on u corner table a flue pocket iulcruscoH and a framed announcement Unit says: "Do you know what a close shave mean? Bring a friend here, If you don t, hav him shaved close, ami then look at hi face through this micro cope. The entire skin will resemble a piece of raw beef. "To shave the face perfectly smooth require not only the removal of the hair, but also of a pjrtlou of the cutl cle; so that a close shave means the removal of a layer of skin all round Tb blood vessels thus exposed lire not visible to the eye, but under the micro- cope each little quivering mouth, hold ing a minute blood drop, protests gainst such treatment, llrlng a friend and see! "The nerve tips are also uncovered by close shaves, and the pores are left unprotected, which make the skin tender and unhealthy. This sudden exposure of the Inner layer of the skin render a person liable to colds, hoarse net and sore throat." - New York Pre. National Bank Xolrs. The government guarantees the clr rulatlug notes Issued by national bank, but not the deposits. Kar-h na tional bank Is required to deposit with the treasury lu Washington govern ment bond to the amount of the notes Issued by It, and If the bank falls the bonds are sold, and out of the proceeds the note ure redeemed as they are presented. Iu fact, the government redeem these notes ut any time, charg ing the amount j paid to its bond ac count with the bunk. Hut while- the government does not guarantee the de posits In national bunks It safeguards them by close Inspection of the condi tion of all of them, so that there Is sel dom a bad failure of a national bank. -It Louis Republic. A Hallway AcpiriVnt. "Did yer get compensation, IIII1V" "Yus; 5 for me und 5 for the salse us." "Why, I didn't know us she was urt." "She wasn't, but I had the presence of mind to fetch 'er one ou the 'eud with me boot" Tatler. , Some Livelu Items From the Kickei Always Sometlung Doing In tit Tows of Give Jam Guk.h-Jim I licks' Errand. H'.rnj)it, li, by llomor Suragu MH. tiKOItCK KRA Jack cooled Mr of the hum ton ....... ... ... . r RAISE of Ua r. Jim Harpet town off with bullet lu the shoulder tfa otb er day. t'auae of the shooting uu known and of uo particular Interest. A fellow known a "Judge" Tnouia. who was hanging srouud this tows moat of last winter and who wa Dual ly ordered to move on by the vigilance committee, was lyuched lu Nw Meg Km the other day. II wa quits happy over the Idea of being dlatcbd to a ciMilor retreat. Five weeks ago a stranger uauied Jim lllcks csiiitf here from Moutau aud announced that hi errand wa t shoot the bauds off the poalomc clock. As p.Mt master we seut him Word that If he tried It w would shoot the jra brows off his face, and there the mat "s.NXASM. INTO TH PovTurNca a.NU Ttn.vsi" Wxjms with am ou Ha ter rested until Wednesday afternoon Having llrst taken a look ill around to see If Mr. lllcks wa hauglug about. y,t v4 asut h swuks cmsa)sasi a -the peauSV sad rnraetf loose with his guns, and tb hand of the clock went flying. Ho did Mr lllcks. We did not eveu get S suap shot at I1I111. We tender blm our com plltuenu. Kdltor Hla. k mau of the Blue Hills Banner called us a liar In bit last Issue, ami last Sunday w rod ovt to pay him a frleudly call and bow his cucumber plant were gettlug ou We were still six mile from tb towu when be mounted hi eayus aud left for the mountains at a pace that the trull smoking. Home of our friend want tu launch our presidential boom at once aud gel the peoplo used to the sight of tb bar rel, so that they will uot shy later ou We thank them kindly, but w refuse to be killed off that way. Auy caudl date boomed ill month In advsne at nomination I a dead duck. The town of I,oue Jack ha organised a wife providing club aud I going U semi east for 1) women who waul husliaiida. If the loo wouieu com along we shall extend our hearty sym piithle to ninety nine of them. Ill odd one will probably be abl tu wield uu ax and hold her own. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hnruliy given thai the under siKiieil, executor of the last will and testament ol John Htri-se, deceased, lias liled hi Imal account as said eifKiulor with the County Court of tus Htale of Oreyon for Washington County, and said court has lllxwl Monday, lle.einl.er 24, iimjii, at 111:110 a. 111. or said Uay. and the (' ly Courtroom in HUlalioro, Oreiron. iistheliinn and place for hearing objec tions 10 sum iiiihi account, 11 any mare he, ami for the liual Hettlenmnt of aaid .flute ill probate. unrhanll tloeue. Kxi-ciitor of the last will and testament of John Ntrese, deceased. Ilillsln.ro, Ore., Nov. 2, IHUU, John M. Wall, attorney fur Kieeiilor, sji i ! m m m m m m m mm 1 If You Want A first-class work man to do your Painting' Give me a call, or drop me .1 letter. I am the pioneer in painting And Decorating' My prices are reasona ble aud my work rec ommends itself. W. J. MULLER (CenlervllU) N 3 M I i i M ft M I II Cornelius, Or., R. F. D, 1 mm m m m m m mm m t Millinery Sale I jut my kikkIs on sale for the fust time this season. Now is the lime to buy. 1 will have out a lot of New and Fashionable Mats at sale juices. This offer lioMs Kootl tint il the null of Nmeinlier. GERTRUDE K1RKW00D Above L. M.'Hoyt s Store HOP GOL ON DRAUGHT L W. E. McCOURT S SoconJ Slrvol, Oppooile Covn limine, IlilUboro u awi 1t irl 7fHrtf 4 1HE PKICLS Or All SIAM)KI) I At KING MVdIIMS Are the Sdine Here tis in the nsl You can buy on installments if you choose. If you wish to hear the naliual toned instrument, call at the stoic of e. l. Mccormick And hear one. It Shall Not Cost hui i Cent, Apples The Knight Packing Company's Cider Plant, at Cornelius, is now in the market for Cider Apples. Pay cash or press ou shares. Wl 1 Wellington THE MARKETS, This moruin's niurknt reportM, compiled from Cortland qtiolittiouu, are: Valley Wheat, new, OOc. Barley--fed, $21 W) pur ton; brewing, rolled, 92:1. Oats, White, 24B() 12510 Oats, gray, WtMt$'H per ton, Bran, city, $1-1.50 per ton; coun try, $:5.50 Hay, Valley timothy, $1 1.00 11 ml $12.00; grain, $7i()(('i$8(). Hay, Clover, $7 snd $8 Potatoes, buying priner: Oregon Burbanks, 7(kWo. Kgn, fsnoy ranch, lir.cd' o('.o. Butter, Extra Creamery, Hops, 1900 ooniracte, 14(f 15o. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice I hereby given that Hie under signed, doing a butcher buHineaa at llnx ton under the style and name of I'esclikn Sl Pongrstz, have dissolved partnemliip by mutual consent and that the luiiine-is will beieafter be conducted by Mr. Jos. Pongratz, who will not be renpniiHilile for ny liability iucurred by the member of the firm going out of the nartiiemhip. JOSEPH PONGRATZ. Buxton, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1906. D BEER III ' Wanted ! l irl C'Ij A.ieimiioiUliont Hotel New Belmont MRS. L. ZINSI i:Y, Prop. 1 - 2 l lrst St.,( oriir Taylor, PorlUnd Plu.nt p.,vi,t 112 County PairoiuK K(swnlully Solliltrd HEW MEAT MARKET Omohiio I. 0. O. r. Hall, Main Stroot Frosh Boot, Pork antl Mutton 4 S. J. GALLOWAY, H. Annual Convtntion of the American Livestock Association Tun annual oon volition of the Ainnrijmn Livi'Hinck AHsooiatiou and LivoHlnck hIiuvv will convene at Denvnr on Janimry 21, anil last until IIih 2liih. Parties wishing to Ko froiii WaHhiugton County can iimko th trip vin Pori land for $.ri2.,'i0; ami if they wiHh to go one way through California the round Hip will cost 105 80. c I