HILLSBORO ARCU3, NOV. 13, 1900 FRIIIT MEETING HERB FRIDAY, KOVBMBBR Hi Fruit Inspector Harris Will Ik Present Willi I't obt ain WANT A SlKilMS OKUMZtflOK Session Mill le Held in Hie titnit lltiuae 1m Attn noun Fruit Ii)HH'tor V. It. IUrrin ad vertise llinl llinre will lie meet ing of llillxliorn and vli'inily or ( IiiiUhU at tlm court limine, Kri day, Nov. 1(5, rniiiiumiriiiR at 1 :.'!() lo the eltemoeii. All fruit grower ml all wlio are inlm-Mml in the ttrvatluii of orcliardn and their betterment are invited to I pres ent aa Mr. llarria wialir to ImiKI U a alrong oraniz itinii in thin i-Mition. 'I'linrH iii no regular pro gram, hut Mr. IUrrin lie rrtit e.l I'rof. Lewie, of Corvallia, ami lr. Wiihynouilx' to Im jrtnnt. II. l. Alwfti, ('!. IUviikh, uuil V. K. Newell, wilt I reiit. Willi tlm right kind of a move ment Waaliingtoii I'oniity'a or- 1'liardn rllOtlld 111 lUlT(l in lifHl dam dominion in year or an. There la no (ilrtitil hut what there must I an oig:ini.nd move or llii" peal Iroin nnallriidml nn-harda will uml i all iIik work o( prngree eive orclnnlirU. FAHM I OK SALE I wih to mll my firm containing 162 acre. 110 m ri'H umlir mill vatioii; itooil Ionian and ham; good urt'hard. Three and niit'-lialf mile nun tli of HilUKoio mid our mils -et of r nriniigion. For further iiiloriiintinn h l y to K. Uurktialttr, llill.loto, Ore., K. K I) I! SCOI'h IS hXt I NUFI) Htiiiiilrinr'tiUr arliiili'H of inrnrnnr- alion of the I'ai'ilii' lUilway it Navigation C'ouiHiiy wtr lilml with tlm Miiitiioiini!i ('utility Clerk yesterday, It in n-eiled lint at a meeting of th Hoard uf (irm torn of tlm railway corporation held UhI Monday authority wit piven lor enlarging It power ami increasing the huoih, llinl tlu same might in clude the right to huild, construct orolherwiae utMtiirrt. maintain or ft I diapoae of llin lolowinj lillfS of railway: A linn from 1'iuloii, in Wai-li-iugtou ('utility, Oregon, to Till inook, Tillamook County; a hmnt'li line from a convenient (mint ou the foregoing I i on to n iti ii t nt or near Nfhaldu II. iy; a line from Newport, in Lincoln C, unity, to Atori, in ('lntu) County, follow ing thn line of tlm C al, or melt other roil It) nar tlm Count itn shall lie found to I m thn moot prnclicrdde aud coiivmilont. The article urn eincd hy Iv K. Lytic, K. I!. lo Yo and Z.tra hnow, comprising IIih hoard nl director. PUDLICSALB Thn uiidnrnik iie I will Hi ll at pulilio auctiou at hi larui, 11 mi In north- pant of rhillipH, and d miln.i antitli west oi union, at in o clone a, m. HATl'ltDAV, UKUKMIUitt 1 Two work hornet n l . I hnrneas, j i'iihi Kivtug milk, 2 ymr licilrr, ji iloeu r'lyuiuutti Kock hem. ( 'liNiiipuni tilmlri, I lmuiUii iimwri , Inrin w,i("n, rnvrred hack, plow, hivrnUr, ii irrow, Ire. I CUlttr, lotoiia Ualril Imv, lot oatn. lilowi, cultivalura, luuln mill uuiMeioiin utlier rticlrt. TdfUH of aale: Cndur IIO.ciihIi: (10 aud over, Im 11 k ftliln noln, U per cent, lutereet, onu yearn time. Alexander MalhyH. J. C. Kuratli, Amaioneer. Argun and Journul, 11.75, Circuit court a week from next Monday. Geo. Whitley, of fllnnroe, ranm in thin morning and went on to i'ortlaiul. The ehori IVh ollice w now milking up the ileliniiuent. tax roll. Thin will riiiiro e vi rul wt-ekH. J. J. Hidilichl, of Mouutaindiile, wan in town Tuesday, returuing from a week a trip to I'mlland. Have n 10-linran power t motion engine. Want j oh running it on etationary work. W, D. linker, 11 tu ton, Ore, Thone farmerH who brnd to good hrem a few yeirn ago are now leaping their reward, ai any kind of a young, aouud lennt weighing m or l,r.()() c.inmnnilH from $100 to 1500. Pope, tho jihotographor, Iibb moved into Ilia new ipiartera on Kuooml atroet, oiiiiohiIh the city hall, and he in ao i n ready to take the (meet iihotoa ever made in WaHhintrtou county. It. II. Walker, of near Cedar Mill, thrntuh hie attorney (ln, II. Bagley, hun tiled Hiiit asking that hit aeeeftanieut he taken hefore the circuit court at the coming term and at that time will if-k for 1 comparison of the valuation of hia lands and thoHii of the Kelalo of Thoa. II. Tongue, Owen Murray , Chas. King, 11. Clapp and John Bohlottman. Dr'. I.inklaler and Taminnie dmiira to announce to the patrons of the Dnlta Drug HUire that they hive acquired the atock of good in the flora and that they are in- creMiUA ami perfnclinf tne aame nd ita pliariiiacrull-nl rrinre- mentu, aud they have tulhcient and rmcimt o'erk hire to conduct tiriiclaa etkbliehiiient. Hitter exM)rienoe bae latiglil the Unlia, however, that it cam ot ilu aa much crediting at fitf inorly, therefore a raeh hueiiieea (or ita almoel equiv alent, a very ehort credit) will le greatly appreciated. Geo. Morgan etatea that lie will have the machinery installed and the mill at the fool of Third Ft reel reedy for operation in a couple of week. If the track ia not in by that time the loga will be hauled on the Main line 01 the hunt her 11 t'acitln and dumiird over the hank. The I. It. & N. ia now laying the ateel on the lovainir eimr above Itanka bo aa to m ready by the time the mill la ready to cut luin tier. Michael Kuahauer, of Corneliue, waa In town lueilay. Mr. Sua bailer liaa 12 acree of Iioihi and haa Mold hia product. Thia Hummer he completed a tine two eiory eeven room Iiouhb, Siurdevaol Hon be ing the cariientert and Juliut I'eteraon doing the painting and ilrcoratiug. Mr. huehauer eaya Ina crop of hopt waa extra One thia aeaaon. Karmurt of the 1'hilliiiM' eeclion are beginning to think that the rortlaud elutrio line ia auuit rawled into ite hole. They ray ttiey are ready to put up a hotel and other community convenience! aa toon aa the railway arriva and (hat if It doeen t come within a year they are liable to get in and build it themaelvee. It you want to rend a nice ChriHtmitH preeent Kant loyour rel atives or friende, jiint remember llint there ia nothing like a well fiuiahed photo. I'ope, the photog rapher, ia located in hia new quar- lera on Hecond etreet, oppoeile the city hall, a little south, and is ready to take your order. The 1', H. A N. has received ita f ret oil tank of crude oil for fuel purpotee on the road. The engine recently sent to Portland to have worked over into an oil burner is now ready to come nut and go on the line, and the oil was brought beforehand, in order to be ready for the locomotive when it arrived Mrs. Dora' J. Klliott, of Kiona, Waih , where she Ins a Cue wheat ranch a few miles from the Hill North Hank road, i at Kinlon viHitmg relatives, and will return Saturday. Mrs. Klliott aas in the city Tuesday, and called on the Arena for another year of ash- ington County news. Mia. Agnea Campliell Gowan will beat the Greenhouse Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week, here after, to sell out the remainder of the shruhliery, planls, etc. I'atrons a ill pleaae take notice. Kvery thina- ioIuk at a sacrifice. Here is the chance to get shrubbery for lit lie or nothing. Talking of wind storms, last night's xephyrs were something very strong, and doors and cae ments played tunes all through the night. It is very likely that it waa rough at sea and that vessels had a hanl tune 11 anywhere near ehnre. We carrv the beat shoe on the market for the money, W. L Douglas aud Dr. Reed's famous cushion shoes for men. leading makes for ladies. Latest styles and finish. 11. Wehrung A Hons Mr. and Mrs. Ieaac Campliell who purchased the Martin place west of town, latt Hummer, have arrived from Green Lake, Waeh. to make this place their home They are relatives of the Kverilta If you want One oyster cocktails from freeh shipments, or raw oye ters in hulk; confections of the freshest, cigars, tobaccos, fruits in reason, call on the ralmatoer con fHctionery. Webster Phillips, of Cornelius, was in town thia morning and says his town is thriving As proof of thia he says he paid 1350 for some town lots a lew years ago ami this morning sold them for $1100, Drop in and look over the Ho i day goods now being received al moHt daily hy Mrs. Pillslmry Do your ChriHtmaa. shopping early, lie fore the goods are picked over, L. W. House is figuring on put ting in a gasoline launch on Jack son Hottom in the near future After the water subside he will put the boat ou the Tualatin. For sale: Practically new stump puller, standard make, costs $S0 new. Will sell at a bargain, or ex ohaiigfl. Webster Phillips, Corne litis, Phone Independent 151. J. B Iralav, of Reedville, was in the city Ibis morning. Mr. Imlay says that Heedville this year turn ed out more grain than lor many years. The Hillsbnro Lumber Company will soon start its donkey engine to work up above Hanks and log giug operations will lie made easy Thoroughbred Shropshire ram registered, for sale Ferd Groner Hillaboro, U. P. D. 2. Farm near Bcbolls. Louis Carstena, of above Bank?, was in town this morning. AT KANSMY, MO. Says She Known Who Killed Her Husband SOT HKOOrS 10 CONVICT II I M Xow Lltiag Uiili a Sinter, llaviog Arrived Similar Mrs. Madge hnyder, the pretty widow of the murdnred Carey Hny ler, arrived in Kansas City laet Sunday and went to the home of her eieter, a Mrs. Williamx, with whom she resided prior to her trip to Oregon. The Williams' home ia 180H Pennsylvania Avenue. When seen by a reporter Mr. Hnyder said she had no more to say about the murder of her bus band, save that she knew who kill ed him, but was then ealielied that there was not sudicicnt evidence to convict the guilty party. In sub stance her statement waa: I am iiimiirallT ceiuin that I know who klllril Calf y, hut t lie Ituulili- in in proving- it. TUe autlioritiri in I'uillatnl ay they have not eiionli ni.lrm e to rotivict auy one yet. I am nt a anv ions at ever In have the mynlrtv solved anl will ilu all iu my power lo help do This ia in marked cnntrsHt to her ixwition when out hre, wln-n ahe permitted a Portland r porter to throw til kinds of nn-inuationa becauee the authorities reftiHed to iasue a warrant upon the elender thread of testimony she divulged to them, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS K A Kil.lv to I.oiiin Silken, 10 a near lualatin y Monroe Land l o lo I'eler C.raiiatkl I'm acrea ec S Ik 17 I 1 1 r 4 w . .. 500 Adam Herbert to rbilip i l.re-rl. lti acrea aec m I urit m lovealinenl Co lo Auuala W Ilnie U it Willow llrook t in 111 ia W 1 Whealdon to W : Howard, u; acrea aec 1 1 11 11 10 John I.yontto Ktoeal Naiiol, 5 acrea ID (tardea lloiiie 4K) Robert Air under to A C Alcnander j.fV acrea Wm Car nrnter & Win lleagle II I, C'a Aaenatb llrown to i.aura Alexander, 90 anea on Iowa Hill V II Kappinvton el ala to I'red A r.vereat, three neventha ol lot 11 Mk I, t.aitou xi Jauiea T Crawlord lo C 15 Hummel loo acrea aeca 7 & n, liarlw . ..000 K N Slaebr to Aurlte M Staehr, looilyi reel in Idk xx, 1- t.rove.. liyroa M Ouilea to It 1- l'otla, r in lit ol way Orriroii l-.lectric Itailway.. 10 Johu Knnea to I'h.n IS Hand, 160 a KIIII4W T5o T It Kohiuaon to I-red Uucher 40 a aec jo t 1 a r 1 w S K I'eierann to I II Smith, V acres near rorest t.rove Nancy Hanks to Celin I'.eaol lots 1 Hanks .' 75 Mary Austin to Juhn Tunt lots II & 11 hlk b Osk t.rove ad 6o Kunire liallou lo lUdit Jeliovek 4 near hherwood 600 Ikil 1'iittou lo Scott Stevens, Jo a Newton I'atton tract tSoo Anna Union lo Aunnette Staehr, loony) leet blk ,w Forest l5rove Koo V II l.OKsdou lo 1, V I'arsleiis, tract on liaiiv Creek jooo Caroline Wa;ner to Merritt Wanner 401'ioo feet iu hlk 10 l-'on-at drove 1 John W Trice to J S Trumlde, 3 a liear I'orest Grove . ..,irmo 1'rederick X.imuiitriuaii to C II Willonnlihy, 15 acres sec j6, t 1 a r 1 w M.r5 K W Cady to Towu of lienvertoti lot I blk A Steel's ad Iteavertoti o5 I II Smith to S H 1'eterson oxl a sec I I u r 4 1 l.sl syette Caplea lo Allies A Caples ibo acres nee lo t 1 a r 4 w 1500 PROBATE Willcf lateT M 1 tinea Forest Grove, admitted to prolmte, R M Dogley, S S llarnea aud J S Huxtou appraisers. Katate Jamea Rohh, late of t'enter ville, tiually iloaed ol record. I uvenlory estate Wm Zin'et inconie tent, (ireeuville, approved at f4iW; real estate, f l('o; peisonul property f ,'44. M It Hump appointed guardian ad litem Iwerelt and Lewis I'ilhiUov minora, C'uardiau of Seidler heirs asks per uiiaaiou to sell realty, cited lo appear Dec 17, to show cause why order ahull not he granted. Final ac-couut allowed iu )uariliaiiship Geo N llatrett, minor, and W N llarrelt, guardiau, released from luther liiihilily. NEW TIME TABLE A new paeaenger train echedulo goes iuto ed'ent today and the ser vice will be as follows: Leaves for rortlaud Forest Grove local - 6:47 a. m. Sheridan Flyer 9:07 a. m. I'orest Gro"e local Corvsllis overlaud Arrives from Portland Corvallia overlaud Foreat Grove local Sheridan Flyer Forest (.rove local Leaving Portland Corvallia overland Forest Grove local Sheridan Fiver Foreat Grove local Arrival iu Portland Forest Grove local Sheridan Flyer Foreat Glove local Corvallia overland , 1:4 1 p, 111. . 4:31 p. in. . 8:14 a. 111. ,1 js7 p. m. . y.Ht p. m. . 7:27 p. 111. , 7:1V) a. m. .11:00 a. 111. . 4:10 p. 111, . ti:'-'o p. 111. . 7:5s "' ,10:20 a. m. . 2:50 p. m. . 5:jo p. ui. The Forest Grove local dies not carry baggage. Fine line of new school tablets will be on exhibition at McCor mick's music store during the opening of school. The 0. C. M Co haH received orders lor nine carloads of cream from one party alone in the State of Washington iu the past week. The condenser is running night and day in order to keep ripened cream ahead for ordeiB. Argus and Journal, $1.75. I'lrich Fuegy, of Phillips, wag a county real visitor this morning. Cheat ami and tare exed for sale by W. J. Vandervelden, of Roy. Adam Iieil, the Centrville black smith, wis in the city Tuesday. Jacob I'.all'cty, of Mountaindale, waa a county real viaitor Tuetday. Thus. Fowlrs, of Mountaindale, was a county S'-at viaitor this after noon. Horn, to O. H. Wbitesell and wife, of Hillsboro, Nov. 11, I'JOO, a son. Dolls undreaeed. half dresaed, and wholly dieeaed at Mrs. Pille- 1)0 rv a. J. 15. Htewart, ol Hotith Tualatin, waa over to the county seat Turs- lay. Gnirge 1 5u tier was in from the Pence mill, this week, visiting relatives. Closing out sale in millinery on Corner Third A Main, in frout of the Dr. Tamienie residence. Gov. Chamberlain has fixed Thursday, Nnvemlier 2'J, as Thanksgiving Day. Japanese paper napkins in choice designs, crepe paper, etc., at Mr. 1 1 1 IhIui r v e. Mr. JulitiH Pftureon, in the mer cantile biiHiiieas at Cornelius, was in town Ibis morning. A. L. Ilnlcotnli and wife, and Judge W. W. Holcomb were in from I'ethany, yesterday. 1'.. C, llollenbeck, the Mountain dale Iwe keeper, was in thia morn ing, aii'ompatiied by bis wife. Complete line of black cotton hosiery just arrived. The best hos iery on the market. Scliulmerich Bros. Preaching services at the Arcade school hotie next Sunday, utL':.'!0 p. m. Everybody cordially in vited. Wanted: Farm hand; steady employment. Jf-oO per monlh and hoard. Wm. Scliulmerich, Hillj horo, Ore., K. F. D. 2. 11. F. Lepechat, formerly of North Plains, and Mies Mary F. Garrigua, of Hanks, have taken out licet) He to wed. Just arrived Ladies' and gents' crsviuetles. Latest from the east. Come early ami get your choice. Scliulmerich Hros. T. B. Perkins, one of the Huxton merchants, was in the city Tues day evening, on his return from a business, tiip to Portland. Mrs. Pillshury is showing a nice line of ladies' high grade leather band bugs at tempting prices. Just tho thing for a nice Christmas gift. (ban. BigRP, of Sherwood, charged with assaulting John Roberts, was up from Sherwood, yesterday, talking over his cane with hia attorney. Wehrungs' drawing, Saturday, Oct., 27, gave the following win ning numbers: 1st prize, 1577; 2nd, 17; .".rd, 21S1I; 4th, 275; 5th, liUI. Hoy Latham, an old time Hills boroite, wat. in town the (irst of the week. He stales tlut II. T. La tham, bis father, ia now running a tluu ring mill at Sheridan. Sheriff Council has not found trace of the grain stolen from Got hub Zuercher, on the Bellrood place, a fortnight ago. The tracks of the culprits were evidently well covered . Nathanniel P. N'ye, for six years a resident r.f Forest Grove, died at Salem, last Saturday, and inter ment waa in the Huxton Cemetery. Deceased was 71 years of c and was born at Princeton, Wis. A wife survives him. There is a movement on foot this yeaj to have people lo do their Christmas buying early. The Nel son Hardware Co. ia already ar ranging one of the finest displays of high grade Christmas goods ever brought to Hillsboro. W. K. Wheeler in successor to L. M. Hoyt in dealing in literature. The place of business will be known as The Book Store. Fine assort ment of books, magazines and high grade stationery will be carried. Comer Main A Third streets. W. H. Morton now haa his large greenhouse fully enclosed and all the glass in place. He is now ar ranging bis healing pi pes and he will soon have things steamed up. The building is attractive and is a credit to the town being one of the largest of ita kind on the West Side. Col. T. J. Brampl writes from the Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles County, to the Argus as follows: "Everything is beautiful here, the sun sliming all the time, it is a Paradise, The orange and lemon grove, dates and figs, grow here in abundance. Hoses are in bloom, and all the tropical plants thrive, This is a beautiful home, there be ing 3,000 men here. Everything is clean and neat. I intend making a trip to Mexico and go over the ground that 1 travelled wheu with the boys in 1848. Shall go before many months as I want to go there while my faculties are yet strong. Give my regards to all the boys around Hillsboro and tell them that this ia the place to triaif uml Kotra inrna(na1 finmian 1 icii ntiu ua 1 u pui ua (.'uuiuioi i) Tract Ilctween House And Kail road to he Cleared NEW WAIEK SCPPLY PIT IS Several Hundred Dollar Eipendd to Make Tbing CeuifortaMe The county court has concluded to spend several hundred dollars on the county pcor farm, the home of the county's unfortunate, and as a result several acres of slumps between the houre lot and the Southern Pacific Railroad are to be cleared up and put under the plow, and a new water supply ia leing installed. A new gasoline engine and pump will be put in by Agent L. W. House, agent for the Fairbanks-Morse Company, and after these improvements are made the farm will look a great deal better. The number at the preeent is a trill- under the usual run of in mates, but it ia likely to be en larged at any time. "Aa Told in The Hills" Which is playing to packed houFei this week at the Empire Theatre, Portland, gives one performance at the Crescent Theatre, Sunday, Novenils-r IS, aa follows: Kvi'iihiir performance ll::t(i Seals on sale at McCormick's Music Store, Annual Convention of the American Livestock Association The annual convention of the American Livestock Association :uiii Livestock show will convene at Denver on January 21, and last until the 2tth. I'artifs wiehirg to go from ashington County can make the trip via Portland for 152.30; and if they wish to go one way through California the round trip will cost ?G,iS0. WANT AN ORGAN The Hanks School will give a liter ary entertainment aud basket social at the Banks Hall, the Friday be fore Thanksgiving, Nov. 2.'J, begin ingat.SP. M. Twenty five cents will be charged gentlemen; and alio all woman w ho do not bring baskets. Those purchasing baskets will have admission fee deducted from price of basket. The proceeds will be used to purchase an organ for I be school. Don't forget the date and come and bring baskets. JOHN BUCHANAN SMITH John Buchanan Smith of Forest Grove, died Tuesday night at the ageot (2 years and 1 months. Mr. Smith waa boru in Fraserburgh, Scotland. At the sgo of 19 he moved to Canada with his parents, and in 18(13 went to Olympia, and two years afterward came to Portland for a short time going to Hum boldt, Iowa, where he wag in the implement business and was large stockholder in the People's bank. Five years ago he came to rorest Grove. He located on farm uorlhwest of town and two years ago moved to town. Mr. Smith was a Mason, and had been an Odd Fellow lor over thirty years. The funeral will take place from the residence Thursday at 11 o'clock, under the rituals of the Masons and Odd Fellows. Burial will be in the Naylor cemetery He leaves a wife to mourn bis loss BIRTHDAY PARTY A pleasing Bocial event at Buxton Thursday evening, Nov. 8, was the dancing party given at the Grange Hall by Mrs. C. L Brown and Mrs Chas. Lazott in honor of the lGth birthdays of their daughters, Mias Nellie and Miss Mildred. The two young ladies were prettily powned for the occasion, wearing turquoise blue Crepe tie Chine, trimmod with cream lace, lhav were the recini ents of many dainty and useful gilts. ADont 10 menus were present and the Misses Scena and Leta ltnssell attended f.om North Yamhill. The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens while in the dining room above Autumnal tints predominated. After three hours of enjoyable dancing the guests formed in a grand march in the hall and led hy the guests of honor ascended to the dining room where delicious refreshments were served, Miss Nellie presiding at one table and Miss Mildred at the other, The birthday cakes bearing their burning candles were one of the beautiful features of the table decorations. There is not a prisoner in the county jail. J. P. Reeher and his associates, arrested for cutting out the toll gate on the Wilson River road, have been discharged by the Tilla mook circuit court, the case having been dismissed. This was the case that attracted so much attention a few months ago. Several local parties who have the money are talking over the proposition of putting in a Goe hotel in thia city. Tbey say they do not care to make any high rate of interest on their money and would not care to conduct it them selves, preferring to lease it to a landlord who knows hie business. They talk aa though they would like to put up a brick, with all modern improvements, elevator and all, aod they tbink they can make the deal go with an expense of from twelve to fifteen thousand doll ara, outside of a water supply This of course, would cost a thou sand dollars more. As vet the project is in the air, but those having it under consideration are amply able to finance such an affair. One of the amendments to the city charter, wherein proclamation by the Mayor calls for a vote at the coming election, touches upon a change of wording. On the fran chine proposition the trouble to be cured is the tact that it is doubtful under the old wording if the council could grant a franchise to a steam railway. The old gection reads street railway instead of railway. The new amendment will cut out word 'Street, thus leaving the city a right to grant franchise to any "railway," which, of course, would cover any kind of a railroad A. P. Venen, a brother of Mrs. W. R. Hoyt, of this ulace. and who one of Forest Grove's piano tuners, found a piece of rock on the Gales Creek road, and a stranger seeing him pick it up, asked to examine it. After examination he offered Venen five dollars for it. The offer was accepted, and Venen then saw the stranger mark the fence at the location of the find. Venen does not know whether he has sold a gold prospect or whether a fool and bis five p'unks are part ed. H. L Tabke, who has been act ing Southern Pacific agent here for several months, left Monday for H bileson, where he will relieve the old agmt at that nlace. He is succeeded here by Agent Nelson, who came here from Medford Operator Naugle is still here, although he has had transports tion to Southern Oregon for several months. Agent Nelson s wife has been visiting at Cornelius this week, and they expect to soon take up housekeeping in this place. That a new freight house is need ed by the Sonthern Pacific is evi denced by the fact that a great deal of the freight already has to lay out doors. The business has increased wonderfully from this place alone, to say nothing of the shipments that go through here to Centerville, Koy, Banks and Buxton. The company expects to build a new depot in the Spring but it looks as though one could be used this Fall. Jackson Bottom, South of town is again converted into a huge lake of several hundred acres and in all probability it will be inunda'.ed all winter. The bridge across the bottom, put there last year, is now a matter of great convenience to the people living South of the river as otherwise they would have to go to the Minter bridge, below Newton. J. B. Schaefer, formerly ol Hills boro, and now of Linton, is one of the grand jurors in Multnomah County, investigating the charge of libel against the Oregonian, pre ferred by Wm. Ladd, one of the owners ot the Journal. The case was commenced as a result oi a cartoon published by the Oregonian some days ago. Lost: Sept. 10, girl's long blue and-white-mixed cloak; lost be tween Frank Williams and Kuntz Bros. Finder please leave with E, J. Bondshu, Forest Grove," R. F. D 1, or A. L. Holcomb, Hillsboro R K D 1, and get reward. To lease for term of years: Farm of 187 acree, 60 acres cleared, 9 miles from Portland, three miles from Bethany. Will rent for cash Good huildiugs and stable fitted for dairying. Grant Holcomb, Holbrook, Ore., II. 1. . Pacific States Phone 361). J. A. Kirkwood, of Reedville, was iu town today and says that the heavy rains have stopped pota to digging and that there are hun dreds of acres of tubers yet in the ground. This is the case all over the county. For eale: 40 acres of brush land, easily cleared, near Kalama Wash. Running water on place lhree miles from county seat Goes at fiO per acre. A. Paut meier, Hillsboro, Ore,, R. P. D. 2. Marshal Maddox, an employee of the 0. R. & N. Co , met with an accident last week by getting his right hand severely crushed. He visited friends here today and returned to the Good Samaritan Hospital this evening. The congregation at the Chris- nan unurcn is preparing tor a series of meetings to commence about Dec. 1st. Elder J. A. Brown, well known here, will be preeent and assist the local minister. H. C, Flu miner, formerly of Sherwood, and now living at Woodlawn, was in town this after noon. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Exoellencia end you will try them again and again. Argus and Oregonian, $2.00. PR0FI88I05AL. F. A. BAILEY, IX. D. PajreloUav, aa rgM Office llotraa-IUuUay block ap etalra. Room la-l.t aad 15. Ktstdaacw wcat cor mi Baeeliae aad Sad Both 'Paoaae. S. T. LINKLATER. II. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office, opfttslrs over Tba Delta Drug Store Rtaidanaa But of Court Uoaae. In to comer of the block. JAM3 PHILLIPS TAMIKSIK. M. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeoa Soathem Pacific Railroad Ce. Consultation in French or Knglish. Of ncc upstairs In Corwin-wooater Block. N01 h aide of Main Street. J. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey. Keaidenot on corner Second and Oak Su, Oregon Pbone Main 118. HILLSBORO - OREGON ArrMrrilaaal A.B. BAILEY, M. D.,D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and o. Bailey-Morgan Block. Both Phones. MUlSDOrO, UTC DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooma 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey BUx-k, Main Street. Over Dennis Store 11 ILLS BOKO - - - ... - OKKUOS Saw. It Bmtfmy . W. O. Harm BAGLEY A HARE ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW Koobu 1 and 1 Skate Building HILLSBORO, . . OREGON. VL T. BAGLEY, ATTORN BY-AX-LAW Office, apataira, over the Poat Office, Hillaboro, - Oragaa, E. B. TONGUE - ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW Rooma j, 4, & J, Morgan Blk, Hillaboro. JOHN U. WALL, ATTORN BY-AT-LAW Office Upstairs, Bailey Uergaa Block Rooms, I aal a. HILLSBORO, - ORXGON. AAArArr W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNBY-AT-I.AW Office, Up Stairs, Central Aleck. . HILLSBORO ORBOON. ArWrrrWrW W. D. HARE, Attorney-at-Law BuMug, Upstairs, Hillsboro, Ortgoi Shatt THOS. H. TONGUE, JR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upstair, Rooma 3, 4 aod 5 Hillsboro, - - Oregon DR. A. A. BURRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATH Hillsboro, Ore. Diseases cured without drugs or surgery, by Magnetic Osteopathy, the new science of Drugless Healing. Chrouiu eaaes a specialty. Consultation free. OtUceover the City Bakery, G. 3, LYONS B. P. CORNELIUS LYONS & CORNELIUS Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In surance Busineaa. Liat your farm with them and find a aale. They will treat you right Add your aale to onr Hat. Call in aad see us. Main Street, Hillsboro, Or. IMHOFF & MINAR Dealers in Marble and Granite Monu uieuts and Tombstones, aud all kinds ef cemetery and memorial work. Write us for particulars. Address 335 E. Morrison PORTLAXD ...... OREGON T.R.Imbrie Deals in all kinds of Real Estate. Wheat Lands, Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, and Range Lands. Reclamation and eale of Desert Lands a specialty. Fine investments for your idle money. Write or call at office. 323 ABINGTON BUILDING Portland - - Oregon G. M. HUNTER Oontraotor amf BuUdmi' Estimates given on all claaae of building rirmi mn4 Main. JtMMeaewa mmrnt easaf mt Oak. Hlllmboro, - - Oregon,