The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 15, 1906, Image 1

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    TT TP"
NO. 35
County (!iii t Decides Against
il hy Vote of Two to Tlircc
THK 101 MV lti Kotk oUAKKY
Ktcoiilri' Krc i(il fur I'ctulirr Vrlj
Thouiily l mr.l n.lj our tt r J Fri
day, after a thren days' eMon
Una of iiiiixt important propo
rtion coining before th liunnl thin
month, for a vole, w I lif prnpnp
lini) of hiring a general county
mad overseer, al a Hilary v( flM)
tir month, Coiiimiseiouer liiuhau
nil made a iiiotiiiii to hire Julin
Mi:('Urn, of (i leu Cieek, k a
county road master, at a saUry of
1 1 fit) kt mouth. I'pon voting the
ballot wa recorded in follow
Ituchaiian, "Ayr;" Judge ( kxliit
ami W, J I'.ulmr, 'No;" and the
motion was ili i nt.
lUrk tax of S Si I on laud of
Alfred (hiciImt, llilvciirt, wa re
mitted anil munly t.nvc tiiit ' litiin
I'pou payment of $'.( W. If. M
KIiIi.whhv in to I in given ii deed to
UnJ in tlm Kldieit donation Uiitl
Tim rounly rmirl voli'.l lo buy
two acre n( MH'k ground Iroin land
of John Oltmn, near IVdar Mill,
purchase (trie to lie $M)
Transcript of Stat va Archibald
Howard, Chan, liiigtf and CI mule
lliwinaii were ordered paid.
Hemrdrr Iri-Un l repotted .'Ul'i
4.1 a fee fur i ho in ii I It of O.'IoImt
ml Clerk tiii.lomn re (rtc, t.'T'J
MJ a f ih fur hiii no inoiilli.
It. I'iiIhiIm, of West t'liinn, jrant
ed r m i mh i, n i to Mr I telephone
jKili-a al edge of C'lunly nud
The court ordered that llif tllOll
allowed a exemption (in the I'.hh!
tai roll he stricken oil' and Ilia! m
sxempliou lire b! Km nl when the
tax roll i extended,
I'laima Allowed
I) II keaxmer, Htrr supply poor
latin ami ruuillioute irnniH . f M'. 75
I) U Krasouer. I 1 1 I v r vi vn
T O Meat-ham ' j on
C C llaucork, relief 34 00
CC llaucork Imilrm -H st
Jolm l.iilln, mih-i viKOt ;5
Hoy Jfc Iwinm, lumlier ll no
T V Sain, iiriiiiiii 15"
II I, KiimcII, In lU'.ra Jl yi
J C Callalimi, ' II 41.
V H Tavlur, woik al iour lat 111 . kj
Mr Clunlrmrti, romli (j ti
Ban l.iuc Mir Co " ( 10
I, 8 H.inm, j Tki
W II l.lvriiKooil, " t t,o
lifourr i' kuwrli, 1 11 111 Iw r 5, ii j
A S Hatch, matU t jii
City I'oiiiiijiy ,V Mii.'h Co, lomls, , KS
Tlif AiK'i, iiliiliiiK II im
Kva Wrallirnril, In Line rviilrmc
Suydrr Ce a on
W J liiiinrr, (urn ,S: rmils "ji ji
J W (lOOillll, jiltlK Ho ( 4
C B lliichnuau, com nail u m
II 1. Mint, ruck wink $lH 9)
S W Wllmii, Ii I, Atilmlt, A A
Murrill, Ann ) Cloot Krni.iii,
C I' lUyrn, ca f i-liniialiiton
luturM , 6 00
I'liaa I'ollrlt, Clnrrnre Jai'kwii,
Hurry, I'.lw Knll
ioK. Ami? 'IVw, rarh im-
aliUou iiniuml 7 jo
K C Hrnwn, I'liniiicrii ter in 5
Victor, Virgil, oMv, Itprllia l,im
itraa, Joa llunn, I, 8 llirrlv, in
fl.70; r Wrstoii, linvlil
WcDtoii, I lav ul 'uiiKliii, ami W
Day ra witnesa jmlice vi l jo
Arlle Hucliainiii, wiliii'Ha jiutii'p ct 11 oti
Mr J II Mcllrj;iiP, 1 1 00
J I) Mcllariitir, " " "11 00
Kthfl lliichuiinii, ' 1 1 00
II Tila(lry jimtlce lrr H y
liil Strvrun, wlliimi juniicr - 5 jo
1, M llaar, conatulile Ilea 5 ihi
C K Kluilt justice In'. 7115
M K Hiirk " " 6 711
Kratik Col It'll cntiHlnlile fees 1 00
M J llaynm " ' H fio
J W Day, leeiliiiK primmer 4 50
Miinou Nelliaou, aupeiviHor 3 50
. Allien l'rlilay, " 10 00
I) Hrowner " 8 75
T J King, " ,s o
T C5 Meai'limn " 5 00
Kantern Inv't Co refuml tax a Hy
I'ainU ami oilH.-C. A. I.amkin
A. C. Winnpy, of hfiyoml Glen
one, was in town Monthly,
John Biftrt, of Cunti'i ville, was
a county Brat viitilor Momluy.
H. Welirnng & Si nn carry a full
line of Heir,.' .irkltH ami bottled
M. W. Halm, of nunr Mountain,
dale, waa in the city Momluy, and
callml at the ArgiiH nflice.
Mra. PiUhhury nan dhow you a
handsome now linn of golf hIovhh
ami tnittHiiH for ladinci ami ohil
Frank Powttll anil wife, of Mon
mouth, Ore., were here over Sun
day, the ruohIh of S. I) Powell and
wife. They have junt returned
from a monthV v i h i t in the Bin
Bend country, Mr. nml Mrn.
Powell are each 77 (.vearH of age,
and each ie a piotif ei '! V I S ,r 1 . Tli
hueband is heavily intcroHteil in
terming near Monmouth, and aleo
baa a large interest in hia local
A chii keii caait orouiied a day
ml uiKbt ill Judge IU(lry'a court
laal Friday, home time auo, in
AiiKUatoiie Joa. Handera, of near
llelhany, hwt over nix dozen
chicken. He found dead chicken
all over the yard one morniiiK and
in the chicken yard re two dog.
One of the doge he allege, belong
ed lo John iWrger and he nurd for
$ hi. It- rger claimed hi dog Waa
t home early in the morning, ami
ail juror, A. (! Hluite, J. C. and
(J. A. I.amkin, llnrmaii Kamna, J.
W. Srwell ami V. II. Morton weie
aelertetl a a jury. After h-ing out
until two o'clock the next moniiiig
lhy hIimhI thrre and three for the
contending paitie. T. H Tongu
Jr. wa the ilaintill' ami M. It.
It it in for the defriiae A Urge
number of wilm-Mrt were in from
We have now finiahed our run ol
large tile drain, and fter filling
our order we have few thousand
in etiM'k. I'artie wanting theee
aitea vhould order while the alnck
in full. We hate a go m1 utock of
anialler eize; alao brick and build
ing block. We have the het all
round ard lock of lumber lo the
county, and can fill ordinary bill
on churl notice. Kitra fine vttM'k
of dry hiip. Anyone wanting
Ntnck delivered eliould onlt-r early,
while the road are good, a it
cnlN alxiut twice much lo haul
in the mud. Oroner it Howell
INuupany, Huholla, I'. O addrer,
llilleboro, Itoute 2. Independent
A great ilttal ha Ucn aaid ol
llon.1 Kiver a(pl, and HimkI Kiver
ia ai gnrrd l-t aiiH the valley or
cliunlitita claim they can raie as
gootl an apple a up in the inoiin
lain eectiun. There i abnolutuly
mi queftiou but what the Willam
elle Valley can produce juet a fine
pippin a Hood Kiver. In fact,
wire old Waahington county to
,ive the orchard a much care a
Hood Kiver orchardiet give their
tree, we would produce a fruit
that will Wat (ha Hood Kiver pro
duel, became the valley appla nil
the beet llavor. '
John H. SteveiitOD, wall known
al Fcreel tirove, near which point
heepent hi Ixiyhocd, ami who ia
now a reporter on the Kveuiug Tel
enraiu, wa preeented with 1150 by
Sweeney, the SKikaue millionaire,
the other day. It eeem that Swee
ney wanted to make an election
liet and Hleveneon told him where
he could place a few dollar. Mr.
Sweeney won eeveral hundred and
gave John II. 11W to get him a
new unit. It i now paid that every
reporter on Ihe Telegram i keep
ing an eye npeu for Imllor'a stand.
Since the Southern Pacillo over
land California train have been
running pant tbi place the holx
element ha been making the Weel
Side eent inn in goodly number
Kvery night train that (top ben
for a meet order throwa ell' three m
four from the blind baggage, am
the knight of the road meander ii
town looking for something lo eat
Marshal Alkinaon is kept ver;
hury looking after the undusirahl'
K. I Kunald, who waa out hert
hiHt week as chief engineer of tlx
electric line that runs from Salem
via Tualatin to Portland, was rob
bed of 110 by a highwayman, tail
Saturday night. Mra. Ranald was
with him al the time and insisted
that her husband should give up
his money without trouble in
fact, she went through her hoa
hand's pockets while his handa
were rained. '
No trace haa yet been found ol
the grain stolen from tiotleib Zucr
cher wevera! nights hack. The wa
gon belonging to Znercher was
taken home from where it was
found, in Helvetia. Outs were
found scattered along the highway
for a long distance, hut aside from
lhat, there ia nothing to indicate
who got the grain.
For sale: Poland China boar;
brood sow; and pigs. Call on or
telephone Willard Topper, on Dr.
A. IS Hniley farm, 2J miles north
eaKt of Hillehoro
I.em Ingles, of West lnion, was
in the city Saturday, and says that
he expects a big time at the shoot
ing at the Hoy place, east of town,
on the 17th.
City election the first Monday in
December. Moat likely a mass
meeting will be oalled, as usual, to
name a city ticket.
We lead in groceries the best
brands prices alwaya the lowest,
and 10" ounces to the pound. II,
Wehrung & Sons.
Wm. Rohb.of Centerville, was in
the city Monday, on probate busi
ness. For stamped linens, and art
embroidery materials, go to Mrs.
J J. Kuratli, of near Phillips,
was in the county seal, Monday.
Will Darety, of Qlencoe, was in
the city Saturday.
I'mler Auspices Oregon Agri
cultural College
Dr. Ja Vt liuycBiube aad ft in Mini
nicikli, Speaker
llcavertnn will have a Farmers.'
Inmiliile on Saturday, Novtmber
17, morning, afierooon and even
ing. The farmers of that eection
wilt tmtet ami hear the ul jrt of
agriculture thnshed out a never
Ufor. The eions will hi held
at 10 (KI a. m., 1 :3 p m. ami at
7 :.' p. in.
'Ihe topic of the lectori a eill be
as follows: "The dralt horse,"
Hon. K T. Jud.l, "Fruit growing,"
Prof. C I. Iewi; "Management of
lb Dairy Herd," Wm. Schulmer
ich, of Farminirton; "(iennral Agri
culture ami Forage Cnn," Dr
J a men Withy combe, of t'orvallif,
Vice Director of the O. A. 0. The
evening session will take up the
'llreeds ami Types of Live Stock,"
and tbi feature a ill be illuhtrated
by tereoptican views.
The general public is cordially
invited and the larmer of east
Washington county are rnjueeted
to give the niiou a good attend
There will le a raiding and shoot
ing match tl ih Koy place, ," milet
norUuktct e 4lillelKiro, Saturday,
Noverubef 17 Forty turkcya lo
ha ral)ll oil', ltesitle nme t hicken
and geehe. The shiatt w ill corn
menoe at "'"UnW
Fat the first time in three year
Link Kiver went dry Friday, ami
Mrs O. 11. dates hail Ihe novel
experience of walking across the
channel dry elmd. The wind
commenced blowing Thursday
night and by Friday morning hail
backed the water up into Upper
Klamath Lake to such an extent
that the power for the electric
light plant was suht off. During
the day the wind continued blow
ing, and for a time it looked ns if
the city would he in darkness dur
ing the night. Al the Klamath
Lake Navigation Company's dock
the waters of Lake K wanna rait-ed
14 inches, while on the Lower Lake
a fall of 12 inches was recorded, its
waters having been blown up this
About 4 o'clock in the evening
the high wind which had prevailed
all day commenced dying down,
and shortly thereafter everything
had assumed normal shape and the
waters that find their escape
through Link Kiver commenced
running down hill again. Klam
ath Falls Herald.
Mrs. dates is well known here,
being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs
U. ; Waggener. 1 he above is a
veritable Red Sea story and the
Argus will never again doubt the
0. II Briggs, associated with his
brother, Abner Kriggs, in the mer
oanlile businecs at Dilley, was a
county seat visitor, Tuesday,
All kinds of hardware C. A
I.amkin Co.
Sam Paieley, ( f Buxton, wa in
the city Saturday.
(Jo to McCormiek's for school
Frank L. Myers, of Irvington,
was in the city Saturday.
Charter Oak stoves and ranges
-C. A. Lunkin Co.
K. C. Luc, with the O. C M
Co., was in town Saturday.
S. A. D. Meek, of Mountaindale,
was in the city Saturday.
dranl Holcomb, of beyond Beth
any, was in the city Saturday,
Marshal D.ivh, of Laurel, was a
county seat visitor Saturday,
You will find a nice new Lit of
Winter ehirteaists at Mis. Pills
bury'. W. C. Juckaon, of (ilericoc, was a
county seat visitor Saturday after
noon. David Li luaii, of Kcholls, was up
lo the county seat the last of the
Schulmerit'h F.roe. are agents for
the ltest known wagon on the coast
the I'.ain.
II L. Dicker!, of Forest drove,
was a county peat vicitor the last
of the week. ,
Are you a smoker? Then call
for the Schiller or Kxccllencia
Oregon manufacture.
Fred W. Wolff, in'erefted with
Peter Nelson in the hop business,
was in from West Union Saturday
For S.ile: Strawberry plains,
Wilson variety. Mr. !Iobt. Kuhn,
k'ighth and Railroad Sts., Hills-
bo ro.
John Miller and wife, of Port
land, were cut Sunday, Kusst of
Mrs. Susan Krown and Mrs. Susie
- For rent: Two furnished bed
room on FiM Strict, Ilillslwo.
Lady ttnants preferred. Inquire
at Argoa olbce.
Fifty acres cleared land for sale;
or will ha divided in two 2."-acre
tracts;! miles of llillnhoro In-
'iiire of Argus.
Dr. ('has. lline, of Forest drove,
wa down Monday, along with
other witnesses to prove the will of
the late I . ,M. limes.
Blasting powder constantly on
hand at Herman Oslermann's
store, Centerville. He also cariies
a complete line of general mer
i'limnlie. T. It. Iiuhrie, who h interested
in the real estate business and irri
Ration plans in Kasternand South-
rn Oregon, was in Ihe cily Moti
lity, greeting his friends.
The jury in Ihe case of State vs.
Mark Wilson, of lisavorton, the de
fendant Iteing charged with assault,
found the yuing man guilty as
jjVharged.late last Thursday evening,
ami a tine ot Tit) lias lieen imposed
by .ludce Hacley, before whom the
I case was heard.
(i W. Waite, of Pierce County,
Wisconsin, is here, the guest ot his
father, J. 1. Waite, of Fast Hills
horo. The visitor in olden times
caiiiiht "bull-heads" from Ihe same
pond as the Argus reporter and
they were dandies, too much
larger than those caught down
here on lh Slpngh by fishermen
from this place.
slVan ilfeLaahmutt, ol Witch
HKel, was in town Saturday, and
while here received a telegram from
Tucson, Arizona, that lie was for
the first time a grandfather. The
dispatch was from his son, Ivan,
who is Professor of the Chair of
Metallurgy in the University at
(hat place, stating that a son had
been born to bis wife that morning.
Lieut. W. II. Myers, of Forest
drove, feels his importance more
today than ho did tifty-one years
ug.) when he enlisted in the Indian
War. He is the grandfather of a
pair of twin hoys, each of whom
has a healthy pair of lungs, The
twins keep their father, F, L.
Myers, on the roads selling mer
chandise in order to keep the
larder well supplied. They came
to the Myers home October 2",
Azair Wharton, of gypsy and
horse trading fame, was given an
arraignment before Justice li.igley
last Friday and hound over in the
sum of $o00 to appear at circuit
court and answer the charge of
larceny by bailee, Wharton is al
leged to have traded horses with
John Monner, agreeing that he
would trade back the next day pro
vided Monner's father, who owned
the horse young Monner had with
him, were not satisfied, Monner
took the animal home, according to
his version, and Monner Sr. told
him to take it back. He went hack
the next morning and Wharton
told him he had sold the horse and
gave him the laugh. Wharton
put up $300 cash bail to make his
inn n it
I l I H I A!
Uj 111
Wife of Albert Dixon I'eti
lions For Care of Children
Albert Diioa and Wife, of Forest
Grove, in Linieligbt
Mrs. Lillian Dixon, of Foreft
drove, left her home last week and
asked, by petition, to have the
lioya ,t dirl' Aid society take
charge of the mx minor children of
herself and Alle rt Dixon, her bus
hand .
Judge Gcodin had the wife.
father, and children in question, all
brought to the ccunty Beat and
there was a hearing Monday after
noon. The wife had but little to
say at the hearing, except that she
would be guided by the elder chil
dren, who were through tchool. and
upon their iei(uest they returned
nome. i ne youngest child is but
thn e months oid.
The IVxon were in circuit court
two vearg aso. In n Mm Dimn
sought lor and procured a divorce,
allegirg in her pleadings that Al
bert Dixon, at that tin e (he father
of ten children, at fmilv nrmw
would may dod to kill her and
put her out of his presence, and he
wouui m-n tell the children that
dod would answer his nrmt-r At
that time Mrs Dixon procured a
divorce, but in a few months after
ward the divorced parties Blipped
over to Vancouver and apnin ntr.
ed into the niatrias-e relation. One
child has been loin n'nee. The
husband, at the bearing vfttunlov
saiil his wife was very fond of the
i,- i. .......
uauies, out ciiaitiei his statement
by the clause: "She can't ccok a
little bit."
The mother is now lmm Kith
the children, the elder children
saying they would see that the lit
tle chaps were cared for. Dixon ia
to remain away at present, but he
is in see mat tooii and raiment is
constantly gent to the family.
How little there may he iu a name ia
freshly ititlieatrtl by the fact that the
liev. Mr. Booe i ilcliverinj; temperance
amireaai- iu uiegon. lutliiinapolia Star.
But his name happens lo lie
Boozer and he was a former Hills
boroite. The "r" doesn't destmv
the paradox.
There will lie a dance at Center-
vi!p Hall, during the day, on Mon
day, Nov. 20. Also a shoot in ir
match for turkeys, ducks, geese
ami cnicketH. All are cordially
invited and a good time is assured.
Austin T. Buxton, of FiirHi
Grove, master of the State Grange,
was in rortland yesterday enroute
to Denver, where he will attend the
National Grange convention. Mr.
nuxion is accompanied by bis wife,
who gicg with him as a delegate.
The convention at Denver will
oiien Wednesday. November 14.
and will continue in session about
ten days. While at the convention
Mr Ituxtnn will enter a tirotest
against the extravagance in the
postal system and urge that a com
mittee he appointed to proceed to
Washington to make a thorough
investigation. At the last motiiir
of the Oregon State Grange resolu
tions urging such a course were
passed, and Mr. Buxton bnnoa in
obtain decisive and determined
action on the part of the National
OJtiy. fHinuay uregonian
The supreme court of O.eson
evidently believes in Chinese wages
and has no ue for the union scale.
A witness in a iiif-tice case rets one
price and a juror, who has to stay
with the cose from start to finish,
gets a measly one dollar per day,
perhaps a dav of twelve hours.
at that. The law gos in and tabs
a man away Iroin his business and
gives him less than a common
laborer can get at any occupation.
As a matter of fact there are verv
few around Hillsbnro who court
tnejoD ot juror in justice court.
Stationery of all kinds at the
Pharmacy latest in stylish cor
resnondence. callinc cards, en
velopes, etc. Call and see the
H. C. Hoffman, former owner of
the Main Street Bakerv. has linucbl
out a bakery at CM) Umatilla Ave.,
For sale: 20 acres land, mile
north of town; 4 acres beaverdara
on place. Goes for $1,000. In
quire at this office.
Dr. C. B. Brown, of Portland,
was out Monday evening, the guest
of his mother, Mrs. Susan Brown.
We Are Here to Stay
Ring us up Any Time
And do Your Buying by Phone
It is surprising how popular
this has become. Many fami
lies in our vicinity ring us up
(as a matter of course) every
day for
Drugs and Drug Sundries
You may have a prescription to fill; ring
ua up. W will call and preaeatly you
have your prescription filled at eiaetly
tbe tame price aa though yon peraoaally
railed at our Mora. Or yon may want
aomc litterine, talcum powder, toothache
cure, toilet goode, or any of the many ea
aentiala carried ia a firat-claaa drug atore.
All right, our phone ayatem of hopping
ia at your diapoaal.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
K. L. CBEEAB. Prop.
Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed,
Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement.
Good, clean seed oats, wheat, barley,
vetch, cheat, etc.
New Brick - - - Second Street
Do You Want a Perfect Coffee?
Then buy the M. J. B. brand
in cans, for 35 cents and $1.00.
Try Our Tree Tea
Splendid bouquet; uncolored Ja
pan; 25 and 50 cent packages.
R. C. Vaught
Vegetable and Fish
Fresh Vegetables and Fish in Season. Give us a
call. Market opposite Tualatin Hotel, on Main
Street, Hillsboro. We deliver to all parts of city.
Second Street, Opposite
yuan iiiamiM
WcirvriJ a nrp
The best of all Beers.
Bottled for Medicinal Use
Ikiam mMmmmimmmmamii
pendent Phone
I aa
Grocery Company
Courthouae. Hillsboro
(Oa draught)