MILL380RO ARGUS, OCT. 13. 1906 Go to R. H. Greer for Olympic flour. Dr. rrker was down from Green yille, Monday. F. S. Locke, of below Reed viile, was in town Saturday. J. . Nichodemuf , of Farming ton, was in town Saturday. Casper Jasper, of Forest Grove, was in the county seat Saturday. Henry Miller, of Witch Haxel, was in town Saturday afternoon. For rent: Two furnished bed rooms. Inquire at Argus office. John Vanderwal, of Reedville, was in the county seat Saturday. Herman Collier and D. B. Em rick were up from Scholia, Satur day: H. Wehrung & Sens carry a full line of Heioi' pickles and bottled goods. N. R. West, of Buxton, was down to the county seat Saturday after noon. Wells dug and cleaned. Leave orders at Barnes & Simon. Hum phrey, the Well Man. Born, October 11, 1906, to Fred M. Townsend and wife, ef near Bethany, a daughter. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Kxoellencia Oregon manufacture. Via Jack, of Farmington, has commenced the inter term at a Portland business college. For sale, cheap: Span of large work gelding, harness, and wagon. John A. liobbs, Hillsboro. Born, October 5, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weinstein, of near Mountaindale, a daughter. All kinds of sewing machine needles at Hoyt'e two for five cents, or 25 cents per dozen. Mr. and Mrs. George Dooley and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Barrett, of near Greenville, were in the city Sat urday. E. A. Barns, of Portland, and one of Oregon's popular song writers, was a Hillsboro visitor, Saturday. Gents' and boys' clothing, fall line now in Knh, Nathan & Fis cher Sincerity make at H. Web rung it Sons. Mrs. Maude Portwood, formerly Mies Hoover, of Condon, is here this week, the gueet of her cousin. Miss Eva Bailey. John Koch, of Cornelius, and loni Mnay, ot Blooming, were county seat visitors, Saturday, at tending the Anderson sale. W e lead in groceries the beet brands prices always the lowest, and lb ounces to the pound. H. Wehrung & Sods. H. P. Rasmusen, who has been : J; .l . reaming norm oi lown lor some time, has moved to Cedar Mill, wbere be will lease a farm. Hon. Ira E. Purdin, daughter and son, were down from Forest Grove, Saturday, attending the funeral of the late W. K. Barrett. For sale cheap: A . five-acre tract joining Hillsboro townsite; house and barn. H. A. Miller, Summit, Oregon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Dilley, of near Forest Grove, Octo ber 14, 1906, a daughter. Dr. Large was the usher at the occa sion. Taken From my place on First and Railroad streets, a 14-inch steel beam plow. Party taking same will please return at once. E. L. Crocker. Deputy District Attorney Tongue went to Portland Saturday after noon, to assist District Attorney Alien in takiDg the testimony of r n . . . . . dub. snyaer at tbe Hotel Portland. Speaking of groceries if you want the finest staple and fancy groceries to be found in the market, try John Dennis. We is after your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. Thirty six head of work horses arrived Saturday night from the Lytle ranch, Sherman County, and the animals were taken over to Tillamook, the first of the week, to be used in construction by the P. R.& N. Co. For Sale Gentle driving mare; bay; weighs 1150; drives double or single, and lady can drive her Good traveler. Is Hambletonian. Conrad Viohl, 1 miles south west of HillBboro, near the Stanton place. The county board met Saturday to receive bids lor constructing piece of road above Banks, on the Buxton road. No bidders an near ed, however, there being a scarcity of men who want to tackle work of that kind at this time of year. Wanted-Salesmen. Many make $luu to ipiau per month; Borne even more, block clean; grown on Reservation, far from old orchards Cash advanced weekly. Choice of territory. Address Washington Nureery Company, Toppenish, Washington. Alter an absence ot a year in upper Alaska, above Dawson, Miss Jennie , Greer returned Friday morning and is at the borne of her father, R. II. Greer. Miss Greer says she is glad to get back to civilization, and says that she notes many improvements in the city since her departure. Wm. Schulmerieh, of Farming- ton and Jos. Schulmerieh, of Banks, returned Saturday from a trip to Coos Bay, where the former addressed several Farmers Insti tutes. He says that Coo Hay it on tbe boom and that lots at North Bend which sold at fifty dollar? last year are now selling at a thou sand. A firm if talking of putting in a denaturited alcohol plant at Coos Bay and the dairymen at first talked against the proposition but Dr. Withyeombe assured tlieui that it could in noway injure the dairy industry rather, it would I an aid. If the plant goes in it will mean 6,000 acres of potatoes next season and a business worth over a halt million profit per year. Cheap coal for fuel makes Coos their ia vorite. Dr. I). W. Ward, of Forest Grove, was down to the county seat, Mon day, on the Stewart insanity case Dr. ard in speaking of the . U Hearst fight for the governorship of New York, says: "1 have known Hearst smce he was a mere boy. When he took hold of the Exam iner it was on its last legs. From the time he took charge it became a paper, and oetore a year it was making money. Hearst was al ways a radical, and 1 think be is doing the nation a great tervice, irrespective of party. County Commissioner W. J. Butner, of near Beaverton, was up Saturday, and says that 2S shot went through his jumper a week ago Sunday when he came near being ridd'ed by a careleas shooter. Had be been a foot or two hack the entire 28 shot would have gone into his stomach and I nolo W ilium would have been awaiting a monu ment in some cemetery. He ha about recovered from his injuries, however. The Carstens-Hartley sawmill, above Banks, has been sold to Fred Briske, of Portland, who has taken possession. Ibe deal was a cash proposition. Louis Carstens, the senior member of the old firm, has been in the sawmill business for seventeen years, and has made many friends by his square deal ings. The new owner also bought 160 acres of timber land alone ith tbe mill. Al. Schiller, a brother of Ed. Schiller, the Portland cigar manu facturer, was out one day last week to answer a charge of trespassing on a ranch near Cornelius. Judge Bagley fined Mr. Schiller five dol lars for bis experience after the festive Chinaman. Al. has con cluded to buy a ranch out here just for the purpose of hunting. Passengers on the Sheridan local last Saturday night were held at this station for nearly an hour, ow ing to tbe inability of the engine to move tbe train after it had switched two stock cars, containing horses, on the warehouse switch, Forest Grove and Cornelius pas sengers were plentiful and the com plaints were long and loud. "I saw something a few davs ago that was outside the realm of pos sibilities here in Oregon a few years back," said Zina Wood, the other day. "A train load of wood was hauled past the ranch, and the en gine was burning fuel oil. Ibis looked rather odd in a country that has as much timber as Ore gon." , For sale: 160 acres, one mile west of Buxton; 40 acres under cul tivation; 80 acres bottom land, and valuable timber on 80 acres; 20 acres si as bed. rone room new house; barn, 60x60; good orchard; two springs; branch of Dairy Creek runs through place. Inquire own er's name at Argus otlice. John Boeker will move from Greenville to the county seat in a few days. Hugh Purdin is fixing up a place for Mr. Boeker to work through the Winter, on the place recently purchased from the Burris estate, North Hillsboro. Pure, clean tare seed for sale in small or large quantities. Will deliver 500 lb orders at your near est trading point. Have also a quantity of rye, mixed slightly with tare, and limited quantity of clean cheat seed. Jno. A. Hobbe, Hillsboro. C. J. Day, of this city, Gnifthes cutting ties for the Southern Paci fic above Gaston, this week, and then will go over to Clackamas County, where he has some timber, and cut another tie contract for the same company. Wanted About 12 or 15 hands to work in Oregon Nursery at West Union, immediately. Prefer boys from 16 to 20 years of age. For further particulars inquire at this omee or call Jso. 286 Farmers' Line, Pacific States Phone. Mies Irene Cadwell, one of the piano instructors at Pacific Uni versity, last year, and who hai been a gueet at the Tongue home, left the first of the week for her home in Lakeport, California. John W. Council is offering for sale some fine bull calves out of the W. W. Cotton herd, recently purchased, and sired by the Cotton registered bull. Mike Krebs, of Krebs Bros., the big Polk County hopgrowers and buyers, was in town the firHt of the week, circulating among tho hopmen, getting samples. . George Bacon, of Forest Grove, was in town Monday, on business at tbe court house. J. 1. Downing was up from be low Beaverton, Monday. Ambera Thornburgh, of Forest Grove, was in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chaney Henefisl, of Manning, came down Monday on the P. It. it . for a couuty seat visit. Wanted: Stock hogs weighing from SO pounds upward; also sheep J. G. Haines, Beaverton, Oregon, Independent 'phone. . John Walters, of below Cedar Mill, was in town Monday. He start soon for Pomeroy, Wash , to spend the Winter. Robt. Tannock, of West Uniou, was in the city Monday. Mr. Tannock had a very successful public sale last week. Mrs N. A. Barrett, of Portland, was in the city Monday, returning from a short visit with her broth er, W. C. Jackson, of Ulenroa. N I Burnett, of Greenville, was in town Monday. Mr. Burnett was at one time in the hop business, but states that he ploughed up his yard last year, and went at farm ing straight. For sale: 40 acres of brush land, easily cleared, near Kalarna, Wash. Running water on place. Three miles from county seat. Goes at $10 per acre. A. Paut meier, Hilleboro, Ore., R. F. 1). 2. Humble Pie v By Lout J. Strong Oonrrtfhl. leoa. br P. C. Eastman! '"You're a heartless coquette! You've driven my boy away forever! He's gomv-he's goue!" Mrs. 11 die walled, with angry, teurful eyes. "Goner Iora repeated, the ludlg naut red fading from her cheeks. "Yes, gone! Aud I hold you little better than a murderer, uilaa! with which startling declaration aha was leaving vln i lHira caught her arm. "Mrs. Hale, please tell uie, do you mean that Steve is really goue uowT" "Yes. I do mean that he la really gone uow!" Mr. Hale' eyea snapped with vindictive satisfaction at the girl's distress. "lie weut across country la bis buggy, meaning to stop at his un cle's t tell ttteiu goodby. He'll take the triln at Lynchburg. Oh, I'll never see him agnln. and It's your doing, you good for nothing" She left the uo pleasaut epithet unspoken aud stalked away. Dora fled to her room and fell upou her bed lu a tempest of grief. It had not seemed possible that Steve could carry out his threat and leave her. As she thought of It the lung year ahead without him seemed to envelop aod smother her. She sprang up, gasping. She must get out. "I'm going for a long ride, mamma," she announced later, and, pulling her cyeliug cap over ber swollen eyes, aha rushed away. She skirted the village with bead down, vowing she would not apeak to a soul, but an Insistent voice balled her from a small house out on tbe road, and Miss Prissy Allen, the old maid seamstress, hurried to ber. "Of all jieople la tbe world!" Dora groaned, dreading tbe sharp eyes and usually sharper tongue of Miss Prissy. "I've heard all about It, Dora," Miss rrissy said bluntly, but wltii unwonted kindness. "I happened to be there when Mrs. Hale came from your bouse, and her wrath boiled over to me. I wraa Just going to see you. I-I want to advise you, my dear girl. D'T't let foolish anger and foolish pride ruin your life. Never mind what Steve said or did. You know he lovea you, and you love him. Let everything go. Think of the long years" "Oh, Miss Prissy," Dora broke la tragically, "I do think of them and hew HE 8T0Pm, BLOCKING HKB WAT.' I'm to live through them. I can't! It will kill me!" "Yes, you can -you will live through them and grow withered and hard and sharp ton g iicd and unlovely, as I have. Folks can't die auy time they please, and you cau live with a heart like a desert of ashes." "Oh, Miss Prissy, do you mean" Dora hesitated, the unasked queatlou In her wide eyea. "I mean that I was a hot headed, proud young fool. I would not yield an Inch. I told blm to go, and he went and never came back. I might have brought him back at first, but I wouldn't, and see what I am." "But, Miss Prissy, Steve declared ha would go If I-if I"- "YeH," Miss Prissy Interrupted, "tbat'l man's way. Aud you told htm to go, never dreaming he'd do It. That wo man's way. And you're both misera ble. He'll marry, likely, though he'll never care an much tor another.. That! tnau'a way too. And von you're- not the kind that changes. Look nt me ami e what you'll be! Hut you mustn't. I"ve opened my grave to yon as a warning. Make It up with Steve uoit at auy cost. Write to tiiui, and be sure you eat your share of humble pie. You deserve It. I dure say. for you are a bit of a flirt Dora. Write at once and very day till you hear from blm." Aud she bolted Into the bouse, leaving Dor taring at the unexpected romance-, the ecret of MH I'rissy's lonely life. What a pitiful tragedy, rattier! And one could live on and on! oh. If she could see Steve! It might t week before a letter! If she could only see She stopped abruptly, shocked with the audacity of a thought that popped Into her head. The next moment she swerved from her course and spd away ou the trail of Steve. She was uncertain of the distance. It might be fifteen or twenty Ave miles; but, long or short, she would make It lu time. He was going to top at his uncle's. That was a guide poet The open surprise aud curiosity ot Steve's relatives at the ipiesllnus a to his movements from the Unshod pur suer, little more than a stranger to them, overwhelmed her with tin ngony of embarrassment. It was pi. tin that they had heard nothing of the short en gagvmcot and Its violent rupture, aud she was uot lu a position t explain, for only humiliating defeat might meet ber attempt at reconciliation, she was obliged to leave them with an obviously unflattering oplnlou of a girl who was confessedly chasing u young nitiu aud who only blushed painfully aud looked distressed lustead of giving satisfactory reasons. "That was a big piece of bumble pie. It almost choked uie!" she gasped when once more pedaling for dear life. "Hut, anyhow, I know he's going to stop twice more and Intends taking the early train at Inehburg. It was worth It to learu so much. I cau -I will -make It!" Noon csme aud passed. The weary miles seemed to stretch liitermlnalily, but she pushed ou, feeling that the only Impossibility lu existence was failure. A friendly boy assured her of the route aud gave ber directions for saving a cuuple ot miles. This maneuver came near being her Waterloo, for on the crosscut "he met youug Lawsou, a one time suitor, whom she bad rejected In favor of Steve. "Why, Miss Dora!" lie stopped. blocking her way. "Arc you lost or merely working off Injured feelings?" "Neither"' she replied curtly, at tempting to pnss. He uugalluutty wheeled Ids horse, preventing her. saying slyly: "Your face auanen as to your feelings, 1 might ask you bow you like the sink yourself, but I'm generous, oh," he laughed at her look of surprise, "It's no secret that Steve shook you and put out tbla morning." "You are very wise!" she retorted, endeavoring to pass. "Oh, It's common wisdom," he grin ned, still preventing her. "It wasn't gentlemauly of Steve to Jilt a girl so publicly, t'ome, now; let me make yoo Mrs. Law-sun at once, and you'll turn the laugh ou him good and hard." "Steve did uot Jilt me! I was to blame myself!" 1 ora mired. "Let me pass, please. I must go on!" "Why, you dou't meau that you're tagging the fellow to try to coax him back?" he Jeered Insolently. Scarlet, but disdaining denial, Dorn evaded hlui and tied, murmuring with a long breath: "Thut was n horrible piece of humble pie! Hut It's better than eating bitter bread the rest of my life!" With a sickening fear that she was already too late, she scorched desper ately over the reuiiilulug miles and dashed, panting and disheveled, lull Lynchburg, coming almost Immediate ly upon Steve, with Don aud the bug gy, at a sale stable. With a pang she noted that Steve was pale and hag gard. He, too, bad suffereil, a ml yet ha looked so stern and grave. Her courage faltered. He might not but she must take It, this last and biggest piece of humble pie, and If Steve were Implacable she was so exhausted she was sure she would die and there would be no Miss Prlssy's fate for ber. Aa she timidly approached Steve turned, taw her and with an exclama tion darted to her, and at the sudden light In bis eyes Miss Dora lopped over In bis arms, half fainting, umr muring heartbrokenly: "Oh, Steve! Steve!" That was all, but enough. "The humble pie I've eaten! I cer tainly deserve entire absolution'." Dora cried self righteously when the high stepping Don was prancing homo with them. "Humble pie!" Steve exclaimed. "Your little piece Is nothing to the hunk I've got to awullow-golng back after all the fuss aud how I'm to do It I don't see uulesa we're mar ried at once and run away ou a long trip." Dora blushed, but said nothing, and alienee gives consent I Sa.fitjr In Thunderstorms. According to Professor Rowland, the safest of all places lu a thunderstorm la an Iron bedstead. Lying ou this, one la lu a kind of metal cage wblct. act as a lightning screen, This is contrary to a very generally accepted theory, as metal of all kinds and forum la generally avoided under the belle! that it attracts the electric fluid. Trees, experience shows, ure very dangerous places to shelter beneath lu thunder toruie, and Isolated trees more so than a clump, especially if lu.-ur water. Au oak tree by the side of u pond Is con sidered by electricians as peculiarly unsafe, but water ami damp ground are to be avoided quite us much its trees. If the storm Is directly over bead It would be safer to lie on tlm earth flat than to stand up. Indoor the safest place next to the Iron bed Is In the middle of the room, and a room in the middle of the houso is safer than oue at the bottom or top. All drafts aud air currents should be avoided, and all metal objects, such as mirrors, picture frames and wire bell pulls, should be kept us clear us possi ble, j Desire to trade city property in Blaine, Wash., for lumber at HillB boro. Address Box 26, Hillsboro, Oregon. A Lazy Liver May bo only a tired liver, or a starved liver. It would tw a stupid aa well as savage thing to heat a weary or starved man because ho lagged In his work. So In treating tho lagging, torpid llvsr It Is a grout mistake to lash II with trout drastic drugs, A torpid liver Is but an Indication ot an Ill-nourUlicd, nteehled body uhoso organs are weary with over work. Start lib the stomach and allied organ ot digestion and nutrition. Put them In working order and see how quickly your liver will become active. Ir. Pierce's tlolden Medical Wsoovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver trouble by Its wonderful control ot the organs of dlistloii and nutrition. 11 re stores the normal activity of the stomach. Increases the secretion ot the blood unk ing glands, cleanss the syitem from poi sonous accumulations, and so relieves the liver of the burden Imposed upon It by the defection of other organ. If you hare bluer or bad latle la the BMra big. poor orffyUble aptwtli. coaud tongue, tout breath. ivtcotpneJor lrratular bow la, fuel weak, saalll tired. VipooiImV trausMt hta-laches. pats r dlt rein "small ot back.' mawliig or iH( lyrV n looinb. throat after eating, and ktuoe symptom ot weak stotntch and torpid lir no atS Cttie will rebeim you more PVDutv or cTjry you rr ih ruAl-i nl $ jf ?W iiJ rirn i-'l C.,,l u hsli, l I'lwriTir. IVutm mils a part ot i lie U" C a uiyloult will be praaMl at one time anil yet point to torpid llvaror blltoUMievt ami "ik snmtaeb. Avoid all hot bread and I nils, griddle raknt and ether tiullimlltiln fol and take Uie MMdvn Medli al IMwovery ivirulailjr and stick tulta Use until you are vigorous and attoug. Tho " I Msiwery " is non-Ms'rvt, uon-alco-liolle. Is a sh eerie rtlraet ot naltva unslld lial nol wllh a full Ht ot It liMrrdtent printed on va.'h bottle- ranper and tteatrd under oath. Its Insrvdleuu ar s idorwd and rvlolled by tho ukw.1 rnilitvut iiKsiteal writers of the aire and are iwuitiuivndvd to Cure the dlwaMW for whh-h It la advlwd. iHm't accvpt a substitute of unknown couiihmIUou (or this tuni-sucrei atauiciaa Or KNOWN COUItMUTIoa. Reward The Oregon Iron ,t Strel Company will nay a rrwaul of l ive lluitdied Ikillat lor the attest aud conviction of the per sou who, ou or about the l6th day ol August, iy., ilrtlroved by dynamite ot other rxptosivc, a portion of the dam ol aid Oregon lion Jk Strel tomtiany e nws the Tuslatiu Kivr, In Clackauia County, Mate ol Oregon. I ated at 1'ottlntid, Oregon, Augiut J.'el. i'M. Tne; Oki'C.on Ikon & Stkm. Co. by A. S. I'altullo, Secirtury. Notice To Contractor Sealed proposals will be receivnl al Ibe olliee ol tin. I entity Judge III lliarouli liou-e (ireiron. until if o'ebs-k I. M. on the I tlh day of ih luhrr. for Uie i-i iiIiI.iiik nud ditching of a I Hint .10110 It ol mini through the farm of Anton I ais tens neaV hanks, Or. I'liiposais will In' received for Covering ui. I roiiit n lilt either plank or corduroy. I arlb iilurs tuny Im untamed si my olliee Ity order of the t'otirt. J. V. IIOODIN. County Jutls'i FOR RENTAL (iood Morn building, 'J0r0, good front, and baa live line living rnoniH upHUiiM, with big hall, modern conveniences. Will rent at a nargain, or win sen on easy terms with payment down. W. J. IIKNSON, Hillsboro. OREGON Shorj line Union Pacific AMD :i THAINH TO TUB KAHT ItAlliV FltOM POKTIiAND. Through Pullman standard and-tourl! sleepiug-cnrs daily to Omaha, Chicago Spokane; tourist sleeping-car daily to Kuttsan City; through Pullman tourisl sleeping-cars (peraonally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re dining chair cars (seats free) to the daily. IIKPA RT run I1AII.V Chicago Hpisiial lll.'CM.M. viu Atlantic) press S;l5 r. m. via -Huntington Ml,. I'aul Kant ' Mail fi:lfir. M. via Hpokaue 1 Port land Higg" I, oral HM.'i a.m TIM K Ht!IIKUl.K.S FROM FOHTIjANI) ashiv rsoM tuit.r Halt Lake, Denver, l-'t. Worth, oiushs, Kaunas City, Ml. I khiIh, Chicago and Kant Halt I,uke, Denver, h't. Worth, Omaha, Kansas Olty, Ml, liouis, Cbliiago and Kasi Walla WullttT l-ewis-tnn,Hiokttlie,Wallaee Pullman, Minneap olis, Nt. I'aul, u hit!,, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kant Kor nil local points belweeii lliggs ami Portland 5:00 p. m 7:Ia,m 8;00 , M I 11:00 r.M. 0CKAN AND RIVKK NCIIKDULK KltOM POHTI.ANIl HleauiHlilpK between Portland and Han I1 rancisco every live days. Hiver I, on Is on the lower Columbia anil Willamet te dally except (Sunday. LOW HATUB To anil from all points In the Kast Tickets via this route on aula at all depot unices ol me noutnerii I seine t;o, WM. MnMIJRRAV, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Notice of Final Settlement Nollefi is hereby given that the unilnriilgii eil Iiiih filed his liiuil account an ail mill la I nil or of the dilute of I'utrlck Cain, de ceased, and Hull lbs court has set the Mini) for hearing of objections to same lor Monday, Oi'toiier 11100, st the hour of leu o'clock A.M. at tbe Court House in IlillHboro, Oregon, Said order being dated H"plniuljer 'ifp, IHOtl, W. H. Wehrung, Administrator of the estate ol Patrick Cain, deceased. John M, Wallatty, -:Uclloncr-'.U Weed i LOVELACE Registered us PKIWI lOMI-WI J2.7II SIRE Or bYVUN I.AO'. 'J.14. H 'i.e. m.l. line (o trial; Loveless (0 tveotd l.f lol I old ..cod t.i.ule on ,. V C. ill and wiuiictof cx.ivt.ue .nlinb l.e l.iil. d s a rat obi ; U.velv Ik ll. winner of J war old tioltnig l M lc 1 . III .n; Lord Lovelace, winner of Neat old panne, -.l .k. al Male toil III I004 . Alto Ucc, j war old It Ul, t S-iii T. " "M ' ''s, ,'" '"u, It., vritr old tnal, 1 .- Ill uie, II. .ic l.... la..-, :! t-at old I. lal. I S , ill nice: 'Jerry, winner of ! mile u .ouuin inn lot Jdiognu cup, nud ol Bob tircel's famous road bolse, winiu t .'I ol' 1 cup. Sired by Egotist Dam, Crcpon, (dam ol Low lac. lS; I'uehess, :J7',; I'.i illiaiiluie. i'.l,l- I'lin. 1 .. sur ol will the list. Second ililtn. Ct..s- l.te plain ol King Kent', .It . I?," Utai.l, 3 lot, ; liularine, J by the gtcat ti.o, ilkcs. Lovelace is a lay stallion io.i, ami wt-inlis J. 'So ponmls. His colts arc stake winners w lnnvtr tiny stall, and prize winners in the show linn. "'s toll are uniform ly good size, level headed ami skti1v. the Gel ol lost loir lliouitit MtCarthy SoIch I linn lie will male the season of njntt at HillsUiro l-'air (inmnds. Ternis: Season, f..v, Insnranee, 5, 5. E. b. TONGUE DRINK GAMBRINUS BEER sot 11 CcLION I.. J LYONS. Proclamation Whereas, there wii mibinilted to the r! c tors of the Mate al llie la-l em-ial . ! c tloll triiiiivd by law, alt imlialue s'tltioii fur a piotHKi it inn. u.lui. nt to Aiticle IV of the C011M1t.1l1.111 ot Hi, Slate of Oregon, to l-.I. igual. .1 in ibc s Section lu of Attn le l of mud C'oustltiilton, for tin- 111 it lit im- 1111. 1 rrfi-rell.liilll on local, i mul iiuilii. I pal laws and mtn of law 4, and WhrrciiB, 011 ibc '.'.Mb day of .luur. ly, the Secretary of State 111 my pre ence a Coventor of tin- State ul 1 in g.m did canvass the vol.-n given for an.) against said protasa-d aim mini, lit, ami Whereas, it was ascertained ami drier mined 11 1 hoi audi rauvan that tin re wa 47,S votes caM for n.ti.1 ptom-.l ,1111. 11. 1 llletlt, and I'., 7.1S Votes again! the n.nm , and that said piouwd 11111eitttu1. nl u crivr.l an titbrtuative inajorilx of tin- I..1 ,1 iinmlM-r of effective voles east Ibnroii and ritlillc.l to U- coiiuti.l under tin- pi,, vuioiuof law, Now, therefore, I.t'.eotge '.. ( Ii unbi r linn, aa (iuvcrnor of the Stale of t in-gon, ill oUiliriue to and by viituc ul lite w er and stllhority vrited in tne by Ian, 1I0 hereby make uud K-air dim tiroclaiiiatinii to the ople of the Stale o 1 iregmi, mul do announce and ileclate that the whole iiumlier of votes cast in the Stale of On g.m st said t-lecliou for and iiganiit ,iul pioposril umcitiluif nt wim u bi-n-ints Ion luted, and that said prouit4-il aim ml nielli receivid all t vr- majoiitv ol the total liumU-r of voles t a--l tbcii ou and entitled to l- coiiutril uinli 1 tin- pm vimoiih of law, uud Hint Htti.l aim mlim nl hereinbefore lilenlioutil nhall lH- ami i-, ill full force ami ellect an a mil of tin CoiiHlttulloit of lite Stale ol On gou fioin the dale of this pris liimalioii . Hone ut the Capitol at Salem this j s ' 1 1 day of June, A. I). HfJt. t'.MO. K. CII.MI!i:i;l,A, rsHAI. (loveiuor ol I ii. giiu. By the tlovrrnor: I'. I, iitiubiir, Secretary of Stale. Proclamation Whereas, there wits milimitfcil lo tin electors of the stale al the :1t geni tal election as reiiiinil by law, 1111 iuiliative petition for "A law to provide additional revenue for slate purposes and In levy a license on the gross earnings of certain companies and corporations to wit: t press companies or corporations, tele phone companies or corporations, ami telegraph companies or corporations 1I0 ing business in. this stale; ihliuiug the milliner of ascertaining the iiiii.uiiil l such gross earnings, providing-11 ciiulty for violating the provisiousoi the act, dc fining an express company, a telephone couiiauy and a telegraph conipuny willi in the meaning of the net" ; and Whereas, oil the J.1II1 day nf .June, lyo6, the Secretary of Slate 111 my pics ence as Governor of the Slate of Oicgoii did canvass the votes given for and against said law, and Whereas, it was ascertained iiiul deter mined upon such canvass that there were 7073 votes cast for said proposed law, and 6, J60 voles against the same, and that said proposed law received au alliiui alive majority of the total number of effective votes cast thereon ami entitled to be counted under the provisions of law , Now, therefore, I, lieoige t' liittiil .t-t ' lam, as Governor of the Stale ul I liei;ou, in ola-ilience to mid by virtue of I lie pow er uud authority vested ill ine by law, tin hereby make and issue Huh prm liiuiiilioii to the people of the Stale of ( begun, mul do announce uud declare Unit the whole number of votes cast in llie State of ( ro gon at said flection for mid against said proposed law was as hereinbefore Muled, and that said proposed law received ;iu affirmative majority of the total number of votes cast thereon and entitled to be counted under the provisions of law, and that said law hereinbefore mentioned shall 1 and is in full force ami 1 licet as the law of tbe Stale of Oregon from the date of this proclamation, Done ut the Capitol at Salem this :!;,lli day of June, A. I, lynfi. GIvO. K. CIIAMllKltl.AIN, f HHAI.j (ioveriioi of Ireiron. By the Governor: P. I. Dunbar, Secretary nf Slide, Go to McCormick'e for Bcbool eupplieB. Mel Ku,r..M IILtd Kctord. 2:20, 2:11 !nic of .pi, soil ol the LIccttoiM-rr and the goal I'l'""! tnaie, Splllr. I'i'im I . MS. Itetsv Itiiltoll, 1 Jul, ; . '. -", l.i'lill .1. . I I. , The O111I1411, n lliihcr Writji ul the l Kni Oilier Sl.tllioa MtlUlioto, Oregon I hi Hot ol 411 Hcrr t v SALOON P. ,rr Kdiscm's Gold Mould ed Kfcords in StocK I'KICf. ai C I.NTS - - . K. L. McCORMICl Mllt SltoKO OKI (.ON COftWiN A HUD EL Dmmlmra In All kitt.Unf irh Meat. Price Rea sonable Will n,rel sll rompeltliua. Chickens and rtnillry always oil baud tiou order, l ire drbvery lu sll pari of the town, W e buy tut utock. Both rtsmi SoconUSlmol, Hllhboro, Of ASSI SSOH S NOIICIi (l'.iiall:tlloii of I'm; Assessment.) To He- lnvpaM i. of Wilsliiiigluii aullt V. ..i.iu: N. ill. in ., ,y H, H,,,! ),,rJ of Ir iikIiiiii-IoU I'ollllly, itr.-irmi, will cm on,, in ibe llerk's oltli-e al the I i.iut IbiiiM., 111 IIiIIhIhimi, Oregon, mi tin- ,! 'n. I .liiy ol October, luw., sod 111 session one ww-k, or until lb j;ill ilavol IMotM-r lll. ImluNive, lot llie piirpom- of publicly o.pmli, o,g ami corie.liiuf IUk tat l. I of Washington 1, 1 nunly. iir.-goo, r Ilia umm iiienl made 111 tin- ytmr l:, 'IH II. WILCOX, Ax-cisnr for V n-liinclnn l oiiuly, Ore, IlilUboio, Ori'g.iii, Mepl, H, LJU. NOTICE Altelilioii is citllcl to lbs etisteue nf au ordlmim e lu I'tly uuikimr It unlawful lor any pcnmi or persons lo make any eoiiueeiious in 1 he w ln and water ple ollhel lly ,v Wilier I'lllnt Wltbollt iii-hI ol.laiiui.K periniadlon from tbe Mil periiiien.leiii, and all persons are hereby iiotiiicd anil warned llial bereallcr said ordliiiincn will . ntrt. tty entoreeil rrs speellv e of ,i Hy ..rdci ollim ,t!bl ,1 Water Couiiitlt' lee, Ibis Any, ;m, !;, II. I'. It.MII.KV, lleeorder. SUMMONS IN TIIK t'lltcl'IT CUI'IIT OK THK STATI1'. 11K iilllMinN WITHIN AND ! oil WASIIINHTON COUNTY MaiiMicf Kalrehlld, I'laliitlll', 1 s. l.eorge M. 1'itircliibl, hclcndanl ) 'lo lleoiui' H, r'alrcbilil, di.remlaiit above inimi'd: lu I be name of the Stale ol Oregon, you mo bioehy nolllind that the I'lniuliil' herein Iiiih 111 d n I'eiupb.liil atraiiu t. you lu lln. above (intllleil court and cause ami yon an. hereby rripiired to appear uud answer I lie said iioiupluitit or lile Home appearand, Ibeielo 011 or before llie last day priwrihwl liy I be order of piihllcillloii heieol, lo wit: Ou or before llui ;inili day ul' November, IIHsl, and if you I111I hi 1 In appear ami answer the com plaint or lile Nome appearance herein, tbe I'lniuliil w ill cause your defanll to be hii lei'ed ami imU-il ami will apply to the coin 1, ,,r the rebel' proved for in Hi com plaint , lo w Hi A decree lorever dissolv ing tlio bonds ol iiialriuiony now mini Ing belween you and tin. I'lniuliil and lor Much oilier relief its lo Urn Court limy seem proper, Including permission to I'lniuliil llml she nniy resinne liaruiaideu nit'iio, fo wii; Maigai-ct M Inner. Tlieilaloof lln. lirst piililieallon ol Ibis HiininmiiH is Tluiisday, October' 1Mb, mini, ami the heat, mblletliin theiHof is IhlliNday, ailb Hay of Nnveiulier, Id1 HI, mul lliis sum H Is In I hi published on every Thursday of each week for a period of six Miic.ceSMivi) weeks between said dales, 'I liiNHiimiiioiiH is published by order of 11 'I'lmnnis A, M0II1 lile, Jiidge of llieuliove enliileil Court, made hi cham bers 011 llie If ii ii day ol October, III 41 CI I AH, .1. HCIINAUKL, Atlorui.y lor I'lttinllir. Finn linn of Moliuir for waimings, all shiuliB ami colore, at H, Weh rung &. bollb, ewinquaie Mil.