HILLSBORO ARGUS, OCT. 18, 1908 1 - IN Wiilun IVIU Nothing Th.it Throws l.iht on All'.iir I'KKKY MILL IAIKS IN llii; riASf s lint farcy Snider Afirr Dec. s Wat Seen There Ik 1hi1 utt-ly nutlilng new in HnyiltT rnir.lnr rase, ninl it iit very likely that the limttt-t nil! I dropped. Mr. Snyder, who i mill lu Portland, ha tol l nothing that throw any liulit on the mys tery of tlm murder, and yet insist that she has tithl enough lu cause nlliiial action. A a mutter c I fuel tbtt rviilnn'n she Iium eivm could convict nothing. Tlmt flu knows more than she wilt Idl -h w i i )i -out saying, mi. I Unit Homn powei fut motive in reaini'iiiiig h r in V ttluitt. S hn wa lo have talked over her I'.iie again thin week, as oou ait Iih heard from K M Suy IT, Hi father of llio dead man fun ml near Itriluny, hut n fur tli em lift I'li'ii mi clearing Perry till semi out n weekly houtluuk at I ml rinlt in-, Mo , lid now Day Siiyilnr wim seen after December ', I'.MTi, (lie lit ged dale of the murder, and IV try lunlicr tiale that six nun nn tiatify to having Kin It i n . II Mm S 1 1 y . I r ha piwn lh oll'll'talu n ii v more evii!i m e it lnlx lxti carefully ' guarded, hut mi warrant have I it i-.Mie. Hi' diil not (ii:ot t i HilUhorn la)t Sat urday, hut lictilii-l in fori 1 1 n.l he. lore Ihsinet Ai'nriey Allen an. I bit deputy, I'.'. II Tonciie PUBLIC SALti The UmUraiKiiMl wiilill at public audi in at In" firm 1 1 unh west i f Scholia ami 2 nubs el i I hone) the fillnwiug 'rr "i nri I property; at 10 00 a in. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER ."I Sotifl mare, nii, l; l'v pom . to yi. liny P"iiy, S vn, llu-n itj-tilurti Jcf af hull, 4 )ia; clry llrilrr. 1 Irrsll III I rtirllal) . loan io,w. lit mill; Mark d'Uril tow, ( vn, in milk , Jruev heller, N iiiuntlia, I IikiU. lit rt hm... saw. 1 alumta, J dnru i lurk rim, snle aaddlr, art double nk Iiip, top buggy, nrailv new, net ainfcle hiirg hmiiru. art double I (; if y Intror-v nrni H new MiCoimn k mown, Muinraiidia Inodrr, lnyrul.e. lunar riiltivtilur. wooden liiiiium, (i-r hmmw, iue,le liuvcl rulliynlor, I'laurt ,lr. m.lrii drill, hois awerp power, iiikUIiiiii', Sure llulih inculinliir, I ; rKK ; Ihiu krl aw; i rriwi cut ninm i rmllr; kit Voo)r looln; new lilai kaiiulli IicIIhwh; bouaclinlil fiiriiiliifr mi. I oilirr nfllilm oo niiinrroiit in 111011I1..11. t ree Itiiioti aul niirr. Tariim: I'mlfr III) eat-h; l a . 1 mi nyr 1 ymm timx. htiiktiiio note 7 pur rpiit intrnt; 'i r cunt p!V for cadi ovi r fill. K. II. I'.OWKU. Jl. I', C!orntliuH, AiuilioiH'pr, KEAL, estate transfers fiilimt I) 1 1 He 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 ilc 4S', acir te .11 1 1 si 1 Eiank H lliltrl hU l I'lnirnl l llil Hnir aa hImivc Elilrlli Wiiiiilrrli In I' M Vim'riit fl l aorfa tr I 1 r J ;V Jobll 1'WilKUrr I 1 K I'nUnll loll I) ml 11 til k 1 Cum ail I'uii'at 1. , j J K liliilirl In Mum-In- l.iiii'lrv. loin 14 ami 1$ lilk J (. ill 111 nil I Ii o A II K11r.lv til C.ro V t i n W lulu 3-ti JUS. 41. 4 1, 4, N liKrilyill. . .1715 TI101 Nrlinii In Kh14i j NVIhoii 411 a arc 8 t 1 r 4 w Win Nclion o V I, Mi-tier mill !' W 1'i.wri 70 ai'irn Isam- llullri il I c ; IuvfBlinenl Co to 1 -'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 it S lUmt-lt, 15 54 illow lln.i.k I' 1 111 lull' Kulirtt Mlil lu I'lituk l.ii-lily ,u a ice u t 1 11 r 1 w ;Sou Marlon iulre In K 0 ll:iiliiiini.f rrii iilenrc Jtli ami I'. iit-linr . , , , , 1.V.0 K M Tonniif to ( M l'ni lot 011 .Mill lietwrru Iwim-lnip mul null mtou 7 ,S luvfilnif lit ColoHul.nl Iliilme a I 1, llii klln it 1 i' 700 S II Gmliam to A II Until v s. a t a r 1 w ii J 1 Mil k I to Sii!in 1 1 11 11 tiT ).u t of It I lilk l, I1 l.iovp 151.0 1 failure Vamlr riimli'ii In Anton ' MreuwHfii 4.1 a to Unlit Walker il I C I51HI Kuima V Mile to lyrnrsl I) Ilite 4S S a mi' 3.1 1 1 a 1 w I ('rnlincli V llrilrr to Merrill Wan ner ', a Win Stokm il I c 1 .Uiiim K I'altnii to Win J Sinitli loin U ami u, lilk 2 Ciiilia ml (1 . . . . Ion Maik T Cox to Geo I, Mrl'lirrson iboaaliove lliixtou 350 Maria lUker to Cliirii J Aniiiinl Imlf of lota 15 ami lb 1, iV K ail lleivrr toii JMI A II Itlicily to Allint J Clink lnlH jS, jij, 30 ami ij N TitiKiilvlllr 1 57 j IVtro (Vlenllne to Annie H Milrtirll 10 Hi In lilk Jf, W I'oilliiml IIkIUh l" JSUry H O'Neel to Drusilla lliiyea 50 a lu Win Mchiiin il I e aSoo Helenn Stratum to August MultliirH o a Win McMnu die 3500 Henry Haker to Wtatrru Tiinlier Co 100 k i-e ay t 3 11 r 5 w Auton Meruwxeii to 1'icil Nnrriii,o acrta ami other luml, arc 10 t t n r lo 3 w 71K1 Anna It Jen k I tin to Clma W Jenkins, 30 n Chun Merrill (lie,,.., Jomea II Sewell to Martha J l'naley, lot ij tilk 4 Thome's ml lll.o.,.. '5 Ella lliistoti to M II I'.unip, 17.J4 n Win (ii'iuer r il 1 c 1 200 A iik R11I111 to A II Kneily ,44 acres tteo lili lianlHini il I c 135 Aleliatii Tnlloek to 0 W llniilley lo a l.uwii'in'c! Hall il 1 c lonn Per linnet, lotionH, toilet anap toilet articleB, eto., at the llilleboro JTmrtuacy. Argug and Journal, $1.75. To the Uilica: I 11 in now pre (ureil tu ahnw you the lieautiful taoliioii ilt" ill Cliaa, A. Hli'ihiie V llroa, ant aauiilxa nf Ilia ma lfria!n of tlm iiini;nifi ,1 ii' of Imliei.' Unit tailor-i 1. 1 1 aiiita. akirtu, coali ain jhcIi .4, iuailn to your hiim ii onler, of yOlir own an-Iri-iiou of inalerinl and linit ic. a ai'tly lo your in-amirninfiit, n ml u-rli'rt lit guarantied . I a Ihd car ry a Mltudard line nl 'tlicoat and I'liranU, AnyoiiH winding to m klmwii my liim of kimhU pleaaa call up lil liiileimmlHiit I.liliona, or drop a poKtal card to Mr. M. K. ('audit), llillahoru. Jinllja C. K. Kindt, of Kinlon. lant WVilni'Kilay ilii.iiiiHatd the cane of Stata vermin Arch in Howard. who wan chargm! with aaaault witb 11 iUiiH"ruua weapon 011 thn liriraon of (iroruB Wilaon. of Kinlon. Dfimty V,. It. Tiinuua wai unahlo tu he. iireanut on account of the Snyder rae. Attorney (lo, V. Joaepli, ol I'ortlaiul, (lufiiiulod. Thn t'oiirt fuiiiul there waa not ftiHicieut evidence to hold Ilia de fendant. I'or aale: Kighty arrn fine-lay- inK html; good anil; 2(1 aires under cultivation; 4 acrea (jixxl orchard; KihiiI aix-rooui houne; aplHtidid well; fair darn; team, cowh, rluckeiii, iga; with tnachiiiery to run place; Ihd hoiiavhold gooilH, Tli i a farm ia on a rural mail route; telephone line; milk route, and ia located ft mile iiiiiihweat of Heedville, a railway atalinii. I'lace ciiea for M.oui.-K. II. liower. llilhboro. Koilte '. V. It. Harrin, fruit InHpactur for llii.t county, wrilea from Koreet firuveth:it ho will hold moating tit Iteavmlon on Oct. 21; Heedville on the 25; and at llillntxuo on the :'X, He aaka that orchard grower meet ami map mil a campaign lor the doing away ol the old and in- e.-i 1 riti.iiMi nrcliania ami tne pro- iimiiuii o( the fruit lndtiatry in the varioua aeutmna. ('uiiiiilitlo line of hlack cotton hoMicry juat arrived. The heat hos iery on the market, Schulinerich llroa. Alter a more thorough examina tion Mr a. Kva Stewart, mention of whoae cane ia made iu another column, waa rotiimitted to the aayluin. The iitittiuriliea came after her and ahe will he placed in the himpilel ilepai tinenl. Mra. Stewart hne I wen a III ic ted for tnanv yea 1 a, and it ia tlouhlful if ehe ever recovrra her mental power. The Dudley Mill ia uow ready lo do riiHtom i-lmpping every day in the week Mr S, Ii. lltihton flill maintain hie lliUhKiro law tillu e and ipud one or taro day each week here. At tonic v lt-iiiou How man has cliarg of the ollice, ami in addition to hia own practice, will look after Mr. lliKloii'a law htieineea and ar range tlalea for thoae wiahing lo !t him personally, Wanttvl: Appreutioo girl. Mrt. II. K. Davia, dreaaiuaker, Corner Fourth A- Kir Street, city While returning from early in am laat Sunday morning Mra. John Kieher and two children, of Center ville, were thrown out ol the wagon liy reaann of the eeat alipping. The accident happened near the Wren place. Ir. K. A. llailey wa oh I Ii il and report no aennu in jtiricH. For rule: llorxe, 1100; aeldotihle harneaa; farm wagon A. Nitnan, llillHhnro, oppoeile lohool houte. I'., A. llioinaa, of Kin ton, wa arreeled laat WeJneeday upon ii.implaiut of lntaeie Howard, Thomaa heing charged with bur glary. He wa taken before Judge Kindt, who fixed hail rt I'lUO, which wa deposited, and the hear. iiiR waa net for a later daft. Frank W illiam, of Shady Hrouk waa in town yesterday, and while here called on the Argil. l.oat, near Weat Union, Monday Oct. I: White and hlack and brown Knglinh fetter dog; young; een brown Kputs overeyec; ha on dog collar with liceiiaa tag. Kinder please reltirn to K. M. Heidel, llillahoro, Ore., and he paid for trouble. Frank Paiili, of thi city, and J V. Mart!), of (.'enter ville, have jubt returned from a fimnng expedition over on the iNehaiem. itiey re port a good catch. We are making tip our randies in email lota, thereby insuring their freshnm;. Our kitchen it) opon fi r inspection at any time. Pen of HweelB. Dance at W. 0. W. Hall, Glen coe, Friday evening, Ootoher 2(1 lu'ketn, including eupiier, if() WalkeiB' orchemra. Kverybody invited. J J. Weik has been buiy this week moving the l'ope photo gal lery to It new location on Second af reet, between Baseline and Wash iogton. Just arrived Ladies' and gents oravinettea. Latent from the east dome early and get your choice. Stthuluierich lire. Thos. Tucker Jr., of Heaverton wa up Sunday, the gueet of hia uncle, Thos. Tucker, of Main Street. Mrs. Clma. Reynolds, of Mottn taindale, is in town thie week, the guest ol her Bister, Mra. Hoffman liny your school tablet at Mo Cormick s. ANNUAL INSTITUTE Convenes iu County Scat on WcJiicsday, October 21 WILL BB IN SESSION I II K EE UAVH Noted Lecturer, I'reatvn Stanli, lu he Prrncnt Supt. M. C. Case ha Rent nut pro gram for the Annual Tarher' natitute, and he ia alwi thn author of th following open letter: On the eveninga of October 21 and 2r the teacher of WaHhiiigton county and the ntiena nf Hille- lioro will have the opportunity of enjoying a rare intellectual treat. .ecturea will lie held in connection with the annual inatitule and given by the dramatic lecturer nn "Great Ideal," I'reHton W. Search. No man has a right to a public audience unlet he lias a burning Uit-Maaga to deliver. The people. Iter all, art moet interested in the greatial thing. A lecture rhnulil lie attractive and entertaining; hut. Grat of all, it must be instructive. Il lit 11 hit lie the medium through which great ilteda and viri"im are eeen, and great impuNea received Sinli it the ctiantrler of the mukul 'toliui W. Sr ncli. He luiliU tlml tlir 5 lory nf llie Lyceum Ircltire ulioiilil nut rparl with the pawinof Wrn.lrll I'lnl lip, lleeclier, l-.inerson, ami r..irrn.on Uil, ll llin "Uil, he in ili-vnlili); lilllitrll to eaineat loiiiiniiiiity awakeiiitif. A an ritnrator he ia known as 'The Aiv lie nl inilivliliialiinii," tlir eutlior ol All Meal School, " ami finimlrr of in- I uat 1 In I achoola; ami hia imprint, inure or leaf, haa lieen upon tlimnt rveiy at hool ayttein of Ametiia. ilia In line, have hrea heaul in every pot nl the roiiBliy.ovri three humlinl havniv hrru iteliveieil in a auii'le year, lie hn a uieanaKe lo ilcliver ami the peoplr aie liateuing. The coming of aurli a man ahotiUl he a great motive mei lu thin ritv Iiitrintril in the itulu nliial, he luvri- theleaa llleveaour nulnm ia eakHt in commuuilv orgauirallon, ami that rivir pro(reaa lira tu hruylin; all elementa in lo helpful co opeiatiou. llie Koapel he preachea ia that the ideal ia the measure of llie man. Tlirne leclurea, therefore, will I devotcil lo holtling aloft the hihmt iileala iu life, ai nut- auil art. Eur audi a woik co-operation ia re itieateil. It ia alvtaya tminlul to aee a civic work umlertakeu with leailin fac tor uhneut. Church paatora shoulil Imhl and ihinia their pravei meeting at earlv houia. Iluaineaa men ahouhl at tend. 1'arenta ahouht come mul liiinii their ohleat chihlren. The liohliiiu ol coDltii llng aiH-UI Kalherui)i ahouhl he anoulril. The entire coiiuiiunily ahouhl unite iu uiakiug thn ncraaion an intcl lectin I feaat. A.lmiasion will he Int. eilnenlay am) Thurtilay evciimn. at s o clock p. u. Octolwr 74, Suhject of lecture, "The (reateal 1'icturea in the Worhl." Ocloher J, Suhject, ".Music in tli 1 atherlauil." Ilia work duriuK aflernoon ae-.inns of the inatitule will he of eiiiiul inten-at lo teachera anil citiena. Come one, come all, ami enjoy the gramlcat treat of Hi aeuaon. , Pkix-.kaM Weilnelay Eot-mHii "Ojwtiinn Exercise" u o'clock . "The Urr.itest Thing iu liiluculion I'tvstoii . Si-.iich 'I'eriialaof tirowth ill relation lo tin N'lionl 11, II. Mu 'Won Kcceaa. 'Kthuii.in Caiiul" I. A. Manning Afternoon -'Opening Exercises" i -jo o'clm k. "How the Memory M.iv Ik- Trained" , II. I. Shehlon The I.aily of the Lake Country".... I'rcstoit W. Search Recesa. "Life in the Tropica" I. A. M.nuiiiii; Evening, S o'chak The (ireatcHl I'iiluics in the Worhl"., I'rfstim W. Siaiili Thursday Eon-mum Opening Exercises" u o'clock. The Reasoning Power of t'hihln u' II. 1 1. Sheldon "Vilaliing the Course of Study".... l'leston U . Sean n Kecesa, MjuiKuaae" Sunt, .1. II. Ackermaii AfteitiiKin '' 'OtH'tiiiig Exercises" t :v o'clock 'Hahit Koimation" II. I. Sln ldon "(lliinpses of Heautiful Eiance" , I'u-stun . Search Recess, llow to Judge a Oood School" Supl. J. II. Ackcnii.ui 8 p. til, lecture , "The Music in the Fatherland' Preston . Search Fiiday Forenoon Opening Exercises," y o'clock. inm-renecs in y.niiuieu , I'reston W. Scarcli "Opportunity" Supt. ,1. II. Ackermaii Kecess. "Industrial litl'crcuces and Their Signif icance" .' II. I'. Sheldon Afternoon "Opening Exercises" i :,v o'clock. "The Dogma of Eoimal Discipline" II. D. Sheldon "The Strength of Oenuaiiy" Preston W. Sciuvli Recess. "Course of Study" .1. II. Vckerman yuestiou Boa. Card of Thanks The undersigned desire to thank all who so kindly assisted us during the last illness and funeral obsequies ol the late husband and father, W. R. Barrett. Mrs. W. R. Barrett and Familv. Hillshoro, Ore., Ootoher IS, lilCl'.. Kuratli Brothers have opened their oHices in the Chenetto Row, Main Street, and will handle real estate, collections and notarial work. All work carefully and ac curately performed, (live ub a oall. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxoellenoia end you will try them again and again. For echool lupplies go to the Pharmacy. Alfrfd (itn-ber, of Helvetia, wai in town thin morning. J. A. Thoruhurgh, of the Corne lius bank, waa in town laat eve ning. Ceo. Cypher and wife, ol beyond (iloiicoe, were in town thi after noon. S'chulmerich Brog. are agenta for the last known wagon on the coast -the Haiti. loli n Schneider, of near Phillip, wit in the city yesterday, and call ed at the Argus oflice. The I'udley Mill ia now ready to do custom chopping every day in the week. John I! ige, of Farmington, wag up today, and say that hi hop this year are of first clans quality (let. the annual dividend habit. Insure in the Massachusetts Mutu al Fife James Stitt, District Ag't. Kinmolt Juick, of Tillamook, was in town yesterday. He has la-en working up at Buxton for the I'. Ii A N. New store building for rent in brick, on Second Street. Splendid locution .1. M. (ireear, Hillshoro. Schoolboy and girls will find everything in school supplies (ex cept scl 1 hooka) at K. L. Mc- Coriuii k'a. I'.ev. S J. Lindsay will preach at the IlilUboro Evangelical church, at 11 a. in., and at (i as ton church, Sunday evening. Fine line of new school tablet will lie nn exhibition at McCor iinck's music store during the opening of school. N. II. Jones, of Vinelands, was a caller at the county seat today. lie is now building a residence for (J. II. Soehren, of Hank The County Clerk of Multnomah has granted marriage license to Krnest 1) Idle, of Heaverton and Miss Ida Huber, of Portland. If you want to paint your build- i lies dime ami see us. Wo are iigcuis lor tne latnoua ration sun Proof Paint. Schiilmerich Bros. F. II. B iwer and wife, of west of Scholia, were in town yesterday Mr. Iluwer will have a public sale at his ranch nn October Jl. Wanted: Traveler for tBtablieh- cd Hiut.se !fl'2.(H) per week. Kx pene advanced. References. AddrtH", with stump, Job. A. Alex under, Hillshoro, Oregon. .1. C. Smith, of lireenville, was in town Unlaw He will anon drive I he milk wagon to the Hillshoro condenser, on the (ireenville-Cen lervilie route, now handled by his son. We carrv the best ehoe on the market for the money. W. L Douglas and Dr. Reed's famous cushion shoes for men. Leading makes for ladies. Latest styles and finish. H. Wehrung A Sons. Klmer Connell, of lielow St. Hel ens, and who heat K. II. Flagg for the nomination and election as rep resentative for Columbia county, was in town today, and called on his cousin, SherilV Connell. 1 will sell all the plants aud shrubs in my Hillshoro Greenhouse at the very lowest prices in order to close out. I shall be in Hills horo hut two or three weeks and those wishing greenhouse stock should call at once. Plants, shrubs, and bulbs, at almost your own price Mrs. Agnes Gowan, formerly Mrs. Agues Campbell. County Clerk Fields, of Multno mah, yesterday granted a marriage lit etue to .1. I.oren Wigle, Portland, and Miss Gertrude Kendall, for merly of Hillshoro The bride is a daughter of T. P. Kendall, former ly a teacher in the Hillshoro public school. Roy Kendall, formerly of thin city, and a brother to Mias Kendall, is fiiid to have married last week. The City Council haa passed an ordinance calling before the people an amendment of the charter per mitting the people to buy a park, and to submit to the voters the proposition of a special tax for the purchase of the Shute lark, in Southeast Hillshoro. The council desires lo give the people a chance to vole upon the measure, and feel that it will be accepted. J. II. McMillan, who settled on a donation land claim near Reedville in pioneer days, and afterward moved to Portland, has just secured a judgment of over a if 1000 against his young wife, whom he married a few years ago. 1 he old gentle man gave the woman a great deal of his property, and she has put it in other hands. The old man is now about 81 years of age. The woman in question, was a clairvoy ant. Mounlaintlale: Miss Rose Schaer, of Portland, is visiting her parents at this place. John Northrup aud son, Ray, went to Scappoose last Sunday and caught over 400 cat fish and one salmon. Mrs. Der eham and daughter, of Centerville, were guests of Mrs. James Corey, Saturday. Chas. Reynolds is building a new ham. Miss Sadie Keen, who has been visiting her brothers, Aden and Frank, has re turned to her home at Cedar Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baker visit ed with Mrs. Baker's parents last week, 0. QluWfiiNG IliCli Caught on Tuesday Lvening's l'assenuer by Sheriff Connell LANDED IS THE C0LN1Y JAIL Still Owe tbe Couoly Banile Slay of i Dy Oliver Chowcing, who last year was fined $300 for selling liquor without a license was caught Tues day evening, on the down passen ger, by Sheriff Connell, and land ed in jail to serve out an unfinish ed commitment. Chowning could not pay his fine and was to have laid it out in jail. He remained in confinement until about 30 days before be bad aettled with the State of Oregon, and, one day while working the roads under Su pervisor Kehay, went the way of escape. Chowning went down In Southern Oregon and he could not be located. He, came hack last week and loaded his household furniture. This he shipped, and he and his wife started away. Con nell waa apprised of the fact and went to the depot. Chowning secreted himielf in the lavatory before reaching the station, where he was found by tbe sheriff and the brakeuiao. Mrs. Chowmog ac companie.l the oflicer and her hug hand up town, and Shenil Connell was the recipient of a few choice bouquets on the way up lo tbe stronghold Chowning still has tbe thirty days to remain as i guest at the Hotel de Connell. At the la-t hour, today, Chown ing paid l hi county school fund f(t and departed. COUNTY VALUES Arsesgor Wilcox has finished the HMHI tax roll, the summary of which is: ai.27l acres tillahle land fi.Sjj.oos 344, 97H " non-tilluMe land.. 3,210,55 Improvements deeded lands.... IJS5.470 Value town lots 345.515 Improvements same 451,455 " on lauda not deeded 29.74 Electric, tt-lephoue ami tele graph lines, 128.40 miles 17,650 O. & (.'. R. R., 34 miles 310.120 O. & C. rolling stock 2u, Sla. Eng. ami M'f'g machinery tols. Sj Mdse. ami stock in trade 222.65 Eann implements, wagons, etc. jot,S2o Money, notes ami accounts..... 234.075 Rauk stock, 250 shares 12,500 Household furniture 242,210 5524 head horses 326,365 13. 77 head cattle 245.515 1 1, q77 sheep and goats 24.205 5 dogs (hv request) S5 1S62 head swine 8,220 (Iross valuation f 12,044,205 r.xeuiptions "49.735 Total tax roll., roils, 1S53. f 11.39-17 PROBATE Nov. ia set for hearing petition to sell real estate, guardianship Everett aud Louis Dillaboy. John Welch files bond in sum of f 10500 as ailuir estate Michael Welch, deceased; Ereiierick Mayer and Aug. Rossi, sure tits. H G King appointed guardian of per son and estate of Win Zeigler, incompe tent; ti B Wood, J M Sci.'afer ami N J taker, appraisers. I.uciuda Johnson to get f 132.62 as her share of the C M Johnson estate unpaid. J C Smock, Ered Melser and L S Me- ('ounell appointed appraisers estate of J 1 Mohnnaii, deceased. Estate of Louis Shogren, deed, finally settled and upon receipt of widow, same will close of record. Mrs Maria Nielson, w idow, authorized to liorrow $725, on real estate, from Com mercial Bank, at 8 per cent. N C Lillv, las Mct'laran and Alouzo Wilson appointed appraisers of estate of J t uitterty. Inventory John llilthmnn estate, 120 acres laud near Mouniutudalc, approved at f 700. 'FRISCO'S REINCARNATION For the past six months the Bast has lieen submerged with books, pictures aud other matter relative to the San brancisco disaster. It is now time lo tell the great story of its rebuilding. hvery person in this community lias a deep personal interest iu the rapid re- coustiuctton ot aan frauctsco. It is ol the greatest importance that the people ot the hast slioulit become acquainted with the wonderful work of reconstruct ion that is now in progress, and to uote what has been accomplished in the six months following the tire. The first comprehensive publication on tun subject will be tound iu a special edition ot the San Eraticisco Examiner, of Sunday, October 21st. This special edition will consist of loo pages, it is ex pressly designed for Eastern mailing to persons who have heard ot the disaster but are unfamiliar with the work of re construction. Every copy mailed East will do a little towards correcting (Its torted opinions. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted ua in our recent bereavement, in the loss of our 11 year old daugh ter, Mary. Especially do we desire to thank the minister and members of the Presbyterian Church for their help and sympathy at the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mahan Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barr Bethany, Oregon. For sale: Fine thrifty Bhoats about 80 pounds. F. M. Barnes, 2 miles south of Hillshoro. James Corey, of Mountaindale, lost his (ruit drier by fire Monday, A son of John F. Capleg, the great attorney and politician of Portland, went up to Cornelius, the other night, and tried to make a rough house in the Sappington saloon. After abusing those who were in the saloon a while he told Link Geiger that he was sorry for his wife and family this when Link was going to put him out of the place. Eli Poe, who is count ed one of the best natured and most jieacahle of men, asked Link why he didn't put the ruffian out, and taples tried to run big "sandy on the little man formerly from this city, there were but two licks struck Kli struck Caples and Caples struck the floor. Caples was then arrested for disturbing the peace and fined, and the City then had Kli arrested for disturb ing the peace. John M. Wall was sent for to prosecute the case and h B. Tongue defended. The case was tried before tbe City Recorder, Dr. hvere-t, who took the case under advisement the day of trial and will finally dispose of it to night. Ex-ConsresBman Eddy, of Minn esota, and who visited tbe late Congressman Tongue in this city aeveral years ago, ha the follow ing story told cn him. Eddy wabbled on the silver question prior to lS'.Hi, and, when later, he spoke for tbe gold standard, he struck a town one mgbt and found big posters, telling about "Two- aced Eddy. hen Eddy open ed his speech he said: "That can't mean me, for if I had two faces I should certainly wear the other one. As rddy was very homely his point waa taken witb laughter and be at once made good with tbe audience. Father Verhaae, parish priest at Verboort for years, returned the first of the week from a visit to Rome, where he met with tbe Pope. He predicts that Archbishop Chris tie, of Oieeon, and well known in Washington County, will be made a cardinal erelong, rather Bu choker, of this city, has been in charge of Father erheag s parish since he went to Europe. J. II. Beagle, aged bt years, died at Pendleton, October 15, Deceased came to Washington County in 18-13, with his parents, and his father conducted a store at Forest Grove in the early day. Ha was never married. This is a gentle reminder that the goods bought at the Den of wf ets are guaranteed to be perfect' ly pure, fresh and wholesome Nothing hut the best of materials enter into the manufacture of our product. Pratt Vickers, now operator at it. Joe, lamhill County, will soon take the W eetern I mon key al this city. Mr. Vickers is a former Cornelius hoy and his new position will place him close to home. County Clerk Godman has is sued license to wed to Mr. Irving I). Mead, of Buxton, and Mise Edna Alice Kelly, of Glencoe They will be married at the home of the bride's parents, Sunday. J. B. McPherson, of . Forest Grove, and who made tbe assess. ment in his section, was down to this city this afternoon. Mr. Mc Pherson sold his hops under con tract, last Summer. For Fale: Span extra fine mule colts, sired by large Jack owned by Cart right Bros., of Chtco, Cab G Starr, one and one half miles west of Hillshoro, on Baseline road Jos. Hiekenbottom returned the first of the week from his ranch in the Xebalem, and brought over some line looking apples from his ranch near ernonia. Headquarters for all kinds, of agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, shipped direct from the factory, and sold below Fort land prices. Sehulmerich Bros, Rev. Cephas Clapp, of Forest Grove, was one of the principal Congregationalists on the program at the big Cong, meeting at ren dleton this week. For sale: 23 head colts, un broke, but gentle. Out of good stock, and just tbe thing lor farm era J. . Connell, Hillshoro The ladies of the Cong, church will give a Hallowe'en social and supper at the Wehrung Hall on the evening of October ol. Thoroughbred Shropshire ram registered, for sale Ferd Groner, Hillshoro. R. F. D. 2. arm near Scholls. W. V. Wiley wpnt over to Tilla niook with General Manager C. E Lytle, making the start this eve ning. F. W. Schoen Sr., of Cornelius, was down to the county Beat 011 business this afternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Soehren, of Banks, on October 14, 190G, a daughter. Smoke the Schiller and Excel lencia cigars Oregon manufacture. Call for them. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Jack, of Farmington, October 8, 1900, a son. The Dudley Mill ia now ready to do custom chopping every day in the week. Born, to Dominic Corrieri and wife, of Hillshoro, October 15, 190G, a Bon. ' Thos. Hyland, of Beaverton, was a couuly Beat visitor yesterday. PROFESSIONAL. F. A. BAILEY, XL D. Pnslclaa, aad I argeoaj Office Votvaav-Baikjr Mock ap sulfa. Rooms 1 j-l.i Sad 15. Rcaidanca aoula west corner BasaliM and 2ad sirawt. Both 'Phones. T. LINKLATER, af . B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ottlot npntaira over Tbe Delta Drug Stora Rtaidenc feast of Court Houa. In the comer of tha block. JAMES fHILLLPE TAXIS1E, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in French or Knglian. Ol -fice upstairs in Corwin-Wooster Block. Mot b side of Main street. . J. BAILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office with Dr. F. A. Bailey. Keaidenue on corner Second and Oak Sta. Oregon Phone Main 116. HILLSBORO - - - OREGON A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. D. S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7. 8 and o, Bailey-Morgan Block. --t-h r Both Phones. rlUlSDoro, urc. DR. V. E. PITTENGER Dentist Rooms 10 and It Morgan-Bailey Block, Main Street. Over Dennis Store HILLSBORO ------ OKEOON VVWvVMWWtrWMAAAArVV 0. IT. Bmgly W. 6. Kara BAG LEY A HARE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Rooms 1 aud t Skate Building HILLSBOIU), . . 0EE60N. VyVWvWrryrVeAAA H. T. BAGLEY, ATTORN EY-AX-LA W Office, upstairs, over the Poet Office, HiUaboro, - Oregon E. B. TONGUE ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Rooms 3, 4, & J, Morgan Blk, Hulsboro. JOHN IU. WALL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Upataiia, Balky afergaa Block Room, i an I a. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. W. N. BARRETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office, Up Stair, Central Block. HILLSBORO OREGON. VV. D. HARE, Attorney-at-Law Shute Buildio-,, Upstairs, HiMoro, Oregon VVWWVrWrAAAaAeAA THOS. H. TONGUE, JR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Morgan Blk, Upstairs, Rooms 3, 4 and 5 Hillsboro, - - Oregon DR. A. A. BURRIS MAGNETIC OSTEOPATn Hillsboro, Ore. Diseases cured without drugs or surgery, by Magnetic Osteopathy, the new acieiica of Drugless Healing. Chronic cases a specialty. Consultation free. Office over the City Bakery, E. J, LYONS B. P. CORNELIUS LYONS & CORNELIUS Do a General Real Estate, Loan and In surance Business. List your farm with them and find a sale. They will treat you right. Add your aale to our list. Call in and see us. Main Street, Hillsboro, O IMHOFF & MINAR Dealers in Marble and Granite Monu ments and Tombstones, and all kinds of cemetery and memorial work. Write us for particulars. Address 335 K. Morrison PORTLAND . ORKGON T.RJmbrie Deals in all kinds of Real Estate. Wheat Lands, Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, and Range Lands. Reclamation and sale of Desert Lands a specialty. Fine investments for your idle money. Write or call at office. 323 ABINOTON BUILDING Portland - Oregon G. M. HUNTER Contractor and Builder Estimates given on all classes of building Shorn, fleaf auiaf Mm In. JteaMaMHMf aaaf mmd mt Oato Hllltboro, ' - Oregon,