The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 18, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 31
liisHoil Awity lit Home in
This City. TliiiisJay
Win a Pioneer l il. A ii J Indian
U r Vflcian
Willi in Uojnr Horrid t died a I bit)
home In lliixcily Tlitiiodav, Oct,
II, I'M);, niter H II illiMHMcl three
wee lis II wftH Imrii in Hamilton
County, ii., April 27, KM, In
1M61 ha crowed tin. 1 hi h in UK of
I'tiiinm ami rain to Oregon mi a
ailiiiti vpchi'I, liirt wife, thru a
young woman, ruining t ti c sain
boat la Oregon, although neither
know of that fni't until afterward
Mr. lUriflt Hfttli'il near (liffiivillc.
where he nu t Mihh K i J. I'urdir,
a daughter of an Ort'iti pioneer
family. They ware married April
1 1, 1 S.rr, anil hv rxKiilul nIiimihI
0 inlinuiHinly in Wellington Uoiin
ly aver ainna.
Mr. Uarrett was a ch rponlur te
trads ami htiilt many i( tint pin
liaer home in Inn 1 1 was
enlisted in llw I ml i t ti War ami
want out with Company I', Kirnl
Kagiinetit Origin nlnnim un
liar thn command id Dim lale Colo
nal T. II. ('oruxliiiH, joining hip
company at Huh city October I t
1 Hift. Hi) settled un a part of tht
donation land claim of his father-in-law.
Hi will' mill thn following
tihildren atirvivr: Hon, W, N
Hirrett, an attorney of 1 1 i I IhIk rti ;
Mri Alien lioolry, of 1 iikH ; M rn.
Amanda I' IlilUhoroi Mm
Anna 1'arritdi, el Wilbur, Wash.;
Miss Dehurah HihtHI, at hutne,
and Charles Hirrett, of (ireenville,.
Mr. Uarrett had a wido ciiiln of
friend in Washington County, ami
was a member of tin Orgmi Pin
neer AnHociatiun. (In was murh
interested in pioneer work, nnd
until the IuhL kept ns relit all of
his carpentnr IooIh that he brought
to Oregon with him when Im cross
ed tba iHlhiniiM,
The funeral took pltre Saturday,
interment being in I hi Masonic
All boys who have rfgietereil to
join the Boys' lland will Hen me
oil make iirraiiHiiu'ri tH for tirnt
meeting, and hIho make arrange
ment for securing iiiatrumeiita.
Meeting to he nl Kami Hull over
Creer'a grocery Btore, on Monday,
Ootober '22, at 7;I!0 p. in, All
boys are reinitiated to bo m'coin.
paninl by their parents.
J. It. Powell.
Ind. Phone, 5115.
The undersigned, having Hold their
awuiill business above Hanks, re
quest all owing the old firm to call
and settle and all pothook having
clainiH against tin to premint their
bills, Presentment 'of IiIIIh end
payment of claims can be el'lented
at the home, of I,. K. CiuhIhiih,
Greenville, U. K. I). 2.
CarHtmiH A' Hartley,
Greenville, Ore., K, K. I. 2.
Argus and Greonian, $1
L. F. Carstens, of Manning, was
in town the lirnt of tho week.
F, M. Vinnunt, of Middleton,
was in the city TueHiluy, ami cull
ed at the ArgtiH ollice.
F. E Uowell, the HoholN naw
mill man and merchant, wiih in
towo the first of the week.
H. G. King, a former Korent
Grove real eHlnte man, waH down
from near Greenvili, Monday
Jan, Stitt, ol Sylvan, and who ie
gent for the MiuhhcIiiihHIh Mutual
Life, was in town Tuoeday, and
made the Argun ollice a pleasant
, V J
Deputy Hheriir K. T. Kane ii
imr-ing a eprained ankle this
work, an a reeult of Ntepping dowo
from an iinconnncled piece of aide
walk at r-'ortwt drove, Monday eve
ning. He and two other were
walking along the eidewalk where
the I'oreat Grove Klrctrio line
-opl had juet put in a awitch,
end hud mi danger light out. The
othere had no miehap, but K, T.
gave hie left ankle a terrific wrench.
K. T. will have an enforced layoff,
but the company or city will like
enough lo liable for hi vacation
and medical attention If be will
jiiHt put the damage high enough
he may be running that electric
line in the coiirne of lime.
We have now fluiehed our ruu of
Urge tile drain, and after tilling
our order we have a few thoueand
in Ktiick. i'artie wanting theae
much uliiiiild order while the stock
1 full. We have a gond atock of
"mailer hi zee; almi brick and build
ing hlncka. We have the bent all
round )nrd stock of lumber in the
county, and ran fill ordinary bill
on ehort notice. Kitr fine stock
ol dry ehiplap. Anyone wanting
stock delivered should order early,
while the roads are good, as it
coetH about twicnasmuch to haul
in thn mud. Grouer A Howell
Company, Hcholls, I'. O address,
IlilUl.nio, U nto 2. independent
There la good money in pork,
ami yet, if )ti will look at the
comparative statement of the as
en.Hor in another column, you will
find that there are only three
fourths at many porkers in the
('unity a there were laet season
This is partially accounted for.
per Imp", by the eetabliahing of the
condeiiHere, as the number of hogs
have dwindled about half since
(ley commenced to tntke con
demel cream in Washington
Gien away, by II. Wehrung A
Sons: a ticket with each cash pur
eliiiHii of 1 1. (HI which entitle you to
a drawing on the following prize. -lt
prize, Weathered Oak Morris
Chair; 2nd prie, $7.ft) in trade;
:!rd prize, j (M) in trade; FourVT
prue, pair of Mily'e f.l.W) Shf
rth prize, pair of Gent's $.1 M) Sk ,
Asnessor Wilcox hasjul'
eil the pitMi SHseesraent, f t t is
now ready for the Hoards juali-
ition. A comparative . al-temr nt
of this year'a and last year's as
seHcment appears In another place
in this issue. Look it over, and
ee where your county stands
The ssKiHS iient this year is higher
than laet year by f 7-P4,(iW.
Herring! Herring! Juet received
Home i f the fineit new pack salt
herring. Our friends who know a
good article will be pleased to know
that we have even a superior to the
one we hsd last seasou. Try them.
J. A. Meeeinger.
Dr. McCorkle, lormely of Wood
bum, and who mar lied a Hillelioro
maiden, a daughter of Rev. George,
a Presbyterian minister, is pro
moting a trolley line to Mt. Hood,
out id Portland. Hillaboro is
bound to get to the front iu the
matter of tbeso trolley lines.
Vetch seed for sale, jfMahle and
goid. Apply to A. CK X For
est Grove, U. F. D. t Vtn
terville) Price, I.!H) pes'' vft
the farm. .Sacked aud it ,,. .1
for shipment in lots to suit f
nuur ul ') III!
J, II. Fisher, of near Iluxton
vas down to the county seat, Tues
day, doing primary work lor get
ling a romi into bis rsnoh, which
is now enjoying only a private
exit to the main county road.
Dividends in life insurance
should he paid annually Get the
annual dividend habit. None
better than the Massachusetts Mu
tual Life's annual dividsnd system.
James Stilt, District Agent.
W. II Souls, formerly circulation
manager for the livening Telegram,
and now with the circulation de
partment of the Journal, wbb in
town this week, doing business
f r his paper.
Strayed: bay mare, 11100; roaoh
ed mane; had bailer on. Last seen
at Itaihany, Sept. 211. Liberal re
ward for return or recovery Abe
Howard, Hillaboro, R. F. D. 4,
cure of Sam kunz.
Fred Myeri and wife, of Shady
Hrook, returned Monday evening
from a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Ch us. Nnrtbup, of Wasco, Sherman
For the finest ranges and beat
ing BtoveH, airtight, go to K. Cave,
and for prices that are money
savers he beats them all. Absolute
the finest line, and largest line, in
Washington County,
Robt. Wirlz, deputy recorder of
conveyances a few yeara ago, was
down from Cornelius Tuesday, and
gave the Argus olllue a call.
Have a 1(1 horse power traction
engine. Want job running it on
stationary work. W. D. Baker,
Buxton, Ore.
her mental powers, bhe is not ex-
. , , actly demented, but for years bas
(.citerul Manaiter I-Jtlo nnd,,, uncontrollable, and had a
Out lit oil' For TilhuiKHiL
Kureuiaa Martin Will Take Charge of
General Manager C. 1
the Pacific Railway ,V
:. Lytic, of
Company, go over to Tillamook,
Friday, and on the same day
start n outfit of controft'on
tool and scrapers over the Wilt-on
River road to commence active
grading on the coaet end of the
railroad. The Company i-xpH-te)
to push the work as diet hh they
can and get filtten milvs ready for
the track. As xn ss this is done
a steamer will take in steel and a
locomotive and then work will be
active at both ends until th two
forces meet, somewhere over in the
Nehalem country. On this end it
is expected that the liiniirll work
will be comiilHled this winter.
There is a good half mile of In. ring
to do and work has already htm
The Tillamook fori'e enpirts to
get at work by the IhhI of tliie
week, and the construction will l
under charge of Snpt, Martin, late
from Kiiohr City.
The undersigned will sell at public
sale it hi farm 5 milci northeast
of Hillsboro, and .'!) miles siulh
east of Gleocoe, at I :(M) p m , on
W KPN KS I) A V, OCTl P. K Ii 2 1
Itlack llon, weight IMo; 1'rirlirron
colt. I.S uiomlin; Mi-Oniiiiuk luinlcr, tl.
tiorne ttiowrr anil mice; Dlivi-r vlollnl
plow, U inch: otnto iliKK", prftcUritllv
ncw;Htia li.iy in litm; soaie eats .'i
MeaiJ Chin , jrrarluiK and na
ase Tl ether ntulr.
ijtw of sale; Cash in hand
t ! P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. 4
toney to loan upon real estate
Titli, i
V. II.
arity. terms reasnnable.iLf.
Agent,, R F. D. 4XI.
tendent oi the liroimd farm,
Amity, was in town Monday. Mr.
McKldowney has bought residence
property at Forest Grove, and ex
pects to move there in the not dis
tant future.
Assessor Wilcox Finishes Summary and Gives
Comparative Statement
Assessor George H. Wilcox has finished the 100(5 lax roll, and it is now
ready for the Hoard of Kiiuali.ation, which will convene next Monday
The roll shows the following details and valuations; and a comparison
of luBt year's aasesameut: - r
94,37! acres tillable limit f l,S.'j,iw,s
,U4. 9"$ " ii"" tillable limit.. ,.110,55
Improvements ileeileil binds.... 1,185,470
Vuliie town lots 345.545
Improvements mime.... 451.4.55
" 011 bonis not lU'fiU'i! 29,740
Ivlectric, telephone unit tele
graph lines, 118,40 miles 17,(150
O. & V. K. K., 34 miles 310,110
(). & C. rolling slock. 34,200
Sta. Kng. ami M'f'g machinery loK,,X;
Milse. aud stock iu tnule 3.i,Sd5
Ktirni implements, wagons, etc. , idh.Sjo
Money, notes ami accounts 34,075
Household furniture... 341,310
5534 head horses 3-"'3(,5
13,707 head cattle 245,515
1 1,977 sheep Hiid goats 24,20,5
5 dogs (by request) S.5
inbi head swine ,2o
Hank stock, 350 shares..
tlross valuation f 12,044,105
Exemptions , '. 649,735
Totul tax roll Ju, 394,270
Polls, 1853.
Kv; Htewart, of Koreet Grove,
who in her own right owns about
.'itiO acres of land as well as some
iiiiifi.v kai hriitifftil rtnwn tn Ka
'city Monday, for examination of
guardian in the pereon of ber
brother, the late Dave Stewart.
After the brother's death Geo.
lino in has lieen acting as the
guardian. Of late she bas been
violi nt occasionally, and she now
claims protection of her brother in
K. intern Oregon. Judge Good in
will keep her at the county seat a
few days, until he can bear from
the brother. There is plenty of
1 eetato to pay for ber care at a pri
vate place and there is hardly
siiflicierit dementia to senJ ber to
the hh)' linn,
For sale: 3 yf ar old Jersey bull
igible to regietry. Gentle and
not breechy. J. K. Zimmerman, 6
; miW north of Gluncoe, with V. 0.
' address at llillslwro.
The county court has started to
improve ii,.'!!) feet of road a half
mile or so above liinks, on the
litixton road. The highway will
be graded and plunked and L. F.
Carnte im starts the work with three
or fun- teams, this week. The new
roul will cut oil' crossing tin Tilla
mook line several limes, and take
the travel out of a bad stretch of
For gentlemen's, ladies' ar.d
children's bono you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We have them for every body, and
U prices that are values.
Tlios. Kmrick returned Saturday
evi ning from a trip into Sherman
county, whither he went after two
carloads of elixk for the P. R. it N
Kitilway. Mr. Kmrick goes over to
Tilliinook with the outfit. He
Hiles that the Sherman couuty
crops were very poor tnis season,
ami says that seed is being shipped
iu from the outside.
Smokers like the Schiller and the
Kxcelleiicia. These cigars are of
the liest stock. You can't fool an
authority on a good cigar.
Two families below Cedar Mill
recentiv eacii iturieu a little in
fant. After a few week, upon go
ing back, neither family was able
to tell wttere its child was buried,
owing to tba fact that there were
two freebly made mounds. At
least, this fa story out by a Port
land paper..
For sale: 20 acres land, mile
north of town; 4 acres lieaverdam
on place. Goes for II, (XX). In-
quire at this ollice.
Word is received here that Tilla
mook is trying bard to get a con
doused milk factory at that place
and to have it in readiness by the
time the Tillamook road is built in
from this city.
For pens, pencils, colored cray
on, inks, tablets, composition
books, etc,, go to the Pharmacy.
Wm. Kunson, of near West
Union, was in the city Tuesday.
He will have a public sale next
Wednesday, October. 24, and con
templates moTing.; in Tillamook
shortly. j mit (jit
Our fall line of1 tfress goods, wash
gonda, fUnnellette, etc., is complete.
J3. Wehniug it Sous.
i Timekeeper Hill, who has been
up W the Buxton section all Sum-
toner, leaves this week for Tillamook
Pi.. -ii :
iu ii-iuniii nu it liner.
Harry Cook, of Cornelius, was in
town Saturday evening, after a
several months slay above Seward,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Flint were
up from Kinton, Saturday.
Tillable land, 92,37s acres $4,456,54-5
Non tillable land, vi.5,093 acres 3,087,115
lmpiiVeuicntsoii deeded lands 1,090,745
Value town lots 353,995
Improvements on same 379,b
Improved lands not deeded 29,905
'J'cU grapb, telephone and elec
tric lines, 1.5S1, miles 17,650
O. Jt C. K. U., 34 miles 310,130
Rolling stock on same 39,200
Manuf'g machinery 98,265
Mcreluudise and stock in trade 211,970
l-'arnr Implements 164,015
Money, notes and accounts 501,325
1 louse hold furniture 237,580
Horses and mules, 5537 head... 323,755
Cattle, 14, 3b heart 247,540
Sheep, 12,107 head ' 34,130
Hogs, 3 head 80
Swine, 2436 head 9,075
(iross valuation ..$1 1,381,630
exemptions 630,025
Taxable property ., $10,651,605
i'olls, 2,024 ,
Will Knter California Sol
diers' Home
Is Eigbty-Tw Ysan of Ai;e.
Eolioted From Illinois
Col. T. J. liramel. who was vith
American forces at the last stand
of old Santa Anna, the time l,e;
fled and left bis wooden leg on the;
field of battle, left yesterday for
the Soldiers' Home at Santa Moni
ca, California, where he will doubt-
leas spend the remainder of his
days. "Dad," as he is familiarly
called, ia well known in this coun
ty, having for years resided here
and at Reedville, after operating a
restaurant at Astoria for muny
years. He enlisted in the Mexican
War in an Illinois regiment, and
was all throuch the Mexican War
which resulted in the defeat of
fcanta Anna by Scott's forces.
Col. Bramel was in the Rope
burg home for a few years but
left there, under the rules, last
Spring, his pension haring been
increased to $20 per month, and
the Oregon Home having a ruling
that it keens n one bavine a ten
sion of over 12 per month.
Mr. liramel is 2 years of age
and has not many more years to
live, and he ia not adverse to hav
ing the remainder of his days spent
in the state of perpetual sunshine,
although he regrets to leave Oregon
after so many years of residence.
Mr. Bramel has been spending
the Summer with G. J. Palmateer
and family.
The Kansas City, Mo., Journal, of
recent date, gives the following as
the career of Carey 1). Snyder,
whose body was found near Glen
coe early this month:
Carev Snvder'a rmcpr wa a Mi-!?,!
one. fie win reared in Kansas Citv, and
though indulged in every way by his
father, began getting in trouble at an
early age. Ilia most sensational and
probably greatest criminal act was when
he and a "pal," on the night of .May 1,
1902, held up aud robbed U. 11. Stevens,
a pawnbroker. Snyder and W. T.
Grimes, a Platte county farmer's son,
were accused of robbing 'the pawnbroker
and his wife of $6,750 worth of diamonds
in front of Stevens' home, 2532 T roost
avenue, about 1 1 :3o o'clock the night of
May 1, 1901.
The robbery was particularly well
planned aud bold in execution. The
highwayuieu telephoned to the house
during the evening and a servant girl
answered the 'phone. The person ask
ed if Mr, Stevens was at home, aud up
on being told that he was not, asked
where he was. The girl told the man
that her employer was at the theater
with his wife. The two men theu went
to Twenty-fifth street and Troost avenue,
where they waited for Steveus' return.
When he alighted from the car tliev
held him up at the point of a revolver
and took the following jewels: Two di
amond rings, 2i carats each, worth
$1,500 each; one diamond stud, valued
at $2,100; one diamond ring, worth
f; aud a repeating watch, valued at
$050; the value ot all thejewelrv being
fixed by Mr. Steveus at $6,750.
When the highwaymen first showed
themselves, Stevens claimed he started
to light them, but uiawife begged him to
give up the jewelry for fear he would be
killed. He was able to give au accurate
description of the two men, and Snyder
and Grimes were arrested soon after iu
Clay county and brought to Kansas
For this act Suyder was tried before
Judge Wofford and sentenced to three
years in the penitentiary. A stay of exe
cution was given him on condition that
he appear before the court at stated
times to explaiu his behavior. This or
der was to be effective during the entire
term of the three years' sentence. The
parole was given on the condition of
Snyder's leading an honest and upright
life, a violation of which would render
hia parole void and himseli liable to ar
rest. The last time young Snyder re
ported to Judge WoiVord was on Sep
tember 5, and then his father prevailed
upou the judge to remove the order com
pelling hia son to report at regular in
tervals and allow him to go to Oregon,
where he agreed to establish 'Jie bov up
on a cattle ranch. He married before
-f jm-n v - t , 1
L i
We Are Here to Stay
Ring us up Any Time
And do Your Buying by Phone
It is surprising how popular
this has become. Many fami
lies iu our vicinity ring us up
(as a matter of course) every
day for
Drugs and Drug Sundries
You may have a prescription to fill; ring
us up. We will call and presently you
have your prescription filled at -exactly
the same price as though you personally
called at our store. Or yoq may want
some listerine, talcum powder, toothache
cure, toilet goodt, or any of the many es
sentials carried ia a first-class drug store.
All right, our phone system of shopping
is at your disposal.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
R. L. G BEE AW. Prop.
Complete line of Seeds, Mill Feed,
Lime, Sand, Gravel and Cement.
New Brick - -
Second Street. Opposite Courthouse. Hillsboro
J . .a: W MMM m.M KmM ,a
The best of all Beers. jj
m Bottled for Medicinal Use
a y
X: Br i IT, Jt MggAatWamaial'alMaMl
Henry Epstein, riaiutilV, j
vs. V
Ida Epstein, Defendant. )
To Ida Epstein, Defendant above
named: - In the name of the (Slate of Ore
gnu, you are hereby required to apwar
and answer the complaint tiled against
you in the ahove entitled court and cause
on or liciore the ud day of November,
which date is the last day of the
time set for you to appear and auswer in
the onler for the publication of summons;
ami if you fail so to appear aud answer,
riaiutitt'will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in complaint tiled herein
against you, lo-wit:-Kor a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between yourxett and I'taintitt'and
for such other and Im ther relief as to the
court may seem equitable.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in "The
Hillsboro Argus." a weekly newspaoer
published at Hillsboro, Washington
t'ounty, Oregon, pursuant to the order of
the Honorable J. VV. Ooodin, County
JiiiIko for said County, dulv made and en
tered on the 6th dav of Oetiilier, l!WU.
The date of the tirst publication of this
aluminum iatho 11th day of October, Urn,
The date of the last publication of thie
summons is November 22, Intnl.
Attorney for l'laintitr.
Portland, Or , 4o McKay Btdg.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that I, the under
signed, have tiled in the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Waslringtou (Joun
ty,my final account as administrator of
the estate of Jauies Kolib, deceased, and
that said Court has lixed Moudav, the
1-th day of November, ltKHS, at the hour
of It) o'cloock a. m. of said day as the time,
and the County Court llooni in Hillsboro,
Oregon, us the place for hearing object
ions to said account; and the liual settle
inent of said estate.
Dated this October 11, l!nirt,
Administrator of the Katalu of Jauiea.
Robb, deceased. I
W. N. Barrett, Attornoy,
pendent Phone
" At
I alia aa
- Second Street
(On draught)
Administratrix' Notice
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of Ki-ank Clapshaw,
deceased, by the County Court of Wash
ington County for the Slate of Oregon,
and that she has duiy qualified as such.
Now , therefore, all persons having
claims against the estate of the said Frank
Clapshaw, deceased, are required and
requested to present them to me, duly
veriiied, at the law ollice of W. N, Karrett ,
iu Hillsboro, Ore., witliiu six menu lis
from date hereof.
Dated at Hillsboro, this August 30, lti.
Administratrix of the Kstate of Frank
Clapshaw, Deceased.
W.N. ISarrett, Attorney for Ad niinistra
I will sell my Second Street restau
rant at a bargain, for cash. Rea
son for selling: Am going to move
to Buxton, to take charge of my
restaurant business at that place.
Fred Emerson, Hillsboro.
Girl apprentice wanted at dress
making parlors. Inquire at par
lors above Schulmerich Store.
Insure your property against fire
with the Old Reliable London &
Lancashire. Farm and town nrnn-
erty John Vanderwal, Beaverton,
u. if , U. r
Cream coupons with Washington
ice cream at The Delta.
Rainfall has been verv heavy
dines last week, and the earth it
now thoroughly saturated. With
the advent of clear weather plow
ing will soon begin.
Argue and Oregonian, $2.00.