VOL. XIII. HILLSBOKO, OREGON. JULY 12. 190(3. NO. 17 Sm vcj in. TuiticH Running Itoiii ComcliuN I'jihh, South tNCI.VttUH MAINTAIN A SILENCE Jiwvey SnM to Kun lip Willamette Vsllry From tier A pi r t y of engineers baa been stop. tiing iu this city fur nne days, ami it is rrportml that llicy are out un- tlr DlH BUMli('f of ImilMHtllti lirntal lini', aliirli wishes to get In to I'oi llmul cm it line aoroKH On. tral Oregon, over the ('aneiulrta at a point east ii KiiKttiut, iul thriiie down the Willamette Valley, ai-rima iiilo Waehini'liin (ninty, ftixl then into Oregon's . ini'troiMili through tlm Cornelius 1'bhk. The parly in lh Hi' lil maintains the etricltet pi lmiod - in (nut llit probability in that they ilo nut know fur whom they are working. Messrs. Graham ml llaiiiinoml, two well known raihoad iiimii, r I'Nikiii); out fur tlm rights of way, and ihey are gel linn tlm ownership of lamia along nil ttiH survey. Their p:trlina art It tilling their paychecks rKii lrly, ami it i rrK)i tfi ihl although tlm ttherke art) signed by Western sgruts, thci real power behind the lluuue in Ilia Could liurw, which want to and iiiusl-ibreak iuto 1'iirtlaiid via the ruule iibove de eerilied, and then Von a count line down from Tillamook to the Coon Kay country. Tlm Washington county eurvey in iniil to now lie liridfd toward l.atirfl and the Cii'haletn Mountain union It in well known thai tin I'urt laud parties who are popularly supposed to Imi Mnnd the project have I f tm aciiaiutiiiu themselves witb the ownership ol timlmr laiult both in Tillamook ami other coast counties ax well ax down in the HinsUw in fact they but recently aant to IlilUlioro (or a price on a Iiieoe of timber owned hy a well ;nown professional mau, Who knowt nrlipH HilleWo may yet I a station on a trans continental railway ami then we can laugh tit that Fureet tirove electric line, STROPE-MORRISON A charming home wedding 111 thai ol Mix Vvrim M. Morrison to (ieorge K. Hlrope, celebrated at the home of the bride's lather, l'21'.l Maryland Ave , Portland, on Mon day evening, July 'J. The parlor wa prt'tlily decorated with roHPS and iwwt peart, wbilti festoons of ivy and arrow wood made a beau ti ful canopy undur which the cou ple stood while Key. K. Weinerl read tlm impressive ceremony ol the ICvftnglicttl church. At S:;!0 o'clock tho wedding party entered the parlor tn the si ruins of the Lohengrin bridal cbortiH, played by Mra. Johu Sihinellr.er, HiHter of the bride. The bride worn a dimple down of lawn urnl' carried Madam Wagriim roues. The maid of honor was Mine Kdna Morrixon, the bride'x HiHter, who' carried Ilieadu Park roHiH, and the bent man wan Mr. J. M. Hi'hnifcltKor, of Hood lliver. Mr". Anna Carey oinlit the brido'rt bouquet, while Minn Ada rohiuell,er, ol llillnlmro, wan eeo ond. 1 After connrfttuliitioiii ioe cream, cake find lemonade whh nerved on the lawn to the twnnty-iiina gureti prcBHnt. During the evening van out inimical Helrctione were render ed. The manv prepentfi were vari oub Bhd beautiful. Amid ahower of rice and good wIhIibh, tho happy couple departed to the city. Mr. and Mri. Strope will Hend the Hummer months with Mr. and Mrn. John Bohruelt zer.at their beautiful oountry home in Kant Chehalem, near Newberg. Curd of Thanki, we ueeire 10 tiianK our many frienda for the aid and tympatby tcnilerfld ue during the illneee and funeral ol sequiee of our daughter, the late t;lara t;roeni. Mr. and Mth. Andrew ERgiinan, Cedar Mill, July 8, lOOti. Propoiali for Wood Healed prnpoaals will be opened on Katurdav. Julv '21. (or the deliv ery, during the month of August, l!Hi, at the court house in Jlilla boro, of 75 cords of first claea Gi four-font wood, split reasonably line; cut from lirHt growth Hound timber. J. W. Connell. Sheriff Oieson. of Washington County, I Dated at Hillshoro, Ore., July " io, iauo. The city council hag decided to iimtall inelrra in all the residence lauceta, and Hill tnaiutain a luini mum charge of (I per month for water amice. Tbia will done ut no eipfinte to the ounaumer, aud the water roiumittee (eel aaliafled that it will make a big saving, both financially, and In aconomy of wa ter. Under the meter lyaUm it ia confidently averted that a big aav ng will be made iu wood, and that the dttep well will lurniah water for yeara to come. Where a year ago through the warm aeaaoo the nurop waa operated nearly night and davj under the meter regime (t ie esti mated that bii or seven hour a time in pom ping will be saved. This ol iuwlf will be an enormous saving in fuel. One hundred and fifty meters will be installed at once by Hupt. Itingle, and this will require Hfveral days' labor. The business house ami offices down town will uot have a meter attachment. It a originally inUnded to have the guagea put in at the expense of the consumer hut there was so much objection the plan was abandoned. The Or oner v Rowell Co., of Hcholla, is still taking ordera for large tile, ss the wet weather set them back with their work. W have the finest stock of smaller sue ever seen io the slate. .No uiora brick iut now but will have another supply about Julv 10. We also have a good stock of dry shiplap, rustio, Mooring, and com mon stock of standard lumber. Do not forget to investigate our hollow building blocks for founda tions, cellars, eu). This wet season lias emphasized the necessity of tils underdrain, so be prepared by put ting in tile in the wet placoa. rile the (Jroner & Howell Com pany, Hillshoro, It. 2. . Iowell Markee, of Kort-st drove, niter a day at the Recorder's office, concluded that be would rather be a salesman In J. K. Bailey's store nt Forest Grove than to be a depu ty recorder of Washington County. Consequently be informed Mr. Ire land that he would not go to the trouble of qualifying, and went hack to the college city. Mr. Ku ratli has been helping Recorder lfflnd until another deputy ia se cured. Karl K. Fisher, of Beaver- ton, and who is one of the county's popular teachers, will lie Mr. Ire- anil deputy. Those wishing ornamental shrub bery, nursery stock, (lowers (such ss carnations, China asters, etc.,) should call on K. K. Morton, either at HilUlxiro greenhouse grounds, north ol the court house, or at the naverlou greenhouse. Also have fine stock of oelery, tomatoes, cab huge, cauliflower and other plants. The sports are all banking on great deer hunting this seaeon, as reMrta go to show that the bills are "lousy' with venison. John Mc.Namer, who runs lbs Tillamook tags, line out of Forest drove says that never liefore has he seen so many deer sign, and A.W. Walker, working (or the Redmond-Connell livery, aaw a line buck in the road near H. Taylor Hill's, near Moun U i ml ale, last Friday. Look out for venison steaks next Fall. Our suits fit you, and you can not tell them from the product of a first class -tailor shop. Come in and see them. We carry the finest took of olothing and overcoats in the county. H. Wehrung A Sons Brick Fortune, who has been training horses at the Hillshoro Fair t) rounds, has retained from Portland with the bunch of ani mals in his charge. Mr. Fortune certainly made some of the elect town at the metropolis look like "thirty oents ' on the Fourth at lr vington, and he has established his ability as a trainer with Oregon horsemen, Firs Insurance: Now is the time to get your bouses and household furniture insured. K. L. Perkins, Agent Northern Assurance Com pany. List your properly (or sale with me. Competent authorities state that the hay crop will run all the way from thirty to fifty per cent, higher than last year and this means, a big croD. Hav a verv oheiiD how ever, but the price always stiffens up considerably when the cold weather sets in, Mrs. G. Ti. Biggers, of LaQrande, and her sister, Mies Minnie Ah bolt departed Friday for a visit with their sister, Mrs. Qilnett, at bittell, Wash. Wanted: To rent farm of 150 acres under cultivation and with some pasture. Write "Z" oare Ar giiB, stating place, where it is, and how much cash rental you want Fred Caldwell, of above Banks, the first of the week lost a two pocket purse, containing $120 in gotu ana silver. The purse was loBt somewhere between Banks and the Louis Carstens' ranch. Fine line of Mohair for waistiogs all shades and oolojv, at H. Weh I rung & Sons, , LAVING STEEL ON TO BUXTON STATION Pacific Hallway St Naviga. tiun Gimps ny Ilcyond lisnks TWENTY MILES WILL SOON BB LAID Is BuiUb la Um Tbsa Two Weeks sad Thes Will Suifsce nside of two weeks the steel will be laid to Buxton station, twenty miles out of Hillshoro. The steel gang is now laying beyond Banks, and the raits are close on to the graders. A few days more and they will have clear sailing into the terminal town. As soon as the track is laid to the objective point the company will hejin surfacing, and put the twenty miles in first class shape great deal of the line between here and Banks is now in good condition, and is really much bet ter then the Southern l acific West Hide liue. Billion exiiects to do some boom ing as soon as she get her railway. MISS CLARA CROENI Miss Clara Croeni, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kgsiman, died at the family home, July 4, l'.KKJ, af ter a very short illness. Miss Croeni aiteuded the Washington County Sunday School convention held at Bethany, early in June, and took ill and never recovered. Miss C re n I was burn near Bethany, Au gust 2. IHS'.I, and graduated out of the I uion School, Cedar Mill, two years ago. She waa an exception ally bright and agreeable young ady and her loss is a gnsvous one to her family and the large circle of friends she claimed as her own in Kaat Washington Couuty. Mias Croeni always took an active part in church and Sunday School work, aod was always plan ning to make success or her snorts. The funeral took place last Fri day, at 1:01? p. m , from the house and the last rites were attended by large concourse of her friends and' friends of the family. Inter ment was at the Union School house cemetery. FOR SALE One Cleveland bay horse, 10 years. weight 1400, a beauty to work: one 3 1-4 wagon, new, .r0; one 3 1-2 wagon, new, IGfi: one J, I Case steel beam 14-inch plow, rolling cutter, extra share, complete, $10. Knquire of J. r. Moore, Beaverton, Ore. TIIE IH-.At .tiN ANI TIIK COCN I KY TOWN ttmtrhow thin lre hnk fthnl hi mr A quirt country titwit, With romitti fniwln' hrm un Hirrr, An' iMNilln' fitrt4in .trmiii'. An1 iwlftlilMtr llvln' mv'ry whr.i. With hiuartit Miun' a iuki Who inri-t you ullu with ni I It All imhI il'-fdhliin'il (oiks. An, I llu llkn to llvn Away Inim Kltlt-.K riml, I'urmiuntry folkVII treat you lirt, An' llu takr your hand) An1 wht thry Ml you frr IU't, luml, It allim truni Thry llv Mich honns', iilmulr. You b-t, thy'rnll trun-lilunl tin wlmn thny yniuthU with you, You know lt (rum tttrlr hf art. I'nllk your pky city folk, Who uracil' xnnakln' parti An' tnlWur truti wht'itllu (alxi, A-thlnkln' wn don't know Tht all thrlr tilth wicltity I jtift' a uftln' nhow, , Out linm' w allu know who' nick, An' who I MMiii hi wt-.tli Thn itwlinniln' holnnakina tlm crick, With cool haltt owrlitMl An' whttn a (cllr ti lls you, Hit, That h I tlll your frlil. You allu know hi hflart I tru, Fontvttr, without ntl I Thnrn'a nothln' artlflhal 'bout, Thn nopln who llvn hm All' M I llkn thn country town, ' With ol'-tlmn folk o dnar. TEAMS WANTED Wanted: Teams to haul 1200 corda of wood, delivery of mile and half to city power bouse. Inquire of John Masters, Hillshoro. Resi dence, corner Baseline and First Streets. Ulrloh Fuegy, of Phillips, was in town Tuesday morning. C. Blaser and John Houser were down to Willamette Slough, Sun day, on a fishing expedition. Wanted: Stock hogs weighing from 80 pounds upward; also sheep. J. Q. Haines, Beavertou, Oregon, Independent 'phone. J. P. Magruder and family, who have been residing at Forest Grove, will soon move to Hillshoro and take up their residenoe in the Da vis house, recently occupied by the family of s. K. Ki table. John Uitier, of Helvetia, was in town Monday. Try Heinz' pikcles at H. Weh rung it Sons. Michael Genzcr, of Buxton, was in town Montlay. Win. Reynard, of Laurel, was in town Monday. Mrs. Alice Fixird visited at Sea side over the Fourth. Kenyon Crandall went to Banks Monday, on businesK. L L. and P. C. Iong were out from Portland, Sunday. H E. McKinney, of Portland, waa in the city Sunday. Cbas. Matthes and wife, nf Lau rel, were in the county seat Satur day. John C. Buchanan, the Corneli us hopgrower, was in the city Mon day. The Main Street livery barn will soon have a new foundation and sills. Fred Lueder was out from Port land, Sunday, calling on his par ents. Hurry Hall, of Shady Brook, was in the 'county seat Saturday evening. Henry Miller, of Witch Hazel, was up to the county seat Monday morning. Croner A Rowell have bo'igbt the Reynard timlier, just above Scholia. Born, July 7, P.MiO, to Mr: and Mrs. F. B. Thiele, of Minter Bridge, a daughter. J. G. Haynes, the Beaverton rancher and cattle buyer, was in town Monday. Smoke the Schiller and Excel lenciacigara Oregon manufacture. Call for them. L. Reynolds, one of Hillsboro's early pioneers, was " in from his Phillips' ranch Tuesday. Use Jap-a-lao to finish your floors and renew your furniture. O. A. Patterson, Distributor. Miss Malwl Smith, of Forest Grove, was tbe guest of her Bister, Miss Pearl Smith, Sunday. All kinds of sewing machine needles at Hoyt's two for five cents, or 25 cents per dozen. Mrs. William Adama and daugh ter, Miss Lilly, are visiting with relatives in Portland. Good six-room house and 3 lots for sale, cheap. II. T. Baglev, Hillshoro, Oregon. Wesley Garrison waa up from St. HeleuB, Sunday, the guetst of bis sister, Mrs. Win, Finney. For sale: Cheap, Baker t Ham ilton horse cultivator, good as new Inquire at this office. Sheriff Connell is advertising for 75 cords of four-loot fir wood for court house use. We are closing out our entire stock of men's furnishing goods. If you want a bargain in a suit give us a call. Sctiulinench Bros. Edgar Young and wife were up to spend the Fourth with J. T. Young and family. Mr. Young U at preseut located at Rainier.' 10 spent with Herman Over man n ,Ceuterville, entitles you to 50 cents worth of merchandise, ov er the counter, free Ask him. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ut.inger, of Astoria, were here the first of the week, guests of Samuel Stevens and wife, of North lfillsboro. If you want to paint your build ings come and see us. We are agents for the famous Palton Sun Proof Paiut. Scbulmerich Bros. Will Green, of Portland, and for merly of Greenville, was iu town the first of tbe week, the guest of John Smith, of Third Oak. The successful numbers at II. Wehrung & Sous' award last week, were: FirBt, 827; seoond, 1,928; third, 2,270; fourth, 1,408; fifth, 3,451. Miss Bird Sappington, of Forest Grove, is down to the county seat this week, conducting the switch board at the 1 neilio States' Central We carry a complete line of tin ware, hardware, stoves and ranges AIbo crockery. Come aud see our complete dinner Bet, at $8 50. Scbulmerich Bros. The Portland papers are . report ing that tbe Portland Consolidated Railways will make a coup d'etat by building out through Washing ton County before the other pros pective lines get to work. Headquarters for all kinds of agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, shipped direct from the factory, aod sold below Port land prices. Sohulmerioh Bros. Forest Grove papers are jubilant because their town is putting on metropolitan airs in the matter of the electric line, which is now run ning. UNITED RAILWAYS CO. CLEAN Jlf FORTUNE (ct Valuable Franchises and Then Sell out MAKE "UKTKR MILLION DOLLARS Portia ad Crania Valuable Privileges and Sees Mooey Made The United Railways Company, or ganized at Portland by Wilmott Griflis and J. Wbyte Evans last Winter, and who, by the liberal use of printers' ink and interviews, in duced Portland to give up valuable franchises for the purposes of giv ing the city a local and suburban railway, sold their franchise hold ings, last week, and cleaned up j about a quarter million dollars.! The council men of our big city in : swaddlicg clothes feel like they i have been worked like a "bunch of j easier," and there is much grief.' The city might well have made this money herself, and thus re duced her debt, argue many, while,; on the other hand, others argue; that Loss, tbe buyer, would not pay j a half million for tbe franchisee! unless they were worth it, and cer-! lainly not, unless he intended to build the railways. Tbe Loss peo- j pie say they will build to Forest I Grove, anyway, and now comes tbe Willamette Valley Traction Com pany, Bayiog tbey are going to build to Hillelioro and tbe Grove. Tbe I'nited Ilai'way people have bought 20,000 worth of material,! and it is now in Portland. This ' would not build more tbaa a mile of the line on paved streets but Lobs must intend to build because it will be hard to again Bell that franchise. J.AST WEEK'S COUNTY COURT County court met last week with Judge J. W. Goodin in the chair, and with commissioners C. B. Bu chanan and W. J. Butner assisting Two days business was transacted when court adjourned to take up Tuesday. Business transacted at the adjourned meeting will be found ou another page. Owing to the fact that Deputy Dietrict Attorney E. B. Tongue held the bonds of the various county officers were not in conformity to statute none was ap proved. Tbe following claims were allow ed: L Sireeutlialer, road work & 87 John llary " ' , 6 75 K bcott " " , Henry Uaner " " 5 95 18 66 11 nc O Kramer " ' . C Vamlerraost " " , Zimmerman . " " . Kd Gary Joe Leis " " 9 35 CI W Stitt " 35 bS 33 75 . 15 o" .220 oo 23 70 . 8 40 . 66 til .116 is . 8 30 W J .Stitt " " Wm Piute " " I W Connell, shtTand deputy... J W Connell, expense! JJ I Kuratli, recorder J B Matthews Piwt, indigent.... f V l.iveruiore, lumber roads.. I) 11 Reeves, election I) McCamish, court house...... 4 00 Lawrence Wolf, labor road Diat 10 23 40 Konert Jlockeu " ' : " " x a? J G Unities ' ' ." " 32 02 Paul K Schmidt, blacksmi thing. .. 6 00 Conelmau, luuilwr 72 65 C E Woll, r and h 69 43 w U uonelson, relief pauper n io Glass & Prndhomuie, ata 34 75 bred Stegenthaler, rand b 65 47 R L Greear, relief poor , 10 60 A B Flint, r and h 50 00 T A Mcllride (2) circuit judge 20 83 u u Keasoner, bridge work... .....ata 00 O L, Nash, relief 5 50 W 1) Smith, deputy clerk 75 00 Dr F J Bailey, Co health officer. . 90 0 r. 1 lvuratll, recorder 94 35 Willis Ireland, dep recorder 50 00 Krank Nachbaur, poor farm...... 72 00 B J Godmau, clerk 155 75 A M Collins, janitor 36 6s W M Jackson, treas 51 50 City light aud water. 18 60 Geo 11 Wilcox, assessor 100 00 Independent, printing, ata, etc.. -187 20 M C Case, sal supt 68 22 OH Kindt, election 5 20 A Xlrossen, lumber 9 60 BeU & Co, r and h 18 00 Scbulmerich Bros, relief 55 1, A Rood, sal judge etc 69 82 C K Wolf, road work Cornelius. 300 00 1M Flint, roads 35 00 A K Mead, contract work ....... .261 'f.A McHride, circuit jndjje 20 S3 G T Led ford, election marshal. ... 2 00 Wm Lichtv, " " ... 2 00 G T Brickell, road snpervisoi ..... 27 50 Glass & I'rudhomme, assessing. ., 23 51 .1 o Blct'herson, " ..39 00 11 T Buxton, " . 21 00 Josephine Case, board cx Schools. 9 00 B K Fisher, " " " . 9 00 Lawrence Dixon, " " " . 9 00 I! lyssa Woodbury " " " , 9 00 Irwin-Hudson Co, sta. .......... . 9600 J H Wirlz, election 300 The following received $6.00 each, for election: J C Greear, G A Patterson, T S Weatherred, C Blaser, T II Tongue Jr, aud John Milne, The following received $2.00 each, for luror nistice court: J A Iutbne, J C Ku ratli, F L Kuierson, Frank Ballard, S S Barnes, W J Mclieury, B L Abljott and C r Hayes. . The need of a better Sunday ser vice is established beyond a doubt so fur as the railway schedule be tween here and Portland is concerned. WALL Our Immense Spring Stock of Wall Paper is arriving by piecemeal, contain ing all the newest creations, and at Prices That Will Surprise You Call and let us give you the latest ideas in papering and decorating. If you fol low our plans your home will always have the exclusive appearance that only our patterns can give. If you do not wish to buy now, come just to looK. It is a pleasure to show the goods. Paints, Varnishes, Wood Stains and Jap-a-lac We also have a line of Paints and Enamels suit able for woodwork and can match any shade or color . Our Prices Are Right i G. A. PATTERSON The Housefurnisher txtxssxi at- MM.m..m I i WEINHARD'S The best of all Beers. Bottled for Medicinal Use At w v. WILEY'S i i i 1 ixx, SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREUOX, FOR WASHINGTON COUNT V, Henry Hoover, Plaintiff) ! Rosetta Hoover, Defendant) To ItovetUi Hoover, the above named de- fondaut: I" thenaineof the State of Oregon, you are hereby reuuired to auiiear and answer 22 07lthe co'l'Plai"t Hied against you in the) . alio vp entitled suit, on or before the 9th ! J 1 day or July, iswti, aim ir you tan to so an '4 '3 1 pear and answ er xaid complaint on or be- lore that time, plaintitt' will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his com plaint herein, to-wit: For a decree dis solving the bond of matrimony now ex isting between you and himself, and tor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. inn luminous is puoirsneu ny oruer 01 1 the Honorable Thomas A. McBride, Judge j of the above entitled Court, duly niadei and entered 011 the 15th day of May, HWB, m anu oy wnicn oruer 11 is prescrioea that this summons shall lie published once a week for six successive weeks in the "Hillslioro Argns." The dHte of the first publication of this summons ia May 17, I'M). Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that I, the under signed, have been, by the Counly Court of the State of Oregon, lor Washington County, dulv appointed administrator or the estate of James Kolib, deceased, and have duly qualified as such. All persons, having claims against said estate, are hereby notitteu to present tnesaine to me, with proper vouchers, at the Law Office of W. N, 'Barrett, In Hillshoro, Oregon, within six () months from the date here-j of. 1 Dated this 22nd day of March, 1901. 1 WILLIAM ROBB, Administrator of the estate of James Robb. deceased. W, X. Barrett, Attorney for administra tor. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv given that the under signed Administratrix with the will an nexed of the estate of N S. Howell. De ceased, has tiled iu the County Court of the Suite of Oregon for Washington Conn tv. her final account. In the matter of said estate, and said Court has set Monday, the Kith day of July, l!Oti, at IU o'clock A. M.. of said day, at the Court Room in Hillshoro. Qreiron. as the time and ulace lor hearing objections to said tiniM ac count and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated this June 8th, ItCtt. ELIZABETH H. LADD, Administratrix with will annexed of the Estate of N. 8. Howell, Deceased. Oeo. R. Bagley, Attorney lor Adminis tratrix. IRRIGATION NOTICE Patrons wishing to use water for Irriga tion purtioses are required to deposit with the undersigned the sum of $10, to cover expense of installing meter. Water may then be used at timea and in amounts to suit patron at the rale of 30 cents per thou sand gallons. Meters will be installed as rapidly as convenient after application but at least 10 days notice should be given. By order ot the City Council. H. T. BAULEY, , Recorder. Argus and Journal, $1.75. PAPER (Oa draught) I 3 I mmmm,mmm: Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby (riven, that by virtue of an attachment execution inued out of and under the wal of the County Court of tlie Slate of Oregon, for the County of Washington, dated the 22nd day of May, 19UH, in favor ol if. Wehrung-, W. H. Weh. rung and 6. A. Wehrung, partner aa H. Wehrung and Sons, plaintiff; and againut Jennie Annans, defendant for the turn nf $15.00 cost and the further sum of SW.r5 to me directed and delivered, com mand- ing n.e to make sale of thereat property hereinafter dfMCribed, I have levied upon and pursuant to said attachment execu tion I will on Monday, the 28d day of July, 1UU), at the South door of the Court House in HilUboro. Washington County, Oregon, at Ilia hour of ten o'clock a. ni of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash iu hand, all of the following described real property, lying, bsimr and situate in Washington Oountv. uregon, ana more particularly uasoriiieu a follows, to-wit: Being known as a part of the Southeast corner of the Northeaat quarter of taction 43 1. l.s. li. JW.ol tn will. oner, and commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter the Northeaat quar ter of Section 33, T. 1. 8. R. S W. and run ning thence West SO rods, thence North 0 rods, thence East to the County road, thence Southeast on the hue of said road until crossing Cedar Creek 2 rods, thence East to the east line, thence South to place of beginning, containing 34 acres, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums ar-d for the costs aud expenses of sale and said writ. Said sale will be made subject to re deni ption as per statute of Oregon. Dated at Hillshoro, Oregon, this 14th day of June, Umti. J. W. CONNELL, Sheritt' of Washington County, Oregon, By V. T. Kane. Deputy. John M. Wall, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE 0V OREGON, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY Sarah C. Hess, Plaintiff I Iff I nt i vs. David Hess, Defendant To David Hess, defendant. In the name of the State of Oreeron you are required to appear and answer the J complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 12th day of July. 190i, that being the last day pre scribed in older of publication of this i Summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed for, to-wit: A divorce from the marriage existing between you and the plain I ill'. This Summons Is published In tbe Hills bora Argus for six consecutive weeks, by order of said Court, duly made and en tered on the 31st day of May, 1HUU, the first publication being on the .'list day of May, lHOfl. J. W. Bell, Attorney for Plaintiff. . FOR SALE Team of Fercberon mares, finely bred, sound and true; work any where, double or single. John A. Uobba, HiilBboro, Ure. Estray: Black 3-year old horse, weight over 1,000; few white hairs in forehead. ' Reward. K. K. Bar rett, Phone, Bell line, 146, Forest Urove, Oregon: '