The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 05, 1906, Image 2

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    HlLlSBORO ARGUS, JULV ft, 1908
Inlarad at th Post-offlot at HUhbow,
Oregon, M nwond-cUw mail nattr.
County Official Paper
Subscription: On Dollar fxr Annum.
lsaaed Every ;Tbrsday
Tea , years ago the corporation in
fluencee of the country pdt mill
ioni to beat Bryan. Tneae agen
cies, directed by men who preferred
a debated price for labor and pro
duct rather than a "debased" dollar.
made heroic claim, of patriotism
they were interested in the dollars
that were, ratber than the results
that, were to be earned by those
who make commerce and the social
fabric a possibility. ' In other
words, they wished debased labor
and debased men as measured in
"sound dollars.? , They paid for re
sults, and they reaped them. They
preached purity and were presented
with pelf. Grafters themselves,
they promoted grafting. The elec
torate was corrupted, and the days
of Robespierre, Marat and Danton
were more tolerant of opposition
than the - patriots . of 1896, who
branded all political opposition as
insanity, vandalism, repudiation
and carrion. - We all remember
this state of facts, Today, matters
are changed. A republican presi
dent, while accomplishing little in
the main, has, in company with
muckrakers, uncovered the maggots
of commercialism, and their wrigg
ling and stench have shocked the
Union that is to say, shocked
many who unhesitatingly accepted
the plutocratic cry of ten years ago.
Today Bryan is known for his ab
solute worth, and for the acumen
he displayed when he .called the
turn of the cog-dicers who opposed
him. Today the world knows that
Bryan was unblushing! y beaten by
rampant coercion, greed and rapac
ity. Today the promoters of de
based labor, debased production
the promoters of a commercial feud
alism that self-respected citizens,
whether republican, democrat, so
cialist, or whatnot, know at their
true worth, stand out in the lime
light as traduce re of our country
and sorrowful in the extreme
we have yet to hear the old patri
otio editors who supported them
acknowledge the wrong. They
simply satiety themselves with the
platitude of "sound money and san
ity," and let it go at that. They
are still strong in the faith that de
based product and labor is better
than debased money and this is
certainly true as regards those who
intelligently fought, and were ben
efitted, by the defeat of Bryan
The proposition of the Oregon
Condensed Milk Company to call
meeting of the patrons of the insti
tution and have them select a per
son from their number to test the
milk which is delivered, is ooe
that should manifest an earnest of
the company to do the right thins
to those from whom they get thei
milk supply. The company pro
poses to have the dairymen do the
selecting, and they will pay him
wages for the work., A call for
their meeting is found in another
place in this issue, and here is
chance for co-operative work
their hearts' content. - -
This morning's market reports,
compiled from Portland quotations,
Valley Wheat, new. 710)72.
Barley feed, $24(ai24.50; brew
ing, $244; rolled, $25 and 26.
Oats, White, $31 50 32.
Oats, gray, $31.50 per ton.
Bran, $16 per ton - -;
Hay, Timothy,- K O $12
Valley, $8$9; grain, $78,
Hay, Clover, $7 50 and $8.
Potatoes, fancy graded Burbanka,
40(J5() cents per hundred
Eges, Oregon ranch, 22224.
Butter, Extra Creamery, 2021 .
Hops choice 1905, 10 11 cts.
Eli Goodspeed, who Battled near
Forest Grove in 1864, died at Til
lamook, Sunday. '
Fine Percheron Stallion oi
Cedar Mill Horse Company.
The Cedar Mill Percheron Horse Com
pany has a fine, new Percheron stallion,
and he will stand the season at Herman
- C.lnske's home place, one-fourth mile
east of Bethany, all week, except Tnes-
dav afternoons and Friday afternoons.
TJERMS : Single service, $8; season,
ti: to insure with foal. li: colt to
stand and suck, (16.
Coquette is a handsome coal black,
with star in forehead. He weighs 1900,
and ta nttely built.
P. H. Vandehey, Manager.
Golf In C&chis Center.
WW WE wr propped aarainet th 'dobC
f that Jci o- Pofcar Pill's
f V When a ndxt w srtJ.
-tln quer-tik la ths Mils.
Rc'd a ball of itutta pereha ani waa put-
tin' In hla licks
J est a-knorkln' It to (lory with a buncB
' erookad sticks.
Well. went up there quits cur'us, and
wi waichrd him paste the ball
TUl a Itchln for to try It seemed to gt
a-hoit of alL
And at last frcksadJl Stevens asked to
(lv tlx thing a st.
And w fathered round to see him show
th stranfer what was what.
Wall, tha folfer stuck the sihreerold on a
little pile o dirt.
And Packsadiile swiped and swatted, but
- he dWn't do no hurt.
Ha barked his shins territle. and he broke
hla little stick.
And whsn he heard snicker his guns
came out too quick.
Wa dropped behind the cactus with some
holes clipped In our clothes.
While the ol(er for the sky line wraKd
hi checkerboarded hose.
And when we took home Stevens and
ttinm others that was hurt
Tha exlf ball still was s'ttin' on Its little
pile o dirt.
80 we ain't no new St. Andrews, and we
hope no aolfer thinks
He ran rut loose here in Cactus with a
set of oatmeal links.
We a"o In fer games that's quiet and stir
up no blood and fuss.
And down In Cactus Center pokers awxl
enough fer us.
Denver Republican.
Matter of Shave.
Ttoaz I haar that the wrset trust ta
In a bad way.
Joax-Ves, but It'll get thins in gJoU
ahape after awhile. Chkaga Jouruul.
Her Hhmi.
The other Uay 1 was told of a little
girl who atteudetl a distrlbutlou or
prliea given by the Soeiety tor tne
Prevention of Cruelty to Anmiais. aae
bad won. you must know, a book as g
reward for writing the best essay on
the aubject glveu, ami. with the other
auceeeaful children, was undergoing a
viva voce examination.
Wall, my dear," said the geutleman
wUo had given away the prizt-s. "can
yon tU me why It la eruel to doi-k
honesf tails and trim doe' ears?''
'Because," answered tiie little girl.
"what God had joined together let na
man pat asunder."
Trase sa4 Profession.
Dr. Bull, the celebrated surgeon, wus
under the hands ot the skillful but talk
give barber whom he was accustomed
to patronise.
'Ah. doctor." sighed the tonsorial
artist, "I wish I had learned your
"Wall, I don't know," said the great
surgeon reflectively; "yours Is a pretty
food profession, isn't it?' Woman I
Bom Companion.
His Excase.
"Mike, you were a long time at mar
kt tills morning. Why didn't you
bring back that dressed duck quicker!"
8ure, madam, It war a fuymale duck
tbot the mon was after fillin' yer or
doer wid, an' ye know how long it
takes a faymale to dress!" -New Or
leans, Times-Democrat
Iwa For Hup.
"I have been misquoted," said tha
new congressman.
"Well," answered the experienced
statesman, "wait aud see bow it turns
out Sometimes a man Is lucky to be
misquoted. "Washington Star.
Fcsur Versus Wellmaut.
"I'm afraid Peary will not under
stand about this Wellmnn airship that
la to beat him to the pole."
"Why notr
"Because It will tie over his head."
CWaland Plain Dealer.
YomrA to Live.
"Before we were married you said
you'd die for nie."
'I'd do it, too, only you have kept
me so poor we cau't afford any funeral
expenses." Houston Post.
Faii4 at Last.
Explorer Bugg HI, there; I've dis
covered the north pole! Woman's
Home Companion.
, Uaklna.
"You do wrong to suspect that man.
He always pursued an uptight life."
Then I'm sure he never overtook it"
Baltimore American.
Woaaerfal Work of a Watch.
In perfect running order the balance
wheel of a timepiece makes 18,000 vi
brations per hour. The number of
miles a year the movement of a cor
rectly adjusted balance wheel will
equal la ZJ&8. To make this rwi less
than one-tenth of a drop of oil la con
sumed. In order to keep a watch in
proper condition it Is advisable to have
the timepiece thoroughly overhauled
semiannually. The life of a watch is
kwiaitieiisd by ttavlux It "house deaa-
We can not
sacrifice reputa
tion for tem
pencuce wlucu we tutuic cutuies
us to your patronage. A few of our
best sellers will
the oldest and best fruit jar in the market, wc sell this
scasou, .'i'gal, 85c per do.; quarts, 65c per do..; piuts,
55c per do., and a further reduction of 2 I-2C per do,
where two or more dozeus arc purchased at one time.
Sugar is still 20 lbs for i. S bars Star soap, full
weight guaranteed, 25c 33 bars for fx. Kggs 23 I-2C,
Butter 42 l-2c.
Reeves & Reeves, Cedar Mill, Or.
lVala in all kinds of Utal
Kstnte. Wheat Land, Farm
Land, Stork Ranches, ami
RargA Lands. Reclamation
and sale of Desert Lamia a
pjieoialty. Fine investments
for your idle money Write
or rail at oil ice.
Portland - - Orix.on
1 1
2 '
J !
The K'mi of Enffcnd
And His Mother's Picture
IXtJ EPWARO VII. ot England I
known to I the most democratic .
of titled rulers, though he Is now
not quite as free to follow his uuceremo-
uious tK-ut as when he was I'riu. C
Wale. In the days before his acces
sion to the throne when drtviug unat
tended In a dogcart along a country
road he met an old woman wearily
carrying a heavy basket
"Climb in," said the prince, and the
Kood duuie gladly accepted tha invl
t at ion.
"What have you In your basket?"
asked the unidentified prince.
"Eggs, butter and vegetables," was
the reply.
"I'm fond of fresh eggs," said the
prince, "and if you'll let me have
. , ' ' , , .
lot I 11 give you my mothers picture.
"Your mother's picture!" exclaimed
the old lady. "What good would that
do me?"
"Ob, you never know," laughed the
prim e, and as he beled his passenger
dismount at the door of her cottage he
laid his hand on the basket and hand-
eU the astouisueu market woman i
golden sovereign stamped with the of-1
figy of yueeu Mctoria. W oman s
Home Companion.
For Several Missies.
"Didn't you and Sir. Spoonlngton
have trouble of some kind lust night V"
asked her anxious mother.
"Yes; be said my lips were like lus
cious cherries and my enn like little
"Well? Was that all?"
'V-tm- 1a atilil nip lisle hful thp frfl-
' , , . . .t 1
gram-e of apple blossoms, and when 1;
wouldn't lot him bury bis nose in It for
fear he mlifht loosen my switch he
seemed to be really put out, and for
several minutes we were Just ns cool
to each Other as we could be." Chlca-
go Uccord-Herald.
Permission Grasted.
The eastern manager of a largo west
ern manufacturing concern has a be
niguly clerical apiK'arunce that com
mands confidence. He was stuuding on
a corner In the shopping district of Phil
adelphia walling for a car when a
woman, handsomely gowned and evi
dently a stranger, approached him aud
said Inquiringly.
"I wish to go to Broad street station."
Instantly he replied in a tone of in
dulgent seriousness:
"Very well, you can go this time, but
don't ever, ever ask me again." Phil
adelphia Ledger.
"Don't you think every statesman
should eulUvate a manner of great dig
nity?" "A manner of great dignity," answer
ed Senator Sorghum, ''Is nn Invaluable
adjunct. It prevent people from unk
ing bothersome questions for fear of
seeming Impertinent." Washington
Pilar Father.
"I suppose I ought to ask your fa
ther for your hand?"
"Well, yes. It might please him, and
It can't do any hurt. Of course it
wouldn't be at all necessary If mother
were hiiine." 'lcveland l'lalu iJeuler.
b Willie's 1h unit lit.
Pa-Well, what Is It now?
Willie-l'a, Is a thousand legger a
l'a -Certainly not; it's an Insect.
Wlllle-l'u, why ain't turkeys thou
saud leggers? 1'hllfldelphla l'ress.
Such Impadenee!
"Is there any answer, boy?"
Messenger liuy --1 don't know; 1
didn't have time to read lt25
afford to
None suc
ceed only those
who are worthy of
public confidence. We
acquired a share of ex-
be an eye-opener. Mason,
J Get the anuual dividend habit.
! Iufure in the Massachusetts Mutu
' al Life. James Stitt, District Ar'i.
Cornelius Brown, ot southeast of
! town, has some nun four foot oak
'wood for sale. Delivery anywhere
Fininh your screen doors with
Jap - a - lac G. A. Patterson, Die-
UK. Wlllu.ll. rtniitliiM
E., lVleti.latil.l
T,;J1':1.W,I,',,U ,m"',,,,
In the until of the Slate of Oregon ton
are Imroliy -iiniuatiile,l to iM-nr in the
(ilrai(i f w fnH l( (U((i if (h(,
lirii i,u,ii(.lion ol this u mm,iin. the lim
puhlirallon thereof iIuk uii the 'Jstli day
V.i"fUi,,t """. ".r '"""'I !!"
cuiiipUinl Ihereni lllril skaIiisI you. Ami
you will ImLc uuiut that 11 you tail
io so appear ami answer said complai'it,
the plamtilV will apply to the Conn for
the relief prayed for in iter eoiiiplaint, to
wit: r'ora decree tlinHolviiut the iiiarriane
and niai riiiKd rontrai't exiiilnn Utwien
you and the pluinlitt. upon the (ronii'li ul
ileerlion. and lor the coat hihI ilKtinie
meiits ul' this suit, and such other and
further relief as may lie eiiiuialilo.
This Numinous is served iiniii you by
publication hv order of llonoralilo I.. A.
, kokhI, County Jiule uf WanliiiiKton Couu-
I. m ..I. ....I .lurl ..t. ika ..f
June, hini. ami which order rniulres pule
, lication thereof In the Htl'shoro Argus,
.once a week lor six consecutive, and sue-
! etxsaivo weeks, beginning with the Issue
thereof dated June 2Mth, l!t, and endliiK
with the issue thereof Auitust tilth, l'
Slid that vou sppesr and answer on or I e
fore Augiist IWh. l!Jtl.
lieu. K. lltigley, Attorney for I'laintilV.
Administratrix' Notice
Notice iM hereby given that the Himornhle
Couittr Court of the Stain of Ore-m for
the County ol Washington, has apMintcd
the umlersiirneil administratrix with tiio-wlll-annexed
of the estate of t'yntliia H.
Hamilton, tiacAHHeu. anil all irsous hav
ing claims ag-inst the said mlate are hers
hy notilied to preHenl the name to llie
uiiderHiimed at the Us oltlie of tieo. It.
I Hai.'l-y, in Hilishoro, within six iiionthi
from the date hereof, properly verllleil.
listed this July 5, rN.
i Administratrix w itli-tlie-will aiinexe.1 of
I the estate of Cynthia H, Hamilton, de
ceased. W. I). Hare and lieo. It. liaitlev. At-
torneys lor Administratrix,
Notice of Time
. Sotj, N hereby uiven that we have
; date given our adopted son, Kolierl VeU
', '"""i.11 .. "' ''V'.' .K" ' .. .1
business on his own ariinint, f itilU-ct all
money due him for work from this date,
aud we will not lie responsible tor any
debt lie may contract.
Cornelius, Ore., June 2, '.
Union Pacific
Through I'iiIIiiiku staudsrd and tourisl
sleeping-cnrs daily to Uuiuhii, Chicago,
iSpokaur; tourist sleepuiK-csr ilsuy to
Kunsas Citv; through l'lilluinn tourisl
sleepiug-csrs (persotmlly cottilucted)
weekly o Chicago, Katisas City, te-
clining chsir cars (seats free) to the
Kast daily.
:.') a.m.
Kx press
Mi p. M.
Ht. Haul
6:16 r. M.
Halt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, oinalia,
Kansas Cily, Kt.
liOiils, Olilrsgo and
,1:1)0 P, a
Halt IHke, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Onitthit,
Kansas City, Ht.
Iaiiiis, Chicugo and
Walla Wulla, Iewis
lou.Hpokane, Wallace
Pullman, Minneap
olis, Ht. Paul, D11
luth, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kast
For all local points
lietwemi lilggs and
7:15 a. s
8:00 A, K
j lical
n:iu a.h
I (I:(K) p.m.
Hleairiships between Portland and Han
Francisco every n va nays.
River boats on the lower Columbia and
Willamette daily except Hundny,
Tn siul frnm all noints In the Kast.
Tickets via this route on sain at all depot
olllces of the southern racltln t o.
General PsBflenper A pent
Portland, Oregon.
lor the Human System
Heals Mils, lnrti, bruises, sw,,.
liilts, strains sprsiiii, weak joints,
sprained ankle ki 1 aiikmI harks,
nil lniiii'iiiii. Hill im'k. n lltriHtt,
quill)', (iiu in low anil Iiti,
U.ulhti. t't;ll'lll', rlll'tltllltllMll,
mltrali:itt, pU'llllsy, ptielllllUllta, In
llittuiHl sor," eytw. IVoslliltt's, eliil
tilams, rtimi tmiitoits, plli's. pot
solum wound like hilo of Iiks
ami sIIuk1 of insts'ls, old mirvs,
11 loom, fsver sor. all ilr-h w oumls,
rtinl sui lilmtluiK.
Itiitlx i;iill wirvti, Irw oiiih, imll
iiiiiiiIn. iHli, iw lrti, liim",
svvi'tltiiKs.Miriiinx, "liuiililer xtrnuiH,
IiiiUiiiiiihIIkii, IiuUiiiimI wiiiiti.lx,
piltlS. blllll'llI'M, SHil, rillkllKltltl,
si'rntliiw, nuitl tt er. t;rtiiNt Utt
lliruxli, iiii ., tlstiiU, uillvil,
KmiKtitiis w, minis, limit-iti, IouIm,
,'Hkpil iililir, Mutt tt'AIM, Ami tvry
knul ol lUvili wouml.
This i K'Uitmulcisl.
If liul ri'irNiMito.l,
Uililf Ui. k ami yi
Mttney Iwi'k
Hiiim your
uir ri'ltu'.il.
Hunks, On
v. v. a.i.Iiim, iin-eiLviii.', ioni a
In sura nee Co.
lilt orHr at ctl ISM
Dividends IViitl Anmuillv
Insurauie in the Massa
chusetts Mutual Life Iu
suratu'c Ct.nipaiiy p,ics
Ihirivakd Ativan tages.
1st. llccuiise of the l'suious Noa
(urleitiiie luaiitaiice Laws,
2d. Ilrcnusr ul Superior l-'conomv
td. " " Aiiuunl llividcuds
41h. " h'verything I'srliripstes
.Sth. " lis p.isl rrcotil is clean
6th. " ltscoiittactsarethe best
Before ou inurp te ui
II. C. COIION, M.unKicr,
thtiniber of Commerrc
J WHS SHU, District Agent,
Port Kind, Ore.
Notice l lieri'liy ijiveii Ihal nil srsoiis
are iioIiiiihI not to eive t hsi'les achtmur
any credit of any kind, as wc will not he
rexiiuuHihle iur unv tlcnis coiitnu'leil by
htm. Signml by tils parents.
I' rank Niichlintir.
Mrs. r'rauk Sacliliaur.
Hilishoro, Oregon, May li, I'W:
TAPAGEUR (53167)
Imported Percheron Stallion, foaled in Frunce in 1901.
Was brought to America in 1904. American No.,413Ii6
Color and description, black, with star, l-iuelyjshaped. Absolutely the k-st horse
in Washington County. Five years old. Weight, 1950. ust the horse for good,
substantial gets. -:- -:- : - '
. . v; - "-' ' ; t,i i J - &
iV.V lct .- st fjrrj
' ' " 'l ' 1 " .' " .f '.. 1 ' ' t . ' ; &
i ;- . . .. : ; " . "' : ' ': , ' ". ' , '. ... ...'..
, ' .4..A ,. , ,...,.....,.. u .... ,-, - , ,'
Will Stand the Season of 1906 as followsi
Monday noon tintil 2 p. m., at 'Beef Bend, at C. Scliambiirg's ; Monday, 3 p. m to
Tuesday morning, at Doc Tigard's, Tigardville ; Tuesday noon until 2 p. 111., at
Robert Hoeken's, Beavertou ; Tuesday night until Wednesday at 8 a. ni., at Peter
Zuerclier's, near Cedar Mill; Wednesday uoou until 2 p. 111., at M, M. Mead's, Roh't
. . , ,,r 1 1 ..! ... MM .1 I ... O ..4 K...1 1 O. 11
Jinhric l arm ; . Wednesday
trainpf's bain, Hilishoro;
ton; Thursday cveuitig
Care to prevent, but not
The Scholls
.-. , mt mm '
evr, . :ser sk A tW i
The ClydfduU-f
Snd by Kslsmar, isti of M.IIi,ii.Ii ,
Will Stand Sasoit ul l)tK: U
Corut'lius-Al IIiiiiiiiuk's Uuu,
f.rcctivtllc - At Will WalkriV
CU-utor-At M.i Itu ' Wrd
1 1,1 vi tin -At ,l,.pli llishui
lxuo K
I'uIhiI's. M.utiu Minili
Livcliuoml n livcrv bun
iIiI1sIh.hi-- At tiuui'i
Tl' K MS- Single u nivi
vsheti (ulnoi has two
I. C. PAl 1 1, (h ooiii.
Those wuliing to limit to ju l-'uglc-h
the owner in Ilill.lxnm Turn-
The Handsome Coach Stallion
Weight idim; 6 years Ui ; Iil:uk T.i w 11 ; I'iiu-ty
built; Just the horse lor that will make the
most serviceable hoi st s for farm atul driving purposes
At the Jolly farm, four and one-half miles northwest
of Hilishoro. Single service, $5; Colt to stand aud
.suck, 1 10. Care to prevent, but not resjHUisihlc for
Farmers should sec this horse lie fore breeding,
lie has the proportions that will please.
Address,, R. 1?. D. N'o. .V
i V- s
1 rSj'
evening to niuihuuy nun uuiy, ul o, .u inl-uiimhiu x nar-
Thursday noon to 2 p.
aiid Friday, to Saturda;
Single service, Season, $12
insure foal to stand and such,
responsible for accidents.
Percheron Horse
4 t
ercleron stallion
1)j. I'K"; Srtoml Osm. Uihls. iiihiu, I-'. MuliK ', l uiilcS. III.Hituiug
Mou.l.n t-tciiing to TuruUy at t" in
Tium1.iv in ning to Wilneil4 to a In.
ir-! n alti-i iiikhi mid evening,
l'hm-.lo iiihui.
Much, I liiiil.iv nielli lol iul.iy noon
tri-l ix iitghl.
pLl.X 1 1 1 1 1 I tllHI ,-MilUl.lV ,
; S.cttui, f' . hisuiiilnr, 1 4 5.
i nunc IoImiiiI, fin cull
To in, iii
II. I). S( HMU1IR, oritr.
Sli' c.iii gel m-ivIit at llie home of
T- iiiuti, f m ; single srrvuv, fi.
, v, tit
- -
at tk'i iiiau liogc s, l'ariuing-
ay evening, i'eitl tinmer s, hiliolls.
1 Insurance, $15. To
Co., Owners