The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 05, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 1
fltuiti Jcnce in Violated,
Story (lets out
TmtUc, Upou lamllgatlos, Approved
i'ri-eMent Ken in, of J'aolllo I'nWei
ttity, was wie in bit generation, anil
diUyiHi mill) evidence of nwu
tiv.lii), when he went Iwfore toe
Trust ml admitted that lit cuu
ctivxl hilt payment of live hundred
dollars to Htudeut Harry K. Davia
to I a kixmI stroke ul luins.
1'evln, it appeals, went to Kerrio
fur 1 lar rii-k Holt burned, and
told him that he ru old in the
soliciting hiiaiuesa; that he ttelieved
h 1'iiuld ltd p the school finni'iil.
ly; that ha would lay in ail or
seven thousand dollar! lor rebuild
ing llrrrick Hall provided ba Could
make iu)U(h uiouey to pull hi in
through another av.hool year and
attendant eiprtieea. The deal waa
made and Davie waut to work. Ii
waa nut very long uutil the press
termed with the virluea and neces
sities ol "Old I'acillo," for Davit
knew bow to hring out these things
- be ha been in the advertising
hueiueaa, and ba la a mailer ol do
mean degree. In other word, he
la a Xtd degree promoter, and
ranka with the captains of indue
try of bigger fame. Davie, woo
haa aulViuienl sense to bold hit
tongue aa a rule, made the uiialake
of telling I'rofeeaor Itaoh In confi
dence, of hie) deal with Karrin.
llach had it lu for Kerr in and vio
late! the ooiiudenve of Davia by
goiug to the trunieea with tha atory.
Krrnn gl au lukliiig. 10 it ia aaid,
and in company with Davia went
liefore the truntnea aud thoaa gentle
men approved the action.
"Where," said Mr. Iata, "could you
H over tit llioiiMMit dollar! lor Ira
looury KaUmg uiouey It my buslnma,
t urn a studrul lu your school; if I saw a
y lu get thousand ut dollsis (or fat-1-lir's
occeally and mail a banloest
ptoposiliou Hint meant uiouey in fact
he's purs ni It wrong lo pay uie (or
uy ellnrt.' I made tbe contract to gel
uiouey. t have delivered it, 1 earned
what I received. I pay (or my scholar
ship -is tlierc anything wrung ia Mr.
t-'errin baying me lor what my eltorli
pitM'oietl lu the city of I'urtliod '"
The argument was good and
Kerrin'a action waa andoraed.
Berth bad bin trouble for nothing.
I'ai'iun geta thouaanda of dollar
and Davia, by hia alroka of buai
neaa made enough to give him more
college experience but tha Argus
doubts hie need of it.
But all thia doean't prove that
Ferrin haa executive ability eutlicl
wnt lo oiinduct I'acitlo University
a it merits.
State Senator-elect William T.
Hehollield, of Ulalaop County, ia a
native of Oregon, lie waa born in
Washington County on May 31,
1801, aud in a eon of Uenjauiio
rVholfleld, of Cornelius, an Oregon
pioneer of 1.H.17, who ban been for
many yeara preeident of the State
It ard of Regents of tha Monmouth
Normal .School. 11a li also a
nephew of Judge J. Hcholfiald, of
the lllinoia Supreme Hunch. Ben
ator Hohiilfield waa educated in tha
public schools of Washington Coun
ty, and at tha Portland liuaineas
College. On leaving school be
went to Astoria aud engaged in tbe
grocery hiisinetiH, following it con
linuoualy until a few month ago,
whmi, having accumulated a com
petency ha retired from active bus
iness, lie ia prominent in local
bunineaa circlea, and the large ma
jurity he received on election day
atteata the high esteem in which he
ia held throughot Clataop County,
Miuh Lena Hernia, one of the a no
ceaHl'ul participants in the Oretmn
ian VellowHtone Park Trip corneal,
left Tuesday for Portland, to make
the trip. The party ilrat went to
neasule, Tor a day. They returned
on the Fourth and were given
bamitiet by Mim HometHcb, wbo
goes as a winner, and on July 7,
after spending tbe Fourth in Tort
land, at tbe Hotel Oregon, they de
part in a Pullman, for America1!
greatest VVonderlaiid. Tbe trip will
require several weeks' time, and
will bo an event in tbe Uvea of
majority of the suooeeiTul candi
Miss Heaee'a Washington Couu
ty friend a wish her a pleasant trip.
Wanted: To rent farm of 150
atires under cultivation and with
siime pasture. Write "Z" care Ar
gits, stating place, where it ia, aud
how much cash rental you want
The (Ironar A Rowel! Co., of
Hobolle, ia at ill taking orders for
large tile, es tbe wet weather set
tbetu back with their work. We
have tbe flues t stock of smaller
sue ever seen lo tbe state. No
mora brick juat now but will bava
another supply about July 10.
We also have a good stock of dry
shlplap, rustio, flooring, and com
mon stock of standard lumbar.
Do not forget to Invaetigate our
hollow bulldiof blocks for founda
tions, oellara. ate. Thia wet aaaaon
has emphasized the necessity of tile
underdralo, so be prepared by put
ting In tile in tbe wet places.
Write the Uroner A Kowell Com
pany, Hillaboro, R. 2.
L. I). Diamond, who formerly
bad trouble with Isaac Allen, and
a subsequent lawsuit in which Dia
mond was victorious, baa been sued
by one A. A. Anaplnod, of Port
land, for a aii hundred dollar bill,
for medical services, when daugh
ter waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Dia
mond thia Hprlng. Mrs. Diamond
was treated in tbe X-Kadium Med
ical Institute, and the bill for tbe
services waa flUX) If thia is the
way it goes in Portland is it any
wonder that race suicide bos its
votaries? Tbe papers were 6 led in
tbis circuit court because the Dia
monds make their home with Mr.
and Mrs. 1'ortlgus, now residing
down in the Cedar Mill section.
Those wishing ornamental shrub
bery, nursery stock, flowers (such
as carnations, China asters, eto.,)
should call on K. R. Morton, either
at HillaUtro greenhouse grounds,
north of the court bouae, or at tbe
Beaverlon greenhouse. Also have
One stock of oelsry, tomatoes, oab
bage, cauliflower and other plants.
Closing Kieroisas: A very en
joyable picnic waa held at Orange
Hall, (ialea Creek, June 2!, by tbe
pupils of Mise Margaret Asbahr
and Miaa Margarete Bateman, tbe
occasion being the close of two very
successful terms of school. The
hall waa tastefully decorated with
Balm ol Qilead, locusts and roeee.
A very pleasing program was ren
dered by tha "Rising Generation."
Home of tbe features deserving spec-
I mention were tbe pantomimes
given by the young ladies. Imme
diately after the conclusion of the
program real picnic dinner waa
enjoyed by those present.
People who want neit Winter's
wood should place their orders
early this Spring, as tbe demand
for shipment to Portland will be
stronger thia season than ever be
fore. Orders placed now may pre
vent inconvenience next Fall. H.
D. Hchmeltzer, HUllboro.
Kd. Diion, of Forest Grove, and
formerly of Clark & Dixon, oame
down from Klgtn the last of the
week, to remain over tbe Fourth.
He waa in the county seat, Bator-
day, and aays that the O. R. A N.
is pusbing their new line Irom iu-
gin to Joseph as rapidly as nisn
can lie procured. Mr. Dixon has
been in oharge of some heavy rock
work on the Tine.
Announcement. We are pre
pared to furnish candy in quantity
for Club socials, Ixxlge banquets,
lawn nertiee. picnics, Church fairs,
etc., made to order nd at special
prices. After dinner wafers a
specialty. The Den of Sweats.
Big horses are away up in price.
and it la nothing uncommon to
hear . KMX) asked for a lewm that
gets up to 3.000 in weight, pro
vided they have the right build.
and tre six or seven fears old, and
sound. Wan Davis,' who is over
here from Ven Zandt, Wash.,
found it very difficult to buy a
team able to make good in the
woods, at less than $500.
Our suita fit you, mod vou oan
not tell tbem from tbe product of a
nrat-claas tailor shop. Come in
and see tbem. We oarry tha finest
slock of olothtng and overcoats in
tbe county. U. Wehrung A Sons
J. A. Messing er, the Second
Street grooer, has traded his real
dence property opposite the M. .
unurcn, on Washington dr. Third,
lo f rederick Oeislsr, who owned a
small place down on the Jackson
Bottom. Mr. Meealniter vacated
Monday, and moved to the river
place. Mr. Ueisler will fix up the
smaller building for a home for
himself and wife, and rent the reel
Hop pickers who wish positions
in tbe Kay yarda at Witoh Haxel
should register at once, so that we
may know who are engaged, thus
insuring you tbe work. Frank
Weisenbaok, Resdville, Ore.
DeWitt Smith, after two years in
tbe clerk office, as deputy, baa va
cated his position, which, for ths
present, will be occupied by Miss
Rffie Uodman, especially through
tbe dull months. Mr. Smith has
been very courteous while acting
as deputy, and leaves the office with
tbe well wishes of many friends.
All kinds of sswing machine
needles at Hoyt's two for five
cents, or 26 cents per dozen.
Jury and Justice Bagley Hear
the Banks Trial
Fined 5u ssd
Mizeer ;u sad
Tbe celebrated Banks assault case
was heard before Judge H. T. Hag
ley and a jury laat Friday, and tbe
trial consumed the best part of tbe
day. Tbe testimony abowed that
Beard and Mizner followed John
Carstens a considerable distance,
and Beard finally struck at Care
tens, when a , rough-and-tumble
mix-up followed. Bsard came dowo
the first of tbe week and pleaded
guilty, and sentence waa withheld
until Mizner waa tried. The jury
found that MiineC was a party to
tbe aeaault, and brought in a ver
dict of guilty after being out but a
abort lime.
The trouble grew out of Mr. Cars
ten's testimony at a former civil
case, tried before Bagley a short
lime prior the aasault.
The jury who tried ibe case waa:
Ward Downs, Dr. J. K. Adkins,
Cbaa. A. Ijimkin, A. C. Sbute. Jas.
II. Hawaii and Ixiui Manning.
Attorney (Jeo. It. Bagley gave no
lice of appeal aa to tbe Mizner case,
and tbe affair will be taken to tbe
Circuit Court.
Lowell Markee, now aalasmsn for
the J. K. Bailey store, at Forest
Grove, baa accepted tbe jioaition as
deputy recorder from Willis ire-
laud, the newly elected Reoorder of
Conveyance for this county. Mr.
Markee comes well recommended
and it is said that be cau give
eminent satisfaction in the new
Mr. Markee is a grandson of
Samuel Markee, a well known
Washington County pioneer.
Hillaboro now has the advantage of
four passenger trains each way per
day, the new schedule goiug into
effect Tuesdsv, July i:
Iillehoro to Portland i :12 a. m
w :12a. m.
" " 1:42 p.m.
M 14 " 4:31 p.m.
Arrivea from Portland.... 8:45 a. m.
...12:07 p.m.
" " ...G.04 p. m.
" " " ...9:07 p. m.
Cbas. and Kd. Tompkins, of be
yond (ileiicoe, aud wbo are work
ing over at Ostrauder, Wash., were
over tbis week to celebrate the
For sale: one dwelling house, 8
rooms; oue dwelliug bouse, H rooms,
one lot lor warehouse on . l
track, 40x89 feet. J no. Milne,
Uillsboro, Ore.
EsUay: Blaok 3-year old horse,
weight over 1,000; few white hairs
in forehead. Reward. K K. Bar
rett, Phone, Bell line, 146, Forest
Grove, Oregon .
Tbe Forest Grove electric line is
now in runuing order. I he pro
moters are now figuring on build
ing out to GaleB Creek and then a
line out to Banks.
Baldwin Brothers have finished
the brick work on the J. M. Greear
building, on Second Street, and it
is now up to the carpenters to fin
ish the building.
Joe Hinton. of South Tualatin,
has gone up above Gaston, to log
for A. H. Tanner, who recently
purchased several hundred acres o f
land up in tbe hills.
Grant Downing, the Vernonia
merchant, was in town Friday, on
business. He says that Vernonia
people are anxiously awaiting tbe
advent of the railroad.
Jt. B. Porter, of North Forest
Grove, aud who baa in fifteen acres
of fine looking hops, waa in town
Monday. He says that the lice are
not in evidence up bis way.
Wm. Baglev, who has 70 acres in
fine hops at Leiavville, was in the
oity, Saturday, and aays that his
yard is in bne condition. As yet
he sees no damage from lioe.
Louis F. Caratena, of Manning.
was down Saturday. Some eastern
people, wbo are bid time sawmill
men, have beau talking of buying
Mr. Caraten's milling interests.
Speaking of groceries if you
want the finest staple and fanoy
groceries to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. We is after your
trade, aud once a customer, always
a customer.
Go to McCormick's for school
J. J. Gohle, of Laurel, was in
town Friday.
A. J. Roy was in from North
Plains, Saturday.
Krnest Konrd left the firnt of the
week for Clathkenie.
Francis Cota, of Laurel, was in
town Saturday evening. '
Mrs. J. (J. Pellette, of West ln
ion, was in the city Monday.
Kighty-eigbt in the )imleat 10
a. m. was the record on Monday.
Andrew Kggiman, of this side of
Cedar Mill, was up to the city Fri
day. W. C. Jackson and Will Darety,
of Gleucoe, were in the city Men
day. Herman Rannnw and wife, of
South Tualatin, were in town Mon
day. C. 8 While, of this place former
ly, wa down from Gaston, Mon
day. Finish your screen doors with
Jap-a-lac. G. A. Pattereon, Dis
tributor. Mra. Quick and son, Ora Gard
ner, were in from Mountaiudale,
Fine line of Mohair for waistings,
all shades and colors, at H. Weh
rung & Sons. '
J. K. Zimmerman, nl the Wallace
settlement, above Shady llrook, was
in town Friday.
Smoke the Schiller and Kxcel
leucia cigars Oregon manufacture.
Call for them.
Mr. and Mra. W. W. Boscow re
turned Monday morning from a
trip to Seaside.
J. C. Wilsou, af Hnlhany, came
in Monday, leaving hay to look
out for itself.
Good six-room house and 3 lots
for sale, cheap. II. T. llaglev,
Uillsboro, Oregon.
John Kainna, of Farmicglon,
was in town Saturday, getting sup
plies fur his hopmnkers.
Use Jap-a-Iao to lininn your
floors aud rnnew your furniture.
G. A. Patterson, Distributor.
The family of W. II. Jolly haa
moved out to his North Plains
hop farm for the Summer.
For sale: Cheap, Baker A' Ham
ilton horse cultivator, good ax new
Inquire at this ollice.
1... f . Kerman, ol Helvetia, was
down to the county seat, Monday,
and called at the Argus oliice.
Wm. Hosteller and wife, who
have been teaching out in the Phil
lips district, were in town Satur
Miss Myrtle Butler, formerly of
this city, was "Goddess of Liberty"
at tha Forest Grove celebration
Ira K. Wheeler, who is visiting
with bis brother, 1). li., of Reed
villa, was in town Saturday, greet
ing his friends.
We are closing out our entire
stock of men's furnishing goods. If
you want a bargain in a suit give
us a call. bchuluiench Bros.
Arthur Bacon, of Bacona, was
down Friday, and left the lust of
tbe week for an extended trip to
Fresno and California points.
$10 spent with Herman Oter-
mann .Centerville, entitles you to
50 centa worth of merchandise, ov
er the counter, free Ask him.
A. N. Davies, of Progress, and
prominent in telephone work and
extension of the system down iu
that section, was in town Monday.
If you want to paiut your build
ings come and see us. We are
agents for the famous ration bun
Proof Paint. bchulmench Bros.
Geo. Haase, who has been log
ging tor Jonnson itros., ol soutn
Tualatin, for over a year, was in
town this week, celebrating the
The successful numbers at II.
Wehrung & Sons award last week,
were: First, 827; second, 1,5)28;
third, 2,270; fourth, 1,-fOS; tifth,
B. LeiB, of below Beaverton, was
in the city Monday, and called at
the Argus ollice. Mr. LeiB eays
that crops are looking line down
his way.
We carry a complete line of tin
ware, hardware, stoves and ranges.
Also crockery. Come aud see our
oomplete dinner set, at $8 50.
Schulmerich Bros.
Engineer Abry, now having an
oftioe at Buxton, was in the city
Monday, suffering from the hot
wave, tie anil .Chief Engineer ia
via went out in the afternoon.
Headquarters for all kinds of
agricultural implements, wagons
and buggies, shipped direct from
the factory, and sold below Port
land prices. Schulmerich Bibs,
President Downing, of the
State l air Hoard, was Here
Dow nine Say Fair Bigger and Better
Than Ever
President Downing, of the State
Board of Agriculture, was in town
last Friday, and spent the day talk'
ing over state fair business with
Uillsboro people. Mr. Downing
says that tbe fair ia tbis year to be
larger and better than ever, and he
states that tbe purses for rscing ex
ceed the last fair by 12,500. Two
of Tongue's horses, nnder leaee
will be in the entries. Each year
Washington County always send
a good delegaiioii to Salem when
the big exhibition opens, and this
year will lie no exception.
W. V. Wiley secured the bar
concession during Fair week, and
leaves in a few days to make prep
arations. Mr. Wiky has handled
the refreshment concession for a
number of yean, and bis bid was
twenty dollars higher than any I
other proposal made tbe board.
President Downing has interest- j
ed people locally aa to getting an j
exhibit lor the county, lie says
that Washington County has the
resources for a fine display, and
the county board will be axked to
look after the agricultural repre
sentation. COQUETTE
The Fine Perclieron Stallion ot
Cedar Mill Horse Company.
The CeJar Mill Percheron Horse Com
pany has a tine, new l'ercherun stallion,
anil he will stand the season at Herman
OUiake's home plac, one-fourth mile
east of llethany, all week, except Tues
day afternoous aud Friday afternoons.
i'KKMS: Single service, $S; season,
to insure with loal, $14; colt to
stand and suck, $16.
Coiiiette is a handsome cool black,
with star in forehead. He weighs 1900,
aud is finely built.
P. H. Vandehey, Manager.
Wanted: Tams to haul 1200
cords of wood, delivery of mile and
half to city power house. Inquire
of John Masters, Uillsboro. Resi
dence, corner Baseline and First
Team of Percheron mares, finely
bred, sound and true; work any
where, double or single. John A.
Hobbs, Uillsboro, Ore.
A. H. Garrison started for the
Soldiers' Home at Koseburg, the
first of the week, after a two years'
absence. Mr. Garrison was in the
early Indian Wars.
C. E. Shorev and wife, and
daughter, Miss Eliza, of Mountain
dale, leave this week for a visit of
two or three months in Maine.
Their objective point is Fairfield.
An Indiana man has invented a
calendar which makes 13 months
of four years each. Perhaps he
thought of Oregon, where it is said
to rain thirteen months in the vear.
"The ol' swimmin' hole" had its
votaries, Sundav, and they were
not confined to the small boy, eith-i
er, for some of the adults were seen
"hiking" to the river, Sunday after
noon. Fire Insurance: Now is the time
to get your houses and household
furniture insured. E. L. Perkins,
Agent Northern Assurance Com
pany. List your property for sale
wjth. me. v
The boiler makers have com
pleted the big crude oil tank for the
P. It. it N., and the workmen will
soon commence on the water tank
for the engine supply. It will be
located just east of the oil tank,
llarrv F. Davis, the P. IT. stu
dent about whom there has been so
much said over his bing paid five
hundred dollars by Pacific Univer
sity for his servioeB in getting
money for rebuilding of Hemck
Hall, was in the city bunday.
Workmen on the big oil tank
were obliged to lay off Monday af
ternoon, owing to the extreme heat,
undine it impossible to stand the
terrible and blinding glare on the
outside, and the grilling on the in
side. Tbe tank will hold 22,000
gallons of crude oil.
W. G. Hare, who recently gradu
ated out of the Ann Arbor Law
School, and was subsequently ad
mitted to the bar of Michigan, re
turned home the last ot the week
and, after a vacation of a few
- weeks, will
open a law office
this city,
Our Immense Spring Stoch of Wall
Paper is arriving by piecemeal, contain
ing all the newest creations, and at
Prices That Will
Surprise "You
Call and let us give you the latest ideas
in papering and decorating. If you fol
low our plans your home will always
have the exclusive appearance that only
our patterns can give. If you do not
wish, to buy now, come just to looK. It
is a pleasure to show the goods.
Paints, Varnishes, Wood
Stains and Jap-a-lac
We also have a line of Paints and Enamels suit
able for woodwork and can match any shade or color
- ; - - -" Our Prices Are Right
The Housefurnisher
Go to H0YT and
Any hind of a Hat or Cap you want, from
IO cents to $10.
Sfie L.M. HOYT CO.
Hiltsboro. Oregon
if r mmmmmm mmmm mm. Kmmmmsmm s
The best of all
Bottled for
5ll StgiEiK! WMmiKi
Henry Hoover, Plaintir)')
vs. V t
Rosetta Hoover, Defendant)
To Kosetui Hoover, the-above named de-
In the name of the Stat of Oreimn. vnu
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled agaiiiHt you in the
aoove enuiieo milt, on or belore the tnh
day of July, UKMi, and if you fuil to ao ap
pear ami answer Maui complaint on or be- J
lore that time, iilnintitt' will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in nix com
plaint herein, to-wit: Kor a decree dis
solving the bond of matrimony now ex
isting between you and himself, and. tor
mic.h other and further relief aa to the
Court may seem euultable.
This summons is published by order of
the Honorable '1'tioma.s A. MoBrlde, Judge
of the above entitled Court, duly made
and entered 011 the lftth day of May, 1HOB,
,iu aud by which order it, ia prescribed
N O T f
Get a HAT Today ?
(On draught)
Medicinal Use
YYY V Wli nvo i
that thin summons shall h imhliuhe,!
once a week for six niicoeMiive weeka in
ths "Hillaboro Aivna." The date of the
nrat publication of this summons is May
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice ia hereby Rtoea, thai 1, the under
siKiied, have been, by the Count Court
of the Slate of Oregon, lor Washington
County, duly appointed administrator of
the ent-ate of Juniea Jtobh, deceased, and
have duly qualified an sucn. AU persona,
having claims against aaid estate, ere
hereby notified to present the asms to me,
ft ith proper vouchers, st the Law Ollice
of W. N. Harrett, iu Uillsboro, Oregon,
within six (tl) months from tbe date here
of. Dated this S-nd day of March, IWK.
Ad ni in itrator of the estate of James
1 Robb, decttaMed. .
I W.N. Barrett, Attorney for adaslnlatra
'tor. ..x ...... ,