The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 22, 1906, Image 4

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W.bruDg.' Hall, March 31.
James 8titt, of the Mutual Life,
wu np from 8j1to, Tneeday.
President Ferrin, of P. IT., tu
attending circuit court Tuesday.
11. L. Burcbell, of Mow Rood'
bridge, wu io the city Tuesday.
T. R. Davis snd too, Chu., were
In from North Plains, Tuesday.
Sam Johnson wu down from
Shadj Brook, Tuesday.
Judge Hollia, of Forest Grove,
wu attending circuit . court the
first of the week.
Mrs. Flore Smith, formerly of
this city, end bow of Clackamaa,
writes the Argus for another year
of home reeding.
Miss Susie McKinney, of Port
lend, wee e Hilleboro visitor, 8uo
day, the guest of Mrs. K. C. Mc
Kinney. Fard Lenger Sr., of Sherwood,
end en old time supporter of the
Argus, celled here Tuesday, while
in on jury duty.
You will do well to list your
fern for eels with J. C. Kuratli.
Will also cry auction sales. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli,
Hillsboro. Residence in city.
Fred Qreenberg, of Progress, and
who ic one of the many hundreds of
moods oi toe Argus in tne county,
wea a pleasant caller at this office.
Milton W. Smith, attorney for
Pacific University, was in town
Tuesday, to open the land reversion
cases, but as all were continued for
the term he had his trip for noth
ng. .
' Chu. T. Price, a master of the
art . preservative and that means
. i i . r..
' Portland, yesterday, end made the
Argus a pleasant call.
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
child recTi hoss you can do no bet
ter than to buy of John Dennis.
We have them for everybody, and
at prices that are values. '
A reduction in organs at McCor
mick's music store. A $75 Eitey
for $65; a 175 Estey slightly used,
50; a 180 Carpenter for 147.50.
Edison Phonographs and Records.
Brown Leghorn, Black Minorca
and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
for sale; for hatching purposes;
Leghorn, II; Minorca end Ply
month Rocks, 50 cents per setting.
R. H. Greer.4
I have for sale a very desirable
farm of 35 acres, more than half
under the plow. Balance tillable
land; beet soil; especially adapted
for fruit, vegetables or dairying.
H. A. Jn Hillsboro, Box 3. j
D. P. Correiri, lessee of a part of
tne nare iarm,just adjoining the
city, left Tuscany, Iuly, March 12,
for this place. He expects to reach
this city about April 1. Mr. C. is
one of our most successful gardeners
and he has been home visiting the
old roiu in Sunny Italia. .
James H. Sswell, who bas had a
lift's experience in grain railing.
ob his mammoth farm northeast of
town, states that the Fall sown
grain is sot at all injured out his
way, except, perhaps, in isolated
places. Winter sown will not be
hurt, as the snow will help it out
It is reported that the big Hoover
uonnell ranch bu been leased.
beginniog with next Fall, to Wm.
Chalmers, the rental price said to
be 13.75 per acre.' W. E. Smith
has been on tbe ranch' for some
three seasons, his time expiring
next uctotwr. ,
J. R. Bailev was down from
Buxton, Tuesday, and slates that
the earlv Dears have been tnncheul
up in his section, but that only the
very earnest oi apples nave suffer
ed from tbe freeze; Fall sown grain
he states, is not injured. Ha re
ports from eight inches to a foot of
snow up m tne runs, according to
vne eievauon. ;
Rev. Mabone, former! of Aslor
ia, and now of North Yakima,
Wash., and who, by ths wsy, is
the Cong, minister who went to
Forest Grove and bought what he
swears wu "booze" in order to set
evidence in tbe Forest Grove liquor
cues, wu in the city Tuesday,
making the trip here only to find
the case wu continued on account
of the illness of Mrs. Miller, of For
, est Grove. .
Frank Kellesman, who went from
Reedville to the Alberta oountrv.
writes from Leopold for the Argus
. another year, and bis letter states
that tbe country is getting filled
np with people from this part of
tbe nortnwest. He says: "We
had a nioe summer last year, the
Hottest day being 86 in the shade,
In Jnne and July tbe sun shines
from 16 to 17 hours. Last year's
crop wu excellent. Tbe wbest
went from 25 to 30 bushels. One
settler threshed 2200 bushels oats
' from 20 acres of new land. We
bad an agreeablewinter, there being
only a few days when it wu 30 or
40 below zero. Tbe weatner is now
warm 40 above. Last year wheat
wu sown here March 28. All the
homesteads are taken, and the
railroad land is selling at $9.50 per
aero. Tbe Candian Northern runs
through oar territory and towns
' are springing rapidly up along the
lint. Humboldt, which eighteen
months aj wu not on the map, ia
now a city of eight stores, 3 hotels
and one bank. Settlers are coming
in from the states, and from
Europe, and all sre buying lend."
John Heisler, of Gales Creek, was
in town the first of the week, and
says that he is willing to go on
record that no farmers living along
ths toll road between Gales Creek
and the Washington county line
are charged toll, and that the reve
nue for the road is received from
tourists who are going to the beach
or to Wilson rirer on fishing or
hunting trips. He sl?o says that
the heaviest road along the line is
that portion in the county and that
the road tax ia not sufficient to keep
the highway in any condition and
that unless ths stage line people
keep it up it will be practically im
passable the-biggest part of the
year. Mr. Heisler lays bethinks
that the vut majority of those who
signed', the remonstrance did not
know the exact conditions, or they
would not have subscribed to it
This statement ia published as a
matter of news, and as well, ss a
matter of justice to the McNamer
Senator C. W. Fulton has notified
Hon. W. N. Barrett that a scholar
ship at Annapolis will be given hie
sou, William, who has been attend
ing school st Pacific University.
Just u soon ss the necessary pa
pers can be effected ilium will
leave for the Naval institution of
learniaz and training. He will
hare four years of arduous study,
discipline snd training and then he
will have a two years crime over
tbe world, after which time he be
comes a commissioned officer of the
Navy. No Oregon boy has hereto
fore remained the six years snd
this appointee saye that he is going
to make tbe six years, nrst week e
hssing, and alL His many Hills
boro friends, who appreciate his
determination, know that be will
take the entire course, snd con
gratulate him upon the good for
tune that hu befallen bim. It
ill mean six years of hard work,
but he will get $500 per year, from
day of entry.
If you want brick for anv pur
pose, or building blocks for a foun
dation, remember that tbe Groner
A Rowell Company, of Scholls, can
supply your demands. They have
a fins lot of lumber, rough and
dressed, in' their yard, and will
meet all competition. Now that
your crops are harvested, would it
not be a good idea to consider if
tiling will not increase your in
come, wet, low spots in the tields,
always giving poor results, can be
remedied by putting in tiling. Let
us help you. Wscsnaid you to
avoid crop failure on low lands.
Houss and barn bills for lumber
on short notice and do not forget
thst ws can furnish you estimates
on short notice. Poet office sddrees
Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2.
Sixty thousand feet of fine, dry
shiplap on hand.
Seen while lighting a cheroot:
Two sleighs tied to the court hou89
square, March 19 A little wren
knocking ths socks off a robin, four
times u large, in a tree in tbe
court yard. Fourteen Foreet Grove
men going over to a circuit court
lawsuit C. E. Runyon with a
smile on his face, indicative of the
fact that S. B. Huston had just
told him another story. Geo. Wil
cox, the tall man, walking by tbe
Bids of tbe shortest man in tbe
county. Scbulmerich's cat whip a
big St. Bernard dog in front of the
watering trough. DeWitt Smith
take a fall on the crescent tidewalk
leading to the temple of justice.
A hair sticking out of the end of the
cheroot and brands have been
Peter Nelson, of West Union,
was in the city Friday. Peter is
living in the house built by Caleb
Wiltins, east of this city, bo years
ago. The structure wu made out
of cedar, and a great portion of the
lumber wu band-sawed and hand
ripped. Tbe wood ia still in s fine
state of preservation, and Mr. Nel
son has only repaired it by putting
in a new foundation. Tnia beats
tbe record of the old court bouse,
built in the early fifties, and mill
doing service with the Jeffries' eh op
and Greer's shoe store, opposite the
" Judge McBride, in speaking of
Willis Dunntway, republican can
didate for State Printer, said, the
other day: "There is a young man
wbo, when a baby, came near being
the cause of loss of my life. He
wu ill, and I wss but a boy. I
wu sent after, and, in fording a
stream my horse went under. I
barely managed to reach shore and
came near drowning. I found my
horss ths next morning, uninjured.
Young Dunniwav recovered finelv
and hs is now a candidate for tbe
best paying office in the state.
Dr. J. A. Richardson, of Salem,
ends a communication to tbe Ore
gonian, wherein he takes to tak an
euitoriai insinuation Dy tbe lnde
nanrlent. of tbia mils?, that V C
- , -J , -- ... .
awlejr, congressional candidate,
was at one time mesne. The Dr.
says that Mr. Hawley had tbe
"grippe" two J ears ago, snd ihat,
with many others, common, he had
a wracn or aenrium owing to ths
high fever. Hs states that within
four or five weeks sfter the attack
of "grippe" Hawley was back at
bis post, lecturing in Willamette
John Bsrrie, now with W, J.
Benson. WU un to his
in North Yamhill, the first of tbe
week, and reports fourteen Inches
of snow up in tbe mountains. He
predicts a great high water if the
weather turns warm enough. The
mountains above Buxton and Gales
That ih leading atedlceJ writer and
tr-acner of mil ih several sraoola ot
prartlre endorse and iKoaBn4, la (ha
strongest term possible, ra ami atert
ingredient m twill" into the coatpoalUoi
of Dr. Pierce's Uoutea M oak-el lirTery
far the our ot week stomach, dTsaepste.
catarrh of stoaech, "liver euasplelaw
fcirpid llrr. or blltouaueee, chronic bowel
aftWUona, ami all catarrhal die ut
hatever region, aaate or natur. It it"
also a specific remedy for all sura throttle
or tons (landing rase of catarrhal efler
tlons and their resultant, aa hroachlal,
throat and lurw dlseasM (except cuasuan
tioniawompaiiled with serar coughs. It
t not rood for acute colds and cough,
but for (lugerlug. ur chronic caeea it I
especially fHcaclout In producing per
fert cure. It contain Black Cherry bark,
tktldea Neal root. Kloodroot, Stone root,
Mandrake root and yueenNt root all o(
which are highly praised aa rented! for
all the above luenlioued aS ecUoa by sucst
eminent medical writer and teacher a
Prof. Bartholow. ot Jefferson Med. Col
Nre; Prof. Hare, of the t'alv. ot Ha.;
lrot. Flule; Klliuswood, M. ot Hen
nrtt Med. College, Chicago 1 Prof. John
King. M. IX. late of Cluclaaati : Prof.
John M. Scudder, M. IX, lata ot Cincin
nati; Prof. Kdwla M. Hale. M. IX. of
Hahuemanu Med. College. Chicago, and
score of others equally eatlneal In their
several schools of practice.
The 'tlolden Medkal Discovery " U the
only medicine nut un for sale through
druggist fur Ilk purpo, that ha any
such oro4onai endorseateat worth
tore loan any number ot ordinary testi
monial. Open publicity ot It formula
on the bottle wrapper fat the best possible
guaranty ot Its merit. A glance at this
published formula will show thafUolden
Medical lltfeiiverv aolktalna na bolttu,.'
ous or harmful agent and ao alcohol 1
chemically pure, trlple-reBued glycerin
being used Instead. Ulycerln hi entirely
unobjectionable and beside ht a aaost
useful Ingredient in the our ot all stom
ach as ell as bronchial, throat and lung
a Sect lun. There ht the aigkamt medical
authority fur It us In all such case.
The Discovery I a concentrated glyc
eric extract of native, medlulual roots
and I safe and reliable.
A booklet ot extract front eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing It Ingre
dients mailed re on request. Address
Ur. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
Creek have a good deep fall, and
this county is also np to a big stags
of water whon things beat np in a
few days.
Wanted- Girl for general home
work. Inquire at this office.
Social at Wehrungs' Hall, March
P. J. Krieirsr, of Verboort, wu in
town ths first ot the week.
W. W. Tennis of Shadv Brook.
was a welcome caller at tne Argus
office, Tuesday.
Our suits fit you, and yon can
not tell them from the product of a
nrst class tailor snop. tome in
snd see them We carry the finest
stock of clotbtng and overcoats in
the county. H. Wehrung A Sons.
C. W. Redmond and wife went
to McMinnville Friday, to attend
tbe funeral of Mrs. Arthur Mo-
Phillips, a daughter of Mr. Red
mood's brother, John. She lefts
husband and one child to mourn
her loss.
Axel Anderson wu np from
Progress, Tuesday, and was m
companied by the Gust in brothers
Mr. Anderson's father became vio
lent, Sunday, after several days of
drinking, snd be procured a gun
end started to make trouble. With
the aid of neighbors bs wss dis
armed, and an insanity charge
lodged against him. He was
brought up and evidence taken by
Judge L. A. Rood and Dr. W. D.
Wood. Axel testified that his
father had these spells every few
month", after drinking, but that
otherwise be wu kind enough, out
side of a certain gruffnsee. He
stated that he did not like to see
him c infined, and commitment wss
then not ordered daring good be
Commencing February 15th and
continuing daily to and Including
Anril 7ih. 1906. and from Hentm.
ber 15th until Ootobtr 31st, 1906,
colonist tickets will be sold from
tbe east to points on Oregon Lines
via Portland.
From Chicago, III $33 00
" Bloomington, III....... 31 80
" Peoria, III 31 00
M 8t Louis, Mo 30 00
" Memphis, Tenn 37 AO
" Omaha, Neb 25 00
" Kawa City, Mo 25 00
" 8t Joseph, Mo..... 25 00
" Sioux City, Ia 25 00
St Paul exceplvia lower
Missouri river gateway.. 25 00
Denver. Colo 25 00
Corresponding rates wilt be made
from other point, and will apply
to all points of Oregon Lines.
A. L. Craig,
General Passenger Ageut.
Tbe tax rolls for Washington Coun
ty, uregon, lor tne year 1805, will
be ope a on Monday, February 19,
1906, snd those paying their taxes
by March 15, 1906, will receive a
rebate of three per cent. Those
paying one half of their Us by
April 2. 1900, may pay the remain
ing one-half by the first Monday ia
October, without extra charge, pen
alty, or interest. Those not pay
ing one-balf of their tax by April
2. 1906, will have added thereto a
penally of ten per centum, and an
interest charge of one per centum
per month, until paid, u tbe law
provides and directs.
J. W. Connell, Sheriff.
And Ex Offioio Tax Collector for
Washington County, Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this
1 st day of February, 1906.
For rent: building in thickly,
eettled community, suitable for a
country store: can set trade of over
90 families, nronerlr conducted.
Apply at tbe Argus office for fur
ther information.
Charles K, Nam, rialnllft, 1
vs. v
Montana P. Mam, ltefemlenl. I
To Montana P, Marre. the ahov named
the nam of the Stat of Oregon, you
are hereby required and commanded to
appear In ih above entitled Court, In the
above entitled ratine ami anwr Hie om
plaint therein filed agwinet you, on or be
(ore th xlrtton of six (rt) week from
tbe date or th first publication of thi
summon in th HilhUiro Argu. Ih find
publication thereof Mug- on toe 16th day
of February ItM). and the last publication
thereof being on th jMh dav of March
MM, lo-wtt : On or before the JWh day oi
March IHtW, and you will take notice thai
it you fall ao to appear and answer said
complaint, th plalnntl will apply to th
Court for th relief prayed lor and de
manded In his complaint, to-elU
Kor a decre dissolving th marrtag
and marriage contract siUling lietween
the plaintiff and the defindaut, on the
ground of desertion, and for III coats
and disbursements of thi suit and for
such other and further relief as may It
proper In equily and good oonaclence.
Thla summons is served upon you hy
publication in the Hillsboro Argus by or
der of the Honorable U A. Rood, County
Judge of Washington County, msde anil
dated February Th, MM, and which ur
dr requtren that you appear and answer
on or befor the expiration of six i) week
from the dale of tbe ti nit publication oi
this summons, to-w It: On or before th
Ma day of March. I Win.
Attonivy for Plslntlft.
fl Oregon
Shor t line
atralMm Pacific
Through Pullmaa standard sad tourist
sleeptag-cars daily to Omaha, Chicago.
spocaae; toartst siceptag-car daily to
Kaaaaa City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping -cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, re-
cJMacbair cars fatal free) to ths
ear abv
Salt Lake, Denver,
Kt, Worth ' omaha,
Kansas City, 81
Louis, Chicago and
4:30 T. m,
ington Atlantic
Salt Lake, Denver,
Pt. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Bl
Louis, Chicago and
ScU r. as.
ington St.
fattTf WailaallaTLew u
ton .Spokane, Wallace
Pullman, Minneap
olis, HU Paul, lu
lutt, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Kat
7:36 a.
aco r. at.
8Uamhlpa between Portland and Ban
r rancisco every nv aay.
River boats on th lower Columbia and
WlUamatt daily topt Sunday.
To and from all point In th East
Tickets via this rout on aa! at all depot
office of lb Southern Paoiflo Co.
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Notice ot Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that th under
signed ha filed In th Cvnuty Court, ol
th Ntal of Oregon, for Washinirton
County, bl final account in th Mailer of
wo aatat ot L.nawig noiti, awwaeeo,
and said Court has set Monday, th Mh
dav of April, 1S0S, at 10 o'clock a. in , of
said day, at in court itooni, tnereor, in
Hillsboro, Oregon, aa th time and plafw
for hearing objections to said final ac
count snd for tbe settlement of said estate.
'Dated at Hillsboro, ou tbia 3rd day of
Marco, I uot
' Administrator of the estate of Ludwlg
u oils, acesa.
tieo. E. Kagley, iltorney for Admr.
Meetoe ot Pinal Sectleaaent.
Notic is hereby given that the under
signed has tiled In th County Court, of
th BUt or Oregon, for Washington
t'ponty, bar final account in tbe matter of
to estate or rump rsghtnng, aeeeaaeci,
and said Court bas set Monday, th ltli
day of April, 1S08, at th County Court
Room In Hillsboro, Oregon, at the hour
of 14 o'clock a m., of said day a th place
and I'm for bearing said Anal account
and lor th final seltleaisiit uf said estate.
" Dated at Hillsboro, on thi Oth day of
area, ivuo.
Adinluietralrii of th UU of Philip
Pagbtllng, deceased
- ueo.
B. Bsgley, Attorney for Admlnis
Administrator's Notic
Notice la hereby given that tbe undenlirn.
ed has been by the County Court nf the
Dial oi uregon wr in county of Wash
ington, duly appointed administrator of
(n estate of Martin Bauberg, deceased,
and baa duly qualified and entered upon
tbe discharge of blsdutle as such,
Now, therefore, all persons having
claim against said estate of Martin Han
berg are hereby required to present the
gain together with proper voucher to the
uiNH"eJiH w, uavw vuius ui ueo. IV,
Aegley.ln Hillsboro, Oregon, within six
W montna irom in aate nereor.
Dated at Hillsboro, on this 8tb day
ofMarob, 1900
Administrator of the estate of Martin
Banberg, Deceased,
Notic of Final Settlement
Notic la hereby given that the under
signed baa Died in the County Court of
th State of Oregon for Washington Coun
ty, bis final account in th matter of the
state of i. 8. Jackson, deceased, and
said Court has set Monday, tbe ltlth day
of April. 1808, at th Court Room in Hills
boro, Oregon, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a.
m of said day, as th time and place for
bearing objections to said final account,
and for the final settlement of said estate.
Datd this 8th day of M' rch, 190H.
Administrator of th eatat of J.8, Jack
son, deceased.
Geo. R. Bsgley, Attorney for Adminis
trator. Smokers like the Schiller and the
Exoellenoi. Taess cigars are of
the best stock. You can't fool an
authority on e good cigar.
Charter OaK Ranges
Cheaper than
j i
Notire isherebv glvttu that the Annual
!tock holders' Meeting of the Hillsboro
Co-omlive Coinnsny will be held In
Oreim Hall. Ilillxboro, tire., on March
V. l'.MI, at imp. ui. This meetliig ie
railed for the purpose of electing a hoard
of direelors for the ensuing year, anil the
transaction of surli other buainiwe as may
legally uorne before said milling,
J. A. IMHKlK.iWy. .
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., Hill March I,
George W, PslUrson, Plalnllll'i
vs. V
Frederick Koshland, Dafondsut)
To Frederick Konliland, the above nsmed
In the nam of th Stat of Oretfon. voti
are hereby commanded and required! to
be and appear in th ahov entitled' imurt
and answer th complaint therein riled
agsinst vou, on or before th eipirstlon of
six (Hi wes from Ih dsi of th first
io-wlt: On or before the 19th day of
April, niuo, tne oat oi me nm punucaiion
being March mh, 1IMI, and you will please
taae notice mat u you isii to appear and
answer said complaint, th plaintiff will
apply to th Court for th relief praysd
for in bis complaint, to-wit:
For a decree that the plaintiff Is the
owner in lee simple or ait or toe west tiaii
of the 8otth Cast quarter of Section In. T.
2. N. R. 2 West. Will. Mr. In Washing;
ton County, Oregon, containing eltily(J)
acres, and that you have no rlglit, title,
interest, clal ni or demand tlicrt In or
tnereto, and roi a users rorevrr barring
and precluding the defendant and all per
sons claiminB hy. through or under him.
from any Interest, till or claim therein.
and for tb costs and disbursements of
this suit.
This summons Is served upon you by
publication by order of Hon, h. A. Rood.
County Judas of Washington Cuuntf.
Oregon, mad and dated on the 8th day of
aiarco, ivw, wmon order require you to
appear and answer llieoomplaint filed In
said cause, on or before the expiration of
six (8) weeks from th data of the first
publication or this summons to-wit: Un
or liefors April IWh, 1908, th first publl
cation thereof being March 8th, IMKI. .
for Plalritilf.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that ths unilerslun
ed Kiecutor of the last will snd testament
of William Manr.ev. deceased, has filed In
th County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Washington County, hi final acoount
In the matter of said estate, and said
Court has set Monday, the ltlth day of
Anru, iimj, at tne uounty tiourt itomn In
HlllHboro, Oretron. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., of said dav, as Mi time and place
or nearing oojections to said nnai ac
count, and fur llnal settlement or said
Dated at Hillsboro, on this 8th day of
nsruu, two,
Executor of tbe last will and testament
or William Mauzey, deceased.
Ono. R. Bagly, Attorney for Kiecutor,
If you want to get well and strong use
Eldelwolaa Hrb Tea
A powerful remedy against all Pulmon
sry trouble, Colds and LsOrlppe Na
ture's own Tonic and Cure for Stomach,
Bladder and Kidney Diseases, Woman's
Friend, snd a positive cure for all their
Prtoe, BO oent: Poipl4
It your merchant ilpe not keep Tbe
Diamsntine Family Rctnedlrs (which
are guaranteed pure vegetable com
pounds) tben order directly from Pacific
Coast Agent, John Ft drat,
With each order the valuable booklet,
"How to Gain and Keep Health," will
be sent free.
i in SH' "" . " ' IJ
- - - -
il i. ..iiiiiiiimiiMliiiiiiiwv 3
1),h...-.s . nrrT JL v
wvVVy I 1SLjI JVILs. l
We want Your Trade
And We Buy
Your Farm Produce
Our slock of titnersl Mtrdis inline wilt
answer your wants. Our dry kxx!i sra
uf th fieal quality, an! our boots and
, shoes txcel. W can still you, t'.toctr-
, irs of the best, for sveryhody.
We Give You a Premium
For every Ten Dollar Cash I'urchas
we glv each customer s ho 14x11 oil
painting. W also tak Farm 1'ro.luc
and pay cash for it.
' . Our line of Farm Mschloe ry, Dmjglr,
etc., will suit yon and our price sr
' right. See our celebrated Keystone
', Wire Fence.
Rowell Bros. (EX Co.
Scholls, Oregon
v m tst mm m m m m m
The btst of all
Bottled for
laVeVaTftSfttaitttV mm J
Our shipment of Land Plaster is now on the way.
.. Book your orders with us early. Buy
land plaster aud you will
Raise Bigger Crops
We are buying in big quantities and can meet all
competition. Leave orders either at
mill or at Second Street Store.
Climax Milling Company
' Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the miller
signed administrator with th will an
nexed of tbe estate of David Monroe, ile
ceased, bas tiled in the County Court of
th Btate of Oregon, for Washington Coun
ty ,-hla Anal account in th matter of said
estate, and said Court has ant Monday,
the Kith day of April, loud, at the Court
R om of said Court In HiUsuoro, Oregon,
in Portland
.,am a aa i
m a m m m m mm
1 at
n drtughl)
Medicinal Use
State Phone
Or eg,
J""1'" aid iinsi ,ut, 'if;, ; ;,,
aoiunilieill ill llld KHfltlfl,
1900 . Hillsboro, this Mitroli n ' .
.'.A. IMIiHIl;
the k,Htt8 ot David Monroe, (1iitoiiih.I
trotor y' Atloriy f'ira.11,,,.,11