MtlUSOftO ARQUS, MAHCH 33, 1006 statered at the Poet-offlce at Hlllaboro, Oregon, m eerond--laas nail enatbs. LUCIUS A. VOSQ. Editor. County Official Paper BabecripUon: On Dollar par Annum. Sit MaaUM, eta,; Thraa Monlha, U ta. laaasd iBvery Thureday -BY- LONO McEINNET It has breo demonstrated that Eillaboro can give a good attand anoa to a high cUm attraction, and tha attendant at the Cmctnt Tbsatrs - last night azploded tha gmandkM fears that the new opera boose bad been built at a matter of folly. . If the management will get first-class attractions they will make tha house pay, and their notion in recently refunding money eollscted for a fake concern show that they mfan businee. Hills boro Uat night had aa fine a play aa one can see in New York or Sao Francisoo, and Meters. Boecow and Adkins are to be congratulated on tbeir ocoaaa. ';. J ' f ,( The Argue hie an article descrip tive of Hon. Walter Tooie, which tkwt gentlemao Inaarta for the ben . ent of republican readers of the Argus. After thorough inreetign tion the gentleman from Wood barn concluded tbat he could reach a large number of eooh voters by qpjng tha oolamn of the Argus and baean. Any articles without the rcgnlar editorial dash below them tfoat not be construed as support far it ia not. Attention, Fanners! I bate at my place, at Glencoe, a Coo Jack, having a fine record for nod colts. Terms to insure, 10. Iboee dasiriog to raise mules should sm thia animal. Mares from a eVanco will be pastured. V. " Wesley W. Paine, Owner. . P. 0. Address, Hiilsboro, R. D. 3 PRINCE HENRY Q. D. Sobmeltxsr desires to inform kU patrons of last year tbat Prince Canry, tbs Clydesdale-Percbrron, riU make tha season of 1906 in 3s county, duplicating, as nearly aa possible, toe route of last year. THE MARKETS, .., . Tbia mornings market reports, eora piled from Portland quetationa, are: ..... Valley Wheat, new. 68. Barley feed, $23.50(324; brew ing, 1241; rolled, $24 snd 254. OaU, White, $27 50. Oata, gray, $27.00 per ton. rJs.117 per too. Llay, Timothy, K 0, $17 $18 Valley, $8$9; grain, $78. Hay, Clover, $7 50 and $8. Potatoes, fancy graded Burbanks, SO cents per hundred Efts, Oregon ranch, 1616i. Batter, Extra Creamery, 30 324 . . Hops choice 1905. 101(H eta. ' Pacific Montis-Abe finest Coast Magaiins, $100 per year. Argus and Monthly for $1 60. Get your winter reading now. .' Raedrille preaching services by the pastor, Rev. Robinson, Sab bath, at 3:30 p. m. All are invited A full choir and excellent music' . NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS Tbe tax rolls for Washington Conn ty, Oregon, for the year 1905, will be open on Monday, February 19, 1906, and those paying tbeir taxes by Marco lo, itw, will receive a rebate of three per cent. Those paying one half of their tax by April 2, 1906, may pay the remain ing one-half by the first Monday in October, without extra charge, pen alty, or interest. Those not pay ing one-half of tbeir tax by April 3. 1906, will have added thereto a penalty of ten per centum, and an interest charge of one per centum per month, nntil paid, as the law provides and directs. J. W. CoBoelL Sheriff. And Ex Officio Tsx Collector for Washington County, Oregon. Dated at -Hiilsboro, Oregon, this 1st day or February, 19W. COLONIST RATES Commencing February 15th and continuing daily to and including April 7th, 1906, and from Septem ber 15th nntil October 31st, 1906, e&loElst tickets will be sold from the east to points on Oregon Lines Portland. . .. From Chicago, 111.. . . $33 00 Elooroington, 111... ... 31 80 Peoria, III 31 00 ft Louis, Mo , 30 00 Ham phis, Tenn...... 37 50 Omaha. Neb........ 25 00 " Caneas City, Mo 25 00 f Jeepb,Mo 25 00 Clow. City, la. 25 00 Ci Pad except via lower tllouri river gateway.. 25 00 H-?sr.Oeio 25 00 Ccrposiliif, rates will be made ten ctia pdote, and will apply t C taiata of Oregon Lines. A.L.Craig, General Passenger Ageat. Walter L. Tooze, Candidate for Congress A former Washington County Man in the Primary Race (For the Republican Renter of the Hiilsboro Argus.) Walter Lincoln Tooze, of Wood burn, was born at Pitteiietd, Lorain County, Ohio, in ISM. Iit an orphan at the ese of five yean, he lived with an unole, Jantee Tooxe, at Brownhelm, Ohio, where he wis reared and educated. Ia 1 S77 he started West and landed at New berg, Oregon,'among strangers and withont a dollar. Nothing daunted, be worked on a farm forQ number of yean, then taught in tbe public reboots of Washington County, ard was ranked as a teacher of ability. On April 22, 13S5, be married Mips Sadie A. Barnes, cf Tualatin, an accompliehed vocal ist. From this union there are four children, one daughter and three eons, two rocs being twins. Mr. Tocie located at Woodburo in December, 1SSG, and formed a partnership with his brother, Charles T Tocze, the firm carry ing on a general merrbandire business for ons year, when Charles T. retired, and be continued lh business alone, enlarging thett-ck and transacting such sn immense business tbst hs bees me kmwn far' and wide as ""The Produce end Merchant King of French Prairie " Mr. Tooze ia an ardent Republican and baa been qnita active in politics. He waa a delegate at laree from Oregon to taa National Republican Club Conven tion at Denver in 1H04; Chairman of tbe Manon County Conventions of iSqj sad 1898; Chairman of tbe Republican Slate loovcauon at Astoria in ISqH; Mas been Mayor of Wood burn, school director, and has held other positions of public trust. Gifted with eloquence, he bsa been called upon to campaign the State dar ing some of our most strenuous cam paigns of recent years when men of marked ability were required to uphol.l the principles of tbe party. In 1896, during the silver azitatioa. he bad sev eral debates with the leading exponents ot rree coinage. 10 all tnstancea he demonstrated his superior logic and ability as a debater ia defense of Repub lican principles. During tbe past twenty years be has made speeches throughout the State for tba Republican party. An entertainiug. intelligible, fluent and eloquent speaker, his services have been in great demand. Mr. Tooze attended the Grand Lodge of Foresters of America in 1903 at As toria aad in 1906 at Portland, the Head Camp Session of the Woodmen of tbe World at Salt Lake in 1900, and at Loa Angeles in I905, when he made battle for retrenchment and reform in tbe ad ministration of tbe affairs of the order snd earned the convention with him He waa also a delegate to tbe Fraternal Congress at Mackinac Island, Mich., in August, 1905. He is also a member of the Elks, A. O. U. W., Women of Wood craft, and the Grange. Mr. Tooze advocates: A deep sea harbor at Coos Bav. with 40 feet at the bar, and a 35-foot channel to Maranncld. Improvement of Yaquioa Bav and other West coast harbor. Deepening the Columbia River chan ael and improvement of ita harbor. Government pnrcbase of Oregon City iocks ana deepening channel Willamette KIVCT. Stringent laws to secure total ezcliis ion of Chinese and Japanese laborers from this country and to protect oiean ized and unorganized American labor. Giving power to Inter-State Commerce Commiaaion to remedy any existing abuses and injustices in freight raiea. Abolishment by law of passes, franks or free transportation. Granting free Rural Deliver? carrien S150 per annum for none nire. Knactment of laws giving adequate protection to railroad em cloves envaeed in this hazardous occupation. Payment of liberal penaions to Ameri can soldiers, sailors and Indian war vet erans Election of United States Senators hv .1 ' me people. MMct observance of the Direct Pri mary, Initiative and Referendum. Prompt completion of the Panama Canal. National aid to the imorovement of tne puotic nignways. Especial consideration and support of me unguium projects 01 mm district and Eastern Oregon. urge share for Oregon of Govern ment contracts for supplies. Bonafide settlers should have prompt relief in the matter of securing govern ment title to homesteads. Promotion of the enormous, undevel. oped resources throughout tbe State of uregon. Words to be printed on tbe official ballot: "Will support President Roose velt's plan of government control of rail road rates."- Try Heinz' pikcles at H. Weh- rung & Sons. The finest salt herring you ever eaw, 20 oents per dozen, at Mes singsr's. Ladies' Aid of Congrrgational Church will give a meatturing social of March 31. FROM THE GALLERY By Caaataace D'Arcy Mackay. CVayrkt. WUV er C, K. SatvluT Tby at In tha ant row t tbe ami Wry. Now tbat tea tumult ot tha rose waa over th girl had time to take it ber hat and smooth her rvmipled balr. She vu still Itrvathlaaa. and barchaaks wm glowing. Tba man beside bar turned aud looked back triuwphautly. "We did prwttjr well to get thla far truut." ba aald. nbact a a wbalo tot nt i.w back tbera auodlug u. Ifa alwaya a lmvkaj bouaa for aa art star ar-ovr." "Yea." amwutej tba girl vagttaly. "You It's all ao-aa uaw aad aa atrange. l'va ouljr bacu to tba tbaatar ouo bvfora In mj life. Tbat waa whaa Vnola Beu took lue to aa Sbora Acraa.' Oh. tbat waa so roal! I could almost belteva It waa tm. Will tbla ba like Sbora Acre,' do you ttibikT The uma spread bia ragTattiua awt on bin kueo. "Well, na, sot eiacu." b atuwered "This Is 'Roaieo and Juliet.' I aiift strong oa abakoapoare luyncif, but I thought you salght nka to e It, Kstber." , ' "Tbauk you. Mr. Stubbine," aald thej girl, with a grateful glanea. She waa a pretty girl, fair hatred aad fragile "peaked looking was tba waj vie iopia m ner auut a dntgr aide iHMrdliig bouae deacrtued bar whoa (bey spoka of ber at all, for aa arrant girl, diah washer and general drudga battier waa not uaed to much eoaatd- era tion. Tba boardera aeldow noticed bar True, there bad baon tbe gawkj art atudvut who used to take delight la drawlog bar thin, delicate profile, aad who always murmured "ayuituetle' wueu 8ha pasaed blut tba pick lea, but until Mr. StubbuM came bo ono aeat bad gtreu. her so much aa a klud word. He apoke to ber when they mat la the hall, and once ba had taken bar to walk lu tha park. It waa after that that he had asked ber to go to tba theater. Mbea tbla piece of newa ape aad among tha boarders tbey exchaagad significant glauces, but whaa tha play turned out to ba "Borneo and Julief It mm. as vmtut, "1 aqft Lovssuanto. eemed as If tbe okUnai bad reached. One of tbe married sniffed reminiscent. "I remember me and Jim went years ago, when we wer first engaged, and we bdd hand all during tbe last a at" ir you marry air. BtubNae yaw won't have to work se bard." aged an other of tha boarders kindly. Esther opened ber browa eyes wage ut aa astotUabed gumoe. la bad not thought of Mr. Stabbios as s aaamoa eg escape. He was not aa Ideal lover. Be was red faced and puffy, with abaar mally large bauds and feet SOU, aa Esther acknowledged to herself, ha was kind, kinder than any one else bad ever been In all ber Ufa. - As for the play, tbe words of "Borneo and Juliet" meant nothing to bar. gee bad never beard of tbat Immortal trag edy of youth and love. But tbe tbooejM of going to tbe theater was a wonder ful rift in the gray of bar existence. When the great night arrived ber fsv gers trembled so tbat aba could hardly fasten ber simple gown. Her aunt,' kindled Into kindness by tbe unexpect edness of tbe situation, helped Bet dress. "It will be a great thing far you, Eaty," she said, "If Mr. fttubbiaa should ask you to marry bun. Besides, I've got enough to do to look after lay-; self without taking care of you. 1 beg you'll always remember bow kind I've been to you, Esty, and bow I've lot twa Lwork for your beard and given ye a home. Now, dont sit star tug. Ilka a bump on a log, when he's talking to you, and don't have that faraway leek In your eyes tbat you've got there that minute.' ' Tea. aunt," said Esther, thinking more of the theater than of Mr, tub- tins. - And now at last she wss tasre-sa-slda the theater. The lights, tbe mu sic, tbe sense ot waiting for one knew not what iill were Ititoxlesflng. Mto hardly saw tbe hurrying ushers, tbe people taking tbeir place. At length eauia tbe mgit Instant when tbe over ture died to a whisper, tbs footlighta shone luminous in tbe darkness as4 tbe great curtain roeeTrtowTy'gJvTng to view a scene in Verona, . When It fell there was a thunder ef applause, of which Bather sseaed te bear only tbe eobo. "A -ah!" aba breathed, with a little shiver, sad ia spite of ber aunt's lnstruetlons tbst was the only word she spoke all the evening. Mr. Stubblns gave hp all ef forts at conversation and contest tad himself with fazing about the bene ot watching the fliiabed, rapt face of tbe girl beside blm. At length tbe final curtain feu. Mr. Stubblns smiled at Bstfeer. ."Pretty good show tbat waa," be observed sjeav lally. . ! oca at We velee awakened Earner frees ber dream of romance to the actual pres ent of boardlac swaee and drudgery. "Yes-ob. yea. Mr. Stubbloar she said. The taah bad left ber cheek, and she waa very pale. , ' Tbey spoke Uttle aa tba way bout a. CatiMr waa thinking of what aba had aweu. Mr. Stubblns waa wondering whkh was tha easiest and ulckeat way to propuas. On the steps of ber aunt's boarding house tbey paused. Tbe atreet waa very still. Tba ugly rows of houses opposite were touched by moonlight auvh Moonlight aa silvered tbe streets of Verona Wag ago. Mr. Stubbles cleared bis throat. "Esty.' be began. "I ami much at tovamaklug. like that Roaaeo fellow we aaw tbla wetting, but ay beeluae la oolag wvlt, ami I'm thinking ot settling down. You'd make a Bus tittle aoaeekenpsr. I took to you from tba first you must have seen that and -and I want you to marry we." Aa Esther Haeaaed aha bad a fleet ing vlaloa of Itoaieo, How gracefully be bad stood beaeath tbat flower bung balcony, wbtte Mr. Htubblua, red from the uawoateduaaa of ktveiuakuig, look ed niore awkward and florid than ever. She gave a little gaap of pWaaure, Mr. Stubblns thought. ' He auilled beuef Iceutly. "Ut manse you'ro surprised," be said, "aad tfa oaly natural. But I aieaa what I say. You're loaoly aad I'm lonely. I'll gie you a good home, aad you'll never be sorry tor marrying ma. Bather aiade a quick, deapatrtug ges ture. "Walt. Mr. Stubblna!" abe cried. "I haven't said tbat I'd marry you. Aad I eaa't say It, becauea I don't kive you. Oh, I know you can't uudarataod. but there are things a girt wauta more than a home a thousand tttnre more I hope you're not angry with me, Mr. Stubblna, for you've alwaya been so kind, aad I'll aever forget your taking ma to see a play tbat abowed me what lava really aieeae." She vanish ad Into tbe houao, leaving tbe aatonlabed Mr. Stubblns agape oa tbe doorstops. "Welt," he ejaculated. "that beats aU! A man apeuda hie good money to take a girl to a sho aad thea she goes aad acta like that! I thought seeing Romeo would fit mat ters, but you never can depend on S woman, anyhow." ' vadia? a'lHfrF. " "Jena Henry, aa you go te tbe office stan around aad ask my drwsamaker when she can otaa," "Tee saaaa that young woman with cheeks Oka psaeaaa, teeth of pearl a halo of golden hair aad a laugh that nukes yoa think of angels? Sure I'U step area ad, aad I'M wait thare for aer." "Never aitad. I'll be go lug out and can attend to tbe dreaamakar myself. And It wont be that one either" The but remark waa inaadlble. but .aayway J oka Henry waa chuckling so hard ba weald not have heard It.-Pbll- FOR STATE PRINTER i I hereby announce my candi dacy for the Republican nom ination of State Printer at the primaries, April 20, 1906. I pledge the people of Ore gon a great reduction of the present enormous cost of the office if elected State Printer. Willis S. Dun i way "'LOTKIXS SEED SOWER ay MiUue W dene, TIMSf , HU Bt,riai,Mi. WUIks aMtotarrortoeVwtl e 4a tmt. ........ IU9 tt sMt aWaaWfaTaeJST. SMeewV t Onwn arse. Afoate waata. W.I. BVSS, L.BsMea.M. Anyone wanting seeders can get them from E. S. Shattuck or at Bx 39, Hiilsboro, R, F. D. No. 4. t IKSVSUY at OCaWIX All kinds of Fresh Meets. Prices Rea- tonable. Will meet all competition, i Chickens and Poultry always on bund apoa order. Free delivery to all parti f tbs town. Wa bay tat stock. fl fasMsWTsSMkf, ff&TUsWO, Of, THE Massachusetts Mima VJt Insurance Co. lacsvasxertaej MSI DrVidends Paid Annually Insurance in the Massa chusetts Mutual Life In surance , Company gives Unrivaled Advantages. 1st. Because of tbs Fsmoas Non forfeiture Iosursnce Laws. Bccanasof Superior Economy " " Annnal Dividends " Everything Participates ," Ita peat record Is clean ' Its coat rscissre tbs best 3d. 4tb. 5tb. 6tb. efore fan Uaure ace us N. G. C0LT0N, Manager, ' Chamber of Commerce JAMS SUIT, District Agent, Portleutd, Ore. ft raalM SUMMONS IN TUB ClRCrtT COUKT OV THK STATK OK ORKtlON. rot WAfrlMKUTOX txiVNTY William U. Lung. I'laliitttt") Winnie Lung, IVrVmlanli To Hliinia I.uiiK, the above tiaaied tie iMttianii In the naina of the Sluts of Orfirou, yon are hereby reuuirrd to Pr ami answer tba onniilalit IIImI herein within six weak frniu too date of the Ural uubtka lion of tbla iim inmts, and It you fail ao to appear and answer aaid complaint, tha planum l apply to the court tor tha ro ller tlainailtled In his iiiplint, to wit- Kor a ilwree iliwuilvlng tbe aiarnaira eon lraH now e.iattna txtwaeu plalnlilT arul dentulant, ami Air audi other and further relief aa to the Court mar appear riiulia lile, 'I'he dale of the And of tbla auamioii la War. Ii in, Mtl, and Ilia or der eiithortilna: Hie sarvica of tbla sum mons by piitilit-aUon reiitilraa you to ap pear ami answer 011 nr befora Ibaeiplra linn of six weaka truin said data Thia iiiiiiiuin U served uimmi you by publication by oMer of tba lloimrabla C A. KiHkl, Ju.lm of the County Court ot Washington County, Omt.iu, by an order made ami .i .m.l at Cbaiuliaraat IlilUlmrtt, Oragon, tha -Mh day of Frbniarv, Itta). JtillN N. WAI.I., Attorney for I'lalntln" SUMMONS IN TIIR CIKCl'IT COURT tir THE BTATK OV ORKUON, Kt)R WASHINOTON COUNTY I'alled Htatea National Hank, a enrpnra- Hon, flaiiitlrt, vs. A. R. Kauiio and Ada Fanim. hl wifa Corilolla Jolinsou, iitria of Hie lat Will ami TestMinentnf Arthur H. Johitson. ileoeawsl ; Hteplmn ,M. Jolinxin and Kli.a Jobnaon, hia wife aleri'y Narab Jobnaon and Charlea J. lobnon, her husband; Charles N. Johnw n ami Annie 1. John ton, bia wile; Cnnlella J. Dunbar ami Thoniaa N Ibiubar, her himluiiidi Mary It. lark hunt and ll. K. I'arkhurM, ber husband; Anna Uav Wyllle, aln!: Caro line Van VorhlK Hlhhard and ttiiy A. Hibtr.l, her hiitban.l; Hamillnn Koy.l Johnaon. unmarried; Anhur II. Johmun: Admire T. U Johnaon; Merev A. Vhet. er ami Ira Wbi-elor, bur hoahaml; Matlbla K. Miller ami Claude Miller, her husband; Charlotte M. Jobnaon; (ieorae N. John sou; Hsrland A. Johnson; Saille Jolinaon; Carrie N. ibUnt and J. B. Hibliard, her huabaml; llefeiidants. To the Imlomlanta, Mer.-y Karah John son ami Charles A. Johnaon, ber bus baml;Mary H. I'arkhuM and II. K. t'ark burst, her hulaiid Hamilton IWivd John sou. Arthur It. Johnson and Admin T. U. Johnson; and Sa.lie Johnson; IN THB N AMR or THE STATK (r UKKdON You ate hereby required to appear and answer tba complaint Bled strains) you In the above untitled court and ravsa on or before lbs 4th day of May, IMUS, that being the time fixed by the court for you to appear and answer heroin and all wawks Imm the liral publication of thia suainions, anil If ?o.i fall so to appear and anawer, the plainlitr will apply to the court for the relief demamleJ In tha com plaint, to-wit: That the defendants ba required to ast forth the nature of their claim, ifanv thay have, to ilia Houtli hair or Lot Eight (M), In Yarex' Nub Dln.lon of Beotl.m Twentv one (21) Township One (1) South, Range Ons(l) Wenlorthe Willametla Mondial. v aahtnnton County, Oregon; and tbat the court may determine ajildenree the claim of defemlanta void anil of no effect; that plaintiff ba decreed the absolute owner In lee aim pie of aald real property; tbat tb title of plaintiff ba quisled against tba da fendar.ta; tbat defendants ba required lu execute a deed of aald real proiierty to plalmlrt, and that on failure to do so with in ten daya after the rendition of lbs de cree aald decree shall aland aa ami for a conveyance; lor Ita rosla and disburse ments; and for such olbxr relief aa tbe court may deem Just In the promisee. This summons is published once each week for sis sucntssivs weeks by order nl tba Honorable U A. Rood, Judge of the County Court of the Male of Oregon lor tne- County of Wanhtiiirton. dated the nb day of March. IMM, directing the first publication ol this summon to be mads on tbe 2Uml day of March, lum, and tbe laat publication to be made jin tbs Will, daytof May, HUM and directing the tie. fendanta to appear ami answer on the lib day of Mar, IMM. RICHARD W. MONTAOUR, Attorney for Plainlitr. First publication, Mar. h iKnd, A, U., lflUOa) Administrator's Notics. Notice is hsrebv aivan. tbat I. lha under. sbtned.Jhave been, by the County Court niLi.SBORo . orccon ..Central Meat Market.. EMMOTT BROS., Prop., aiiiiiri to O. Wttswy Keep constantly on hand a fins . supply of fresh meals of all kinds. A Maw Cra In Prfomm We are going lo sell meats at priest low er than those which have prevailed in tbe past. Call in and see us. We mess business. 'Phone and Free Delivery Ifaia Street, opposite Tsalstls Hotel Blllsbors, .OrrgoB. AT CORNELIUS I bavs opened sn office in Cornelius for Ihe present t practice Drugless Healing snd Optometry, st tbe bouse of Mr. Lewis, three blocks north of Baseline rosd. Glasses fitted while you wait. All work guaranteed. Esamlnation free. Look for tbe blue flag with white center. DR. BATON. EDS0N & PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE Farm Lauds and City Protvcrty for sale or rent. Some fiue BUSINESS AND RLSIDINCE I0IS ICR SMI CIIIAP IN CORN! I IIS A city that has no city tax and U out of debt, und with uioucy in the treasury. a Aildivu, Cornellui, On. e Sherirs Sals Notli Is hereby glrsu Unit lV virtue uf au execution luiiet out of the County. Ikmrt. of the Hlateof Oniton, lor Wash-1 Inglou Cimuty. liearina ilale, the 17th day , of February, ItkM. In favor of Oeu. .H. hnl- inerlrh and Kdw, kdw. Nrhuluierlcli. nartneni doing bimlnesa aa tsolmUiiaricb Itrua , aaralnat Msn-us Peterson for the sum of 11.0? with Interest thereon from tha I7lh day of February, Itajf, at the late of per eeiit. per annum ami the further sum uf S7.Ow.tli Interest thereon from the 17th of February, ttarj, at the rale ol a par twul. par annual, for want of sulttrieiu iK-roi.l pnipsiiy I have levied unu and will ml Monday, the Aid day uf April, IMM, al the Hon Hi door of Uie Court llouso In Ililla boro, Waslilngton County, Oreun. at tha hour of 10 oVIook A.M.. of said day. sell at public auction to tha htahaal bld.ler lor cash lu hand allot the following- dewnrlhed real protwrty naioiiattig 10 toe tieivnuant, ..I .u.,ii.-.,i.ri 11.1 ..n.. m..ii.. weatquart irof lha .Vortheaat quarter; the evac dlseolvtng Hie boHdanf tuslilnmiiv Northwest q.iartor of the Hotitheaat quar - now lteeu plsintirt and ila lar; the HouibesJl quarter of the Northwest hmdenl and such oilier i-ll.l as Hiecmrt ouartait am tha North Kul nuarter nf the Month tt e quarter of section II. T. I i. ft aw.iir t IMS Willamette alert. tun. Washington County, Oregon, containing PM anres, to saUsfy lha hereinbefore named mills and llie isials and eaoeiisea of aale, ." Hst.l nrunerlv will la sold auhliul 1.1 rs- deniiilion ss per ataiuie ofOreaon. n lilies my can.i on tins -jMk day or Feliruary, IMU, i JOHN W. CONN KM. Khsilfr nf Washington County, Oregon. Ueo. K. Hagley, Ally. Air PlaintllT. SUMMONS THK C1R0UIT COIIRT or THK IN MTATK or ORKOON. roR WASHINOTON COt'NTV 1 Pactftc Railway NavlaaUon Comnanv. a Corporation, Plainllrl. v. J. II. Itooley and Ufsyslta UtMilsy, Ie- rendanta. To Ufsyelte Dooley one of the abut s nan.ed defendants; 1 u lha name of the Blate of Orea-on. vou are hereby commanded ami required to ap pear In tba circuit court of Ilia Hlale of Oregou fur Washington County, and anawer the amended complaint of the PlalnMfl therein tiled aaainat vou. on or before the expiration of ail IS w eeks fmin me naia or tne pu Duration or inia sum iiioiis lo-wll :-On or before the 3rd day ..f:aii.lcs.h of y..u are baicl.y rilejaiitl rr. May, IMM. Ibattratpiiblli'ationtharasirbe-jqutrfHl to anwar tn Ilia loiinlv Court of Ing lb rind dv of March. ItajL and vuu the Hisia ii iir..,,.. f... n, i.. ... ill please take unllnv. that If von fall to art apiear and anawer said amandad coat - plaint, the plaiullfl will tale judgment aarasnat you, eondeninlng and approprlat- lug to it use, for tba iinriMae of sreotine. construRilng matnuiiilng sud arsllng its railroad for Hi carnage of MMeiiirer . . . ej ssMiisnop earner lor nira, rigni 01 way uiK.n ami aero a tract of land situate in Waahlnrton Crninlv. Ore- Kn, owned Jointly by yourself snd J. H. uoley, described ss follows, to wit: A strip of land i rest In width, being 30 foot wide on each aide nf the renter line of tba Pacific Railway A Navigation Com pany's railroad, aa aurrsyed and located and slaked out across the Houth West quarter of Beetiob thirty one 3I Town ship two (2) North range ll.rea (a) West, aaid strip being mora particularly des cribed a ttillowa. to-wlti - lleglunlng at a point Twelve Hundred Ninety Three and Nine Tenths (laa.ttifiwt North of the One Uuartar 1 1. 1 corner be tween (section His and Thirty on . I W.i., ... . V.-. of Rang three - a - Wst running thenrs -91 .ivwiuuiiHunf iuhi iTDiiann North Thirty Two-3 degrews Eighlaan in nunuiea tv est; ruueu numireil Ninety Two and Pour Tenths feet to a point, tbenoe Kasl Hevanty and nine renins -u. 1 -70 -fVellospol,tb., y Two -M-degrea. Klghuen tea Kaat Pourtoen II Jmlre.1 and Hlx Taiiths-U...8- feet il.onns H....ih nn. ll .i Booth Thirty T 18 tnlnutea ' FIR N na six I'.r. : " o :.r.r"A-j .7". j k ix.iii, iiinicw ooui.i uns iiiinuren t Twelve and Three Telilha -112.S- feet to th. r i....t... ik. 1 . . .:. iiro.rlated ooniaiuing Two and Klaveti Hundredths 111 Jul screa, Kor tba pnrpoaee set forth In tha plain, tiff's amended eompuilnl rtlsxt In aald Court and cause and for the mats and ills bttraementa of Cil. action. 1 Ida auminoiia la served upon yon by publication by order of Hon. Thomas a. McBrlde, Judga of tha aliove entltle.l Court, made and dated In open Court on the Wth day of March, liOl, and which order requlrea the publication of thla summon for all -fl- oonsecullva ami 'lv" weeka, beginning with the Is- 4 ot flie Hlllsbufjii Argus detail Mar. h si, ending with the issue I hereof, sVel afsy 3rd, iSot, and that you appear aad s- ewer on or belora Ihe expiration of ft a weeks frdmths dateot tba Oral a ttion or said summons, to-wit: a e raefors May ard, IS. S, tfiKiirrlt' It n.nrpv !Ltl Attorney for Plalnllir, Sheriff's Sale Motica is hereby given tbat by virtue of sa eaecution, decree and order of sale Is lets ut of and under the teal of tbe cir- K?t ssurt of the State of Oregon for the loswi ot wasntngum, itateii the soth 't a? Marrh, 1906, in favor of L. L. ) Jer, plaintiff and against James V. t. nt, defendant, for the sum of fn Swavsand the further mini of $77.66 with lr-tarsst thereon from the loth day of lJkKa. 1906, at the rate of H per cent, '-y 'Ilium, and in favor of F. C. Hauu ' - id against tbe defendant James 1'. r.. . .. . e. . . . r . .. . ... a s;r lu. me iiiriocr eiliuoi S7I.yj Wlln lntrret thereon from the 19th day of Marcn, 1900, at tne rate 01 b per vent, per annum, and the further sum of J7.J0 costs, to me directed and delivered, com manding me to make sale of tbe real firoperry hereinafter described, 1 have evied upon snd pursuant to said execu tion, decree and order of sale. I will on Monday, the ajrd day of April, 1906, at tne Bouin ooor 01 tne court bouse In Ilillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock a. tu., of nuid day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the follow ing described real property, lying, being and situate In Washington County, Ore- ?;on, and more particularly, described as ollows, to-wit: All of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) of and in Block Twenty Five is) of and In the Town of ' Braverton, Oregon, as shown upon the duly recorded plat of aid Town of Beaverton, to satisfy tbe hereinbefore named sums and for the costs and expenses of sale andsald writ. Said sale will be made subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon. Dated at HilUboro, Oregon, this aotb day of March, 1906. JOMJN W. UONJNELL, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. H. T. Bagley, attorney for plaintiff Geo. R. Bagley, attorney for defendant F. C. Hausafus. .aasessssssssssssa SUMMONS IN THK ClltCt IT lOl'UT OK THK IsTATK OV 0KK1ION, Kol! VArH INtlTON COI'NTY W. It. VaulManiMii, Jr., Plainlilti vs. Kmily M. Vs11l1isr11.11., IVI..11.I..1.1I To Kmlly M. Yaiilllercnm, tMnmlsul; III Ihe'usme of Hie Hals ol lltexun, y.m aia hereby uolilled thai Hie plaiiilir) here in baa Blsil a ixiuiplauil i(ii.t yon In Hi atH.te entille.1 court ami cause a nl yon are hereby reUlml to spiwsr ai.d suwsr tba aai.l complaint on or before the last lav ol the lime presertlieil by lha urder of publlcatlnu, hereaif, to-wit, On or lx.ira the nth day of April, IHU. ami that II ynn fall so to ansavr the com pistol 111 ii a mis apieamm lierein, the plolutllt a lit oauee your default lu be etiioml ami a III apply to tbe court f ir Hie relief prated lor lu the tim rora il.r.v rr III the com pi ti'v .leem equiiame ami me. iueusi of Ilia first pulillrattou of Hits sumiiiima U Thutwlay, Uie &'ml day of rVhrusty, put, and the last publication thermit is Thursday, the.Vh day of April, ln-i,, n, his summon Is to b pnlillshel no 1nurlsy of each week for a iii.hI o -ii areeka IsHwieei, asia dslm, 1 bis euiiitiiia la published by ur.ler of Hon, Thomas A Mcllrlda, jii.lno id ssl.l eourl ma.lf in I bamlirr lu aald cause oil the Net day ol Pebr iary, A. I., Itasl. . CIUH. J. HI HNAIIKI,, Attorney for I'laiutln. CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT K THK HTAT1 Or ORKtlON, Poll THK OOUNTV OK WANIIlNtlTON In tbe Mailer of the Klale i N. M. Howell. Ieceaae.l. ) To J, II. Ilowall, J, M. Howell Zoro Raker, Klltabetb lld, Hertlta, Xora Andersuii, (tiaiiulr Raker, Mild rial Maker, Orllla Maker, Mvrtle Udd, Hur tiiigton IaI.I. the unknown heirs of James H, Howell, the unknown heirs of Ulelliis lloaell. lha unknown heirs of J son Hiephenaon. the III. snow 11 heirs of Kllrabrih Huniphrer, theunhuoau hells of Margaret Peck arid the unknown heir of Teuiierama Heal, tlreeting; In tha lisiiie uf llis Hlsls tit 1 h. ... ! Waablnelnn. at ihe n.ort f of, at lllllalwrti. In Ihe Couulr .f ; Washington, oil Monday, lha '.tllh .ly ,.r Mnh, Tiau, al 10 o cl.s k A. M. of sal. I da, sn.1 llmu sml n,.r.. 1.. .1.. ......... .f auy yon have, why an older of said Court . ahotild not bt made authnrlrtiia andmn. fiowerliig r.lloalieih II. la.ltl. Admin... 1 tratrli. with the will siiikskI uf .. r. late of Is, H Howell. lose! the l..l..sng described real pnqwrty, al piiblle sm lion, to-wit; Plrat Tract-tlegliiiilng al tha North W eat corner of HliM-k one tl) North, In lha Town of Tualalln. Washington Con.iiy, Oregon, and running Ih.-me Homh lta feet, thence Kl Iw fl-ei, them North 10U fset, and 1 1. mice Wrst list fret lo lha plu-a of begluiitng, Maevhd 'l sa.-U -All of l,a Notlli-Ka.l half of I t Hire (d) in lll.x-k two i) .North in Ihe tn 11 of Tualatin. Wa)ilngion Coiimy, Oregon. Third Tract.--Tha R...H. c..i i.-ir ..t bit three l,1i blnck two (Vi Sorih, uf lha - in - . .. ... ! A!lt, lu,l""'i ""li.gloti t oiiuty, Oregon. .r.ou.r!b Trl,', Tll V" lai r of SM 1 . (8) In block (9 North, of lb Town of Tual- sun, tt asniiigtori ixiuiuy, tiregon. Plftb TraiH.All tbst portion of wXAh h.lf H .n,h HI"'" "f JJ,. h',fTof H" J t';rler ..f h!J hI .it L V.'-ftJJl' "' 1 71 ili n .frL "" H,v" ""'""' I 'lire (.i) acrea. r.tiig 1 l. r. . , i ...... , , . . , 1 ..P." .('.,r .'? lt'llon of .sl.l Ad nipiraim nieo rierein .Wilnee,lhe Hon. U A. Itood, Jt(,lKt or tha t ounty t'ourt of the mate ,,r tir,.n. for WeahlliKtuu County, atlh the Heiil of .m ioiin aiuxeu una 11,1 ,iny f J,m,.r, nary, Altmt: (Heal) K. 1, HODMAN, Clerk. First Meeting ol Creditors IN THK Ii.'HTiUCT ('till It i" iiv tu m UN ITKIi HTATKS KOI I Till: DISTRICT OK OUKiliiN In the mailer er Arthur K. Dsl ev, ad judged a tian km ot ' 7 ere .y Kirsi, itlut oil MaMl si7.i 1- uiTl . " '"ol,et" Hip under. iKli S H,,llM,,or". ., M the ola.-e fr the Unit ninetiiiKof creditor or said bank- i.'.'.l'i-V v,l'',, U""' I'11"' 'l Meison ntaraated may attend u, , 1 a bankrup , 11(,,f ,(, ih :.l!"'l ' T,'u"l'' lr"',l stu b Dated at Fl IHnrort., Mrtroli Ift, l!ju. Ilefereiiiu l!ankruilt y. Administrator's Kol Ice Notl.'fl hereby Klv.n ,st I he Mlor. h" ''""''.by the t:.,nl v Co, rt ,.f the Htate of for Wanhlnirtoii the valuta ol Martin Co fell, ilHwaseil.' the dliwliarge of bis dtillos sn an.-.h 1 r v, menii.ire, all lu.rsoiu Imvlnir claims aalt aaltl , b. ,re re.iulre.1 to pr.Hent lhesai "i the niL 1r'- towther wltb t.roper vour ,rs it Date.1 this Nlh day of March, 1 1 Oil . , , , Jri.U'N coi.kki!t Administrator's Notice e!0hMlhi,l!vyR'Ve,,., "M """""1-rslK.i-2. ,",,)fJ,"bT tba County Court or ih """1 ."oreiorB, ill gainst aub 0 pranant ' 1 law rim. 2,1 a?lth.0.pr8"? th'm iu,; under,,,: wiii'" Uw 0,"oof lo. 11. ItHirlVv Hiilsboro. Orui.n ... 1..... :.'.,!. ,ey "1 .m" ion' "'nether with vouclmrs, wltlilri U (late hereof. Iiroimr ttionths of the 1 ' 1.11 """"-v.'" lllMstMiro, Ore,, iTHUi , J r' ?ny rU',U ''V 1,1 "vaen. titled Court snd tbat Mnr.-li ai, IKK), at the hour of ten oVIook a. 111, tuts I.ik.ii flit Ml Saga (rtea lies taa bh.I at.-