Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
WILL VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. FEBRUARY 15. 1900. NO. 49 SB6R6 V 1 BIG SKKVICK AT OLIO CHURCH SUNDAY Archbishop ChrUtle WaHout And Delivered Sermon s TWO BELLS FOR THE BIG STEEPLE Elottn( Sermon, by Noted 1'relat Heard bjr Itlg Audleoct Arohhishnp Alexander Chriatie, of the Diocese of Oregon, was In the city Sunday ami delivered a char acteristic ermnn in the Cethollo Church, and wat greeted by a large audience. Tb Archbishop hut re cently returned from Rome, where he bad an audience with the Pope, and be carried with him cheering word for church work in Oregon. While here the prelate Mewed the two new bell which art this week to he put in plaoe in the dig stee ple. Tba bell are paid for and the Catholics are very proud ol their achievement in improving tba church. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will eel I at pub lic auction at hie farm II oiilea went of UilUlxiro. on the Baceline road, the following protwrty at 10 a, in , on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Hay tune, ikm; lay hone, ever I500, Irr.l by famoti tulltuu, Oregon; J tooa Hay, 70 tiualitla gooil mK, fartu wagon, y; top buituy. Ml team barn, la Inch plow. rolliriK cutter for plow, 1 cul tivator!, 1 o ctilar poll, foo 1 iech tile. lot 16-lui h wootl. 4 itauda I, 1100 liiiiKlea, lot lumber, 7 lirl cider vtorifar. lot of eraiu aacka, 1 1 cut aawa hooarhuM and kitcheo furniture, Iwd- NtenW and tuallreaaea, tablee, cbalra, rocket, t bureau, koI aa new; Howard i mo, KoaewiMxl caae, cnat J0, new; conk tlovr. 1 beaten, nialiea, lamp, III rycle In good repair, lewing machine, courb, window blindt, H day clock, 36 yarda carpel, anil man other article, " Trm ol Sale. 1 10 and uoden cash; Over 1 10, aeven uionthi time, 1 per cent, intercut, approved note 2 iH-r cent, discount on cash over 110. II. A. Ruble, Owner. 11. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. THE COURT HAS A VISION Hie Honor, T. A. McBride, of the cirouil court and wboee frequent , visit lii-re make bim considered at one of u, it somewhat of a Nimrod and like a hunting or fiibing ex trillion inst aa well aa the next party, The other day he purchased a rills and ihotgun combined and went down to hi St. Helen' ranch to try the new fire-arm. The firit ehot out of the new fowling piece blow out the fir ing pin, the missile just misiung the Court' eyebrow, badly powder burning it, the pin ploughing through an inch plank in the rear The court will not convict himself but it I raid that he taw a vision embracing a broad expanse of water and a tug larade of pearl-ret rock portal Bet in marble, Oothin style a boiling, teething cauldron; two venerable lookli g old men, one wearing a patriarchal beard, tup noted to ba Peter, and the other name unknown, but adorned with horn like unto a Washington County Jersey oow, all thia the space of one second. dole call. It wa Attention, Farmenl I have at my plane, at Glencoe, tine Jack, having a fine reoord for good colt. Term to insure, $10, Those desiring to raise mule (hould Bee this animal. Marea from distance will be pastured. Wesley W. Paine, Owner. P. 0. Address, Hillsboro, R. D. 3, in C. Rehse, of Farmington, was in town Tuesday morning. If von are in want of a suit of clothes come and see us.' We will undersell our competitors. Sohul morion mother. Born, to the wife of H. D, Jen nings, of near (iaston.on February 12, 11)0(1, a daughter, weighing II ijuuuuu, Threw dozen stamp photo, beat ever made in Hillsboro, only l!fo, For this month only .Pope, the photographer. R. D. Montague, one of Port land's democratic warhorseB, was in the city Tuesday, attending circuit court. '.,V' Before purchasing a piano or or gan have a talk with E. L. McCor inick. For quality and prices he cannot be beaten. Frank S. Grant, a prominent Portland attorney, and editor of the Senator, the Pythian publica tion, was in the city Tuesday, at tending circuit court. J. W. Bailey, State food i Dai ry Cotnniinaloner, of Portland, was la town Monday morning, and, no ticing four milk wagons in front ol the livery, said: "That is what please me, Mr. Argu, and do you now, tbit county can have Ih lead In the dairy business, in thi state, if people will just gel in and appreciate their naturalad vantages? Do you know tnat Wasblngton County has more running water than any other county in the state, considering the many natural watershed? Preach this dairy bus- nes into farmers: show them that the dairyman always ha a good market; tell him that saob year, at Portland growe, and as the coun try develop, that the market will be better and better, and gel him nterested 10 . cow. That what makes tbs money, and don't over 00k it." If you want brick for any pur pose, or building blocks for a foun dation, remember that the Urooer St Rowell Company, ol Scholia, can supply your demands. They have one lot 01 lumber, rough and dressed, In their yard, and will meet all competition. Now that your crop are harvested, would It not be a good idea to consider if tiliog will not lucre your io oome. Wet, low spots In the fields, alway giving poor retulle, oan be remedied by putting in tiling. I-et us help you. We can aid you to avoid crop failure on low landa. House and barn bills for lumber on short notice and do not forget that we oan furnish you estimate on snort notice, roet office add Hillsboro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2. Slaty thousand feet of fine, dry snlplap on hand. It is stated on reliable authority that the road proposing to build through Cornelius pass, and then on to Tillamook, and popularly supposed to be backed by Wm. Ketd, has secured a six months' oontraot with the Tillamook people for rights of way. Tbe people to the north of here want lb road, but many are not anxious to tie up with a contract, many farmers, however, say they are willing to contribute to the road when it is built, and say they will enter into uch a oontraot at any time. Schulmerioh Brothers will sell farm implements as follows: 14 noh steel beam plows, $14 50; 12 inch steel beam plows, funU: 60- tooth peg harrow, $12.50; 14-lnoh sulky plow, $45; two horse disc bar row, f.i.fH): H steel axle wagon complete, $60. Buggies, hacks, wagon or every description. We also carry a complete line of hard ware, tinware, stoves, ranges and will undersell Portland on thete articles. Ed. Sobulmerloh slate that while In California he found that the potato market was demoralised and that he found it Impossible to place shipments from tbia county although San Francisco and Oak and buyers stated that tbe Wash ington County shippers Invariably gave them tbe beet pioduct of the stale. While choice Burbaoka are aid to peddle about Portland at w oents per sack this price can not be obtained at the Portland commission hours. We are long on rubber boot and have concluded to out price in or der to dispose of them. It will pay you to come and see us It In need of rubber. We have powder that shoot stump at Portland price P. S. Anderson A Son, Reedville Dr. C. B. Brown, of Portland was out Monday, the guest of bis mother. He was acoompanied by his wife and ion, Hoyl, and Dr. Lindsay, who at one time was pastor of the Baptist Church, of ibis city, and who now resides at Portland, where be is engaged In practicing osteopathy, Clearance tale on skirts, cloak and children's suits. These articles will be sold at cost to make room for our Spring stock. Anyone need ing these articles will save money by oallingat Sobulmerioh Brothers, L. N. Qilnett, who was at Under by, B. C, last seafon, ba accepted a position with a Chehalis sawmill as maiter flier, and ha assumed his duties. Mrs. Qilnett, who visiting her parents, E. L. Abbott and wife, will loin him in a few days. Good Jersey bull, three years old, for sale. Out of Ladd it Reed reg istered bull, and mother la one of tbe best cow in the state. John Yanderwal, Beaverton, R. F. D. 2. No Trouble Whatever Finince the Project POUR MILLI0X9 OP AN ISSUE Lytic Will Build t Aitsria After Tills- took sad Veraoala Word reached Portland last Satur day Ihat E. E. Lytls, of the Pacific Railway A Navigation Company, bad sold bonds to the extent of two millions of do'lar to a San Fran ciico Trust Company, and that the mortgages would be filed in a few days. The statement was ma Je that the road, when completed to Tillamook nd to the N'ehalem, would con nue to Astoria, so a to tap the famous Elk Creek and Cannon Beach section. Word has been sent to the Hill- boro men in charge to puh the grading and track laying a faat a men and mateiul can ell -ct wrk, nd it is expected that Bank will be leached with the track br at leaat tbe 15th of April, provided the weather doea not get loo inclement. Hundred ol men will be put in the hill jutt aa soon a the weath er lettlea for the Summer, and, a tbe work ia not very heavy mook should be reached next Fall. Mr. I.ytle went about hi work lest Kali without any blowing of trumpet. He started his men and within a few weeks had nearly five mile of road built. II remaioed in Portland and transacted bis business of selling his bonds, and had no trouble ti float the Issue. Tbia Is what it means to have the confidence of tbe business world. to II. Haae, of South Tualatin, was in town Monday. DeWitt Merrill was op from be- ow Reedville, Friday. Herman Tburnber, of Cornelim, wa in the city Friday. Lee L. Long, of Portland, wa a Hillsboro visitor Sunday. Perry Gardner and wife, of West Union, wets in town Sunday. Cbas. Meacham was down from Mountaindale the last of tbe week. Bros, are agents for Chatham Fanning Schulmericb the celebrated mill. W. W. Paine, the Glencne ranch er and stockman, was in town rai- urday. Cha. Barrett, of Greenville, wa a gueet of bi parents, W. R. Bar rett and wife, Sunday. Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Kxcelleneia Oregon manufacture. D, B.i Ltuby, of Mountaindale, ... a a was in town baiuruay, ami maue this office a plea-ant call. For a good amoke try Ibe Scbil er or Kxcelleneia ma you win try them again and again. Jake Smith, of North Plains, was 0 town Monuay morning, aoing buines at the clerk's office. Tills before PUBLIC SALE be undersigned will sell at hia ate farm, the Han Rasmusen place, mile northwest ol Reed ville, at ten a. m. on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Span mare, 1100 and ijoo, K and 10; pony, set light hrne; a cow, in milk, traded Icnev: one cow, in milk; 2 z- year heiler. '(reah in apring; lot horte collar, aaddle, Newton (arm wagon; good; ingle buggy, good two-hone carriage, Milwaukee mower, nearly new, hayrack, new: U-incD ateel plow, nar row, cultivator, 6 too baled hay, 6 tona loot bay. lo ton cheat hay, ried clover, 4 tona out and tat bay, between 300 and 400 acka Durham potatoea, piictifotka, ahovela. lioe, rake, X-cut aw, lawn mower, grinatoiie, bed room tet, four betlatcade, t bureau, itand, Kit eitenaioa table, 10-lt eiteuaton tame baby buggy, two couchea, 11 chair, 4 rocker, cupboard, ink. two heater cook atove, clock, disliti, cocking utcn all and nuuieroua other article. I.uncu at noon. Terms of Sale: $10 and under cash; over $10, seven months time, 8 ir cent , bankable notes. Two per cent, off oaah over 10 J, N. owalley, uwner. B P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. C. OF C. Ixwks as Though Promoters of Electric Line Had Money MAKES THE COL'XTV PEOPLE GLAD Satisfaction to Knew Tbat Hot Air Era in Gone Postmaster B. F. Cornelius Mon day sold hi single driving horse to a Portland party, reoeiving $260 for the animal. That Is going some for a driving horse without a pedigree'. For tale: A three and one-hall inoh Mitohell wagon, in fine con dition, with wood rack. Por price and hither particular address, Albert N. Stanton, Hillsboro, Ore. John Ritter, of Helvetia, was in the city Tuesday, Frank Lichty, of Nelson, waa in town Tuesday. C. A. Lamkin made a buiinee trip to Portland, yesterday. Harry Cook, ol Cornelius, waa down to the county seat Monday Sam Sorenaon. of this side of Farmington, was in town Monday, getting ready to do some seeding Dan Burkhalter, ol Farmington, and who is one the progressive dairymen of that section, was up to the city Monday. If you want any kind of hard war it will pay you to travel to Bank and see the Willis Hard ware Company. .Finest line in, the county. . t :j Chas. Johnson and Andrew Jack, prominent farmers of below Farmington, ' were in the pity, Tuesday forenoon. ' J. W.! Marsh, the pioneer of 1852. of Centerville, has sufticient- lv recovered from an attack of pneumonia to get to the county seat, and was down, Monday, re ceiving the greetings of his friends. For the month of February, 1 I will mske good oabinet photos, oval or square, for only $2 00 per dozen. I am prepared to mate toe best pictures ever made in Wash- m . a f- ington county. Jau ana tee t ope, the photographer. Mr. A. B. Bailey and Miss Alice Merryman visited Forest Grove Monday to hear Walker, the famous baritone. He was given a big attendance and was in splendid voioe. Mrs. Chapman sang in her usual good voice and Prof. Chap man rendered several pieces on the violin. Mies Wilma Waggener was the accompanist for the ling ers. It has beeu uany yeara Biuce the Forest Grove people had ao. rare a musical treat. Dan Leity, of South Tualatin, was in town Monday, and went out to the old homestead at Leisy ville. Mr. and Mr. John Halrorsen, of near raruiimuon, were in town Tuesday, and calltd at the Argus office. Earl E. Fioher.of Beaverton, and who is one of the county's popular teachers, was an Argus caller Sat urday. Field peas for seed and Banner teed oats, for sale. Joho Freuden- thai. HilUhoro, Ore, one mile southeast. - - j Thos. Murphy and wife were down from Mountaindale, Monday.! Mr. Murphy reports the roads as getting firsiclass, except in spots. Pope, the photographer, has re ceived a Ike portrait lens. Best work ever done in Washington county guaranteed. C. Blaeer has built a new houe and barn on the Leverich ranch, purchased laet season. Mr. Blastr is getting down to hard work on his place and is making many improvements. Speaking of groceries if you want the finest staple and , fancy groceries to be found in the market, try John Dennid. We is sfter your trade, and once a customer, always a customer. John . Hale, for several year ruunini a locomotive on the bouth-1 em r actnc, out ot iiosenurg, is up on his annual vacation, the guest of his parents, Green Hale and wife, ot west Baseline. August Tews, tailor, has an ex cellent line of samples for suite made to order. Satisfaction guar anteed. Spring samples now in. Ladies' dress goods by the yard. Call and tee. Main street, south ol cour t house door. . R. B. Goodin, ex-county clerk, and now in the employ'fU.e stale, was out Monday, on business of a private nature. ' Mr. Goadin still owns his Hillsboro residence prop erty, and has faith that Hillsboro is destined 10 1 a mucn ueuer town. A. C. Shute, cashier of the Shute Bank, went w Portland1 Saturday, and eucceedeifin getting Portland's business men Ho respond with over 500 to helpay- (he rrgnt fif way bill for ibeTjllauiojl! jfoSdYgtfsr. wtateed-by HWlsboro'sDUsineBS men. That' 1 Seining some. ; - v : Already there is talLef JiilijdwrQ havibflf a big etebra$ho on tthe Fourth; of-July, .ndJ it .might well "for the 'people 4u.hlrry the park - proposition: Unles -we. do something in Ihit line before' long we ma be' compelled 'o rent Cor nelius' nark'. for the fiifc.ifioh-andf Cornelius piixaht tt' fof , 'cele bration -of it own. . . W: J, Wall ia now locaUd t Sinaloa,; MfJiiev, where 8 he'fir riftp nipg a Hotel, ana wnere ne is at (resent build i at a . general .tner. chandiee store; in whioh .hvexpects to soon nut in-a general .atoek. W. WaHhingtrm County has long want ed an electric line out of Portland, and it begins to look as though tbe bot air era has vanished, and we are at least to know that subetan tial business men are now at the helm, looking for investment. The gentlemen who were here last week, looking into the affairs connected with the propoeed electric lioe, and who staled to the Hillsboro press that they were going to build out here, bare bought the Chamber of Commerce Building in Portland, paying nearly a million dollars for it Today they bought in the Ore gon Traction's interests at public sale in Portland, and before autumn we shall doubtless be able to take a troll ry ride to the city. Mr Taylor, consulting engineer of the propoeed road, said to an Ar gus representative: "It would surprise you how much an electric line will develop the section. Inside of five yeara when you ride to Portland on the elec tric line you will think you are go ing through the suburbs of a great city. 1 hie line will do lo your country exactly what similar lines did to the country surrounding Lo Angeles. Portland is to be a big city, and yonr county has a splen did future before it." First Quality Drug Store We provide for the people who have had enough ex perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper really and aggressively cheaper to buy. We Have Made a Reputation For our prescription work, because we do the work ex actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays you to bring such work to t, -1 I ; BAILEY'S PHARMACY J J T J This is an advertisement, and likewise it is a fact. r CLENCOE SCHOOL Report for Glencoe School, District No 9, for term ending Feb. '.): Total enrolled, 29; tolal absent marks, 11; those neither abeent nor tardy for the last month of term: Jamea and Elmer Batchelder, Mar garet Goodin, Grace Jackson, Delia Mavs, Clifford and Cecil Van Kirk, Arthur Connell, Liziie, Minnie, Benhart and Eddie Krugg, Ivan Paine.. Hugh and Dora Farnham. Neither absent nor tardy for the whole term: Clifford YaoKirk, Lizzie. Minnie, Benhart and Eddie Krugg, Hugh and Dora Farnham Angie B. Harrington, Teacher. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS v s As the Twig is Bent The Tree's Inclined" How is it with the young people of your household? Are they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value ot the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into their mindB correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you seeking the opportunity' to "'bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it is: Send the young folks to onr bank, with the first spare dollar that come into their hands. The next dollar should be treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving ha been established. A good ly bank account will soon result; the yonng folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon A CONTRACTOR AKQ CUILDEII Am prepared to give you figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen r years' practical experience. 'Address, Hills- " I boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific State Phone No. 28x4. r. p. cocszi The tax rolls for Washington Coun ty, Oregon, for the year 15)05, will be ouen on Monday. February 151, 1906, and those paying their taxes by March 15, 1WG, will receive a rebate of three per cent. Those paying one half of their tax by April 2, laoti, may pay the remain ing one-half by the first Monday in October, without extra charge, pen alty, or interest. Those not pay ing one-half of their tax by April 2, 1906, will have added thereto a penalty of ten per centum, and an interest charge of one per centum per month, until paid, as the law provides and directs. ' '. ' J. W. Connell, Sheriff. ' And Ex Officio Tax Collector for Washington County, Oregon. Dated at Hilltboro, Oregon, this 1st day of February 1906;- reDDrts that the customs officers made, auite a hole i in-' bis sack by the time he had' paid duties on the shipment or effectB from his home herein HUJsboro.,-' ; Father Wilhelm. procurator at Mt. Angel the 'Catholic college, was here Monday.' the." guest of. Father Biichoher. the loeaU priest The visitor has charge of the farm department at the Mt. Angel school. He feels quite gratified at the work done here by Father Buoholzer, who Is now Interested In getting a school established, on the lot just west of tbe church Argus and Oregonian, $2, Miss Betty Bridges, of Universi ty Park, was a HillBhoro visitor this week. . Hf R. Findley, the Cedar Mill tatockman, was up to the county seat, Monday. f KeV; C. Iv Hamilton, M. E pas tor, left Monday. for a ten days re vital at Woodburn. : '-Misa Jennie Archbold, of Port land, visited ; with her .parents,. Sunday. Marshal Baker, 01, poutn juaia- tiur-Kd. Boge, of Farmington, were in - town the first pf the week, the tatter on road workc . Portland travelling salesmen, residing in the city, often, when passing through here enroute home, buy four or nve dozen iresn eggs, alleging that . they get only the cold storage product in the city. They generally make their purchase and put thsm in their travelling CHAS. LAMKIN COMPANY cases, .. Mr. Tobink of the Pacific Paper Company, recently did this, and, at he was getting oil the train at Portland, made a slip and frac tured "every egg iu! the case. He boarded a street car before he no ticed that the "Innards" of. his cargo were working " through the case, and the dialogue between the salesman and the conductor was something astonishing, the case was placed outside on the pla'forui and there was a big omelet in the Tobin home that evening. - HARDWARE ; ; Announces to the people of Wash- ' ton County they have purchased the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch bold, and will continue the busi- .., rtess in the brick, in the old stand. We shall keep the best equipped general hardware store in Washington County, and solicit your pat ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders Hard ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. j , Charter Oak Stoves Second St., opp. Sand Stand, Hillsboro Closing' Out Sale of Suits close out BroKeh Lines int Men's, Boys and Youths Suijs and Overcoats, we are mailing, the ;.; following offer for the next thirty days , , Twenty-five Suits for Boys,;age 4 to 12 '" years, knee pants; your choice for $2.6Qi Thirtv-eieht Youths' Suits, ace 12 to $7.0i $4.2 :8, long pants, your choice, for Forty Mens' Suits; your choice for..... Boys' Overcoats, ages 3 to & years Youths' Overcoats, ages 10 to 14...,.... IO per cent, discount on Mens' Overr coats until stoch is sold. :- H. WEHRUNG (EL SONS J J t- - a