HIUSBORO ARGUS. JAN. 18, 19C6 Kn tared at tbs Post-offlee at Hillsboro, Oregon, m second-class; mail matter. LCC1CS Am. LONG, Editor. County Official Paper Subscription; On Dollar per Annum. Blx Month, 60 eta. ; Throe Months, 55 cts. Issued Every Thnredsy -BY , LONG MeKINNKY England, in her elections of last week, repudiated her tariff pro tection tUttsmen with terrific majorities, and Balfour, who led then, waa defeated by a decisive vote by an obscure member of the opposition. ' It begiiiB to look a? though Joe Chamberlain will have to retire his policies England i baying nation and the people will not stand for a policy that make the consumer the target of the manufacturing element In connection with this we have a atrong element in the United States who stand for a revision of the present tarifl schedule, and this element is in the administration party, as well aa among the demo crats. From now on Oregon will com mvnoe to reap the harvest of the frnita of the Lewis & Ciark Fair, and, to aid this, we find the big railroads in the storm center, try ing to get down ths north bank of the Colombia river. ; When the big railroads begin to advertise Oregon it will have a growth that will be astonishing even to the moat enthusiastic of our boom Washington county i bound to get her share of new people and capital. Life insurance has been the pay log business of fifty years and the policy holders have been robbed right and left. When the govern ment famishes life insurance at ooet which it can do just as well aa it can give the people a banking basin ess though its postal service there will.be many more widow? and children left with something to goon after the head of the family is gone. The Deacon's Golden Wedding "Jet" listen for a minute An I'll tell yon all about .' That famous golden weddin' e Sue an' I have figgered out Twoz fifty years next Sunday Since we started married life, An' it aint no use denyin' ; That we've had our share of strife. ; Bat then, I guess I reckon That we've been quite happv too A mighty, clever woman Is the girt that I call Hoe! " As ol' times we were talkiti' 8ettin' by the fire-place lite, Bin sez to me quite softy, 'Golden weddin' Sunday nite!' ' An' to we talked about it; Then agreed to sellybrate, An' ask the neighbors over Htx' Sunday nite at eight. Sue's got the mince meat coolin' An the frosted cake is done; The currant wine is bubblin' ,. Like it laffed to see the fun An' Sue, she's in a pucker Jea' like fifty years ago, Uettin' ready fer the 'casion Thinks time passe dreadful slow! I know we both are age-in', - Yet we're snkshus as can be To have that sellybrashun Satisfy both Sue an' me I So, Sue is in a flutter, While the kitchen's in a mix But I'm about as happv As I wuz in Fifty-Six! Then when the crowd's thro' eatin' . An' the violin's in tune I'll play them some ol' break -down An wind np with ol' 'Zip Coon. ' Sue '11 follow with a ballad, An' you bet you, Sue can sing , I think that golden weddin' i WiH bejes' about the thing." A BUSINESS WOMAN It ia a well known fact that Hills boro business men are putting no several thousand dollars, all this coming out ol their own pockets, to py for the right of way to Banks. And this recalls the fact that Hills- i boro has a business woman. Miss Rote Wilcox, teacher in the second grade In the public schools, went (o us office of Hon. W. JN. Barrett, Monday, and asked to see the sub scription list. After looking over the schedule Miss Wilcox said: "Wall, I have a piece of property in this oity and I have a htimestead tip in the hills near the right of way. X am going to contribute fifty dollars toward helping out the bus iness men of the town, for I know that the road will help me finan dally aeveral times this amount " The Argus is in favor of giving the Ucaa g chance to vote, if for noth foj mora or less than to give Mies Wilcox a vote. . ENLARGING PLANT Tht Oregon Condensed Milk Cora fd orders coming in so it; that the plant is behind in gr;ljr. Tbeir new machinery is s'Y osuoule aiid is tiptcttd here t ; r::ki t the latest. As soon as it is installed the condenser will be ready for all kinds of or- ders, the present plant being not quite big enough. This is certain ly excellent results, considering the time the plant has been in operation. TAX ROLLS EARLY The county tax rolls wili be hand ed in to the sheriff earlier than for many seasons. Messrs. Max Crtn- dull and C. E Deichman are work ing day and night on the books, and they are assisted by Ward Uoa-ns. 1 hey expect to have tne books balanced and in the hands of Sheriff Connell inside of fifteen days. This will give the sheriff time to write numerous recipts and at the same time open for collection by February 15 or 20. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank Sheriff J. W. Connell and his deputy, Mr. F. T. Kani, for the kmdues and cour tesies extended us durins the in carceration of Sydney Brugger, and for the humans treatment rendered the lad, and we desire to publicly state our app-ecution of the sstne Mrs. M. Grow and Fannlr. Reedvllle, Ore., Jan. 15, liKXS.. Over-Burdened Women. Unit a man sees his wife bend and .t..u t htirdoiia that strain the bock and the Heart ause, wiinout any iura ui vun outrage. Children follow In too quick succession to allow the mother time to rwiperate. J-he wonis. my organs oecunw tknlmoi. threaredeuilitting.disagree- able drains, with the added pain ol In flamed or ulcerated part. In this condi tion the woman bravelv tries to carry her household load, afraid to take the rest she needs lest a meal will be late. No wonder she Is pale, weak, wretchea, suny of temper and snappish of tongue. She would be false to nature if she were any thine hjL No nersoos need heto SO much as the class of whom this woman is the tvpe. And for such women no help Is so sure, so wonderful, aa that given by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It re stores all the womanly organs to perfect health. Itestabiishes regularity in their functions. It restores tne strained and shattered nervous system. It clears up the complexion, rounds out the form and makes life a dally happiness. "Favorite Prescription contains no alcohol or whisky. It Is the best medicine for women. Nothing can be "just as good is the best. Tell the dealer so If he offers a substitute. I wrote to ion In 1908, about my case. writes Mrs. Ella W. Bobbinson. of Nuttree. Vs. "Was then In a bad condition, and jour reply waa that I probably Inherited I tie trouble from my mother, and you prescribed Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. About that time I had an attack of fever and was tick for quite a while, so failed to get your ' Prescription. ' In December following was married and then my husband bought me two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Before 1 began to take it 1 hid bearing-down pains at monthly periods, also dltiy spells. After 1 bad taken one bottle 1 felt better and had no more pains. After taking the second bottle felt better than ever in my life, and In September gave birth to a twelve-pound baby girt. I am very thankful for your good medicine, and shall tell my friends what It did tor me. and shall recommend It to all who are afflicted. We think H te best medi cine in the world. MTTw Not only the Original bat the Jr seat Little Uver PUto, first put TSST up aver 4 J" " by old ach Imitated but sever aqaaled. as thou sands attest. They're purely vegetable, being made up of concentrated and refined medicinal principles, eitracted from the .vtta lmHiin nlanUL Do not gripe. One or two for stomach corrective, three or four for cathartic. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersign d has been by the County Court of the State of Orfiron for the County of Wash ington, duly appointed administrator of tne estate ot i-nnraii r-cnmeitzer, aecessea, and that be has duly qualified as inch administrator. Now, therefore, all persons having claims against the estate of said Conrad scbmeltzer, deceased, are required ana re quested to present them, properly verified, at the office of John M. Wall, in Hillsbo- ro. Ore., within six months from date hereof. Dated at Hillsboro. Ore., Jan. V2, 19C8 H. D SCHMELTZER, Administrator of the Estate of Conrad Schmeltzer, deceased. Notice oi Time to Minor Notice is hereby given that for value re ceived, to-wit, the sum of One Dollar, re ceipt of which la hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, parents of L. L. Brown, bave this date sold to him his time from this date nntil he shall be twenty-one years of age, leaving him free to transact business iu his own name and without interference upon our part, and nolhe Is hereby given that we will in no manner De responsible tor any debt wnlcn Be may contract, and notice is hereby further given that the bill of sale for the time of caul minor son is placed on record in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for wastiington uoanty, uregon. MKR CBAS. W. BROWN. Dated at Centerville, this 18th day of v ecemoer, laua. SUMMONS. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON, FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. G, W. Patterson, Plaintiff, vs. C. D. Snyder, Madge Snyder, bis wife, R. M. biiyder and Snyder, his wife, Defendants, To R. M. Snyder and Mrs. R, M. Snyder, his wile, two of the above named de - fendantB- In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby com. manded and required to appear in the above entitled Court, in the above enti tled cause, on or before the expiration of six to) weena- ptiDiication or this sum mons, in the Hillsboro Argus, the first ptioucanon tnereoi being on January 4, 1908. and the last Publication thereof be ing on the 22nd day of February, 1906, to wit : On or before the STiiid day of Kebrn- ary, ana you ana encn ol you will please lake notice that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court, for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage executed by the defendants, a. D Snyder and Madge Snyder, in favor of tne planum to secure tne payment of the sum tf Six Hundred Dollars and interest, thereon, upon Lots numbered One (1) and two (2) in Section 26 T. 2 N. K. 8 W. Will. Mer., containing 66 HO acreu, and forever barring and precluding you and each of yon Irom all right, title. Interest, claim and demand therein and thereto, save only the statutory right of redemp tion, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for such other and furth er relief aa may be necessary and proper in tue premises. This summons is served upon you by publication, by order of Hon. Thomas A. McUride, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and dated in open Court, on this iud day of January, 1906, and which order prescibes that you shall appear and answer the complaint of the Dlalntiff. on or before the exuiratiou of six f ft I week from the date of the tirst publication of una summons, vue nrsi publication beluir January 4, 1906, to-wit: on or before Feb ruary IMOtf. KO. K. BAULKY, Attorney tor naiutin SHERIFF'S SALE Delinquent Tax, 1904 ity virtue of a warrant lsu J by ttw County Clerk and ex-ltK-K Cipr ot the County Court ot the Mate ot oivitmi. for the couuly ot asmtuitou, cotmuauu ius me to U the ertvrtti tracts or wi - ceta of real property embraced tit ttto ii-Uniiuent tax list tor tne r l-4 iu tne ntauner and lorm a u,kii feite ut real properly on vx.v Jluui. Now, therefore, by virtue and In pur suance vi said warrant, iatl thv l.uti day ol Deceiuoer, ISktj, 1 w;il. vm Motmay. tne sun oay ot jaiiuar), i:.. lomu.i'iu mg at tho hour ot lv w'chKK A. M. of said day, iu the Sheriff a oltU-e in llic Court House at iiiUaboro, WdsltiitKtuu County, orvewo. sell at public auction to the peraoti who wot pay tbe uixe, coata and accruing; leiiulttos tiierevitt. utut take a certlticHte at toe lowest rule ot Interest, ttu'rvtor, the following dvstentHHl rval urooerty, as apiieartug oil too .ihl delinquent tax roll tor the said year 1.K, to-wu; Adams, Henrietta A. Taylor Lots 1 and X. block li Cornelius....... n.v: Allen. Carrie B. and A. ., heira ot - 8. W. W of Section M, T. 3 M., K- 5 W Mi Allen. Soolt aud Kmma t'unt i.inu acre In the A. 1. Masters l. 1.. l to, T. IS., K. 1 W., aa described in Book Et. iage &3, records of deeds tor ashttuitou County, Oregon il Alien, Isaac lt J. block K, fu-l s Addition to Ueaverlou ..ll..ti Anderson, aiiu-y K Lot lj, bltK'k U. ityje rark ..n.i3 Appletiageu, Kate N. W. of si. 1. i of N. W. ! ot Sectiuti K T. t t.. K. 4 v w.-a Arnold, IT. K.-sS. of 8. W. and St. v. t ot S. K V Section , l S N.. H. i W JW.51 AsKliis, 11. M.-KiUtt 3- of kit St. Plot k li, Cornelius fl.lt Baaley, H, T. Hie-a:xth interest In ti aerea lu the A. SV. Hart D. 1.. C. No, (W, T. 1 8., K. I W., as desvriUed in Book 47, page hr, reconls of deeds for Washington County, uregon i.U5 Bailey, P. P. Thirty-three and tlirve tourths acres in S. W. ol i U , of Sm'tion 2S. T. 2 S It. I V., a do scribed In Book t agu and IUhiic ",'' page liil. mwaa of deeds for Washington County, Oregon ...... tlM Bailey. L.-W. of lot , block 1, Cor nelius Baldwin, George N. K. l of N. E. j. and S. S ol N. t:. H and U. K. L, of N. W. and K. of ei. K. U of Stc ttoa 32. 1 1 N., K. v lit a Bank. First Natloiuil, of Hillaboro. Ore gon A tract described as follows: Commencing at a point t feel K. of the 8. K. corner of block X Hum phrey's Addition to Hillsboro. thence li. t feet, thence K, 31. Seet. theme N. K feet, thence W. Hi ievi to the place ot beginning in the M. Alooro 1). L. C. No. 4l T. 1 S.. it. 2 W., Hillsboro. Orego Barbow. Joseph Three acres in lite . W. A of N. W. i of Section H, T. I S., K. i V aa descrtbid m Book ti. page i, records of deeds lor Wash ington County, Oregun (I Barrett. Minnie K. Lots 8-lU--31-si. block n. West Portland Heights. .Jl.lt Barnes, Isaac i acres In e. t.. s ot .n. K. of Section 1. T. 1 S.. K. I VV., aa described in Book V i)ge IM rec ords ot deeds for Washington County. Oregon, less i aerea conveyed to Thomas Dean and li. i-.. fiiulth as described in Book i page 34 rtM.:orUs ot deeds for Washiugion County, Oregon s.rl Beuvert, Jane, heirs of ot an acre in N. V. of S. W. t ot Section 32. t. i 8 . R. 1 W., aa described In Book M. uage 43, records of dvtua tor Wash ington County, Oregon Jl.M Benson, P., heirs of a acres in N. V. i of N. W. 4 of Section 18 T. i .. H. I W., as des'ribed in Book 40, iuhjc records of deeds for Waahinitton County, Oregon .4S Beahara, Mary B. 11 acres In N. K. H of a E. 14 of Section 1! T. t S.. it. 1 W"., as desert bed In Book paije 8. records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon U K Blckner, Joseph W acres in N. j ot a, W. of Section li T. 3 S.. K. J W,, aa described In Book 41), page 2 ana 3, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon i.4.03 Boos, A. T. and J. u. Commencing 1.0 feet N. of the 8. W. corner of block 1 Walker's addition to Forest Grave, Oregon, th,nee N. 13 feet; thence K. 1) teet; thence 8. 13 feet; thence W. lot) feet to the place of beginning, part of lot 4, block 1, Walker a addition to Forest Grove, Oregon St-llS Bretlbratn. Helena Lots 21-22-23-21, block 7, West Portland Heights 11.24 Brooks D. E. It) acres In Jv. K. 'it of N. V. K of Section S. T. 2 8., K. 1 W'., as described In Book 51 pue records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon ...,J2.ii3 Burgman, Carl N. E. 14 of H. W. ' and the N. Vi of 8. E. !4 and S. E. ' of 8. K. ! of Section 34, i. 2 N., li. 6 W.Sla.H urumagen, u. B.N. W. or N. IS. 4 and N. E. of N. W. . of Section 11 T. 2 a, B, 1 W i'J Bryson, C. E., A M. F. Ayers 36 and 1-4 acres of the 1). Ellerson JJ. I. C, No. 69, T. 1 S.. It. 2 W., and No, :i T. 1 8., K. 1 W as described in Book 67, page 120, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon $13.23 Buckley, D. E. I and 1-4 acres in W . of 8. E. Section 21, T. 1. N K. 3 W aa described In Book 51, page 213, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon 41.7S Bucner, Joseph N. E. 4 of Section 29, T. 1 si., R. i W , Bufflngton, Mary Ann. Jr., et al 1 acre In the N. W. 14 of N. E. of Section 1, T. J 8., R. 2 W., as described in Book 55. page 34. records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon J1.S5 Burke, Alary A.-Lou 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, II, 15, IS, 17, 19, 2U, 21, 22, 23, 24, ,, 2i, 27, 2ft. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 of block 18, West Portland Heights tS.I Burns, James E. of the 8. W. V ana lots 6 and 7, Section 6, T. 2 N K. 5 W i.(3 Busch, r red D. 8. k of N. E. 'A Sect on 15, T. 1 8., K. 1 W $14.02 Buxton, f, n. one acre in B. w. 'A of N. W. of Section 4 T. 2 N K. 4 W., aa described In Book 63, page 1x0, records of deeds lor Washington County, Oregon $iO.SS Campbell, K. 8. -Lots 25 and Jii, in block 12, West Portland Heights ...$u.t7 Caples, La Fayette H. '4 of S. W. 'i, N. E. of 8. W. and N. W. 'i of 8. E. Section 10, 1 8., 11. 4 W..fir.74 oaittn, rrancis A. is. smb.' k. 14. 8. E. of N. E. 4. Section 8. and 8. E. 14, Section 16, T. 2 N It. 4 W.. .$27.26 cauineld, Charles Lots 31, 32. 3::. 31, block 15, West Portland Heights ...$1.24 ennstensen, Ida M. N. V, of N. B. W. 4 of N. W. 14. N. W. 'A of 8. W. , of Section 15, T. 3 N., R. 4 W.$13.34 Clausen, Herman Tract 4. D'alrvlew ail- ditlon to Hillsboro $5.11 Cleveland M. D.-60xl00 feet in lot 3, block 25, Forest Grove, Oregon, "as described In Book 42, page 114, rec ords of deeds for Washington Coun ty, Oregon $3.M Colt, Flotilla D.-Lots 1 and 2, Section 18, T. 2 N., R. 6 W. $5.74 Cornelius, Emily C. llrs.-Lots 1, 2, 3, block 9, Cornelius $11.-13 Cornelius, Thomas R. Heirs of E." of N. E. and lot 1, Section 28; the 8. E. of 8. E. hi of Section 21; lot No. 7, Section 22, T. 2 N., it. 3 W....l13 Cottle, Davtd-LoU 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, block 1, West Portland Place $1.43 Craig, James and Bager Ten acres In 8. E. of 8. E. of Section 36, T. 2 B., R. 2 W., as described In Book 44, page 392, records of deeds - for Washington County, Oregon $20.81 Crawford, 8. E. & Chas. Flsh-S. E. Vt of 8. E, of Section 2, T. 2 N., R. 3 W .$x,46 Crowthers, Samuel Thirty acres in 8. E. of 8. W. 4 of Section 34. T. 2 B., R. 1 W as described In Book 51, page 342, records of deeds for Waftli mgton County, Oregon , $ti.J5 Crone, Clara-N. E. y of N. E. Vt ot Sec tion 17, T. S N., R 8 W. $3.51 Crumble, Sarah Lot 3, block "C", Steele's addition to Beavortim.,....$0.99 Curran, Edward Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, V, 16 and tba V. of lot 17, con taining 1 acres, and assessed as acreage, Oak Orove addition to Hills boro $13.35 Dailey, Frank R. E, 4954 feet of lot 7 block 22, Hillsboro $4.89 Davidson, Samuel N. W. of Section 15 T. 2 N R, 4 W $14.46 Davis, Enos, Heirs of; J. C. Corey, Admr. 130 acres in Edward Davis I. . L. C. No. 42, T. 2 N ., R. 2 W as de scribed In Book "F," page 4H4 and 639, and Book "Q," page 48.1, records of deeds for Washington County, Ore gon , $5,09 Dean, Thomas, Sr. One acre In S. W. 'A of N. E. hi of Section 1, T. 1 8., R. 1 W as described in Book "P", page 121, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon ...,$3.05 Deitg, John W. Three-fourths acre In the N. E. of N. E, hi of Section 29, T. 2 8 R. 1 W as de scribed In Book t9, page 17, records of deeds for Washington County, Ore gon $1.62 DeLashmutt, Van B.-N. E. hi of S, E. hi of Section 33, T. 2 N., R. 4 W. , .$4.24 Dennlston, S. M. Lot , block 7, Hyde .park 0.i4 Dreger, Oustave and Frank Stauber 8. ft of ti. HI. hi of Section 19, T. I N R. 4 W. tttt Drtskt'll. Mary-One acre In the a W. v of N. w. of Section t 1'. I a, H. 1 W.. as dH-ritit lu Book W, page l :i. records of d.eds for aatiliiglon County, Oregon .......,...$. 1'iml.iti. Joepli-S. al. W ot SecUon 4. T. I a, it. W ... $12 3S Kvrvt. Ka Mr.-Lota a. $. 4, ft. , ',, is . Iti, blKk 3. Henry's athllilou to Cornelius $3 SS liivtt. Jane K Heirs of All of bloi k i, r'tnuei s advittion to Hillsboro.. ..$lit,l4 FrtilH'r. Joeepk Lots U, ia, block 14. ttwt Portland Heights .ST Finu. Kdiuoud-Lots 2U, 21, 23, U, 24. bl.K-k i West krtland Plai-e l t'ttieout. Jesse N. V. of the N. K. V of tttvtlon a. T. S N., K. 4 W tttHI Full., iwiUhansir i-'ive aerea In the N. K. ot N. W. V of Sivllon ltl, T. a. K. 1 W., as described In llm.k 42, page 2ill, rtvoil of debits tor Washington County. tHvgon ,..,$3.49 Ktugerald, Minnie a K. V of a W. 4 ot Section 7. T. S 8.. It i W li.sa Klei-W. C. A.-8. K. S of Section 24, T. i M it. o W tliiS Fortune, Charlee tails T and a, blwk K. West lvrtlaud HelghU $MSt Pnvmun. W. I'.- Nisly-one acre In the N. K. V, of Section 3H T. $ N.. R. a W as descritwd in Book 44, page 74. recorvls of deeds for Washington County, Oregon ..........,..S7 Pnman. M. IC,, Mrs. A tract In the t. Kelsay 1. 1.. No. 41. T, t N., K. 2 W., as descriled ill Hook page to. records of dteds for Washington i Oiinty. Oregon $11 m Fl'iedeiiili.tl, sophta-a W. of N. K. Si ' "t o. r.. u. section 14, T. 1 N.. R. 5 W .....$;.21 Flier, An us N. W. H of a K. hi ot Section Si, 1'. S N , It. I W $4 34 U.tllowny. I'.md a-N. ILIiol Section . T. 1 a. It. 4 W tll.fj U.ebisch, John and Thomas NcNanier l.oui and r. block , livde tmrk $1.14 l.HI, J. K. & Co.- lts a, 4. a, , bliH-K to; lot at block 17; lot 19. block 2u; lot it. block 2t), West Portland illaht....j!l.4 UiKhwlller. l. j., Mrs. lAt U, block a. I tiorues addition to Hillsboro to rt Uonion. W. a-a L U ( Section 1. f. N.. K. a W $13 ore. liriislllu-S. W. l of 8. IS. U of sction 'i a s.. u. i w $:.ss ouriay. Alex. N, K. v, ot Section au. f. S N.. K. 3 W $12 (.(out lay. IVter-a ti of N. W. W ot Sec- lion 211, T. 1 H. 2 W $1174 tlranlch. B. and 1 li. 8leln-Forty-ltee acres In 8. W of a K, V of Section 24. '!'. a N,. K. S W $418 lira hum, Ituchel K. Commencing 19.40 chiilns N. of the v Section corner on 8. line of Section 20, T. a N It t W'., thence W. U.Ai chains; thence N. O W chains: thence W. (.91, chains; thence S. lti.iW . liama. thence & lu.26 chains; thence N. 94u chains; thence W, 3.S ciutins to the piai-e of beginning, con tiiinlug 10 acres lit Section 20, T. 3 N H. 3 W $4.41 Unit vs. Herbert 8. H of N. W. 14 of a w . 1,; w. ti of a w. w of a w. , of Section 31. T. 2a, R. 3 W Mil Hall, H. S.. Heirs of. and Sarah B W. of N. K. 4, N, K. 14 of N. W. . N. W. hi of a K. k of Section 13. i a. R. 5 W $1J 08 ti.irier. r . M. Lot a, Mhatlucks or- ehaid Home. , $2 S8 Ituralaen. MatthlasK. m of a W. "4 ot Section S4. i'. 3 N it. 1 W $t.!2 Hardin. Hen W.-N. H of 8. K. H. 8. h. ot a K. t and lot a, Section hi, T. I N M. 4 W $., 79 iliirttiorn. Floraa W. 4 of Section 2J, T. I N.. K. 5 W t; .99 hiir.ili N. Klghteen acres til N. W. of 8. W. ht of Section II. T. i 8.. tt. 1 v' as described in lto.k tt lao recontai of deeds for Wash iugion Couuly, Oregon M3 itauie, Mary A., Mrs. -One acre In lite it. Clark w. L. C.. No. 3.", T. I a. R. 3 W,, s described in Book 1C ago 4J7, recofda of ueeds for Washington County, Oregon , $1.9$ Iteudrix, i. C.-M. K. Ot S. W. 1. N. v , of 8. K. M of Section 14. T. 2 8.. It. S W $10.05 Hermans, w. o. N. hi. W of 8. W . k i.i bwtwn , T. a N R, ( W I3.W ll.-rrmuii. 8.-8, ti. and W. h, of N. K. of Section 34, T. a 8 , R. t W.; itiiKi N. ht of N. hi. ! Section J, T, a a. k. 1 w $&.; i tease. Lewis lilalrK. hi of 8. W. unit lots 3 and 4. Section IS, T. I N it. & W $16.4$ tliiltirunii, Joint t'ttul, Heirs of W. Va of .N. K. ht. N. E. a of N. W. U. 8:- tion M, 'f. i M It. 3 W II0.TS ililibruin. Frederick N. K. 'i of N. K. i4, Kei'llon at, T. 3 N., It. 3 vV... t itiii, juuus u. All of section 4. T. a N.. it. u '.. which Includes lota 1 lo Hi, inclusive $72.k9 Hut. Siiiun A. N. ht of N. E. h. or lots 1 and S. Section a, T. 2 ti.. R. t W $i.u iliil. Sitruh J., Jtirs.-Lot 2. block 1, I'ornellu $u,9S Hill. Jesse K.-N. ht of a K. of Sec tioti 14 and N. ot 8. W. W of 8ec Hon 13, T. 2 8., It. 1 W nw.JS ilonmun, Julia L. Thirty -three acres in fa. '- of N. W, i of Section aa, 'i'. 2 8., It. 1 W as described in BtHik 47, tumu X.I. records of deeds for Wash ington County, Oregun .........421.43 lloli.iad, .Nat, Heirs of Tell and one liitit ucn-s in N. H. ht of N. VV . hi of Section Si, T. 2 8.,R. I W.,as described in Book 34, wage 460, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon. ...33 iioicfiKiss, m. j,. r ot tne in. hi, of Section 4. 'i'. 2 N H. 3 W $t.43 iiunaager, Wliiiam-Iit 26, block 17, Hemt i'orlland Heights $0.68 uujiter, uuaiiua L. All of block 24. lleuvurtoii $10.25 nuston. vv. a. i.ots 4 and 5. block 3. Thome's addition to Hillsboro $4.53 ingrunam, ti. 11., Heirs of forty acres in the K. 'ft of the 8. W. hi and the 8. W. ht f 8. ti. ht of Section 3D, T. 2 N K. 4 VV., as described In Book page M, ronl of deeds tor Washington County, Oregon $t.9& Jackson, Mary A. N. hk ' 'he N. W, ht. 8. E, "i of N. W. 14 of Section 14, i: 1 8., It. 5 W (s.73 jiiiiscn, iionry b. w. 01 section a&. 1. 2 is., it. 5 W $10.4$ Jensen, a. m, n. of the 8. W. 4, N. hi jI 8. E. 54 of Section 13, T. 2 N R. 4 W $12.98 Jeter, -K. L. Lot 11, block 1, Uaston..ts.3 j'.rouii. jnn it. r. of . m. hi or Section W, T. 2 8., it. a W $8.30 joy cm, milium . Vt 01 tne 8. w. hi, 8. W. hi of 8. W. hi. Section 23, and N. VV. (i of N. W. of Section 26. T. 8 N., R. ( W $7.41 jurgens, iewis xwenty-nve acre in the 8. y, of S.' W. 14 of Section 14, T. 2 8., It. 1 V., as described in Book 50, puge 478, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon $11.26 ivamiitt, uetiry jMinety-nlne acres In the ( has. Lewis li. L. C, No. 51, T. 1 8, .It. 2 W,, as described In Book 46, pago 283, records of deeds for Wash ington County, Oregon $20.61 naiiiji, jonan Twenty and one-half acre in 8. E. 14 of 8. E. !4 of Section 17, T, 1 8,, R. 2 VV., as desert bed in Hook 40, page 288, records of deeds for Washington Counly, Oregon $5.06 mine. 1. t,ot 9, block 1, West i'orthtnd I'lace $o.6H neep, ueo. H. Lots 1 and 2, block 19, Soutfi i'aik addition to Forest Orove. Oregon $3.36 Keaney, J. Lot 18, CJarilen Home $3.99 oner, j. 1 nirty acres in N. hi of N. , VV. 14 of Section 31, T. 2 8., it. 1 W tis described In Book 40, page 261, records or deeds for Washington Coun ty, Oregon $g.42 Kelly, Wary E.-H. VV. 14 of 8. W, hi of H. 13. ht of Bcctlnn 32, T. 2 S., It. 1 W. $7.81 Keniimr, Nic-k Nineteen and three ioiir'h acres In 8. 14 of 8. W. 14 of Section 20, T, 1 8., R. 2 VV., as de scribed In Hook 61, pugs 445, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon , ,$3,a Kern, Albert V,. Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, block 23, West Portland Heights ...,$1,24 Kinney, Al. J. 8. W. 14 of Section 22, T. 3 N R, S VV $25.46 Kinney, M. J.-VV. of the,jV. E. 14, 8. B, hi t N, JO, 14 of Section 36, T. 2 N It- 5 VV, $0i.8J Kinney. M. J. N. E. 'A of N. W. (4 of Section 35, T. 3 N R. 5 W $9.M King ltcttl Estate Association Lots 1, 1 2, 3, 4, u ami 10, In block 4, Cornelius. ti.GS Klrkwood, Phoebe 3-100 of an acre in H, Clark 1. L. C. No, 37, T. 1 8., R. 3 W., as described in Book 62, page 281, records of deeds for Washington Coun ty, Oregon ,.....-..$1.24 Knight. Jesse Ninety and seven-eighths feet, by two hundred feet In lot 2, block 10, Forest Orove, Oregon, as de scribed in Book 63, page 105, records of deeds for Washington County, Ore gon :; $19.22 Knight, Jesse Commencing at the 8. E. corner of lot 4, thence N, 201 feet; Ihencfl W. 66 2-2 feet; thence 8. Sl:)i feet; thnttce PI, 60 2-3 feet to place of beginning, part Df lot 4, block 10, For est Orove, Oregon $14.44 Knighton Thomas A., Heirs of One hundred and seventy-two acres In W. llcaglft D. L. C, No, 38, T. 1 ., R. 4 W., and A. Knighton IX L. C.,No. 46, and If. Buxton, Jr., D. h. C, No. 46, T. 1. N., It. 4 V., as described in Book T, page 44, and Book 66, pages 107 and m, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon .............,,..$18,72 Korman. Carl-K. hi of block 1, Tual atin N, ,.,..$0,87 Kreldcr, R, A. Part of lot 3, block 30, Forest Grove, Oregon, as described In Book 43, page 251, and Book 27, page 474, records of deeds for Washing ton County, Oregon ., ., $12.62 I-a'dlfw, c. E. 14 of Section 4. T. 8 N., R. 3 W $11.71 Larson, Nels Nine acres In ths 8. E, S Of the I H li of Section 17. T. J 8.. It. 8 W., aa dwei i llMHt In Hook M. page I 3S4. rvwris of dewls for VV ashingtoii County, vlregon $M Ij reus. C. VV ,-R. S of the N. W. W. N. W. W of N. VV. u of Section 34. 1. a a. u. 1 vv $.m Lilly. J N. K. t ot Section . t. I N . k, a w iti .j t.lppkawlakl. l kl. Lois 33 and 34, blm k 21 West Portland iielghta mi Lmkmatl, It. C. and O,- i'hlrty acr.-s in the N. C. Klchsrdson l t., C, NO. ai. ..... 1.. u.,i.. tu 1 a i lv i.. li Uirlllord, Kva An undivided $-S Inter est in N. K. H of Section , I . I f . it. w $4.a Loualgnont. W. H.-N. W. V, of N. K. u of siH tion aa. r. a n . k. 4 v niiu Loualgnont, HarrietTwelve and one- half acres In Hcellona aa and , 1 . a N., It. 4 VV., as described In Book 62. page 193, nwids of deeds for Wasli inaion iNnmiv. iresnm $ " Ijivaa. MaryLola lit, t'lock 13. Hvde I'Bfk n Lod, J. K.-SMtM of an acre In tt. W. V of N. VV. t or Seclioll T, T. I N, If. a W . as ileacrltHKt In Hook ..'. page 3ns. r-oiHls of deeds lor Washiugion County. Oregon $2.39 Lucaa, A. U.Cunmienelug 8 9 degrees 30 niluutea K. l.tM chains from Hie . hi. corner of Muck 4. Humphrey a ad dition 10 HlllslHiro, thence 8. K de- Sivee 3ti minutes K. S.23 chains; thence . 144 feet: tlouice N. 89 desires 4ii mill Utva W. 123 chains; theme N. lit feet to the place of beginning, In M. Moore 1) I.. C. No. 41. T. 1 8.. R. 3 W Hut Macrum. W. 8,- Lots 1, a. i, 4, block 18. Houtn I'til'H add 1 turn 10 rtiresi tliMve $."-"9 liiK-olm. J. lv An undivided oiie-elahih Intereet In N. hi. V of Sectluli 32. T. I a. r. ( w ,,..,$! Manning. J. K.-8. . V, of Ihe N. K. of Section 10. T. 9 N.. It. 8 W 1$ Uiirlay. J. K. 8veniy-iilne acn In the u. 11. minim 11. 1.. 0.. no. wi, 1, 1 N.. It. I W., as deeerlbed In Hook 47, page IS, reconls of deed fur Wash ington County, Oregon $?i II Marlay, P. 11-8. K. t of Section 2s. I' I 8.. R. i W,., $I3 AUrl.iv, P. H Ten acres In 8, W. 1, or N. w. s or section 34. t. i n , r. $ W.. as described tu II.Hk 49. page Vi, reconls r deeds for Washington County, Oregon ,. ,,,. ft) Marlay. P. II -8 W. V of N. K. (4, N. of a w. N. W. of H. K. V, of Section M. T, 1 N.. It 6 W. ...... $117$ Marlay. P. H.-8. S of N. VV. V, of Sec tion au. T. 3 N . R. 8 W $' W Marlay, P, H.8. K. V, of N. K. N. K. H of 8. K. 4 of Section T. 2 ., It. w trie Marlay. P. II. -N. K. H "f 8. K. 4 of Section 8. T. $ N.. It, 3 W $.1.41 Marlay. P. II -a K. V ot Sit llon 7. T a N.. It. S W $15 Martin. James K.-8 K. , of 8. VV. i. of Section II. T, 3 N.. H. 1 W $1 1 Maurer. O. 11 N, K. ! of Sctlon , T 3 N . R. 4 VV $3147 Mayer, Johu Twenty-six and one. fourth ai res In the VV. r , Hall I, I.. C. No. 44. T. t 8,. It. I W., as de scribed 111 Book fc9. page u, records of deeds tor Washington I'otinty, Oregon ..Jllol Masael, V.-Lot 1. blwk "V", Steel's addition 10 ticaverton , iiw McAuley, Dudley-Two and one-half lures 111 (lie N. VV. i ot W K. m Section S, T. I N., It. 6 VV , aa de acri bed III Book 49, pug S.t. rcHirdu of deeds for Washington County. Ore gon $1,31 Mct 'ray, John--8. K. H of N, K, I of Heetlon U. T, i N.. It. I W.... , $3,47 McCallen, Isabella-.-Forty acres In Iho L. A. Sparks IV L. C.. No. 69, T. 1 N It. I W and T, 1 a. It. 1 VV.. as de scribed In Book 44, page 44. records of deeds for Washington County, or- gon $W 78 McDevllt. Kttte-Uts 8 and lu. bio- k 6. West Portland Heights 8u S7 McUee. J. H.-8. K. V of Ihe 8. K. 4 and lot 4. S.-.-tlon 30. T. a N . It. 1 W. IJ M. i lee. J. It - H H of the 8. IS. U f 8-llon 26. T. a N., It. VV $13 Alclloon. I.. J.The 8. 38 feet ot lot 6, block a. fluslnn $1 AlcOoon. I J.-It 1 block 3. Osstun fl Mc Lend. li'r.Ml 8.. Heirs of -8. V, of N. W. 14 and N. 14 of 8. W. V4 of Setdhm 22, T. 1 8 . H, 5 VV $1173 MeLeod, Martha J Two acres In the VV. B. Chatlleld l. U C. No. 52. T. t 8 . H. $ W., and No. 4J, T, I 8., R, 4 VV., a described In Book 37, page 3M1 and 7, and llm.k 29. page HI, records of deeds for VVashltigton County, liri'gim tsoo Meyer, Hurry-Slsty-fmir acres In tin W. 14 of Ihe N. W. H of Heetlon 84, T. 1 8., K. 1 VV.. as described In Book 87, Page 334, records of deeds for Wash ington County. Oregon $23 S3 Meyer. F, J.-It L block 4, Forest Orove, and lot 4. block 4. Forest flrove , fil.Je Meyer. Harry Three and one-fourth arre In the 8. B. 4 of Ihe 8. K, 4 of Bwtlon 18, T. 2 8.. R. I W.. as d scrlbitl In Book 67. page 335 and 3.M, reconls of deHls for Washington County, Oregon $1.91 Miller, F. T. Thirty and one-halt acres In the B, W. U of the N. W. 14 of Section 32. T. I N.. R. 4 W as dn scrllxd In Book 46, page MM, and Rimk Washington County, Oregon $991 Miller, John A. One hundred and nfty one acres In the Oeorgc Olds IV L. C. No. 49, T. 2 8., R. S W.. and Hec Hons 12 and 13. T. 2 8., It. 3 W.. and described In Book 67, pngo 103, records nf deeds for Washington County, ore- gon $a .78 .viiner. vv. l.-in. hi or lot 4. block 27. Forest Orove , $1993 Murginsrn, vviiiutm-Uits at. 35. :t block 19. West Portland Heights ... $1'W Morrow, K. M.-Ujt 7. Yeres subdivis ion. Section 21, T, 1 8.. R. 1 VV $12 iM Mountain Bide Fruit Urying t.o.-One-half ai rs in the 8. VV, 14 of the N. H. hi of Section 211, T. 2 B., R. W., as described In Bonk 7, pngs ln, records of deeds for Washington County, Ore gon $1 jtl stow, Adam v.-N. W, of Beet on 3 T. 1 N., R. 4 W tl.m Nelson. Murtlll-Uits 6, 7, 8, block 22 West Portland Heights $I M Nichols, M, J. and A. II, w. 192 8-10 feet of block 8. Nnylor's addition to Forest Orove ..,.,$13,17 Nortnrup, John I. 8. to. hi of B. W. of Section 2S, T. 2 N R. 3 W $.!. Nortnrop. John Irfit 4, block 4, High land addition to Hillsboro U.7S Olmstead, James N, W. A of lot 7 an lot 8, block 8. Hillsboro $V9.4 uregon cftiirornia tt. It. t o. (A. N. Luket)-S. W. ti of B. W. U of Section 1. T. 2 N R. 8 W. i $1.12 Oregon & California R. R. Co. (B. II. Tiipperi-8. W. V. of 8. W. hi ot flec tion 1, T. 1 8., It. 8 VV $7.84 14, 15, 16, and the E. V4 of lot 17, con- Partlow, J. M. 8. ot lots 8 and 8, block 8. Humphrey's addition to Hillsboro $o w Partlow, J. M.-Lot 8, block 2. Brown's Subdivision to Fulrvlew addition to Hillsboro , $n.Ml Parsons, T, C.-fl, W. 14 of Section 4, T. 1 S R. 4 W $11,28 Patterson, Robert A.-N. K W of N. W. 14 of Section 16, T. 1 8., R. 4 W..$X5S Patterson, James J.-N. ot N. W. V,, S. W. W of N. W. of Section 20 and N. K. 4 of N. H. 14 of Bention 27, T. 2 N., R, S W $il,02 Pope, J. V.-Lots 8 and 10, block 8, West Portland Place , $0,(J2 Porter, Myrtle-38-loo of an acre In (ho K. Walker IV h. C. No. 80, T. I N., R. 3 W and No. 42, T. 1 N R. 4 W as described In Book 80, pago 144, records of. deeds for Washington County, Oregon $1.41 Price, H, W.-8. B. 14 of S. W. 4, S. W, Vt of B, E. 14 of Section 26. T. 3 N R, W Jf$S.4 Prlncs, C, C Twenty-threo and ons fourth. acres In the William Pointer D. L. C. No. 82. T. 1 8 H. 1 W (is , described In Book Bl. pagfl loil, records of deeds for Washington Countv, Oregon $7.24 Rnst, 0,-N. W. 14 of Section 13, T. 2 N R. S W. , $ir,.48 Reahl, Philip, Jr. Ten acres In Hnl RIchaMson D, U C, No, 44, T. 2 B., R. -I W., as described In Rook 82, page 45, records of deeds for Washing- , ton .County, Oregon $2.84 Reed, Thomas C.-N, W, Vt ot N, W. 14 of Section 29, T. 2 8., R. 1 W..,,,,,,.$7,05 Reedy, John-Lots 6, 7, 8, , 10, block 1, West Portland Heights '...,81,17 fteldt, Wllllam-Tits 4, 6, 11, block 1, West Portland Heights $0.C9 Lots 9, 23, 24, block 4, West Portlnnd , Heights $0,71 Lots 3. 4, 18, block D, West Portland Heights , $0.71 Lot 88. block 1, West ; Portland Height , $0,9 Lots 9, 21, 22, 23, block 8, West Port land Heights , $0.S4 Lots 24, 33, 34, block, S. West Portland Heights $0.(10 Lots 1, 2, 9, 23, 24. 25, 28, block 8, West Portland Heights , 81.31 Lots 1. 2, block 10, West Portland ' Heights ! ,.,,.$0,56 Lots 2, 3, 4, B, 8, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 24, block 11. West Portland Heights,.. $2.01 Lots 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 29, block 12, Went V Portland Heights ...$1.31 Lots 28. 33, 34, block 18, West Portland Heights $0,71 Lots 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 83. 32, block 19, West Portland Heights $1,27 Lots 4. 6, 9. 10, 1t, 12, block 20, West Portland Heights , $1,16 Lots 1, 2, 8, 4, B, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 16. 10, 17, 18 and A, block 21 $3.08 Lots B. 11. 12. 13. 14. 24. block 22 $1,14 I Lots 27, 28, 29, 80, 31, 32, block 26 $1,16 LAND PLASTER Our sltipmcut of Lamt Tlustcr is now on the way. ltook your orders with us early. Huy laud plaster and you will Raise Big'g'er Crops We are Imyiug iu big quautiticH and can meet all contietition. Icave orders cither at mill or at Seeoud Street Store. Climax Milling Company feilOc States Clions Hillsboro, I li D i it M WCIINriAKLI o The best of all Bottled for mm 9 M:mmmmm.mmMmm . m-mmt Una 24 $4. 84. block V ..... V Portland Heights $ J Heidi, Annie -1.01 IS. blmk s. West Ithoades, ilen. $1.-4 Mie acre III N VV, t, ot 8. K. v, of Heetlon s, t. a n , it. 2 VV., as u. rllw.1 in ilisik a2, page XV9, l-.'...r.i of deed for Washington t.outtty, Oregon ,....,...,...,..,..... $149 Kicen, N. vV, V, of N. K, St of aw-- 11 & T a N.. it w ,....$a Hotiinitoii. Liiima 0 -Teeniv-ieu si-ree lu H I, 111 N K nf Mecllua a. I I H . II. 1 VV as dewrtbed In Book W, pige k4 ricords of deeds fur Wash iiistun County, or gun ,,,, l2 tiot.tuwn, ai.iho 8 b. V Bectlun 24. T I N.. It. 8 W , ..834 w II...... hll. J. and M - K. of N. W, V, 8.CIUUI I. T. I $., K. $ VV, $( Itiim, Irs-Uit a, block t. West Port land Place to 43 8al.ni. It. L.-8 W. of N, K. of 8.ntlotl II. T. I N.. It. I W. H8t Hamurtisn l.odtw, No. I, I. O, l. F. N. vv. of r, vv, i 01 HM'iion . 1 3 N.. It. 8 W. $4 24 Sawyer, Precoit-8. VV. of 8 K v, of N. W. V, of Hecllon Is, T. I 8. H 4 W , , $133 ftchml.H, Morlis-W. tj of N. W. , of 8. W. t, Mevtlun T. I ti., it. 2 VV .$2U 8.011. William A.-8, VV, W of Bwlloii 22. T. 1 ti.. H. 6 VV $13 Hcmenea, William 8I and unodmlf acres In U Hull l. 1.. C, No. . T. I 8., It. I VV., s described In Hiik X. page 9, records of dawls fur Wash- ingtoM County. Oregun , Ill 1J Bliaver, I'Jysws-twenty acrM In 8c tl.m 13. T. 1 8., It I W , as deerUK In Hook Xi, page St, record of ilwila for VVashlugioa t'uunly, Oregon . $t 21 ttlimv, M. K . Mrs.-Uds $ and t, blm k I, lleedvllle. Oregon fl It Shepnrd. VV. U.-VV. li of N. K. H. 8. K. i f N. K. h of Section 8, T. I N,, It. a w $im Bmlth, Harah K., and heirs of lmrllng HiniihAII nf lots 4 ami 8, of M- Hon . T. I 8 , II. 4 VV., in Washington County. Oregon, as deserlhed In Book 4-'. pnge l, records of deeds for Wiishtngton County, orrgon, and, also sll of ihe K. vt the A. Illi.nian U, L .'.. No. &9, T. 18. It. 4 W.. In Washington Counly, Oregon $W ,'4 Hmllh, lle.uge 8 -8, VV. 1 of Section 34. T. 1 N R, 8 VV. $ifcJJ Binlth. George L.-N, W. W nf a W. of Hecllon 7. T. I N., K.l VV $3 71 Bnmrk, it. I... heirs f-8evn and on half acres In N. W. 4, of 8 W, k of Hei llon 82. T. 2 8 . It. I W as de Scribed 111 llmik 82, (" 47. leiurds of d)ds for Washington County. Oregon ,. $7 98 Steele, Jesse-K u of 8 K, 14 ot Sec Uon 25. T. 8 N R. 3 W. ., Ilu 4 StiiWBrt, Chas, and J, II -Seventy-live acres In Sections 23 and ti T. I 8., H. 3 VV., as described In Book 89, page a-,, rrrarti. 01 ueeus tur vvasliingion S.oppenn ol'".". T; . K- . W...... .,811.78 Swell, ',.Imi 24 t.l.u-k 7. Hyde park, $0 ' Taylor, VV. M.-U.ts 13 and 14. block 10, South Park addition In Forest Orove , g Thing Paul-Tract In M. Moore $,' ( ',.N'i' i41'.?' 1 ' W as de scribed tu Bm.k 44. pugs 167, records of deeds for Washington Counly, Oregon fl Thomas, ft. F.-Ui 8, block , Sher wood, Oragon 11 i Thompson, ora.8. K. 14 of 8 U ot Beetlon 11. T. I 8., R J W $?& Tongue, Thomas II,, Heirs nf-B K u "f S. W. H, 8. W. 14 of 8 M. 1 Hwtlnn 14, T. 2 8., li LI W $J 74 1 uc8cr. M. J. -Klghteen seres In N, K, ti "f Beetlon , T. I 8.. H. I W as described In Book 48, page 413, records of deeds for Washington County, Oregon 'V"y Tupper, H. H.-8. K. 14 of 8. W i of Section I, T, 1 8., It. 6 W. ... ,. "r'a ai Van Low. William-W, 1 nf N W U "fS. Ill, 14 of Hectlurt li, T. 2 N.,' fl. Va nderveliien,' ' j." w.-it ' 8 and ' W ,iW in' .vIre2;t,okvs4-..HOl"h ,'"'k m Vertianwhl,!.. ,.,'". V.' m mv. .... .... of Section 29, T, 8 N It. 3 W. 1799 WiM' 0.Ut' 8, 'Block 4,"Us:M ,T. D . i ........ ooiiryi audition to Cornel' Notts', "m," 'ii; ' i'lMri ' nf-N ' u 'ofN ' H'1 14, S. JS. u of N. M. S S l v h k li. A ol Section W) aw... amnion 2, T. a N H. Well ma'ri,' 'c'l'yds ' B.-LoYs ' i'snd"" hVoig17 orovs":!h...f'ttrk ttdau",,, rSfm W'hlte, Ssmii'eil'a'.' 8." ' of' 8." wV'ii ' of" Bee Ion 32, T. 1 8., R? 8 W. ... ti si W iggins, Mary K.-b,ts 1, 2, 3 h lock T West Portland Heights .. .. .. " iJ'g, w' lRme'l , " Kstal. Co -i ,Vt 3 . block 39, Cornelius ., gn Lot 11 Tii..i..ii "" r'90 vvoouwiird, AT. J.-B. W, 14 ol ti. W u nec ion 14, T, 1 S R, 8 W-.,.,., ta'ss Woodward, B. L,-B. W, 14 of fl Vv' L Section ,32, T. 1 S R. tV Young James T.-N. 81 fest of ois 7 nnt) k 1; .Wehrting's addition to Hnld sale wlYl" 'tis' 'made'subjol't 'tour's? demptlon as per statute. ""J"'V 10 r- BherlJT and ex-Offlcio Tax'olieotof' toi r, ,vv"lll"Kn Counly, Oregon. . Dated at Hlllshoro, Oregon, this 2"d day of Dsoember, 1906. . ' . M HOUSLEY & OORWIN 0eara In All klncU of Fresh Mesta, Prices Res sotiBble. Will meet all cotnpttltlon. Chickens and Poultry always on hand upon order. Free delivery to all parts of tbe town. We buy fat itock. ffoffc Phont Sooond Street, Hllhboro, Or, trfits 4 and 8, block 10 h i. pits 8 und 7, block 11 """Tilt Lots 3, 4, 6, block IS ... I t '! I f, Lo s 8 and 7, block 1',,,' " "' "! iX s 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, block 241 " . . . , ' ml Lls 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, kaS .u i "' u?n Itharn, A. A.-k. of lv. k v. 0't N W. Vi (If Hn.-llr... X i ' ' 1.1 7J t 11.1 r. a w iw Oreg'ora (Oad - ght) Beers. Medicinal Use W. V. WILEY'S OREGON Shorj LINE Union Pacific S TIUINM Tl THR KT tII.T t IU)t 01tTf..NI. Tli rough rullmsa stsn.lsrj sail touiltt Itsiuou cuts ilsily to Ouisba, Chlrsf.o, Hpoksne; li.unet ilrrplUK car tlallw to Kansas City; tlifomh I'ulliitsn tourist ltcpliig--si Ipcisoiislly ronducleil) wrtkiy In Chlisgo, Ksnsas City, i cllnlng rhair cars (srsta frt) to tht llast daily. , i'rr K.g i.ti.r Clili'sgii Special '.. via 'Atlantic Kiprtwi 8:111 r. m, via Ht. I'sul Fast Mall fl:UU t, M. via HH)kan TIM K HCIIKIifl.KS ri ItiltTI.ANP ssaivg rsoN lnlt.t Ball !ka, Ilenvsr, I t, Worth, oinslia, Kaunas Clljr, 81, Units, Cliicngo ainl Kast Halt lake, Invr, Ft, Worth, Oninhs, Kaua City, Kt, Units, C'tilcagii Slid Kast Wslla Walls, Uwis ..ii,8Hkaiie.Wsllam Pulliiiaii, M 1 11 nes u nlls, Ht, fsul, Bit lull., Mtlwatikntt, t'ttliwaTO ami Fjt 4:.10 , . I0;30,g 7:33 S, 8 t)( KAS ASH KIVElt Hl'HF.Ht l.K rHiig PORTUNfl Nteamslilps Imtween l'lirlUntl ainl Ban Francisco every Ivedays. Itlvor IhihIs on ths lnwer Columbia anil LOW BATKtt To sin! from all points in ths Kast Tickets vis this rnuto on sale at all depot oirieea of the Boulhern Paolilo tiu. A. L, CRAIG, (jennral Pamiongor A grin t Portland, Oregon. Oonoral Morcbandtam 1 1 I csrryj complete Hue 01 Cenersl Mercbsiullse, (iruccrlc, Uty Goods, Hardware and Dulliliug Matcrlsl, I csn get you snything yoti want, on eider, at t'tirttsnd prices. 1 niake a specialty of cedar fence posts and cedar liluglci. My Una of Oroceries can't be beaten. Olve me a call. I buy farm produce, cash or trade. Give me a call. O. S. Reynolds Mountmlmiml; 0i NOTICE A Dissolution of Part nership Notice is hereby given that the firm of O. W. Patterson & Son, of Hillsboro, Oregon, have this date mutually dis solved, G. W. Tatterson with drawing from said firm and G. A. Patterson continuing the business. The said G. A. Patterson will pay all claims against the firm and collect all accounts clue. O. W. PATTERSON, G. A. PATTKRSON, Heretofore doing business as G. W. Patterson & Son. ... Dated at Hillsboro, Ore., January i, 1906. mm. A continuance of your pat ronage is solicited. G. A. PATTERSON Th Housefurnislier ' and UndertuKor.