The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 18, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 45
California People Will Fur
niah Money
New Corporttioo Piled Article U Port
land Ycattrday
W. I). tarrabee, M. II. French
and J. White Kvans, of Lot Ange
la, and reprrsented by W.T. Muir,
attorney for the Oregon Waler
Power Company, of Portland, yes
terday died articles of incor jura
tion with Clerk Fields, of Portland,
lo the mm of $5,000, the purposes
of the company being to build the
Uraydon electric line, which hai
met so many vicissitudes, into
Washington County. Can it be
powlble that the electrio line will
be built? It seems to be a new
lease of life and hope deferred ie to
bare an e roetle and a tonic. The
articlri elate that the company
will build to 'Teak" Washington
County, wherever that la, but the
Portland street railway men lay
that the company will reincarnate
the old (jraydon project and build
to Forest (J rove, btds laying
many mile inalde of Portland.
The incornoratora drove throuah
this city yetrday, looking orer
the proposed line.
It is said that work will begin as
soon as sprint: opens and grading
can oe proanwa witn success.
The Porent Grove liquor case was
aigued in the Supreme Court last
Thursday by K. K. Tongue, for the
city, and 8. li. Huston for the Unl
versity. Tongue and Cake appeal
ad from Mo Bride's decision that the
city charter did not permit a li
cense lo b granted a saloon, wbils
the proeculion held the charter
prohibited a license being istued.
MoBride decided that tbe charter
was prohibitory. Tbey expect a
decision in a few weeks at tbe moat
This limber Is suitable for lumber,
railroad ties, piling and cord wood
Only 1 miles from IlilUboro.
Inquire of F. M. Heidel,
Ililleboro, Ore.
To the Principals of the High
bcbools in the State of Oregon
The Oregon Kami Suffrage Asso
elation hereby offers to tbe High
Sohoul pupils throughout the stale
a prise of twenty dollars for the
best essay on the subject, "Reason
Tor Equal SuUrage." The condi
tions are as follows:
No fumy ahall eonUltj tru than twelv!
hundred uor more than fifteen hundred
All eaaaya muni bt complete sod in tbt
hamla of tlie committee by April the
Deciitoni to be rendered by Mty the
Itnt. m
Literature on tbe lublcct nny be oh-
t li)d free by application to the Oregon
Kqual Buflrage llta'lciuarteri, I'rcu Ui
pmtmciil, Steams Building, Sixth end
juorrliou Streets, Portland, Oregon.
As Kqual Suffrage will come be'
fore the people of Oregon as a vital
question next June, for adoption or
rejection at the polls, we believe it
should receive its e bare of attention
in the educational influence of the
day, and respectfully and cordially
invite your cooperation toward
that end.
Sincerely Yours,
Helen F. Spalding,
Chairman of Committee on Prize
Dr. James Withyoombe, now with
tbe Agricultural College at Cor
.vallis, baa filed hia notioe of can
didacy with the secretary of state
The candidate is from this oounly
proper, for years residing three
miles south of Hillsboro. He still
owns the farm here, and expects
evenimlly to move back to the
home place when he gets through
with publio life. Uov. Chamber
lain has also filed hia intention to
be oandidate before the primaries
on the demooratio ticket.
The new theatre building will be
open to the publio inside of thirty
' days. A decorator will be here Fn
day and it will take him three
weeks to finish, and when his work
is completed the interior of the
building will compare favorably
with tbe theatres in the larger
cities. The seats have arrived in
part snd the balance will be along
la a few days.
Th following officers were re
csntlr installed by the Knigbls of
Pythias Lodge at forest urovs:
Victor Fuqua, C. C; Cbas. SU-pb-
n V t: W It. li cks. rre tie:
Tbos. Ritcbey, master (if work; K.
It. Wirts, master 01 unanoe; U. U.
Rim tnaaUr tit kir.hrnuer: John
Anderson, keeper of records and
seal; Cbria Christiansen, inner
Suard; II. 15. Johnson, outer guard;
ack Lalta, trustee. At tbe close
of the installation a smoker and
banquet were given.
Wa are long on rubber boots and
have concluded to cut prices in or
der lo dispose of them. It will pay
you to ootne aod see us If in need
of rubbers. We have powder that
shoots stump at Portland prices.
P. B. Anderson & Bon, Ueedville
Mrs. Maude William, Installing
oftker, Ralbbone Bisters, inducted
tbe following into office, last rriJay
evening: Dora Nelson, past chief;
Lucret a Barrett, most excellent
obief; Carrie Moore, excellent im
ior; Kaitly Connell.exoellent junior;
lloee Davis, manager: blsie tfctiui-
merich. mistress of records and
correspondence: Msry Home, nils-
trees of finance; Susie Morgan, pro
tector; Km ma Mciunney, guaru;
Jsunis Long, trustee.
Clearance sale on skirts, cloaks
and children's suits. These articli
111 be aold at coat to make room
for our Spring stock. Anyone need
ing then articles will save money
by calling at schulmenoh Brothers.'
Henry Mattes, of Laurel, was in
town this mornina. He has iuot
returned from Polk county where
be Durcbaae a "flock header for
hi reaistered Cotswold ewS. The
buck he purchased, with two others
from the the same flock, won tbe
championship lo tbe lamb class st
tbe Lewis & Clark Fair. Owing
to a contraot. however, Mr
Matthes will bave no stock sheep
for sale until the fall of l'.K)H.
Good 20-II. P. Buffalo Pitts en
gineand Niagara grain aeparator,
30x56, Id good repair, for sale or
trade, reasonable. Inquire of J. c
Beach, Ulencoe, or Hillsboro, K F.
U. 3.
W. II. MoLldowney. superin
tendent of the Broadmead Farm,
belonging to the Ladd & Reed Co.,
was down from Amity today, and
made tbe Argus ollioe a pleasant
call. He sava that he can see that
this city haa improved since be left.
tie still owns bis plsoe east of Here
For gentlemen's, ladies' and
children's hose vou can do no bet
ter than to buy ot John Dennis.
Wetuve them for everybody, and
at prices that are values.
The weather bureau at Portland
contends "that we are still over two
inches short on rainfall, but it
would aouear. from recent precipi
tation, that he must have lost bis
measuring slick. This is his rec
ord since the first of September.
Bpeakins of groceries if you
want the finest staple and fancr
grooeriea to be found in the market,
try John Dennis. We is after yonr
trade, and once a customer, always
a customer.
W. McQuillan, of below Newton
was in the city today and reports
that horses down in his section are
afflicted with gastric trouble and
that Fred Rood.AuguBt Hellebuyck
and a Mr. Brown, bave each lost a
valuable animal.
You will do well to list you
farm for sale with J. C. Kuralli
Will alio ory auction sales. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuralli
Hillsboro. R. F. D. 4. Residence
Phillips, Ore.
Up to this morning Clerk God
man had hsued but 62 hunters' li
oenses since tbe first of tbe year
As the open season for ducks will
close on February 1, it would ap
pear that this 62 is having a mon
opoly 00 the sport.
August Tews, tailor, has an ex
cellent line of samples for suits
made to order, Satisfaction guar
anteed. Spring samples soon in
Ladies' dress gods by the yard
Call and tee; Main street, south of
court house door,
Just the thing after the theatre
or after the dance or any old time
Hot ohioken tomalea or an oyster
cocktail. Straus fe MoHenry.
H. W. Miller, of Shady Brook
oalled on the Argus today. He has
been Belling cream to the Hasel
wood people for three years, and is
now getting 31 cents for butter fat
Every body is invited lo attend
the leoture in the Court House this
Friday night at 8 o'oook. Ad
mission free.
Saturday, Jan. 20, from 10 a. m
to 4 o'clock, Dr. Lowe, the well
known ooulo-optioian will be at
Hotel Tualatin. Have him test
your eyea for glasses.
See II. Wehrung & Sons' cloth
ing display ad. on first psge, bot
torn of advertising column.
The six-year-old daughter of
Constantino Miller and wife died
yesterday near Farmlngton.
At Waitsburg, Wash. Was
O. R. AN. Station Agent
Was Efficient Mss, and Learned Busi
ness st Sherwood, This Csunly
J. O. Haynes, formerly of Sher
wood, and for several yeara O. R.
& N. agent and operator at Waits
burg, Wash., shot himself with a
revolver at the latter place, Janu
ary 10, supposedly because he baJ
bad sicknesi in Lis family and was
financially embarrass d, although
it is claimed there ia nothing wrong
n hi accounts. The auditing
0 Ulcers of the road wars at tbe
place whea Mr. Haynes suicided.
Haynes learned the bueiners at
Sherwood, and was considered one
of the company's most efficient
men. Deceafe I had been downcast
for some time over hie inability to
meet bills contracted while bis wife
and one of hia cbil lrrn wtr sick
The d al man's mother conducts
hotel at tfhrrwood, and he was
ell snd favorably known at that
pi lire He a as a brother of Miles
Haynes He 1-aves a widow
and some rma'l children.
Investment Company to Frederick
(..rcentxrg, 18 40 a in J L Hick
lie die
Rita Fairbanks el n to Tlonits
K Fsirbaaks loo a in sec 16 1 a s
r 1 w
Investment Company to John H
Davis 13 a in J N Hlckli die.
Geo II Brigis et as to Abraham
Knnion lots I and a blk 8 Oilley
Lyman A War et to Lyman B
llelknap parts of sect 15 and 17 t
an r w , ,
John D Kellingber et nz to Fred C
IKlllngner part 01 blk 6 r Urove
K A Hyde et al to J J Hartley and
Lewis t sritens it xol s e
and n of s w V and ivof
sec a n r 4 w Will Mer 8110
J T Gerrish et ns to John W Ba-
ter 16 76 a in imilKcCarnicr d 1 c
and otber lands aooo
Kmtua Dunbar et al to C G Acker-
man lot 14 and 15 bkek 9 West
Portland Heights
N Hoffman et ns to Caroline
Ctiaiubera 4 a in l'ruitvale add
Foreat Grove.....
rerrv L Ilene6l et us to Fred G
Wonder a. at a id ate 4 t J o r 4
1 lie Frank Hail burglary case
mention of which will be found in
another column, is a sad ono. The
wife, with her seven small children
will bave to buffet tbe world as
best they csn until Ihe elder child
ren are large enough to help things
along. Hall is a good worker, but
he is a natural born pilferer from
bis own statement. He has
brought seven children into the
world and right here is where
our statutes are very weak. When
a roan of family goea to the peni
tentiary there should be means
provided where the prisoner can
work at a profit to the atate, and
this profit spplied to the support
of the family that bis conduct has
It is up to the people of Hills
boro to give Mrs Hall all and any
work that she can consistently do,
that she may support the children
ot the man in the toils.
Mm Oail Laughlin, of New York,
will speak in the court house this
Friday evening, Jan. 19, her sub
ject being the Constitutional
Amendment, which will be sub
mitted at the June election. Miss
Laughlin is one of the most noted
woman attorneys in this country,
and ia ft member of the New York
bar, and has been an expert agent
for the United Slates Industrial
Commission. She is an enthusias
tic apostle in the cause of equal
political rights for women. As a
speaker she is forceful, witty and
thoroughly conversant with the
subject she has chosen. She is a
graduate of Wellesley College, and
entered Cornell University, where
she studied law and received her
degree. She is an exceptionally
high grade speaker and the people
of Hillsboro are fortunate in being
able to hear her in their home oity,
Her lecture is for both men and
women and it is hoped that the
oourt room will be filled. This
Friday evening,
John Koch and Fred Goetze, of
CorneliuB, were it town yesterday.
Try Hems' pickles at H. eh
rung & Sona.
Arthur E, Dailey. of Laurel, was
in town today, on the sick list.
If you want brick for any pur
pose, or buildirg blocks for a foun
dation, remember that the Uroner
Si Rowel Company, oi Hcholls, can
supply your demands. They bave
line lot of lumber, rough and
dreased, in their yard, and will
meet all competition. Itow tbat
your crop are harvested, would it
not be good idea to consider il
tiling will not increase your in
come, w el, low spots in tns ueius,
always giving poor results, can be
remedied by putting in tiling. Lst
us help you. We can aid you to
avoid crop failure on low lands
House and barn bills for lumber
on short notice and do not forget
tbat we can furnish you estimates
00 short notice. Post office address
Hillsboro, Oiegon, R. F. I). No. 2.
Sixty thousand feet of fine, dry
sbiplsp on hand.
Bchul merich Brothers will sell
farm implements as follows: 14
inch steel beam plows, $14.50; 12
inch steel beam plows, $12 50; 50
tooth peg harrow, $12.50; 14-inch
sulky plow, $45; two horse disc bar
row, 125.50; li steel axle wagon
complete, $50. Buggiea, hacks,
wagonk of every description. Vie
also carry a complete line of hard
ware, tinware, stoves, ranges and
will undersell Portland on these
Road Supervisor Frank Kelsay
feels highly gratified at the results
of the road work between ihia city
and tbe bridge west of town and
that it has demonstrated tbe drag
theory he is thoroughly convinced.
This rosd has to carry heavy team
ing, because of its being on tbe
milk wagon route, and heavy loads
can be hauled with no trouble.
Considering the good reiults of tbe
split-log, or drag device it ia bighly
probable that its general use will
be in practice next season. Mr.
Kelsay says that he is ueing it
once every week or so with fine
Albert N. 8tsfiton, recently re
turned from Central America where
he went to view the rubber plaDta
tion in which be is interested, eajs
tbat tbat section is a great place
for inveetment and that all Amen
cacs who go there are doing nicely
The resources are scarcely develop
ed and it is a great place for capital,
While down there Mr. Stanton
made a trip of 30 miles horse-back,
snd he says that Oregon's mud is
not a comparison his stirrup set
ually dragged in mud half the
Owing to tbe recent heavy rains
the streams are swollen bank full,
and the bottom south of town is
flooded. So far as beard no bridges
bave been washed out, this being
prevented by tbe fact tbat all s'.ruc
tureB for the past ten years have
been built higher than in former
years a lesson that was taught by
tbe disastrous freshets of ten years
ago this winter, when tbe county
bad numerous bridges to rebuild.
No. 3 Hercules Stump blasting
powder for sale; also fuse and cape;
at Portland prices. G. Hacer, 8
miles northeast of Hillsboro, on
Holbrook road, miles southwest
from old Phillips postouice. Ad
dress, Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4. .
J. C. Kuratli and family have
moved in from Phillips and are
occupying the residence at the
southwest corner of Fourth & Oak.
Mr. Kuratli will engage in the real
eBtate business.
A reduction in organs at McCor
milk's music store. A $75 Eatey
for 765; a 975 Ksley slightly used
$50; a 60 Carpenter-for $47 50
Edifon Phonographs and Records
A Penson and Eli Poe were down
from Cornelius this morning. Mr.
Poe bas bought another residence
at Cornelius, and will make bis
home there.
J. C. Greer invites everybody
wanting shoes to give him a call
He carries the famous Kilt-Kenney
shoe. Main Street, opposite Tuala
tin. Dr. Eaton reports splendid suc
cess in the Baptist meetings now in
progress at the 3rd Street Church.
It ia the intention to so build up
the church membership that a resi
dent pastor will be necessary.
Will buy sheep, or fat cattle, for
the market; also choice mares. Ad
dress me at Beaverton, Ore., and I
will call. J. G. Haynes, Beaver
ton, Ore.
Fred B. Clark, of below Farming
ton, and 11. H. Boge, of the same
section, were in the city this after
noon. C. B. Buchanan, of Cornelius,
was down to the county seat, Tues
day, conferring with Judge Rood.
Born, to Perry Hughes and wife,
of this oity, January 16, 1906, a
the celebrated
Bros, are agents for
Chatham Fanning
Miss Blanche Sewell departed
Sunday evening for Elgin, Oregon,
to be absent several weeks.
Automatic Company, Port-
and, Ready for Business Soon
Eighteen Hundred Subscribers
to be
0. 0. Wilkes, who is on the execu
live committee for the Val.'ey In
dependent telephone lines, is jubi
lant over the fact that tbe Inde
pendent telephone sj stems in this
county will in a few months bave
communication with tbe city of
Portland. In this county alone
nearly 1800 subscribers will be
benefitted. To show tbe progress
that tbe Automatic Company, with
which these linea will connect, tbe
following letter to Mr. Wilkes is
Mv Dear Sia:
I take pleasure in advising yon that
we are installing- the Automatic plant in
Portland very rapidly, when we consider
tbe size of tbe proposition.
Tbe first contract we let ber to the
Empire Electric Co., who at the con
tractors building this plant, waa lor
$1,000,000, and wc have every reason to
believe now tbat we will be giving ser
vice in a few months.
Our main building on Park and Burn-
aide Sts. is nnder construction, and we
have ust i-urchased a lot on East Morri
son St. snd one in Albina for two East
Side offices.
Our underground work has progressed
very satisfactorily, over 300,000 feet be
ing laid, approximately two thirds of the
total amount. At least two-thirds of our
poles are also in place and we are just
starting to string our messenger and
It might Interest you to know that the
Erst order placed for switchboards and
telephones waa $100,000.
VV e bave over 8,000 subscriber signed
up and are meeting with the greatest en
couragement all through the city.
The policy of the company will be to
connect with all the independent ex
changes throughout Oregon and asn-
ington, and it is tbe intention now 10
have these connections completed by the
time this plant is ready to operate.
1 lusting you are meeting with great
success which we understand you are, I
beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
F. H. Stow,
General Manager.
Oregon Kid. a gift horse, belong
ing to E. B. Tongue, won the Port
land Hunt Club paper chate at
Portland last Saturday, winning
hands or feet down. Oregon
Kid was mounted by Mr. McGralh,
a former owner, who gave tbe
animal to Tongue some mon'hs ago
because it was c'aimed ha was an
outlaw. After a few weeks or
riding and decent treatment the
kid began to do things and he has
been keeping up his record ever
since. This is one of tbe cases
where the old adage of "Never
Look a Gift Horce ia tbe Mouth"
will not work, for Tongue changed
from a severe bit to a common one
and never had any trouble.
This is not news and yet it is
but have you noticed how much
paint bas helped out Hillsboro the
pat year? There is nothing eo
conducive to a good appearance as
a little paint judiciously spread
about the town. A very unpre
tentious home is improved 500 per
cent, by the use of paint. If a few
of the old shacks which stand in
places frequently passed should be
torn down and another good seasin
of painting indulged this would be
one of the prettiest towns in the
In Salem at the residence of R. B.
Goodin, the father of the bride, at
high noon, on January 15, Mies
Florence Goodin to Mr. Andrew B
Goodmiller, both of this city, Rev
W. H. Selleck of the Methodist
church, officiating.
At the clo9e of the pretty ring
ceremony the guests sat down to a
lovely wedding breakfast. Among
those present were the Misses
Goodin, of St. Vincent's hospital,
of Portland, sisters of the bride.
Salem Statesman.
The bride is well known here,
having lived here when her father
was County Clerk. The ArgUB
tenders oongratulstions.
J. K. P. Brown, of below New
ton, was in town this morning.
For a good smoke try the Schil
ler or Exoelleucia end you will
try them again and again.
Julius Asbahr, the South Tuala
tin dairyman, was in town tbis
Saturday, Jan. 20; one day only,
Dr. Lowe, tbe eyesight specialist,
will be at Hotel Tualatin,
First Quality
We provide for the people who have had Jenough ex- i
perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any
price; who have learned that good goods from a first i
quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper P
11 1 . ' .r
reaiiy ana aggressively
We Have Made a Reputation
3?or our prescription work, because we do the work ex
actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent
age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays
you to bring such work to
This is an advertisement,
1 1
As the Twig is
How iB it with the young people of your household? Are
tbey saving money? Bave they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If bo, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that cornea into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice bo continued
until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good
ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get
an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in
clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St.
Am prepared to give vou figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
years' practical experience. Address, Hills
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States
Phone No. 28x4.
r. p. aoccLt
We shall keep the best equipped general hardware
store in Washington County, and solicit your pat
ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard- 4
ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. "
Charter Oak Stoves - '
Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsboro'
Closing' Out
Sale of Suits
To close out Broken Lines in Men's,
Boys' and Youths' Suits and Overcoats,
we are marling the following offer for
the next thirty daysi
Twenty -five Suits for Boys, age 4 to 13
years, knee pants; your choice for
Thirty-eight Youths' Suits, age 12 to
18, long pants, your choice for
Forty Mens' Suits; your choice for...
Boys' Overcoats, ages 3 to 8 years $4".20 1
Youths' Overcoats, ages 10 to 14. ...... $6.20 ,
IO per cent, discount on Mens' Over
coats until stoch is sold. ,
Drug Store
cneaper to buy.
$nd likewise it is a fact.
Tree's Inclined"
Hillsboro. Oregon
Announces to the people of Wash
tou County they have purchased
the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch-. (
bold, and will continue the busi
ness in the brick, in the old stand.,' .