V WILL VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. JANUARY ) 1. 190G. NO. 44 SBR6 mGOSo FOK COMING YEAR County Board Levied the Tax Last Friday TEN AND FOIR.TENTHS MILLS Will Raise Its Moot; Tbia Laat Year, r Twe Ytira aft The County Board levied the tax which will be collected thla Spriag, Friday 1"U 'd the roll will carry less money than laat year, or the year bffore, the total tax thia year, under thia levy, reaoblng but $1 10, 863 75, aa against a tai of $133, 012 85 lor laat Jaouary'a levy. The levy made Friday waa on a net valuation of HO.(iO,455, the mill age being aa followa: Fund Mills Amount 8letetax 182 119.402 00 County 1.73 18,44268 County School. 3 42 3G.458 76 Road 333 35.4tW.30 Hohool library... .06 639.63 Ind. soldiers 04 420 42 Total mlll...10 40 1 110.868.75 Thia tax ia, therefore, $22,144.10 leta than laat year'a levy. For comparison, laat year's levy follow nn valuation of $5,115,879: Fund Mills Amount Road 10 $51,158.79 Bute tax. 61 31.206.85 School 6 30.695 27 County 3 8 19.440.34 Indigent 0.1 51168 Total latt year's tax..$133,012 85 The following claim were allow ed: r- , 'Circuit court: O N lisle, bailiff. $M eo R Wescott, witness, ............ boo O WMsnh. laror oo Hsrlaud Kelly, witots. 4 oo O Waacolt " " , JaoNicinsaJr ' " Arnie LHcksson " " 0 Baldwin " " 1 I) Houslsy " , BC Brown " " UOOardocr " VJBaaoa ,4 " JWOwliua " " w..., WiliCartle ' " V..... Harty Wllkina " LHaldernian " " A i Hartrampf, coostubl. . . . Dr S T Linklater, aa Brnggcr Dr P A Bailey " Df W D Wood " 4 o 380 4 to J6o 4 00 a 00 1 00 a 00 a 00 3 4o 3 4o 3 4" 6 00 2 00 7 00 7 eo a 00 a 00 a 00 a eo a 00 a 00 a 00 a 00 6 00 760 7 60 8 00 57 8 00 15 60 la 60 Mrt U O Oardoer, witness, . Mrs Joe Downs " " .. B I Lyons " ... KdScbulDierich " .,, Dr A B Bailey WmNelaoa " " ... J W Bailey ' " ... BP Cornelius " " ... R R Pleishaucr " " ... A A Willie .. Mra A A Willie " .. MreAJHainee " " .. R Henticbteo " " .. IV Bltie Fray S A Hallory Joa Bucber Jurors Geo Anderson 44 00 Bd Austin a 00 J A Bryan 41 ao R M Tannock 42 80 J W Corneliua 43 4 WmBagley 4 60 Ctass Hubbert , . 41 ao 11 I Ruaaell 41 80 C N Jobneon 40 40 C h Beaefiel 44 80 W J Sw:eney... D 0 Burton M H Waht Chat Bowlby... A J McCoy... ., ' Julius Asbshr... I D Wirth ... 4 40 ... 43 60 ... 40 4u ... 39 ... 41 60 ... 39 o 44 00 40 00 ) H Collier G M Molt...,,, 49 ao B A Wolf 4a 80 A Benton 4I 2o OS Campbell 41 40 J C Knratli 43 60 Geo Billings....,.,,, 8 00 F L Bmenon .' a 00 W If Connell a 00 I, W Houae a 00 iT Young.,., a 00 SDailey.... a 00 T B Rcaaoner 800 W 0 Donelton..., 600 A of Tcwa 6 00 G O Frott a 00 A P Luther a 00 WJ Benton a 00 J 0 Palmateer , , . , , a 00 C Rebae a 00 Gen Raniom Poet, Ind aoldlcr, ..450 50 V L Bmeraon, nieala, Jury 3 00 3 lata & Prudhomme, stationery.. 6965 Jno R Bailey, roada 3 00 R Waggeuer, meals, jury 1 00 W O Donelson, witneaa 2 00 T A McBrtde, judge ao 83 Ed Scbnlmericb, witneaa a 00 C B Runyon, court reporter 147 00 T B Perkins, bailiff 8100 P Mcintosh, Lewis & Clark i2 50 Stevens Bros, roads ',, 340 M P Corrigsn, shff fees . , , , 3 00 A A Morrill, surveying..,. 40 60 W D Smith, dep clerk , . 75 00 K J uodtnan. clerk etc , ...17$ 15 AM Collins, jsaitor 35 00 Dr F J Bailey, health officer. ..... 90 96 Nelson Hardware Co, relief 5 95 Prank Nachbaur, poor farm 6600 Geo M Wilcox, assessor loo 00 W P Tucker, court boom 7 as H G itch. justice jury 300 m u nenaerson, justice jury a 00 Win Bennett " " " a 00 R I Kuratli, recorder........ 8510 Willis Ireland, deputy recorder... 30 00 m c case, snpt sat , 3s 04 W Ml Jackson, treasurer 51 00 m c case, expenses.., ,....9500 City light & water , , 37 33 T O Msec nam, supervisor ao 00 T Wolke, roads, 83 00 R P Cornelius, insurance 60 00 I)W Bath, priming etc .....134 10 11 wester, tonus 470 Mrs D W Rainwater, in 00 The Argus 7 50 )W Connell, an IT 113 00 W Connell, eipeoae It jft W Council, boaid ptitonera - 71 jo Karl lirown, circuit ccutt 11 10 Nelson Hardware Co, roada 7 ho Timet, printing 1 50 Geo Kelly, wltneta circuit court... 4 00 Redmond &. Hartrsmpf, Jus court J 60 J B Matthews' Putt, Indigrnt 6N 00 H o titppingtoe, uiiice court 4 eo Ales Hunter, roails.. 4 50 K C Brown, coroner 8 55 Dr A llailey, corouer e 10 00 Albert Hartraaipf, Juttice court..,. 6 00 H T Hselev ' " .... Hj Toni Siuay, coroner I 30 Contelutea Broe, roads 9 K4 I W Connell, refund Isx , 6 oa WI Ktlerbrook, circuit court 800 KuttryWebb " " ., Lens Locke " " . 7 00 7 00 7 00 8 00 JnoBews " . KliuLee " " . C.attoa Lewia & Clark Club a 50 k n coiima, uror circuit court. ,. 30 40 Road Dialrict claim allownl: District 1. John Nyberg powder 5.- 93, red Whetton 1 50, Jaka Harllry, 11 S&, Wm Moors , Frank Hartley 15, J Thompson 7.30, Wslter Thouipaon 3, T rairoauk 7.33, 8 L Wlrth I.jo, K r Fautt 9.73, Pte Hansen 11.8s. K Mul lov tu-so. District . m Pulley M 50, Jtmrt H Smith 13. C W KUitoo 43 7n. J Coulee 6-7S. . District A. F Johaasea 6. J Metainuer II.60. District 3 8 Wolf f 19 7s. W Rote I.- 30, L liter l.Ao, A Bunninv l.A A Slrtlloa 1 bo, W Fitch 3.sA. J Koebnke 6, M II Henderson 10.30, (' V lltncwk 10.70, A Ilergert 117ft, CW Janiet J, I" Vandecouvering 4.&0, District 6. Kvtrtlt Crocker III. Ma rion Black 6.7S, Chas Bradley 17 3, F M Keitey 11. Dittrict 9. Alois ficblecht ft. Cb.t Uebermaa 16.30, jamea North 6, l.tttle Crawford 6, Tualatin Mill Co II 50. District 10. J U Itaynca 7.30, J C Hay art 22.30. Dialrict it. I Iltynlslll. A B Todd 6, A Crepe 3, U L Wbile 1.30, A B Todd 31 50- District 14. Glen Ciltner f?t?5, Henrv VsnDyke 9 50. District is Porter Tupper 19.30, W W Lewis 7.60. District 16. Thos Williams f to, Wm McCoy it, Goo Kettler 3.73. Dittrict 17 lohn Prida txa.n. C A Shipley 3, B C Friday 6.73, Otto f.nllo- way I.30, Tom Kngen .73, Frank lietnils t, jno Carsteaa 1. 30, Jno Wilder 9, Noa Baker 1, Will Smith 3, A Friday 18, Al fred Stephens I.30, IM Crawlord 6. District lli. Was Uuick 73, 8 Fowlt a. 13, Orel Gardner 3, Tbos I'glow 4.50, J II Msxwell 6.J0. Chester Wirtx 11. A Smith 1.30. District 19 John Gutschtnidt ft. Louis retold! 3.23, J C Wenger 19.30, Olfred Pieren 6.2A. Dittrict so. Thompson Hroa 1Iq2, A R Willis 1.30, J P Knnes 6, I) B Koe I.50, A A Bacon 3, J J Johnson 3, S lltcon District at. Gurt Feterxtlka fl;.H, Cbas Wolf 8.a5, C J Hines 10.30, Wiu Tolka 10, P Watsun I1.15, D O 'Donncll 16.30, Ira Crawford 17 S. Fred kliuk at 60. District aa B K Danny It 50. Whith- ain 3.60. District jo 1 a Anderson fs District n.i'.to Wescott li.7l. Fred Maat 3, Kills B Miller 6 33, Geo Lennen Publio eaaement petition A J Heea; report viewers approved, and A J Ilea, petitioner, required to pay Cletk amount of damages and 00a ta. Lota and blocks In Webruna'e addition to Fairvisw vacated Petition I 0 Cluttei et als, for road, dismieaed beoauaa petition dow not give court jurisdiction. Koad, petition II 11 Davis et ale; report approved tod new road will open. Road, petition U A Cayell et all, continued. Clerk's receipt, December, $212; recorder. $200. Petition D B Cooley, for tele phone franchise, granted. Advertiaement to be published four weeks in official papers for bids for lease of county road as a toll road, as per petition of John McUlaran and Jno Heialer. Franchise granted Forest Orove Trana Co to operate eleotrio line on county road between depot and city. Petition 8 It Vincent for road disallowed. Clerk to draw warrant for city of Hilleboro for 60 per cent of road tax paid inside of city limits. Transcripts State vs E A Ives and Sarah Smith allowed, ' Arsus and Indenendent deeis- nated as county official papers lor 1W0. Mary A Haynie given $6 rebate on one payment taxes. J T Young to be relieved from delinquent tax sale upon of origi nal tax oLJ 18 27. , . ,U ; Foieat Grove Boasts of National Bank The Farmers'. & Mechanics' bank which has been, in operation for about three years, opened Monday as the First National Bank of For est Orove. The bank will oontinue under the same management as formerly. The officers are: R. M, VUVIVj PICDIUCU V I Vs , JJJl JLJMXJUl ID vice-president, and Uacar a. Loom Is, cashier. " Card ol Thanks The undersigned desire to thank their neighbors and friends for the aid and sympathy tendered them during the Illness and funeral ob sequies of the wife and mother, the late Mrs. Simpson. J. M, Simpson and Family, Houth Tualatin, Jan. 5, 190C. 1 Three Judges and Three Clerks In latch Precinct SEKVB AT PKIMARY AND GENERAL One Hundred sad Twenty Vetera Far Machinery The County Board has appointed the election machinery for the coming primary and grneial elec tion three judgfS and three olerks for each precinct. The Uril tlirre arc judgTa, and tlir lust thrre clrik; the Unit jml( to be chair liinii; Itrawnlmii J II Juhnaon, Chris ht'luuillrr, Kohl Tliiliwn, rrnl Ik-rgrr, Julius I'rlrrwm, l G llurtoii. IWawrtiMi J A JuIumum, (i W Stilt, (i S Tliomat, V K lU-.lgr., A W I'ike ami luul l'llirr, Itiutoii-Jubu Rlmk, J M Mlllrr. C A IVlrrMni, K (' HtirKbuUcr, 11 F Jubiuon and A I, Sli jilirii. CriK-Hi( 1 If nry Cballtii'ouib, Will I'mIIiiii, Joint Ciiriirlius, (' V llrtmcna, V irtulrr. W F IUw. Columbia W W lniu Gru lUrnit, Jim j.fi, Chat Mlllrr, t'brtlrt Wirtt, A K Md'tmiwy. Dnirv I. V Camlriit, Noah Hukrr, lc trr HpirrriiiK, J (' S hnluwriiU, George lh.U v. J 1. Kirls, lilli-)-J I' llauwu. J W HiiKhrs, H V VanMiIrr, W It Slcjdims, W llamrl man, llrrb lltiblrrt. K Butlr-C F TiK'ird. A Zwirner, G W Smith. K A Knuiu, It ti U-vly, G A I'lirtb, K Ctdar-II liobbiiis, W M Moore, J C Ilriiry, Aloiuo Worth, Adolf Ciuiinu, K N Green. Galrt Crrrk-J W IbfcRobrrit, John lln.lcr, D G Lilly, Jas living, K M Wltilr, G Fuulc. Gaston-H Mattirson, G V. Minrr, K Best. K J Ward, K II 1'arkcr, Jaa 1 llooX't. Moiinlnln Ceo Ktaner, W F Hollcn-txH-k, Tbut Murpbv Jr, Strdicn Hollcn berk, Jot Fmnrr, (tail Hue. N K Grove J 8 Buxton, J Peterson, Ira I'lirillu, Clint Milter, Victor i'rop, A K IjuIk). N llllllro K(! Brown, R II Giwr, IVlcr lltm-ow, J II Scwrll, Francis llan Icy. CJaik Jr. IU-edvllle-8 P Hicdcr, J B Imlay, J w York, l R wbeelrr, Niik Kemmer, will Jack. 8 F Grove W R Haines, J H McNa uicr. w m uuiKlcy, J it wirtt, w n m Mycra, Cbaa I. Bradley. 8 Hilliilioro Jno Milne, T II Toiiruc Jr, C lllawr, t'lms Croiker, T a weather red, G A I'Mttcrnon. 8 Tuiilalin Frank HiinMon, C It Ailuuu, wm ik'btilnicricb, F Brown, F.d Bone, J II Collier. WahiiiKton Alfred GiierlHT. a c win nry, S N Tuutlall, will furicy, Geo lurrty. W Biiltr Ole Olson, Christ Clirittrn n, A V I K-iin y. Herman Gustln, Jas IkiwuiiiXi L S Bierly. Went Cedar A IV Hull, J A Cbatiniau, J C Smwk, C F Hall, Fred Lunger Jr, F A IHtls. DIES FROM OVEREXERTION While A. EI. Vimwnt, an agrd far mer, was surveying a portion of hie land lanl Thursday, nrar Hherwood, he waa suddenly stricken with heart failure and did in a few minutes. Over-exerilon from climbing over fallen limber and along a wild trail on which the work was being done proved tno great a atraiti. Mr. Vincent was .horn In Mew York tnte In 1831. He came to Oregon with bis family 30 years ago, and bought the farm where he has lived since, about 1 miles west oi Miildleton. His wife died about two years ago, The remaining family onnsista of one daughter, Mrs. A. J. McUanieis, of l'oriland, .tnd live grown sons residing In various parti of the state, being F. F , V. I), Lloyd, Ueorge and It. Vincent. A CARD In bidding good-bye to Oregon and the beautiful little oity of Hillebo ro, embowered as it is in a valley of perennial green, wuiie ail around we see snow capped mountains, words are too frail to express a lit ting tribute to this lovely land, so grand, so beautiful, and with al, so healthful. I oan never ex press my feelings to the desr, kind friends I have met end learned to love as I have the friends of this place. I fel very sad at I must say good-bye ana leave all these dear ones. Our meetings In the different ohurohes and in our home gatherings have been very dear to me and have made me feel that Ifeavin was nearer, and our Saviour dearer than ever before. Many thanks, dear friends, one and all, for your kind and cordial entertainment. May Heaven ever bless and keep you, is tbe prayer of , (Mrs ) P. S. Wright. BANKS MEAT MARKET Tbe undersigned has opened a meat markot at Banks, and will keep a supply of all kinds of meats gener ally kept in a butcher shop. Your patronage is solicited. R. M. Banks. If you want brick for any pur- Stoat, or buildirg bkuks for a (oun lation, remember that the Uroner & Howell Company, of Scholia, can supply your demands. They have a fine lot of lumber, rough and drtesed, in their yard, and will meet all competition. Now that your crop are harvested, would It not le a good idea to consider if tiling will not increase your In- ootne. Wet, low spots in I he (kids, always giving poor results, can be remedied by putting in tiling. LM us help you. We can aid you to avoid crop failure on low landa House and barn Mile for lumber on short notice and do not forget that we can furnish you ratimatea on abort notice, Post office address -Hilleboro, Oregon, R F. I. No 2. Sixty thousand feet of tine, dry ahiplap on hand. Urn Hansom Post and the Wo man's Relief Corps held a joint in stallation here Saturday, The following oltlcere were in stalled: R. Wapgener, command er; R K. Dailey, senior command er; A. W. Rarber, junior command- if, F. Doughty, anrgrant; L. T Cornell, quartermaster; II. Her-ss, olllcerof the day; U. N. lisle, ad jutant; F. Halnea, chaplain; R. K. II si nee, guard. At noon tbe la dles of the Relief Corps served luncheon, alter which an excellent program, consisting of speeches and sontjs, was tendered. Sohulmerich Brolhsrs will rell farm implements aa follows: 14 inch steel boam plows, 111 M); 12 inch steel beam plows, 12 50; 50 tooth peg harrow, 112.50; H-inoh sulky plow, (45; two horse disc bar row, f 25.50; 11 steel axle wagon complete, $50. Bugtie, hacks, wagons of every (lescription. We alao carry a complete line of bard- ware, tinware, atovea, ranges snd will undersell Portland on these articles. Jericho Lodge, No. 183, 1. 0. 0. F., of Banks, has Installed the fid lowing oll'icm: Q. McOraw, N U ; Will Prickett, V. (1 ; Robtrt Banks, secretary; Jos. C. Schulmeriuh, treasurer. A supper waa served to the viaiiing contingent f'Oiu tbe Forest (J rove an I Hillsboro lodges. Fred Olron, of Hillsboro conducted the installation ceremonies L, W. Hous, who was worked for twenty or thirty years around belts and machinery, fell afoul of a Eulhty the first of the week and adly lacerated one of his hands. No bones were broken but it waa a clot-o call. He ia able to do hia work, however, with the exercise of a little stoicism. Donnls has received bis new stock of shoes, --the American Gen tleman and American Lady, the finest In the market. Come in and see them. Ihe latest modelw. These ahoes are advertised in every prominent magaxine and newspa per in tbe world. Martin Sandberg, of Nelson, five mile.1! etst of town, stifl'erml a pa ralytic stroke at the J. T. Young farm, weat of town, tbe first of Ihe week, and as a result, the loft side of his body is paralyxod. Dr. F. A Bailey was calUd and says lu pa- tieut is improving. The beat potato crop yet heard from this season which is not a good one, owing to drouth ia that of L. C. Drown, who lives over in South Tualatin. He raised 1)08 bushels on four and one-half acres, the product beiog a line market able Burbank. For sale: White Rook cockerels, hatched last winter from best esse offered by Hazelwood and Sears, the two leaning White Rock breed er in tbe Northwest $2 to H Rose Mound Farm, Hillsboro, Ore, R. F. D, 2. Mrs. Ferd Uroner, Pro prietor. J, J, Whitten, of near Phillips, was in town Tuesday, acooinpanled by his brother, Jaoob, who is visit ing here from Phillipaburg, Kas. The guest thinks an Oregon winter is about the finest he has ever seen, and he is loud in praises of this section of the country. No. 8 Hercules Stump blasting powder for sale; also fuse and caps: at Portland prices. 0. Hagor, 8 miles northeast of Hilleboro, on Hoi brook road, 1 miles southwest from old Phillips pnatoflioe. Ad dress, Hillsboro, R. F. D. 4. E. C. Brown, of Spokane, who is at the head of the Paoiiio Live stock Assn., which Insures against the death of horses snd cows, was in town Tuesday, accompanied by K. H. Green, formerly of Goshen, Ind , and now of Portland. Freda Sluokl, the 10 year old daughter of Fred Stuoki, of near Bethany, died last Sunday from an attack of heart trouble superin duced by dropsy. F, C, Rutt, of north of Reedville, was in town Tuesday, and states that there will be a publio sale at bis father s place on January 18, The little two year old daughter of H, R. Edigar and wife, of near liotbany, died January o. AN UNKNOWN MAN FOUND DEAD, SUNDAY Had Lain For Several Months on lMnnucIc of Rocks NOTHING TO IDENTIFY DECEASED Was Found br Thrte Bays Above Swrdtrills Chas. Bernard and the two Hoi Itoach boys, residing below Cedar Mill, found Ihe skeleton of a dead man on a pinnacle of rock, above Swedeville, about three miles eaat of Cedar Mill, in thia county, Sun day. Corontr K. C. Brown was no tified and in company with Dr. S T Linklater tht place waa given an oflleinl visit. Tbey found a skele ton of an apparently well-dressed man, the flesh being nearly all de cayed away. There was nothing with which to identify the corps", no papera nor money being found. Hia hat b re the advertisement of a Spokane firm. It is supposed that be was a stranger, and that he wandered out to commit auicide Coroner Brown swore the follow ing jury, which toil ml that the atrauger met death from cauaee un known to them: John A. Johnson, his father, Johnson, John Johnson, W.J. Butner, Chas Ber nard and Matthias Utlmen. The remains were brought to the poor farm Tuesday for burial. TREASURE LEGEND REVIVED Twenty five years ago there was a Hillsboro legend to the effect that "Groundhog Davis," who lived just west of town, had died leaving a buried treasure on the place. Da vis came herein 1847, across the PlniiH, and brought with him two mill stones ol ancient pattern, and soon had a one horse grist mill run ning below the old Butler mill eite on what is now the Thos, Connell farm. Davia made money, but spent it In litigation. After hia death it waa popularly supposed that he had buried his treasure in bis garden plot, and for yeaismany rearched and dug in tbe hopes of unearthing it. Little has Wen heard of this for f ears, until, Tuesday morning, four usty follows were seen over on the hill, proddirg In the ground with sharp pieoea of iron, searching for the buried doubloons on Ililltb ro's Treasure Island." After an hour's work the four looked at one another with discouraged mien and proceeded to return to town, where they tanked up. Had one of the men been poetessed of a wooden leg a person might easily have dream ed he was "Jack Silver" in the Herb and David's Hill but an outpost of the island made famous by Robert Louis Stevenson. Kenvon Crandall, who perhaps knew Davis as well as any of tbe old pioneers, thinks that Davia had squandered his money in litigation, long before he died. PUBLIC SALE Tbe undersigned will sell at public auotion at his farm, 7 miles east of Hillsboro, and 2 miles northeast of Reedville, at 10 o'clock a. ra , on THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 Two work borses, weight, 1400 esch; a 1 . . , 1 ...... . . .1 -1.1 lirifrrs, graded Jersty and Holstsin; a jersey calvea; set tesni bsrness, set chain harness, 3 Mitchell wagon; light wa Son; steel harrow, 50 tooth; 14 inch plow, isc harrow, 18 inch; lot oi hay, oats, po tatoes, cord wood: also stoves, household and kitchen furniture and other articles too numerous to nieutlon. l'arui for rent. Terms of Sale $10 and under, cash; over IH), 9 montha' time, ap proved note, 0 per oont. A. L. RUTT, Owner, B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, McNAMARA LAUER Mr. James E. MpNamara, formerly of HlllBDoro, and Miss Graoe Ann Lauer, of Tbe Dalles, were united in marringe in St. Peter's Catholic Church, that city, at 8:00 p.m., Monday, January 8, 1900 The groom is in charge of the compos ing rooms of The Dalles Daily Chronicle, and the bride is a well known young lady of her city. A host of the groom's Hillsboro friends telt graphed congratulations Mondftv evening. They will reside The Dalles. E. T. Turner, of Banks, was in town Tuesday afternoon. F. Schmidt, of Laurel, was a oounty seat caller Tuesday. L. C. Brown, of South Tualatin, was in town Tuesday evening. L. E. Waldron,of near Bethany, was a county seat visitor Tuesday afternoon. First Quality We provide for the people who have had enough ex perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper really and aggressively cheaper to buy. Wc Have Made a Reputation lb For our prescription work, J f 1 1J t.- J nvnjr ua 11 siiuuiu uc uone. we pay no one a percent age to scud us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays you to bring such work to BAILEY'S PHARMACY This is . an advertisctucnt,)and likewise it is a fact. As the Twig is The How is it with the young people of your household? Are tbey saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to inBtill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are you swklng the opportunity to "bend the iwig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, here it Is: Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar that comes Into their hands. The next dollar should bi Ircatcd in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has ben established. A good ly bank account will soon leiult; the young folks will get an inkling of Ihe ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. THE J. W. SHUTE BANK North Side Main St. Hillsboro, Oregon CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER I Am prepared to give vou figures on any kind ' of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience. Address, Hills- JS Wo, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacifio States s Phone No. 28x4. I Ghe Delta Drug' Store For Prescriptions, Family Recipes, Patent Medicines, - School Boohs, Sundries, Etc. THE DELTA DRUG CO. WM. TUCKER. Prop. CHAS. LAMttIN We shall keep the best equipped general hardware store in Washington County, and solicit your pat ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. Charter Oak Stoves - ' Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsboro Oysters furnished for parlies; served at parlors, any style; hot stews, raw, or any way desired. Neat service. Hot chocolate with bread or cakes. Hot bsef teas Fred D. Adams, Second St. Drug Store I; because we do'the work ex- llf . 15 Bent Tree's Inclined" r. P. QOCDZlJL COMPANY HARDWARE Announces to the people of Wash ton County they have purchased the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch bold, and will continue the busi ness in the brick, in the old stand. You will do well to list your farm for sale with J C. Kuratli. Will also ory auction sales.- Satis faction guaranteed. J. C. Kuratli, HillHboro, R. F. I). 4. Residence, I Phillips, Ore.