The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 04, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 43
Candidates fur Office
Get Busy Soon
Date of Primary law Far Tela Year la
April ao
Tut new primary Uw which goet
iolo 'fleet tbii tear will make a
election prooeedare and prospective
candidatse will bate to get oo the
. primary ticket by emulating a pe
tition and filing It lb the County
Clerk. The date yj the primary
eleotion for thii campaign ia aet for
April 20, and the registration for
thla election will cloee 10 days pri
or, or April 10.
Candidate! must therefore virtu
ally go through two csuipaigne
one against applicanta within their
own parly and then at tho general
election. Dielrlct candidatee mual
file their primary application with
the county clerk, while district and
joint legislative nomination seekers
mut file with secretary of atate.
Many have conceived the Idea
that the Southern Peoiflo waa soon
to discontinue the noon and mid
night train. There ia nothing drfl
nite about thie aa -el, but it it
known that the company has con
sidered a obange that is, running
tha train out of Portland, Jefferson
street, around the St. Jo cutoff,
down put Forest Grove and Hills
boro to Portland, and then make a
relraoe of the trip, out through
Ulllsbo'O and Forest Urove, and
back vlaNewberg, In the evening.
Sobulmarloh Brothere will tell
farm Implement a follows: 14
U. G. Lccdy and Wife, of Tl
gardvllle, are Home
Bart Btta Back I Alls a tic City, Ntw
Argus and Oregonlan, 12.
I). I.etsy was In from South Tua
latin, Saturday.
A. W. Pike, of Beaverlon, was In
the city Saturday.
Go to MoCorniiok'e for school
John Koch was In from beyond
Blooming, Frldsy.
Fred Dtilptanohe, of Centerville,
was la town Saturday,
Frank Gordon waa down from
Forest Grove, Baturday.
Judge W. II . Mollis ws a coun
A 22 Calibre Hullct Entered
IMtturnl Cavity
Wss Shot
While lMavlog
Neighbor Lad
With s
inch steel beam plowa, $14 50; 12 State Maater of the Oregon Grange, Uy seat visitor Baturday.
lnch,Vw beam plows, fiaou: ou- B G. Lerdy, and bis wire, residing Hchool
,arn peg harrow, $12.50; 14-lnch ti Tlgardville, have recently re- Inks, eto
'ULky.4 WrJlir tr-d from Atlantic City, where store.
.mnlaia.' iftu. HumUs. haoka. they rprntd the Oreon State J. A.
r"- - . "7 ..' ... n ... M.I . lit... .... I.
wagon of every description, we urange ai me oauonai vnao u"i"'
Session Mr. Leedy says the Ne- u7
David Reghllto, ol Beavsrton,
waa in town lueaday.
Chat. Bernards, of Cedar
was in town Turaday.
John Ben Stewart was over from
South Tualatin, Monday.
Dr. F. M. Robinson and wife
were ug from Beaverton, Tuesday.
Mf MoBride came out Tues
da7 jning and opened circuit
filler, of Witch Haiel,
S)untv seat the first of
r and Edwin Mor
jm Hilt'. Military
W National Cburoh
nd Vcted Daniel
Sta' Forek to the office
of t Jisitori, It,
IJL IGeiger vidown to the
, county tA Tuesday, and says that
ducks are fairly plentiful up above
John M. Simpson, formerly io
the harness buslnesa bere, is now
mixologist for E. B. Sappington's
place at Cornelius. .
E. A. Woll. Reedville, and A
Benson, Cornelius, both of whom
were iurors thie term or circuit
caurt, were in town Tuesday.
Capt. J. D. Merryman, appraiser
in the, Portland custom bouse,
spent the New Year with his lam
ily, taking the usual holiday.
Alfred Daviea, of B'averton, was
ud to circuit court Tuesday, de
fending the action brought to throw
him out or omee aa counoiiman.
Married: At the home of Per
Wilson. Galtt Creek, on Deo.
31. 1905. J. W. H. Adkine official
tni. Mr. C. F. Wilton and Miss
Maud Mc Roberts.
A reduction in organs at McCor
-Ttaick's music store. A $76 Etey
for $G5; a $75 Ustey slightly used.
$50: a $00 Carpenter for 14 W
. Edison Phonographs and Records.
J. B. Eddy, once editor of the
Forest QroveTim e, passed tbrougb
town the first of the week, return
' ins from a visit to the College town
He ia now workiog for the 0. R. &
' N. .
For sals: 3 acres, vis: 1 acre
in strawberries; 1000 bearing grape
vines, different varieties; smal
house, furniture, horse and wagon
Will sell for $650.- G. W. Feigh
ner, Cate Market.
Forest Grove has filed her oity
tax levy at 6 mills on a valuation
of $371,105. giving them a taxation
of $2,226.63. This is within two
or three hundred dollars of Hills
boro's levy.
Married: At the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W
B, Loutignont, of Gales Creek, on
Deo. 31. 1905. J. W. H. Ad kins of
filiating, Mr. J. P. Hayden and
Miss Birdte May Lousignont,
No. 3 Hercules Stump blasting
powder for sale; also (use and caps
at Portland prices. G. Hager, I
miles northeast of Hillsboro, on
Holbrook road, 1 miles southwest
from old Phillips postoffloe. Ad
dress, Hillsboro, R, F. D. 4,
! The oreditora of T. P. and J:
McGnrry, of Cornelius, met in this
citv thie afternoon, ana eieciea w
N. Barrett as trustee. The eseests
amount to about $1036 and the
debts of the partnership amount to
$1437 69. -The brothers bave been
running a dairv ranch on the On
obanan beaverdam ranch above
Cornelius for two seasons.
o oarrr a complete line of hard
ware, unware, etoves, ranges ana
111 uodrreell Portland on these
J. W. Cave ws busy Monday
distributing the New tear's Ore
tronian Annual. The Edition oom
lately covers prospective railway
development in tht northwest lor
the immediate future, ana la a very
readable paper. It it well worthy
sending to our Kastern menus.
The Philippine Volunteer Sol-
iers' monument, erected at Port
land, will be nnveiled on February
Washinctoo County bas two
names on the monument, C
Oliver, Hillsboro and John Spier- ih, ' ,ar .,, tcAM in Agent Atkins, at Forest Grove,
nge. Greenville, both oiw bom d lea M. vintni.. M.rkee. will continue to act as tiouthern
at Manila. I.i m ..... ..mA nut nn the Pacific station aaent at that place.
Dennis haa received his new porch of bis home In this city, and !.,.!, ., .,i!.,,i h.i..u.
a .Waa. It.. iMMlMnfljn. .t.rlJ rl..wn tk. ftl.n. wKma n. I u
tleman and Amerioan Lady, the I slipped and fell, striking on lbs
Anna! in tha markai. Coma in and alan in such a, wav aa to braak one
th.m Tha Utaat tuoda a. thiah bone ut be low the h in o int. I Are you a smoker T 1 hen call
ThM ihnaa ara advarliaad In avarv Oarlna ta his aae and tha severity lor the Schiller or
prominent magasine and newspa
per in toe world.
One of the milk wagons for the
coadeneer indulged in a runaway
laat Saturday, and cam up Second
street on the jump, w ben the
team reached the obain. however, it
swung in and came to a halt, with
a can.
For tale: White Rock cockerels,
batched last winter from beet eggs
offered by Haielwood and Bears,
tbe two leadinz White Rock breed
en in the Northwest $2 to $4.
Rote Mound Farm, Hillsboro, Ore.,
R. F. D. 2. Mrs. Ferd Groner, Pro-
Sheriff Connell returned Friday
from Salem, to which place he
conveyed 8. A. Mallory to serve a
year'a sentence st tbe poo. Mrs
tlonat Grants heartily endorses
adding elementary agriculture as a
part of the pub'io euhoul syntem,
and that the body endured the
president's altitude on railway legislation.
r. and Mrs. Leedy have Ik en
home leve'al deys and sre bning
gnetedby their many Tigardville
Eddy Baker, a nine year olJ son of
n. n.L I if. . f ..... m ,1
1. 1.1.1. .!!. .ml ru w..o, v. ..v.. wn.
. at MoCormick's musio dl". A Tbursdsy evening
- I. .. n .-. mi . 1 !l 1. ..I
iron) ins nucii oi a ii-caimrt oui
'!....... Af th. let. whlon ne received t,nrisimas
fiilillligi isseass a wvev pv i
tbe city Hatur- Pay, while playing with a neigb
bor'a boy. Tbe shot waa first sup-
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson posed to bsve lodged in the uiUBClts
were In from South Tualatin, Mon- of the boy's bark but later it was
l ... : - I . . .
u7- found that tbe lullet had gone
Danirl Stoller Jr., uf nrar West tbrouiih and lodged In the pleural
Union, was In the county l Bat- r.tfl. RlooJ imUon set in and
urullT' ' hi,. HuIm fullnw naifl awav iniiiJa
Hon. A. B. Flint and wi(i, of Li .i,rM ,.
ivinwn, were in me cur uie oi .,.:v. ..
Smoke the Schiller and Eicel- was playing ailh deceased.
lenola cigars Uregou niaiuiiaolure
Call for them.
Chaa. Meacham, who ia dairying
...... M..t.i...l.l. ... I..
pcy " ;; .:.:. . .:.:
First Quality Drug Store
We provide for the people who have hadenough ex
perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any
price; who have learned that good goods front a first
quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper
really and aggressively cheaper to buy.
We Have Made a Reputation
For our prescription work, because we do the work ex
ariCly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent
'age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays
you to bring such work to
This is an advertisement wnd likewise it is a fact.
evening until lueaday morning,
New leer s being a ligsl holiday.
Gustav Ilickethler, a marble dral
er, died in Portland tbe last of tbe
week, and bis remains were interred
bere nunday. Deceased at on
lime lived out near Laurel, but re
cently moved to Portland. A few
months ago Hioketbier opened a
marble shop on Main street, next
door to tbe llartrampf ferd store,
but illness prevented him from do
J... " ing any business. He bad a tumor
of the shock, feart are entertained Oregon manufacture.
of the result. ur. L. Moire, the Greenville
Another accident from the sams postmaster and merchant, was In
cause happened to nr. nunyon, towll Haturd.w.on nrobaiebiu nra.
II 111 ttM I
lata taavA m lat ha II
VTI WWW aaaiavw www w aiva v. mm-r
was walking along the railroad
track, carrying an ax on his about
" j " " " . j l:7i. -V.. .r;7 r dw. In atteinpUog to cross a cat
oo llamas uu wiuuu iuiwi ,. , . m -t . ... .
H is sa i ia uw uti'pv wiiu svai saissv
land, wat here over nunday, a
guest at the W. II. Wehrung home.
E. A. Barns' new song "A Duer
on his neck and sustained several
operations. Dcceaaed was born in
tbe old country. After coming to
Oregon be engaged io the tombstone
business and finally drifted to farm
ing. Later he again embarked in
business, but only with moderate
success, ue leaves a wiiu and a
email family.
Little Webfoot Girl" now on sale
the edgs of the ai struok him on at McCormick's musio store, 25 cts
the neck, inflicting a dangerous cut
He lost much blood
serious condition.
and Is In a
A. S. Bholes waa a Portland vial-
tor Tuesday.
J. C. Hare's sawmill has started
up for ao extended run.
Geo. Stephens waa a Portland
visitor the first of the week.
mvrnhant w.a In tha nit litat Krl
r. . 1 r t ..I I... O.Ut I V . . . . ' ' .
twin I.OYIIJ. iriiiu "i moiiiii. i h. anil in.rl. Ih. nil m a
J - - - m I . . ...... .. -r i w.i. ... w . t. w ....... w ..... u .
y uiis is serving ner seownoe in mo at vo., wan a uiiiiuuru eauor nw nleasant call.
. .j i. .n. I r
...iL I . . ... ... Richard Bildra arrived
Mm VVI SBlwU WflSJU UIUVU vwiujrwuiv
Tbe luoky numbers at G. W.
White's Bayingi, a Seattle publi
cation, Data the Forest Grove News
Clark, of Portland.
Found: Umluella,
for sale
Herman liernardr. or isortn ror- tr..,i. ir,i...n. i.,
est Grove, waa In the city Tuesday, drMBing room 0f litiUWo Oper
ana maae mis omoe a pieasau van. UoUM. jy have same by
Re-t sunDlvof noultrv food io proving properly and paying for
tha rmintv at Climax Feed store, ad
m . . l tl" ... . . I
Clearance aaie on eairia, cioaas sfcond street, opposite bandstand. ti,. t,. !.,! fti fi.t,.l..
..J .k:l... Ii. Tk.....i t.. " . " J . 7
IIU VUMUIVII .M.t.. . uv.w ..wav. . Mill.. L. . t . . I ..I.
will be sold at cost to make room
atterson & Son's prize drawing,
Baturday, were: First prise, No
608, which entitles the holder there
of to a Brass Bedstead; second
prize, No. 731, and entitles the
bolder thereof to a Morrit Chair.
If the road supervisor in esch dis
trict will next year adopt tbe drag
or split-log system on the highways
Washington County will next year
have Kod roads, no matter bow
rain fails All this toil needs is s
decent drainage from the road cen
ters.and water will run olraseisily
aa from a duck s biok. bach year
thousands of dollort are spent on
our roads aud when winter comes
we hsve no appreciable results.
Tax money spent wilh the drsg
nu..t iaV u system win nrmg results, wun
th. nil. Rii..,L.r.PniimUt I drainage first, ai a foundation
ui.u -iih hi. j....hur M Mill: There is no need for bad roads
Robert Wirtz, who wss deputy
recorder a few years ago, was down
from Forost Grove Baturday eve
Miss Irene Cad well, of Forest
Grove, wat io town the first of tbe
week, the gueet of Mini Florence
P. 8 Anderson, the Reedville
for our Spring slock. Anyone need
ins these artiolet will tave money
by calling at Scbulmeriob Brothers.'
Chas. B. Buohanao was down
from Cornellua Tuesday, attending
tbe meeting of oreditort in tbe Mo
Garry affair, before Referee Bagley
Clerk Godman opened the regis
tration books, Tuesday, and C. B.
Buchanan waa the Brat to get on
the rolls for the campaign.
Before purchasing a piano or or
i . 4.11. v r u.n..
g.o oave a iai. wiui . , ... th(. n,
mick. For quality and pnoee be -"V". .C ... '
Hilltboro'i business streets have
Geo. Miller, who hat been rait- morning crippled tbe telephone aer-
ins hoot on Cooper Mountain for vice between this oily and Portland,
several yeart, was in town Tuesdsy. and it was impossible to get a met
Cornelius Brown, who bouht the inrou8n
McOuillan nlace from HlBtanboth- Crockett Brown, ton of Mr. tnd
" . . .. . . i I ir ir n n - e I. -1 .
am. was in town tne nrsi oi me mrs. j. i. r. uronn,oi umuw iown,
cannot be beaten.
A new residenoe it being built on
tbe lot south of the Catholic ohuroh,
juat across the alley from tbe Led'
lord home.
departed (or Benbrook, Texas, the
last or the week, where he will visit
this winter, and perhaps longer.
Good 20-H. P. Buff! Pittt an
gine and Niagara grain separator,
on-r.n 1 ....... ..i.
.G!.iBi"e K:'S,fa .ViB?I?: trade, reMonable.ilnquire of J. C.
Beach, Glenooe, or H.illsboro, K F.
D. 3.
Saturday, Jan. 0, will be a big
day at MoMinnvlile the date of a
big Horticultural meeting. Hon.
W. K. lSewell, Dilley, W. ti Haines
and H. C. Atwell, of Forest Grove,
will be in attendance from this
If vou are in want of a suit of
clothes come and see us. We will
undersell our competitors. Seoul
merioh Brothers.
for several months, will leave for
Tillamook the last of the week, to
Asttsror Geo. II. Wilcox, who has
had a great deal of practical ex per
ience in tbe fruit growing buaincts
thinks that If orcharding will give
their trees the care necessary that
this section of Oregon can beat tbe
world in apple growth and (Uvor.
The extra care neoeesary, however,
Involves a great deal of time, but it
will be repaid by a one production
and a saleable article that will
bring its on price. Washington
county apples are away ahead of
tbe Hood River product lor Davor
and substance but there must be
plenty of spraying and the San
Jose scale must be eliminated.
F. D. Culver prepared a most pleas
ant surprise for hie family aBt
Saturday night. Wilh the assist
ence of Mrs. Culver, arrangements
were made for the choir of tbe Bap
tltt church, of wbiob their oldest
son, Kay Culver, is a member, to
give the latter a surprise party
But Mrs. Uulver was wholly un
As the Twig is Bent
The Tree's Inclined"
How is it with the young people of your household ? Are
they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the
value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into
their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy?
Are you swking the opportunity to "bend the twig?"
Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If to, here
it is:
Send the young folks to our bank with the first spare
dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should
be treated in like manner, and the practice to continued
until a fixed habit of saving hat been established. A good
ly bank account will soon reeult: the young folks will get
an inkling of the waya of business, and, being thus "in
clined" sre likely to grow up into straight and thrifty
North Side Main St. M Hillsboro, Oregon
Am prepared to give you figures on any kind
of a building in Washington county. Eighteen
practical experience. Address, Hills-
boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1.
Phone No. 28x4.
Pacifio State
t. p. aocsui
636c Delta
Drug' Store
For Prescriptions,
' Family Recipes,
Patent Medicines,
School Boohs,
Sundries, Etc.
all been planked and this expense
will not come again for seven or
eight yeart. Now if the oity an
.1 Ul.. I1I .t in ... .... ..J
buurmoa win bv hhi ioih uu i
Mr. and Mrt. B. W, Armentrout, ffrade un the unnlanked streets and r00"17'
of Banks, were here New Year's, use the anllt los svstem we shall J. H. Wexoolt, the Gaston hard
irnestB of P. M. Jaokton and wife, hava onnA rnads In town. Harmon ware man. was down Monday and
ti a r MoLin haa iuat finished the north accompanied J no. M, wan down to prepared tor tne receipt oi a
. . 7 7 . ... kin nUnVlns thU anil nl ilia J.nlr. Portland, where thav witnessed the tiful schiiler S Diano. that wss
RirdJll'a ItForwt Grve SundU n Bottom bridge, and, when the laying of the corner stone of the brought in during tho oourse of the
Birdsell I, at "ore urove, DUnaay. a . ,. Tamni- nl lin(l, L.nln and ha was tha mora aur.
. . i utiuiiiiw ii a ob .ud bumvu t 1'L'i uaauit tail i "is. j t-" i i v v - - -
From Supt. Naobbauer t report twill Kaa arvk nnl k ..lllno (n Ik. aniiih nnnatrnntinn. nrland of the two. McMlnnville
it it ascertained that there are but of the oit. w , on . RegUter
van mmi m 11 ma couniv iarm.i . : ---
- I T 1 i L.l.l .nM nnnr.l mluil Ia ai.I nvlAo. in tm
. i ii tdu want vriua. mr biit uuf- uats uuuuiuusu u vun ui .u v.
Chat.,Mltyt came OQt from Port- ' . knlMlnn klW. fnr a km. dar to dlannse of them. It will nav
. . .' t iwwtnw - 1 : .. . r
land tuesaay, ana went on on. oe-1 j.(Inn , that the Groner vou to come and tee us If in need
Mrs. Dora Fiene Howell, wife of
John Howell, of Mountaindale,
p H Anrinrann A Ron lineS villa, died Sunday, at the home of C. F
naves, on First strettt, iruin iuo ei-
C,-i. nf nklU.kUk k.v nk)M alan
. . . . . ft . ) . I TT1HHL Mil UUUIUBIilhlUIl. 11UW lliBL I T I 1 E A ..... - I" ' '
For a good imoae try . tne ooni - .M.U, .,,, . ' ,rru. "", VUIB ou oassina awsy. Deceased was born
fixceuencia you win . . . . .... u UD ""
".. ,!i , villa, wat here the last of the week
1 f 1 ! .11 k.A Ih...... ..... Im I ...
UI10K will uuii iiiurroso juur 111-
yond Glencoe to visit bit parents. A noweM Comoanv. of Sohollt. can of rubbers. Wa have powder that
Sheriff Connell and wife tpent tupply your demands. They have shoota stumps at Tortland pricpt
New Year'a with Mr. and Mrt. J.I a fine lot of lumber, rough and
A. Thornburgh, at Foreat Urovt. dretsed, m meir yara, ana win Wren . tQn 0 Michael
meet an ouuiuonuuu. 11 uw mti
ler or Excellencla end you
try them again and again.
in Benton county, April 28, 1882,
and was married to John Howell,
He it now in the hop business over 8 t 20, 1904. Tbe funeral waB
The sap in the hills above Gas
that Elizabeth ton is giving the Southern Paoifio a
tTnuat. Drnva and nnrnallua wara I V.l Inaniuitiln lhaAalila .. . . .
- , . , ,T :7 ; . iu . . "."-k ineotner Biae or xacoma, ana was l.i,. Tniiao afiamnnn and inter
both minus electric lishtt for three alwava si vino- noor results, can be ..i.i. ..i.u n.... held lueaday aiternoon, ana inier
or four ni.hls the patt week. . ,em.died bv nutlln. in tilimr. Let ,, w T"", " v mnt was in the local cemetery.
1 a " . 1 viiiH
v w nAin ua help vou, We can aid you to I
tractor waa in the oltv the first of "void crop failure on low landt. The asylum authorities have no
tractor, wat in tne oity tnenrttoi MK Kn. . ,., Lib.,. j'Ao. Rnmi ,h., wi,.hB.
the wee.. . Bnlloa and do not forset Schmidt has besn released on six great deal of trouble these days.
Schulmerich Bros, are anenta fori. u. ... lowintr to the track Binkintr. Fif-
the celebrated Chatham Fanmn. k. pni. . mAAm tiant in h imi1r tha nara M a teen carloads of gravel were hauled
mill. . .IHllnhni-o. Orenon. R. F. D. No. 2. Kaufmann and wife, of southeast of to tht place Monday, and t will
T..k vrn. ... in .Am fiUi. iknna.nJ fa I nf Ana itrw Oadar Mill. She was onn hnfnra takt Several days to get it into
villa, the firtl of the week. abiplip on hand, ' ' releated on parole. 1 hapt for tafety.
Announces to the people of Wash
ton County they have purchased
the Harwdare Stock of A. C. Arch
bold, and will contimie the busi
ness in the brick, in the old stand.
We shall keep the best equipped general hardware
store in Washington County, and solicit your pat
ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard
ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery.
Charter Oak Stoves
Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsboro'
Oysters, furnished for parties;
served at parlors, any style; hot
stews, raw, or any way desired.
Neat service. Hot chocolate with
bread or cakes. Hot beef teas
Fred D. Adams, Second St.
You will do well to list your ;
farm for tale with J. C. Kuratli.
Will also cry auction sales. Satis
faction guaranteed. J. C. KUratlt.
Hillsboro, R. F. D. i. Residence
Philllpe, Ore. ( , l
r- 1.. t.