Tie BR6 G0 3 ,VOL. XII. HILLSBORO, OREGON. DECEMBER 21. 1905. NO. 41 NULLS be Tried l'ct J Mrch Term of an : rUlTlrTI MUtci f. Sltb Make IV,.' ' ' ... ' ' n W. Smith, ttr. elite I'nivtriity, hii-ci ' U Fores Oron land wan-a; J tbe urtiujl take fur revetnioi-.auee of sale of liquor, te gD p nl March lroi of Wiit cou Smith he very Ulwiwi? puil fovar, and behnalhea . t1 vita of hie rhyiUilans, ' ,"Ja)gKfJanty K li Dr. McKeni's, thai it WujP H wbe J tbji year dtoearnua for blm to apart, for tawe year. m eourt at ihk Urn ,A b. th.i-r' ' aeked for continuance, on tieq ground that anolltr attorney would not be a familiar with tbe Gam a he. The court granted tbe request and the Bret week !n tba March term will brar the celebrated caee The rae, at now standing, will be against Mary it Miller, M e C. U. Wagiir. aa snhrtilute for Dr Hinw; Walter Berd, eubeiitute for Jan. Johnson; and Mort Hallett EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA Un.ltr Autpicea of the Oregon Develop mint Ltagua Ltavee Portland on Special Train January 13 8'crelary Tom Ricbardron, of tbe Oieou 1mc1 i incut League, it very anxhtM ti nt ther-ltta at larse ihould be well retwnMi'el 011 thii icureioii. The tmrly, wh'ch will be coinpoMil rf hulireand gent's ineo, have Tortlitiid at midnight, Januiry 13, lWOtt, tt'ipi being made at Hu-miiiiMito, San Krancino, l'alo Abo. .wan Jore, i'aro Kobh-e. Banta llarbiua and loe AngtilcB, Hpocial ntcrlainnit'nt will be aco rtlod the imrty at th-eo tniinta. Tbe rate from Portland will bo tfi3 for one )wron, which iuclud a three meali to beitrved on diner between Port lnl and Sacramento, and Pullman berth to L01 Angelee, A rate of $68 will be charged where two peo ocnupy a double birth. A dit'Onit of 125 li necerwary on racb ticket to i-cure rctervalion. Section tewrvntion will be hell until Da cember 25lb. Thii ie an excellent opportunity to visit California, a the auepicee under which it la given lnur. a mot enjoyable outing. Th exoureion is to bn run only provided that not lr-r than 125 (terHone make tha trip. All com munication in reference to reeerva lioiia, and to the trip in general, ahould be addromod to Mr. Tom HichardBon, Manager Portland Cduimerriitl Cluh, Portland, Ore. THE COUNTY TAX LEVY The county tax will be lt-vifd for the coming colleciion at the Janu ary term of county commiettioneri' court. By thin time all the special taxei will have been levied and re turned to the clerk ro that the ti taniinmcan be made. Many re turni are already in 10 far aa city and Rcbool district tax are concern ed and 0. K. Deiohman ia busy on tbe rolls. Qo to McCormick'a for ichool tuppliei. W. C. Jackson, of Glencoe, wai in the oity Monday. Candies, confectionery, cigars, etc, at Fred Adaina.' John Schmidt, of Laurel, wai in the oity Tuesday. Oysters in bulk; stews, frys, oooktails at Fred D. Adams.' Fred Goetie, of Blooming, was to town Tuesday morning. Greer's is the plaoe to buy timo thy and all kinds of grass seed, Born, near Forest Grove, Dectmi bar 18, 1905, to R. C. Bchofield and wife, a daughter. For a good smoke try the Schil ler or Kxcellenoia rnd you will try them again and again. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Via, of Forest Urove, were visitors in tbe county seat, Friday afternoon. You can buy paint at Schulmer- ich Bros, at Portland prices. The Fall of the year is the proper time to use it. J. A. Thornburg, in the flour mill business at Forest Grove, was . down to tbe county seat Tuesday afternoon, greeting hisnaany friends Frank 8. Grant, a Portland at torney, and wiio tor recreation edits thc.rut.Iaa angaucc, The Sena ; tor, was ia toy n Tuesday, on legal Dnstness, If you want brick fur any pur pose, or building Macks for a foun dation, remember tbat the Oroner St Rowell Company, of Be hoi Is, can supply your demands. They have a fine M of lumber, rough and drraned, li their yard, and will meet vmplliion. No that youf ( f fcinreated, would il not U 1 Idea loooDtider if tiling iv-rfnot increase your in W'VJJ towjpota in the fielda, tug ptor rtwulu, can be 4iv Y pot', tag in tiling. Lt ua t avoid . 'Mtssi abort -IIHlaK a. can aid you to failure on low landa tarn bllle for lumber tnd do not forget " "qlnh you estimates v !Vt office sddres n,R K.D.No 2. fe4 of flea, dry nla i) o n i Jlbur K. Net interview in I thatWarh. "of fall anwn larger than , .1 tree, and Juich larger Jiay. i PrtUd. tlieu , MM M vl'IIWIKIII preoreding year. Mr Newell thinks tbat the reason for I tbe increased acreage it the fact that wheat brari a better piioe. cooneetad with the fact that, with the reet the soil hat bad, a belter yield is being harvested. Dennis has received bis new lock of shoes, the Amerioan Gen tleman and American Lady, tbe flneet in tbe market. Come in and ene them. The latest model. Theee shoes are advertiaed in every prominent niagatine and newspa per in tbe world. Dwlgbl Pomeroy and Thos. Hen ton, of Leiyille, have couipleUd banking 750,000 fet-t of logs for the Spalding Lumber Company, lo be used at the Oregon City Paper Mills. The cut represent! tbe work of about 18 months and the purchaser will drive tbe logs down as soon as there is enough water. For sale: White Rock cockerels, batched last winter from best eggs offered by Haiclwood and Bears, the two leading White Rock breed ers in tbe Nor lb went. $2 to It. Rose Mound Farm, llillsboro, Ore , R. F. D. 2. Mrs. Ferd Uroner, Pro prietor. II. G. Wright was out from Port land this week, unloading a car load of granite, consisting of monu ments for tbe late Congnsaman Tongue, for Win, Bagley, and one for the late Mrs. John Good in, of Glencoe. The freight on the three from Boston to Hilltboro cost the nsat little sum of $500. Andereon & Hon are now doing businese at Reedville. We carry all kindsof groceries and dry goods, hardware, patent medicines; also Hercules mump powdrr, Pay highest market price for butter, eggs and chickens. ' Tbe Insurance company has fully paid the loss sustained, by the Farmers' A Merchants' Bank by reason of the Forest Grove robbery, and no one save the insurance peo ple suffer any loss. The bank has put in another safe, and one that can not be easily broken into. No. 3 Hercules Stump blasting powder for sale; also fuse and caps; at Portland prices. G. Hager, 8 miles northeast of Uillsboro, on Hoi brook road, 1) miles southwest from old Phillips poatomoe. Ad dress, Uillsboro, R. F. D. 4. Mrs. F. J. Bailey has received notice that the Uillsboro Lewis A Clark Club has been awarded a sil ver medal fur its exhibit of pre served fruit. The Club's display was one of tbe finest at the Fair and tbe award is very much appre oiated by the members. For sale: 3 acres, vis: 1 acre in strawberries; 1000 bearing grape vines, different varieties; small house, furniture, horse and wagon Will sell for $G50.-G. W. Feigh ner, Cata Market. Kitty K. Wilder, of Portland, has sued L. A. Wilder for divorce, alleging that the defendant desert ed her at Lewiston, Idaho, in Ooto ber, 1904, There are no children to the union, We have many artioles appropri ate for Christmas presents. Our many customers sav we are from 10 to 15 per cent, cheaper than our competitors. MoCormiok's musio and jewelry store. County Assessor Wilcox ia busy on the present ownership books, writing up the changes on the records so as to get his field books into shape for the field work next spring. Oysters furnished for parties; served at parlors, any , style; hot stews, raw, or any way desired. Neat service. Hot chocolate with bread or cakes. Hot beef teas. The heavy rains of tbe firBt of the week suspended grading along the line of the Tillamook railroad; out very few men working. Call at Fred D. Adams for beet soft-shell almonds 20 cents per lb. TP URGE BELLS Will he Placed ia the Bell Tower in a Few Day$ CBl'BCH IS PROGRESSING FINELY The laterler Ssd Exterier is Kictly 'tabbed Tba Uillsboro Catholic Church bas received two One large be Us for its steeple-tower and they will I rui'ed In a few days, ai'h the rus t'imary aervicea. Arobbisbop Cb lll", or his r'prerentative, at tends to this fnnotion and workmen are then to hang tba bel's on their shaft. The ohurch now ia one of the finest in the itv, a bm'fsonie new bell tower having been built this summer an 1 a coat of pa;nt given the exterior. Th interior is nice ly finiibeJ anl the wo-thippers sre pnnd of their meeting plaoe Un der Father Bucholxer tbe church bas prospered finely, and although over seventy tha priest is still very active In bis church work. MRS. MALLORY HERE Mrs. 8. A. Mallory, of Tacoma, Wash , arrived the first of tbe week to attend the trial ot her husband and Mrs. Willis. She registered at the Tualatin and went over to the court bouae, Monday, to make a call 00 tba husband and woman who are in tba tolls of the law She is no tha fight and will, it ia said, enter no objections to the prosecution of bar husband. BETTER LOOKING TOWN An example of what paint can do is exemplified in the better appear ance, generally, of Hlllsbro, this winter, because paint was generous ly spread lad summer. Another year of tbia good work and the city will present a neat and cleanly aspwt to tha aye. COUNTY COURT i The County Court met in special adjourned session last Friday, and transacted buslneaa in order to cut down tha work of the January terra. The tax liat computation and extensions were let to Max Crandall and C. E. Deichman, jointly, and Mr. Deiobman has al ready commenced work on the rolls. The following trsnferipts were !)asd upon and allowed, with a ew corrections: ' State cases against Eugene Hoover, Wnt. Wilson, S A. Mallory and Lennle Willis, Henry P. Roberts, and Syndey Brugier. The' Argus and Independent, county official papers, were given tbe delinquent tax list for publica tion at one prioe lor both papers. Ths following claims were allow ed: ' Union Lumber Co, lumber . f4 60 Mr O A Boldrick, Lewie ft Clark la 00 Jemet II Bcwtll, view road. 8 00 Dan Bker " 8 00 Delta Drag Store, relief & aj Sam Jobnaoo, dlilrlct attorney .... 4 00 RH Greer, juror circuit court.... t 00 It P Koid, wilnei D A 660 Prtd D Sillon, witness Lee cate. . 8 40 Klbrldge Sitton " " ,, 8 40 j W Redd " ' . . 8 40 WFScunlU- " ' " .. t ao L Freeman " ' " " . . t 60 Herman Schulmerich, witneti .... a 00 M K Corrigaa, Yamhill aheriff . ... 3 00 A C Shuts, tout houst 5 80 H T Bagley, Juttlc fees 17 50 M B Buck " " 7 40 fame K Dickawn, witnes 4 00 George Kccnaa " 380 Dick Keenan M 3 80 Henry tone " 3 00 Time Lee Jr , 3 60 H W Scott " s 00 B Fleiachner " 7 60 MiloBucher 600 H McLaughlin " a 00 B C DendTa " 6 60 C L Dennia " 6 ao J S Bate ' ..; 7 80 Jno Boyd " 7 80 MrFUltn 887 P W Cronln " 3 ao RKDailey a 00 Fred Parson " a 20 J A Johueon " 3 ao L Chowning " 3 80 Walter Johnson " 3 00 Barl Tupper " 4 00 K B Sappingtoa ' a 60 AJHartrampf " ........ 960 M J Hayuea, constable 355 K B HeUchner, witnjuticct. . 3 50 Noah Swop " " ".. 30 Charley Smith " " ".. I 50 John Smith " " ".. I 50 A A Willi- " " 550 WJEtrbrook " " ".. 3 to MJHaine , " " ".. 650 Mr A A Willi " " ".. 3 So John Roberta " " ".. 5 60 H T Bagley, juttlce court 8 35 A J Hartrampf, conatable a 00 11 B Mattieaon, witness 4 70 H W Scott " 5 Jo W F RobertMM " 4 90 T W Sain " 4 vo Loul Wilcox " 4 90 BW Haines " a 70 John Boyd " 5 30 Bva Weatberred, Sten jnttic ct. . Is 00 J B WilkM, road 3 so S T LinklaUr, relief , 63 00 Argus and Orsgonian, $3, J. T. Fletcher, of Forest Grove, was iu town Monday Short order restaurant. Adams', Second atreet, opponile post office . J. E. Reeves, tbe Cornelius stock man, waa in town Saturday. School tablets, pencils, pen and inks, etc, at McCormick's music store. Peter 8pencer, a veteran of tbe Philippine!, was up from Beaver ton, Tuesday. 8moke the Schiller and Excel lencia cigsrs Oregon manufacture. Call for them. County CommipMoner Buchanan was in tbe city from Cornelius, Tuesday evcn'ng Are you a smoker? Then call for the Schiller or Excellencia Oregon manufacture. Lavitt Birdsell, of Loutignont Lake, was in the city tbe first of ths week. E. A B rns' new song "A Dt-nr Little Wtbfoot Girl" now on eale at McCormick's music store, 25 eta Boro, Dec. f& 1005, to Mr. and Mrs. il. Kehrli, of Portland, and formerly of Bethany, a son. Will weave carpets and rugs at my home. Call on or address Mrs F. W. Barber, Corne'ius, Oregon Henry Parsons, ot Dilley, was in town Saturday, having been out on the Tillamook road for some time. Largest and best stock of bon boos and candies in tbe towa. Get your Christmas supplies at Fred 1) Adams'. Adrian Dant, cf Reedville, now travelling for a hardware wholesale house, was a welcome caller at this office Monday. Before purchasing a piano or or gan have a talk with K. L. McCor uiick. For quality and prices he cannot be beaten, L L. Long, who bas spent the summer on the lower river, was in town the first of the week, a guest of bis brother, of tbe Argu. Schulmerich Bros, have ad did a complete line of stoves to their stock of hard wai e. Come and have look at them. Tbe steel for the Tillamook rail road reached Portland Sunday, and tbe first five miles will now be laid before tbe first of the year. Don't forget to call at McCor mick's jewelry store and look over his Btock before selecting your Christmas goods. Prices reaeon- able. able preachers, was in town from Portland, yesterday. Rev. Cline at one time occupied the M. E Church in this city. A reduction in organs at McCor mick's ruuric store. A $75 KHey for $65; a $75 Ketey slightly used, $50; a $0 Carpenter for $4750. Edison Phonographs and Records. Thos. W. Henton and wife leave this week for Bake Oven, Eastern Oregon, where tbey have a home stead, and where Henton will try farming in the bunch grass region for awhile. Wanted. A horse, true and sound, ege, between 5 and 7; must weigh not less than 1200 pounds. R. Rasraussen, Beaverton, Ore , R. 2. E. C. Mulloy was in from South Tualatin, Monday, and says that each of the bills at the approaob of the Jackson Bottom bridge will have to ba planked Boon or become almost impassable. H. J. Sirard, of Cornelius, has taken a position with the M. Jacobs Company, and will travel through Oregon, Washington and Idaho, commencing the first of the year. J. E. McNamara, foreman of The Dalles Chroniole composing rooms, was in the city over Sunday, en route to Oregon City, where he is interested in an estate that iB being finally administered. Cornelius will doubtless have a 25-barrell flouring mill in tbe Bpring, if all signs do not point in error. They talk of putting in ma chinery in the old Thompson mill house, which is one of tbe beet con structed buildings in the oounty Their oity iB also talking of having a dynamo placed in the Baseline lumber mill to furnish lights. Clerk Peter Boscow has posted notices for a sohool meeting of Uillsboro district, to convene on the afternoon of December 26, for the purpose of voting for or against a nine months' school, and for a tax to support the same, and also for a tax to pay off a portion of the bond debt. As there seems to be no objection to a nine months sohool in all probability the tax will cover this much, aa well as enough more to pay off one tbou sand dollars of tbe outstanding debt, which, every year is growing less, 0LIV1 CHOWNING IS FINED THREE HUNDRED Convicted of Selling Liquor at Dilley Without License . A. DICKASOS ACQUITTED FRIDAY Charged With Injuring Ctw of Jo. Bucher After twenty three hours in the jury box Oliver Chowning was con victed Friday last of selling liquor, at Dilley, last spring, without hav ing a state license. The jury was oil all nigbt and returned their V.rdict the next day at about thne in the afternoon. Chowning ap peared later and asked for sentence. Tbe Court fined bim $300 or 150 days in tbe county jail. Fridiy was consumed by tbe trial of State versus James E. Dirk- 4S00, of near Vinslands, charged with wanton and malicious injury to a co v bekn;ing to Job. Bucher. It appeared that the cow wss in Dickt sou's field and that tbe de fendant wtntout to turn ber out. He threw an ax at tbe bovine and when the animal returned home onsbf ber ankle "do-claws." as a witiess put it, was neatly severed Tbe court instructed the jurors that the act mnet be either malicious or waitan, in order to convict. The jury, comprise I of tbe following, were out about 2 minutes and re turned a verdict of "Not Guilty:" J H Collier, Andrew Benson, J A Bryan, James H Sewell, John W Corneirus, Geo M Holt, James D Wtrth, H L Ras-e'l, Geo S Camp bell, R B Collins, G W Manb, and hberman Bacon. L a w-k n 1 1 . a. u. snyaer, cnarged witn a like offense, did not appear irt court, and his case was rf sn. Drs. F. A. Biley, 8. T. Linkla ter and W. D Wood were appoint ed by the court, at tbe reauest of Attorney S. B. Huston, to examine into the mental condition of Syd ney Brugeer, charged with murder in the first degree. CHAPMAN WALLAN Married, in Portland, Deo. 18, 1905, Mr. Guy Chapman, of Sherwood, Ore., and Mis Adetba Wallan, daughttr of T. J. Wallan, of Scholia. E W. Dant was up from Reed ville, Saturday, and made the Ar gus office a call. Jacob Reichen, of Phillips, was in town Friday, and made this of fice a pleasant call. C. E. Beckwiih and Max Cran dall are engaged in examining Portland's city books. J. J. M each am was down from above Mountaindale, Friday and made this office a pleasant call. Mrs. C. Lystrop was up from Reedville, Friday, and reports that Mr. Lystrop is improving slowly. Bim, to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Williams, of Cornelius, December 16, 1905, a daughter, weight tit pounds. The only department store in Washington County. We can sell you anything from the largest farm implement down lo a needle. Schulmerich Bros. Oliver Newton, formerly of th's place, and Dilley, was over from Vancouver, Wash., the last of the week, the guest of J. N. Grabel. Good 20-H. P. Buffalo Pitta en gine and Niagara grain separator, 3Gx5G, in good repair, for sale or trade, leaEouab'.e. Inquire of J. C. Beach, Glencoe, or Hihsboro, R F. D.3. Chas. Clark, of Clark, Buchanan A Crandall, and who has been here a number of times as expert on the oounty books, is said to be dying of tuberoulosis. MiBS Helen AnderBon, the daugh ter of 1. S. Anderson and wife, of Witch Hbz"1, cut her hand on a nail, Friday, necessitating a bit of eurgery by Dr. A. B. Bailey. A publio masquerade ball will be given in the K. 0. T. M. Hall, at Greenville, on Christmas night, by the Maccabees. A pleasant time is anticipated. Good musio has been secured and a splendid supper will be served. Tickets, $1.00; specta tors, 10 cents. Frank SueBB, catching for the Portland basebttll team, was in town from Cornelius, Friday. He was with Spokane all of last season, and after the Spokane league stop ped he went with McCTedie to Port land and -from there to Frisco, where he caught good ball. He will play with Portland next year pro vided he can get hia release from Spokane without any trouble. First Quality We provide for the people who have had (enough ex perience to know that inferior goods are dear at any price; who have learned that good goods from a first quality, trustworthy house are always cheaper really and aggressively cheaper to buy. We Have Made For our prescription work, because we do the work ex actly as it should be done. We pay no one a percent age to send us prescriptions, and, therefore, it pays you to bring such work to BAILEY'S PHARMACY 0. - w au. amciuacuiCUt,8UU il.CWlSC Jl IS 81 ISO. Ik As the Twig is The How ia it with the young people of your household? , Are j tbey saving money? Have they learned to appreciate tha ' value of the dollar? Are you endeavoring to instill into their minds correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? 11 Are you seeking the opportunity to "bend the twig?" Would you like to listen to a plain suggestion? If so, her it is: . r- .- . 1 Send tbe young folks to our bank with the first spare dollar that comes into their hands. The next dollar should bs treated in like manner, and the practice so continued until a fixed habit of saving has been established. A good ly bank account will soon result; the young folks will get an inkling of the ways of business, and, being thus "in clined" are likely to grow up into straight flw THE J. W. SHUTE BANlC" North Side Main St. CONTRACTOR AKD CUiLDEft 2 Am prepared to give vou figures on any kind of a building in Washington county. Eighteen years' practical experience. Address, Hills- boro, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. Pacific States rnone iso. zox4. 5 2f?e Delta Drug' Store For Prescriptions, Family Recipes, Patent Medicines, . School Boohs, Sundries, Etc. THE DELTA DRUG CO. WM. TUCttXR. Prop. CHAS. LAM KIN We shall keep the best equipped general hardware store iu Washington County, and solicit your pat ronage. Stoves, Ranges, Pumps, Builders' Hard ware, Paints and Oils, Shelf Hardware, Cutlery. Charter Oak Stoves -Second St., opp. Band Stand, Hillsboro D. B. Cooley, of Phillips, was int . J 11-1 .L- town Monday, and called at this office. i Schulmerich Bros, have received the Fall shipment of cloaks direct from New York. Come early aud get your choice. Drug Store a Reputation Bent Tree's Inclined" Hillsboro, Oregon - . T. P. CZZZn I . m COMPANY Announces to the people of Wash ton County they have purchased the Harwdare Stock of A C. Arch- . ' bold, and will continue the busi ness in the brick, in the old stand. 'Arthur Dailey was in from Lt: . 1 - . .1 i a.. i. . Arthur Donelnn, while tr''.- wood tbe other day, oheppcJ t of the tendons of his WSj and Dr. A. B. Bailey jtt t attend ths wound:! vr. " , ; : i Li-.- -1 . n m . .... 3 1 f